monochromemaxxy · 2 years
We Paint White Roses Red
Summer wind and daffodil seeds filled the air, and traffic noise and people walking accompanied by the clicking of heels on the pavement. Michi carried a bouquet of clear ocean roses, the same type that John and Jill Kramer favoured when they used to stop by her shop.
The hospital was quite busy for a Thursday afternoon, nurses and doctors talked while patients waited. Michonne made her way up to the front desk "How can I help you today?" asked the lady at the counter with such disdain for life itself present in her voice. “I am here to visit an old friend” Michi answered, the lady at the front desk looked up from her computer “name of the patient, please. “Uh-” she hesitated for a moment before speaking; “John Kramer”
The middle aged receptionist sighed and gave Michi a look of confirmation before sending her on her way. Michonne was making her way up the stairwell when she ran into a humble-looking fellow seemingly down on his luck and unbeknownst to her he was on his way to the roof. “Excuse me, sir, uh can you help me find Room 49?” “ please?” He looked at her with a glare that could shatter glass. “Why would I help you when I can’t even help myself?” And with that he continued up the stairs and left her there. Michi let out a discouraged sigh and went to the second floor when Room 49 was. There she wandered down the hallway to John’s room counting the room numbers as she went. An orderly exited from the room beside the elevator that was out of order.
His disgruntled look gave her the impression that he was fed up with his job but most likely it was his home life that bothered him due to the heavy abuse of cigarettes and alcohol lingering on his breath. “Fuck, the elevator is still out, I kinda need it if I have this much shit to take down stairs.” Michi chirped up and offered to help “Would you like a hand with that?” she gestured to the cart overflowing with cleaning supplies. “I would like the elevator to be working, this is really getting on my nerves" he huffed and shoved his way past Michi, glancing at her as he passed. His eyes trailed to the center of her chest for a moment but not short enough to be brushed off as an accidental stare. She became quite uncomfortable in that short time to the point where she had backed away a tad and moved the bouqet in front of her chest. “Ah.. Unfortunately I can’t help you with that.” She started before the orderly grabbed her wrist. “Sure you can sweetheart…” He purred as he began to reel Michi in closer: smirking as if he was undressing her with the dark brown eyes he had. Out of sheer panic Michi landed a sharp slap across the man’s face; her long black acrylics digging into his skin leaving small scratches as she stumbled back away from the man. “Oh you bitch.” Is what Michi heard the orderly draw out as she made a run to John’s room; knocking on the door frantically before entering, closing and swiftly locking the door behind her. Michi panted quietly, her grip still tight on the de-thorned flowers as she leaned herself up against the door.
John looked at her with confusion as to why she bursted through his door without saying a word beforehand. He raised his eyebrows before he spoke as John usually did “So what brings you here? with flowers no less.” Michi let out another big breath before she straightened up her posture and chuckled softly. "I heard you're getting discharged today. I thought I'd drop by and give you these since you hadn't been to the shop with Jill recently." The woman smiled as she set the roses down on John's bedside.
Michi noticed the look in John's eyes, something that looked a bit like sadness and a bit of resentment. The woman wasn't aware of John and Jill's separation but she got the feeling that the pair would no longer be visiting her together. "I did remember that these are your favorite though, they were trimmed and prepared this morning." The woman continued looking to the older man for permission to sit down beside him in the hospital chair at the side of the bed. "Thank you Michonne. They look lovely." John smiled, though it was a small faint curl of the lips it was still nonetheless welcoming, and was enough of a sign for her to sit down. Once Michi had sat down John had given her a cassette player. "I need you to do me a favor and not play this until after you leave, do you understand?"
The tone changed almost drastically after this had been said. Whatever was on this tape was extremely important to John and Michi wasn't about to go against whatever was on it. "Of course…" Michi trailed off looking at the player that fit near perfect in her hand. Some time had passed while the two of them talked for a couple of hours about life and how they’ve been. It was time for her to leave and as Michi was leaving John reminded her that the cassette tape wasn’t to be played until she left the building.
Her mind began to race and the same thought kept popping up, ‘This has to be a joke right?’ She left the room with quite the curious mind and she debated whether or not she was going to play the cassette tape. Michi ultimately decided not to, she waltzed back down the corridor that she had almost been assaulted in earlier and much to she chagrin the orderly was still there but Michi was able to carefully sneak by him, still the lingering smell of booze and smoke caressed the man with such attachment. She made it to the stairwell and then continued down the stairs still clutching onto the tape deep within her velvet lined pockets of her dress. When she got to the ground floor Michi entered the door to the hospital’s waiting room where she had encountered the middle aged lady working at the reception counter. “How was your visit?” the lady asked in a tone that sounded like she had been smoking for 30 years, she cleared her throat and opened her mouth as of to say something but then retracted. Michi answered in her usual bubbly chirp “It was nice and quiet, he’s getting discharged later, right?” “Yeah, but why would you care, he’s on his last legs of life, he’ll probably croak by next week” The lady answered with a bitchy tone as if she knew him personally and held a strong grudge to him. Michi looked around her desk for a name plate, right beside a coffee mug labelled ‘Mom’s the best.’
Michi looked back at the receptionist, “Alright Shannon, I don’t care how much you dislike your job but don’t make it worse by making everyone dislike you.” Michi gave Shannon a sneer so cold and vile that it could kill if she wanted it to. With that she left the hospital lobby, exiting out the front doors. Michi was eager to play the cassette, the sound of bustling traffic and the smell of heated asphalt floated in the air. It had taken only about 20 minutes for Michi to return back to her shop with the cassette as she had an apartment on the top level it was home and work in the same place. After she settled down in her apartment she anticipated the moment that she played the tape; hesitantly she pressed play and the words she heard were her last before she felt a prick in her neck and fell to the floor.
A/N: ( That’s part one of a multi-part series that me and my bestie are working on )
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