#Michelle Schmitt
darshanan-blog · 6 months
Ordinary Angels - Movie Review
Directed by Jon Gunn from a script by Kelly Fremon Craig and Meg Tilly, the film “Ordinary Angels” focuses on real life story where the town of Louisville rallied around 4 year old Michelle Schmitt (Emily Michell) to help get her a liver transplant during a raging blizzard in January of 1994. LIttle Michelle who once came to be known as “snow baby of Louisville” may have just remained an ordinary…
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alapagedeslivres · 2 years
Oscar et la Dame rose d'Eric-Emmanuel SCHMITT
Oscar et la Dame rose d’Eric-Emmanuel SCHMITT
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
Four days after the new Weathered Waves bar received its license to serve its hard ciders in its space at The Gateway mall in Salt Lake City, a post on its Instagram account announced, “NO ZIONISTS ALLOWED.”
The Monday post said: “We are a business, but we are also human. We don’t make and sell cider for robots. … We are horrified by the ongoing genocide in Gaza and are even more horrified to see so many Americans ignore and rationalize ethnic cleansing. That is why we are pleased to announce we are banning all Zionists forever from our establishments.”
[Update: Salt Lake City bar’s ‘No Zionists’ policy prompts dozens of complaints to Utah liquor agency]
Weathered Waves, 158 S. Rio Grande St., is part of the Six Sailor Cider group, and specializes in locally brewed hard ciders. Six Sailor Cider is owned by Michael Valentine, an advocate and small-business owner who unsuccessfully ran for Salt Lake City mayor last year as a first-time candidate.
On Wednesday, the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services notified the state Attorney General’s office about the post, “so they may conduct an investigation on whether the business is violating discrimination laws,” said agency spokesperson Michelle Schmitt.
The agency has received “several comments from members of the public” about the postings on Weathered Waves’ Instagram account, Schmitt said, and “we take these concerns seriously.”
It also “is reviewing its statutory obligations and legal options for responding to discrimination at DABS licensed establishments. … Safety is always the department’s top priority for everyone who interacts with licensed establishments, including patrons, employees, and owners,” Schmitt said.
The department’s commission awarded Weathered Waves its bar license on Feb. 29 and it opened March 1. In an interview Wednesday, Valentine said he wrote the Monday post and doesn’t see it as antisemitic.
He emphasized that he opposes all hate speech and said he has received “thousands” of messages on voicemail and social media, including some with threats. He said he reported a threat to burn the bar down to Salt Lake City police.
He said he clarified his stance in a follow-up post. “We didn’t just ban Zionism, we banned all hate speech,” he said. “We banned neo-Nazis, we banned transphobes, we banned sexists, we banned homophobes — any and all hate speech.”
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burlveneer-music · 9 months
My WVUD playlist, 1/11/2024
(Filling in on Java Time)
Vic Mars - The Obelisk Belbury Poly - The Path Peter Gabriel - Road to Joy (Bright-Side Mix) David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul David Bowie - Cat People (Putting Out Fire) David Bowie - Loving the Alien (Single Remix) -M- & Gail Ann Dorsey - Space Oddity Metropolitan Jazz Octet - Changes (feat. Paul Marinaro) Filharmonie Brno, Dennis Russell Davies, Angélique Kidjo & Christian Schmitt - Philip Glass, Symphony No. 12 "Lodger": IV. Boys Keep Swinging Imany - Take Me to Church Dolly Parton - Wrecking Ball (feat. Miley Cyrus) Trevor Horn - Personal Jesus (feat. Iggy Pop & Lambrini Girls) Juliana Hatfield - Can't Get It Out of My Head Michele Thomas - Can't Find My Way Home Sleaford Mods - West End Girls The Fusion Syndicate - The Bottle (feat. Bootsy Collins, Brian Jackson, Carmine Appice & Fernando Perdomo) The Feelies - Sweet Jane The Gold Needles - Village Green Preservation Society Simple Minds - Colours Fly and Catherine Wheel (Live From Paisley Abbey) ABC - Poison Arrow (Live) Joni Mitchell - Help Me (feat. Celisse) (Live at the Newport Folk Festival, 7/24/2022) Brendan Perry - Sarabande (Live at The ICA) Scott Walker - Big Louise April Wine - Electric Jewels April Wine - Tonite Is a Wonderful Time to Fall In Love (Live) April Wine - Roller (Live 1982) Crack the Sky - Lady in the Lake Ana Frango Elétrico - Boy of Stranger Things
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soullust · 2 months
thankyou for the tag @inaviolentnature !
last book i read: uhhhh.... i started 'stories of our life and others' by ted chiang but it’s kind of heavy so it’s taking me a lot of time to get through
book i'd recommend: ‘o psie który jeździł koleją’ by roman pisarski (which, YES is a polish childrens book but i swear it’s super good)
book i couldn't put down: the secret history by donna tartt
a book on my TBR: ‘hell followed with us’ by andrew joseph white 
a book i've put down: ‘before the coffee gets cold’ by toshikazu kawaguchi.... im sorry its soooooo boring
a book on my wish list: norwegian wood by harukami murakami
a favorite book from childhood: ‘oscar and the lady in pink’ by éric-emmanuel schmitt (also known as the best book ever)
a book you would give to a friend: i actually did give tomorrow and  tomorrow and  tomorrow by gabrielle zevin to a friend 
a book of poetry you own: ‘leaves of grass’ by walt whitman
a nonfiction book you own: ‘burn after writing’ by sharon jones
currently reading: a lott.... 'welcome to the hyunam-dong bookshop' by hwang bo-reum, 'tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow' by gabrielle zevin & 'stories of our life and others' by ted chiang.... i  
planning on reading next: ‘crying in h mart’ by michelle zauner
tagging: @comedyhorror @cowboylexapro @73647e @tropical-fruit-mx 
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zou-labrousse · 1 year
Les artistes du dix-neuvième ZOU!
L’Atelier IMIS
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Création collective improvisée avec performances de danse, musique et vidéo, présentées au centre de l'installation par Brida Horvath et Pierre Martin et accompagnées de vidéos originales de Stéphane Pogran.
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" ...en ces temps troublés, il fallait plus qu'une douzaine de justes pour sauver le monde. Il fallait une armée…" Présentation des "Guerriers de la Sérénité" - performance - production continue - et de la fresque " Echelle Un ".
Anna Bonadé
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Arts visuels
La cendre, symbole de destruction, où la vie organique ne semble plus exister, celle que l’on devient, lorsque qu’on redevient poussière. C’est à partir de celle-ci que j’ai voulu créer une pièce à l’aspect organique, fragile à la manière d’une peau qui se reconstitue.
Compagnie Ezika
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« Trompe-feuilles »
Illusion sonore
En quête d'une nouvelle vie, un.e campeur.se a élu domicile au hameau de La Brousse, loin des perturbations de la ville...Un théâtre sonore saugrenu qui se joue de notre perception du réel De et avec Estelle Coquin et Julien Lot.
Maïa Commère
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Arts visuels
Avec les fabulettes, je cherche à vous faire voyager en miniature et fantasmer avec des micro-mondes réalistes tantôt poétiques, tantôt humoristiques, érotiques… « Un univers aussi merveilleux que minuscule ! »
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Expression d'un subtil équilibre, la série PARTICULES résulte d'une intention d'alléger la matière, favorisant une dynamique de la ligne et du mouvement dans l'espace.
Coralie Férioulaud
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Durant le festival ZOU c'est avec joie que je présenterai la technique Sgraffito en terre crue au travers de mes créations et d'ateliers.
Laurent Gasparini
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Petits mondes
La vie n'a pas de sens sacré, c'est simplement un phénomène impitoyable qui prend place et suit son cours. Parfois, elle nous frappe de sa froideur, alors on développe de la résilience. Cette force nous permet d’apprécier les moments de bonheur que l'on vit ou de s'en créer.
Hortense Gauthier
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Une action dansée longue durée entre silence et bruit, dans la lenteur de la déconnexion, pour faire trembler les ondes et les sons inaudibles des fréquences oubliées.
Hortense Gauthier & Antoine Schmitt
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Installation sonore
Le cri infini est une installation sonore qui pousse un cri infini. En une tentative de catharsis, elle nous confronte à l'expression primale de la dimension douloureuse du sentiment de vivre. Le cri infini est composé de manière générative à partir d'enregistrement de cris réels de participants de tous horizons.
Armelle Gilet
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Atelier de peinture
« De l'Ombre à la Lumière »
Je propose un atelier de peinture à l'encre de chine à la lueur de bougies. Après la lecture d'un texte sur la symbolique de la grotte, j'inviterais les personnes à laisser leur trace à l'encre de chine dans ce passage de transformation de l'ombre à la Lumière.
Michel Gayout
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Panneaux texte et images
Pour lancer une discussion sur notre « société du spectacle » actuelle, où ce que nous prenons pour notre réalité quotidienne est de plus en plus le mensonge incarné, dicté par les contraintes éthico-sociales qui nous emprisonnent l’esprit.
Sandra Guillemot
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Arts visuels
Création de toiles figuratives ou abstraites mêlant différentes techniques : peinture à l'huile, effets de matière, collages d'affiches et d'objets rouillés.
Brida Horvath
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Balade guidée « Entre chien et loup »
Une expérience où les participants sont invités à vivre l'art d'une nouvelle manière en suivant des consignes simples, et deviennent eux-mêmes les interprètes d'une performance qui n'a jamais existé. Un moment de transformation où l'ancien n'existe plus et le nouveau est en train de naître. Un rituel.
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Performance chorale
Improvisation vocale à 11 chanteurs, en résonance avec les œuvres exposées du festival.
Carey Jeffries
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“The Swedish Way” Performance, Improvisation buto contemporain cabaret
Exposition, Dessins inspirés par la danse contact et l’improvisation.
+ Atelier massage Ostéo Wuo Tai, Rolling Compression et Contact Improvisation dance (Pratiques somatiques et relationnelles) Renseignements et réservation 06 33 49 36 87. Tarif 15 € - Prévoir tapis de yoga et vêtements souples.
Philippe Laval
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« Chants cons sous la neige (carbonique) » Guitarisque bruitcoleur, pouète à ses heures, Philippe Laval chante à tort, joue à travers, écoute les murs, et enfonce le clou ! Il faut bien taper sur quelque chose... "Et au fond de l'écriture, c'est la boiterie qui fait le rythme" (Jean Vautrin)
LN Le Cheviller
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« A qui le tour ? »
62 armes nous rappellent que la guerre en Ukraine continue toujours, et nous renvoient à la violence qui nous environne et peut nous toucher à tout moment…
Lee Shar
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La Cintrologie est un cintrétisme, teinté de surcyclage et de symbologie. Les cintres perdent leur fonction première de porte-vêtements pour devenir des cintreboles... "Qui qui veut devenir ce qu'il devrait être doit laisser ce qu'il est maintenant" MaÎtre Eckhart
Trisha McCrae
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Une œuvre sculpturale et vidéo qui intègre un moment dans le temps, dans le cadre d'un voyage allant de la fragmentation à la totalité et à l'éveil de la conscience.
Kristin Noethling
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Naviguer le paysage en musique. Parcourir la tête. Cheminer. Toujours entre légèreté et agitation. Comment cela se transforme, de la main au dessin, croquis ou essai.
Sophie et Lionel Pardessus
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Un peu de rêve et de poésie dans un lieu magique. Chaque photo est accompagnée d'une poésie, le parc est idéal pour vous laisser rêver.
Les Papillonnantes
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Performance sonore et visuelle
Sandolore Sykes et Anne Foucher se rejoignent pour improviser. Elles font se rencontrer la vidéo et le violon électroacoustique, créant un univers énigmatique.
Angélina Pavlova
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Dessin improvisé à partir des mains tendues que m'offre le public. Les courageux qui s'y risquent repartent avec un dessin.
Trib'Art Music Ethnic
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« ..Voyage intuitif sur instruments acoustiques... » ...De l'inspire nait l'expire, engendrant le souffle vibratoire qui s'imprime sur la toile du silence, avec Amour... Avec et par Patricio et Nagi.
Léa Wargny
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Chaque ombre représentée est un miroir et non une vérité en soi, elle devient ce que l'on voit en elle. À travers les dames en bleu, je dédiabolise des émotions considérées comme négatives par la société patriarcale. En cherchant mon moi profond j'espère créer du lien avec les personnes qui consentent à regarder le leur.
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By Chris CameronMaggie Haberman and Eric Schmitt
The family of a Green Beret who died by suicide after serving eight combat tours and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery expressed concern on Wednesday that Donald J. Trump’s campaign had filmed his gravesite without permission as Mr. Trump stood in an area where campaign photography isn’t allowed.
Relatives of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano issued their statement two days after Mr. Trump’s visit, which also included a confrontation between members of the Trump campaign and an Arlington employee. The former president’s campaign took video in a heavily restricted section of the cemetery known as Section 60, which is largely reserved for the fallen veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
A woman who works at the cemetery filed an incident report with the military authorities over the altercation. But the official, who has not been identified, later declined to press charges. Military officials said she feared Mr. Trump’s supporters pursuing retaliation.
Sergeant Marckesano died on July 7, 2020, after moving to Washington to begin a job at the Pentagon. He had three children, and friends said he had chronic post-traumatic stress disorder from his time in combat. He earned Silver and Bronze Stars during his service. His gravesite is adjacent to that of Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover, a Marine who was killed in the 2021 bombing at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan.
The Hoover family granted permission to the Trump team to film and take photographs at the gravesite; the Marckesano family did not, and filming and photographing at the gravesite for political purposes is a violation of federal law, according to cemetery officials. Yet Sergeant Marckesano’s grave was shown in photos from the visit that were published online. A video was posted to Mr. Trump’s TikTok account featuring footage from the Section 60 visit and the gravestones from behind, with narration criticizing the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
In a statement from Sergeant Marckesano’s relatives after being contacted by The New York Times, his sister, Michele, said, “We fully support Staff Sergeant Darin Hoover’s family and the other families in their quest for answers and accountability regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal and the tragedy at Abbey Gate.”
“However,” she added, “according to our conversation with Arlington National Cemetery, the Trump campaign staffers did not adhere to the rules that were set in place for this visit to Staff Sergeant Hoover’s gravesite in Section 60, which lays directly next to my brother’s grave.”
Sergeant Marckesano’s sister continued, “We hope that those visiting this sacred site understand that these were real people who sacrificed for our freedom and that they are honored and respected accordingly.”
Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, did not address the statement from the Marckesano family, saying when asked about the TikTok video only that “the campaign will continue to respect the wishes of the Gold Star family members who invited President Trump.”
Sergeant Marckesano had served six tours in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne and others in combat overseas, according to news accounts at the time of his death. His family is said to have sought privacy since his death.
In the aftermath of the Monday altercation, the Army has closed the matter, after the Arlington official declined to press charges. According to three U.S. military officials, some Trump campaign members confronted and eventually pushed past the cemetery official when she tried to stop them from taking photos in Section 60.
Two Trump campaign officials, Mr. Cheung and Chris LaCivita, had insulted the cemetery worker in public statements on Tuesday. Mr. Cheung asserted that she was “suffering from a mental health episode” while Mr. LaCivita said that she was a “despicable individual” who “does not deserve to represent the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.”
Military officials said that the cemetery worker feared that pursuing the matter with the authorities at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia, which has jurisdiction over the cemetery, could subject her to retaliation from Trump supporters. Mr. Cheung said in a statement on Wednesday that “that is ridiculous and sounds like someone who has Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
The Trump team had said it was prepared to release footage of the altercation, but never did.
Several Army officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential aspects of the matter, on Wednesday sought to keep the politically charged issue from escalating. But at the same time, they defended the cemetery official and pushed back on attacks from the Trump campaign, with one official saying that the woman at the cemetery was just trying to do her job.
Since Monday, the former president’s cemetery visit has become increasingly scrutinized for its political nature.
He was there for a wreath-laying ceremony honoring 13 American troops who were killed in the Abbey Gate bombing during the United States’ Afghanistan withdrawal three years ago. Mr. Trump has said President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris bear responsibility for the bombing and America’s chaotic withdrawal, and repeated his attacks on the subject in campaign events after his visit to the cemetery.
Mr. Trump had laid three wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknowns on Monday morning, the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing. Two of the wreaths were for Marines killed: Sergeant Hoover and Sgt. Nicole Gee. A third was dedicated to all 13 troops killed.
Mr. Trump was accompanied there by family members of the two slain Marines, as well as Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews and Corporal Kelsee Lainhart, two Marines who were injured in the Abbey Gate attack. 
Mr. Trump then accompanied the families and Marine veterans to Section 60. That part of Mr. Trump’s visit was private and closed to the press, and resulted in the confrontation. In a statement, the cemetery said that federal law prohibited political campaigning or “election-related” activities within Army cemeteries, including by photographers, and that the prohibition was “widely shared” with those participating in the event.
For centuries the United States has tried to keep military might and partisan politics far from each other, to avoid the appearance of allegiances to a political party or ideology. Because of this, military members are forbidden from participating in partisan activities or endorsing candidates while in uniform and military bases are off-limits for political campaigns.
It was unclear on Wednesday whether the Defense Department would pursue a legal claim related to the episode.
Campaigning in Erie, Pa., on Wednesday, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, Mr. Trump’s running mate, blamed “some staff member” at the cemetery for the incident and criticized the media for reporting on it.
“Apparently somebody at Arlington Cemetery, some staff member had a little disagreement with somebody,” Mr. Vance said. “And they have turned — the media has turned this into a national news story.”
Photos of Mr. Trump’s visit to Section 60 were later published online. Mr. Trump was photographed giving a “thumbs up” to the camera standing behind the grave of Sergeant Hoover, with Sergeant Marckesano’s grave clearly visible a few feet away. Mr. Trump posted the video on TikTok on Tuesday that also showed the two headstones from behind as Mr. Trump laid flowers.
Gov. Spencer Cox of Utah, who published one photo of himself and Mr. Trump standing behind the graves on social media, apologized on Wednesday for including other photos of the visit to Section 60 in a campaign email that solicited donations.
“This was not a campaign event and was never intended to be used by the campaign,” Mr. Cox said on social media. “It did not go through the proper channels and should not have been sent. My campaign will be sending out an apology.”
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
Ordinary Angels
In Louisville, Kentucky, hairdresser Sharon Stevens rallies the masses to help widowed father Ed Schmitt save his critically ill 5 year old daughter Michelle after their community is hit by a major snowstorm from the 1994 North American cold wave. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Sharon Stevens: Hilary Swank Ed Schmitt: Alan Ritchson Michelle Schmitt: Emily Mitchell Ashley Schmitt: Skywalker…
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schoje · 5 months
FOTO: Vicente Schmitt/Agência AL A Alesc sediou, na noite desta quinta (09), a abertura da 85ª Semana Brasileira de Enfermagem da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem (ABEn-SC) e da Semana da Enfermagem 2024 do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem de Santa Catarina (Coren-SC). Os eventos marcam o mês de maio em que, no dia 12, se comemora o Dia do Enfermeiro. A Semana de Enfermagem consiste em um conjunto de atividades que serão realizadas por todo o estado, em parceria com instituições de ensino e de saúde. Neste ano, cada entidade possui a sua temática central, na ABEn-SC o mote é "Romper bolhas no mundo atual para o resistir e o coexistir da enfermagem". Já o Coren-SC destaca o "Impacto das Tecnologias para o futuro da Enfermagem: Formação. Ética e Cuidado”. Durante a abertura do evento, a presidente da ABEn-SC, Jussara Gue Martin, falou sobre a escolha da temática. De acordo com ela, a ideia do rompimento de bolhas é buscar discussão e construção de estratégias para superar dificuldades, na atuação, na inserção e no reconhecimento profissional da categoria. Já Angela Alvarez, representando a ABEn nacional, destacou o papel desses profissionais para oferecer acesso à saúde para a população. “Na saúde, a enfermagem faz a diferença. É com este lema que estudantes, professores técnicos e técnicas de enfermagem e profissionais estão aqui”. Enchentes no RS O contexto dos eventos climáticos extremos que atingem o Rio Grande do Sul foi amplamente citado ao longo das falas do evento, assim como a necessidade de apoiar as pessoas atingidas. A presidente do Coren-SC, Maristela Assumpção de Azevedo, destacou o grande número de colegas de profissão afetados. “Chega a 1200 profissionais de enfermagem que estão precisando muito da ajuda de cada um de nós aqui”. Durante o evento, o Coren arrecadou doações que serão destinadas às vítimas das enchentes. A entidade também lançou campanha de arrecadação de valores e enviará um contingente de profissionais para auxiliar na logística e distribuição das doações e donativos adquiridos. Carmen Zanotto, secretária de Saúde de Santa Catarina e também enfermeira, destacou a atuação dos profissionais da enfermagem catarinenses durante as enchentes. Segundo ela, os profissionais têm recebido pacientes gaúchos nos estabelecimentos de saúde e também atuado nos locais atingidos. “Os enfermeiros de Santa Catarina estão salvando vidas no Rio Grande do Sul”. “Em um chamado de uma sexta para o sábado toda a hemorrede foi aberta. Quem estava lá fazendo a triagem, quem estava fazendo coleta de sangue? A enfermagem de Santa Catarina, para salvar a vida dos nossos irmãos gaúchos”, descreveu Zanotto. Composição da mesa Participaram da mesa de abertura a secretária Estadual de Saúde, e também enfermeira, Carmen Zanotto; a presidente da ABEn-SC, Jussara Gue Martini; a presidente do Coren-SC, Maristela Assumpção de Azevedo; a coordenadora do Departamento de Enfermagem Gerontológica da ABEn Nacional, Angela Alvarez; a subsecretária de Saúde Pública de Florianópolis, Talita Cristine Rosinski; o diretor geral do Hospital Governador Celso Ramos, Michel Maximiliano Faraco e a conselheira e 1ª tesoureira do Coren-SC, Fernanda Antunes Luz. Colaboração Cintia de Oliveira.Fonte: Agência ALESC
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Birthdays 4.14
Beer Birthdays
George Schmitt (1869)
Aran Leon (1983)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Gerry Anderson; animator, supermarionation (1929)
Ritchie Blackmore; rock guitarist (1945)
Robert Doisneau; photographer (1912)
Shorty Rogers; jazz trumpeter (1924)
Pete Rose; Cincinnati Reds OF, 1B, 2B, 3B (1941)
Famous Birthdays
Gene Ammons; jazz saxophonist (1925)
Abigail Breslin; actor (1996)
Adrian Brody; actor (1973)
James Branch Cabell: writer (1879)
Robert Carlyle; actor (1961)
Julie Christie; actor (1941)
Daniel Clowes; comic book artist, writer (1961)
Péter Esterházy; Hungarian writer (1950)
Sarah Michelle Gellar; actor (1977)
John Gielgud; actor (1904)
Anthony Michael Hall; actor (1968)
Richard Jeni; comedian (1957)
David Justice; Atlanta Braves RF (1966)
Loretta Lynn; country singer (1935)
Greg Maddux; Atlanta Braves P (1966)
Ryan O'Neal; actor (1941)
Thomas Schelling; economist (1921)
Frank Serpico; NYC policeman (1936)
Rod Steiger; actor (1925)
John Paul Stevens; U.S. Supreme Court justice (1920)
Anne Sullivan; educator (1866)
Arnold Toynbee; English historian (1889)
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stuartelden · 9 months
Books received - Antoniol, Foucault, Benveniste, Woodard
Valentina Antoniol, Foucault et la guerre: À partir de Schmitt, contre Schmitt; Michel Foucault, The Japan Lectures, edited by John Rajchman; and second-hand copies of Benveniste’s Problems in General Linguistics, Autour d’Émile Benveniste and Roger Woodard (ed.), The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum. Valentina kindly sent me a copy of her book, and The Japan Lectures was sent by…
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bravio-san · 1 year
Voici mon mini fancast VF pour la (ou même les) suite(s) du film Mario d'Illumination (qui n'est pas garantit qu'ils y seront tous mais dont je voulais vous faire part des choix qui viennent en tête 😊) :
Wario - Michel Elias
Waluigi - Martial Le Minoux
Daisy - Barbara Tissier ou Fily Keita (j'aurais voulu mettre Odile Schmitt mais elle n'est plus de ce monde depuis des années)
Toadette - Caroline Combes
Voilà, ça sera tout. Pour les autres, je n'en ai aucune idée et je préfère davantage me laisser surprendre par le choix du directeur artistique...
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Pordenonelegge 2023
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Pordenonelegge 2023, con la sua ventiquattresima edizione, è in programma nella città friulana dal 13 al 15 settembre e conta 570 ospiti italiani e internazionali, 334 appuntamenti e 65 libri presentati in anteprima. Sarà un evento quest’anno nel segno della leggerezza, nei libri e nella vita, perché ci sono cose leggere da leggere, ma anche perché l’interpretazione della realtà pone spesso di fronte a segnali ambigui, sempre più pervasivi, e a significati manipolabili. L’immagine delle piume è il simbolo dell’edizione 2023, nel centenario della nascita di Italo Calvino, a cui Pordenonelegge rende omaggio con un percorso di incontri. Pordenonelegge ha  l’inaugurazione affidata allo scrittore ucraino Andrei Kurkov, che ha appena pubblicato Diario di un’invasione e in anteprima assoluta presenta il nuovo romanzo Api grigie. Dalla Francia arrivano Laurent Mauvignier, Philippe Forest, Lydie Salvayre, Michel Bussi e Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt con la prima presentazione italiana della sua ultima riflessione in cui è custodita una lettera inedita all’autore di Papa Francesco. Oltre all’autrice Premio Nobel Annie Ernaux, che il 16 settembre riceverò al festival il Premio Crédit Agricole La storia in un romanzo, ci saranno Andrè Aciman, R. J. Palacio, Elisabet Benavent, Alberto Manguel, Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai; Michael Žantovský, Nino Haratischwili, Natasha Solomons, Michael Bible; Robert Perišić, Anil Seth, Sally Hayden, Ramin Bahrami. L’elenco delle grandi voci della letteratura, del pensiero e dello spettacolo al festival che hanno scelto Pordenonelegge 2023 per presentare i loro nuovi libri vede Michela Marzano, Emanuele Trevi, Viola Ardone, Paolo Di Paolo, Corrado Augias, Mauro Corona e molti altri. Saranno presenti inoltre Antonio Manzini, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Ilaria Tuti, Francesco Piccolo, Antonia Arslan, Mauro Covacich, Daniele Mencarelli, Giuseppe Culicchia, Tiziano Scarpa, Massimo Recalcati, Vittorio Sgarbi, Marco Balzano, Marcello Veneziani, Pier Aldo Rovatti, Giorgio Vallortigara, Ilaria Capua, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, Toni Capuozzo, Vittorino Andreoli, Sandro Veronesi con Edoardo De Angelis, Malika Ayane, Dante Spinotti, Davide Toffolo, Sabina Guzzanti, Natalino Balasso, Massimo Cirri, Giuseppe Montesano, Matteo Lancini, Tullio Avoledo, Stefania Andreoli, Vittorio Bertola, Stefano Quintarelli, Nicola Gardini. Per le voci in dialogo, valore aggiunto del festival si confronteranno Marco Missiroli e Marco Cassardo, Andrea Molesini e Gianni Biondillo, Evelina Santangelo e Alberto Rollo, Romana Petri ed Elisabetta Rasy, Paola Mastrocola e Cristina Battocletti, Giorgio Nisini e Roberta Scorranese, Annalena Benini e Mariapia Veladiano, Matteo Bussola e Enrico Galiano, Elena Loewenthal e Franco Faggiani, Enrico Brizzi e Alessandra Selmi, Marco Malvaldi e Carlo Vecce, Romolo Bugaro e Maria Castellitto, Gabriella Caramore e Lidia Ravera, Alberto Casadei e Luca Doninelli, Sandrone Dazieri e Piergiorgio Pulixi. Read the full article
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nicolasbaudoin · 1 year
Moins de livre (466), plus de belges (23).
Moisson 2023 :
Amélie Nothomb
Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Thomas Gunzig
Geneviève Damas
Antoine Wauters
Jérôme Colin
Charly Delwart
Nadine Monfils
Paul Colize
Véronique Bergen
Isabelle Wéry
Lisette Lombé
Deborah Levyh
Eléonore de Duve
Françoise Wallemacq
Noah Roovers
François Weerts
Corine Jamar
Autres noms cités :
Sophie Vandeveugle (Tournai, 24 ans)
Noëlle Michel
In Koli Jean Bofane
Chiffres magiques :
Les éditeurs ne veulent-ils pas dès lors assurer leurs ventes de romans en Belgique en publiant des Belges ? Des auteurs et autrices belges écoulent en effet trois quarts de leur vente chez nous. Pour certains, ce serait même 80 %.
"Et la Belgique, c’est 4 % du chiffre d’affaires de l’édition française." (Dubois)
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nityarawal · 1 year
July 20, 2023
7-19-23 Testimony- Idyllwild State Park- Police report by Court Mandated Journalist/Reporter/Realtor/Mother/Lexus Owner
There was a pounding on bathroom door.
What's going on, I thought?
I just put in another $1 token!
"Hold on," I said, drying quickly and gathering my shampoo, conditioner and special skin regime- cut short in only 15 minutes!
"Is that your white car?" Dumb cop asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Is there a problem?"
I quickly got license in my car for him, locked doors; as he requested to run it.
I think he was blubbering lies that I didn't pay for state park shower.
This wasn't true.
I nearly asked him for a $4 refund. I was so miffed.
I showed him my "Golden Bear Pass," and he also immediately wanted to know if I had weapons in my car, clearly scared- after terrorizing me out of my women's shower room.
"Absolutely not!" I told him!
"Who issued this?" He said in disbelief confused by Green Golden Bear Pass. 
This was the 1000th+ case of a court officer taking collateral with a clerk doxxing my location since 2016 divorce.
(Joan Grandizio- my boss at Free Living sold me to Schmitt & Curtis in Jan & Carmel Benson sold me in 2020-21 handyman Dennis Sketchley & Dustin (Alex Grover) aka Shane Stewart Broker Militia w/ Clark attys & Judges since 2017!)
I had just spoke to traffic court manager Michelle for Judge Hodgekins that day.
I showed cop the notes in my journal and told him to call her if he has a problem with county's and courts 4 year timeline resolving my registration issues from officer Enoche's wrongful rental car arrest with fired Triple AAA tow-driver Daniel Crabtree of Idyllwild Garage; attempted murders, rape reports through IEHP corrupt insurance, Blue Shield; life insurance scam, Dr's and social workers probate foul play on my homes.
My accountant Amy arronson scammed me on tax returns with IRS & federal banking issues Ensued in Idyllwild with PNC Bank & BBVA.
It wasn't enough to fire manager Jerry Sue Haney. PNC lost my bank records from BBVA they bought executive managers claim.
Dumb cops asked if I wanted an ambulance for my skin condition- since he interrupted my shower! 
No- I told him it was due to Covid 19 officers 911 rapes! 
And divorce court bigotry bribes to resist a timely cooperation of respectful divorce dissolution. 
(He appeared to need an ambulance for his perversions though!)
"No- I'm not fine" I told him. "I just need dinner. My blood sugar is low & I have PTSD f/ this nonsense! Human needs!" I said knowingly & looked at his bleary eyes!
I was sweating like a pig- still hot from shower- dripping wet in my yoga clothes.
I explained that I had PTSD from similar officer abuse and that Enoche not only raped my sister Vanessa out of arrest; he bullied Jyoti on registration- AND stole my rental car with gay triple AAA driver (his casual gay lover?) Daniel Crabtree on a date at 54399 Valleyview Ave for Shane Stewart of Idyllwild Realty- before his property manager- Emily Pearson was murdered.
See receipts for payments through PNC disputes from BBVA & Wells Fargo/Amex/Fidelity fraud to IRS & Gonzalez Mexican harem of laborers and sex workers. 
Much of dramas posted on tumblr & Twitter as a journalist!
Daniel Crabtree got fired from Idyllwild Garage- that's not enough. I want to dispute all Lexus tows I did with him previously to desert & LA; he milked me for black market bribes as collateral w/ faggot Sheriff he admitted- a bigot of a gay man. 
Very racist and a mean mommy hater- like bosses Sheriff Bianco & Jeremy Parsons. 
Charge Carmel's boytoy cop officer Dan Godsnick for foul play attempting to steal my Lexus with Carmel Benson of Idyology and murders of Adrien Denava & Leslie Wiedner of Tollgate. Whistleblowing on every bribe!
Need commissions and liens put on Countryclub & Tollgate Idyllwild homes as well as Idyology & 1067 Neptune Encinitas/Aguanga/Anza. 
These are all PNC clients. 
Eric Berg and I want to file disputes for Tmobile cellular reception phone not working and rapes into hospitals with Verizon thru PNC.
We want to prosecute for Rapes & attempted murders through probate real estate fraud- now that courts have another recorded testimony- and police report co-penned by me- since your officers are illiterate to write tickets or read orders on substandard 6 month grooming organised crime edu.
Pigs are way too young for ownership of a gun to bully with.
I also told Officer Bill Sallyo to arrest Shane Stewart of Idyllwild Realty & gay accomplices in militia sheriff harem/employees/slaves/drs- with his morality Police enforcing a gay agenda as Marshall Law. 
If Sheriff has issue with 400+ Idy houseless they slummed against Gavin Newsom's orders in Covid- fix it. 
We were all affected by his murders and robberies of our property manager Emily Pearson at 54399 Valleyview; colleagues in Aguanga/Encinitas; neighbors; and landladies.
This is a national real estate civil emergency connected to cars, kids, dmv.org scams & general federal defense fraud.
I hope Sheriff- Ranger- Police (Pig Bill didn't seem to know what he was & gloated last two) took this Marshall Law suggestion seriously to heart.
Because, now Bill's license is on the line; a breed that works for a fast buck & kink.
As a realtor of 23 years we feel all State and County Park lands in America should be run, cleaned, and maintained by civilians. They are currently dirty, functionally obsolete and mismanaged for few patrons- losing state & civilians buckets of money! 
Civil servants failed constitutions. I had to warn several moms their showers might be interrupted by kinky officers. They looked worried sizing up the creepy cop.
Bill said he's a Ranger and showed off his weapons & 40 pounds of overstuffed toddler gear after banging on door claiming to be "police" for heart attack warfare effect later switching tine to ranger when I told him to get educated by his colleagues. False arrests and terrorism are a pet peeve I explained! Have Gavin send every civilian suffering courts Hardship their rightful benefits without stingy mean middle men agenting abuse!
Is Ranger Bill same fat scared officer that broke his ankle Stalking Me & Sage (Wolf Husky God-daughter) down Strawberry Creek to airbnb in 2019? 
Why have cops always terrorized Idy hikers and campers/traveller's?
Is it in their job description to be ignorant fat asses terrorizing mothers?
We'd like to prosecute every officer, clerk and judge to president- that broke Governor Newsom's covid 19 tenant and car rental, lemon laws, bank, real estate, and family laws; in organized federal crimes against #FreeBritney & I.
We don't hire our service men to steal, rape nor murder civilians.
Mahalo, Thanks, Merci & Grazia,
Peace USA,
Nitya Huntley Rawal 
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latribune · 1 year
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