#Michelle Estlund
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成立於1923年的國際刑警組織,已是百年老店,它對於維護全球的安全與和平具有極重的份量。這個跨國界的組織其主要任務是打擊恐怖主義及跨國犯罪,另外的重點包括:危害人類罪、謀殺、詐欺罪、腐敗、洗錢、兒童性虐待、人口販賣、環境犯罪、販毒。 宗旨雖「高大上」漏洞卻不遑多讓 該組織必須保持政治中立,不可捲入干預政治、軍事、宗教或種族等性質的爭端。 這個組織不論從宗旨、成員國的眾多和資金配備方面看來,雖然「高大上」,但是就如聯合國一樣,也有一些無法避免的缺點和漏洞。比如,專制獨裁政權往往利用該組織,進行包庇罪犯、打擊異己的行動。這並不奇怪,聯合國安理會5個成員國中,俄國發動了侵略戰爭,中國卻支持它,雖然聯大譴責了戰爭行��,卻無法制止。 台灣被中國逼退取代 1984年國際刑警組織大會將中國接納為會員,中華民國台灣的會籍被中國取代,這是不公平之舉。台灣是民主國家,有能力和意願提供專業技術和具體…
#Michelle Estlund#反人類罪行#台灣被中國逼退#國際刑警組織#天網#孟宏偉#廖天琪#李傳良#獵狐#紅色通報Red Notice#紅色通緝令#蔡明達Tony Choi#袁弓夷#霍嘉誌Johnny Fok
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June 28, 2017
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 99, #2, 2017 Ethics, Vol. 127, #4, 2017 Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 14, #2, 2017 Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Vol. 48, #2, 2017 Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 143, #2, 2017 Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 14, #3, 2017 Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 113, #11, 2016 Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. 48, #2, 2017 Nursing Philosophy, Vol. 18, #3, 2017 Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol. 43, #6, 2017 Philosophy of Science, Vol. 84, #3, 2017 Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Vol. 16, #2, 2017 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Modern Physics Synthese, Vol. 194, #6, 2017
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 99, #2, 2017 Articles David Ebrey. The Asceticism of the Phaedo: Pleasure, Purification, and the Soul’s Proper Activity. Agnes Callard. Enkratēs Phronimos. Jean-Luc Solère. Bayle and Panpsychism. Matias Slavov. Hume’s Fork and Mixed Mathematics. Book Reviews Christian Vassallo. Pierre Destrée / Penelope Murray (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics. Bernd Goebel. Katherin A. Rogers, Freedom and Self-Creation: Anselmian Libertarianism. Back to top
Ethics, Vol. 127, #4, 2017 Articles Robert Cowan. Rossian Conceptual Intuitionism. Benjamin Bagley. Properly Proleptic Blame. Discussions Matthew Salett Andler. Gender Identity and Exclusion: A Reply to Jenkins. Jacob M. Nebel. Priority, Not Equality, for Possible People. Review Essay David Estlund. The Ideal, the Neighborhood, and the Status Quo: Gaus on the Uses of Justice. Book Reviews Fred Feldman, Distributive Justice: Getting What We Deserve from Our Country is reviewed by Joseph Mendola. Christopher Kutz, On War and Democracy is reviewed by Jonathan Parry. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Luck Egalitarianism is reviewed by Kristin Voigt. Tim Mulgan, Purpose in the Universe: The Moral and Metaphysical Case for Ananthropocentric Purposivism is reviewed by Thaddeus Metz. Michael A. Neblo, Deliberative Democracy between Theory and Practice is reviewed by Kai Spiekermann. Carolyn Price, Emotion is reviewed by Christine Tappolet. Scott Sehon, Free Will and Action Explanation: A Non-causal, Compatibilist Account is reviewed by Maria Alvarez. William R. Shaw, Utilitarianism and the Ethics of War is reviewed by Ryan Jenkins. Toby Svoboda, Duties Regarding Nature: A Kantian Environmental Ethic is reviewed by Emily Brady. Allen W. Wood, Fichte’s Ethical Thought is reviewed by Nedim Nome. Notes on Contributors // Manuscript Reviewers for 2016 Back to top Contemporary Pragmatism, Vol. 14, #2, 2017 Research Articles John Capps. A Pragmatic Argument for a Pragmatic Theory of Truth. Kenji Juzuu. Philosophical Exorcism and Pragmatic Sharing of the Unsharable: A Return from Rorty to Dewey through John Cassavetes and David Lynch. Joseph W. Long. When to Believe Upon Insufficient Evidence: Three Criteria. Rodrigo Laera. Dogmatic Evidence of "The Given." Stéphane Madelrieux. Pragmatism: The Task before Us. Alexander Livingston. Pragmatism, Practice and the Politics of Critique. Brad Elliott Stone. A Prophetic Pragmatist Response to Koopman’s Transitional Pragmatism. Colin Koopman. Being Pragmatist about Pragmatism: Replies to Stéphane Madelrieux, Alexander Livingston, and Brad Stone. Book Reviews Alva Nöe. Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature, review by Brian E. Butler Pentti Määthttänen. Mind in Action: Experience and Embodied Cognition in Pragmatism, review by Joel Richeimer. Michael Slater. Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Religion, review by Nate Jackson. Beth L. Eddy. Evolutionary Pragmatism and Ethics, review by Justin Bell. Back to top
Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Vol. 48, #2, 2017 Obituary Margareta Hallberg. Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science: Mary Hesse (1924–2016). Articles Jan Baedke, Tobias Schöttler. Visual Metaphors in the Sciences: The Case of Epigenetic Landscape Images. Jacques Bair, Piotr Błaszczyk, Robert Ely. Interpreting the Infinitesimal Mathematics of Leibniz and Euler. Jean-Michel Delhôtel. Retaining Structure: A Relativistic Perspective. Boris Kožnjak. Kuhn Meets Maslow: The Psychology Behind Scientific Revolutions. Reports Alexander Christian. The Second International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2016), 8–11 March 2016. Nicole J. Saam. What is a Computer Simulation? A Review of a Passionate Debate. Book review Stephan Kornmesser and Gerhard Schurz (eds): Die multiparadigmatische Struktur der Wissenschaften. Stefan Heidl. Back to top
Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 143, #2, 2017 Thematic Symposium: Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation (articles 1-7); Issue Editors: Antonino Vaccaro, Stefano Brusoni Editorial Notes Stefano Brusoni, Antonino Vaccaro. Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation. Original Papers Christian Voegtlin, Andreas Georg Scherer. Responsible Innovation and the Innovation of Responsibility: Governing Sustainable Development in a Globalized World. Arnaldo Camuffo, Federica De Stefano, Chiara Paolino. Safety Reloaded: Lean Operations and High Involvement Work Practices for Sustainable Workplaces. Aoife Brophy Haney. Threat Interpretation and Innovation in the Context of Climate Change: An Ethical Perspective. Bari L. Bendell. I don't Want to be Green: Prosocial Motivation Effects on Firm Environmental Innovation Rejection Decisions. Edwin Rühli, Sybille Sachs, Ruth Schmitt, Thomas Schneider. Innovation in Multistakeholder Settings: The Case of a Wicked Issue in Health Care. Tommaso Ramus, Antonino Vaccaro. Stakeholders Matter: How Social Enterprises Address Mission Drift. Chanhoo Song, Seung Hun Han. Stock Market Reaction to Corporate Crime: Evidence from South Korea. Xingqiang Du, Jianying Weng, Quan Zeng, Hongmei Pei. Culture, Marketization, and Owner-Manager Agency Costs: A Case of Merchant Guild Culture in China. Andre A. Pekerti, Denni Arli. Do Cultural and Generational Cohorts Matter to Ideologies and Consumer Ethics? A Comparative Study of Australians, Indonesians, and Indonesian Migrants in Australia. François Maon, Valérie Swaen, Adam Lindgreen. One Vision, Different Paths: An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in Europe. Back to top
Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 14, #3, 2017 Research Articles David Miller. Fair Trade: What Does It Mean and Why Does It Matter? Aaron James. Fortune and Fairness in Global Economic Life. Jessica Flanigan. Seat Belt Mandates and Paternalism. Stephen J. White. Responsibility and the Demands of Morality. Book Reviews Thom Brooks. Unlocking Morality from Criminal Law. Benjamin De Mesel. Lecture on Ethics, edited by Edoardo Zamuner, Ermelinda Valentina Di Lascio, and D.K. Levy. Eric Reitan. Terrorism: A Philosophical Investigation, written by Igor Primoratz Diane Williamson. Kant on Emotion and Value, edited by Alix Cohen. Jonathan Spelman. Ignorance and Moral Obligation, written by Michael J. Zimmerman. Lawrence J. Jost. Rethinking Virtue Ethics, written by Michael Winter. Back to top
Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 113, #11, 2016 http://proxy.lib.umich.edu/login?url= Articles Carolina Sartorio. PAP-Style Cases. Duncan Pritchard. Epistemic Risk. Lei Zhong. Physicalism, Psychism, and Phenomenalism. New Books: Translations Back to top
Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. 48, #2, 2017 Original Articles Sarah Sorial. The Expression of Anger in the Public Sphere. Jeremy Fischer. Self-Assessment and Social Practices. James Stacey Taylor. How Not to Argue for Markets (or, Why the Argument from Mutually Beneficail Exchange Fails). Jeffry L. Ramsey and Olivia O'Connor. Hume and Same-Sex Marriage. Vittorio Bufacchi. Colonialism, Injustice, and Arbitrariness. Nicole Dular. Moral Testimony under Oppression. Corrigendum Back to top Nursing Philosophy, Vol. 18, #3, 2017 Editorial Derek Sellman. Nursing, recycling and the environment. Original Articles Renzo Zanotti and Daniele Chiffi. Nursing knowledge: hints from the placebo effect. Carole Rushton and David Edvardsson. Reconciling concepts of space and person-centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment in the acute care setting. Alastair Morgan. Against compassion: in defence of a “hybrid” concept of empathy. Marc Roberts. A critical analysis of the failure of nurses to raise concerns about poor patient care. Sylvia Määttä, Kim Lützén and Stina Öresland. Contract theories and partnership in health care. A philosophical inquiry to the philosophy of John Rawls and Seyla Benhabib. Roger Alan Newham. The emotion of compassion and the likelihood of its expression in nursing practice. Dialogue Contribution Sherry Dahlke and Sarah Stahlke Wall. Does the emphasis on caring within nursing contribute to nurses' silence about practice issues? Philosophers for Nursing Peter Allmark. Aristotle for nursing. Book Review Martin Lipscomb. Will nurse researchers and educationalists rise to the challenge thrown out by John Paley? Back to top
Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol. 43, #6, 2017 Articles Jon Mahoney. The politics of religious freedom: Liberalism and toleration in Muslim-majority states. Kathy Kiloh. Towards an ethical politics: T.W. Adorno and aesthetic self-relinquishment. Ben Holland. The Perpetual Peace Puzzle: Kant on persons and states. Joshua Preiss. Libertarian personal responsibility: On the ethics, practice and American politics of personal responsibility. Armin Khameh. Political toleration, exclusionary reasoning and the extraordinary politics. ��Back to top
Philosophy of Science, Vol. 84, #3, 2017 Articles William Roche, Elliott Sober. Explanation = Unification? A New Criticism of Friedman’s Theory and a Reply to an Old One. Jacob Stegenga, Tarun Menon. Robustness and Independent Evidence. Christian Loew. The Asymmetry of Counterfactual Dependence. Gerhard Schurz. Interactive Causes: Revising the Markov Condition. Nina Emery. A Naturalist’s Guide to Objective Chance. Richard Bradley, Casey Helgeson, Brian Hill. Climate Change Assessments: Confidence, Probability, and Decision. Justin Garson. A Generalized Selected Effects Theory of Function. Paolo Galeazzi, Michael Franke. Smart Representations: Rationality and Evolution in a Richer Environment. Discussion Note Marcel Weber. Which Kind of Causal Specificity Matters Biologically? Essay Reviews Nora Mills Boyd. Franklin’s Field Guide to Scientific Experiments. Samuel C. Fletcher. Against the Topologists: Essay Review of New Foundations for Physical Geometry. Oron Shagrir. Review of Physical Computation: A Mechanistic Account by Gualtiero Piccinini. Back to top
Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Vol. 16, #2, 2017 Introduction Andrew Williams. Symposium on justice, the family and public policy. Articles Ingvild Almås, Alexander W Cappelen, Kjell G Salvanes, Erik Ø Sørensen, Bertil Tungodden. Fairness and family background. Elizabeth Brake. Fair care: Elder care and distributive justice. Serena Olsaretti. Children as negative externalities? Gina Schouten. Citizenship, reciprocity, and the gendered division of labor: A stability argument for gender egalitarian political interventions. Brian Kogelmann. Aggregating out of indeterminacy: Social choice theory to the rescue. Back to top
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Modern Physics Editorial board and publication information Articles Jan Potters, Bert Leuridan. Studying scientific thought experiments in their context: Albert Einstein and electromagnetic induction. Barbara Drossel. Ten reasons why a thermalized system cannot be described by a many-particle wave function. Alexei Grinbaum. How device-independent approaches change the meaning of physical theory. Jeffrey A. Barrett. Typical worlds. O.J.E. Maroney. Measurements, disturbances and the quantum three box paradox. Katie Robertson. Can the two-time interpretation of quantum mechanics solve the measurement problem? Daniel Jon Mitchell. Making sense of absolute measurement: James Clerk Maxwell, William Thomson, Fleeming Jenkin, and the invention of the dimensional formula. Back to top
Synthese, Vol. 194, #6, 2017 Original Papers María Manzano, Enrique Alonso. A note on Visions of Henkin. Lenny Clapp. On denying presuppositions. Jie Gao. Rational action without knowledge (and vice versa). Matthew W. McKeon. Statements of inference and begging the question. Christian Loew Pages 1945-1965. Causation, physics, and fit. Charles H. Pence. Is genetic drift a force? Boris Hennig. The man without properties. Markos Valaris. What reasoning might be. Paul D. Thorn. On the preference for more specific reference classes. Matthew Tugby. The problem of retention. John D. Greenwood. Solitary social belief. Benjamin Lennertz. Probabilistic consistency norms and quantificational credences. Yongfeng Yuan. Rational metabolic revision based on core beliefs. Fernando Broncano-Berrocal. A robust enough virtue epistemology. J. Adam Carter, Martin Peterson. The modal account of luck revisited. Benjamin Rohrs. Supervaluational propositional content. Luc Lauwers. Infinite lotteries, large and small sets. Christopher Clarke. How to define levels of explanation and evaluate their indispensability. Stefan Buijsman. Accessibility of reformulated mathematical content. Back to top
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Hoy queremos poner el foco en la corrupción del poder judicial. Reconocidos juristas y defensores de DDHH así lo han denunciado. La brutal represión que se vive en el país con total impunidad lo demostrado. Pero, además, uno de los vehículos utilizados por la judicatura corrupta del país es el uso de Interpol para extender sus tentáculos fuera del país.
Sin fundamento jurídico sino movidos por el interés de perseguir y extorsionar, una y otra vez, periodistas, líderes de oposición, empresarios y otros, han sido víctimas de la Alerta Rojas de Interpol emitidas a instancia de los entes judiciales venezolanos.
La lista víctimas de estos esquemas es larga. La periodista Patricia Poleo, exiliada hoy en Miami, estuvo en la lista de la Interpol por 18 meses luego de criticar al entonces presidente Chávez. Fue removida de la alerta roja gracias a los esfuerzos de la ONG de derechos humanos británica, Fair Trial. Entre otros perseguidos por el gobierno venezolano gracias a la Interpol son el asesor político J.J Rendon; el ex embajador venezolano ante la ONU, Diego Arria; el ex director de PDVSA Pedro Burelli, y muchos otros.
Pero no sólo son los políticos y críticos del régimen a quienes han metido en esa trampa. Empresarios venezolanos son frecuentemente extorsionados por entes judiciales del país usando las alertas rojas de Interpol para amedrentar. Además, este modus operandi se aplica también a empresas y empresarios extranjeros. El año pasado, el presidente Maduro amenazó con emitir una alerta roja de Interpol contra ejecutivos de la empresa de papel internacional, Kimberly Clark por haber cerrado sus operaciones debido a la falta de materia prima producto de la crisis económica en el país.
Cifras no oficiales hablan de más de 110 empresario venezolanos que sufren procesos de extorsiones a través del sistema judicial venezolano y la inclusión de los mismos en las alertas de Interpol. Se confirma la existencia de una mafia integrada por niveles medios en la fiscalía, jueces y policías que identifican a empresarios regionales para inventarles procesos penales y meterlos en la Alerta Roja de interpol. Contactan a sus víctimas a través de redes que operan en República Dominicana, Argentina, España y México pretendiendo el pago de cuantiosas sumas de dinero “para resolver la situación”.
Muchas voces judiciales han criticado el uso de la Alerta Roja de Interpol por regímenes autoritarios. La organización Fair Trial emitió un reporte donde destaca como Interpol está siendo utilizada para la persecución política y reclamó que la organización debe hacer más para verificar la validez de las alertas. De hecho, el New York Times ha reportado sobre el dramático crecimiento en el número de Alerta Roja de interpol. Del 2009 and 2014, se duplicaron a casi 11,000 los venezolanos incluídos en ella. De igual forma, las quejas a Interpol por alertas infundadas crecieron de 123 a 226 en ese mismo período. En su informe, Fair Trial, crítica a la agenda por “asumir que las alertas rojas son emitidas de Buena fe” y por no examinarlas antes de ejecutarlas.
Más aún, el abuso de Venezuela de las alertas rojas ha sido un tema recurrente en la relación del país con la Interpol desde los tiempos del presidente Chávez. La abogada Michelle A. Estlund ha documentada este abuso en varios estudios e incluso escribe que la Interpol visitó Venezuela años atrás para confrontar al gobierno sobre su uso excesivo de las alertas rojas.
La entrada Como La Corrupción Judicial Venezolana Usa a La Interpol Para Perseguir y Extorsionar aparece primero en Noticias Diarias de Venezuela.
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紅通被濫用? “31億貪官”李傳良紅通經歷起底
黑龍江雞西市前副市長李傳良“貪腐案”牽涉31億資產,在中國防火牆內外被熱炒;李傳良曾經遭紅通的經歷也被曝光。但知悉李傳良案內情的中國和美國律師告訴本臺,李傳良被紅通是中國政府濫用紅通的典型案例。 李傳良涉貪案,自兩週前開始從國內被熱炒到國外,李傳良本人也連續接受多家媒體和自媒體的採訪,從他自己的角度闡述事情的另一面。李傳良多次對外界強調:他不是貪官。中國政府從2020年9月開始對他採取的多次司法行動都是爲了報復他8月份開始在海外批評防疫政策,並以此爲理由搶奪他及家人的財產。 但近日有網絡社媒披露, 2020年2月中國政府曾通過國際刑警組織對李傳良發佈了紅色通緝令,這個日期是在李傳良當年8月份開始在海外發聲之前,並由此懷疑李傳良的“報復”說不成立。甚至有人直指李傳良就是中國貪官。 這種質疑讓李傳良案再次面目模糊。在李傳良抗議中國司法不公的同時,他被紅通以及隨後被撤銷紅通的經歷,又讓外…
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