#Michael heaving: thank dad that’s over… holy shit I broke his spine
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Lucifer’s Fall; told from the Sloth Sin’s  Perspective
Belphegor finds a heavily injured angel and a woman of Creation in the wastelands of hell’s highest crimson ring.
The same ones that just caved in their realm’s roof with an incredible light show.
Despite being aware of the potential threat a powerful angelic being poses to all demons, something compels her to start picking up the pieces before her fellow sins have even finished deliberating on whether they want to kill the pair or not.
Hell itself is alive and reacts to Lucifer with cuteness aggression, and to Lilith like a friend group finally gaining one person who’s good at social interaction
Belphegor’s tail dragged against the thick layers of red dust covering the ground as she slogged through the endless dark in blind search of a query unknown.
The highest level of hell was a crimson wasteland bathed in impenetrable pitch black. It’s giant expense only sparely populated by roving bands of tiny simple creatures.
The heat and power from which hell had sprung thinned out bare up here and under the shadow of creation, heaven’s light wouldn’t reach.
No demon prince or deadly sin had ever risen from it nor did any of the others wish to claim it despite its grand size, content to consider it the lid caping off their realms and nothing more.
Mammon had probably mentally dubbed it as his, but he wasn’t ready to back that claim up without anything valuable to show for it.
The demon prince of sloth had always been a slave to her own whims. Most of the time that meant she slept with no motivation and thus no ability to do anything at all.
But sometimes, she’s awaken with a vague but unbearable compulsion that would send her scrambling, as helpless to stop herself as anyone else from her mission.
So, she found herself wandering this never ending desolate ring so far from home and bed.
Regardless, her visions had never led her astray before, if they brought her here, there was something to find.
She felt the change in the air before anything else.
Soft light was ever so slightly penetrating through the black above her; washing out the dunes around her. Piercing a dark that swallowed up the glow from even as great a creature as she.
She inclined her head, gaze straining for the source.
A thin white line, like a tear in the very sky itself, slowly wretched apart.
Taking on off-white shades of gold and blue as it deepened and strengthened.
Belle tilted her head. Well, this was certainly getting somewhere interesting. Hell wasn’t a very old realm, she wondered if it was really coming to an end so soon.
It pulsed a few times, fighting through some unknown resistance.
And then it broke.
Belle was forced to look away as painful light burst from the sky, bathing the eternal unseen wastes in harsh white.
Through the sound was inescapable, nearly rupturing her eardrums, a thousand glasses shattering, unknowable violence, rage and desecration retrained to a moment.
And then it was over.
She glanced back up, blinking a few times. Oh, not quite.
The brightness was falling down, the opening quickly sealing behind it, leaving the sky permanently altered.
She could taste it’s power, the energy from that break still echoing forcefully against her senses; no doubt all of hell had felt it.
The other sins were on their way.
But even now, after the break, hell was shifting around to accommodate this new entity, as if a gravitational force they were all being orientated towards. As if it’s mere presence changed the makeup of the entire realm.
It reeked of something powerful, even if temporarily stripped.
There was one more thing.
It wasn’t just entering hell, it was being *given* to hell, bound.
Something the light starved ring accepted eagerly.
The assumedly unwitting and unwilling light source would probably be less excited.
Belle started to move again once she had a good idea of where it would make contact.
She wondered what her fellow sins would decide to do with it, could they feel hell’s unabashed yearning to keep it? If they did would that carry any weight when deciding to destroy or consume it.
Satan would probably be the next here, coming from just one ring below. The others not far behind.
The noise of the actual impact was a little underwhelming when following the realm being thorn asunder.
A slamming, a crash, a scraping skitter. Belle winced sympathetically at a sound that was definitely shattering bones. And then nothing.
It… was a pretty far way to fall after all.
She was pretty sure she heard a woman shriek, but not nearly enough compared to the intensity of the landing.
She continued to trail towards the light, now laying unmoving in a decently large crater.
Another glow caught her eye, not nearly as bright but quite distant.
Golden ichor, spattered across the ground.
A grim gift from Heaven then? Perhaps they had finally come to open relations properly, even if this was rather morbid for their like.
But she supposed even those above needed disposal methods.
Belle peered over the edge of crater, squinting while her eyes adjusted.
“Lucifer-!” A broken cry.
Her head snapped to the voice, another figure in the pit shakily attempting to stumble to her feet.
She smelled of dirt and roses, earthen. *Creation’s* work.
As she scrambled over to the light, Belle could feel hell swirling around her too, equally as fervent but different from its attraction to the glowing creature.
Whatever attachment to realms beyond she has won’t remain for very long. Hell was taking to her as if welcoming her home.
And yes, she could see that now, the light was a being, still alive even, if barely.
The figure desperately pulled it against her, and Belle finally recognized its wings, tattered and scorched as they were. They had seen beings of its like a few times, circling and observing the young hell from afar.
The few direct confrontations said they despised this place, everything in it and every single creature born of it.
“Ya think that little thing’s a threat?” Satan had shuffled up beside her at some point, thankfully keeping his voice low. “Would do us good to end it now.”
The light was yelling something, maybe names she didn’t recognize barely intelligible between the sobs in its ruined throat.
The other sins didn’t take long to follow.
“I say… we eat it?” Beelzebub had been curious about the angel creatures’s taste since she first saw them, Belle was honestly a little shocked at the hesitance. “I dunno it’s just, in a lot of pain. Feels bad, gone sour.”
“The air tingles with its power even in such a pitiful state~” Leviathan hissed, her tail thrashing in derision. “Leave it to bleed, let it die, let it die! While we still can, before it consumes us all in its shadow.”
“If we killin it, we’re goin down there to make sure it’s good and dead and staying that way.” Satan adds “Coward.” He spits quietly in Levi’s direction in spite of their seeming temporary alliance.
“You kidding?” Mammon choked a laugh. “The perfect potential counter to all our enemies falls into our lap, and you wanna chuck it?” He stalked forward, eyes gleaming. “Nah nah, we make it ours.”
‘We’ Belle thought that was interesting addition for him.
“If that becomes the strongest thing in hell, what’ll that make us?” Asmodeus kept his voice steady, not giving either way.
“Masters!” Mammon cheered.
“Slaves!” Levi retorted.
The puddle of gold beneath it was deepening, they’d have to make this decision quickly before it was made for them.
It was good hell had never been a democracy.
Belle lurched her hulk over the side, sliding towards the centre.
She came to stop just before the two. She could see why hell found both so appealing up close.
The woman faced her not with wide eyes like she expected, but careful scepticism, although her exhaustion and panic permeated clearly just below the surface. Judging her not just for a threat, but for potential assistance.
Belle could taste hells energy so much clearer here, how it warred with itself. Desperate to surge forward and take what belonged to it and longing to preserve the glow. The light’s essence writhing in repulsion to the demonic force.
She was exhausted just observing it.
Based on the angel’s shock and fear, it could feel the shadows pressing and snapping against his weakened essence too.
She wondered if the woman could, did she know she was the one thing holding back the darkness from snuffing out her light totally.
“Mistress of Night,” Belle had no idea where the title came from as offered greetings to the pair.
She didn’t seem to recognize it either. “H-hello-? “ she cleared throat, finding her confidence. “Hello. Why do you appear before us?” Even toned, a chance to dismiss the accusation before it needs to be levered.
Belle dipped her head, in respect and in gesture. “Your light is fading.”
Her breath shuddered in dismay, expression breaking for a moment. She nodded tightly. “H-he is.” She swallowed hard. “Can- May you help?”
She stepped closer, bringing up her great claws. “I may. I can.”
The woman hesitated, tightening her hold before allowing her access.
He stared at her with wide eyes, delirious with pain and fully able to view her connection to the dark.
But unable to so much as shy away from her looming form.
Oh yes, taught to despise the demonic he was, how fun.
A distant tiring thought wondered why she was even doing this for the little thing.
She felt him attempt to call upon his magic once or twice, seemingly more out instinct than anything only for it to fizzle out.
She brought her face right down to his, staring into her blank eyes with a mad gaze.
Belle took a deep breath in; blowing out smoke that blanketed him. His eyes squeezed shut but at least he didn’t try holding his breath.
She held a moment.
Before sucking it back in.
She couldn’t say she was surprised at the extent of damage, but it was something to see it all laid out.
Wings burned and torn from air friction, a web of cracks in his skull, all of his ribs had been fractured and two had been entirely scattered, she was sure some of the organ damage came from a wandering bone piece or a couple piercing something.
There was too much organ damage for even her to tell at a glance.
His back was especially a mess, mostly likely bent double in the landing. Including a complete break in his spine that seemed too clean to be from the fall alone, or unintentional; placed at the perfect point to paralyzed all of his six wings at once.
If she wasn’t convinced of his power before, the fact that he was alive at all more than proved it.
Belle steadied herself.
Estimate his limits based on how bad he’s handling the current damage compared to the average; she doesn’t need to get him perfect, just stabilized enough for his magic to begin to recover and take over; just like one of the sins.
She kept her ring and her effort out of others constant wars by playing healer to all sides, she could do this.
She numbed the pain just enough to take the edge off without compromising his reactions. Both of the pair visibly relaxed, she hadn’t realized how much their tension had been getting to her.
If any of the other sins reveal themselves now she’s killing them.
She began moving bone fragments back into place and locking them, disappearing some that were too small or embedded. Stitching the wounds left behind.
She added some magic to assist the faltering bodily tasks and save his body precious energy, as well as avoiding a full system shut down if an organ properly fails for a moment or two.
She seeped the heat from the burns and the tension from his muscles with little else to do.
And she finally breathed.
Well, more heaved painfully as the weight of such draining magic collapsed on her all at once.
It took every bit of effort left not to collapse right then, a dust pile alone wouldn’t be her worst nap spot but the pool of ichor was too much.
She focused down. His body still shuttered even as he fell against the woman and shut his eyes, good, he was still fighting.
“Keep him awake.” She spat, barely managing. Her bedside manners were usually a little better.
But the woman nodded determinedly, staring at Belle with nothing but bewildered but grateful awe.
Before turning her attention back to her light, Belle could practically see the rest of the world disappear to them as she placed a hand on his cheek and began speaking softly.
“The angel needs rest and to be carefully monitored for the next,” she’d never fully treated such fatal injuries before, she had no idea how long they’d take to heal given the chance. “While.”
Belle noted the small nod that said she was still listening.
“Lucifer.” Interrupting her own mutterings. “His name is Lucifer, and I am Lilith.”
“Pleasure. Prince Belphegor of Sloth, my ring is some distance below.” Lilith was already beginning to stand, taking the hint. “You can tell me what happened on the way.” Belle didn’t have enough left in her to be curious at this point, but she had met enough suspicious types to know better than to present this as just charity.
“He ain’t in a state to make that trip,” Belle narrowed her eyes at Satan’s approach. “My ring’s closer.”
“I thought-“
“I just said if we’re gonna put the lil angel out of his misery we do the job good and right, but if we ain’t then we ain’t.”
Belle watched Lilith bristle at the mention of threat. Carefully holding her composure and glaring down the towering bull, “You aren’t.”
“Thems fighting words but guess you’re right, so hows bout another time.” He added quieter. “I like her”
Bee pushed by him. Giving the pair a soft look “Oh, you poor things.”
She buzzed back to Belle. Excitedly announcing, “Yup, I made up my mind! I’m with you, Belle, they’ll taste much better after you fix ‘em up.”
Great, she was so looking forward to the panic that line would inspire in the clearly protective and threatened woman.
“I’ll carry him.” Ozzie offered, and oh thank fuck he did before Belle had to make Lilith choose between the sin that talked about killing or eating her light.
She heard Mammon laugh some ways away. “Good luck with prying ‘im out of her grip.”
Ozzie grumbled something insulting, but one glance at her said he was probably right.
He shrugged, “Then I’ll carry both.”
Lilith perked up, agreeing after a few thoughts.
And they began the delicate process of getting them both comfortable and safely positioned against Ozzie soft chest.
Leviathan kept her gaze targeted square on the sky, long since losing interest in the scene in the crater below.
She still thought dead was a preferable option, but that doesn’t mean she was gonna let herself be left out of the loop just cause her fellow sins didn’t go with it.
The dryness here usually could irritate her, but it was different now.
A barely noticeable breeze, a shifting in the dust.
Feeling less like the nothing after hell ended and before creation began and more like a blank place, a yet to be territory…
An empty ring.
The sky had changed and was changing still, she could she it through the enveloping shade for the first time.
She looked back the angel, she wondered how much it’d take from him, she wondered how much it’ll give back.
Hell and Heaven are both cesspools of writhing energy (heat and light respectively) that life is clawing it’s way out of, just with like slightly different aesthetics
This kinda implied hell is only weaker than heaven cause it’s so much younger and I’m lowkey down with that theory
Lucifer’s Fall is honestly a very messy affair to me; way more damage was caused than intended cause 1) it’s the first time Heaven ever did something like it 2) it’s very hard to make a being as powerful as Lucifer leave when they do not want to. It was scrambling mad rush(mostly by Michael) to break his halo and get him out cause his panicked blind resisting kept bringing buildings down and crumbing any angel not an archangel or seraphim like tissue paper
If this is received well enough I might make a part two following Lucifer’s recovery, adjusting to hell and processing what’s happened to him, so ~ reblog ~
It’s going to be apart of a bigger series of oneshots interpreting past events of Hazbin’s universe, From The Very Beginning, if out of order
#Michael heaving: thank dad that’s over… holy shit I broke his spine#forcing you all to agree with Mammon in the dont kill him front#helluva boss#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel lucifer#hazbin hotel lilith#hellaverse#helluva boss belphegor#hazbin hotel headcanons#hazbin hotel fanfiction#helluva boss leviathan#helluva boss beelzebub#helluva boss mammon#helluva boss asmodeus#helluva boss satan
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