#Miami urology
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happyurologyblog · 21 days ago
Can Penile Implants Increase Size?
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At Happy Urology in South Florida, we know that men considering penile implants often have questions about maintaining or enhancing their size. Choosing surgery for erectile issues can be a big decision, especially when it comes to implant options. Fortunately, advancements in modern urology offer solutions designed to preserve and even improve penile size. As a leading urologist in Miami, Dr. Edward Gheiler explains how penile implants can boost both size and confidence throughout the entire process—before, during, and after surgery. With the right approach and care, you can achieve the results you’re looking for. Click the link below to learn more.
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antoniniurology · 4 months ago
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urologycure · 7 months ago
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shahananasrin-blog · 2 years ago
[ad_1] BYLINE: Lisette Hilton Newswise — Drawing blood from the arms of prostate cancer patients to assess for testosterone is not generally useful for determining risk of outcomes after radical prostatectomy and might underreport levels of testosterone surrounding the prostate, according to a study by Nima Sharifi, M.D., scientific director of the Desai Sethi Urology Institute and a researcher at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.Findings from the newly published study in The Journal of Clinical Investigation suggest a large proportion of men have testosterone concentrations that are much higher in and around the prostate than traditional blood draws suggest. And this elevated exposure near the prostate increases the risk of poor outcomes after surgical removal of the prostate gland.“I describe this as ‘sneaky testosterone.’ It’s sneaky because we don’t see it — we don’t appreciate it — just by looking at general blood,” said Dr. Sharifi, who conducted much of this research while at Cleveland Clinic, before joining Desai Sethi Urology Institute earlier this year.The general assumption today is that clinicians can assess the prostate’s testosterone exposure by measuring the level with blood drawn from the arm. High testosterone levels could have implications on prostate cancer development and progression. Significant Differences in Testosterone ConcentrationIn this first-of-its-kind study, Miller School and Cleveland Clinic researchers assessed 266 men with prostate cancer undergoing radical prostatectomies between 2014 and 2021. They studied not only general blood and prostate tissue specimens but also vessels surrounding the prostate.Dr. Sharifi and colleagues found that 20% of the men had testosterone concentrations in vessels around the prostate that were twice as high as in the blood from their arms, with 5% of the men having 10 times the concentration in vessels surrounding the prostate.“This suggests that some men have a short circuit going from gonadal circulation to the prostate. Most importantly, men who had this sneaky testosterone physiology had worse long-term outcomes after they had surgery for prostate cancer,” Dr. Sharifi said.Associations with VariocelesThere are other potential implications of the research, including in the area of infertility, he said.“This sneaky testosterone physiology is probably common to varicoceles, a condition where the forward flow of the blood from the testes is impeded and this effectively creates back flow. Varicoceles is known to be associated with infertility,” Dr. Sharifi said. “Our study tells us that there may be other associations of varicoceles, potentially directly linking varicoceles to an aggressive form of prostate cancer.”The identification of men with sneaky testosterone physiology adds new information to consider in the prognoses of men with prostate cancer and has broad implications for assessing risk in other diseases of the prostate, according to study author Eric A. Klein, M.D., emeritus chair of Cleveland Clinic’s Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute.“For years, testosterone, T, and its derivative, dihydrotestosterone, DHT, have been known to affect prostate development and drive prostate cancer. However, peripheral blood T levels don’t correlate with prostate cancer risk or severity,” Dr. Klein said. “This study suggests this might be because some men have veins that directly link the prostate to the testes, enabling higher T and DHT levels in the prostate, potentially leading to aggressive tumors. These venous shunts bypass peripheral circulation, meaning arm vein blood samples do not reflect T and DHT exposure to the prostate.“This and future studies could lead to alternative treatment strategies for urological diseases that are impacted by sneaky testosterone physiology,” he said.Mohammad Alyamani, Ph.D., research assistant professor at the Miller School, is first author on this study. window.fbAsyncInit = function () FB.init( appId: '890013651056181', xfbml: true, version: 'v2.2' ); ; (function (d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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burleighcentralphysio · 2 years ago
Things that You Should Know about Physiotherapy Service
After an injury, physiotherapists are often called upon to help patients regain their physical abilities through a process known as Òrehabilitation.Ó Most people say they have completed and benefited from Bulk Billing Physiofollowing conditions such as traumas, muscle discomfort, neck pain, spinal difficulties, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and neurological illnesses. Post-injury care, urological issues, and musculoskeletal conditions.
The job of Physio Gold Coast extends much beyond the aforementioned, but these are a few of the areas where physiotherapy could be utilized as an adjunct to standard medical care.
It is administered in accordance with the patientÕs age, gender, and health status. Just a Physio Bundallwith the necessary knowledge and experience in the field should implement the therapy, which involves considering the aforementioned factors.
Orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, geriatric, pediatric, and neurological therapies are just a few examples of the many types of treatment available. What makes Best Massage On The Gold Coasteffective are: Continuous physical rehabilitation and exercise are essential to long-term health. Planning an appropriate course of therapy to sustain functional mobility The goal of this evaluation is to establish the patientÕs prognosis and guide subsequent treatment decisions.
This is an activity that chiropractors often prescribe, and it is often performed at a medical facility with the supervision of a Miami Physio. According to studies, a paralyzed patient has a chance at full recovery if the therapy is administered correctly and used to its full potential.
The treatment incorporates a wide variety of methods, including massage, infrared radiation, manual resistance training, and laser therapy. Some of these procedures can be performed with the use of mechanical & electrical instruments, while others can be accomplished with the application of heat, manual stimulation, ultrasound, or even ice.
In addition to the, therapists may also make use of chairs, workout balls, weights, and machines. However, most people now prefer the advanced techniques, which incorporate exercise or posture in a simpler fashion that does not involve any machines or massage, to the more conventional methods of rehabilitation, such as swimming therapy, huge rubber balls, and stair masters with rails.
Manual therapy refers to the practice of using oneÕs own hands to perform or adapt various therapeutic treatments. Rehabilitation is the final phase of treatment for those who have undergone therapy for injuries sustained in various settings, such as sports, assault, or automobile accidents.
Injuries can heal quickly and effectively if the most effective technique is employed in the therapy, but the patientÕs mentality is the single most important factor in his or her healing and recovery, since the patient must be focused and accepting of the procedure. For measuring and keeping track of muscle strength, the Oxford scale is utilized. Joint pain is one of the most common reasons to seek Dry Needlingphysiotherapy treatment, but it is not the only one.
Therefore, physiotherapists provide a crucial service in the world of sports by playing a significant role in both pain treatment and prevention.
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derschandstaatinfo · 2 years ago
Spermienparameter vor und nach der COVID 19 mRNA Gentherapie!
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Daniel C. Gonzalez, BS1; Daniel E. Nassau, MD1; Kajal Khodamoradi, PhD1; et alEmad Ibrahim, MD1; Ruben Blachmann-Braun, MD1; Jesse Ory, MD1; Ranjith Ramasamy, MD1AutorenverbindungenArtikelinformationenJAMA. 2021;326(3):273-274. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.9976COVID-19-Ressourcenzentrum Zwei mRNA-Impfstoffe, BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) und mRNA-1273 (Moderna), erhielten von der US-amerikanischen Food and Drug Administration eine Notfallgenehmigung.  Trotz hoher Wirksamkeit und wenigen Nebenwirkungen, die in klinischen Studien festgestellt wurden, gaben nur 56 % der Personen in den USA an, den Impfstoff erhalten zu wollen.  Einer der Gründe für die zögerliche Impfung ist die potenzielle negative Auswirkung auf die Fruchtbarkeit.  Da die Reproduktionstoxizität in den klinischen Studien nicht untersucht wurde und SARS-CoV-2 mit einer Abnahme der Spermienparameter in Verbindung gebracht wurde,  beurteilten wir die Spermienparameter vor und nach der Verabreichung des mRNA-Impfstoffs. Methoden Diese prospektive Single-Center-Studie an der University of Miami rekrutierte gesunde Freiwillige im Alter von 18 bis 50 Jahren, die für eine mRNA-COVID-19-Impfung durch Flyer im gesamten Universitätskrankenhaus und interne Listenserver-E-Mails vorgesehen waren. Das institutionelle Überprüfungsgremium der University of Miami genehmigte die Studie, und von allen Teilnehmern wurde eine schriftliche Einverständniserklärung eingeholt. Männer wurden vorab untersucht, um sicherzustellen, dass sie keine zugrunde liegenden Fruchtbarkeitsprobleme hatten. Personen mit COVID-19-Symptomen oder einem positiven Testergebnis innerhalb von 90 Tagen wurden ausgeschlossen. Die Teilnehmer stellten eine Samenprobe nach 2 bis 7 Tagen Abstinenz zur Verfügung, bevor sie die erste Impfdosis erhielten und ungefähr 70 Tage nach der zweiten. Samenanalysen wurden von ausgebildeten Andrologen gemäß den Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation durchgeführt und umfassten Samenvolumen, Spermienkonzentration, Spermienmotilität und Gesamtzahl der beweglichen Spermien (TMSC). Eingeschlossen wurden Personen mit Oligospermie (Spermienkonzentration - Korrespondierender Autor: Ranjith Ramasamy, MD, Department of Urology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1120 NW 14th St, 15th Fl, Miami, FL 33136 ( - Zur Veröffentlichung angenommen: 1. Juni 2021. - Online veröffentlicht: 17. Juni 2021. doi:  - Beiträge der Autoren: Dr. Ramasamy und Herr Gonzalez hatten vollen Zugriff auf alle Daten in der Studie und ��bernehmen die Verantwortung für die Integrität der Daten und die Genauigkeit der Datenanalyse. - - - - - - - - Offenlegung von Interessenkonflikten: Keine gemeldet. - Zusätzliche Beiträge: Wir danken Iakov Efimenko, BSc, Justin Dubin, MD, und Manuel Molina, MD (alle mit der University of Miami Department of Urology) für die Unterstützung bei der Rekrutierung und der Vorbereitung des institutionellen Prüfungsausschusses sowie Ali Tourchi, MD (Universität of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Department of Urology), für die Entwicklung des Studienkonzepts. Keiner wurde für seine Beiträge entschädigt.Verweise - - doi:  Read the full article
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nemethcch · 4 years ago
Transgender Community Resources
**views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Nemeth Counseling and Consultation staff**
A fantastic PDF discussing some of the issues faced by transgender community
While it was written 6 years ago, this article talks about the growth of Columbus as an LGBTQ friendly city including statements from Stonewall leaders and Columbus’s most popular drag queen, Nina West aka Andrew Levitt. “In March [2015], Gallup released a ranking of the nation’s top 50 metropolitan areas, based on the population of adults who identify as LGBT. Columbus ranked No. 15 on the list, with 4.3 percent, which is higher than rates in New York City, Miami and Chicago.”
List of recommended reading for clinicians helping LGBTQIA+ 
Resources in Columbus, OH
Stonewall Columbus
A resource directory for transgender individuals. This directory includes everything from healthcare providers and medical transition information, community and social needs, legal information, and online talk groups.
Kaleidoscope Youth Center (KYC)
One the largest and longest-standing organization in Ohio solely dedicated to serving and supporting queer youth.
Nationwide Children's Hospital's THRIVE Program
THRIVE is a program that specializes in care for differences of sexual development (DSD), gender development and complex urological conditions. Their program is dedicated to providing optimal care for individuals and family members presenting as gender diverse and/or with a DSD, or a complex urological condition. Their mission is to provide individualized evidence based care in a manner that values physical and mental health. Additionally, we are committed to working with community providers and organizations on the behalf of our patients and families.
Other Resources
The Trevor Project
This organization helps with suicide prevention with a focus on LGBTQIA+ youth.
Gender Diversity 
Provides family and youth support groups, education, training, and annual conferences for youth, families, adults, and professional providers including school training. 
Gender Spectrum 
Provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for all children and teens.
Family Acceptance Project  
Provides research, intervention, education, and policy initiative that works to decrease health and related risks for LGBTQIA+ youth.
Helps build the leadership and power of LGBTQIA+ youth of color.  Based in New York.
Trans Family Support Systems
Helps connects transgender youth and their families to a support system.  Helps families navigate insurances, and hosts virtual support groups.
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happyurologyblog · 21 days ago
Advancements in Penile Implants
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At Happy Urology, our team specializes in penile implant surgery and has witnessed firsthand how advancements in medical technology are transforming the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). For many men, ED can significantly impact self-confidence, intimacy, and overall quality of life. Fortunately, breakthroughs in penile implant technology now provide highly effective, long-term solutions that restore both function and confidence. These innovations have made implants more comfortable, durable, and customizable than ever before, offering patients a more natural feel and improved performance.
As a leading urologist in Miami, Dr. Edward Gheiler is at the forefront of these advancements, ensuring that his patients have access to the latest and most effective treatment options available. Modern penile implants are designed with cutting-edge materials and engineering, allowing for a seamless, discreet solution that mimics natural erectile function. Additionally, ongoing research and development in urology continue to refine implant technology, offering improvements in durability, infection prevention, and patient satisfaction.
Choosing a penile implant is a significant decision, and Dr. Gheiler and his team are committed to providing personalized care, guiding patients through every step of the process—from the initial consultation and procedure to post-operative recovery and long-term results. With the right approach, penile implants can offer a life-changing solution for men struggling with ED, restoring not only physical function but also a renewed sense of confidence and well-being.
If you're considering a penile implant or want to learn more about how recent advancements in urology are shaping the future of ED treatment, click the link below for more information.
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urologycureseo · 3 months ago
Precio de la bombita para hombres
El implante Titan puede costar a los pacientes entre $10,000 y $20,000 dependiendo del servicio brindado, la ubicación y los costos asociados con el procedimiento.
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urologycure · 7 months ago
En UrologyCure, contamos con un equipo de urólogos cerca de ti que hablan español y están listos para ofrecerte la mejor atención. Sabemos lo importante que es poder comunicarte claramente con tu médico en tu idioma, especialmente cuando se trata de tu salud. Nuestros urólogos son expertos en diagnosticar y tratar una amplia variedad de problemas urológicos, brindando un servicio personalizado y de alta calidad. Si buscas un urólogo cerca de ti que hable español, estamos aquí para ayudarte a mejorar tu bienestar. Agenda una consulta hoy mismo.
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medicalexpert5 · 7 years ago
Visit the Miami urology office to find out about prostate cancer treatments. The Miami urologist can provide details on these procedures and their side effects.
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rnewspost · 2 years ago
Top urologists share their insights and practical tips at "Urology on the Beach"
Desai Sethi Urology Institute brings renowned thought leaders to Miami Beach. From urologic cancers to female urology to male infertility to kidney stones and sexual health, top urologists from throughout the nation shared their insights and practical tips at “Urology on the Beach,” a conference hosted January 13-15 by the Desai Sethi Urology Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of…
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happyurologyblog · 3 months ago
💡 AMS 700 CX vs. LGX: What’s the Difference?
When it comes to treating erectile dysfunction, choosing the right solution is crucial. At Happy Urology, we break down the key differences between two top penile implants: the AMS 700 CX and AMS LGX.
✨ The AMS 700 CX offers tailored rigidity for a natural-feeling erection. ✨ The AMS LGX stands out with its adaptable design, offering discretion and a more flexible feel.
Both are durable, effective options, but which one is right for you? Empower yourself with knowledge and take the first step toward restoring your confidence. 💪
Learn more about these groundbreaking implants and find the best fit for your needs by visiting our latest blog.
📍 Happy Urology – Miami's trusted partner for sexual health. 🩺
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urologycureseo · 4 months ago
Precio de la bombita para hombres
El equipo de Urology Cure tiene más de 40 años de experiencia en los campos de la Urología y la cirugía plástica.
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urologycure · 8 months ago
La monsplastia, también conocida como lifting púbico, es un procedimiento que elimina el exceso de piel no deseada o no deseada de la región púbica. A veces, el tejido graso se desarrolla directamente sobre el hueso púbico, lo que provoca un bulto en la región púbica. Un lifting púbico puede eliminar cualquier grasa o piel no deseada y brindar a los pacientes la apariencia ideal en su región púbica.
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