#Meteor Mission 5 Shitposts
clairvoyantcubes · 3 months
(Never let me make stuff like this again-)
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meggie-stardust · 3 years
We’ve reached the end...
48. Take Off Into Confusion
Throwing us right in with “Gotta do better. I’m over here.” Totally Classic Treize.
Let’s wax philosophical Treize, right in the middle of a battle field. 
Wufei is a monogamous fighter
This is some sexy foreplay
The scientists have a plan, but we need to somehow going to sneak 5 of us into Peacemillion...? It’s not a very good plan is it? 
There’s a big chance Libra will crash into Canada… sorry Canada 🤷🏼‍♀️ 
Zechs: if they both crash, they’ll have an eternal winter; IDK Zechs, in Eva they get an eternal summer after the Second Impact, so which is right?
“Like me, Zechs Marquise.” What a line Zechs.
I don’t like the helmet touch between Heero and Relena.. and this isn’t because I’m not a 1xR shipper. It’s just weird, and feels out of character for Heero, and kind of tacked on? 
Also, since when did Heero promise to protect Relena? I remember threatening to kill her a few times... I don’t think those words mean the same thing?
Relena gets an NCIS freeze frame there
Dorothy: Let’s have a sexy foreplay sword fight. I’ve learned everything I know from my cousin Treize. 
Dorothy is nut bar, and it’s so wonderful. My dad died and I hate it, so I’m gonna die too. 
Aww Dorothy is gonna make Quatre cry
“But Heero is on a suicide mission.” And that’s different from normal, how? 
Heavyarms using his arms like they’re, you know, heavy
Trowa and Duo meeting in battle: We’re dudes and can’t tell each other that we care, but take care and, you know, don’t die
The scientists get to ride in the bat wings?! I bet that’s like when you’re a kid and get to ride in the back-back seat of a station wagon (am I dating myself here?)
Rashad: “Fellow Comrades: no one is allowed to die until we see master Quatre.”
Dorothy read Watchmen and was like, if we create one huge war, then they’ll all come together in peace
Quatre: Trowa taught me to not shy away from my kindness…. DID HE THO? WHEN????
Treize and Wufei: I want to fight you fair and square: why don’t you have sword fight on this spaceship
Treize: I couldn’t kill someone who understood me. I’m not gonna cry.
Treize is so amazing. All the people who died for him. You’re crying.
He has such presence. 
Wufei sobbing. I didn’t think I’d win. OK, I AM CRYING
Treize WAS splendid
Earth declared defeat but White Fang will still crash the ship into earth…
Relena looking for Heero: I’ll just jump out into space and float around until I find him. 
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49. The Final Victor
No narrator. Just jumping right into the episode since we are still in the middle of a battle, people.
This is a long con Zechs: to create such a horrible disaster that people want pacifism. No way should that have worked.
Noin is just going to sit there and watch and do nothing. You started off so strong, Noin and then.... nothing.
Noin should probably just put that western shirt on and mosey out into the sunset
Zechs: I’ve got 99k problems and they are all dead people who fought for total pacifism for me
How funny would it be Duo drops the scientists off and like 2 are dead and one has an arm hanging off. Oops. 
Everyone’s long con came is intense. Une was also here for total pacifism, too? Feels weird that she had to murder Relena’s dad for that...
Howard will just lay some science on everyone so that we know why we can’t drop a battleship on earth
Trowa is just gonna lecture Dorothy. He’s not mad, he’s just disappointed. Dorothy can’t take such stoic disappointment. 
Quatre is such a spoil sport. Non-alochollic champaign. Lame. No wonder I don’t like you.
Let’s televise this fight to earth and space, so just random people understand what’s happening in space
CANS was part of operation mentor?? 
The Scientists: We’re gonna interfere once more. KABOOM We blew everything up, including ourselves. YOLO
Heero and Zechs using the ZERO system are like two drunk people having a debate over something dumb while all their friends look on annoyed
The colonies are just covering all their bases, by choosing sides again this late in the game.
Zechs doubling down just because he doesn’t want to admit he’s wrong is fantastic
Obligatory it’s just a flesh wound reference 
SO let me get this straight. Knoweldge goes from Heavyarms to Trowa to Quatre? 
The Maganacs riding into the battle at the last moment like a calvary movie
Heero learned from Trowa, too. Learned how to run out of bullets. Hey-o.
No you blow up, no you blow up. 
Sally: I believe in him, he can defy physics and science 
Heero: I will survive Hey hey. But like, the Cake version
Wow bringing Just Communication back. Amazing. OK, It’s better than Rhythm Emotion. There I said it. 
Look at those mentors, from project mentor
Who’s grave was she putting flowers on if not Zechs??
Relena: Next time hand it to me in person; Heero: Ok bye forever
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There are so many moments were characters are like THIS person did this, or THIS person said that. AND WHEN? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??? Off screen, because that ain’t in the series, guys. 
I could write a whole essay one the last battle between Treize and Wufei and boy does it stand up to everything I remembered. A+ Great work, Lads. 
But the rest of these last two episodes... visually they look amazing and we get some great fights. But the plot? Really? Everyone was in for this long con of having such a big fight that everyone would want pacifism? Like, what if Treize and Zechs just talked to the Gundam Pilots? 
The whole first 1/2 to 3/4 of the show is set up so well, and everything is so slowburn, that I had to make a chart for when characters learn each other’s names. But suddenly Heero comes in and FINALLY does something right, and saves the day.... and the show is over??? 
We get no aftermath? Suddenly Relena WHO IS FIFTEEN is a Vice Foreign Minister? And Heero probably left her some important info and she just tears it up. UGH I HATE IT
What I think I remember for the next episode(s):
So, before @mpanighetti​and I watch Endless Waltz, we have decided to watch the Operation Meteor OVA, which neither of us have seen before, and has this description: Set immediately after the ending of the Gundam Wing series (and thus before Endless Waltz), this OVA features a series of 7 clips, one from each pilot's point of view as well as a beginning and ending. The clips give a glimpse into what happened to all five characters in the direct aftermath of the final battle against White Fang. After we watch this, we will head into Endless Waltz, and I am excited to revisit that, as I think I only watched it like twice, but I remember the ending because I thought it was the ending to the series. So don’t worry, you haven’t seen the last of my shitty recaps and shitposts. 
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