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Pokemon x Digimon fusions by villiamboom on Instagram
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digimitsu-art · 1 month
Idk if you're still looking for suggestions on 'mons to draw, but I'd love to see your take on Digitamamon or one of the Seadramons - your more creepy/intimidating monsters are so cool
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Metalseadramon is one of my all time faves but I rarely draw him cuz he's quite hard haha.
Thanks so much for the suggestion! Might tackle Digitamamon in the future maybe!
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digi-lov · 8 months
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MetalSeadramon BT15-031, Puppetmon BT15-052, Machinedramon BT15-066, and Piedmon BT15-079 by Nakano Haito from BT-15 Booster Exceed Apocalypse
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
Since my previous posts on fish Digimon and mermaid (and mermaid-adjacent) Digimon got lived, fuck it, all aquatic Digimon. This will be a series of posts because there are too many for one.
I'm going to start with Digimon with codified evolution lines. For non-fans, know that while Digimon evolve through different stages, its much less linear than in Pokemon. While Pokemon evolution usually goes a to b to c, Digimon evolution can go more like a to y to r back to g then merge with e to become q. That being said, there are some lines that are clearly intended to be the default, often because they featured in the animes where evolution is usually a lot more linear than in the games and virtual pets.
Literally the OG aquatic Digimon is Betamon. It debuted on the first virtual pet alongside series mascot Agumon and yet its never been in the spotlight. I say Betamon deserves to be a major partner Digimon in some anime or game by now. I love this little frog/lizard/ wamp monster/whatever it is. Betamon also has a recolored variant called ModokiBetamon. Using a recolor as a new Digimon was fairly common in the early franchise. I generally prefer variants to have more changed about them than just the color. I also generally don't like x-antibody Digimon. To make a long story short, x-antibody Digimon are variants of existing Digimon that I generally consider to be overdesigned and ugly. Betamon has an x-antibody variant that isn't too bad as far as x-antibodies go, but it's still adding unnecessary elements to a perfectly good design.
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Betamon X
Betamon's main evolution is Seadramon and it's a classic for a reason. This sea serpent is a beast and played a significant role in the first anime as a monster of the week. It can also breathe out a stream of supercold air that freezes its targets. When I think of aquatic Digimon, Seadramon is usually the first to come to mind. It's also notable for having an x-antibody variant that actually looks good.
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Seadramon X
Seadramon evoles to MegaSeadramon, which is a great follow-up to Seadramon's design. The red body is nice and striking and that big metal horn can shoot electricity. Come to think of it, both Seadramon and MegaSeadramon were monsters of the week in episodes of Adventure where a partner Digimon unlocked an evolution. Maybe that's the line's specialty, they never take the spotlight but they play support to the heroes. MegaSeadramon has a recolor called WaruSeadramon which is just darker and evil. MegaSeadramon has an x-antibody variant that is so overdesigned I can't help but grudgingly respect it.
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MegaSeadramon X
The final evolution in the family is MetalSeadramon which is where the line stepped into the spotlight with MetalSeadramon being a major villain in Digimon Adventure. It was upgraded by the Crack Team (a hacker group that upgrades Digimon into cyborgs for their own nefarious goals) to become incredibly powerful and the fastest of all underwater Digimon. And according to the anime, it can fly. Unlike the others, MetalSeadramon doesn't have an x-antibody variant. Sort of. There is GigaSeadramon, which has the x-antibody and looks exactly like what you'd expect from MetalSeadramon X, but isn't. I dunno why.
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The aquatic line most people will be familiar with is the Gomamon line doe to its role in Digimon Adventure. Gomamon is a cute little seal. Specifically, it is a spotted seal, or a gomafu-azarashi. I really like this guy doe to its role in the anime as a laid-back and goofy partner to a compulsive worrywart of a human. Gomamon has an x-antibody variant that's fine, but I still prefer the original.
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Gomamon X
Gomamon evolves to Ikkakumon, a big, fluffy walrus with a unicorn horn. It looks like someone that would be great to hug if you can get past the fish breath. Also that horn can open up and shoot out\t a torpedo. Because Digimon.
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The next stage is Zudomon, who is now a humanoid walrus who appers to be suffering from hair loss. It's now adept at moving on land and in water. It also uses tools, wearing a giant turtle shell as armor and wielding Thor's hammer (despite what the English dub will tell you)
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The final stage is Vikemon, a badass viking walrus complete with the helmet. It leads an army of Zudomon and Ikkakumon and (in another viking reference) will go into a berserk rage in combat. It does lose a lot of the aquatic design elements, but I'd say it works out.
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While Vikemon is now the default end of the Gomamon line, for a while in the early days it was Plesiomon instead. I can see why they changed it, as the viking walrus has a much better connection to the rest of the line than a plesiosaur. I honestly thin it works better as an ultimate/perfect or champion/adult level than a mega, but I'm not saying no to a Plesiosaur Digimon. Plesiomon has an x-antibody variant.
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Plesiomon X
What do you get when you combine a cyborg sea serpent and a plesiosaur? Turns out a mechanical submarine dragon. This is Aegisdramon, who was created by the afore-mentioned Crack Team using data from MealSeadramon and Plesiomon. While it was created by malicious hackers, it mostly handles data analysis and will allegedly purify evil. When it does fight, it's an absolute badass who is probably one of the Digital World's ocean's top dogs.
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Syakomon was a fairly obscure Digimon until the game Digimon Survive made it a partner and gave it a defined evolution line. Syakomon answers the question of "how do you make a bivalve cute" by giving it a little puppy face. Weirdly enough, Syakomon originally debuted as a ultimate/perfect level before being retconned to be a rookie/child level, which makes more sense. It also has an x-antibody variant that is just atrocious. That's not fanart or concept art down there, that's the quality of the actual official art for it. Bandai paid for that quality.
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Syakomon X
Syakomon evolves to Shellmon, which is definitely one of the weirder-looking Digimon; a weird, amorphous pink monster in a turban snail shell. Sound familiar? Yeah, it's pretty similar to Pokemon's Slowbro and Slowking. That's because they're based on the same thing: the sazae-oni, a legendary Japanese sea demon that wears a turban snail shell. Shellmon also has a green recolor called MoriShellmon.
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Shellmon evolves to Mermaimon, which I covered in an earlier post. The mega/ultimate level is then MarineAngemon, one of the cutest and friendliest Digimon out there. While most mega/ultimate level Digimon are gigantic combat monsters, MarineAngemon is tiny and very peaceful. It spits heart-shaped bubbles that cause targets to calm down and lose their fighting spirit, meaning it disarms its foes with the power of love. It's based on a sea angel, a type of sea slug popular in Japan.
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Another anime-canon line that leads to MarineAngemon comes in the supplemental material for Digimon Tamers. It starts win Penguinmon or Penmon. It's a Digimon penguin, nothing really standout about it, but a solid design. It also has a tropical themed red recolor called Muchomon.
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The next stage is Dolphmon or Rukamon. Being a dolphin, it is very intelligent, but its thought processes are completely alien and nobody else really understands it. I think thats an interesting take on dolphin intelligence.
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The next evolution is Whamon, a very cool whale digimon. This thing is one of the biggest Digimon out there and so large that only a few computers can fully render it. Absolute unit. and in most appearances, it's been a friendly ally to the heroes. Just an all-around excellent cetacean. In the Tamers universe, Whamon evolves to MarineAngemon, meaning one of the biggest Digimon evolves to one of the smallest. I dig it.
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The final default line I'm going to talk about today is the Otamamon line. Otamamon is a half-metamorphosed tadpole that is also a singer. It crawls out onto rocks and practices its singing. While Otamamon prefers col water, it has a warm-water red recolor. It also has an x-antibody variant that is pretty ugly.
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Otamamon X
Otamamon evolves to Gekomon, which has an amazing singing voice and a face only a mother could love. They're born from musical data and are some of the greatest musicians in the Digital World but man are they ugly. That tongue gives me the creeps.
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Gekomon evolves to ShogunGekomon or TonosamaGekomon, which is where the line ends as they don't have a dedicated mega/ultimate level. It's still really gross to look at and still a great musician that leads choruses of Gekomon. I don't really have much else to say about it.
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Now that the dedicated lines are done with (the Jellymon line is in the mermaid post), I'll do more freeform entries in a post coming soon to dashboards near you.
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cenit-kemono · 1 year
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Posted using PostyBirb
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gotta-love-thesun · 6 months
Evil Digimon groups
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ultraericthered · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure (1999), The Enemy
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peculiarmarsu · 1 year
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Two of them
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King Kazul: She's the king of the dragons, loves cherry jubilee, and is a loving grandmother
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genericnam · 8 months
I haven't made a character study in ages, so I think I'm gonna do that and more, by discussing every single villain from my favorite piece of Anime/TV show in general: Digimon Adventure (01)
This is going to be pretty long, so look under the cut.
Digimon Adventure is a flawed show with relatively choppy, repetitive animation, too short fight scenes, and a generally poor soundtrack inn the Dub (looking at you, Hey Digimon!), but I adore it for the characters and story. Digimon tells a tale of trauma, hope, the effects of loss and grief on children, and what it means to be brave, and the villains that push the plot forward and reflect all of this are some of my favorite villains and characters of all time. So I'm going to break them down now, in mostly chronological order (I'll be using Dub names and info since that what I grew up on and have always used, sorry if that offends you for some reason)
Villain number 1: Ogremon
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Ogremon appears pretty early in the first arc as a recurring enemy and baddy. He serves as the rival and foil to the character of Leomon. Leomon gets hyped up by the main characters as the strongest active good guy on File Island, and if Ogremon is his equal, that makes Ogremon automatically intimidating.
However, Ogremon is dumb. He's easy to trick, and not too strategic, but he is full of willpower and fighting spirit, allowing him to tail the Digidestined across the entire island pretty ceaselessly. But that isn't for no reason, as Ogremon begins to work for someone pretty quick into his introduction... Devimon.
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What makes Devimon intimidating is his sheer presence, the respect he demands. The entire arc up until his introduction, every foe they battled (other than Ogremon), had been animalistic, or a good person at heart. Devimon himself is pure evil, he has no redeeming qualities, no light in his soul or kindness in his heart.
Devimon uses his Black Gears and Hand of Evil to brainwash and torture countless digimon across File Island, and his gears are so spread through the island that he can control the very land itself.
Unlike Ogremon, who is gullible and somewhat cowardly, Devimon is a cunning monster. Devimon tricks and manipulates the Digitdestined, brainwashes Leomon twice, and easily beats all of their Digimon when they finally fight him.
The only reason Devimon lost is because of the way Angemon fights. As revealed in 02, the Hand of Fate's power increases the more evil your opponent is, and Devimon is just so pure evil that it was a oneshot.
While Ogremon was there as a brute force enemy, Devimon is the first of many insurmountable terrors that really shows the Digidestined how small they really are in the grand scheme of things...
Moving on to one of my favorite characters of all time, and the second arc villain: Etemon!
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Etemon is goofy, that much is never hidden. He's a monkey that does an Elvis impression and rides around in a trailer performing music for his bumbling minions, but Etemon serves as a lesson that not every dangerous foe is so obviously dangerous. Etemon has a monopoly of the Desert of Server thanks to his Dark Network.
The Digital World uses a lot of crossovers from the real internet, and the Dark Network seems to be an embodiment of THE Dark Web. And Etemon controls it. The Dark Network allows Etemon to see just about anywhere and to take away the power that the Digidestined rely upon to survive: their digivolution.
Etemon is seemingly average on his own, but his true power comes in his coordination. Etemon's army is spread out, but it is powerful, and he can arrive just about anywhere with great speed thanks to how he sees everything there is to see. Piximon's hidden forest is the only place Etemon doesn't really have eyes.
Etemon serves as the mirror foil to Tai. While Tai is the Digidestined of Courage, Etemon represents hubris and arrogance. This leads Etemon to push a lot of Tai's character arc into place.
Now, once the Digidestined infiltrate Etemon's pyramid and get tricked by Datamon, Etemon shows up, and all seems lost. Datamon was the only digimon who was even close to Etemon's level, and he goes down pretty quick, but it's what Datamon does that really gives Etemon all of his best clout. Datamon fills the Dark Network with viruses that will make it destroy and consume everything they touch, before dropping himself and Etemon into it.
This seems to beat him, but NO. Etemon is too AMAZING to go out like a chump (or at least, that's what he thinks). Etemon bends the Dark Network to his will and instead fuses with it, becoming Etemon Chaos Mode
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When Etemon is finally defeated, his sheer power rips a whole in reality that sends Tai and Agumon back to Earth, leading to the whole reason DemiDevimon is able to sew chaos amongst the others. But at least Etemon's gone for good, right?
Anyways, Etemon looks and acts goofy, but that's because he's strong enough that he has nothing to fear in the slightest!
Next up is DemiDevimon!
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DemiDevimon isn't strong, or intimidating in the slightest. In fact, he's rather bumbling, but what DemiDevimon is good at is making other people better. Out of all the characters in the Digidestined, DemiDevimon is a major player in the arcs of Sora, T.K., Izzy, and to a lesser extent, Mimi and Matt. DemiDevimon doesn't have a whole lot going for himself, but he excells at making others look good, such as his boss...
Say hello to Myotismon...
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Myotismon is THE strongest Digimon in the world at the time of his introdction. Other characters eventually become stronger, but before Megas get involved, no one was better than Myotismon. He was part of the exclusive club of characters who got TWO signature moves, which include his Crimson Lightning and Grizzly Wing.
Myotismon is unique from other villains in just how well put together his plan and army is. Devimon had Ogremon and mind control, and Etemon has a good group of lackeys, Myotismon has a veritable army with enough firepower to conquer the entire city and kidnap 99.9% of its inhabitants within days.
What makes him even more fearsome is his personal feats. Myotismon is the character who really steps up the tone, killing several of his own minions on screen when they begin to turn on him or fail. But perhaps his greatest feat is that he got Gatomon to work for him.
Gatomon is a Digidestined Digimon, and the embodiement of LIGHT itself. Throughout the series, Light has regularly been shown to be the second strongest of all the elements, only behind Hope. Myotismon was powerful enough, EVIL enough that he sucessfully tortured the embodiement of all Light into being his right hand woman.
And when every member of the Digidestined team up to beat him, Myotismon reveals that he's done all of this in a weaker host, and he reveals his TRUE form: Venommyotismon.
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Venommyotismon is a Kaiju, and the first Mega level digimon in the series. He can very reasonably be argued to be the 3rd or 4th strongest Digimon in the entire show, depending on how you think he'd do against characters like MagnaAngemon and Piedmon. To beat him, the Digidestined had to activate the prophecy in order to unlock their own Megas, and it took a 2 on 1 for Venommyotismon to finally go down. This undead vampire king really just was That Guy.
And yet, he's not the strongest villain in the series...
Moving on, we have the Dark Masters!
The Dark Masters consist of four Digimon:
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and their leader, Piedmon.
The Dark Masters took over the entire digital world while the Digidestined were off fighting Myotismon, and they tore reality to pieces, reshaping the entire world into Spiral Mountain, a giant mountain of four zones, each ruled by one Dark Master, with their castle sitting on the peak.
The Dark Masters are the first digimon to use the power of teamwork in battle, and it really shows. They mop the floor with the Digidestined, and if not for Piximon's sacrifice, that would have been the end of the series. The Dark Masters arc is brutal, and with every member the heroes beat, it costs the lives of more and more of their friends. Sukamon, ShogunGekomon, Chuumon, Piximon, Whamon, the Numemon, they and many others were all victims of the Dark Masters.
The digidestined are only capable of beating individual members one at a time. MetalSeadramon gets beat, then Puppetmon, and then Machinedramon, until only Piedmon remains.
And yet, Piedmon still wins. He defeats every single Digimon the heroes have, including their Megas. And he turns them into keychains that he wears on his belt.
What finally puts down Piedmon is the power of the strongest crest unlocking its true potential. Hope. The embodiement of Hope itself, MagnaAngemon appears, and sends Piedmon through the Gate of Destiny, a portal to oblivion itself. NOTHING goes through that gate and survives. That is the only way that he could be defeated.
And yet, he is still not the strongest...
But we'll get to the final villain later, first... IT'S ETEMON'S COMEBACK TOUR, BABY!
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Oh, you thought he was gone!? NO! During the mini-arc where the Digidestined are battling Puppetmon, it is revealed that within the afterlife, Etemon has been putting himself back together molecule by molecule. Etemon is so willful, and so confidant, that he reversed his own death.
Etemon fuses with his Dark Network fully, becoming MetalEtemon, a being capable of rivaling Puppetmon in power. MetalEtemon doesn't stay alive for too long, but in his short few episodes, he kills SaberLeomon with relative ease and sends Ogremon into his entire character arc. Etemon decided that dying twice still wasn't good enough, and he cheated death for the sole petty purpose of traumatizing his enemies more.
But now, let's get to the final boss...
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This is Apocalymon. Apocalymon is the anit-thesis to EVERYTHING the digidestined are. While the heroes represent Courage, Friendship, Love, Knowledge, Reliability, Sincerity, Light and Hope; Apocalymon is Fear, Paranoia, Hate, Misinformation, Betrayal, Lies, Darkness and Apathy incarnate. He is made of the souls of every Digimon who died in the process of Digivolution, which means he is made of everything that the Digidestined relied upon to win.
Apocalymon created the big bads of every single arc on his own. Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon, the Dark Masters, they are all his creations. He is the ultimate darkness, so hateful and full of so much pure misery that he can do nothing except wish for the end of all life.
And he wins. Not in the Piedmon way where he beats almost everyone, no. Apocalymon KILLS every one of the digidestined and their digimon. He rends them apart, splits their molecules and data into nothing.
The only reason he didn't win right then and there is because of MetalEtemon. MetalEtemon's creation was foreshadowing, a sign that with enough willpower, you can cheat death. And that's just what the Digidestined do. With the power of friendship, they put themselves back together and reform their bodies, starting the fight against Apocalymon anew.
But they still don't beat him.
They can only fight Apocalymon to a draw, and he will not let that stand. Apocalymon unleashes his true ultimate ability: his self destruct sequence. Apocalymon possesses enough power that when he self destructs, the explosion will destroy TWO DIMENSIONS in the process, both Earth and the Digital World. If not for the Digivices containing the explosion, he would have gotten the last laugh.
Digimon Adventure is unique in that, out of every Digimon in the series, the VILLAIN is the strongest. Even MagnaAngemon in second place is nowhere even close to Apocalymon's level.
Apocalymon is the death of hope, the end of light, he is everything that has suffered brought to life, and he could only be defeated when he allowed himself to die.
Every villain represented something. Ogremon was the first showing of a threat that cannot be reasoned with. Devimon is the first brush with the harsh reality of the real world. Etemon shows that overconfidence will kill you. DemiDevimon shows that even people who seem like no threat can still sew the seeds of your downfall. Myotismon is the all too real chance that no matter what you do, some people will always seem to be stronger. The Dark Masters are a corruption of what can be achieved by working together. And Apocalymon? Apocalymon is the END. No matter how strong you are or how hard you work, there are foes who you cannot beat, and that you can only hope to cause their downfall. Apocalymon is the hopelessness that has condemed billions of souls, the misery and rage that will kill billions more. Apocalymon is nothing but the embodiement of everything that has ever caused sorrow... And that is something that cannot be beaten.
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murdercide626 · 1 year
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This is Pukumon, a Mega/Ultimate stage Digimon of the virus type, and though it may often be overlooked, there's something kinda interesting about it.
So, there was a series of Digimon v-pets called "Digimon Pendulum", and they each had a particular theme. The series consisted of "Virus Busters", "Nature Spirits", "Wind Guardians", "Nightmare Soldiers", "Metal Empire", and "Deep Savers".
Pukumon was a part of the Deep Savers v-pet, fitting with the theme of fish/sea animals.
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As you can see here, Pukumon was one of three final forms your Digimon could take, representing virus type. And yes, there's also MetalSeadramon there, representing the data type.
And of course MetalSeadramon is well known for being one of the four Dark Masters, a group of very powerful villains from the Digimon Adventure anime, and other Digimon media.
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Actually, each member of the Dark Masters is from the Digimon Pendulum series of v-pets. Puppetmon being from Wind Guardians, Machinedramon from Metal Empire, and Piedmon from Nightmare Soldiers. The odd thing though is that of all the Dark Masters, MetalSeadramon is the only one that isn't a virus type. As mentioned before, MetalSeadramon is a data type, which is a somewhat odd choice for a villainous Digimon, and makes it stand out amongst the others.
The conclusion I'm obviously building to here is that Pukumon should have been the fourth Dark Master, not MetalSeadramon. This punk pufferfish was snubbed! lol
Not only that, but Pukumon hasn't had a significant role in ANY Digimon anime EVER! And that is truly a crime, because this Digimon has so much character, and is much more interesting to me than MetalSeadramon, which doesn't seem to have much identity other than being generally cool. Piedmon is a devious and theatrical evil clown with weaponized stage magic. Puppetmon is basically an evil Pinocchio made from the wood of a cursed tree. Even Machinedramon has an interesting angle as basically being a mechanical chimera made from various cyborg Digimon parts.
As for Pukumon itself? Its official backstory states it's "a British Punk Digimon that was born when Britain's strongest hacker caused a mutation in a computer virus in which they had poured all the knowledge they possessed." It's also said to have a huge ego, and is constantly picking fights. Best of all, one of its special moves is literally called "Britain Punch"! XD
I guess they ultimately picked MetalSeadramon over Pukumon because it's larger and more intimidating, but I can't help but feel we were seriously robbed of having a hilarious and badass British punk blowfish on the Dark Master team!
Justice for Pukumon!
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ghosthippie27 · 2 months
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digimitsu-art · 1 month
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Metalseadramon WIP
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digimonloving · 1 year
Do you remember those "Death Generals meeting their tamers's abusive parents" headcanons? May I request same HCs, but this time for Dark Masters?
CW: Digimon threatening the abusers of their Tamer, near violence from few of them. Under read more due to context of it.
Piedmon is perhaps the most calm and calculating over this meeting. He doesn't let his Tamer move from his side, no matter how much the parents try to be sweet, slowly delving into demanding they come over. Piedmon may not be the best Digimon out there, especially being a Dark Master, but this Tamer of his... he'd protect them with his life - a feeling he never knew he'd ever feel but does - and if the abusive parents try to approach, Piedmon is quick to stop them in their tracks with his blades. As far as Piedmon is concerned, his Tamer doesn't have any parents... The other Dark Masters and him are his Tamer's family now. The parents should be lucky that he's sparing them, it's a mercy. But if they try anything... Piedmon won't hold back, keeping his Tamer's eyes covered if it were to happen.
Puppetmon is going to THROW. HANDS. The very moment he meets his Tamer's parents, understanding just what they put his Tamer through, he's getting defensive. His Tamer is his friend, and he's not letting them go back to them, no matter what. Puppetmon WILL hurt them if they come close because he knows what it's like to be hurt in such a way, and he and his Tamer have built such a trust together... He REFUSES to let them anywhere near them, he'll use his Puppet Pummel on them if he needs to if they don't leave them alone.
Machinedramon doesn't even need to talk to the parents. The moment his Tamer hides behind his leg, the large Digimon only glares down at them. He says nothing, only letting his menacing and intimidating presence say everything he would do if they dared to try and do anything to the little human that this Dark Master has taken a liking to enough to call his Tamer. He hides his Tamer behind his large metal claws, moving them so they didn't need to see their abusive parents, or he's not letting them touch this little human ever again - or manipulate them.
MetalSeadramon has a LOT TO SAY to these so-called "parents". The most talkative and the one who just won't let them get a word in edge wise. He scolds them, throws insults, and even threatens their safety greatly should they dare come closer to his Tamer. He's not afraid to hurt people, it's clear in how he acts. And he has the means to get rid of them, but won't because his Tamer begged him not to hurt them despite how they hurt them. For as much as the Tamer wished they'd hurt, just keeping the little child away from those people will be enough. As much as MetalSeadramon disagrees since that's too much of a mercy for adults who would hurt their own CHILD... He does make sure they know that he's keeping an eye on them, and if they try anything - he's not going to hold back, even at the wishes of the child he has grown quite fond of.
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atlas-divide · 2 years
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After a few weeks of only working on stream, here is Neo Crimson from Digimon World 2! I scrutinized the in game model over and over again to ensure every detail of Neo Crimson is as accurate as possible without any official art to accompany it. Hope you all enjoy!
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jthedrake2 · 6 months
Part 2 of my Digimon Edventure au, As you can see we also have the Kankers in this too. As you can see, I gave them the rest of the 02 partners since I already gave Wormmon to Ed so having the others here make since besides they fit the colors as well.
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As you can see, Their partners also evolve into the dark masters to both further connect them to adventure and to highlight how evil and dangerous they are in the show.
Now you are all probably wondering, who gets Piedmon then, well the answer is…
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Eddy’s brother! He gets piedmon, he also gets Devimon and Myotismon, the two other major Big bads of adventure and Demidevimon, he was in adventure too.
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While I don’t have a fanfiction for this, I imagine that Eddy’s brother who forcibly fuse the partners together for him to obtain Apocalymon.
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