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White Elephant: "I'm not above drugging a priest."
AAR #14 & #15
Session reports from my ongoing Lancer campaign.
Characters (LL 2):
Raiju (They/Them, Hacker 2/Heavy Gunner/Centimane/Nuclear Cavalier, Barbarossa 2)
Sunshine (They/Them, Grease Monkey/Technophile 2/Engineer/Juggernaut, Pegasus 2) - (player not present for session #14)
Rook (He/Him, Walking Armory/Stormbringer/Brutal/Brawler 2, Balor 2)
Daylight (She/Her, Technophile 2/Engineer 2/Infiltrator, Vlad 2)
Magpie (They/Them, Hacker 3/Technophile 2, Goblin 2)
Molotov - Via Sunshine’s Technophile talent - Projects as a small velociraptor - unshackled
Willow - Via Daylight’s Technophile talent - Projects as 1-2 squid - unshackled
Murgatroid - Via Magpie’s Technophile talent - Projects as a wizard? - shackled
Prometheus Antichiral - fork of a cascaded NHP from the Sanctuary Blue cloning facility - projects as a wizened old man - unshackled
Prev session writeup
Since they have some leftover cash, the lancers decide to hire a pilot for the bomber chassis Rook won in the dance marathon. They decide on Zephyr of Goblin Riot, and also allow Arjhet and Tehjra to tag along. All three are filled in on the fact that the Eye of the Tiger as a seemingly-functional blinkspace drive.
The group blink to X-9-237 to look for any information on the local blinkspace disturbances. The ship receives another garbled omninet message while in transit, this one seemingly a little more coherent than the last but still unintelligible. Scans of the planet pick up some kind of facility that still has power, as well as the fact that its atmosphere is both corrosive and invasive. There are also two wrecked ships in orbit and both seeming to have suffered explosive hits.
The lancers head out in their mechs to investigate the more intact ship. They find that its escape pods are missing and its NHP and flight recorder have been pulled. They are able to hack the computers in the medbay to discover this is the Pillar of Salt, ostensibly a merchant frigate but with possible ties to the Horizon Collective. The second ship presents some difficulty navigating through due to its radical reconfiguration but the lancers are eventually able to reach its flight recorder. This ship is the Electric Eye, and its flight recorder reveals that it's operated by a HORUS cell out of Metahome. It was here for the same reason the Eye of the Tiger is - to investigate whatever data the planetside station may have on blinkspace. Unfortunately they weren't expecting the facility to have such sophisticated planetary defenses.
This presents the lancers with the question of how they're going to get down safely to check out the facility. They eventually settle on using their mech systems to cover the Kingfisher. One hive drone, two false idols, some smoke grenades, and a couple of close calls later they make it down to the surface of X-9-237 in one piece. The facility's in bad shape, but the lancers are able to pull what data they can. It seems that the place was forgotten about by Union during or shortly after the ThirdComm revolution and the staff decided to take what data they could and leave. Some planned to sell to MilArgo, some to Rimtech, and a few went to Agatha's World to hand it over to the Church of Starcount Saints. That last one interests the lancers, as it implies some sort of theological significance to the data. From what's left in the facility, the lancers can piece together that there is some kind of anomaly in the local topography of blinkspace.
While debating their next destination the Eye's sensors pick up some kind of ship approaching. They decide to just blink out immediately to Agatha's World, raising the ship's Suspicion but leaving the unknown contact with no information.
No strange messages arrive at the ship during the blink, but Raiju does pick up a suspicious omninet message originating from the ship. They can't break its encryption, but they do determine that Arjhet & Tehjra have sent a message to the Horizon Collective cell on Metahome.
The data the lancers want is restricted, so they make their case to the Space Deacon in charge of the archives, who allows them to make a copy in exchange for allowing a member of the Church to tag along to record what they encounter. Sunshine manages to find the chillest member of the clergy, who they're reasonably sure won't be too interested in the Eye of the Tiger's blinkdrive.
With that settled, the group decides to travel to Metahome next to investigate the Horizon Collective and HORUS cells they suspect to be active there.
Next time: omninet slapfights?
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【度身訂造 • 美國白橡木窗台床 • 衣櫃】
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