#Messar robin bastar
tonariofjananda · 1 year
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Based on a this ask
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lilium-dragomir · 1 year
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bestbonnist · 6 months
was scrolling through ur blog and saw messar wearing a sleeping mask and realized it looks exactly like the one hairo uses!
Wow, you're right.
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I wonder if Fushi made another one for Messar to use or if he just stole it.
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sugaroto · 6 months
Messar getting jumpscared by the bear is hilarious
Also I forgot fushi couldn't talk that much when March was around
"Didn't know you were into that" Shut up Messar. March is in fact his mom. She may be five but she raised him. Well until she died that is
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ydotome · 2 years
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Kai, Hairo, Messar... Let's not forget them, okay? - Fumetsu no Anata e 2nd Season - Episode 15
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tonariofjananda · 7 months
FNAE WIP/Sketch Dump!
I haven’t posted in a while but I have been drawing! I’m thinking that if I post some of these, I might be more inclined to want to draw or finish some of these lol. Check under the cut for the sake of not making a horribly long post lol
My First FNAE Sketches:
The experimental pages where I was still figuring out how to draw everyone. I just look at these pages and giggle at how much I struggled with March and Gugu’s mask lol. I loved to draw Fushi the most though (still do, I need to draw them more…)
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(I also just realized I haven’t drawn Parona in a while. I should remedy that lol)
Misc. First Time Drawings:
Figuring out how to draw all versions of Tonari; A Baron Springroll for fun while I messed around with Watercolors; From a random Messar doodle to a full art page (my hopes is to have Zeno sign that for me some day) I have some Kai and Hairo art around there but I couldn’t find it.. huh; And my first time drawing Eko… this continues to be my favorite drawing of her that I’ve done lol, despite how sad she is ;w;
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I was really starting to hit my groove with the characters here! I hated them at the time but I feel so warm seeing how nice Watercolor Bon is and how cool Messar looks! And how sad Eko looks ∠( . ; 」∠)_
Oh there’s a picture limit:
Here take a silly Fushi for now! I sent this on discord once but never posted it bc it was kinda spoilery
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Translation: Fushi pulled a power-up out of his ass and revived everyone (including Kahaku) “Come back to life motherfuckers, I’m shredded as fuck!!!” (Based on Jojo art by tanuki.boy99 on Instagram!)
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bestbonnist · 1 year
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The special illustrations for episodes 11-20.
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bestbonnist · 1 year
Chapter 171.1
The battle between the immortals is played for laughs, but the way that each of their arguments is connected to their core character traits makes me think it's indicative of more deeply ingrained conflicts. Let's break it down!
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Tonari's same old same old. She feels indebted to the people she loves, Fushi especially, and believes that if she wants to be around them, she needs to be able to pull her weight. She doesn't think she has any helpful skills apart from a base level of poison resistance, so that's what she focuses on. Tonari puts a lot of emphasis on how "useful" it is when she dies, on whether or not her death helped her friends or not. She puts herself down and uses herself like a tool for the sake of the people she loves.
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Gugu is similar to Tonari in that he uses his body like a tool for the benefit of his friends. As an impoverished, abandoned child—also very similar to Tonari—Gugu thought his only attribute was physical labor, especially after he had his accident and from his point of view, lost his humanity. Gugu got into his accident in the first place because he put himself in harm's way to save Rynn. It's a mark of how little he values his safety.
The main difference between Gugu and Tonari, in this case, is that Tonari sees herself the same as other people, which is to say: bad. Humanity is all a bunch of assholes, and she's no different. Her friends are the rare exception. Whereas Gugu sees all of humanity as fundamentally good. And Gugu, being a monster, is below them. So Gugu is willing to lay down his life for everyone, and Tonari is willing to do it for the people she loves (yes I know she literally says she does it "for everyone" but she's only talking about the people in the park with her).
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Messar says that he's enjoying his life but he keeps dying in horrible ways. He froze to death nine fucking times and hasn't learned his lesson. Is that really enjoyable? It seems more like he's disguising a disregard for his own well-being as freedom. And as Hylo says, he has no purpose, so he's just kind of stagnant right now. It's, uh... It's giving depression.
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If Messar is too hedonistic, then Hylo is too restrained. By setting goals for himself, like saving all of Renryrr or becoming a baker, he's able to get a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that makes him happy. But he has no chill. Those goals are the will to live that he thinks are so important. Without those goals, he's no different than Messar. Only Messar is able to find the worth of moments spent doing nothing.
This is also literally the same shit they said in Chapter 165.1. This argument has been going on for five hundred years.
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Messar "left unhappiness back in Renryrr," referring to when Alme died. His reason for living was to protect her, he was literally unable to move after she died and got killed by a knocker. Moving on is all well and good, but if his recklessness is any indication, he hasn't moved on at all, he's just trying not to think about it. As Hylo—who has actually done the work to move forward after the loss of his foster mother—points out, you can't really call that happy. Hylo is so harsh on Messar because he used to be aimless as well. But Hylo found something to pursue in the Renryrr arc and Messar isn't even looking.
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In her first life, March agreed to be sacrificed because it was the way to keep the most people safe. She didn't want her friend or her little sister and their parents to be hurt, so she went along with Hayase's plan. She also died saving Parona's life. At this point in time her idea of a good life/good death was similar to Tonari's and Gugu's—that is, to use her death to make the people she loves happy. But as a ghost, she saw firsthand how much her death affected Parona. Being dead wasn't better for the people around her like she thought it was. Now the way she doesn't make everyone sad is by staying alive. She encourages others to do the same, as seen in this chapter when she chastises Messar for not taking care of himself.
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March also takes this into account during important decisions, like when Fushi consults their friends on whether they should take the Beholder's powers or not and she calmly tells them that the choice is theirs. A huge difference from the time she freaked out when they told her they would be losing consciousness indefinitely at the end of the previous era. March's way of living is at odds with Tonari and Gugu's way of dying, but they're all dedicating themselves to the people they love.
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Bon doesn't get involved in arguments, ever since the Renryrr arc he's relegated himself to a mediator/advisor role. He avoids having any contrary opinions and goes with what will placate the most people. I can't say much more about him because he almost never gives away what he's really thinking (sadly he is not a perspective character anymore), but this is definitely a continuing pattern. It's a shame because he's actually pretty good at decision making, although he stepped down due to the number of poor choices he made during the Renryrr arc.
Kai, and Eko don't care very much about the best death argument, which doubles as a "whose life has the most meaning" argument. I wonder if it's because they found a reason to live by working as mechanics and transferring their good points to people within the system, so they don't feel as insecure about it.
Well, that's that! I think their squabbling was a neat way to introduce the issues that'll be explored in this arc and to show how Fushi's friends have adjusted to immortality. The doll point blank asks them why they're alive, and in a roundabout way she gets an answer: they're alive to die.
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bestbonnist · 2 years
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165.1 color page!!!!
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bestbonnist · 8 months
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Seaweed crab/Japanese mitten crab. I don't really see the resemblance.
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(So Messar's line about being seaweed doesn't make much sense, but in Japanese the crab's name is literally "seaweed scraps" or "seaweed scum." Kani is saying that he looks like scraps ie. an unwanted toy after his seams get ripped apart. Messar responds to that by saying that they're able to protect what's important to them because they're both scraps/scummy/expendable/however you want to put it. It's a callback to the debate about who should go to rescue Tonari and Bon, which was basically an argument about who was the most disposable.)
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bestbonnist · 1 year
#171 "Where Power Goes (1)"
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Bon calls Tonari his big sister I'm gonna be so crazy about this for forever and ever.
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bestbonnist · 2 years
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Episode 17 preview images.
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bestbonnist · 2 years
#170 "Exit Plan"
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If you want to show your appreciation for our translation, by all means please share the MangaDex link around or comment on the chapter.
By the way, the official translation's getting rebooted in May! So get excited for that!
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bestbonnist · 1 year
Chapter 170
The title doesn't have a (1) on the end of it, which should mean that this is the only Chapter 170. But who knows, they've changed it retroactively before.
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I like how you can see tons of little screens popping up during the fight, because they always show up when a person's been grievously injured. That's how badly the doll is fucking them up.
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This would be the fourth time the doll has lost consciousness. Every time she does, she gets a flashback. Which we will hopefully get caught up on when she wakes up again.
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I really didn't realize this, but the group of bounty hunters and knife guy probably know each other, or are traveling together. Which is confusing to me because I thought knife was only looking for the doll, and the other bounty hunters don't think she has much worth.
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Messar appeared! Yay! But you know what's not yay? The rope attached to the bazooka and his distance from the ledge where it came from mean that Fushi only just resurrected him. The convenience of it makes it highly likely that he's gone back to throwing away his life just because someone can bring him back.
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Hylo, also, doesn't seem to care very much that he may have killed a man. To be fair, he doesn't seem to be a very good man, but Hylo in the past decided against killing a criminal during Renryrr. And then said criminal killed someone. Actually yeah, I can see why Hylo doesn't care very much. Where Fushi deliberately exposes themselves to other people's pain and maintains a belief that all humans are good, Hylo tried to do the same and ended up getting someone killed. And then, being the one to hand March poison on top of that.... he seems to be developing an immunity to giving a shit. I worry for his mental health.
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bestbonnist · 2 years
Renryrr Arc Voice Cast Comments (Translated by Me)
I am so not an expert in Japanese, so if you notice anything I should fix, please let me know!
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The role of Kai/Kase Yasuyuki-san
I was allowed to be responsible for the Three Soldiers' Kai of Loyalty. His battle with the knockers; his relationship with his comrades, such as Bon and Fushi. Throughout the story, if it's possible for me to deliver to everyone the best Kai that I am currently able do, I will be grateful. Please look forward to it!
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The role of Hylo/Ishikawa Kaito-san
I am Ishikawa Kaito, who will be playing Hylo. I will do my best to play the sincere, true, and immature Hylo. I will do my best to survive the present, and the past he has walked through, as he tries to cut open the future.
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The role of Messar/Miyashita Eiji-san
I am Miyashita Eiji, I will be playing Messar. I am proud to have taken part in Ooima-sensei's work. I cried over and over again while reading the original work, and the role I most wanted to play within that work was Messar. I would be happy if you could accept and love the Messar that I play in the anime in addition to the original work's Messar. Please look forward to his appearance.
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The role of Eko/Hirohashi Ryou-san
This is an incredibly difficult role. I always have to keep searching for what it means to utter a sound, which muscles I'm using, and what it means to communicate. I can never find an answer, but that might just be the same thing as being alive. I hope you can feel Eko inside this story, and find many valuable things through Eko's insight. Thank you very much.
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The role of Alme/Shitaya Noriko-san
I was really happy when the role of Alme was decided and I was contacted. As a princess, there's a weight to each and every word she utters, a refinement, a sweetness that she rarely shows. I portrayed that balance very carefully. I wonder what kind of fate awaits her in this Renryrr arc... Please be sure to watch Fushi and everyone else's journey.
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