#Merry Teacher T-Shirt
customizedstore · 1 year
Merry Teacher T-Shirt, Teacher Christmas T-Shirt, Christmas T-Shirt, Naughty or Nice T-shirt
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bedruil · 6 months
Opening Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by my friemd @thekuraning :3 Now let's see what we have!
(Also gonna add the gift fic I did becase it is published, just not on my ao3. SOOO)
Request fic for Kura (Pokemon, Professor Elm/His wife)
So getting mutated into a ho-oh hybrid by a spiked energy drink was a shit time (Understatement, it was painful and his favorite shirt had gotten torn as the wings pushed themselves out of his back)
Rough Awakening (Pokemon, Professor Elm/Professor Birch)
He hated waking up with a pounding headache.
All Alone On a Friday Night? (Pokemon, Professor Rowan/Proton)
Friday night in Sandgem. Usually Professor Oskar Rowan would still be busy or would be winding down by reading stories from his personal stash of books, and if he was feeling spicy, a trashy supernatural romance novel. Lucas was out of town on vacation, and the silence of the lab was only occasionally interrupted by the almost inaudible noises from some Cricketot outside.
A perfectly normal office party at OsCorp (Raimi Spiderman Trilogy, Otto Octavius/Norman Osborn)
Norman invites Otto to this special OsCorp event. He says that you cant go alone to the event/must bring another person and otto doesnt really question it. He will socialize, drink, eat and be merry and then go home for a gold nights sleep. It is a regular party after all, right?
Aqua-chan's and Jasper-Senpai's super sugoi kawaii ugu lovey dovey adventure!!! (Steven Universe, Jasper/Aquamarine)
Jasper was in her last year of school. She had been branded as a troublemaker by everyone around her, classmates, teachers, hell, it even seemed as if the headmaster herself was on the verge of expelling her. But it wasn’t her fault that she got in trouble all the time! She didn’t mean to! Ever since Pink-Senpai left….
Yellow and Blue Pearl find a job (Steven Universe, Yellow Pearl & Blue Pearl)
After a long series of events including accusations of treason, refusing to follow orders, and calling Blue Diamond a “Soggy Ghost”, Blue and Yellow Pearl had fled Homeworld to live their lives on earth. They had thought the rebels would house them somewhere after hearing their whole story, but apparently they no longer had vacancy in any of their bases.
Kevin, Ex-Human (Steven Universe, Jamie/Kevin)
Kevin had just finished another day being the simply the best. He had just won a bunch of races against those beach city kids (No sight of those two kids who could turn into a lady? Dude? Whatever, he won that time). He would get home, take a long awaited shower, and text his boyfriend. Maybe send a couple of risky pics. Kevin smiled to himself, blasted his music louder and rolled his windows down.
Too Many Cookies (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
Blue was heading back to her and Yellow’s cozy little apartment. She had spent the day with Greg, going to get books and tapes, and Yellow had opted to stay at their apartment, citing “she had important things to do”.
A Vignette from Prison (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
They did not belong in prison. Actually, correction, Blue did, because like a complete an utter clod she just had to accuse not one but BOTH of the present diamonds in the shattering of the highly beloved and esteemed pink diamond. Now from being esteemed members of society, they were assigned to make limb-enhancer components with common crooks! Extremely dangerous ones even! Their clothes had been replaced by red jumpsuits with no insignia (they were now unworthy to be even assigned a court!)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Steven Universe, Blue Zircon/Yellow Zircon)
It had been a tiring week. The same damned emissary of the court of nightmares had been turning her dreams sour. Why her specifically, it just did not click with her. In a certain way, this bothersome emissary was almost like her counterpart, same build, same long nose, even the same protective stone! Their only marked difference was in the colors they sported, the rival emissary dressed mainly in blacks with hints of yellow, while she sported calming hues of blue and hints of white, and their haircuts, the nightmare’s more spike-like and hers more of a sloping crescent.
First of damn, I almost posted here everything I ever posted akkdjfsdf. Also the two unfinished fics are haunting my nightmares aaaaaa.
Will say, I notice how as time went on my opening lines became shorter? I also tend to use some sort of pronoun, or the charaters name and mantion the current location.
TAGGING MOOTS THAT I KNOW POST STUFF @norobocock @jonphaedrus @tsukidrama and if anybody else wanna participate feel free to!
Anyway read rough awakening plz
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bjfinn · 9 months
(from a couple of ideas from the brightman arena on Discord)
"Okay, guys!" Dewey said after the Christmas concert. "That was great! You guys did a fantastic job -- I'm really proud of you!"
"Thanks, Mr Finn," Lawrence replied.
"What are you doing for the holidays, Mr Finn?" Katie asked.
"You guys remember Beej, right?"
They all nodded.
"Well, he -- he invited me to spend Christmas with him and his family," he told them. "So I'm gonna be in Connecticut doing the whole, uh ... family Christmas thing."
"We kinda thought you and Ms Mullins would spend the holidays together," Summer grinned.
Dewey scoffed dramatically. "W-what?" he said. "No! Of course not! Why, uh ... why would you guys think that?"
"Because you like her," Freddy replied.
Blushing furiously, Dewey shook his head like he was having a seizure. "Uh, well ... yeah, I like her -- she's a ... she's a nice person --"
"Not like that," Shonelle chimed in. "We mean you like her like her."
"Wha- ... uh, what makes you say that? Guys, Ms Mullins is my boss -- it, uh ... it wouldn't be appropriate for --"
"Whatever you say, Mr Finn!" Summer giggled.
He nodded hastily and pointed at her. "Uh, yeah ... that's right. Because ... because I'm your teacher, and you guys, uh ... you guys have to b-believe me."
"We believe you, Mr Finn," Tomika said, but her tone said otherwise.
"Uh, yeah -- anyway ... you guys have a great holiday, and I'll ... I'll see you after New Year's."
"Mr Finn?" Summer said. "We got you a present." She handed him a gift-wrapped box.
He accepted the proffered gift, stunned. "You did?"
"We all chipped in."
"Gee ... thanks, guys," he said, smiling. "That's ... that was really ... thanks."
"Go on -- open it!" Katie urged.
He looked at each of them in turn, and then unwrapped the gift and opened the box. He pulled out a black t-shirt and held it up to look at it. Silk-screened in rainbow colours on the front were the words "Educational Rock Star" surrounded by stars.
He blinked back sudden tears and smiled. "This is great," he told them. "I really love it -- you guys are the best!"
Suddenly he was the centre of a group hug. "We love you, Mr Finn! Merry Christmas!"
"I love you guys, too -- merry Christmas."
When Rosalie arrived at Dewey's apartment, she grinned in surprise. "What are you wearing?"
"Like it?" he asked. "The kids gave it to me."
"That's sweet," she said.
"Yeah," he agreed. "It's ... it's a little bit too small, I think."
"It still looks good on you, though," Rosalie breathed, placing her hands on his chest and moving closer.
"I-I'm glad you approve, Ms Mullins," he told her, biting his lower lip.
"I always approve of a man in a tight shirt, Mr Finn."
She pressed her lips to his -- a long, unhurried kiss. Her tongue slipped into his mouth, and his into hers, his beard rough against her skin.
"I like the taste of your lipstick," he told her.
"Strawberry Passion," she replied.
Dewey was confused. "Huh?"
"My lipstick," she explained. "It's called Strawberry Passion."
"Oh," he said. "Yummy." He gently licked her lip, and they kissed again.
Rosalie gently pulled away from him. "I got you a gift, too."
She nodded. "I was going to wait until Christmas morning, but since you're going to BJ's, I brought it with me tonight. Merry Christmas, Dewey." She handed him a box wrapped in silver paper. "I hope you like it."
He took the present -- it was large, but not as heavy as it looked.
"I'm sure I'll love it," he said. He started to unwrap it, but then stopped. "Wait -- I got you a gift -- we, uh ... we should open them together."
He put the box down and went over to his desk, where he opened one of the drawers. He returned with a small, square present in multicoloured wrapping. "Merry Christmas, Roz."
They opened their gifts.
Rosalie had gotten Dewey a sweater -- oatmeal-fleck with a Fair Isle pattern of diamonds, chevrons and zigzags in teal, black and white. And it was real wool, not synthetic.
"Wow!" he exclaimed. "This ... this is beautiful, Roz! How ... how did you know I needed a new sweater?"
She looked at him, amused. "Intuition," she told him, smiling.
"Thanks," he said. "I love it."
Rosalie unwrapped her gift -- the box bore the name "Zales". She looked at him, her mouth slightly opened in surprise. Then she lifted the lid and gasped -- the royal-blue-velvet-cushioned interior held a pair of sterling silver G-clef earrings inlaid with onyx.
"Oh, Dewey!" she enthused, lifting one up to get a better look at it. "They're exquisite!" She put it back in the box and removed the pearl earrings she was wearing, and replaced them with the G-clefs. She went into the bathroom to look at them in the mirror, Dewey tagging along.
"They look good on you," he said.
She turned around to face him. "You have great taste in jewellery, Mr Finn," she told him. "And I have great taste in men."
"I think you're right, Ms Mullins," he replied, his hands moving to her waist. He pulled her to him and kissed her again. "Merry Christmas, Rosalie."
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist 4 - aka. The Arm Candy Conundrum
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name | Y/E/C = Your Eye Colour
Start Here - Last - Next
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Unfortunately, there wasn’t a setting for ice cubes on your shower head. 
So, you made a mental note to yourself to ask Charlie for one and settled for plain old cold water to wash away the sweat and dirty thoughts. Which was still plenty cold in the underground bunker. Leaving you shivering as you quickly towel dried your hair and pulled on your most comfortable sweats. 
Smoothing down your still wet and tangled hair, in an effort to tame it at least a little, you hurried down the long hallway of the bunker and into Charlie’s tech dungeon in room 28. Your Network Operations Center, or as you liked to call it ‘Brainiac HQ’, was the true heart of your operation. Littered with files, screens and enough high tech systems to make NASA jealous; it was what nerdy dreams were made of. 
Or at least Charlie’s dreams, and your heists. 
This was where your very own resident wonder child hacked her way into databases, followed along on cameras and made all your fake identities believable. Though, calling it only Char’s was slightly wrong. Since Sammy spent most of his time there as well. Both of the team’s two teacher’s pets had their own areas in the operations room. With a separate space set up to accommodate the rest of your band of merry men when you were needed for in-depth planning and pre-con briefing past Bobby’s introductory preamble. 
You didn’t get your own desks. Since Dean, yourself and… Well, you couldn’t be fully certain about Cas, but none of you seemed like the teacher’s pet type. 
Hell, you’d never even gone to school, and you definitely didn’t play well with authority figures. You pictured yourself as a little more class clown than star pupil. Unless of course that teacher was Dean, and you were indulging in some more… Scholastic fantasies alone in your room at night. 
Then you’d be a really good girl.
This time, every screen was filled with multiple angles of the same overly bourgeois house. The whole place screamed old money in new hands, with its mix of good taste and trashy attempts at ‘modernizing’ it. Clearly Charlie and Sam had been hard at work while you were working out, or at least attempting to work out, with Dean. That was definitely the CCTV of the mafia boss’ home. Or at least the ground floor of it.
Luckily, that was exactly where the party would be happening. And, according to your man on the inside, the ground floor also housed the safe you were after.
“Right, so now that we’re all here,” Sam cleared his throat, a tried and tested bitch glare in place as he looked over your shoulder to where Dean was slowly sauntering into the room, a shiteating grin plastered on his face. His hair was damp and messy, and he’d changed into a new pair of black jeans and a very fitting AC/DC t-shirt to match his cover’s name. Clearly, if the slight flush to the skin on his neck was anything to go by, he hadn’t followed your example of keeping the shower short and cold. 
He looked hot, in more ways than one. 
“We’ve managed to hack into the CCTV already installed in the house. There’s only cameras on the ground floor, and only in strategic locations, at least from what’s tied to the CCTV setup. But we can use that to our advantage,” Sam said, dropping down into one of the chairs next to the literal wall of screens, as you moved to lean against Charlie’s desk. Careful to hide your small smile when Dean leaned against the desk next to you.
“You’ll need to memorize the blind spots. We want to be caught on camera as little as physically possible. We’ll erase what they have and loop the minutes before and after over it, but just in case they spot us swiping cards or scoping the place live on the night, it’s better if we keep out of the cameras’ line of sight,” He continued, nodding towards the screens just as Charlie’s fingers danced across her keyboard to focus in on one of the rooms.
“From the intel we have, the host likes to show off his wealth, so he'd be unlikely to limit the party space to just a few rooms. But this is probably where most of the people will be mingling,” Charlie shot in, nodding towards the large living room, littered with art pieces and small couches pushed against every wall. By the looks of it, they could fit a damned rock concert in there if they wanted to. 
Charlie cut off her own words as she furiously typed in a command on the computer. Splitting the view into multiple screens again, before refocusing the central screens on another room, much smaller, yet no less overly bougie. 
“This is the space we’re clocking as the most likely location for the safe,” Sam jumped right back in. The two of them worked together like the geekiest tag team the world had ever seen. If they were wrestlers, their stage names would be in binary.
“Other than the clearly forged Rembrandt, I can’t see anything that stands out from this angle, but I wasn’t expecting to either,” You mused, eyes locked on the screen in front of you and all business, even as your body reacted to the slight brush of Dean’s arm against yours next to you. 
“Bobby’s inside man wasn’t really forthcoming with all the details. He said the safe was in the house, and on the ground floor based on what he knew, but that’s it. We’ll need to scout for it when we’re there and confirm its location,” Sam nodded, hazel eyes focused on the screen for only a second before he turned in his chair to take in the rest of you. 
Each member of your little team was tense in anticipation and focused on the end goal now that you could see the finish line on the screens in front of you. 
These guys were going down.
“We don’t have enough details to plan for extraction yet. So on the night of the party we’ll have to; find the safe, plot the exit points and get an eye on the guards, plus whatever weapons they’re packing. That’s on top of Cas rubbing shoulders with the worst of ‘em in case we need the turnabout strategy and getting our hands on as many IDs as possible,” Sam was counting off each point on his fingers as Charlie continued to work her magic across the screen, bringing up new images over the still running video feeds. 
Yeah, you had your work cut out for you… 
And that was only the main plan. You knew there’d be extra little goodies to keep an eye out for as well. There always was. And as Sam fished out yet another pile of folders, you knew you were about to hear all about them… 
Fucking folders.
“We still haven’t managed to get hold of the full guest list, but I got snippets through some other, less secure, databases where some of the guests where a little too talkative about their invitations,” Charlie spoke up. Taking over again once Sam finished running through a laundry list of weapon types to look out for, people of interest that could be possible targets if they were there. As well as wiretap and camera placements that could help you collect more intel in the time between the party and the heist. 
With a quick tap of her index finger, the screen changed, pulling up a few very familiar faces, with some new ones thrown into the mix. You could feel the mood in the room sour as your shoulders tensed. Next to you, Dean’s body shifted, as if readying for a fight, as some of the most evil sons of bitches you knew popped up on the screen. If you hadn’t been sure that the party was a cover before, you sure as hell were now. With what was basically a who’s who of the biggest bastards the world knew littering the screens. 
Luckily none of your own former enemies from previous cons were up there… You were just too good at your job for any of those bastards to still be walking free. These guys however… These were the ones you’d yet to get enough on to warrant a heist. A slippery bunch. Each and every one of ‘em.
Including one of the slimiest men you knew...
“Dick Roman…” You muttered under your breath, (Y/E/C) eyes locked with the dead, nearly black eyes of the billionaire businessman and all around bad guy. Roman was a man all of you knew, hell… Most people did. As the owner of Roman Enterprises and one of the fifty most powerful men in America he was pretty much a household name. 
What most people didn’t know was that he was also big on biowarfare. One of the main players in the invention and sale of gasses, viruses and other forms of microscopic lethality. You’d yet to get a lead that allowed you to take him down, but you were itching to get the chance to. 
Especially Charlie, who’d once upon a time worked as a whitehat hacker for one of the bastard’s more legal businesses. The guy was scum… No… That was unfair to scum. He was like sludge sticking to the bottom of your sneaker. Black, viscous and annoyingly persistent. 
“Of course that dick’s gonna be there. We’ll have to play it carefully. He’s evil, but he ain’t stupid. If he makes any of us, he’s sure to make our lives a living hell,” Dean groaned next to you, one big hand going up to pinch the bridge of his nose as he shivered at the thought of the slimy bastard. 
“And he’s not the only one…” Charlie’s voice was trembling slightly as she looked at the image of a smartly dressed man next to Roman’s headshot. Jacob Styne… The Styne family was another big player in the American criminal underworld. Clearly this party was set to be filled with the worst of the worst.
The Stynes were, on the surface, a political family. With Jacob Styne being a front runner for future governor. Under the surface however, the Styne family didn’t make their money campaigning. Instead it came from generations in the organ trade. 
Politics cost an arm and a leg after all… 
The Styne family just chose to have others pay the entry fee for them. 
Unfortunately, they were currently untouchable. The many generations of Stynes had built safety nets upon safety nets around themselves. Including some untraceable accounts and a boat load of identities. Though you knew Bobby was hard at work trying to find a way you could take them down. 
“We’re really walking into hell here aren’t we,” You groaned, keeping your eyes on a nondescript woman in a grey suit; her brown hair up in a migraine inducingly tight bun. She looked like a librarian. A librarian you could tackle. At least that way you could avoid looking at the other, more familiar faces on the screen. The Bishops, The Thule cult, hell, even Astor, the crooked art dealer, was up on the list. And next to her, a man you really didn’t want to party with...
That man was a monster. There wasn’t anyone in the underground that didn’t know his name. Serial-killer and main mafia torturer, he was pretty much just a killer for hire whose loyalty was only with his own wallet and the pleasure he found in pain. Also… He was yet another example of mobsters deciding to just, not have surnames. Like, wasn’t that supposed to be a Madonna thing? When did the big bad jump on the bandwagon?
What was next? Pointy bras and too much hairspray?
“So… We’re walking into a damned pit of vipers. What’s new?” Dean finally spoke up, breaking the heavy tension in the room as he signaled silently to his brother to keep the show moving, and preferably remove the pictures of pure evil from the screen. 
“True, but they do mean we have to be more careful. Try to avoid anyone making you, and if possible stay far away from the worst of ‘em, unless we see an opening that could help us take ‘em down later on,” Sam sighed, leaning over Charlie, where her eyes were still looked on the Styne family heir and hit a button to change the images on the screen to a new group of faces. 
This group was much more welcome and familiar. Well, with the exception of one, that was. 
The faces of your own little group, sans Sammy, were smiling back down at you, fake names and all. And of course, there was Crowley. Luckily, if you squinted just right, you could crop him out of the picture, and better yet, focus in on Dean’s headshot. 
He always looked damned good in a suit. 
“You’re all caught up on your covers right?” Sam asked as he turned away from the keyboard and looked over at the rest of you. Not missing your annoyed little huff as you rolled your eyes. 
“You mean Alicia? I’ve seen deeper background stories for nameless stormtroopers Sammy. Fucking Stormtroopers,” You didn’t bother hiding the bitteness in your voice, even as Dean tried to disguise his laughter behind an overly fake cough. 
“Yeah yeah… Spare me the excuses. I know, the mafia’s terrified of a pair of tits,” You grumbled, looking up at the short bullet points next to each of your characters. Yours was just as short as Charlie’s. Neither of you needed much time to prepare your cover stories, even though you’d probably spend triple the time getting ready to go to the party. 
It was unfair. 
This time Dean didn’t even try to disguise his laughter, And the pure, brilliant sound of it sent the butterflies in your stomach into overdrive. Scratch that, these weren’t butterflies, they were damn attack helicopters. Yeah, you really loved making him laugh. It made you all tingly and warm. Even when faced with the mafia's particularly pungent brand of misogyny.
“Alright then,” Sam cleared his throat in a weak attempt to hide his own surprised laugh, before he gestured up at the screen behind him, eyes still on your group. 
“Cover wise, Castiel is the only one who should need to properly reveal his character’s background. Since Crowley will be introducing him to people as a possible investor. That way he’ll have easy access to get a full read of them, and hopefully tease some information out of ‘em as well,” As Sam spoke, Castiel nodded along. His normally stiff back relaxed and a slightly cocky smirk in place.
Your grifter always fell right into character the moment it was assigned. You’d be dealing with a strange mix of Cas and stranger danger from now until the party was over. And by the looks of the bullet points, his character was definitely ready to rub elbows with the big bad on the guestlist; weapon development, human trafficking, drugs… The full enchilada. 
“Charlie and (Y/N)... Your characters should stay as hidden as possible. I know you used to work for Roman Enterprises Char, but from what you’ve told me I don’t think we need to worry about Roman recognizing you. Try to avoid engaging in conversation and keep moving if someone tries to talk to you. You’ll be there as plus ones, so you should be able to rely on Cas and Dean for backup as far as covers go,” Sam continued, rolling his eyes at your childish frown. 
“Thank God… I don’t like talking to people,” The way Charlie whispered the word ‘people’ made it sound like the filthiest word known to man. The wash your mouth with soap type of filthy that was... Nothing like the filth in your own mind where you were still acutely aware of Dean next to you.
Sam only chuckled at Charlie’s words before finishing up the cover connection with Dean’s role. “And Dean… Your cover is as Cas’ business partner, but mainly in the way of ‘products’ and muscle, so you should be free to walk around. If anyone catches you eyeing up the firepower carried by the security at the party, you can lean into your arms dealer persona to get out of it,” 
On the screen, each new tap of Charlie’s finger brough new lines, tying the team and plan together. Easily mapping out the human ties needed to make your little group work within the confines of the party without standing out too much as individuals. All attention should be on Castiel, the rest of you should just appear as garnish to the untrained eye.
“Sounds good Sam. I’ll scout the guards with (Y/N), so she can scope out our exit paths, and...” Dean started, but before he could continue Sam raised a quick hand to stop him. Brown hair falling into his eyes as he shook his head.
“(Y/N)’s going as Castiel’s date. She’s the better pickpocket, and won’t need to move around as much past checking the exit paths and confirming the safe is where it’s supposed to be. Charlie needs to place cameras and wiretaps, so it makes sense for her to go with you Dean, since you’ll be on the move,” Sam said, nodding to Charlie who easily pressed a few keys and showed your approximate planned paths around the party, and the pairs you’d be in. Your smiling face looked back at you from the screen, sandwiched between Cas’ and Crowley’s... 
Damn it, you’d have to hang around the United Kingdom of Sass all night. You’d go crazy.
“Don’t worry Alicia, I’ll watch your back, and make sure to keep the main focus on myself. That way you can scout and free the marks of their wallets,” Cas was, as always, a true gentleman. Even if he insisted on calling you by your damned cover name already. 
You’d teamed up with the grifter a few times before, and you worked pretty well together. He always knew when to give you the space you needed to do your job without crowding you. And you knew he could control Crowley. The Scotsman seemed nearly subdued when Cas was around. 
The plan made sense, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t at least get one snarky dating remark in there… Maybe two if you were lucky.
“Alicia would want dinner first,” You smirked, raising an eyebrow at the trenchcoat enigma across the room from you. Happy when you managed to tease an exasperated eyeroll out of him, momentarily breaking his cover. 
“I’ll buy you a burger after we’re done with the case,” He conceded, which only helped brighten your smile. You never said no to free burgers. Yet, before you could speak up again to push for some fries with that burger, Dean interrupted you. 
“No, that doesn’t work,” 
His voice was deep and dark. So very different from your light teasing tone and even Castiel’s annoyed one. His lowered voice easily pulled your eyes off of Castiel and over to where he had pushed himself away from the desk, though he remained standing right next to you. 
“She needs to scope the exits, get eyes on the safe… We can’t just trust Bobby’s inside man,” His clenched jaw made the words come out clipped and short. Back straight and shoulders tense as he stared down the image of Crowley on the screen next to yours. The ice freezing up his green eyes barely visible under his long lashes as he kept his full attention on the screen, ignoring your questioning look. 
As always, Dean took your heists seriously, and you knew he felt responsible if any one of your little ragtag group got as much as a broken nail on his watch. Which was why he was always quick to react if he didn’t agree with a plan.
“We need the IDs and…” Sam started, clearly not seeing the challenge in his brother’s clenched jaw. Dean’s lips were pressed tightly together as he shook his head at Sam, taking a step towards him. 
“Castiel’s a great pickpocket. He can hand the cards to Charlie, who’ll strip the info and hand ‘em back. Easy... And it makes more sense. He can pull off getting close to ‘em better than (Y/N) can if she’s just his plus one,” 
Dean’s voice was like rolling thunder as he cut his brother off. His hands curled into slightly trembling fists at his sides as he opened his mouth to say more. Before clearly thinking better of it and swallowing the words down, hard. Choosing instead to tear his eyes off of the screen to stare down Sam instead.
“Charlie needs to plant cameras…” Sam wasn’t giving up on his plan either. When the two brothers butted heads it could often end up carrying on for a while. Clearly stubbornness ran in the family. No matter how infuriating it was for the rest of you.
“Yeah, but we’ve already marked where we want ‘em. Just choreograph her wandering the party, getting new drinks, whatever. Just like you’d have to make (Y/N) move to scout exits,” Dean nodded at the screen, still showing carefully plotted paths from room to room. The dotted lines made sure you’d all cover the ground you needed too, without the hosts or security catching onto you casing the joint. 
“Dean…” Sam’s eyes followed Dean’s to the screen, hand pushing the cursor over one path to highlight it as he got ready to lawyer up and make his rebuttal. 
But Dean wasn’t letting the younger man speak. His deep voice was all business, and when the former mercenary meant business, you really didn’t want to stand in his way. Even if they were talking about you as if you weren’t there. Which pissed you off, big time.
“Sammy... She should go with me. It makes the most sense,” Dean cut in again, arms folding across his chest as he kept his eyes on his brother and jaw clenched tight. 
“She’s right here you know! Stop treating me like I’m fucking invisible, ‘cause if I was I’d be a damn superhero by now,” You shot in, throwing your hat in the ring for the title of the most stubborn bastard of the bunker. 
You wouldn’t just stand around listening to them using you as an excuse for another fucking pissing contest. They both had good heads on their shoulders as far as planning went, but that didn’t mean they always knew how to use them. And that definitely didn’t give them the right to drag you into it like you were the last damned good toy on the playground.
“I know (Y/N), but this is the best way. The safe’s our priority,” Dean’s voice was warmer and calmer as he glanced away from his brother and flinched at the quiet anger building in your (Y/E/C) eyes. 
You really didn’t like it when someone tried to run your life for you. You’d had enough of that with the organization controlling every aspect of your childhood and early teen years. After all, you were a big girl, and you were fucking amazing at your job. 
No matter whose arm you had to hang off of during it. All because of the goddamn patriarchy. 
“I can…” You started, though you didn’t really know where you were going with it past some ‘I am woman, hear me roar’ lines to knock their testosterone levels down a few pegs. 
Yet, unfortunately, your bravado was short lived, as a gruff voice you hadn’t been expecting boomed over yours. Nearly making you bite your fucking tongue in surprise as you jumped away from the desk. Though you personally thought you did a damned good job at hiding your shock as you gracefully let yourself thud back against the desk with a sigh and an eye roll. 
“Boys! Stop actin’ like idjits. Sammy, your plan is good, but Dean makes a good point about the safe. Let’s switch the pairs,” Bobby’s voice came from out of nowhere. Drawing every set of eyes towards the phone on the table next to Sam. Your big boss hadn’t spoken up once during the whole briefing, but clearly he’d been listening in. 
Damn it, he was a ninja. A sneaky, stealthy phone ninja.
“(Y/N), you’re goin’ with Dean. Watch his back, case the exits and get eyes on the safe. That final one’s your main priority, got that? Dean, weapons and security, as planned. Charlie, you back Cas up and place your gadget eyes and ears along the way, Cas, you know what to do, you get our girl the cards she needs and she’ll strip ‘em,” 
Bobby didn’t give any of you a chance to even protest or, hell, agree to his plan. Shooting off rapidfire orders from the speakerphone on Sam’s desk as your little band of not so merry men nodded along like a bunch of scolded school children. 
“In the meantime… Sam, you’ll be running point on this one from outside the party. I’ll be busy on the turnabout angle, in case it comes to that, and greasin’ up the right legal wheels so we’re ready to throw the boss right into a jail cell if we can. Is that understood?” 
Once more your little group was left simply nodding at a phone as if it could see you. However, as the silence dragged on, it seemed your gruff leader needed a bit more of a verbal confirmation this time. 
“Yes boss,” 
Your voice mixed with those of the rest of your group, all groans, strict professionalism and tense nerves blending into a chorus. Each and every aspect of those many verbal emotions were just as present in you. Anger at Sam and Dean’s stubbornness, readiness to kick ass and forget about the names (you were never good at remembering ‘em anyway) and nerves… 
Fuck, there were so many nerves.
Ok... So, deep breaths. 
Now you’d have to act like Dean’s date. Damn it… You really should’ve practiced your cover better. You barely even remembered your fake name whenever he was around. If his hand had to be on your lower back, leading you around the room, you might just forget your actual name as well. 
Sam was a brilliant strategist, and he knew that having you at your best, meant also not having you at your damn horniest. So, your cover being any form of romantically entangled with Dean’s was a pairing that had been silently nixed for every other heist. EVER. 
Both Sam and Char knew you needed all your brain power for the cons. And with Dean around… Well, half of your brain went into maintenance mode; as your body had to remember how to breathe again and your heart beat its way out of your chest and into your throat.
Plus, with his icy eyes and tense shoulders from moments earlier still fresh in your mind, you couldn’t even manage another weak attempt at date snark to get another burger out of it. Which meant you’d lost your burger too... 
Everything about this con was just unfair. 
You did, for just a moment, consider warning him that you didn’t put out on the first date, as an attempt at your normal fake date snark. The same you’d normally pull with anyone you had to pretend to have given your heart to for a heist. This time though, that would just make you a liar. And though you were many things; a thief, a con artist, a spy and a damned good infiltrator, your mother didn’t raise no liar. 
Well… Your mother didn’t raise you at all, but that was beside the point.
There was no way you could pull off something as horrendously untrue as a snarky fib about first dates and your perceived archaic stance to them. Not with Dean. If it was him asking you on a date, then you’d have definitely invited him to your room to look at your pokemon card collection after just a cup of shitty bunker coffee. No need to wine and dine when the man himself was a fucking five star meal. 
Sure… You’d technically been paired with Dean on certain cases before. But your role wasn’t ever as his date. 
You were usually a secretary, or an art expert or something. Some form of cover that allowed at least a bit of breathing space between you, and didn’t involve hanging off his arm. But Alicia had no such background. Which meant you had to act as Dean’s girlfriend, or side piece, for the night. 
Was the world out to kill you? What had you done for Mother Earth herself to put out a hit on you? Was it the art theft in France? Or the time you might have, sort of, maybe, snuck into the Vatican? Or… Damn it. There were just too many items on your naughty list. Karma was a bitch, and one you’d been ghosting for a very, very long time. 
It seemed you were long overdue a death by heavy heart beats, frantic butterflies and dirty, downright filthy thoughts. And, as you glanced in Dean’s direction, you couldn’t help but think it’d be a hell of a way to go. Especially when your eyes locked with bright forest green as he beamed down at you from his victory over his brother. Looking absolutely freaking adorable. 
Yeah, the world was definitely out to kill you.
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typingtess · 7 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “Of Value”
The basics:  The team works to save a married team of architects with DoD contracts who were kidnapped in front of their children and nanny
Written by:   Kyle Harimoto wrote "Omni", "Merry Evasion", "Chernoff, K", "Command and Control" as episode 150, "Granger, O.", "Ghost Gun", "Kulinda", "767", "Se Murio El Payaso", "Assets"/"Liabilities", "Venganza", "Superhuman", "One of Us", "Let Fate Decide" (season 11 premiere), "Decoy", "Answers" , "Watch Over Me", "Cash Flow", "Fukushu", "Bonafides" and “Come Together” (season 13 finale).  He co-wrote "Three Hearts", "Leipei", "Humbug", both ends of the "Matryoshka" two-parter, "Smokescreen" part two, "Searching", "A Fait Acompli" and "A Tale of Two Igors" (season 12 finale). 
Directed by:   Diana C. Valentine who directed "Lokhay", "Fallout", Three Hearts", "The 3rd Choir", "Forest for the Trees", "Beacon", "Unspoken", "Seoul Man", "Crazy Train", "Under Pressure”, "Better Angels" and “The Circle”.  This is Valentine’s first episode with the series since season 11.
Guest stars of note:  Bar Paly as Anastasia "Anna" Kolcheck and Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor are both back from “Come Together”.  Gregory D. Gadson as Army Colonel Jackson Ladd, Sigrid Owen as Mila Curren, Regina Ting Chen as Navy Commander Cheng, Melanie Hawkins as Linsey Sandhagen, Lawrence J. Hughes as Emmett Sandhagen, Elester Lantham as Jerry, Dominic Zamprogna as Paul Figueiredo, Kaya Jackson as Sophia Sandhagen, Devin Looc as Ty Sandhagen, Matthew Law as Josh McCall, Alain Mora as Chito Aldana, Torshawn Roland as Jay and Glen Steele as Man.
Our heroes:   Are oddly paired up in this episode.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:   Wanted to be an architect when he was a kid. Sam:   Taking Raymond to a specialist in Orange County. Kensi:   Parent teacher meeting attendee. Deeks:   Getting in required time at the range. Fatima:   Likes the Lakers, especially Lakers games with her dad. Rountree:  Running Ops like a boss. Kilbride:  Searching for a friend.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:   Misses Sam while teamed with Deeks. Sam:   Absent. Kensi:   Not a big sister to Fatima, certainly not a favorite aunt. Deeks:  Writing essays and not doing calculus. Fatima:   Using the entirely wrong skincare products according to her mom. Rountree:   Arguing with Kilbride about college football. Kilbride:  Arguing with Rountree about college football.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not a mention.
Who's down with OTP:   Kensi and Deeks spent almost no time together in this hour.  The chatted about Rosa to start the episode and grabbed a bite with Callen and Fatima to end the hour.  Callen and Anna had a nice coffee run to start the day and some wine in the garden at the end.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Forget the bros, Kensi and Fatima were sisters doing it for themselves.  They had a lovely chat in the Kensi’s Audi, worked hand in glove to save the day. 
Fashion review:   Callen wore a blue/green/white plaid button down shirt.  A white with thin black stripes henley for Kensi.  A grey long-sleeve tee for Deeks.  Fatima is wearing a white turtleneck under a royal blue sweatshirt.  A denim jacket with a pink tee-shirt for Rountree.  A blue three piece-suit with a white dress shirt and red tie for the Admiral.
Music:   Lots.  This is season one level of music usage.  “Collect Your Things and Run” by Hot Water Music opens the episode in the teaser.  “L’enfant roi” by Noir Desir plays as Kensi and Fatima are taking out the bad guys.  “Blue on Black” by Kenny Wayne Shepherd is playing at the bar where Col. Ladd is drinking.  “Good Things Come with Time” plays while Callen and Anna are having a moment at the end of the episode.
Any notable cut scene:   Not today.
Quote:  Col. Ladd:  “When I was a junior officer, I was a door kicker.  First one through every time.  Every time.  Then I moved to Intel, where I protected and led some of the toughest, most well-trained men on the planet.  And you know what happened on Sunday?  I'm walking into the store.  Old lady runs ahead of me opens the door, looks at me with those eyes.  Like I was less than.  I was a damn super hero, Hollace.  And now I got some old lady's pity.”
Anything else:    A young guy is skateboarding down a street with a friend recording him.  As they wrap out this shot, a delivery robot, Yum Inside, tries to pass them.  They think about stealing the food inside when an older neighbor tells them to not to steal.   Things get tense until a van comes barreling down the street.  It runs over Yum Inside (RIP) with food and beverages going everywhere.  A woman runs to the older man and the skateboard crew yelling “stop that van!”
Callen and Anna are walking home from a great coffee shop near their new home.  She has a job interview with the Surfrider Foundation, an environmental group.  Callen is bit surprised Anna is leaving law enforcement but remembers she made up a story about working in an area destroyed by fires when she was looking for Katya.  They pass an older man gardening.  Callen has a Pembrook flashback.
Updating Deeks by phone, Kensi is leaving a meeting with Rosa’s teachers, who are impressed with how well she is doing considering the turmoil she been through over the last six months.  The teachers did notice that Deeks helped write one of her essays and that Rosa could use a math tutor.  Deeks thinks they should be the people Rosa turns to when she has problems.  Kensi agrees.  She’s ordering a calculus text book and Deeks can start tutoring her immediately.  For the sake of the economy, Deeks thinks they should hire a tutor.
Callen arrives to a nearly empty office.  Fatima is there with news that Sam is taking his father to see a specialist in Orange County.   She also mentions that Kilbride and Rountree are fighting over college football but she quickly tuned that out.  Callen is surprised – Fatima said she was a sports fan.  No, she’s a Lakers fan and a Lakers fan when she can go to a game with her dad.  Callen asks about Fatima’s mother, who is doing well.  So well, in fact, that she can focus her attention on all the things Fatima is doing wrong with her life.  Starting with skincare.  Callen finds this all interested so he’s joining them for the next family brunch.  Rountree texts Fatima – he's in Ops and they have a case.
The case is the kidnapping of Linsey and Emmett Sandhagen from their Westwood home.  The kidnapping was witnessed by their nanny, Mila Curren.  The Sandhagens have two children – a boy and a girl - and are architects.  Callen asks why NCIS is involved.  Rountree explains that the Sandhagens specialize in designing secure facilities and are civilian DOD contractors working close with the Seabees.  Callen details Kensi and Fatima to Port Hueneme to talk to the Seabees while he and Deeks will interview Mila Curren.
With Agent Castor, the Sandhagen children are playing a game in the interview room.  Juice boxes for everyone.  Curren is being interviewed in the boatshed’s main room.  She was getting the kids ready for school when she heard Emmet yell.  Three men with ski-masks were in the kitchen as she started down the stairs.  Seeing the men, she ran back upstairs and put the kids in a secure safe room.
Deeks asks if the men went after the kids – they did not.  Curren is confused since the house has a lot of pricy items, expensive pieces of art.  The only thing the kidnappers wanted was the Sandhagens.  Asked about any stress points in their lives, Curren is stunned – the Sandhagens are the nicest people.  Everyone loves them.  They took her on a family vacation with the kids to Hawaii.  There were no money issues.  Curren is upset for the children and Deeks looks worried too.
In Ops, the Admiral arrives, asking if Kensi and Fatima are at Port Hueneme yet.  They are about 20-minutes out.  He asks Rountree for information about a Col. Jackson Ladd.  Rountree finds some info but it likely isn’t current.  The address had Col. Ladd’s name removed from the utilities a while back.  Rountree asks about Ladd.  The Admiral calls Ladd the finest the man to ever serve in the Army in every conflict going back 25-years.  In his last deployment, Ladd lost both legs in a door breech explosion.  Ladd is struggling to figure out where he belongs in the world after being the best of the best and losing it all in an instant. 
Driving to Port Hueneme, Fatima asks Kensi about “the whole parenting thing” – easier or harder than they thought it would be.  Kensi says it isn’t easier or harder, just different.  She was so worried about how Rosa would be emotionally after settling in with them but things are going really well. 
Kensi asks about Fatima about Akhil.  Fatima thinks they are solidly in the friend zone.  Fatima isn’t sure what she wants.  The last time she was dating, she was acting, partying, going out all night every night.  After the accident, she changed everything about herself.  Literally, everything except her family.  Kensi thinks it is a good thing.  Fatima agrees but New Fatima doesn’t know how to do relationships the way Old Fatima did.  Kensi likes the New Fatima and is honored to consider her a friend.  Fatima is happy since she admires Kensi.  Kensi stops Fatima and tells her not to compare her to an older sister.  Fatima wouldn’t, she thinks of Kensi more like a favorite aunt.  That didn’t go well.
Exiting interrogation, Castor tells Callen and Deeks how much he likes the Sandhagen children. Callen thinks for their safety, Castor should take the kids and Curren to Seal Beach and have them guarded at the base.  On the plasma, Rountree has the Sandhagens’s financials.  No credit card debt, large savings and retirement accounts.  There is a vacation home in Hawaii.  Deeks thinks he and Kensi are just like the Sandhagens except for the vacation home, saving and retirement accounts and oh yeah, money. 
Signing off with the boatshed, Rountree turns to a returning Admiral with questions about Ladd.  Rountree hasn’t found any credit card or ATM activity in days.  The Admiral wants LAPD to do a welfare check at Ladd’s home. 
Finally at Port Hueneme, Kensi and Fatima meet with a Commander Cheng.  Cheng supervises the work done by the Seabees.  The Sandhagens were well-regarded by both the Seabees and the Navy staff.  Kensi asks about what the Sandhagens did for the Navy.  As soon as Kensi asks a question, Cheng stops and asks about the Sandhagen children.  She is relieved to hear they are safe.
The Sandhagens are civilian contractors currently working with on three of the Navy’s top projects.  Fatima explains that the SECNav has been in contact with Kilbride.  The three projects all have enhanced security since the kidnapping.  The three locations include a weapon depot at Camp Pendleton and an underground drone control base in the Mojave.  The third location was the Sandhagens’s “masterpiece”.  Kensi and Fatima were not briefed on that project and could only speak in person with Cheng about it.
The third location is a multiservice missile deterrence command and control center built directly into a mountain in a classified location.  Cheng can’t share the location with Kensi or Fatima.  The command center is responsible for over 300 missiles on US soil.  If a hostile foreign government or terrorist get control of that location, they could “take out most of our domestic military operations with the ballistic missiles,” according to Cheng. 
Back on the plasma, Rountree found a partner in the Sandhagens business.  Paul Figueiredo has some money but it all pales in comparison to the Sandhagens fortune.  And he has a ton of credit card debt.  They are all equal partners in the firm.  Deeks wonders if the Sandhagens are funneling company profits right into their accounts.  Callen thinks they could be selling classified info to the highest bidder. 
Paul Figueiredo is in the boatshed’s main room – Castor picked him up.  He’s sick about what happened to the Sandhagens and will do whatever is needed to help.  But first he asks about Ty and Sophia – the Sandhagen children.  He’s also asking if Mila is with the kids.  He’s relieved to hear they are all in a security location.
Callen asks about the business.  Figueiredo owns a third, Linsey owns a third and Emmet owns a third.  Looking at the Sandhagens’s financials and Figueiredo’s, Callen points out the difference.  Figueiredo is a bit surprised he was being investigated but he has nothing to hide.  He explains that while he is a partner in the military contracting business, the Sandhagens have a civilian business and he’s not a part of that.
It is Deeks’s turn to be surprised since there is no record of that business in any of the Sandhagens’s financials.  That was intentional, according to Figueiredo.  The business is held by a series of trusts so make sure nothing could be traced back to the family.  The civilian jobs were safe rooms in houses and businesses, “bug out” cabins in the mountains.  Wealthy people are willing to pay for safety. 
Figueiredo was offered an equal share in that business but he wasn’t interested.  Unlike the Sandhagens, he doesn’t live to work.  Working allows him to camp, hunt, surf, do jujitsu – things he wants to do.  Callen asks if he has any remorse about not joining with the Sandhagens when he saw the money coming in.  He doesn’t because the Sandhagens worked 24/7/365 to get the business launched.  And it was a huge accomplishment.  While Figueiredo does not know who the Sandhagens’s private sector clients were, he knew all business was done from their home office. 
Driving back from Port Hueneme, Kensi tells the Admiral they are about 40-minutes out.  The Admiral is going to send Kensi and Fatima a list of the Sandhagens’s private clients.  This makes more sense – anything the kidnappers could get from private clients would be a lot easier to sell than military items.  The SECNav is still protecting the military projects.
Deeks is blown away by the Sandhagen home.  Being an architect pays.  Callen mentions wanting to be an architect as a kid.  Deeks thought he’d like it too without the math and engineering.  Near the door is a group of fun family photos of the Sandhagens – family events, skiing, bike riding, just living their happy lives.  Deeks is horrified they were taken from their own home.  Callen asks about Rosa.  Deeks is in awe – Rosa fit in a like a champ though he’s pretty sure she’s really sick of him asking if there is anything she wants to talk about.  “Well, I think we all are at this point,” Callen snarks. 
Deeks asks about the engagement.  Callen tells him that Anna is looking at life in Los Angeles without a career in law enforcement.  Deeks is sorry that Anna wants out of law enforcement but understands better than anyone the downside of a “two badge family.”  Deeks starts talking about future Callen-Anna kids but Callen is happy to have found the Sandhagen office.
With Rountree, Callen and Deeks get a list of the Sandhagen clients.  The Admiral is now back in Ops.  There are a lot of banks, stores and high net-worth individuals on the client list.  Kensi-Fatima and Callen-Deeks are going to check clients near their locations, the FBI HRT will also help.
Rountree breaks the news to Kilbride that LAPD found nothing but some empty whiskey bottles and a lot of empty beer cans in Col. Ladd’s home.  The Admiral is waiting for another bit of bad news but the empty bottles and cans were Rountree’s sad story.  The Admiral is outraged.  Long before meditation and mindfulness unleashed by Rountree’s generation, “many, many generations before you achieved the exact same result using a combination of whiskey and beer.”  The Admiral storms out.
Kensi and Fatima checked out an armored truck depot and a fancy watch store.  Next on their list is a Santa Monica bank, a place called Even Mavrik and a high-end cigar and wine place.  Kensi wants to go back to Even Mavrik, which in Hebrew mean “brilliant stone.”  They are diamond brokers.
As Callen and Deeks leave and Sandhagen home, Rountree calls.  The client list was last downloaded a month ago.  Callen thinks it could be for quarterly taxes but the Sandhagens were working on a project in Port Hueneme.  Commander Cheng verified they were with her.  Mila the Nanny becomes a suspect.
Castor brings Curren to the interrogation room.  She notices it is a lot more cramp than the outside area where she was questioned earlier.   Deeks want to clarify that Curren was working for the Sandhagens since she graduated from Harvey Mudd, one of the country’s top colleges for engineering.  Curren explained that it took her a little longer to finish college because she didn’t have rich parents but she graduated with a computer science degree. 
Deeks mentions the $230,000 in student loan debt.  And while the Sandhagens pay well, with rent, cellphone bills, Wi-Fi costs and food, that doesn’t leave much for monthly student loan payments.  But even with all money going out, Curren hasn’t missed a loan payment.  She tries to explain that she’s worked hard but Deeks cuts her off.   He knows it is hard to come up with spare cash like that every single month to buy a money order from the local 7-Eleven to pay for the monthly loan.  Curren asks if that is a problem.  It isn’t, Callen tells her, as long as she has records for the incoming cash.  She sells clothes to Buffalo Exchange and they pay in cash.  It’s not a problem for Deeks, he’ll just get the records from Buffalo Exchange.
Nervous, Curren explains that her parents were so excited when she got into Harvey Mudd.  They just didn’t understand how much debt she’d wind up incurring by getting her degree.  She actually makes more money as a nanny than she would working and using her degree.  With a sick mother, Curren has to live in Los Angeles but it is impossible with the debt she has.  Playing bad cop, Deeks wants to know who gave her the money.  Good cop Callen knows that Curren doesn’t want to see the Sandhagens hurt and wants the kids to see their parents again. 
Curren explains she met a man in a restaurant.  He was so nice.  She now owes him so much money there is no way to pay her back.  The man wanted to rob a place the Sandhagens designed.  She never thought they’d be kidnapped, she never thought anyone would get hurt.  The man’s name is Josh McCall – Deeks is on the phone with Rountree trying to track McCall down.
Kensi and Fatima come up to the building  – a very locked-up building - housing Even Mavrik.  One of the vents has been removed.  Kensi and Fatima go in.
Josh McCall, according to Rountree, has been in and out of the system his entire life.  DUI, assault, grand theft auto to name a few of his crimes.  LAPD RHD believes he is working with Chito Aldana, who runs a high-end heist crew.  They robbed an art gallery in Beverly Hills recently.  Callen and Deeks are going to check out McCall’s home.
Kensi and Fatima are checking out the insides of Even Mavrik.  While they are looking around, Aldana is checking in with McCall.  He wants to know what is taking so long.  The diamond dealers locked themselves inside in their diamond vault.  Since the Sandhagens built them, they can probably get into the vaults.  Kensi and Fatima worry that once the Sandhagens get into the vault, they’ve outlived their usefulness.  Kensi tries to call the office but there is no service.  Without their cellphones or ability to use their guns (too much noise), Kensi and Fatima have to rescue the Sandhagens on their own.
Callen, Deeks and the tactical team go into McCall’s home.  It’s empty.  Deeks keeps talking and Callen misses Sam.  Deeks finds some lottery tickets and is bothered that Callen misses Sam.  He sends a photo of the tickets to Rountree.
The Admiral and Rountree are concerned that Kensi and Fatima are offline.  Rountree goes back to when they last had cell service and found that McCall and Aldana have a scrambler.  He has no idea where they are.
A guard is walking through Ever Mavrik when Fatima stun guns him.  As she and Kensi hide his body, a co-criminal calls for the guard.  Kensi puts him in choke hold.  She drags him to the room with the guard.  Taping both of the bad guys’ mouths closed, the women lock the men into a janitor’s closet. 
Outside the vault, Kensi tells Fatima she sees the Sandhagens working on the vault.  McCall starts yelling that Red and Bobby are gone.  Kensi and Fatima hide while McCall and Aldana talk.  Aldana thinks Red and Bobby ran but McCall has Red’s guard hat.  It fell off during the struggle with Fatima.  Aldana believes the facility has more real guards on duty.  Aldana wants the guards found now.  “You won’t leave this building alive.”
Rountree traced the lottery tickets to a gas station outside of Ever Mavrik.  Callen and Deeks are on their way.  Deeks asks if Kensi and Fatima are on their way.  Rountree mentions they are missing and Deeks is not pleased.  “Find them.”
As the Sandhagens manually drill through the vault, Aldana is getting impatient.  When Emmett tells Aldana it will take as long as it takes, that gets Emmett a gun pointed at his chin.  Fatima wants to go in but Kensi stops her – Aldana needs the Sandhagens.  McCall returns with an extra goon.  Extra goon is going to stay with the Sandhagens, Aldana and McCall are going to search the building.  Kensi is going to distract Aldana and McCall while Fatima works to rescue to the Sandhagens.
Kensi breaks some glass on the first floor so Aldana and McCall are on the move.
Deeks tells Rountree he and Callen are five minutes out.  When he asks about Kensi, Rountree doesn’t haven an answer. 
Aldana finds a door ajar.  Opening the door, he finds Red and Bobby.  Kensi finds a pipe and whacks Aldana in the head.  He joins Red and Bobby in the unexpected nap room.
While the Sandhagens are working, the goon hears some noise from a printer room.  He find a copy machine making hundreds of copies of a smiley face.  Fatima comes up from behind him and starts beating him with her baton.  Several kicks to the head later, the goon is out cold on the ground. 
On the first floor, McCall gets several shots off at Kensi.  The two have a good old fashion fight.  He tosses her around, she does the same.  She gets him into a sleeper hold and the Rock would be proud as how quickly he went down. 
Fatima gets the diamond brokers out of the vault.  The Sandhagens are assured their children are safe.  They are incredibly grateful. 
LAPD is taking the bad guys away.  The Sandhagens are facetiming with their kids, who are happy Agent Castor got them ice cream.  LAPD is bringing them home.
The team recap the case.  Fatima is thirsty.  Deeks knows about a Cuban place nearby.  Kensi is hungry and Callen is paying.
At a bar, Col. Ladd is drinking alone.  The Admiral joins him, wondering why Ladd “no-showed” a job interview.  Ladd is grateful for what the Admiral and “the guys” are trying to do for him but he’d rather “do a deep dive with a weight belt and no tank” than do phone sales in a cubicle.  The Admiral admits the job wasn’t the best match for Ladd.  Ladd explains that he was a door kicker as a junior officer – the first one in every time he was sent out on a mission.  When he moved to Intel, he led the toughest, best trained soldiers in the world.  On Sunday, he was going to the supermarket and an old lady ran to help him at the front door.  He felt that she saw him as “less than”.
The Admiral agrees that Ladd was never meant for the private sector.  Ladd was a soldier, always was, always will be.  Getting him a job with people who don’t understand that was a mistake.  And if Ladd puts his drink down, the Admiral will get him a job fit for a soldier.  Ladd doesn’t want charity.  This isn’t charity.  Kilbride won’t be holding the door open for Ladd.  The Admiral leaves.  Ladd stands up with the help of a cane. 
Callen and Anna are hanging out in their garden, sipping wine.  Anna got the job but didn’t take it.  She would be in the office all day and it wasn’t what she was trained for.  Instead, she looking at a company that specializes in finding kidnapped children.  She isn’t sure that what she wants either.  Anna turns the conversation to Callen.  She knows he thought he saw Pembrook earlier that day.  He says he did.  She understands that he needs to track Pembrook down.  “But,” Callen says.  So much had to go right for the two of them to wind up together, maybe they should just enjoy the good.
What head canon can be formed from here:    The Kensi-Fatima scene during the ride up to Port Hueneme was terrific.  The program did a great job over the year with the Kensi-Nell friendship and there, they were planting the seeds for a Kensi-Fatima friendship.
The Admiral’s whiskey and beer rant looked like it had Caleb Castille laughing just a bit.
Col. Ladd was a character this program needed years ago.  In seasons one and two, Daniel Hugh Kelly popped up as an unnamed military person who knew things.  The program needed that type of character.  Kilbride was that character for a while until Nell decided running off with Eric was more fun than running the team.
Finally, this episode had a Covid season feel.  Everyone was siloed with another team member and basically worked that that member only.  Yes, Callen had a chat with Fatima but that was in a perfectly empty office.  There was a short scene with most of the team (save Kensi) in Ops and the meet-up at the end.  Not a bad episode but I like the team when they work together.
Episode number:     Season 14, episode two.  This is 304 overall. 
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.17
Bugloss Day (French Republic)
Children’s Day (Norway)
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Dia das Letras Galegas (Spain)
DIPG Awareness Day
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Dogbert Day (Dilbert)
Dressed to the Nines Day
Falling Off a Log Night
Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
Firefighters’ Day (Latvia)
Galacian Literature Day (Spain)
International Art of Giving Day
International Child Helpline Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
International Internet Day
International Twm Sion Cati Day (UK)
King Arthur Day
Liberation Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 7.25]
Minecraft Day
National Book Day (Indonesia)
National Curves Day (Illinois)
National Cyber Safety Awareness Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Donkey Welfare Day (Kenya)
National Emo Day for Women
National Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
National Graduation Day
National Graduation Tassel Day
National Idaho Day
National Linda Day
National Numeracy Day (UK)
National Pinkfix Day
National Real Estate Day
National VA2K Walk & Roll Day
National Work From Home Day (UK)
Navy Day (Argentina)
Pack Rat Day
Peasant Day (a.k.a. Agrarian Reform; Cuba)
Pink Shirt Day (New Zealand)
Railroad Day
Raja Day (Perlis, Malaysia)
Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thailand)
Rubber Band Day
Slottsplassen (Norway)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day (UK)
Supermodel Day
Tell An Umpire "I Love Your Outfit" Day
Uff Da Day (North Dakota)
Walk Safely to School Day (Australia)
Watch A Baby Fall Asleep Day
Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day
World Horticulture Day
World Hypertension Day
World Information Society Day (UN)
World Necrotizing Enterocolitis Awareness Day
World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day
World Orienteering Day
World Recycling Day
World Stationary Day
World Telecommunication Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Cobbler Day
National Mushroom Hunting Day
National Walnut Day
Pinot Grigio Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Constitution Day (a.k.a. Seventeenth of May or Syttende Mai; Norway; 1814)
Kappan Empire (a.k.a. Holy Empire of the Kappa; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Syttende Mai (Constitution Day; Norway; from Denmark, 1814)
3rd Friday in May
Arbour Day (Prince Edward Island, Canada) [3rd Friday]
Asakusa Sanja Matsuri begins (Geisha parade) [3rd Friday]
Ascension Friday (Belgium) [Friday closest to Ascension]
Bike-to-Work Day (US) [3rd Friday]
Endangered Species Day [3rd Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fountain Pen Friday [3rd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Virtual Assistants’ Day [3rd Friday]
NASCAR Day [3rd Friday]
National Bike to Work Day [3rd Friday]
National Defense Transportation Day [3rd Friday]
National Pizza Party Day [3rd Friday]
National Wear Blue Day [3rd Friday]
Native Nonprofit Day [3rd Friday]
O. Henry Pun Off Day [3rd Friday]
Teacher’s Day (Florida) [3rd Friday]
Wear Red for VEDS Day [3rd Friday]
World Meditation Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 17 (2nd Full Week)
Mike, the Headless Chicken Weekend [3rd Friday & Saturday]
Festivals Beginning May 17, 2024
Aalborg Carnival (Aalborg, Denmark) [thru 5.25]
Anderson Valley Pinot Festival (Anderson Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Spring (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Bath Festival (Bath, England) [thru 5.20]
Bayou Bon Vivant Cajun Music, Food & Art Celebration (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.19]
Beaufort Music Festival (Beaufort, South Carolina) [thru 5.18]
Chocolate Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 5.19]
Crawfish Festival (Fountain Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Fort Worth Zoo Annual Beastro (Fort Worth, Texas)
Georgia Mountain Fire & Smoke Cooking Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.18]
Hangout Music Festival (Gulf Shores, Alabama) [thru 5.19]
Hermann Maifest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.19]
Karneval der Kulturen (Berlin, Germany( [thru 5.20]
Magnolia Blossom Festival & World Championship Steak Cook-Off (Magnolia, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Manchester Jazz Festival (Manchester, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moers Festival (Moers, Germany) [thru 5.20]
Morel Mushroom Festival (Muscoda, Wisconsin) [thru 5.18]
Motor City Comic Con (Novi, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
New Jersey Seafood Festival (Belmar, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
North Carolina Potato Festival (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) [thru 5.19]
OC Greek Food Festival (Anaheim, California) [thru 5.19]
Oregon Homebrew Festival (Corvallis, Oregon) [thru 5.18]
Palm Beach Ribs, Wings & Rock Festival (Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
Picklefest (Atkins, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Preston Trout Days (Preston, Minnesota) [thru 5.19]
Rhubarb Festival (Intercourse, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.18]
Stockton Flavor Fest (Stockton, California) [thru 5.19]
Taste of Maplewood Street Festival (Maplewood, Missouri) [thru 5.18]
Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival (Temecula, California) [thru 5.19]
Wave-Gotik-Treffen (Leipzig, Germany) [thru 5.20]
The WhiskyX (Brooklyn, New York)
World Expo of Beer (Frankenmuth, Michigan) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
A.J. Casson (Artology)
Antonius (Positivist; Saint)
Bruno of Wurzburg (Christian; Saint)
Cathan (Christian; Saint)
Dave Sim (Artology)
Dea Dia (Goddess of the Cosmos; Ancient Rome)
Eugene (Muppetism)
Falling Off a Log Night (Shamanism)
Feast of ‘Azamat (Baha'i)
Gio Nicola Buhagiar (Artology)
Giulia Salzano (Christian; Saint)
Karl Burman (Artology)
Laval Homeboy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Let Your Star Shine Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maden of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Madron (a.k.a. Madern (Christian; Saint)
Maxime Emile Louis Maufra (Artology)
Mifune Matsuri (Boat Festival; Japan)
Neo-Pagan Fertility Ritual (Philippines; Everyday Wicca)
Ogham (Celtic Book of Days)
Paschal Baylon (Christian; Saint)
Restituta (Christian; Saint)
Silave (Christian; Saint)
Single Malt Whisky Day (Pastafarian)
Sjofn’s Blot (Pagan)
William Hobart Hare (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 137 [33 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [23 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 57]
Un Giorno Nero (A Black Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th] (1 of 1 for 2024)
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
All Men Are Mortal, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1946)
At Dawn We Spley, by Gordon W. Prange (Historical Novel; 1982)
Babel-17, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1966)
Bad Blood, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2015)
Blurryface, by Twenty One Pilots (Album; 2015)
Bon Voyage! (Film; 1962)
Catch-22 (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
Cinderella Goes to a Party (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Comic Cuts, by Alfred Harmsworth (UK Comic; 1890) [1st regular comic published]
Don’t Look Back (Documentary Film; 1967)
Five Puppets (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Gentle On My Mind, recorded by Glen Campbell (Song; 1967)
Godspell (Off-Broadway Musical; 1971)
Grin and Share It, featuring Droopy (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Groove Me, recorded by King Floyd (Song; 1970)
The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1972) [chronicles of Amber #2]
History of Modern Art, by H. Harvard Arnason (Art History; 1968)
Hobo Bobo (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
If (Animated Film; 2024)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Film; 2002)
In a Lonely Place (Film; 1950)
Information Please (Radio Quiz Show; 1938)
The Inimitable Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1923)
John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum (Film; 2019)
King Porter Stomp, recorded by Teddy Hill, featuring Dizzy Gillespie (Song; 1937)
La Planète des Singes (The Planet of the Apes), by Pierre Boulle (Novel; 1963)
Le Quiet Squad (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1976)
Mesmerize, by System of a Down (Album; 2005)
Mr. Big Stuff, recorded by Jean Knight (Song; 1970)
My Mortal Enemy, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1926)
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2006)
Pink of the Litter (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Puss in Boots (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Random Access Memories, by Daft Punk (Album; 2013)
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean (Novella’ 1976)
The Rookie Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
See You Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Shéhérazade, by Maurice Ravel (Song Cycle; 1904)
Shutter Bug (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Stay (I Missed You), by Lisa Loeb (Song; 1994)
The Sultan’s Cat, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Swiss Ski Yodelers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Thank God It’s Friday (Film; 1978)
The Tree of Life (Film; 2011)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
Uthal, by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul (Opera; 1806)
Wacky-Bye Baby (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1948)
What About Bob? (Film; 1991)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (Novel; 1900)
Today’s Name Days
Dietmar, Pascal, Walter (Austria)
Gizela, Heraklije, Paškal, Paško (Croatia)
Aneta (Czech Republic)
Bruno (Denmark)
Taido, Taidur, Taimar, Taimo, Taivo (Estonia)
Maila, Maili, Mailis, Maisa, Rebekka (Finland)
Pascal (France)
Antonella, Dietmar, Pascal (Germany)
Andronikos, Iounia, Junia, Solon (Greece)
Paszkál (Hungary)
Pasquale, Restituta (Italy)
Dailis, Herberts (Latvia)
Bazilė, Gailė, Paskalis, Virkantas (Lithuania)
Harald, Ragnhild (Norway)
Bruno, Herakliusz, Paschalis, Sławomir, Torpet, Weronika, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Andronic (România)
Gizela (Slovakia)
Pascual (Spain)
Rebecka, Ruben (Sweden)
Pascal, Pascha, Pascual, Turner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 138 of 2024; 228 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 10 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 18 Magenta; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 May 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Caesar (5th Month) [Antonius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 60 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 28 of 31)
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mariacallous · 1 year
The first video Rachel Griffin-Accurso uploaded to YouTube is so bare-bones, it looks like she’s being held hostage and forced to croon children’s tunes.
It was an experiment, through and through. “I ordered a green screen from Amazon and Googled ‘how to use a green screen with iMovie,’” Griffin-Accurso says of recording that first clip. She was a preschool teacher, not a content creator; she used a camera she found in her house, recording herself by setting the camera on a pile of books so it’d be at the right height. The results are … fine. She stands in front of a chintzy-looking cartoon sea floor in a red shirt and thick headband, singing a ditty a cappella. (“One little blue fish, swimming in the water …”) The two-minute video ends with her waving to the camera, then cuts to a generic graphic asking people to like and subscribe.
It feels slanderous to write about this clip’s shortcomings now, because Rachel Griffin-Accurso is (probably by my estimation, and definitely by my 1-year-old son’s estimation) the finest entertainer for young children working today.
Since uploading that first video in February 2019, she’s gone from a New York–based educator dabbling in digital content to Ms. Rachel, toddler-whisperer extraordinaire, with millions of devoted followers. Her YouTube show, originally called Songs for Littles but recently renamed Ms. Rachel, is an interactive, thoughtful addition to the children’s canon; it now has a cast of merry singing adults, live instrumentals, and puppets, too. It has a modern-day, DIY Sesame Street vibe, with an emphasis on language development that has converted speech therapists into ardent boosters. Linger long enough outside a daycare, and you’ll spot a mom wearing a “Running on Ms. Rachel and Iced Coffee” T-shirt.
Griffin-Accurso’s rise wouldn’t have happened in a different children’s media landscape. She started recording videos because she’d gone looking for language-development-focused programming for her young son, who had a speech delay, and didn’t find what she wanted. “He’s such a visual learner,” she says. “I just thought it would really help him.”
She didn’t know anyone in the television industry, or even how one would go about pitching a series. “I felt like I had a strong show,” she says. “But I didn’t have connections.”
She didn’t even really have a staff or a fleshed-out project, instead learning as she went. Her husband, Aron Accurso, turned into a castmate; a composer and musical director with Broadway experience, he also oversees the show’s music, helps with editing, and moonlights as a puppeteer. Singer-songwriter Jules Hoffman, now another cast mainstay, got the gig initially by answering an online ad in 2019. “I literally opened up Craigslist, I typed in ‘children’s music,’ I saw Rachel’s ad—no pictures, one sentence,” they remember. “Then we met up and hit it off.” While traditional children’s television development can be a years-long process from idea to execution, Ms. Rachel grew into itself publicly, one uploaded video at a time.
Accurso-Griffith is now making inroads in more traditional children’s media. But the way her story started is representative of a sea change happening in the world of kid’s entertainment: YouTube is the nucleus.
The YouTube Era of children’s programming represents a marked shift in what and how young kids watch video. For decades, children’s television was appointment viewing on a handful of broadcast networks. The UK and Canada had kids' programming on BBC and CBC, respectively. In the US, Saturday morning cartoons were king, while PBS set a gold standard for educational fare with long-running hits like Sesame Street. In the 1980s, the rise of cable led to the creation of several kid-specific channels, most famously Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel. 
The rise of streamers and “peak TV” led to a corresponding flood of children’s content, which is a major draw for audiences. How major? Over a third of the shows most in-demand on Disney+ are children’s programming, according to Parrot Analytics. Some of these Disney hits are in-house titles like DuckTales; others are licensed, like the truly delightful Australian cartoon Bluey.
Children’s programming also thrives on less kid-focused streamers. More than 18 percent of Amazon Prime Video’s demand is for kid’s television—in part thanks to the streamer’s catalog of children’s content that originated on YouTube—and more than 17 percent of demand on Paramount+ is for kid’s television, likely because of its library of Nickelodeon shows. Parrot Analytics measures demand for children’s programming at just above 15 percent for both Max and Netflix, a testament to how those streamers have also developed their kid’s entertainment sections. (Max now owns the rights to Sesame Street, for example.)
While the streamers have been jostling for dominance, though, YouTube has surpassed them all. “Time spent with YouTube is even higher than it is with streaming content,” says Nancy Jennings, a professor at the University of Cincinnati and director of the school’s Children’s Education and Entertainment Research Lab. “YouTube has really taken over the space.”
YouTube’s rise is tied to a number of factors. First, there’s how accessible it is. (Free!) Then there’s the sheer volume of video available. “Nothing can really touch it,” says Katie Bailey, editor of the children’s entertainment trade publication Kidscreen. (Trailing far behind in second place, in her estimation? “Netflix.”) It also offers unrivaled variety. Does your kid want to watch hundreds of hours of videos of garbage trucks? What about hundreds of hours of other children opening toys, or playing video games, or reciting Shakespeare, or participating in elaborate pranks, or touching slime? Hand them a tablet or smartphone. And when whatever your child has chosen has finished playing, YouTube’s algorithm has something else ready in the queue.
The audience sizes for kids content on YouTube are staggering. Songs for Littles as a channel has more than 2.7 billion views. Its subscriber count sits just above 4.7 million. The channel for the BBC's popular Hey Duggee has some 2.5 billion views and more than 1.7 million subscribers. But those look Lilliputian compared to the behemoth that is Cocomelon, YouTube’s most popular children’s program within the United States, and its second-most popular channel overall. Cocomelon has more than 162 billion views and 161 million subscribers.
Cocomelon’s success story is far weirder than Ms. Rachel. The brand started as a YouTube channel launched way back in 2006, specializing in alphabet videos for toddlers; it was created by former filmmaker Jay Jeon as a hobby. (He has two kids.) As it gained an audience, the channel expanded into nursery rhyme animations, went through a few name changes, and eventually rebranded as Cocomelon in 2018. By the time it was sold to a British media startup called Moonbug in 2020, it was an unprecedented juggernaut.
Moonbug’s existence is a case study on the centrality of YouTube to the kid’s entertainment world. The company has grown by acquiring already-popular YouTube channels and making them obscenely popular multi-platform brands. (In addition to Cocomelon, it also owns Blippi and Little Baby Bum.) A year after it landed Cocomelon, Moonbug itself was sold for a reported $3 billion to a Los Angeles–based entertainment startup called Candle Media, which was founded by a former Disney and TikTok executive and is backed by the private equity firm Blackstone.
After Moonbug got on the scene, Cocomelon and its other hits went from being YouTube sensations to simply ubiquitous. Starting in 2020, Cocomelon jumped over to Netflix, where it has remained one of the most-watched children’s titles globally ever since. And that was just the beginning. “Our content is on 180 platforms around the world,” Moonbug’s managing director Andy Yeatman says. In addition to all the major US streamers, Cocomelon and other Moonbug shows appear on international broadcasters like the BBC, Germany’s SuperRTL, Brazil’s Globo, as well as Chinese streaming platforms owned by ByteDance and iQIYI.
When Moonbug started attempting to strike deals with more traditional media companies, they struggled to convey exactly how big the properties they owned already were. “In the first couple years, it was definitely a hurdle to get them to take us seriously,” Yeatman says. “It was, Oh, it’s just YouTube content. But we don’t get that anymore.”
Now, streamers vie for said YouTube content. Moonbug has struck deals to create exclusive spin-off programs based on its preexisting shows for several major platforms. An offshoot of its property My Magic Pet Morphle will debut on Disney+ next year.
Meanwhile, both streamers and traditional broadcast and cable channels are now creating their own content specifically for YouTube. “They’ve moved to embrace the platform,” YouTube’s head of family partnerships Lauren Glaubach says. Disney, for example, has put whole episodes of its new animated show Star Wars Young Jedi on the platform, a move Glaubach sees as expanding its audience. “You look at these full-length episodes on YouTube and there are over 34 million views in total.”
Part of the great appeal of YouTube is that anyone can upload a video to the platform. It’s also the great problem of YouTube: Moderating the world’s largest repository of user-generated video is impossible to do flawlessly. And while Disney is finding additional audiences from using YouTube, it was also at the center of one of the platform’s biggest scandals: Elsagate.
In 2015, YouTube launched an app especially for children, YouTube Kids. It was meant to curate high-quality, child-appropriate videos. And it did, mostly. But bad actors sought to piggyback on the demand for actual kid’s programming with low-quality, hastily-made videos that often included disturbing storylines and imagery. Some of these videos took beloved cartoon characters and created knock-off content with decidedly freaky, unsettling plotlines. (Sample title: “PAW Patrol Babies Pretend to Die Suicide by Annabelle Hypnotized.”) The character Elsa from Disney’s megahit Frozen was a frequently-bootlegged character, so people following the scandal ended up nicknaming it after her.
YouTube conducted a massive purge of the offending videos and channels after the Elsagate controversy; in the years since, its moderation efforts appear to have paid off. (I recently spent several hours trying to find inappropriate content on YouTube Kids; I found some mildly puerile fart videos, but nothing truly disturbing.) Josh Cohen, the founder of creator-economy news website TubeFilter, has followed YouTube’s approach to kids content since the beginning, and believes the platform was “whipped into shape” by the backlash. “It’s a testament to YouTube responding to criticisms,” he says.
Still, to this day, not every parent feels comfortable plopping their kid down with a tablet and YouTube, and that’s one of the ways some of the original children’s television purveyors continue to thrive. PBS, for example, may have far more competition than it did when Sesame Street launched, but it’s managed to carve out a successful lane for itself, in part by adapting early to the digital-video space and preserving its quality-first reputation.
PBS launched its own digital video player back in 2007. “YouTube already existed at that point and we had been watching it carefully, but we just didn’t feel like it was a safe place for us right out of the gate. But because a lot of kids were on it, we were like, OK, we’ll launch our own player,” Sara DeWitt, the senior vice president and general manager of PBS Kids, says.
PBS did embrace YouTube eventually, though. When YouTube Kids launched, DeWitt says PBS worked to be one of the app’s “anchor tenants,” in part because it wanted to be on the platforms where its target audience already spent time.
For that reason, the public broadcaster has also been on the forefront of another shift. For well over a decade now, PBS Kids has considered gaming as an essential component of its programming. “We made the decision in the early 2000s that our shows were going to be multi-platform. Meaning, it would be shows and games. When you pitched to PBS kids, you really tried to come with a world, because we weren’t launching any shows without a gaming element as well,” DeWitt says.
This melding together of children’s television and children’s gaming is only accelerating. David Kleeman, a senior vice president at the game development studio Dubit, has studied children’s entertainment for decades (he’s the former president of the American Center for Children and Media) and he’s tracking how these two worlds are colliding.
Kleeman has already seen children enthusiastically watching video content within gaming platforms, and believes this type of screen time will be increasingly commonplace in the future.
In 2022, the anime-adventure series Bakugan Battle Planet launched a blended experience where kids playing on Roblox could stream episodes of the series within the gaming platform. Kleeman tested what it was like to watch within Roblox; he navigated his avatar over to a screen, where other people had done the same, creating a virtual screening room. “There were all kinds of other avatars, bouncing and running around,” he says. “It felt like I wasn’t watching TV alone.”
Other industry experts suspect gaming will have an even more prominent role in children’s entertainment in the future. Libby Hunt, the research manager at Boston Children’s Hospital’s Digital Wellness Lab, sees the trend toward more immersive, interactive digital entertainment as already underway. “The popularity of online environments like Minecraft or Roblox really encapsulates this shift,” she says. Hunt predicts even more “blending” of gaming and television in the future for young kids. (This is a trend that is even further along with older kids, who frequent apps like Twitch to watch gaming streams.)
In addition to television shows cropping up within gaming platforms, gaming content is already widespread on television and streaming video, and there’s no sign of that abating. Recently, Amazon’s Freevee platform announced a deal to create channels devoted to Minecraft and Roblox gameplay and tutorials, a category of video already prevalent on YouTube.
The category of “children’s television” has existed for nearly as long as television has, but it is an increasingly leaky category. As spending time on online platforms like YouTube and Roblox supplants sitting in front of an old-fashioned television set, the very idea of “kids tv” becomes as antiquated as Saturday morning cartoons.
Still, some things stay constant. “What really fascinates me is that for all the contextual changes of how we watch, how we play, how we do all those things—child development doesn’t change,” Kleeman says. Kids will always pay attention to a captivating show—whether or not it’s on television is besides the point.
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shoptshirt01 · 19 days
At last night’s CFDA Awards Merry Christmas A Christmas Tree In The Snow Teacher T-Shirt . which were held at the Brooklyn Museum, Kerby
0 notes
forgave-me-not · 2 months
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As the Singles Champions of Wimbledon, you and Carlos have to partake in the traditional opening dance. But as sparks fly, judgments must be made. word count: 1.6k - also, mitski reference!! warnings: fluff, the usual friends to lovers shtick, Spanish I remember from my sophomore year
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If he was going to be honest, Carlos was tired of holding his trophy. He was tired of the camera flashes, people telling him where to stand, and all the awkward shuffling about. But he was happy all the same. He'd won Wimbledon by sheer will and talent, and nothing, not even his face aching from smiling so much, would take away from his joy. His night could always get better, though.
"You look nice, Carlitos," you called from the top of the stairs. Carlos quickly turned around to see who was speaking to him. He'd known it was you by voice alone, and he couldn't hide his smile as he handed off his trophy and bounded up the stairs.
You weren't wearing your usual windbreaker and skirt, nor your jeans and t-shirt. No, you were wearing finery for your special occasion. The dress was a beautiful golden color with ornate beading along the neckline. Its thin straps and open back allowed your faint tan lines to be on display. You held your trophy casually at your side, appearing to have just come from your own photo shoot.
"Gracias," Carlos said with a smile as he straightened his suit jacket and fiddled with his cufflinks. You made him nervous; he could admit that. But in this light, there was something different about you. Shaking the confusion from his head, Carlos offered his arm. You obliged, and the two of you descended the stairs. "I'm glad you're the one I have to dance with," you say lowly. "You know, instead of some old man." Carlos chuckles as he leads you down the stairs, the two of you arm in arm. "That's nice, but I have something to confess."
"And what is that?" He shyly gazes at you with his big brown eyes. "I can't dance," he whispers. You smile at him and pat his arm. "Don't worry, my friend. Just follow my lead."
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You take it upon yourself to explain the steps of the waltz to Carlos as joint trophy pictures are being taken. "It's just a simple three count, honey," you say through your teeth as the photographer snaps his pictures. Carlos side-eyes you and keeps smiling. "Lo que digas cariño," he mumbled. His words make your ears burn.
The two of you struggled not to laugh as you took the other's hand, and the music started. A pair of drained, overly enthusiastic young adults dancing for an eager audience. What person in your position wouldn't let out a small giggle?
"You're almost as tall as me tonight," Carlos whispered.
"Oh, hush," you reply. "Focus on your feet, or I'll have to step on you with these big heels." Carlos took your words to heart, and a calm silence fell over you. Carlos' hazel eyes locked into yours as you led the two of you in small circles across the floor. His eyes are so...captivating, you thought to yourself. You allowed yourself to get lost in them, and the rest of the room melted away. It was just you two. Nothing else mattered. You were so busy thinking about Carlos' eyes that you almost didn't know he was looking into yours the same way: pupils blown, face full of wonder. An overwhelming sense of washed over both of you. Carlos' hand on the small of your back was suddenly heavy. Every flutter of your eyelashes felt like a gust of wind. You smiled at each other, hoping it could be played off as friendliness.
"Everyone give our two thousand and twenty-four Wimbledon champions a hand," a woman said into a microphone. And just like that, the moment was over. The two of you separated and waved at the applauding crowd.
"You weren't as bad as you implied," you said, clapping for your dance partner and looking at your audience. Carlos' face flushed. "Well, I did have a good teacher," he said quietly.
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The rest of the night goes as planned. People eat, drink, and make merry, all for you and Carlos. You hear a thousand 'congratulations' and 'you played amazing's, shaking everyone's hands and pressing kisses to their cheeks in gratitude.
At some point, you found yourself sitting at Carlos' table, next to him in fact, watching him laugh and speak animatedly with his hands. He glances at you, subtly inviting you to join in on his conversation, but you flashed him a tight-lipped smile and shook your head. In an instant, you grab your clutch off the table and stand up.
"If you'll excuse me, gentlemen," you say politely to the group. Their eyebrows raised a hair, a bit shocked that you'd acknowledged them. You dip down to Carlos' ear and place a hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to get some fresh air," you say softly. Carlos watched your figure retreat into the crowd and out the door.
Weighing his options, the young man stood up, excused himself, and followed you.
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The unusually warm London breeze ripped through your dress as you sat down on the stone steps. You watched cars go by and thought about how all of them were going about their lives at...you checked your phone. 12:17. Jesus, where'd the time go? You shrugged, tucking your phone into your clutch and pulling out a small tin box. Bamboo Toothpicks. "Well, a toothpick is the closest thing I'll probably ever get to a cigarette," you mumbled to yourself, rolling the little piece of wood over your bottom lip.
Carlos emerged from the hall. He watched you, steadily chewing on your toothpick and listening to the sounds of the city with your head thrown back. There was something so rugged, so beautiful about you—a young woman full of contradictions. You were graceful yet curt; a loud personality and a quiet mind. Sitting there on the (presumably) dirty ground in a dress that had to have cost thousands of dollars without a care in the world. He was thoroughly intrigued.
It was Carlos' turn to call to someone from atop a flight of stairs. "Out here all alone?" You turned around to look at him. He'd loosened his tie, undone the top buttons of his dress shirt, and had the sort of gleam in his eyes that one can only get from drinking a little too much champagne. Hm, sexy, you thought. You stood and watched as he descended the stairs to meet you.
"What are you doing," he said, sitting down just as you had been a second before. You sat beside him and tucked your chin into your folded knees. The two of you were practically shoulder-to-shoulder. "Nothing, really. Thinking, I guess. Watching. Chewing my toothpick." Carlos smiled at the last part. "Why did you leave? ¿Demasiada gente?," he asked, the words in Spanish slowly drifting off his tongue, like he was talking to himself.
"Si, mi amigo. Demasiados," you answered with a smile. "Too many people too late at night." Carlos' eyebrows rose. "¿Tú hablas español?" he asked, slightly taken aback. You giggled at his surprise. "Solo un poco," you reply casually. The two of you shared a quiet laugh. A strong gust of wind blew a curl into your face; Carlos tucked it behind your ear. "There's so much we don't know about each other," Carlos said gently, fiddling with the hem of your dress and looking at you bashfully. "Yeah, it seems to be that way," you say, pressing a hand to his face, reveling in the way his stubble pricked your palm. "God, I wish I knew what you were like in high school," you whispered. "It would probably explain a lot."
"Cariño mio," Carlos chuckled. You smiled back at him. "We can stay out here. Talk for a little while if you'd like," he said, almost begging you to say yes. You chewed the inside of your cheek as you considered his proposal. It would be so wonderful to sit in the night air and chat with Carlos, it really would. But you had obligations to attend to, something you cursed yourself for typically being so involved and invested in.
"We shouldn't keep the people waiting, Carlos," you said, patting his cheek and flashing him a bittersweet smile. "But I promise, I swear to you, we will talk later." You stood, towering over Carlos' crouched form. "I'll be expecting you to deliver, hermosa," he said, readying himself to stand up. You held out your hands to assist him. He placed his rough, calloused palms in yours.
"Don't worry honey; I keep my promises," you replied assuredly. "Especially when handsome young men are involved." Carlos blushed at your compliment. Satisfied with your arrangement, you turned to the door but hesitated for a moment.
"Here," you said, grabbing your box of toothpicks from your clutch and dropping it into Carlos' open hands. He looked up at you, eternally confused by the action.
"Now I absolutely have to come back and see you," you said, answering his unasked question. "Oh, and before I go." You grabbed Carlos' face and pressed a kiss to his forehead, feeling his breath hitch at the contact of your lips to his skin. They were soft and warm, just as he thought they would be.
"Buenas noches, mi amor. Te veré pronto," you whispered.
As you turned and walked up the stairs, Carlos reached for your hand, catching the tips of your fingers with his. An affectionate smile spread across your face as you pulled away, leaving him on the steps to look at your receding form for the second time in one night.
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lo que digas cariño - whatever you say darling
¿demasiada gente? - too many people?
si mi amigo. demaisados - yes my friend. too many
solo un poco - only a little
cariño mio - my dear
hermosa - beautiful
buenas noches, mi amor. te veré pronto - good night, my love. I will see you soon
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author's note: there were so many instances where this could have ended and it just didn't lol. will there be a second part? only God knows at this point
131 notes · View notes
brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.17
Bugloss Day (French Republic)
Children’s Day (Norway)
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Dia das Letras Galegas (Spain)
DIPG Awareness Day
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Dogbert Day (Dilbert)
Dressed to the Nines Day
Falling Off a Log Night
Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
Firefighters’ Day (Latvia)
Galacian Literature Day (Spain)
International Art of Giving Day
International Child Helpline Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
International Internet Day
International Twm Sion Cati Day (UK)
King Arthur Day
Liberation Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 7.25]
Minecraft Day
National Book Day (Indonesia)
National Curves Day (Illinois)
National Cyber Safety Awareness Day
National Day Against Homophobia (Canada)
National Donkey Welfare Day (Kenya)
National Emo Day for Women
National Famine Memorial Day (Ireland)
National Graduation Day
National Graduation Tassel Day
National Idaho Day
National Linda Day
National Numeracy Day (UK)
National Pinkfix Day
National Real Estate Day
National VA2K Walk & Roll Day
National Work From Home Day (UK)
Navy Day (Argentina)
Pack Rat Day
Peasant Day (a.k.a. Agrarian Reform; Cuba)
Pink Shirt Day (New Zealand)
Railroad Day
Raja Day (Perlis, Malaysia)
Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thailand)
Rubber Band Day
Slottsplassen (Norway)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day (UK)
Supermodel Day
Tell An Umpire "I Love Your Outfit" Day
Uff Da Day (North Dakota)
Walk Safely to School Day (Australia)
Watch A Baby Fall Asleep Day
Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day
World Horticulture Day
World Hypertension Day
World Information Society Day (UN)
World Necrotizing Enterocolitis Awareness Day
World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day
World Orienteering Day
World Recycling Day
World Stationary Day
World Telecommunication Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Cobbler Day
National Mushroom Hunting Day
National Walnut Day
Pinot Grigio Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Nauru)
Constitution Day (a.k.a. Seventeenth of May or Syttende Mai; Norway; 1814)
Kappan Empire (a.k.a. Holy Empire of the Kappa; Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Syttende Mai (Constitution Day; Norway; from Denmark, 1814)
3rd Friday in May
Arbour Day (Prince Edward Island, Canada) [3rd Friday]
Asakusa Sanja Matsuri begins (Geisha parade) [3rd Friday]
Ascension Friday (Belgium) [Friday closest to Ascension]
Bike-to-Work Day (US) [3rd Friday]
Endangered Species Day [3rd Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Fountain Pen Friday [3rd Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
International Virtual Assistants’ Day [3rd Friday]
NASCAR Day [3rd Friday]
National Bike to Work Day [3rd Friday]
National Defense Transportation Day [3rd Friday]
National Pizza Party Day [3rd Friday]
National Wear Blue Day [3rd Friday]
Native Nonprofit Day [3rd Friday]
O. Henry Pun Off Day [3rd Friday]
Teacher’s Day (Florida) [3rd Friday]
Wear Red for VEDS Day [3rd Friday]
World Meditation Day (UK) [3rd Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 17 (2nd Full Week)
Mike, the Headless Chicken Weekend [3rd Friday & Saturday]
Festivals Beginning May 17, 2024
Aalborg Carnival (Aalborg, Denmark) [thru 5.25]
Anderson Valley Pinot Festival (Anderson Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Arizona Restaurant Week: Spring (Statewide, Arizona) [thru 5.26]
Bath Festival (Bath, England) [thru 5.20]
Bayou Bon Vivant Cajun Music, Food & Art Celebration (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.19]
Beaufort Music Festival (Beaufort, South Carolina) [thru 5.18]
Chocolate Fest (Long Grove, Illinois) [thru 5.19]
Crawfish Festival (Fountain Valley, California) [thru 5.19]
Fort Worth Zoo Annual Beastro (Fort Worth, Texas)
Georgia Mountain Fire & Smoke Cooking Festival (Hiawassee, Georgia) [thru 5.18]
Hangout Music Festival (Gulf Shores, Alabama) [thru 5.19]
Hermann Maifest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 5.19]
Karneval der Kulturen (Berlin, Germany( [thru 5.20]
Magnolia Blossom Festival & World Championship Steak Cook-Off (Magnolia, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Manchester Jazz Festival (Manchester, United Kingdom) [thru 5.26]
Moers Festival (Moers, Germany) [thru 5.20]
Morel Mushroom Festival (Muscoda, Wisconsin) [thru 5.18]
Motor City Comic Con (Novi, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
New Jersey Seafood Festival (Belmar, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
North Carolina Potato Festival (Elizabeth City, North Carolina) [thru 5.19]
OC Greek Food Festival (Anaheim, California) [thru 5.19]
Oregon Homebrew Festival (Corvallis, Oregon) [thru 5.18]
Palm Beach Ribs, Wings & Rock Festival (Palm Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
Picklefest (Atkins, Arkansas) [thru 5.18]
Preston Trout Days (Preston, Minnesota) [thru 5.19]
Rhubarb Festival (Intercourse, Pennsylvania) [thru 5.18]
Stockton Flavor Fest (Stockton, California) [thru 5.19]
Taste of Maplewood Street Festival (Maplewood, Missouri) [thru 5.18]
Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival (Temecula, California) [thru 5.19]
Wave-Gotik-Treffen (Leipzig, Germany) [thru 5.20]
The WhiskyX (Brooklyn, New York)
World Expo of Beer (Frankenmuth, Michigan) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
A.J. Casson (Artology)
Antonius (Positivist; Saint)
Bruno of Wurzburg (Christian; Saint)
Cathan (Christian; Saint)
Dave Sim (Artology)
Dea Dia (Goddess of the Cosmos; Ancient Rome)
Eugene (Muppetism)
Falling Off a Log Night (Shamanism)
Feast of ‘Azamat (Baha'i)
Gio Nicola Buhagiar (Artology)
Giulia Salzano (Christian; Saint)
Karl Burman (Artology)
Laval Homeboy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Let Your Star Shine Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Maden of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Madron (a.k.a. Madern (Christian; Saint)
Maxime Emile Louis Maufra (Artology)
Mifune Matsuri (Boat Festival; Japan)
Neo-Pagan Fertility Ritual (Philippines; Everyday Wicca)
Ogham (Celtic Book of Days)
Paschal Baylon (Christian; Saint)
Restituta (Christian; Saint)
Silave (Christian; Saint)
Single Malt Whisky Day (Pastafarian)
Sjofn’s Blot (Pagan)
William Hobart Hare (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 137 [33 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [23 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [25 of 57]
Un Giorno Nero (A Black Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th] (1 of 1 for 2024)
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
All Men Are Mortal, by Simone de Beauvoir (Novel; 1946)
At Dawn We Spley, by Gordon W. Prange (Historical Novel; 1982)
Babel-17, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1966)
Bad Blood, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2015)
Blurryface, by Twenty One Pilots (Album; 2015)
Bon Voyage! (Film; 1962)
Catch-22 (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
Cinderella Goes to a Party (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Comic Cuts, by Alfred Harmsworth (UK Comic; 1890) [1st regular comic published]
Don’t Look Back (Documentary Film; 1967)
Five Puppets (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Gentle On My Mind, recorded by Glen Campbell (Song; 1967)
Godspell (Off-Broadway Musical; 1971)
Grin and Share It, featuring Droopy (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Groove Me, recorded by King Floyd (Song; 1970)
The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1972) [chronicles of Amber #2]
History of Modern Art, by H. Harvard Arnason (Art History; 1968)
Hobo Bobo (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
If (Animated Film; 2024)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Film; 2002)
In a Lonely Place (Film; 1950)
Information Please (Radio Quiz Show; 1938)
The Inimitable Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1923)
John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum (Film; 2019)
King Porter Stomp, recorded by Teddy Hill, featuring Dizzy Gillespie (Song; 1937)
La Planète des Singes (The Planet of the Apes), by Pierre Boulle (Novel; 1963)
Le Quiet Squad (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
The Love Boat (TV Series; 1976)
Mesmerize, by System of a Down (Album; 2005)
Mr. Big Stuff, recorded by Jean Knight (Song; 1970)
My Mortal Enemy, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1926)
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2006)
Pink of the Litter (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Puss in Boots (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Random Access Memories, by Daft Punk (Album; 2013)
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean (Novella’ 1976)
The Rookie Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1941)
See You Yesterday (Film; 2019)
Shéhérazade, by Maurice Ravel (Song Cycle; 1904)
Shutter Bug (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Stay (I Missed You), by Lisa Loeb (Song; 1994)
The Sultan’s Cat, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Swiss Ski Yodelers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Thank God It’s Friday (Film; 1978)
The Tree of Life (Film; 2011)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
Uthal, by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul (Opera; 1806)
Wacky-Bye Baby (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1948)
What About Bob? (Film; 1991)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (Novel; 1900)
Today’s Name Days
Dietmar, Pascal, Walter (Austria)
Gizela, Heraklije, Paškal, Paško (Croatia)
Aneta (Czech Republic)
Bruno (Denmark)
Taido, Taidur, Taimar, Taimo, Taivo (Estonia)
Maila, Maili, Mailis, Maisa, Rebekka (Finland)
Pascal (France)
Antonella, Dietmar, Pascal (Germany)
Andronikos, Iounia, Junia, Solon (Greece)
Paszkál (Hungary)
Pasquale, Restituta (Italy)
Dailis, Herberts (Latvia)
Bazilė, Gailė, Paskalis, Virkantas (Lithuania)
Harald, Ragnhild (Norway)
Bruno, Herakliusz, Paschalis, Sławomir, Torpet, Weronika, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Andronic (România)
Gizela (Slovakia)
Pascual (Spain)
Rebecka, Ruben (Sweden)
Pascal, Pascha, Pascual, Turner (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 138 of 2024; 228 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 10 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 9 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 18 Magenta; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 May 2024
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 25 Caesar (5th Month) [Antonius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 60 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 28 of 31)
0 notes
cricutsetupmac · 10 months
Festive Cricut Christmas Ideas to Sell: Boost Your Sales in 2023
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Being a craft seller, I have been selling Cricut crafts for many years. I know how and what to make that sells high and quickly. Selling is an art, and if you understand it, then you can sell as much as you want. So, Christmas is arriving soon, and I have come up with several festive Cricut Christmas ideas to sell for successful sales.
Be it gifts or other decorative items, the demand for these things is always high. Therefore, no one should miss this golden opportunity as it can earn you a good amount of money. That’s why I am here to help you with my expertise as a craft seller. In this blog, I am going to share my previous projects or goods that I have sold till now.
Plus, all of these Christmas-related things can be made using the Cricut cutting machine. Want to know what projects those are? Let’s have a look.
1.  Merry Christmas T-shirts/Hoodie
This year, the Merry Christmas T-shirt is one of the best Cricut Christmas ideas to sell. You can try some more catchy phrases or graphics images and print them using your Cricut machine. Also, you can add text like “Merry Christmas” in different colored shirts.
Also, you can add this text to the hoodie because, in the winter season, hoodies are in high demand. So, you must take a chance to sell both T-shirts and hoodies.
2.  Digital Christmas Files
If you are a Cricut user and have a lot of collections on Christmas, then you can sell digital Cricut files. Today, there are many online buyers available on platforms like Etsy and Teachers Pay Teachers. On this platform, you can use SVG Cricut files that anyone can use for their own projects. Due to its high demand, digital content is the best Cricut Christmas idea to Sell.
3.  Christmas Gift Card Holder
I always feel weird handing someone a gift card, especially when it is only a gift card. However, when you use a cute wrapper to wrap the gift, it looks extraordinary. Therefore, you must create these and sell them on an online portal to earn extra money. With your Cricut machine, you can cut several materials, so use materials suitable for every buyer.
4.  Christmas Gift Bags
Gifting someone a gift without a bag looks impersonal. Hence, I prefer to carry a bag. But when this is a special occasion, such as Christmas, I always try to use a personalized gift bag. This handy can be quickly personalized using the Cricut cutting machine. So, produce more such bags and sell them wherever you want.
5.  Custom Gift Tags
Gift tags are easy to personalize and make using any Cricut cutting machine. With this advanced device, you can add eye-catching phrases that attract customers and people at the same time. Besides, you have just to create a pattern, then itr will be easy to add anything that you want to your gift tags. Despite Christmas, gift tags can be sold on a normal day.
6.  Christmas Coasters
There are many Cricut Christmas ideas to sell. One of them is Christmas coasters. Also, this is the best way to gift someone. I love useful gifts so much and always prefer to gift someone because it doesn’t go to waste. Since it is most widely used, consider adding this item to your selling lists. 
7.  Paper Christmas Wreath
Sell this amazing Christmas paper wreath made with Cricut. See how beautiful it looks in the above picture. This foliage wreath is visibly attractive. Also, the Cricut Design Space app has a lot of elements that can help you with various projects. So, simply start your Cricut machine and make this beautiful-looking paper wreath. So, you can try these Cricut Christmas ideas to sell hassle-free.
Question 1: What are the best Christmas Cricut ideas to sell?
Answer: Selling is an art, and you must understand what your customer wants from you. For this, you have to understand what’s going on in the trend. Then, try to make those gifts or projects for Christmas that you can sell high in numbers. Below, I am providing a few Christmas ideas that you can sell easily:
Christmas Ornaments
Soap & Candles
Handmade Stockings
Gift Baskets Mini Christmas Trees
Handmade Christmas Clothes
Wall Art
Question 2: What Cricut Christmas projects should I make to earn money?
Answer: Cricut cutting machines are a powerful tool that is used for various purposes. However, you can also make a wide range of projects/gifts for your Christmas. To make such projects, have a look at the below list of items:
Water bottle decals
Wall Decor
Faux leather earrings
T-shirts and sweatshirts
Bumper stickers
Wood signs
Gift tags
Oven mitts and potholders
Pillow covers
Question 3: What can I make with my Cricut Explore Air 2 for Christmas?
Answer: There are many types of ornaments you can make using your Cricut Explore Air 2. They are Reindeer hot chocolate, Gingerbread, Snowflake, I’m Snow Cute, and Snowman. Besides, you can also make gift wrap, gift tags, Christmas tea towels, 3D paper snowflakes,
Cricut treat boxes, Custom Christmas pillows, wine bottle bags, coasters, etc.
Final Thoughts
In short, I have mentioned 7 best Cricut Christmas ideas to sell in this blog. The projects I have mentioned in this blog can help you earn a good amount of extra money. However, as a craft seller, I would recommend you go for personalized T-shirts or other objects because they have a high potential to be sold. Despite personalized gifts, you can also sell gift card holders, which are in high demand. Lastly, you should focus on what people want instead of what you like.
Visit - Cricut.com/setup
Cricut Design Space app
Cricut Design Space Download
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customizedstore · 1 year
Merry Teacher T-Shirt, Teacher Christmas T-Shirt, Christmas Shirt, Christmas Gift For Teacher
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moonley18 · 10 months
I Want A Hippopotenuse For Christmath T-Shirt
Add a dash of mathematical humor to your holiday celebrations with the I Want A Hippopotenuse For Christmath Shirt. This clever play on words combines a love for math with a festive twist, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate a good pun and want to showcase their nerdy side during the Christmas season.
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Crafted from comfortable fabric, this shirt is suitable for holiday parties, family gatherings, or casual wear throughout the festive period. The whimsical design and witty phrase make it a fun conversation starter, allowing you to share your love for math and Christmas in a unique and charming way. Whether you're a math enthusiast, a teacher, or just someone who enjoys a good pun, the I Want A Hippopotenuse For Christmath Shirt is a merry and nerdy addition to your holiday wardrobe.
Check it out here: Teemoonley.com
0 notes
britishchick09 · 2 years
rapsittie street kids livewatch
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welcome to the last livewatch of 2022! ...and probably the worst since we’re watching the infamous ‘rapsittie street kids’! i’ve seen countless reviews on this special, but i’ve never seen the full thing. today is its 20th anniversary, so why not watch it now? it’ll be bad, it’ll be cringe and it’ll be a whole lot of fun! ;D
the instruments at the beginning are really good! :D
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...too bad the visuals aren’t :/
why does the bus sound like a clock?
ooh it’s rap time! B)
ricky: “but if you’ll kindly find the time to deliver gifts 7, 8 and 9 from my list!” rip gifts 1-6 :/
i’ve heard the beginning of the rap so many times that the part after sounds so weird! :o
aw he only has 3 coins rip :/
that could buy a book at st. vincent de paul’s! ;)
a car just slides out of frame lol :D
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has he walked like that this whole time? :o
the voices in the music sound a bit creepy...
omg he kicks a basketball and it just  f l o a t s  lol! ;D
aww his mom died :(
she gave him a bear before she died... AND NOW HE’S GIVING IT TO A GIRL WHO DOESN’T EVEN LIKE HIM NOOOO :(
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the bear just  f l o a t s
blue haired kid: “another day, another ‘d’ at rapsittie elementary...” says the teenager! :o
nicole got a dino bonk! :o
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ricky is talented! :D
the adults in the back tho...
he just throws ornaments on the tree like he’s in the charlie brown christmas special! :o
ok wow he’s just gonna rap and rhyme this whole special isn’t he :/
blue teen: “duuuude! that was soooo coooolll...” and that was so not cooollll... ;)
i’m pausing this to upload my new video and i guess this came out on november 25th not december 14th! the anniversary passed, but we’re in the middle of rapsittie season so i’m still watching it!
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it’s all christmas and then  S U A R S
smithy: *sees the bear on the floor* ‘what’s that?” ricky: “that’s for nicole honey, i know she’s into money!” that bear is priceless tho! :o
smithy thinks liking nicole is gross lol! ;D
the teacher is fed up with everyone!
knockoff nelson: “hey ricky! let me know any time you want to fall down again! i’ll be sure to shove you in the right direction!” BUURRNNN!!!!! :D
ricky is the only kid to be bummed about recess ever!
teacher: “i said after recess BECAUSE I NEED A RECESS!” ricky: “oooohhhkayyy....” lol! ;D
ricky: “you won’t catch me.... hesitating!” lol! :D
the teacher needs a vacation...
oof this song is cringy! :o
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when you wanna be the charlie brown christmas special...
omg nicole and glasses girl are doubling down laughing at that! :o
nicole: “watch what i can do!” ricky: “i’ll watch you nicole!” nicole: “not you, ricky!”
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he’s the only one watching her tho...
also why is he wearing a short sleeved shirt IN THE SNOW???
ricky: “and i thought it couldn’t get any colder out here...” oof :/
omg knockoff nelson stole smithy’s sandwich! :o
and it just slides down smithy’s scarf...
the shot zooms out to the teacher and kids with presents but it looks slow mo?
lenee: “oh that looks really cool!” nicole: “here.” *drops it right onto her feet* lol!
nicole’s gift is the best because she bought it from the mall! ;)
turns out it’s not but it sounds so much like him! :o
nancy cartwright, jodi benson, mark hamill and page o’hara are in this so there’s plenty of talent here already! ;)
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he walks away slowly... (just like me seeing this!)
kids: “merry christmas!” blue kid: “principal dude B)” lol!
the kids ignore the teacher lol ;)
nicole thinks she’s sooooo perfect because she gets things at the mall?
oh no it’s the bear! :o
ricky called her stupid yas you get her! ;D
why are lenee’s arms twitching?
lenee: “we go to this really big store and it starts with a ‘w’!” omg wallymart...? ;)
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it’s the floating candle!! :o
aww ricky has a santa letter! :D
grandma: “rdfgdjfdfjgh sendin’ letters!” lol!
it just... floats away from his armpit?
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nicole is insulting lenee AND HAVING A SEIZURE OMG :o
nicole’s mom: “has my princess been a good girl?” nicole: “i’ve been a good girl all year long!” YOU BISH! >:(
nicole: “♫ look at me! ♫“ no thanks!
the snowflake is traveling to lenee’s house!
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this is a nice colored sky! :)
aww i feel so bad for lenee :(
her mom doesn’t nod... she bows!
mom: “come on, it’s christmas! cheer up!” that didn’t sound very cheery of you...
oh no nicole is reading the letter! :o
she feels bad... :/
grandma: “dgdfgjjgsogisigsdfhsfdf christmaaaaas!” lol! ;D
nicole, smithy and lenee are in an abandoned building!!!! :o
smithy: “i can so blackmail you guys!” wtf lol?
they looked everywhere but alas! :/
omg dogs are chasing them!!! :o
bully: “look at the babies scared of little doggies!” i’d like to see you get at them! ;)
smithy threw his sandwich at the bullies... and they had their own chase! :D
yay they found the bear! :D
lenee: “let’s climb on that tree and jump over the wall.” nicole: “a lady does not climb trees!” smithy: “now is not the time to be a girl!” lol!
this animation is so awkward tho??
they made it! :D
aww nicole is giving ricky his bear! :)
nicole: “but doesn’t that mean a lot to you?” ricky: “yes. and so does................. friendship.” that pause tho! ;D
ooh lenee’s fam!
lenee sees santa! :D
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cloud santaaaa!!!! :D
omg lenee song! :o
dad: “nicole has my good looks... and your spending habits!” lol! ;D
omg nicole’s grandma wanted a videobox... which is what ricky asked for! :o
ew nicole’s parents winked and it was weird :(
aww nicole gave her gift to ricky! :)
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and lenee’s sister got... that...
ricky, grandma, nicole and smithy are visiting! :D
nicole apologized! :)
grandma: “dhdhhdfgfjfghg christmaaaaas!” iconic!!! :D
dad: “SHUT THAT DOOR!” the perfect way to end a christmas special! ;D
that was rapsittie street kids! it was just as bad as all the reviews say, but i still had fun watching it! visually, it’s the worst christmas special, but it still has good moments unlike other baddies (looking at you ‘the christmas tree’!) the plot was nice and so was the acting... mostly! i’m glad i got to finally see this special after hearing about it for so long! happy 20th anniversary, rapsittie street kids! :D
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