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anatern · 2 months ago
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queenmuzz · 1 year ago
I've been told a new Farmer Sim game came out, called Coral Island. I checked it out to see what what it had and take a guess at which guy automatically drew me in
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And then I watched the trailer:
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Oh... oh no....
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bone-evidence · 3 days ago
rrrrRRRRARGH. MERGIL TEACHING TOLYS HOW TO USE HIS MAGIC!!! Tolys's fire magic was grafted into him, he doesn't know the basics even!!!!
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Vergil’s brother Dante from the hit game Devil May Cry 5 in which Vergil hires Vergil’s son and Vergil’s brother to fight Vergil so Vergil and Vergil can mergil and become Vergil to fight Vergil’s brother only for their fight to interrupted by Vergil’s son
(vergil's brother) Dante from (the hit game) Devil May Cry 5 (in which vergil hires vergil's son and vergil's brother to fight vergil so vergil and vergil can mergil and become vergil to fight vergil's brother only for their fight to be interrupted by vergil's son) would only maybe listen to Will Wood.
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(wow that was a lot. also "so vergil and vergil can mergil" i am SOBBING. anyway idk this guy so going off vibes)
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hakusins · 9 months ago
Fate for the fandom ask!
WEH THANK YOU ANON!!!!!! I haven't spoken about Fate in a while so this is'll be fun :DD !! because the Fate series is large and vast, i'll just stick to the one that i'm most familiar with, which is Fate Grand Order!
send me a fandom!
Favourite Female: now i have the opposite problem here, but if i have to choose one, it'd be Ereshkigal !!! she's super duper cute and the best girl! also because of the many AUs my friend and I love to make, she's grown on me! (i'm never beating the blond liker allegations)
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Favourite Male: IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION AT THIS POINT !!!!!! OF COURSE IT'D BE MY BABYGIRL, MY WIFE, THE KING OF HEROES, THE FIRST HEROIC SPIRIT !!!!!!!!!! THE KING OF BABYLONIA HIMSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love all his versions unconditionally, they are all my wives.
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3 Other Favourite Characters:
OH THERES TOO MANY!!! I can't just list another three and cover all of them but if I really have to choose HJBEBFH!!
I have a soft spot for Arthur Pendragon (Prototype), he's just so cute to me... plus I do ship him and archer!Gil, so thats one of the reasons why i love him so much HJREBFHJERF. (Still holding out for his alter version in game)
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The next one is everyone's favourite sussy big brother !! MERLIN!!! I honestly think he's so cool, and I wish FGO explores him more!!! But in the same time, i think his vague story kind of opens him up to a lot of interpretations, which is fitting for his lore!!
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Uhh uh uh uh uh, shit I'm gonna have to put in Charlie for this one !!! he's literally my boyfriend, i can't just NOT put him on the list at some point !!! i honestly didn't know what was all the hype about him until i played fate CCC, and then i got so attached and cried when i reached the end of the story. LIKE BRO????? so yes now I have him on fgo, and im so happy im gonna grail him as soon as the next lottery event comes around!!
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3 OTPs: Pusagil/Arthurgil, Mergil and uh uh uh uh Lucigil!! (Lucius Tiberius x Gilgamesh). These are all quite random but I promise you guys this, they do make sense in my head!!!! so thats all that matters!!!
Notp: Anything that involves top!Gil :(((( usually gets blocked by me hjbRBEFRF
Funniest character: Everyone has caused me to laugh eventually, but I'm gonna say it's a tie between Cu and Gil !!! Especially Cu during Carnival Phantasm has caused me immense abdominal pain HERFJHREF
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Prettiest character: OHH this is a bit hard, since there's so many that's actually pretty in my eyes!!! But if I have to choose, it's definitely Jeanne!!! She caught my eye when I played Orleans for the first time and now with her new animation update, I'm gonna try to get her!! (hopefully HBJERF)
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Most Annoying Character: BB. I really don't like BB. I like all the other Sakurafaces though, its just that.... BB is so annoying.
Most badass character:
UUGHHH THERE'S SO MANY CHARACTERS THAT ARE BADASS!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in love with so so so many !!! Especially from the Lostbelt Arc, like there's so many characters that were so badass and it just has my jaw on the floor. But if I really must choose,,, I guess I'll mention my favourite 4* !! my favourite FtM lancer, Caenis !!!
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Character I’d like as my BFF:
OH THERES SO MANY!!! I'd say all of them would make such nice friends !!! But if I have to choose uhh, I'd say HaoHao!! (Yang Guifei~!) she's so super duper cute!!!!
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Female Character I’d Marry: Siduri. NO ONE TOUCH ME, I WANT TO MARRY MISS SIDURI!!!! I LOVE MISS SIDURI OKAY!!!!! but alas, because of her..... condition .... i think the most ideal woman to marry would be Queen Morgan herself. Sure, she's a bit yandere, but at least she'd treat me right!
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Male Character I’d Marry: CHARLIE MY LOVE <3 <3 <3 <3 when I say he's my boyfriend I do mean it JHERBFBHJERF we will be wed one day i promise this
Character I hate/dislike/least like: If I ever see Beryl, ITS ON FUCKING SIGHT !!!!!!!! I WILL THROW THE PUNCHES FIRST !!!
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milfmerlin · 2 years ago
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theyre also in love btw
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Mer AU where Virgil is a jellyfish.
Specifically the Turritopsis dohrnii, aka the immortal jellyfish, because they're vry tiny and, as you guessed, immortal. Well, kinda.
They're biologically immortal. They can't die from old age, I mean.
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lisawn · 4 years ago
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doing a lot of doodling in between work stuff lately so here are some merlin ships i enjoy
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anatern · 9 months ago
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bone-evidence · 7 days ago
I think after I'm done this Tolys fic, and after I take a break because this one is taking a lot of brainpower, I might start actually writing the lietpru merman fic. As a little palette cleanser. Then it's serial killers time, baybee >:D
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queenmuzz · 3 years ago
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Thank you @rubixa-seraph for coming up with this! (Commisioned Image of Madison and Mergil from @bettybattaglia-oc-art)
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nebulaegem · 2 years ago
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It's not May yet but Mergil <3
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starlitcrows · 5 years ago
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nobody asked for a summer lancer gil but here he is feat. merlin and casgil
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hakusins · 11 months ago
U should always talk about gil more both kinds... MerGil is so good Merlin holding him down, plowing that tight mage and promising to keep him pregnant 👀 just obliterating him... vibrates
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the face of a man who needs to be pregnant NOW and the fucking incubus better tap into his demonic nature and get right to it.
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baka-monarch · 5 years ago
PART THREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I ended up combining 2 of @voidsides comics for this one since they were kinda the same story.... I also started using a website for sound effects instead of making my own like in the last ones! So, it isn't as sucky, plus the video isn't silent at some parts now because I was able to add waves in the background!
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Mer!sides AU where Virgil has this tail
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It turns purple when he's happy/excited (he be a magical mer lad)
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