#Mencken was the perfect Logan-adjacent character to use to explain that clearly
sunflowerdigs · 1 year
There are already a few people on reddit calling Roman a neonazi, a fascist, there's a post about the characters' personal politics which describes him as genuinely endorsing Mencken's ideas, etc. Everything we've known about Roman so far seems to contradict this view because his interest in Mencken was anything, anything at all but political, even if you didn't ship them, but how can anyone be sure that they haven't decided that he has all of a sudden over s4 become fashy and believe all that shit for whatever reasons they choose? I'm almost sweating thinking about it lmao
The show hasn't given us another reason, so I'm not at all surprised that that's what people are taking from what's been shown. If you aren't a huge fan of the show, you don't remember much about 3x06.
This season has had a lot of missteps and for me, this is the biggest one. Fascism is incredibly scary. You can't put a character adjacent to a fascist, drum up how scary the fascist is all season, and then not explain clearly why the character is so gung-ho about him, and expect people to think anything besides "well, guess that guy was a piece of shit this whole time." Roman is still sexually weird and effeminate, so there's already a heavy bias against him that people won't admit to. That was played up last night, I guess because the fact that he's effeminate makes him more sinister. They should just add a lisp and be done with it. It's so...irresponsible.
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