#Melinda Plowman
mygrowingcollection · 4 months
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Melinda Plowman
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docrotten · 8 months
BILLY THE KID VERSUS DRACULA (1966) – Episode 170 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“Here. [hands Billy whiskey] A little something to take the soreness out. … I think I’ll join you. I don’t feel too good myself.” Always follow the doctor’s orders! Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr – as they saddle up for a rip-roaring ride out west with Billy the Kid Versus Dracula (1966)! Giddyup, Grue Believers!
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 170 – Billy the Kid Versus Dracula (1966)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
Dracula travels to the American West, intent on making a beautiful ranch owner his next victim. Her fiance, outlaw Billy the Kid, finds out about it and rushes to save her.
  Directed by: William Beaudine
Writer: Carl K. Hittleman (as Carl Hittleman)
Selected Cast:
John Carradine as Count Dracula / posing as James Underhill
Chuck Courtney as William ‘Billy the Kid’ Bonney
Melinda Casey as Elizabeth (Betty) Bentley (credited as Melinda Plowman)
Virginia Christine as Eva Oster
Walter Janovitz as Franz Oster (as Walter Janowitz)
Bing Russell as Dan ‘Red’ Thorpe
Olive Carey as Dr. Henrietta Hull
Roy Barcroft as Sheriff Griffin
Hannie Landman as Lisa Oster
Richard Reeves as Pete – Saloonkeeper
Marjorie Bennett as Mary Ann Bentley
William Forrest as The Real James Underhill
George Cisar as Joe Flake
Harry Carey Jr. as Ben Dooley
Leonard P. Geer as Yancy (as Lennie Geer)
William Challee as Tom – Station Agent (as William Chalee)
Charlita as Nana – Indian Maiden
Max Kleven as Sandy Newman (as Max Klevin)
Jack Williams as Duffy
The subgenre of horror-westerns is not often used. In 1966, however, Embassy Pictures released a pair of this mixed breed on a groovy double feature. Joining Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter (1966) is tonight’s feature discussion, Billy the Kid Versus Dracula (1966). Both of these genre mashups are directed by William Beaudine. Once again, Dracula is portrayed by John Carradine (House of Frankenstein, 1944; House of Dracula, 1945) and you might also recognize Chuck Courtney, who plays Billy the Kid, from (Pet Sematary, 1989). From there the cast becomes a who’s who of TV and Film Westerns character actors, putting Jeff in his happy place!
Carradine once said this film was “the worst movie he ever acted in.” The Grue-Crew may have other thoughts. Check it out now and let us know what you think of this bizarre and fun blend of genres. 
At the time of this writing, Billy the Kid Versus Dracula is available for streaming from several different sources. The Grue Crew found the best resolution on the Classic Horror Movie Channel and Kanopy, but, among others, it can also be found on Tubi and Plex. The film is available on physical media as a Blu-ray from Kino Lorber.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Jeff, is Beyond the Time Barrier (1960), directed by Edgar G. Ulmer (The Black Cat, 1934) and starring Robert Clarke (The Hideous Sun Demon, 1958).
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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jeckhhtttr · 8 months
爱泼斯坦的行程:权贵与金融家兼性罪犯的秘录 #爱泼斯坦 #萝莉岛
这批文件显示,自2021年起担任美国中情局(CIA)局长的威廉·伯恩斯(William Burns)在2014年担任副国务卿期间,与爱泼斯坦有过三次见面计划。两人第一次见面是在华盛顿,而后,伯恩斯去了爱泼斯坦位于曼哈顿的联排别墅。
在奥巴马(Barack Obama)执政时期担任白宫顾问的凯瑟琳·鲁姆勒(Kathryn Ruemmler)从白宫卸任后,于2020年出任高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)法务总监,在这两段经历之间的数年里,她曾与爱泼斯坦有过数十次会面。不仅如此,爱泼斯坦曾打算邀请她加入2015年的巴黎之行,2017年时还计划邀请她前往自己位于加勒比海的私人岛屿。
巴德学院(Bard College)校长里昂·波茨坦恩(Leon Botstein)曾邀请爱泼斯坦到访校园,当时,爱泼斯坦还带来了一群年轻女宾。2015年,作家兼政治活动家诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)教授曾计划与爱泼斯坦同乘飞机,前往后者位于曼哈顿的联排别墅共进晚餐。
这些文件没有透露大部分会面的目的。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)无法证实是否每一次会面计划最终都成为现实。
中情局局长威廉·伯恩斯2014年曾在华盛顿与爱泼斯坦见面,后来又去过爱泼斯坦位于曼哈顿的联排别墅。图为伯恩斯(居中者)今年3月出席一场参议院听证会。图片来源:AL DRAGO/BLOOMBERG NEWS
中情局发言人塔米·库伯曼·索普(Tammy Kupperman Thorp)称,局长伯恩斯在大约十年前与爱泼斯坦会面时,正准备卸任公职。“局长对他完全不了解,只是别人这样介绍他,说他是金融服务行业的专家,就如何向私人领域转型提供过一般性建议。”她说,“他们之间没有交情。”
一名高盛发言人表示,由于涉及鲁姆勒在瑞生国际律师事务所(Latham& Watkins LLP)的工作,鲁姆勒同爱泼斯坦存在业务关系,但二人未曾一起出行。这位发言人说,爱泼斯坦把鲁姆勒介绍给了潜在法务客户,如微软(Microsoft Corp.)联合创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)。鲁姆勒曾说,“我很后悔认识杰弗里·爱泼斯坦。”
当时,媒体对爱泼斯坦一案进行了大量报道,来自未成年少女和年轻女性的指控也出现在美国国内外媒体的新闻报道中。2006年,几名政界人士退还了爱泼斯坦的捐款。一些先前的伙伴开始与他保持距离。作为爱泼斯坦已知最大的客户,零售业亿万富豪莱斯利·维克斯纳(Leslie Wexner)后来说,他在2007年时断了与爱泼斯坦的往来。爱泼斯坦用的银行摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase& Co.)随后也表示,它于2013年关闭了此人的账户,不过之后数年里,仍有一些银行家和他见面。
2015年,弗吉尼亚·吉弗瑞(Virginia Giuffre)公开指控爱泼斯坦在她十几岁时对她实施性侵、让她成为性交易的牺牲品,还强迫她与一些有影响力的人发生性关系,其中包括英国的安德鲁王子(Prince Andrew)。安德鲁王子否认上述指控,并于去年就吉弗瑞提出的性侵诉讼达成和解。
在《迈阿密先驱报》(Miami Herald)报道数十名女性声称自己遭受性侵后,2019年,检方以性交易共谋的罪名对爱泼斯坦提出指控。同一年,就在他等待审判的那段时间里,他死在了纽约的一所监狱里。据纽约市法医部门说,爱泼斯坦是死于自杀。
其中一场午餐安排在当年8月,地点在华盛顿世强律师事务所(Steptoe& Johnson)的办公室里。上述文件还显示,当年9月,爱泼斯坦安排了两场同伯恩斯在自己别墅里的夜间会面。爱泼斯坦计划在其中一次会面结束后,让他的司机把伯恩斯送到机场。
次月,即2014年10月,伯恩斯从副国务卿的位置上卸任,转而去智库卡内基国际和平基金会(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)担任主席,直到2021年初,他被美国总统拜登(Biden)提名出任中情局局长。
凯瑟琳·鲁姆勒在离开白宫、成为高盛法务总监之前的数年里,与爱泼斯坦有过数十次会面。图片来源:WILLIAM B. PLOWMAN/NBCUNIVERSAL/GETTY IMAGES
上述高盛发言人称,鲁姆勒最初和爱泼斯坦见面是因为之前他曾给鲁姆勒打电话,问她是否有兴趣担任比尔·盖茨本人以及比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation)的代表。
在这段时期内拜访过爱泼斯坦的几个人说,他们注意到了爱泼斯坦别墅里的年轻女子。海伦·费舍尔(Helen Fisher)便是其中之一,这位研究爱情与依恋关系的人类学家2016年1月曾与爱泼斯坦共进午餐,探讨她的工作。
根据这批文件,2015年,鲁姆勒计划和爱泼斯坦一起飞往巴黎;2017年,爱泼斯坦打算在圣卢西亚(St. Lucia)停留,接上鲁姆勒前往他位于美属维尔京群岛的住宅度过一天。
爱泼斯坦还在鲁姆勒与阿里安·德·罗斯柴尔德(Ariane de Rothschild)之间牵线搭桥,后者现为瑞士私人银行埃德蒙·德·罗斯柴尔德集团(Edmond de Rothschild Group)首席执行官。据该集团和高盛发言人说,经介绍得知鲁姆勒所在的瑞生国际能帮助处理美国监管相关问题后,罗斯柴尔德集团聘请了这家律所。
2015年1月,阿里安被任命为埃德蒙·德·罗斯柴尔德集团董事长。据《华尔街日报》看到的一份计划书,当年10月,她和爱泼斯坦谈了一份价值2,500万美元的合同,内容是爱泼斯坦的南方信托公司(Southern Trust Co.)将为罗斯柴尔德集团提供“风险分析,以及某些算法的应用和使用。”
在爱泼斯坦与阿里安的数次会面计划中,2014年1月的那场还包括前者的另一名常客——当时在亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)旗下企业咨询公司担任联席首席执行官的乔舒亚·库珀·雷默(Joshua Cooper Ramo)。
上述文件显示,2013-2017年间,爱泼斯坦计划同雷默见面的次数达十几次,当时后者还在星巴克(Starbucks Corp.)和联邦快递(FedEx Corp.)的董事会中任职。从这批文件中得知,同雷默会面时,爱泼斯坦会准备好特色小食,因为他认为雷默是素食主义者。
雷默与爱泼斯坦会面中的很多次都安排在晚上,通常是下午五点后,地点则是在爱泼斯坦的别墅内。这批文件显示,2013年9月,雷默还被邀请在同一座别墅里与以色列前总理埃胡德·巴拉克(Ehud Barak)共进早餐,后者也是爱泼斯坦的常客之一。
2015年和2016年,爱泼斯坦安排了同乔姆斯基的数次会面,那时乔姆斯基是麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的一名教授。
据上述文件,2015年3月,爱泼斯坦曾计划与乔姆斯基、哈佛大学(Harvard University)教授马丁·诺瓦克(Martin Nowak)及其他学者聚一聚。乔姆斯基说,他们在诺瓦克的研究所里聚过几次,目的是讨论神经科学及其他话题。
这批文件显示,两个月后,爱泼斯坦计划与乔姆斯基夫妇同乘飞机,并与他们以及电影导演伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)及妻子宋宜·普列文(Soon-Yi Previn)共进晚餐。
乔姆斯基2020年接受播客节目”Dunc Tank”采访时说,一些在他看来比爱泼斯坦更恶劣的人都曾向麻省理工学院捐赠过。在节目中,他没有提到自己与爱泼斯坦的任何一场会面。
这批文件显示,波茨坦恩还长期担任美国交响乐团(American Symphony Orchestra)音乐总监,2013年他邀请爱泼斯坦来巴德学院看了一场歌剧,2016年又邀请他在该校欣赏了一场音乐会。爱泼斯坦每次都计划带一些年轻的女助理过来,而且会乘坐直升飞机。
波茨坦恩说,在爱泼斯坦家中,他被带入一间餐厅,两人在那里一起探讨古典音乐等话题。“他以亿万富豪的形象示人,一个非常非常有钱的人。”他说,“可我觉得他古怪又傲慢。最后我终于相信,他只是在耍我们,正因为此,我们便不再和他联系。” 尽管两人有过数次会面,但波茨坦恩说,爱泼斯坦再没向巴德捐赠过。“也算是因祸得福。”他说,“我们再也没拿到钱了。”
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doraemonmon · 5 years
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Billy the Kid vs Dracula
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1x17. Don't Open Till Doomsday
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jersonordavid · 7 years
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365 Films Part 6: 266/365
Billy the Kid vs. Dracula
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rundownallstar · 4 years
Billy the Kid vs Dracula
Billy the Kid vs Dracula
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1966    Horror, Comedy, Western  John Carradine  (as Dracula/James underhill)    Chuck Courtney, Melinda Plowman
This was on MEtv’s Svengoolie show on Saturday night @ 8 est (u.s.)
Just the title gives me a bit of a laugh cause it just sounds so silly
Billy the Kid has given up his lawless quick-draw life to marry Betty. He’s working on her family’s ranch and has a tendency to put himself into…
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livinginaretroworld · 8 years
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Melinda Plowman and John Carradine in Billy the Kid vs. Dracula 1966
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didyouknow-wp · 4 years
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moviesandmania · 5 years
Billy the Kid versus Dracula - USA, 1966
Billy the Kid versus Dracula – USA, 1966
Billy the Kid versus Dracula – aka Billy the Kid vs. Dracula – is a 1966 American horror-Western feature film directed by William Beaudine (Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla; Voodoo Man; The Ape Man) from a screenplay by Carl K. Hittleman. The Circle Productions movie stars John Carradine, Chuck Courtney, Melinda Plowman and Virginia Christine.
The film was released theatrically as part of…
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released on May 18, 1951: When politician Blake Washburn loses his election to Congress he blames and vows revenge on the businessman who he thinks orchestrated his defeat. Genre: Comedy Duration: 1h 1min Director: Arthur Pierson Actors: Donald Crisp (John MacFarland), Marilyn Monroe (Iris Martin), Alan Hale Jr. (Slim Haskins), Jeffrey Lynn (Blake Washburn), Marjorie Reynolds (Janice Hunt), Barbara Brown (Mrs. Washburn), Melinda Plowman (Katie Washburn), Renny McEvoy (Leo the taxicab driver), Glenn Tryon (Ken Kenlock), Byron Foulger (Berny Miles), Griff Barnett (Uncle Cliff Washburn), Virginia Campbell (Phoebe Hartman), Harry Harvey (Andy Butterworth), Nelson Leigh (Dr. Johnson), Speck Noblitt (motorcycle officer), Dorothy Adams (hospital nurse), John Alvin (Jimmy), John Archer (Don), Hugh Beaumont (Bob MacFarland), Robert Carson (reporter at airport), Stephen Chase (reporter at airport), Richard Crane (Don), Bess Flowers (arriving BBQ room patron), Robert Foulk (electric company worker), Bradford Hatton (police radio dispatcher), Tom Keene (Abbott the campaign manager), Nolan Leary (spectator at the mine disaster), George Magrill (electric company worker), Hank Mann (pedestrian outside the newspaper office), Matt McHugh (waiter), Eddie Parks (Dudley the chef), Hal Taggart (the barber), Ray Teal (complaining electric company worker), Arthur Tovey (nightclub dance extra). *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media,...
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xamfra · 7 years
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Melinda Plowman, Chuck Courtney, Virginia Christine and John Carradine. ‘Billy the Kid vs Dracula’, 1966.
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pigeonroofstudios · 8 years
Processed with VSCO with s2 preset
Processed with VSCO with n3 preset
One of the things that I decided to do this year was to start a practice of a daily collage. I must admit that I’ve used the word “daily” to really mean “daily-ish”. I don’t always have time, especially on days like Wednesdays, where I leave my house at 9:30 in the morning and don’t get home from work until 8:30 in the evening. I’m pretty fried by the time I get home.
I’ve been doing them in a sketchbook– one of the first times I’ve really used a sketchbook for art in a long time–and they’re starting to quite satisfactorily make the sketchbook bulge a little. The sketchbook I have actually has perforated pages, which is handy as I’m learning I need to remove a page or two in between collaged pages so that the book doesn’t get too unwieldy.
It’s good practice in attempting to work a little more loosely. I’m not a haphazard free-wheeling artist; I put down elements with precise decision. It’s funny; I’m not organized or obsessively detail-oriented and OCD about things in every other area of my life except in two areas: teaching Pilates and collage. Then I am all about it.
Trying to work a little more loosely is difficult, though, so it’s a good exercise. It also is fun to use the tiny scraps that build up around the tiny work area on my table that develops. (the rest of the table ends up being piled high with papers.) Some of them surprise me, too, where either I’m working with a color palette I don’t normally, or comes together lightning fast.
I’m not the first, by any means, to attempt a daily art practice– the inspiring originator is, of course, Randel Plowman of the blog…A Collage A Day. Lotta Helleberg, Sarah Milne Creative, and Melinda Tidwell are all doing something in a similar vein.
Do you do anything similar? I’d love to hear about it!
On another note, I’ve set up a Facebook page for my art: Krista McCurdy. Yarn and fiber is still at Pigeonroof Studios.
Other links:
Instagram: @pigeons_on_the_roof and @pigeonroofstudios
Did you know I’m on Pinterest? Krista McCurdy and Pigeonroof Studios.
I’ve also opened an Etsy shop for my art: Pigeons On the Roof and of course, yarn and fiber is still at www.pigeonroofstudios.com.
Happy Friday! I’m off to go teach.
Daily Collages One of the things that I decided to do this year was to start a practice of a daily collage.
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grapnel · 11 years
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Susan Oliver, Beverly Lang, Norma Jean Nilsson, and Melinda Plowman in a still from The Green-Eyed Blonde, ca, 1957.
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manualstogo · 5 years
For just $3.99 Released on November 2, 1950: A migrant family of pea pickers tries to begin life anew in friendly small town Fairview, but the town folk are determined to get rid of them. Genre: Drama Duration: 1h 12min Director: William Beaudine Actors: Colleen Townsend (Sallie Keeler), Tom Powers (Ken Keeler), Sarah Padden (Ma Ashby), Regis Toomey (Dave Harley), Jimmy Hunt (Nathaniel Ashby), Evelyn Brent (Alice Keeler), Larry Olsen (Kenny Keeler), Larry Carr (Malcolm Keeler), Erville Alderson (Pa Ashby), Peggy Wynne (Arla Ashby), Melinda Plowman (Rebecca Ashby), Gene Roth (Monty Barnes), Judith Allen (Mrs. Barnes), Harry Cheshire (Colonel Garnett), Hart Wayne (Police Chief Bill Martin), Louis Mason (farmer reader), John Parlow (Matty Jans), Gertrude Astor (Mrs. Irma Jans), Russell Hicks (Pete Galloway), Raymond Bond (Doctor Miles), Bill Neff (minister), Connie Evans (Mrs. Brown), Frances Morris (Mrs. Lyons), Jerry Mickelsen (Trummy), Gary Pagett (Tom), Ralph Brooks (man at meeting), Bess Flowers (churchgoer), Marjorie Kane (church woman at the Patch), Hank Mann (man at meeting), Philo McCullough (man at meeting) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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manualstogo · 6 years
For just $3.99 Released on May 18, 1951: When politician Blake Washburn loses his election to Congress he blames and vows revenge on the businessman who he thinks orchestrated his defeat. Genre: Comedy Duration: 1h 1min Director: Arthur Pierson Actors: Donald Crisp (John MacFarland), Marilyn Monroe (Iris Martin), Alan Hale Jr. (Slim Haskins), Jeffrey Lynn (Blake Washburn), Marjorie Reynolds (Janice Hunt), Barbara Brown (Mrs. Washburn), Melinda Plowman (Katie Washburn), Renny McEvoy (Leo the taxicab driver), Glenn Tryon (Ken Kenlock), Byron Foulger (Berny Miles), Griff Barnett (Uncle Cliff Washburn), Virginia Campbell (Phoebe Hartman), Harry Harvey (Andy Butterworth), Nelson Leigh (Dr. Johnson), Speck Noblitt (motorcycle officer), Dorothy Adams (hospital nurse), John Alvin (Jimmy), John Archer (Don), Hugh Beaumont (Bob MacFarland), Robert Carson (reporter at airport), Stephen Chase (reporter at airport), Richard Crane (Don), Bess Flowers (arriving BBQ room patron), Robert Foulk (electric company worker), Bradford Hatton (police radio dispatcher), Tom Keene (Abbott the campaign manager), Nolan Leary (spectator at the mine disaster), George Magrill (electric company worker), Hank Mann (pedestrian outside the newspaper office), Matt McHugh (waiter), Eddie Parks (Dudley the chef), Hal Taggart (the barber), Ray Teal (complaining electric company worker), Arthur Tovey (nightclub dance extra). *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media,...
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