#Melanesian Way
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wewokotokay · 2 months ago
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undeadvinyls · 1 year ago
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hes literally like a disney princess but with sea animals
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selamat-linting · 4 months ago
this is going to sound very mean of me but i do think javanese ppl are the 'WASP' of indos lol. i dont mean this in a "hehee mari kita rasis antara sunda dan madura" this about the genuine antiblackness that melanesian people experienced and how they always get singled out by the police in protests and gets discriminated out of a job because their skin color and gets ushered out of establishments by security because they look homeless despite wearing the same things ras melayu ppl wears. this is about state sanctioned murders in papua, the gentrification from the transmigrasi program and everytime we say nkri harga mati we are supporting all of that to continue to exist. this is also about how chinese descent people gets religious discrimination and is basically barred from holding a seat in government and the pogroms they suffered in 1998. like, fuck all the javanese dudes who whine about ppl mocking their skin color then turn around to say the n slur for fun and call random melanesians monkeys in their group chat.
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transgenderer · 15 days ago
more ethnography recommendations? I read Village Life in Late Tsarist Russia and found it incredibly interesting to think about and discuss :)
oh man loads. okay.
right now i'm reading "tahitians: mind and experience in the society islands". its in stiff competition for my favorite ethnography. it's more "psychological" than your usual one so if you're more interested in like "lifeways" than it's maybe not the best. but it does go a lot into social organization, and beliefs, and all that, and then once it has all that background done the latter way is discussing the way people talk+think about "mind and experience", yknow, emotions, thinking, personal relationships, all that. its really interesting
possibly my favorite ever is "wayward servants: the two worlds of the african pygmies". its about this hunter gatherer group, the mbuti, who live in the congo forest and interact with the bantu farmers who also live in the forest. goes super in depth on their society, so cool. they have a really complicated relationship with the farmers, and they have this really interesting relationship to the forest, and this weird net-based style of hunting that heavily effects their social relationships
boas' "kwakwiutl ethnography" is kind of roughly written cuz it was cobbled together from his notes. but it's really cool, and special because 1) its maybe the most detailed ethnography of a native american group. i think there's fairly detailed stuff on plains indians but they were living a lifestyle based on post-contact additions, like the horse. so tells us less about precontact american life and 2) they were unusually wealthy for hunter gatherers, the sea and acorns were really abundant. so they have a lot more hierarchy and stuff than most hunter gatherers
another classic is "nisa: the life and words of a !kung woman". the biogrpahical portions are kind of boring and i mostly skipped them but the ethnography there is really cool. another window on hunter gatherer life. you probably have a vague idea of the !kung because they were super well studied in like the 60s and the modern image of the hunter gatherer is largely based on them. so its cool to get the actual truth and not the bowdlerized version
uhhh the other agriculturalist book i've read is "we, the tikopia", about polynesians on a small melanesian island. i haven't finished it, but it's also really interesting. they bury their dead inside their houses. unusually low gender segregation of labor
@torschlusspanikattack said she'd read a cool one about italian peasants but coudlnt rememeber the name. if she remembers probably that one.
i havent started it yet but i downloaded "the lost world of russia's jews" cuz i feel like it would be cool to compare to the other book. may or may not be good
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hoodreader · 2 months ago
rant about hair n black women
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as an indigenous person, thinking ab spiritual warfare historically was often exercised by sabotaging the hair: methods such as scalping, hair cutting, or forced veiling/styling shows how much significance hair has in communal morale, and how prohibiting the expression of hair correlates to a weakened community spiritually. it’s all so … ketuvian
rant starting here (very bluntly worded but im saying it with love)
some people might not like what i’m finna say but mama need to say it. ion think black women ever worked w that wound cuz the way black women have chemically altered their hair or put the hair of exploited non black women on their heads is so karmic to me. so many people reluctant to addressing the wound
and when y’all be like “my hair is #indonesian i’m not trying to look white” i’m like ohhh brother. ur being willfully obtuse 💔 u not tryna look white? mkay sure. but u def not tryna look black either. if it was just hair people would be getting wigs that matched their textures :P
do u know how much i see bw self deprecating ? “i hate my hair” “my hair is a curse” etc. sisters pls address ur manufactured desires PLS n do not give in to the texturism - u didn’t come out the womb hating urself. ask WHYYY ask WHYYY. n don’t even start w the “white women wear fake hair too” or “black people can have straight/blonde hair” cuz that’s disingenuous. let the melanesians GO. u are BLACK AMERICAN from ST. LOUIS MISSOURI they got NOTHING to do with you !!!
anyways … the relationship black women have to their hair feels rahuvian lol, n im not saying addressing the wound relating to ur hair will fix the problem but it’s a symptom of the larger issue imo. like the way that black hair trauma is a billion dollar industry is very karmic. these companies are siphoning us as a community … sooo …
here’s some thoughts n notes lol take the advice or don’t #whatever
sm “black hair care” products have carcinogens in them. stop giving them yall money 😭🙏🏾
a lot black hair care is lowk a scam. they usually be using race science to sell it too lol. as a negro, ur hair is not exceptionally so unique that u can’t just use products regular ass products … u just may have to use it differently
less is usually more. black hair as is should be very low maintenance just bc how fragile / delicate afro hair is. youtubers popularized them extensive ass haircare recipes / routines but it’s not necessary unless directed by ur hair care specialist lol also they was getting sponsorships girl they not using all that shit everyday 😭
with that being said, @ some of y’all: y’all not gon see no progress wit y’all hair til u accept ur hair is simply not gonna behave like the loose curly girlies on tiktok. that’s why u think haircare is much more extensive, draining, & fruitless for ur hair. ur trying to get it to subvert its nature & that rejection of nature is a ancestral/karmic imbalance. example: wash n go means wash n go, it doesn’t mean slick w 4 diff products and then blow drying the roots and then finger shingling and then blah blah blah so it hangs loose
lean into the ketu of it all. let go of societal perceptions of good hair, of did hair, of allat. let it go n let god. be ok with frizzy edges, u do not NEED a slick ponytail. knotless r ok but not as protective as people say. sometimes u just need some dookie braids and oil. and for the love of god give ur scalps a BREAK !!!
rant over, mama loves u so pls hear me out. this correlates to my spiritual hair care posts. i just felt it on my spirit :P this obv don’t mean u can’t do whatever u want w ur hair but at least maybe #stop the exploited human hair laces & put the relaxers down … moderate heat. just my imo. :p ur beautiful as u are. are u not tired of performing for the white eye in ur minds ? for the colonizer in ur hearts ?
anyways … i love u … bye n read the bluest eye by toni morrison x
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Melanesians and Micronesians in Moana 2
So at the end of Moana 2, when the curse is lifted, other people converge on Motufetu. That gave us a chance to see Pacific Islanders who are not Polynesian, and the way they are initially introduced are through their boats.
So when the first group of sailors meet Moana, many recognized them as Melanesian (and suffice to say, there was a lot of reaction from Melanesians themselves; there has also been controversy on social about folks misindentifying, but that's neither here or there).
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The boat is clearly a tepukei, which can be found in the Soloman Islands and has a very distinctive crab claw sail.
And for the people themselves, besides the obvious differences in phenotype from the Polynesians, there's that intricate use of cowrie shells and white facial markings that still can be seen in ceremonial functions.
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But who were in the second boat?
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While we don't see the same in-depth face-to-face, there's are hints that these are Micronesians.
This boat is likely a wa, which are found in the Carolines (now largely encompassing FSM and Palau). A major trait of them is that identical bow/stern layout that's bent with the flared ends. Plus the really long deck connecting the two hulls.
You can see the similarity in this model at the National Museum of Ethnology in Japan:
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Hopefully, when the story goes into its next stage (considering this film's financial success, that's looking likely), there will be more in-depth focus placed on these distinct cultures.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months ago
The groupings are not based on trying to ensure equal demographics in each, but by proximity to and impact of the Bering Strait Land Bridge theory or other relation to prehistoric colonization of the Americas.
I wasn't sure how to group Oceania and the Polynesian/Micronesian/Melanesian folks given the overall histories, so you get your own bunch. I can't remember if those theories about Polynesians reaching the Americas for trade on occasion, prior to written records, are legitimate/supported or just a thing I heard once. Either way, I think that history of 'discovering unpopulated lands by heading east from large landmasses' is similar enough that maybe it comes up for overlapping histories? IDK! You get your own buttons.
Also wasn't sure if it would make sense to include SEAsia with East Asia or lump it in with the rest, buuuut I think upon reviewing the maps that it looks like the Strait is a lot less geographically/politically related to most of East Asia than I thought, so there's less of a difference between EAsia and SEAsia than I thought, enough that marking them out separately from Russia but not each other probably works.
I initially wrote out a less America-Specific description of primary/secondary or elementary/middle/high but honestly? It took up too much space. Appropriate disambiguation made the title so long that people wouldn't have read it. So. You get K-12 or equivalent.
I'm including Mexico with Central America for two reasons: 1. Most Mexicans I've seen talking on the topic recently, at least on tumblr, prefer to be divided in that direction for cultural reasons. 2. Geographically much more distant from the Bering Strait than its northern neighbors.
Also, please reblog! I want this to go past my primarily anglophone-countries circle if possible.
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tredawakandan · 1 year ago
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Found this dope Maori Chief Recently 💪🏿
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People From The Place where Mu/lemuria was said to be .. Notice how they said the tonga man to some people resembles the american indian.. Also in a legend there states how Lemuria had Red Soil & those who seen past post know I speak about the autochthonous which means from the soil , hence we are the red people which is another shade of brown
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micewithknives · 10 months ago
Top 5 archaeological sites in Australia that you feel people should know more about? Or top 5 Australian artefacts?
I feel like I’ve talked a bit about artefacts in a few recent asks, and also I feel like a lot of Australian archaeology (and as such, sites) are very underrated, particularly on a global scale. Its often acknowledged in Australian archaeology that getting international academia to recognise the importance of our country’s archaeology is very very difficult.
While there’s a million and one sites I’d love to talk about, I’m going to TRY and give sites that relate to different aspects and locations
This is probably going to be long, so...
1. Nauwalabila, Madjedbebe (Malakunanja II), and the Deaf Adder Gorge region, Northern Territory (Aboriginal)
Rock shelters in this region, and specifically Madjedbebe, are currently the oldest location of human habitation in Australia. Dating evidence from 2017 excavations provided an estimate of earliest occupation of 50 000 years at certainty, possibly extending back as early as 65 000 (+/-6000). It also has provided a lot of evidence for research into the extensive grind stone technologies of the Pleistocene.
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2. Cloggs Cave and the Buchan region of the Victorian Gippsland (Aboriginal)
So much research has been done into this region in various ways. Josephine Flood focused her research on Bogong Moth usage (and festivals) within this region, providing some of the earliest accepted academic research in support of Aboriginal peoples’ claims of large scale Bogong Moth Festivals in Australia’s highlands (although the fac that no one really believed communities until then…………..). In 2021 grind analysis found Bogong Moth residue, making this the earliest stone artefact with evidence of insect food remains. And in addition to that recent 2017 research in the area investigated Holocene occupation with Aboriginal community members, with a focus on understanding the interaction of spirituality with the resources found in the caves.
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3. Mabuyag Island, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland (Torres Strait Islander)
Mabuyag Island (alternatively known as Mabuiag or Mabuyaagi) has archaeological evidence of human occupation since 7300 years ago. The island is both associated with recent religious practices associated with he heavy processing of dugong remains, and totemic associations with these, which played a role in early 2000s into community lead and directed archaeological research into ritual and religious traditions and practices. In addition to this, Mabuyag is the location of the first archaeological excavations in Australia to find pre-colonial pottery fragments. The fragments at the two sites on the island were associated with Melanesian and Papua New Guinean pottery trade. The excavations relating to pottery on the island played an important role in our understanding of domestic and international trade in pre-colonial Australia, and also formed an influence for the recent excavations at Lizard Island, 300km south, which identified the first datable domestically made pottery technology found in Australia.
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4. Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, NSW
Hyde Park Barracks is part of a collection of colonial heritage structures in Australia, relating to Australia’s time as a penal settlement. Hyde Park Barracks in particular were the location of the housing of convict men from 1819 to 1830, with the 1830s to 1840s also involving the site being a location of additional convict punishment, and the base for the Board of Assignment of Servants. Following on from a reduction of convicts to NSW in the 1840s, the Barracks became the Female Immigration Depot, and the Orphan Institution, later becoming the Asylum for Infirm and Destitute Women.
This time period of women’s occupation provides some of the most interesting archaeological remains, as redevelopment and management of the site has found high rates of preservation within walls, and in areas below floorboards. This includes textiles and fabrics, papers, and other non-organic materials such as pipes (with their tobacco intact) stashed in what was once floor, wall, and ceiling cavities. Archaeological investigations in the area form one of the most detailed assemblages of artefacts relating to instituted women in the British Empire during the 19th century.
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5. Notch Point, Western Australia (Multicultural heritage)
Notch Point is a site of varied and mixed archaeology, ranging from pre- and post- colonial period Aboriginal heritage, to diverse 19th century occupation of the region by Chinese, European, Malay, and Aboriginal peoples in association with pearling industries off the coast. In addition to this, the point is located on Dirk Hartog Island (otherwise known as Wirruwana), the site of the earliest European arrival in Western Australia in 1616, and contains archaeological evidence of both various early Dutch interactions with the island in 1616 and 1697, as well as French arrival in 1772, 1801, and 1818. Notch Point in particular also contains evidence of conflict between the predominantly Chinese population of the pearling industry, with white-Australian and European pearling masters, and pastoral agents. Its not a site that is widely discussed, but provides a fascinating overlay of the amount of varied cultural groups that can be present within Australia’s archaeological sites.
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Honourable mentions to:
Lake Mungo and the Willandra Lakes which should 100% be on this list, but also I feel like I talk about it ALL the time and I wanted to mention sites that I actually don’t see discussed a lot. Theyre super important for cultural reasons, for archaeological reasons, and also for their role the development of archaeology, Aboriginal community consultation, and the role its played in developing repatriation practices in modern Australia. I have multiple posts about them HERE
Budj Bin Eel Traps in Victoria (same reasons, I’ve definitely talked about them before).
Juukan Gorge (and its destruction, im still horrified)
Harrietville Chinese Mining Village
Strangway Strings and The Peake Afghan Cameleer sites
Recherche Bay in Tasmania, and its 1792 French settlement sites
Homebush Mill & Mission Hall in QLD and Beowa National Park sites containing South Sea Islander heritage
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bestiarium · 17 days ago
Nokoti and the Masalai [Papua New Guinean mythology; Fore mythology]
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Should you ever enter the wilds of Papua New Guinea, chances are you’ll feel like someone is watching you: according to the mythology of the indigenous Fore people, natural landmarks that stand out are often inhabited by strange trickster spirits! For example, a small isolated pond, a strangely tall tree emerging from a regular forest, or an oddly shaped boulder might house one of these spirits of nature.
In Melanesian Pidgin, these beings are called ‘Masalai’ and they are icons of ambiguity. Not quite evil, but not entirely benevolent either. Feared and respected, but not worshiped like deities. The Fore people have designated some spirit-inhabited places as sacred locations called ‘Ples Masalai’, or ‘Masalai ground’. One should not talk out loud in these places, and it is forbidden to touch or damage certain plants found there. Some birds from these Ples Masalai can be used to predict the future to some degree, by analyzing their behaviour, but they too should not be harmed. 
One particularly important holy forest was said to be so magical that passers-by should never look directly at the forest. If they did, the Masalai would take them into the woods for a journey that lasted seven nights. By the end of this trip, the victims lose their sanity. 
One Masalai spirit in particular stands out: Nokoti, also known as Nokondi, a bush spirit. Though he was kind and generous, he was known to steal things from a nearby human settlement. His capricious pranks eventually evolved into larger crimes, like robbing a store or a government official, which eventually gets him captured by humans and banished for his behaviour. Nokoti managed to return, however, and he is now a symbol of sorts for the indigenous Fore people. In fact, his likeness is shown on the flag of the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. When a person died, Nokoti discarded the bones of the material corpse, and these bones caused a tremendous noise when he threw them out: this is how thunder came to be.
Nokoti also had the power to curse people with diseases by stealing a lock of the victim’s hair while he or she was asleep. This typically happened to children, and the parents could save the child by finding the lock of hair that Nokoti had hidden in one of the sacred Ples Masalai. Disrespectful behaviour of adults, on the other hand, was often punished in a different way: Nokoti cursed these people with genital diseases, so as to reduce their ability to procreate.
Being an important character in Fore religion, Nokoti stars in plenty of stories. One tale tells of a man who climbed a tall rock out of curiosity, only to find the spirit resting on the peak. Though he was afraid, Nokoti told him to relax and asked him why he had climbed his boulder. The man explained that even though there was nothing of interest nearby, he always saw footprints surrounding the rock, and wanted to investigate. But now, he had learned that these were not the footprints of a man, but those of the spirit Nokoti. The spirit had taken a liking to the man, and offered him a handful of magical leaves that granted incredible power when eaten. He told the man to call him Walusubo, and if he ever needed the spirit’s guidance, he should call him by that name, and the spirit would hear him regardless of his location. The man went on to become a highly successful hunter.
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(image: Nokoti on the flag of the Eastern Highlands Province)
The Masalai are mysterious spirits, but what do they look like? One particular tale tells of a Masalai in the form of a tall man wearing an overly decorated headpiece. He inhabited a banana tree, perhaps in reference to his appearance. Nokoti himself appeared as a tall man whose long hair reaches down to his chest. He looks human, but his fingers, toes, ears and arms are quite long. In fact, Nokoti uses his long and thin fingers to pick locks and enter houses. He is dressed in white and red leaves, carrying with him a stone axe, a bow and a magical black string bag.
This bag is important: a cautionary tale warns listeners to never mess with the spirits: there once was a man who stole Nokoti’s bag. The animals of the forest all asked him to return the item, for this story takes place in a time when humans and animals all spoke the same language. The man refused, and soon even the inanimate objects in his house started to speak, all demanding that he gave back what he had stolen. The man refused and went to sleep, and Nokoti snuck into his house and took back the bag. When the man woke up, he was left with nothing: his four wives had all left him, the magical bag was gone, and every object that had spoken to him had disappeared as well. When he went outside, he noticed a bigger change: humans could no longer speak with animals.
Interestingly, the lack of recent spirit activity is said to have been caused by colonists: Nokoti was afraid when he first heard the sound of gunshots (in some stories, it was because of jeeps rather than firearms) and he went into hiding, never to be seen again.
I want to finish with a recent story: in 1962, a new government health center was to be built, but a tree had to be cut down in order for construction to begin. The problem was: this was a Ples Masalai, inhabited by a spirit. The worker, a young man from the native Fore people, spoke to the tree and warned it that he would soon cut the tree down.
That night, he dreamed about his future, and that he would have a successful life, but his child would soon die. The next morning, he brought offerings to the site of the tree and prayed to it. Because of his show of respect, his child was spared.
Lindenbaum, S., 2002, Fore Narratives Through Time: How a Bush Spirit Became a Robber, Was Sent to Jail, Emerged as the Symbol of Eastern Highlands Province, and Never Left Home, Current Anthropology, 43, supplement, S63-S73. (image source 1: Auno Melo) (image source 2: Wikipedia user Alaisd)
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ohagiwrites · 26 days ago
I saw you reblogged that living weapon ask game… so…
11- Are they stealthy? Or perhaps bulky, odd or otherwise eye-catching?
12- What is their name? Is it a number? Do they have a nickname? Who uses it?
for zaneta and peter rangi!
Zaneta — This girl is as stealthy as they come. She’s small and nimble by nature which makes her perfect for low profile missions. She blends in perfectly with the humans. The only things that make her stand out are her fangs and her dashing good looks :p
Peter Rangi — Bro can’t be stealthy at all with the way his PHAT ass is clapping about. I’m kidding 😜 (no i’m not). Peter is fairly bulky and just generally broad but he can be stealthy when he needs to be. He wouldn’t have gotten as far as he has if he couldn’t be stealthy. He knows how to blend in with any other human.
Zaneta — Her full name is Constanza Zaneta. However, due to hatred for her mother (the woman she’s named after) she refuses to go by her first name. She makes this fact known and will ensure you don’t forget.
Peter Rangi — His full name is Peter Rangi Flouqet. Ni-Vanuatu birth registration naming customs require a family name “Flouqet”, a christian name “Peter”, and the Melanesian individual name “Rangi” which is basically the english naming equivalent to a first name or custom name. Of course the order is not always rigid and varies from island to island. Zaneta and Dani both call him Peter Rangi, but he insists his bestie and glorious commander Jeremiah calls him Peter for short.
Thank you so much for the ask, let me know if there’s anything else you’re curious about :)
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littledigest · 2 years ago
Asteroids Related to the Night
For those in love with the Moon and those who find comfort in the dark of the night. 🌙
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1298, 3908, 658, 69, 714, 8962, 713, 105, 78, 580
100, 3271
Nocturna 1298
Meaning nightly
Think of the word nocturnal, meaning active at night
I have Nocturna conjunct NN and Chiron. I am for sure nocturnal. I focus better and am more creative at night. I don't think I slept early, even as a child.
Nyx 3908
Named after Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night
Born from Chaos, Nyx gave birth to many gods and goddesses related to daytime, nighttime, light, and darkness.
Asteria 658
Named after Asteria, the Titaness
Her name means of the stars, starry one
Known for being one of Zeus' conquests, she became a bird and then an island. As an island, she saves her sister Leto after Leto is impregnated by Zeus and cannot find a safe haven due to Hera's wrath
Hesperia 69
Named after the Hesperides in Greek mythology
Hesperides are the nymphs of the evening and the golden light of sunsets
They tend the garden and sing
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Ulula 714
Named after the genus of owls
Owls are nocturnal birds, hunters, and symbols of wisdom in Western culture.
In African and Native American cultures, owls are symbols of death.
In Asian cultures, owls are symbols of good luck.
Noctua 8962
Named after a species of owl called Athene noctua or Little Owl (owl of Athena, owl of Minerva)
Commemorates Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and handicraft
Luscinia 713
Named after the genus of nightingales
Known for their singing and frequently used in literature and other works of art
Sing both day and night; songstresses of the night.
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Artemis 105, Diana 78
Named after Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Moon, the hunt, animals, wilderness, and children, or Diana, her Roman counterpart
Her twin is Apollo 1862, who is associated with the Sun
Artemis is also associated with the menstrual cycle and childbirth
I have Artemis conjunct my Moon. Still trying to figure out if this has been expressed in an obvious way in my life yet...caring for animals, children...
Selene 580
Named after Selene, the Greek personification of the Moon
Means light, brightness, gleam
Drives a chariot across the skies to bring the night
Her brother is Helios, the Sun god, who drives a chariot across the sky to bring the day
I have Diana (above) and Selene conjunct with each other and my Neptune and sextile Saturn. Saturn sextile Neptune could refer to materialization. My ideas may be best developed at night (?) under the moon (?)
Hekate 100
Named after Hecate, the Greek goddess of crossroads, entryways, magic, witchcraft, the night, and the Moon
She is depicted with three bodies; all-seeing, transitional, liminal
A triple deity associated with the moon (Selene, Luna), hunting (Artemis, Diana), and herself as the underworld
Associated with dogs as well (thinking dogs and wolves howling at the moon)
Ul 3271
Named after a Melanesian lunar deity
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months ago
Indigenous History Month ask game !
What is your Indigenous identity/identities?
Are you connected, semiconnected reconnecting or disconnected to your culture?
What is your favorite indigenous character? (Canon, headcanon and OC's are okay!)
What does your indigeneity mean to you?
Where are your traditional lands?
What's something that you'd like to see for indigenous representation in media and why?
Can you speak your traditional indigenous language(s)? If so, can you say something in it?
Can you share some traditional knowledge if possible?
If you're connected, semiconnected or reconnecting, can you share a favorite traditional story of your people?
What's an unpopular opinion you have?
What's an intracommunity discussion you'd want to see be talked about more?
Do you have any pet peeves surrounding your community?
How does your indigeneity effect your queerness?
How does your indigeneity affect your plurality, if you are plural and if applicable?
What are your peoples' architecture like?
If you could share one thing with your ancestors, what would it be?
Indigenous vampires or Indigenous werewolves?
What's something you'd want nonindigenous peoples to understand?
What is your faith, if applicable?
Do you practice your traditional indigenous religion?
If you don't practice your indigenous religion, what do you practice, if applicable?
What's something that you feel the loss of with colonization?
Do you own traditional attire?
What is your favorite cultural clothing?
Do you have plant & ecological knowledge?
What's something that makes you proud of your indigeneity?
How has decolonization impacted you?
How do you show up for your community?
Who's your favorite indigenous celebrity, if applicable?
What's something you'd want to say to your future descendants, biological or otherwise?
Note: this is by Indigenous people for Indigenous peoples ONLY! While this was mostly made for Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, it's by no means exclusive to these groups, it's not specific to one culture, but nor is it open for all POC to use. This inherently includes First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Indigenous Americans, Alaska Natives, Greenlandic Inuit / Kalaalit Nunaat, Indigenous Mexicans, Indigenous Central Americans, Indigenous peoples of Abya Ayala (South America), Afroindigenous people in the diaspora (ie Black ndns, Black Americans, Black Canadians, Black South Americans, Black Carribeans, Black Mexicans, etc), Indigenous Africans (Maasai, Somalis, Tigrayans, Xhosa, Zulu, etc), African Diasporic Asians (ie the Siddi in India), Pasifika (Native Hawaiians / Kanaka Maoli, Polynesians, Melanesians, Micronesians, etc.), Aboriginal Australians & Torres Straits Islanders, Māori, Papuans, Black Austronesian peoples, colonized people in China (ie Tibetans, Uighurs, etc), the Ainu of Ainumoshir & Ryūkyūans/Okinawans of Ryūkyū in Japan, colonized people in India, Central Asia & Southeast Asia, Indigenous Taiwanese, peoples of West Asia (Indigenous Palestinians, Jewish people predominantly in the diasporas, Armenians, Kurds, etc.), Indigenous Europeans (Sámi, Karelians, Basque, Crimean Tatars, Irish Travellers, etc.), Indigenous Siberians, Romani & mixed race indigenous peoples! Do not use these for yourselves if you're not Indigenous in any way and especially not if you're white. Zionists, Kahanists, blood quantum purists & enrollment enforcers & assimilated Indigenous peoples who have no intention of connecting to their cultures whatsoever & do not fight for indigenous sovereignty DNI with this post. Please no discourse in the notes or with each other, I want us all to be kind to each other and to have fun with each other, ty!! 💕
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gingee-tarot · 5 months ago
I'm here for the past life reading!!
My name like my username!!♐
I don't have a memorable childhood and mostly are gloomy and so much change when I was kid lol
But well... I recently remeber a memorable childhood from my dad... He bought me an Nintendo DS when I got a high score. That was unexpected from him lol
But years later he broke it and stomp it because my austistic siblings started to fight about my ds....
So yeah!!! :D...
Hello 🍂 thanks for sharing your childhood memories. I feel bad for your nintendo 🥲🥲
Sooo here your spirit guide connected me to one of your past lives around 500 BC-500 AD. you lived in Oceania, probably what now is known as one of the countries in Polynesian or Melanesian , Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, Papuan New Guinea or Fiji.
Your Life in Classical Antiquity in Oceania
Life back then was simpler but full of mystery and deep spiritual meaning. You were highly respected in your community, known as a wise grandparent who have lived many years and gained lots of wisdoms. Your faith was very mystical, deeply connected with nature, the stars and unseen forces. People often came to you for advice because they knew you had unique understanding of the world ,seeing both physical and spiritual side of things.
A Hidden Love and Secrets
You had a secret love affair that had to be kept hidden. For some reason, maybe because of social rules or personal issue, this relationship couldn’t be known to others. It brought you joy but also caused you pain as the secrecy created distance between you and those around you.
You also had your own personal secrets. These were things you kept to yourself like spiritual knowledge or emotional struggles. The ascetic card tells that at one point, you spent a lot of time alone perhaps living like a hermit. This isolation gave you chance to reflect deeply on life’s meaning but it also made you feel distant from people around you.
Physical Limitations and Struggles
At some point of this life you faced physical limitation, an injury or condition that changed the way you moved. This may have been a permanent disability or a severe injury that didn’t fully heal. 5 of pentacles shows that you struggle with this limitation, and often felt left out or frustrated because you couldn’t do things the way you once could. It caused you emotional pain and made you feel isolated at times.
But despite that, you never gave up. You learned how to adapt and contribute to your community even with challenges your body faced.
Walking the Middle Path
One of most important lessons your learned in that life was how to walk the middle path, finding balance between extremes. Whether it was between joy and sorrow, light and dark, or isolation and community, you found peace by staying grounded and not letting things went too far in one direction.
Ace of pentacles represent strength you found by focusing on what truly mattered, staying connected to the earth, community and inner values. You learned that peace came from walking balanced path and not letting any one thing take over your life .
Your Role as a Grandparent and Guide
As a grandparent, you were seen as a wise elder, someone who had a lot to teach. You guided your family and younger generations, showing them how to find balance in life, even during hard times. You were patient and caring, always ready to share the lessons you had learned throughout your life. Even though you had your own struggles, you didn’t let them stop you from being a source of comfort and wisdom for those around you.
You probably shared your knowledge about spirituality and the mystical world, helping others understand life’s deeper meanings. As a grandparent, your role wasn’t just about family, t was about guiding people spiritually, teaching them how to live in harmony with the world.
Your Death and Transformation
Your life ended in fire, possibly a literal fire like a house burning down or in some sort of ritual. Fire was a powerful force in your life, both destructive and transformative. In many ancient cultures, fire was seen as a way to cleanse and transform. Your death may have been symbolic of that transformation.
It wasn’t a peaceful passing, but it was one with deep meaning. 3 of Pentacles suggests that even in death you left behind a legacy. People remembered you for the work you did, the wisdom you shared and the lessons you taught. Your passing marked the end of one chapter but it also symbolized a transformation, making way for new energy.
The Lesson for Your Present Life
In this life, the lesson of walking the middle path continues to guide you. Just like in your past life, you are here to learn how to stay balanced even when life pulls you in different directions. Whether it’s physical challenges, emotional struggles, or relationships, your strength comes from staying centered and not getting overwhelmed by extremes.
You may also still feel deeply connected to spirituality or the mystical just like in your past life. Whether through meditation, nature or personal rituals, you carry the wisdom of someone who has lived many lives and always in search for deeper meaning.
I hope you like your reading and please leave a feedback 💓 thanks
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irawhiti · 2 years ago
tphilippines is pacific islander, why are you acting like its not? kinda racist
yeah i mean this is VERY low quality bait but i'll use it as an excuse to talk about my opinions since i'm a very talkative person lol.
"pacific islander" is a term for polynesians, micronesians, and melanesians. the borders that the united states (and only the united states) use in the pacific are not even remotely related to the terms used by pasifika as a whole. like for example i'm very sick of being included in the acronym "aapi" because that literally means "asian american pacific islander" and is clearly a usamerican term. i am not aapi. i am not an american pacific islander. different terms have different meanings.
everyone i know from, uh, "tphilippines" as you called it, is equally extremely pissed off by the insistence that they're pasifika. like, it is quite literally purely a usamerican census idea that filipino americans are pacific islanders. every single other place in the pacific (and in the philippines lmfao) mocks the concept of you guys being pacific islanders as a whole. i get it's a weird political thing there with the census in the united states and only the united states, but please listen, you are not pasifika. you're absolutely deserving of your own politics, but you aren't a pacific islander. please understand that, while asia and the pacific are connected in many ways, we are very different cultures. i am not asian, you are not a pacific islander.
i understand that politics are very complex, but i will fully disagree that filipino USamericans are pacific islanders. i'm sorry, but that is something that is totally unique to your own government, not something that is based in reality. you guys are absolutely austronesian, but no, you are not pasifika in literally every single country but your own, under specific political census stats. please understand this.
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mudaship39 · 1 year ago
Info about me and my WIPS art and projects as a as a disabled and queer/trans native of color writer artist and creator
Native intro for social media.
BYI check out my bio and pinned post
My Indigenous Pasifika preferred name is No’eau Aitonui Hoata/Heiani Mareva Hoata
If you are Indigenous or Indigenous Pasifika please refer to me by that name
My Vietnamese Kinh name is Ngoc Hien/Xuan Dinh Nguyen
If you are a non native person of color please refer to me by that name
My English/French name is Christian/Jeanne Nguyen
If you are a non native white person you can only refer to me by this name.
Im a Southeast Asian Vietnamese or Kinh Indigenous, European French, East Asian Chinese Hoa, & Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika. 🇫🇷🇻🇳🇨🇳 🇵🇫 I’m an Asian Native Pasifika. 🐚 🌺 🏝️ 🪝 🌋
I’m a disabled native of color. I’m autistic, neurodivergent, chronically ill spoonie disabled, & mentally ill disabled. ♿️
Im a disabled gamer/streamer. My Playstation tag is warpdriveplanet39. My Xbox tag is Mudaship39. Twitch is mudaship39. I play and stream PS3, PS4, & PS5 games. I play and stream Xbox 360, Xbox One games. I plan to play Xbox Series X games in the future. 🎮
I’m a QTIPOC or queer and trans Indigenous person of color. Nonbinary bigender or genderfluid pansexual or omnisexual. Polyam or polyamorous. Maohi/raerae in the middle indigenous third gender. Any and all pronouns. Including neopronouns and indigenous third gender pronons. He/him. She/her. They/them. Xer/xers. Native third gender neutral oña. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈⚧
Im a writer, creator, & artist. Im an author, comic book writer, screenwriter, spoken word poet, & songwriter.
I’m a Indigenous language keeper, culture keeper, & storykeeper.
I write about racial, sex, cultural identity, sexual orientation, & gender identity in music and poetry.
I write about Black, poc, Indigenous, disabled, and or lgbt characters in disabled, bipoc, and qtipoc futurism.
Im the writer and creator of the precontact and post land back Bipoc and qtipoc futurism project. It’s a hybrid science fiction cyberpunk and magical high fantasy comic books and graphic novels series Chronicles of War.
Basic info is the pinned post of my tumblr. More information is on a google doc on my google drive.
Im the performing artist spoken word poet of the spoken word poetry book Heart of Fire Dragon, Soul of Flame Pheonix, & Sea Fairy Ocean Blood that is about being a disabled native, an Asian Native, a displaced disconnected diaspora, & QTIPOC.
The cut and censored version of it is linked in the pinned tweet on my twitter mudaship39. Uncut and uncensored version is on a google doc on my google drive.
If anyone wants to pay me for the poetry book and or the futurism project as a disabled writer, artist, and creator. Be sure to dm or pm me. There is a specific way to do so as a disabled writer artist and creator.
Be sure to check out my carrd in my bio. It has info on how to contact me for my projects. Info on how to pay me for my art. Info on my other social media accounts if mutuals want to follow me on other social media.
Do you want to read a spoken word poetry anthology book I wrote as an Asian native Pasifika artist who’s a songwriter and spoken word poet? Its called Heart of Fire Dragon Soul of Flame Phoenix and Sea Fairy Ocean Blood. It’s about being a disabled native (autistic, neurodivergent, chronically ill, & mentally ill disabled), a displaced disconnected state side diaspora, being an Asian Native (as a Vietnamese Kinh, French, Chinese Hoa, & Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika person of color), & about being a QTIPOC (queer and trans third gender Indigenous person of color). I have been working on it for a long time as a storykeeper, language keeper, and culture keeper. It includes a personal foreword and personal afterword to Indigenous people specifically Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian audiences. The cut and censored version of it is linked in my pinned tweet of my Twitter mudaship39 if you are interested in reading something like this. The uncut and uncensored version of it is on a google doc on my google drive. Need email for google doc invite link. Let me know which version you prefer to read if you're interested in reading something like this. Be sure to like and reblog my pinned post to boost my art to other native of color mutuals.
For the cut and censored version. Go to the pinned tweet. Like and retweet the pined tweet. This is to boost info about my wips art and project to your native of color followers. The cut and censored spoken word poetry book is linked in my pinned post thread. Like retweet and quote any line of the cut and censored version of the spoken word poetry book. Quote tweet it with your thoughts. Use any Indigenous and poc hashtags if you know any. This is so it gets out to others in the poc community and Indigenous community especially those indigenous to turtle island or Indigenous to Pasifika Oceania or Moana. It’s also so I can find poc or Indigenous producers and publishers to actually make it into a spoken word poetry book. For the uncut and uncensored version post comments into the google doc itself and leave a review at the end. Let me know if you know anyone else interested in reading something like this. Let me know if know any poc and Indigenous artists especially indigenous to turtle island or Indigenous to Pasifika Oceania or Moana who are willing to draw art for this poetry book.
Im also a writer and creator who writes bipoc, disabled, and qtipoc futurism. I write magical high fantasy and science fiction books, comics, and graphic novels. My bipoc, disabled, and qtipoc futurism project called Chronicles of War. It is a cyberpunk science fiction and magical high fantasy hybrid comic book or graphic novel series. It is precontact and post land back. That is about several disabled, bipoc (or Black Indigenous and or person of color) characters, and qtipoc (or queer and trans indigenous people of color) main characters. One is an Afro Asian pasifika/Afro latine native demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman superhero in a cyberpunk world in the near and far future. The other is an Afro Asian native coded magical human with fae elvish, hobgoblin goblinoid, & giant kin ancestry who’s a spellcaster, swordfighter, and gunslinger adventurer in a magical high fantasy world. Both of them are qtipoc disabled and bipoc. There are other bipoc and qtipoc main characters in other worlds pre contact and post land back. Such as a lesbian of color and butch of color Asian and Indigenous Asian coded half human and half avian humanoid monk. Such as a Sami Indigenous and European Scandinavian coded third gender god/goddess Jotunn Loki. Such as a third gender Afro Indigenous Chickasaw Native Freedman were lion and were leopard hybrid character and her friend a Afro Latine South American Native were jaguar and were cheetah werecat hybrid character. Both of them living in a town of Afro Indigenous Freedman and hybrid humanoid communities. Such as a Central and South American summoners of kaiju or titans based on Nahuatl Quechua and Maya Indigenous mythology. Such as a female Asian and Asian Native half human half firebird and lighting bird monk fighter. Such as a Indigenous Pasifika sea pirate. It has Black, Native, poc, queer, trans, & disabled representation. It has Indigenous and indigenous pasifika representation too actually. If that’s something you are into. Need email for google doc invite link also if you are also into this.
If you want to look up excerpt blog posts of my poetry book or futurism project. Be sure to search my blog with my tags of native, indigenous, trans, disabled, and or queer: artist, writer, representation, character, and or creator. Be sure to like and reblog to boost my art wips and projects to native of color, disabled, & or lgbt mutuals.
If anyone wants to pay me for the poetry book and or the futurism project as a disabled writer artist and creator. Be sure to dm or pm me. There is a specific way to do so as a disabled writer artist and creator.
Cover art of the Spoken Word Poetry Book: Heart of Fire Dragon Soul of Flame Phoenix and Sea Fairy Ocean Blood:
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Upcoming project once i find cast crew and a studio and network to green light it: Modern take movie about Medusa and her blind lesbian love interest. With more diverse characters since modern take with disabled, queer trans, and bipoc representation like my other wips and projects.
Polynesian Micronesian and Melanesian sports anime or cartoon. Each season being about different Pasifika sport. Volleyball football ruby rowing or canoeing sailing. Each season with different main characters. Characters from past seasons returning in cameos. Gay volleyball with a vahine femme main character about a pasifika girl in varsity hs volleyball. Hawaiian or Tahitian and her partner is Tongan or Samoan.
I play old current and next gen console games PlayStation 3, 4, and 5 games and Xbox 360 and Xbox one games. Still trying to get a gaming computer and an Xbox series x for other current and next gen games
Games I am playing currently is in my Xbox and PlayStation account. Games I want to play but am waiting for as a disabled gamer, gamer of color, & gaymer is on my wishlist on both accounts.
You can also send me PlayStation store or Xbox store gift cards amount from 25 to 100 $ so I can buy the games I want to play and stream as a gamer of color, gaymer, disabled gamer, & variety streamer
I use an old laptop for my writing gaming streaming and art. Still trying to get a windows 11 laptop and a Samsung or iPad tablet for writing art and creating art and projects. Also still trying to get a microphone, camera, and headset for steaming, gaming, and podcasting
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