#Meg can’t help much bc straight hair
cows-and-crows · 1 year
LesterApollo having to learn how to properly take care of his curly hair.
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amerie-wadia · 2 years
meg’s obx s3 thoughts (don’t read if you enjoy jiara or don’t want to read spoilers)
overall thoughts:
plot—i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, i do not care about the gold plot. i like obx for the fun and goofy summer teen vibes with some messy romance and that silliness that we haven’t really seen since season 1 despite tiny one or two line teases of it every so often. i don’t care about the gold and i don’t think anybody should be that rich to have that gold and seeing the kids at the end with all that money just felt SO weird in like a fanfiction i wrote at 13 sort of way. secondly, too much adults this season. yeah i’m an adult and i usually enjoy a good adult pov in a teen show but these adults are off the rails so it’s not like a splash of maturity and groundedness it’s just straight up murder and child ab*se. the only good adults on this show are the heyward parents and we barely got to see them but i’ll give the writers what we did see was so warm and inviting and felt like the only safe space of this entire series. finally, although there’s so much to touch on, the poguelandia bit really broke my suspension of disbelief bc where was the body hair and grease and sunburn?? i know this show is written purely to be a male fantasy but let’s be real.
pope—number one character third season ina row!! he was amazing and is always amazing. it hurt seeing how pope was hurting because of his breakup with kie but i’m glad they didn’t brush it all over and pretend it was nothing to him the way they wrote it for kie. it also felt realistically in character for the academic burnout and perfectionism to spiral when pope got back and temporarily drops out of school, but i’m so happy that it quickly got resolved of course with the help of popes loving support system. slay baby!!
sarah—babygirl was a standout to me this season. i enjoyed her in s1 and was extremely bored of her in s2 but she came right back around and basically took all the screen time and did not disappoint. i mean, she did cheat on john b and that’s icky but i’m not saying she’s a good person her character was just really fun to watch if that makes sense. i’m still waiting for us to learn ANYTHING about sarah (or kie or any woman on this damn boat show) because right now sarah cameron is just an enigma and not much a human person. but madelyn can act!!
kie—well, i really enjoyed kie in season 1 and i kind of felt meh in s2 and this season i’m just not able to enjoy her character anymore. the rich girl who wants to be edgy thing is getting old and like yeah i get feeling connected to your friends but babes being a “pogue” (i cringe every time i hear it especially at this point in the show) is about growing up with all the cards stacked against you and being a poor kid on a super rich touristy island and like yeah the “kook” kids are rich assholes but kie needs to stop getting so heated when people call her a kook because she is. anyway. i’m sorry but kie is just such a missed opportunity because the writers refuse to give her any sort of dimension besides being a not-like-other-girls girl and literally all of her scenes were either being an unhinged 16 year old trying to go dangerously flee to south or central america or jiara or with rafe cameron and i just couldn’t enjoy any of her scenes. i’ve given up on obx writing even one decent female character.
jj—i can’t stand him anymore. i know, i know, he’s the boy of the moment but at this point he’s gained zero character development and all the other characters are off the rails so he feels so much less banana pants as he did the first season. and again, with no time for goofy silliness his character just faded into the background for me. i would’ve loved to see literally anything in the way of character growth, like he could’ve have a good going back to school ark alongside pope or maybe gotten at job at heywards or anything but all of his scenes were either jb side kick or jiara and his actual character just fell flat for me.
cleo—i want a flushed out female character SO badly!!!!!!!! i can’t wait for fanfic writers to give her some personality of her own because she and pope have fabulous chemistry and i’m rooting for them but i barely know who she is.
john b—he got absolutely played this season. he’s grown on me a lot since season 1 but then he started to beat topper into oblivion and it really brought me right back to not liking this kid. i mean get that he’d just seen his dad murder people and that’s super traumatic but like this show is already enough toxic masculinity and i just need him to find a different way to express himself. i know obx writers are not at all concerned with being socially progressive or conscious in any way shape or form but watching this show as an adult woman is just ~shakes head~
sarah and john b—are they married? lmao i don’t remember this at all. the wiki page says not legally so i don’t even know but that seems on brand for the level of chaos that is this show. i feel like they’ve reached a point where they don’t need to be together. like, i’m sorry but if sarah or john b were my friends i’d give them the advice to break up. like jb she cheated on you with an ex at the very first fight. and sarah, please just get with a guy who’s stable and kind and not physically or verbally violent with you or anyone else. plus the chemistry was all off this season so even in their good moments it just felt like a sinking ship to me.
jj and kie—if you follow my blog you know my take on this ship. i tried to go in open minded but the writing was so poor that it didn’t feel natural at all. the thing that really got to me was the “jayj” nickname. i know it was all fanservice and the nickname is popular in the fandom but kie nor anybody else has EVER called him that prior to this season and it just felt so forced and weird. like she’s always called him jj and that’s already a nickname. whatever. i also wonder what actual jiara shippers think because i thought any natural chemistry was crushed with how awful the writing was. don’t get me started on the entire weird dynamic with jj breaking her out and driving her around on his dirt bike in a high speed chase without a helmet on.
pope and cleo—fantastic natural chemistry and probably the most likeable couple this season imo. i wish cleo was flushed out and had her own characterization and layers because they have a lot of potential. they’re fanfic-trope heavy as well but with tropes i like so i’ll allow it. cleo getting along with popes family was so cute to watch and the way she and popes dad joked around was so natural and sweet.
final thoughts:
this was pretty negative and yeah i didn’t know if i was going to even watch the new season because it feeling kind of bored and meh after s2, but i needed something lighthearted to watch and i wanted to see where they were going to go with the story, especially for pope because he really is one of my favorite characters atm. regardless, at this point i don’t know if i’m gonna stick around for the next season or not. it’s really hard to watch a show that is as strong of a male fantasy as this one. like there are no fleshed out female characters, no queer characters, and it’s so hard to relate to what any of these characters are going through because they’re living on deserted islands with shaved legs and bumping off of yachts to and from central and south america to go fight mob bosses and find an ancient city that was so easy to find i was shed of my suspension of disbelief. last thought, the dynamite scene was so wtf because why’d he bring it (1) and (2) for that much money people could just absolutely mine that mountain, so it’s absolutely not “giving up the gold for his son” kind of redemption arc that isn’t possible for his character after all big john has done.
those are my thoughts. argue with me if you want but if you follow my blog you likely agree with some of these takes.
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@megatraven hehe. I saw your post of ranting about why you love Alex (I love those posts so much it makes me v happy) and I saw the one where it’s like “the fact that Alex learned how to love when they met MC as kids” had me like “oooOoh. An idea👀”. Like I just imagined the way they met. And this is stuff I’ve thought of for 2 days too so long post djwndb.
I imagine that yeah, maybe when they first met (when they held her in their arms when they were 5 and she was just born. Or well that’s how I like to imagine they met lol) they may not have loved her like that. I mean...all babies lowkey look the same and it’s a baby, you don’t know how they’ll turn out. They considered her family because she was another addition to Josh and Melody (MCs mom. They considered them family, so MC was now family). They loved her and swore to protect her because they were more powerful and could protect her. However, since they weren’t allowed on the surface too often and MC was very young and couldn’t leave the house too much, they didn’t see her often, so that love didnt grow or anything.
They didn’t love her as best friends or anything, just yet.
However, when she turned 5 and learned to speak and read very well and visited Olympus, their heart thumped when they spoke to her. Her voice was very soft like, soothing (even for a child), and they loved to hear her laugh. Well, they loved to hear everyone laugh, but they wanted to hear hers most. They were a little enchanted and liked to do a lot with her. They loved Josh too because he was family to them, but they learned how to really love someone when they met MC bc, well, they just did. They didn’t realize it at first, but overtime realized that they loved her since that day they met.
And hnnnng I’m happy and soft at imagining this for some rEASON.
And we know that when they’re drunk, they literally just give loving glances toward MC (like they don’t do that sober but anyways). They probably act on it too (if they’re dating) and just loVE her and can’t hold back the looks bc they’re drunk and are not thinking to straight lol. And I like to imagine that when they were kids they did the same thinnng hnnnng. Whenever she came over and wanted to talk to them about anything, they’d listen with interest and would just give her ALL their attention.
Even when they were apart, the other gods and goddesses that took them for the day (I believe they went with some of them to learn what they did?) they would think of MC sometimes or think of what she said to them. They’d remember what they did that day so they could tell MC if she came over that day. They loved telling her stories and always wanted to entertain her. And like you headcannoned, they would let her win most of the time if they played a game. They knew she wasn’t a sore loser, but the smile on her face made them happy and loved to see her happy aND HNNNG MEG.
AND THEN when you said they gave her that deer plushie of theirs, imagine that they saw her play with it the whole day she was at Aphrodites estate and that’s when they decided to give it to her. I imagine MC as too nice to out right ask to keep something or would be afraid to literally take something that someone else loved, so she’d just play with it while she was there. They noticed she really liked it and gave it to her.
AND WHEN YOU POSTED THAT FIC OF MC HAVING ALEXS PENDANT WHEN SHE WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM HERCULES AND SAID THAT SHE REMEMBERED HOLDING ON TO IT AS A BABY...it made me just so Soft. Like they hold her when she was born, and the first thing she does is cling on to their necklace. She reaches for it and holds it in her tiny hands. She just looks at it and looks like she really likes it. They laugh at her and she laughs back and it’s just WHOLESOME. Then, when she got a bit older (maybe 5), she’d still sometimes just hold onto it. Like, sometimes she’d sit beside Alex or on their lap bc shes small and she might ask to actually wear it but they’re like “haha, uh, that can’t happen-”. And it’s just funny, so she just holds on to it when she’s nervous or just needs something to do when she’s spacing out. And if they tell her a story while they’re laying next to her, she cling onto it as she listens and eventually falls asleep hOLDING ITTT.
And sometimes, if they were alone in the estate, she would ask Alex if they could let their aura out. She loved to see their aura (and it’s why she loved the deer plushie so much. It always felt like Alex was with her🥺) and loved to pet it. Sometimes they’d let it out and she’d be ECSTATIC. They might make it literally just run around her so she could watch and laugh and be happy. Sometimes they’d let it lay right beside her as she fell asleep in the estate. And since they didn’t see each other often (like other best friends could) they’d always let her cling into their necklace, let her cling onto them, let her play with their aura, or do whatever she wanted with them. They knew they wouldn’t see her for maybe another month or few days, so they mainly just wanted to make her happy and enjoy their time with her when she was there.
And maybe ONE time they let her wear it and took a picture of her. It hurt a little bit without their aura, but they really wanted to see it on her. And she didn’t even ask one time and they were like “turn around and let me put it on you”. She’s happy but doesn’t understand that it’d probably hurt a lot. She only realizes once it’s on and she smiled at them. They smiled back but then it crashed down on her that they might be in pain. She’s like “OH NO,” and gives it back to them immediately after they take the picture. They still laugh sometimes at her almost crying bc she thought that she truly hurt them.
And once MCs mom got the picture (Alex got one and so did MCs mom bc Aphrodite saw the picture and wanted to share it lol) she held it close to her too. And I like to imagine she had a wallet with her badge and stuff in it aND SHE’D HAVE PICTURES OF HER KIDS!1!1! And then when she died and MC joined H.E.R.A, she also keeps her moms badge in her purse or bag. She just can’t let go and likes to think her moms there with her. Even before she becomes a field agent, even if she’s just working at a desk, she likes to see her moms badge when she gets a little scared or worried. She opens her bag, gets the badge, and sees her moms badge and how she was smiling in the photo and how happy she looked. She had her hair down (for once at work) and looked so young and happy. And it made MC happy and feel a little more comfortable. She may get teary eyed, but takes a deep breath and shakes her head. She can’t get sad now. Not here. She can’t get sad when she’s trying to do her best to make her mom proud. Even though her moms proud of her already, she doesn’t know that and wants to do the best and theres no crying on the job.
And imagine when Aphrodite and Hades somehow got to see Melody’s (MCs mom) badge when she died, they see photos fall out of it and it’s just pictures of MC and Josh. Pictures of them all together, pictures of just MC, pictures of just Josh, pictures of Josh and MC together...just pictures of her kids. Of her life. The pictures may be a bit small, but they both clearly see a smile on Melody’s face if she’s in it, and they know she’s smiling behind the camera or would smile when she looked on these photos. Now they know what she was looking at in her purse when she was stressed. It wasn’t looking for her phone or looking for “something”. She was looking for the pictures that reminded her why she was working at H.E.R.A in the first place. She wanted to make a better world for them and for the people in the world.
And they know deep down it wasn’t because of her relations with Hera. It was just because she truly wanted to make the world a better place. She truly wanted to help the people around her and wasnt pulled to Olympus bc of Hera. She was pulled bc she loved the people there as her own woman, she fell in love with Aphrodite as her own woman, she made Hades laugh and love her like a sister as her own woman, and she did so many things that were amazing. And she died trying to protect something that she truly loved.
I’ve thought of all of this for 2 days and I’m Soft™️.
And unrelated to AFK and such, sorry that The Girl in The Blue Dress has so many chapters and it’s just her dying again and again. I would start with the main story and sprinkle in the other lives, but I suck at doing that (I tried but am terrible at it. It never makes sense) so I always start out with the background even if it’s kinda long. So my bad lol. Hope you don’t get bored👀.
And sorry if there’s mistakes I don’t feel like re reading this mess DJWNDBW.
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
a friend just posted a pic on fb of the coffee shop we used to hang out at, taken way back in the day. it’s just a shot of the place taken from inside, looking out the big glass windows and onto the street of downtown chattanooga. but one friend pointed out that she could see another friend’s van parked across the street, and one of the baristas came on and said he’d taken the photo and then proceeded to post a bunch more. 
anyway i’m feeling nostalgic so i’m posting about it. memories behind the cut. 
i started going there when i was maybe 15 years old. i don’t remember why, but it’s likely that the artsy nerd club i was a part of (we stayed after school to watch amadeus and monty python and we’d sometimes go to the local art museum) went there after a meeting one day. or maybe someone told me about it. anyway, it was my favorite place to go. i would drink pots of tea, always trying new things. 
on my 16th birthday my parents got me a teapot from there and a gift certificate to buy tea with. i had that teapot til it broke a year ago. 20+ years! it moved with me to and from college, to nyc, california, texas, and back to california. damn. 
anyway after i’d been going for a while i started talking with the owner. his name was ian, and he was pretty young. he loved tea and coffee and he had a roaster where they’d make their own coffee. it was loud and lovely, and for a long time it lived up front, right by a little elevated area with couches. when it was running you couldn’t hear anything and had no choice but to either shout or be quiet. 
ian encouraged my love of tea, and offered to keep track of everything i’d tried in a little notebook that was kept behind the counter. i got to make notes on every pot i drank, and i remember writing “terrible! grass!” after my first pot of green tea (it was oversteeped--my fault--and probably made with water that was too hot--their fault). i had my first pu-er there, and fell in love with its damp leaf flavor and that turned earth scent that it has. i drank multiple pots of jasmine pearls and wrote a caffeine fueled poem about it with a friend. i loved that little coffee shop. 
i don’t remember when i went from hanging out inside to hanging out outside, but i feel like i was 18 or so. the older people (they were probably barely 21-25, fucking babies) sat out there smoking and drinking coffee. i developed a crush one summer on a guy who made me think of arthur dent for some reason (don’t ask because i don’t know) and we went on one awkward date and didn’t kiss, and now i wonder what’s happened to him and if he, too, wasn’t straight. who knows? someone, i’m sure, but i can’t remember his last name anymore so is it even relevant? 
i’d never felt cool til i went off to college. it was like leveling up without trying, like when you’re playing a game and do one action and suddenly all your stats are refilled and you’re like...this is unexpected? but i’ll take it? i think that’s why i decided i could really sit with the outside tables. that and my bff, who was dating someone who was friends with a lot of those people, would show up sometimes and sit out there. 
(if you’ve actually been reading along so far, here’s where i’m gonna introduce you to a bunch of people i’ve never talked about before and will likely never mention again. just so you have fair warning.) 
the cast of characters shifted a lot, but there were always the constants. scott, the barista, who was much older than most of the people hanging out but looked young and seemed young. i look back with adult eyes and question the relationship we had, but at the time i just thought it was cool that someone so much older thought i was worth hanging out with. but he was 30 when i was 19, and man that’s a lotta years. he had a summer where he hit on my friend and i constantly, after his wife left him and he was kinda floundering a bit. but it never went past flirting and it never bothered me, though like i said it kinda does now. we were still hanging out when i was 21 and we’d go get beers after the coffee shop closed at ten or midnight. he’d turn up obnoxious music really loud and i’d sometimes help close. 
there was gabe and george, brother and sister in a family of people with names starting with the letter g. george was tiny and cute and either very drunk or very hyper from coffee at all times. gabe was a nerd who was usually quiet but loved to play scrabble, and we’d take the board inside sometimes and battle one another. he was much better than me, i won’t lie. liz and ever were both writers who would play with us sometimes. ever had changed her name at some point (to ever; any name she had before is irrelevant) and when we met she explained the meaning of her new name, which i won’t give because damn it’s very google-able. 
she was a so fascinating to me, always talking about some feminist theory or philosopher, and i always felt so smart when we’d hang out. like a Serious Thoughtful Adult and not a kid. and liz was less serious but no less smart. she played scrabble a lot more and for a while we got pretty close. she took me out after coffee sometimes to a shitty bar with pool tables and tried to teach me how to play pool. she had her own cue and even though she was like 5′2″ she could break like nobody’s business. i never figured out how to do that part. 
alex would come with us sometimes. he was tall and handsome and rode a motorcycle, and was the first openly bi guy i ever met. one time he invited me over to his house and we laid around listening to the smiths and talking. he burned me a copy of their greatest hits that i still have, all scratched up so it probably doesn’t play anymore. he crashed his bike more than once driving drunk. dumb fuckin kid. now he repairs coffee machines and sails, i think. life is funny. 
a few other people ran in groups. meg and waide and the aforementioned jason and ardyce. some people called meg “big megan” and another megan (her family was really wealthy, rich southern politicians who knew the clintons and have a mention in sweet home alabama--the song, not the movie) was “little megan” because she was still in high school. i joked that i was medium megan, but the whole thing was awkward because big megan was fat and i was small fat and little megan was skinny. i’m gonna blame it on thoughtless dudes, but who the fuck knows? we all pretended not to mind it anyway. 
waide ended up being a connection with other people who i met later. my hometown is weird in that it’s actually a pretty big part of the southern punk scene, so a lot of punks i meet have spent time there, and anyone over a certain age probably spent time at the bar waide worked at (the stone lion, and then maybe also the pickle barrel) so he’s one of those people who i’ll end up mentioning even though we haven’t spoken in years. 
at some point a kid named ory showed up. i think he was 16 when he started coming around, and i used to call him puppy because he was excitable and silly, full of energy one minute and then mopey crashing the next. like a lot of people there he drank a lot and would be fucked up sometimes and make dumb choices. i always wanted to protect him. when i was 22 (and he was 19, i think) we ended up sitting together at the second lotr movie and having some kind of weird chemistry. that summer i drove him home one night and we had a super heavy make out with lots of clothed grinding. honestly the furthest i’ve ever gone with a cis straight(ish, he hooked up with a couple dudes but idk if he’d say he’s bi) dude and it was awkward in that we never talked about it? and then he came to visit me a couple years later in new york because he was in the navy, and he got super drunk and passed out on my couch and was a mess because he literally never stopped being a puppy. 
he’s fucked up now, fully cancelled bc he said shit about girls rock camp (really dude?) and also probably cheated on his wife on their honeymoon? idk, it was fb rumors and then he deleted. but i’d believe it, honestly. 
and then there were all these absolutely random downtown characters: dirty mark (a crusty punk who was drunk or high most of the time) and shirtless dave (yeah he really didn’t wear a shirt that much) usually came as a pair. sometimes dave hung out with a guy my friends and i called blue hair. he once hit on my friend and she panicked and gave him my number instead of hers because her brain didn’t make up a fake number fast enough. 
there was sandy the flower man, who just passed away a couple weeks ago. he’d get flowers from local florists and go around on his bike, stopping into the coffee shop or to bars with roses and carnations and daisies. people gave him money usually, but sometimes he’d just hand you a flower because he wanted to. i saw a picture from a memorial and there was a portrait of him that was sat on top of his bicycle, all of it surrounded with flowers on flowers. so pretty. it’s what he deserved. 
things changed around 2005 or so, i think. by that time, all the old baristas had left and the kids who came in were all weirdly religious and went to the christian college on the mountain. they made shitty coffee and sometimes played xtian rock and most of the old regulars couldn’t take it anymore. ian got sick around that time, too, and ended up selling the place. they stopped carrying much tea, if any. 
but they finally sold the space and moved in like 2015. i remember the first time i drove by and didn’t see the lights on inside. it felt like seeing a friend from grade school all grown up, maybe the kid you had a crush on but they have a family now and you don’t think they’d recognize you at all so you just have to walk away. gone. 
fuck this post is long as shit, i’m sorry for anyone on mobile. but damn it was good to get my memories out. 
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kitjoy · 7 years
This could be fun or extremely sad
1: Name: Jess 2: Age: 17 3: 3 Fears: Wasps, Small spaces and idk 4: 3 things I love: My dogs, My cats and movies 5: 4 turns on: Hair pulling, Dry humping, Kissed against a wall, Moaning lol 6: 4 turns off: Dirty Talk (not a big fan), Feet, Cockiness, Guys who STOP TALKING TO YOU STRAIGHT AFTER YOU GOT OFF WITH THEM  7: My best friend: Meg and Emily  8: Sexual orientation: Um probs like Bi or something but 90% attracted to boys 9: My best first date: Aint had one tbh 10: How tall am I: 5′5 11: What do I miss: Not having responsibilities  12: What time were I born:  3pm 13: Favorite color: Yellow 14: Do I have a crush: Nah 15: Favorite quote:  A lot of movie quotes 16: Favorite place: Home 17: Favorite food: Italian food 18: Do I use sarcasm: No(!) 19: What am I listening to right now: Hold on- SE22 Mix 20: First thing I notice in new person: Usually mouth or eyes 21: Shoe size: 7 22: Eye color: Hazel 23: Hair color: Naturally Blonde/Brown but Grey atm 24: Favorite style of clothing: Oversized jackets are my shit 25: Ever done a prank call?: Yeah when I was like 12 27: Meaning behind my URL: Just liked the sound of it 28: Favorite movie:  Die Hard 29: Favorite song:  Changes all the time 30: Favorite band: ^ 31: How I feel right now:  Eh 32: Someone I love: My Momther 33: My current relationship status:  Singleeee (and have been for abt 4 yrs??) 34: My relationship with my parents:  Ok I guess 35: Favorite holiday:  Either Halloween or Christmas 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Arrow of my hip, Something to do with my zodiac of my ankle, Ears pierced 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: A drawing my mum did when she was my age (The dragon on a The Clash CD cover) 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Don’t remember 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?:  Barely remember him tbh 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: Nope 41: Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Nah 42: When did I last hold hands?  Agesss ago 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?  Depends if im late or not 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?  No but I need to goddamn 45: Where am I right now? My bedroom (as always) 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Myself I’m pretty responsible when drunk imo 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Fuckin loud hell yeah 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yep 49: Am I excited for anything? V festival and a J Cole concert I’m going to :DD 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? FUCK no 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Not so much nowadays 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Last weekend 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Wouldn’t care lmao 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? Yup 55: What is something I disliked about today? Nothing yet but it’s still early 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ri Ri or Chance the Rapper I lov them 57: What do I think about most?: Probs my future 58: What’s my strangest talent?:  Can crack almost every joint in my body 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Nah I think they’re all valid 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind 61: What was the last lie I told?: That I didn’t have weed on me lol 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Who even talks on the phone anymore 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes to ghosts, idk to aliens 64: Do I believe in magic?: Nah 65: Do I believe in luck?: Not really 66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny but windy 67: What was the last book I’ve read?: 1984 (and still haven’t finished it) 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: Only when I have a full tank in my car  69: Do I have any nicknames?:  Used to be called Jep 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?:  Ripped my toenail half off once (: 71: Do I spend money or save it?: Try to save it 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: Yeah 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: Yeah my candle jar 74: Favorite animal?: Hmm dogs and cats are cool but I love leopards 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Playing Sims 4 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?:  Probably Trump or something 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Freedom By George Michael 78: How can you win my heart?: Be attentive to me and don’t be fake  79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Baddest bitch there ever was 80: What is my favorite word?: Goiym 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr:  Don’t really have a top 5 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Waddup wanna hang? 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?:  Apparently I do I found out recently 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Either invisibility bc I’m a nosy bitch or levitation 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: How are you feeling? 86: What is my current desktop picture? Deadpool 87: Had sex?: Nah 88: Bought condoms?: Nope 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: not yet luckily 91: Kissed a boy?: Yah 92: Kissed a girl?: Yah 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Nope 94: Had job?: Yep 95: Left the house without my wallet?: I do it all the time 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No way 97: Had sex in public?: Nope 98: Played on a sports team?: Does a school team count 99: Smoked weed?: Hell yeah 100: Did drugs?: Only weed 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yeah 102: Drank alcohol?: Ofc 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No way couldn’t like without bacon 104: Been overweight?: Nope 105: Been underweight?: Yeah but that’s just my body type 106: Been to a wedding?: Yep 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Literally everyday :/ 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Probs when I was younger 109: Been outside my home country?: Yah 110: Gotten my heart broken?: No 111: Been to a professional sports game? Don’t think so 112: Broken a bone?: Luckily no 113: Cut myself?: Yup 114: Been to prom?: Yeah 115: Been in airplane?: Yeah 116: Fly by helicopter?: No I wish 117: What concerts have I been to?: Olly Murs and JLS concert (I’m cool), and V festival 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Nope not yet 119: Learned another language?:  I’m ok at German I guess 120: Wore make up?: Yep 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Not yet but I’m working on it lmao 122: Had oral sex?: Nah 123: Dyed my hair?:  Multiple times 124: Voted in a presidential election?: No 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yep 127: Met someone famous?: Nah 128: Stalked someone on a social network?:  Who hasn’t 129: Peed outside?: Yah :/ 130: Been fishing?: Yeah 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: Not directly 133: Broken a mirror?: Nope 134: What do I want for birthday?: Erm probably like money or a sick 18th party when I can then drink (legally)
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willowslesbidar · 7 years
tagged by @jenny-calendar (💖💖💖)
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke for sure!
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Disney was my entire childhood omg (fun fact: I did a seven minute speech about the history of Disney once for school)
3. Coffee or tea: Probably coffee? But not like, hardcore, straight up COFFEE. It’s gotta have a good couple tons of sugar/creamer/cinnamon and junk.
4. Books or movie: actually I like movies better! Books are great but the visual and audio components of movies are really interesting to me
5. Windows or Mac: I actually know zip about computers and stuff but I’ll go with mac
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel
7. Xbox or PlayStation: no clue tbh
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: another thing I know zip about: video games. But dragons are lit though so I’ll go with the first one?
9. Night Owl or Early Riser: probably night owl? I can’t function any earlier than 8:30 in the morning
10. Cards or chess: Cards bc I’m too lazy to learn to play chess
11. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate for SURE
12. Vans or Converse: I will wear my converses to my grave
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: Cadash is the easiest one to spell so let’s go with that
14. Fluff or angst: fluff! I’m too impatient for slow burns. Cut to the sickeningly adorable goopy stuff
15. Beach or forest: have y'all seen those posts with all the weird fish that live at the bottom of the ocean??? I’m staying on land where I can guarantee that all of my appendages remain visible and attached. (Also the noises of forests are so calming and I love being around plants and trees and stuff)
16. Dogs or cats: yes
17. Clear skies or rain: rain during the day but clear skies at night because I love the stars
18. Cooking or eating out: the last time i tried to make a grilled cheese the spatula caught on fire. eating out.
19. Spicy food or mild food: spicy
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: there’s more sales during the Christmas season. (also the Christmas spirit and stuff too! And I like the smell of pine)
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little to hot: my school is a literal ice box so by now I’ve been desensitized to cold. Plus, being hot also makes you all sweaty and icky. You can always just pile on more blankets and sweaters if you’re cold!
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: healing powers of some sort because there’s no way they could backfire in some sort of Carrie-esque incident. Plus I could help a ton of people.
23. Animation or Live Action: if I’m choosing between an animation and it’s live action remake, the original one. But if it’s just an original movie, live action probably?
24. Paragon or Renegade: who??
25. Bath or Showers: baths are so relaxing omg but normally I’m too busy to take one
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: I honestly have no opinion on this
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Sci-Fi!! Fantasy is fun and it’s what I grew up on but sci-fi is just so interesting to me!
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? If so, what are they:
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” “I don’t understand it any more than you do, but one thing I’ve learned is that you don’t have to understand things for them to be.” “Music is a world within itself, it’s a language we all understand.” “I would like to be remembered as someone who was not afraid to do what she wanted to do, and as someone who took risks along the way in order to achieve her goals.”
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix!
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter for sure!!!
31. When you feel accomplished: when I create something! It doesn’t have to be anything big but to me, the feeling that you’ve made something that no one else can exactly replicate is the best feeling in the world
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: I haven’t actually seen Star Trek!! But I love Star Wars!
33. Paperback books or Hardback books: hardback because I’m so clumsy and messy that all my poor paperbacks get beaten within an inch of their poor, rip-able lives within a month of having them. (yes, i’m a monster. rip.)
34. Handwriting or typing: handwriting! I can’t type for shit!! I do the old “confused elderly man pecking at keyboard like vision-impaired bird” maneuver.
35. Velvet or satin: satin
36. Video games or movies: movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: own the dragon!
38. Sunrise or sunset: depends on the day of the week! (Aka am I waking up to go to school or waking up to do something fun)
39. What’s your favorite song: currently, it’s Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll by the Killers but I have so many favorite songs throughout the course of a month I can barely keep track
40. Horror Movies yes or no: a resounding HELL NO.
41. Long hair or short hair: short hair because it’s way easier to deal with
42. Opera or theater: theater!
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc world’s would you pick to travel to first: the buffyverse if not for the sole purpose of giving Tara Maclay an incredibly well-deserved hug
44. If you had to only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be: it’s gonna sound lame af but probably a salad. why? bc you can put whatever the fuck you want on a salad. As long as it includes some form of leaf, it’s a salad. There are no rules. Fruit on some leaves? Salad. Vegetables on lettuce? Salad. Chicken on kale? Motherfckin salad. So you could get all the nutrients you need and have plenty of diversity in your meals! Yes, I have thought about this a bit too much.
45. What instrument would you like to learn: I play the cello already but I’d love to learn piano!
46. Can you art: sort of? I can draw okay but it’s nothing awesome
47. What’s a practical joke you wish you could pull, but haven’t: I’m too paranoid of hurting someone’s feelings to prank anyone lol
48. What is one social norm you could do away with: oooooohhhh boooooyyyy. i could write a few dozen essays about this one but a big one is probably heteronormativity and I’ll leave it at that.
49. Fluffy or flat pillows: fluffy, but not too fluffy. There’s a perfect level of fluffiness.
50. What’s your favorite book: A Wrinkle in Time bc it was my childhood and third grade me lowkey had a huge crush on Meg
51. Weirdest dream you ever had: I once dreamed that I got into a Walmart brawl with Voldemort over a package of instant pancake mix. Don’t ask.
tagging: There’s no way in hell I’m tagging 51 people but here are some lovely folks! And anyone else who wants to do this should go ahead too bc i can’t tag everybody!!!
@brendaswalshes @waterpoppy @thelatenightstoryteller @faithsummers @anyasbunny @violeades
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