kelly4 · 7 months
My name is Kelly Ann Bjork and I am 29 years old. I grew up in a small town in North Jersey with a beautiful loving older sister and two strong parents. I am a Medulloblastoma cancer survivor, I was diagnosed when I was sixteen and going into my junior year of high school. I finished treatment right as my senior year of high school ended then I took a year off before attending University of Delaware where I was on the executive board for UDance, an incredible organization that fights pediatric cancer. I joined a sorority and had all my sisters do the brain tumor walk.
Medulloblastoma is the cancer that Michael Strahan’s daughter has, Isabella. Throughout my journey, I never met a girl around my age because my brain tumor was most common among young boys. I was treated at the best hospitals in the world including Morgan Stanley in New York, Mass General in Massachusetts and MD Anderson in Texas. I had a doctor in Houston, Texas at MD Anderson that specialized in my rare brain tumor named Doctor Vatz. He was one of the most amazing people I have ever met.
So, I would love nothing more than to have the opportunity to communicate with Isabella and share my story, hoping to relate and comfort her. If anyone could help connect us, I would be forever grateful.
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an88kilo · 6 months
Support Sean battle with Brain Cancer
I bring you the story of Sean, a dear friend recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Sean underwent surgery in July of last year to remove the tumor from his Cerebellum, followed by six weeks of proton therapy and Vincristine chemo, concluding in mid-September.
Currently, Sean is immersed in a rigorous chemo schedule, enduring multiple doses of different chemos over several days, complemented by immunity boosters and continuous lab testing. His journey involves hospital visits for physical therapy, occupational therapy, neurology appointments, and constant monitoring.
The challenges are compounded by the 100-mile round trip to Miami for these crucial tests. Despite insurance covering most treatments, the bills have piled up, reaching approximately $1.5 million With insurance covering 90% we seek your support to bridge the gap.
Every dollar contributes to Sean's fight. Let's come together to ease the financial burden and stand with Sean during this challenging chapter of his life.
Support Sean's fight against Medulloblastoma. Your contribution makes a difference.
Thank you for being a beacon of hope in Sean's journey toward healing and recovery.
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fiercemillennial · 7 months
Sending Strength: Michael Strahan's Daughter Isabella Faces Recovery After Brain Surgery
Sending strength and support to Isabella Strahan, who is courageously navigating recovery after brain surgery. Her resilience is an inspiration. #IsabellaStrahan #showsupport #FierceLiving #MindsetMatters
The teen is showing immense resilience as she navigates a health challenge, reminding us of the importance of a strong support system. Michael Strahan’s daughter, Isabella, is demonstrating incredible strength as she recovers from a second brain surgery. The 19-year-old was open about the painful process in a recent vlog post, giving us a glimpse into the realities of overcoming a serious…
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drpedi07 · 11 months
Toronto Childhood Cancer Staging criteria for Medulloblastoma and other CNS embryonal tumours Calculator
Treatment options for children with medulloblastoma and other central nervous system embryonal tumors include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell rescue, and targeted therapy. Get detailed treatment information for untreated and recurrent medulloblastoma and CNS embryonal tumors in this clinician summary.
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emmaaliceblogs · 1 year
Lsu Safety Greg Brooks Jr. Has Been Diagnosed With An Uncommon Form Of Brain Cancer
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In a startling revelation, Louisiana State University's gridiron maestro, Greg Brooks Jr., has been formally diagnosed with a rare and enigmatic variant of cerebral affliction known to the medical world as medulloblastoma. This unsettling pronouncement emanated from the hallowed halls of the university on a fateful Wednesday. 
The youth, aged merely 22, recently found himself thrust into the throes of a harrowing medical saga that culminated in an emergent surgical intervention of paramount urgency. The perilous epic unfolded on the ominous date of September 15th, as Brooks valiantly faced the formidable adversary lodged betwixt the delicate precincts of his cerebellum and the venerable brain stem.
Read Full Article: Lsu Safety Greg Brooks Jr. Has Been Diagnosed With An Uncommon Form Of Brain Cancer
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Childhood medulloblastoma: looking for selective options that would spare brain damages
Childhood medulloblastoma: looking for selective options that would spare brain damages
Medulloblastoma is the most common pediatric brain tumor, and brain tumors have recently overtaken leukemia as the deadliest childhood malignancy. All types of medulloblastoma originate from neural stem cells in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls voluntary actions such as walking, balance, coordination and speech. This cancer begins when cell development in the cerebellum goes…
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Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Medulloblastoma 0813-1854-1450 bu Paska
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Free Ongkir, 0813-1854-1450 bu Paska, Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Medulloblastoma
Kegunaan minuman serbuk kesehatan untuk Kesehatan
Sop Subarashi adalah minuman serbuk kesehatan yang mengandung peptida ovarium salmon, Sardines Peptide, peptida vegan, dan beberapa bahan aktif lainnya. Sop Subarashi dapat membantu tubuh dalam memperbaiki sel-sel yang rusak dan mengurangi risiko penyakit degeneratif.
Apapun masalah kesehatanmu, ramuan kesehatan dan ramuan Utsukushii Gold Solusinya, Cocok untuk segala jenis penyakit produk AFC dapat membantu penyembuhan, Banyak kesaksian kesembuhan setelah mengonsumsi produk AFC.
Untuk konsultasi dan Pemesanan hubungi kami.
Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Medulloblastoma
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soumyafwr · 9 months
Medulloblastoma Market Size, Share and Forecast 2031
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surkuted · 11 months
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medsurgeindia123 · 2 years
Medulloblastoma Treatment in India - MedsurgeIndia
Medulloblastoma is a cancerous brain tumor that begins in the cerebellum, which is located in the tailbone of the brain. If anyone is looking for the Medulloblastoma Treatment in India then do connect with MedsurgeIndia now.
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mindshelter · 6 months
did you guys know there's a protein called sonic hedgehog. the researcher responsible thought it would be fun to use a character in the comic books his daughter owned. it's really important for healthy early development. and also a culprit for one subset of childhood brain cancer (among other malignancies), which is accordingly named sonic the hedgehog-driven medulloblastoma.
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shawnbulter · 3 months
It is with a very heavy heart that we share the Butler’s were given devastating life changing news..again. However, this time they were not being told their sweet baby Emme was sick. This time they were being told their vibrant, sassy, beautiful, smart, larger than life 6 year old daughter Lexi has a brain tumor. Unfortunately, Lexi already watched her baby sister fight cancer and is well aware of all the awful things cancer does, she is now fighting her own battle. After finishing up a fun Fall season filled with school, soccer games, dance classes, and time spent with family and friends Amanda started to notice some very subtle changes in Lexi. As days went on Amanda couldn't shake this nagging feeling and brought Lexi to the ER. Their lives came to a crashing halt a few days before Thanksgiving when doctors found a brain tumor at the base of Lexi’s skull. Within hours Lexi was in the operating room. After a long risky surgery Shawn and Amanda were given the news that the surgeon was able to resect the entire tumor. As joyous as this news was, they quickly learned they were being struck by lightning for the second time- Lexi’s tumor was cancerous and was later diagnosed with Medulloblastoma.
As many of you know, Shawn and Amanda have already once been told that their child has cancer. Just about 3.5 years ago Lexi’s younger sister Emme, was just six months old when she was diagnosed with stage IV high risk Neuroblastoma. Today, Emme is a healthy and happy four year old, now cheering on her big sister. Emme will complete her own treatment this coming August in New York City!
Lexi was immediately admitted to the ICU and underwent emergency brain surgery and has completed 6 weeks of radiation to her brain and spine. They are now gearing up for what we hope to be the last leg of Lexi’s cancer journey, 4 rounds of high dose chemotherapy. They expect the next several months will be very straining on Lexi and will include lengthy hospital admissions, but have the highest hopes Lexi will remain cancer free.
Pediatric cancer is the worst kind of torture, no family should have to go through this battle once, never mind twice. Their community has generously rallied behind the Butlers once before, we ask if you can, to help them out again. We hope to relieve some of the exorbitant financial burden that cancer puts on families but also hoping to allow Shawn to be home with the girls and focus on Lexi and her recovery!
With sincere gratitude,
Megan Bernazz
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an88kilo · 4 months
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perezhilton · 2 months
She beat brain cancer!! All the details on Michael Strahan’s daughter HERE!
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lastlycoris · 1 year
@livlaughlovio has replied to your post:
damn what'd ya do
It's a very long story and rant. This ended up being a super long post.
The tl;dr version is that father slaps his kid who got her brain tumor removed so hard it knocked her out - and I sliced the skin and subcutaneous fat of his abdomen open without actually opening his gut - and no, he was never in danger of dying.
District Attorney Dent tries to prosecute me for Attempted Murder (15-25 years) but is forced to downgrade it to 2nd degree assault (7 years). It later changed to a plea deal of 1-2 years because DA Dent was concerned the jury would exonerate me solely because the victim was a child-beating asshole regardless of what the law says - I believe this is what's called a "jury nullification". This plea deal included an evaluation at Arkham, because - I'm assuming this - the people prosecuting me all thought I was crazy.
And that plea deal got wrecked because I had a year of surgeries that now had to be rescheduled - which the other three neurosurgeons in Gotham City can't cover because my caseload is a little less than all of theirs combined. An arrangement was made for the sake of those patients seeking me specifically and the hospital, which is why I'm out on a sort of work parole.
The long story:
I came into the patient room with a father slapping the face of his middle-school aged daughter so hard it knocked her out. The only other person in the room was the mother, who was sporting bruises on the face herself.
In any case, his daughter's crime? Having a nasty locally-invasive medulloblastoma (type of brain cancer) and needing extensive, expensive chemoradiation prior to surgery.
Before I came in, I could hear lines like "should've let you die" and "a waste of money" kept coming out. I remember the room stinking of alcohol. And when I saw him hit her, I sliced a shallow thin cut across the abdomen with a scalpel I keep on my person - because Gotham - and he screams like I eviscerated him.
Later on, I learned he's her step-father, which makes sense. Animals are predisposed to making sure their genes survive, and killing the competition is one of those means to fulfill that. Compassion for others' young like you do is an exception rather the rule.
In any case, I called security to the room. I checked up on Wendy because I didn't take the effort of removing her brain tumor for someone else to kill her instead with a brain bleed. Her mother tried to check up on her husband - I just told her to "Just let him bleed. I didn't even touch the abdominal fascia" and that she has far more valuable things to worry about like the daughter he just struck. After security arrived and I kicked the screaming piece of garbage into the hall to let my patient convalesce in peace, I went on to my next surgery which was a subdural hematoma evacuation - essentially a slow brain bleed that is causing the brain to be squeezed to the patient's potential death.
It nearly got ruined when the police crowded the operating theatre and nearly broke the sterile field - so that's two surgeries the asshole nearly ruined. I told the police they could either arrest me and be potentially responsible for the patient dying on the operating table or they can let me do my job. They let me do my job.
The Gotham City Police Department later claimed I was holding my operating patient hostage. I told the court that the GCPD must've been projecting because I don't compromise duty for favors. That made the officers in the courtroom bristle something bad.
The District Attorney Dent tried to push for Attempted Murder during my preliminary hearing, but he was forced to bring the charges down to 2nd Degree Assault / Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Even back as far as residency, I was known to have a perfect tactile sense: even through the scalpel, I can feel the softness and density and depth I'm cutting with touch alone - and when asked to demonstrate, I stabbed a lemon to a depth of exactly 2.54 centimeters - exactly an inch. Had I actually been trying, I could probably get that down to the thousandths place - I do delicate vascular reconstruction work after all, dealing with vessels as small as 3 mm wide using special magnifying goggles.
If I wanted Wendy's father dead, he would've been dead; I never went through the abdomen and into his space containing his organs. I knew exactly the damage I was doing, which ended up working against me as DA Dent argued that it can't be a crime of passion when I knew exactly the damage I was doing.
He was right. I did.
Eventually, there was a plea deal because the DA was concerned that the jury might let me slide because the victim of my crime was such an asshole. Apparently cause jurors can do that.
My defense attorney convinced me to accept the deal because the strategy of "asshole victim" is unreliable. And he also made promises that regardless of what happens, I'd be out of Arkham Asylum within days at most - perhaps not completely free, but definitely out.
Speaking of Arkham, apparently my actions during the entire thing was enough for everyone to be convinced to send me to the state's insane asylum, which I never really quite got. My defense attorney claims it's the disaffected attitude I treated an "apparently dying", bleeding man by kicking him out of the hallway and simply going to work afterwards.
I cut him because he assaulted my patient. I then kicked him out the door because he was being loud and disruptive with his screaming, which harms my patient's healing. And I went back to work because I was the only neurosurgeon on call, and brain bleeds don't typically cure themselves. It's a very clean and logical order of events because I won't compromise duty. Supposedly, it made people concerned there was a screw loose in my head.
In any case, my defense attorney was right. It didn't take more than a couple days before there was a bit of an uproar at Gotham Memorial Hospital - when people realized they'd have to cancel every single one of my surgeries this year.
There are only four neurosurgeons in Gotham City because no one wants to earn lots of money and then get shot before being able to spend it. On top of that, my caseload is almost equal to the three of there's combined. Even outside the city, there are very few neurosurgeons that can perform the cases I do because I can push the limits of what can be done through the surgery in speed, accuracy, and precision. That is what having a perfect tactile sense means.
My parole ended up being a quiet affair. It helped that the asshole victim was being incarcerated on child abuse / endangerment charges (25 years) with and had no means to publicize his version of "injustice." The mother who was in the room at the time also portrayed my actions as heroic. It didn't quite excuse the use of the scalpel, which was why I was being charged in the first place, but I think the DA office was a lot more lenient on me than it would typically be for other criminals.
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mthguy · 5 days
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Vote for Patrick! Voting ends on Sept. 29, 2024.
Patrick Wisdom is widely recognized by his teammates and the Cubs front office staff for his kindness, humility and unwavering support for pediatric cancer research and community-based organizations addressing critical needs across the country.
Eight months before Patrick’s Major League debut in August 2018, his encounter with 6-year-old Braxton Fuqua ignited a lifelong commitment to supporting pediatric cancer research and the children and families affected by the disease.
Braxton was receiving treatment for medulloblastoma, a rare type of brain cancer, at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., when he visited AutoZone Park to spend a day with the Redbirds, the Triple-A affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals. Patrick eagerly served as Braxton’s host, bringing him to the clubhouse, batting practice and spending quality time together. This experience left a profound impact on Patrick, reinforcing the realization that “life is precious and it’s out of your control.”
Tragically, Braxton passed away in May 2019. In response, Patrick embarked on a mission to honor the young boy by raising awareness and resources for St. Jude’s, the esteemed institution that cared for Braxton during his 18-month struggle. He began by designing a line of T-shirts, hoodies and autographed trading cards, while donating the proceeds to benefit St. Jude’s. Patrick is known for wearing one of these T-shirts in nearly every interview to generate interest and sales.
During the Cubs' appearance at the 2022 MLB at Field of Dreams game, Patrick wore customized cleats featuring the St. Jude’s logo and later auctioned them off, with the proceeds going to the hospital. During 2024 MLB Players' Weekend, Patrick wore cleats decorated by a St. Jude’s patient on the day designated for players to highlight their charitable initiatives.
In Chicago, Patrick has also taken on the role of a regional St. Jude ambassador, working to raise funds to ensure that families never receive a bill from St. Jude's for treatment, travel, housing or food. This August, Patrick collaborated with Randy Dobnak of the Minnesota Twins to launch a donation challenge aimed at raising funds for St. Jude’s. Before the second game of the Twins-Cubs series, they greeted cancer survivor Brody at Wrigley Field.
Patrick’s charitable efforts extend beyond his commitment to St. Jude’s. While on the road, he seeks out opportunities to volunteer through 2020 Roberto Clemente Award winner Adam Wainwright’s Big League Impact MISSION 3:18 Initiative. Over the past few years, Patrick has volunteered at several MISSION 3:18-affiliated organizations focused on homelessness and hunger, including The Bowery Mission, City Gospel Mission and Kinship Urban Farm. He invites teammates frequently to join him and offers transportation and coffee to encourage their participation.
Additionally, Patrick contributes generously his time to support the charitable efforts of the Cubs organization and Cubs Charities. His involvement includes school visits, youth baseball clinics and fundraising events, and serving as a spokesperson for Advocate Children’s Hospital’s annual surprise, which is an all-expenses-paid trip for patients to travel to Spring Training.
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