#Medical Robot Market Research
mitalipingale · 15 days
The Medical Robot Market in 2023 is US$ 9.38 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 32.32 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 16.72%.
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trendtrackershq · 8 days
Robotic Exoskeletons: Transforming Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy in Medical Robotics Market
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The world of physical therapy is on the cusp of a revolution. Robotic exoskeletons, once the stuff of science fiction, are rapidly becoming a reality in rehabilitation clinics, offering new hope for patients recovering from injuries, strokes, and neurological conditions. This article explores the exciting potential of robotic exoskeletons in physical therapy, delving into how they are transforming rehabilitation and empowering patients on their road to recovery.
According to Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Medical Robotics Market is predicted to reach USD 45.04 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 17.1% from 2024 to 2030.
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/medical-robotics-market/request-sample
The Challenges of Traditional Rehabilitation
Traditional physical therapy relies on therapists guiding patients through exercises and providing manual assistance. While effective, this approach has limitations:
Limited Therapist Time: Therapists often have limited time with each patient, restricting the intensity and frequency of therapy sessions.
Variability in Assistance: Manual assistance from therapists can be subjective and vary depending on the therapist's strength and fatigue levels.
Patient Motivation: Repetitive exercises can become monotonous, leading to decreased patient motivation and adherence to therapy plans.
These challenges can hinder a patient's progress and recovery time.
Enter the Robotic Exoskeleton: A Powerful Rehabilitation Tool
Robotic exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices that provide controlled support and assistance to a patient's limbs. They offer several advantages over traditional therapy methods:
Intensified Therapy: Exoskeletons can provide consistent and objective assistance, allowing for longer and more intensive therapy sessions.
Improved Movement Patterns: Robotic exoskeletons can guide a patient's limbs through precise movement patterns, promoting proper motor re-learning.
Reduced Therapist Burden: Exoskeletons can partially offload the therapist's physical workload, allowing them to focus on guiding the patient and providing personalized feedback.
Enhanced Patient Engagement: The interactive nature of exoskeleton therapy can increase patient motivation and adherence to therapy programs.
Here's a glimpse into how robotic exoskeletons are being used in different rehabilitation applications:
Stroke Rehabilitation: Exoskeletons can assist patients with regaining arm and leg movement after a stroke, promoting neuroplasticity and motor function recovery.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Exoskeletons can help patients with spinal cord injuries regain some leg function, allowing them to stand, practice walking patterns, and improve mobility.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation: Exoskeletons can aid in faster recovery from sports injuries by providing targeted support and controlled movement during rehabilitation exercises.
Neurological Conditions: Exoskeletons are being explored for rehabilitation in conditions like Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis, helping patients manage tremors and improve gait.
The applications of robotic exoskeletons in physical therapy are constantly expanding, with the potential to benefit a wider range of patients in the future.
Inquire before buying: https://www.nextmsc.com/medical-robotics-market/inquire-before-buying
The Road Ahead: A Future of Personalized Rehabilitation
The integration of robotic exoskeletons with other rehabilitation technologies holds immense promise for the future of physical therapy:
Virtual Reality (VR): VR can be integrated with exoskeletons to create immersive training environments, further enhancing patient engagement and motivation.
Biofeedback Sensors: Real-time data from biofeedback sensors incorporated into exoskeletons can provide valuable insights into a patient's progress and help tailor therapy programs.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI algorithms could analyze patient data and personalize exoskeleton therapy based on individual needs and recovery goals.
These advancements point towards a future of personalized rehabilitation with robotic exoskeletons at the forefront, offering patients a more effective, engaging, and data-driven path to recovery.
Challenges and Considerations for Widespread Adoption
Despite the undeniable benefits of robotic exoskeletons, there are still challenges to overcome for widespread adoption:
Cost: The initial cost of robotic exoskeletons can be high, limiting accessibility for some physical therapy clinics.
Customization: Exoskeletons need to be adjustable to accommodate patients of various sizes and body types.
Integration with Therapy Programs: Effective use of exoskeletons requires seamless integration with existing physical therapy protocols and therapist expertise.
Reimbursement Policies: Clearer reimbursement policies from insurance companies are needed to incentivize wider adoption of this technology in rehabilitation settings.
Addressing these challenges through ongoing research, development, and collaboration between healthcare providers, technology developers, and policymakers will be crucial for maximizing the potential of robotic exoskeletons in transforming physical therapy.
Conclusion: A Brighter Future for Rehabilitation
Robotic exoskeletons are revolutionizing the field of physical therapy, offering a powerful tool to enhance patient outcomes and accelerate recovery. With continued advancements in technology, affordability, and integration with existing therapy practices, robotic exoskeletons hold the promise of a future where personalized rehabilitation is accessible and effective for a wider range of patients.
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study-in-uk-msm-unify · 6 months
Emerging Industries: Opportunities in the UK Job Market
Planning to study in the UK? Want to explore career opportunities in the United Kingdom?
In the ever-evolving world, the UK stands as a hub for innovation and growth, bringing numerous emerging sectors that offer promising career prospects. As technology continues to reshape the global economy, several industries in the UK have captured attention, presenting exciting opportunities for job seekers and entrepreneurs alike. Take a look at some of the career opportunities you could take advantage of.  
1. Fintech (Financial Technology)
The UK has strengthened its position as a leading fintech hub, with London being a prominent center for financial innovation. Fintech includes a wide array of sectors, including mobile payments, blockchain, and cybersecurity. Job opportunities in this field span software development, data analysis, financial consultancy, and regulatory compliance.
2. Technology and IT 
In the emerging era of the digital world, technology continues to dominate businesses worldwide. As, a result the demand for technologically advanced professionals tends to rise. Software developers, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and artificial intelligence specialists roles are in high demand. With the increasing use of technologies and the need for innovative solutions, these roles offer tremendous growth opportunities and competitive salaries. 
3. Healthtech
The combination of healthcare and technology has given rise to HealthTech, a sector dedicated to enhancing medical services through innovative solutions. From telemedicine to health analytics and AI-driven diagnostics, HealthTech offers diverse career paths for healthcare professionals, software developers, data scientists, and researchers.
4. Renewable energy and sustainability
With an increased focus on sustainability and combating climate change, the UK has been investing significantly in renewable energy sources. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric power are among the sectors experiencing rapid growth. Job roles in renewable energy range from engineering and project management to research and policy development, catering to those passionate about environmental conservation.
5. Cybersecurity
With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, the demand for cybersecurity experts is on the rise. Businesses and governments are investing heavily in safeguarding digital infrastructure. Job roles in cybersecurity encompass ethical hacking, network security, data protection, and risk analysis, presenting ample opportunities for skilled professionals in this field.
6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
AI and machine learning are revolutionizing various industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. The UK is fostering innovation in AI research and development, offering roles in AI programming, data engineering, robotics, and AI ethics.
7. Creative industries
The UK has a rich heritage in the creative sector, encompassing fields like media, design, gaming, and entertainment. Roles in creative industries span from content creation and graphic design to video production and game development, appealing to individuals with artistic and technical skills.
In conclusion, the UK job market is filled with opportunities within emerging industries, showing the nation's commitment to innovation and progress. Whether one's passion lies in sustainability, technology, healthcare, or creative endeavors, these sectors offer an array of possibilities for career growth and contribution to shaping the future.
By embracing change, acquiring relevant skills, and staying adaptable, individuals can position themselves to thrive in these dynamic and promising industries, contributing to both personal success and the advancement of these transformative sectors in the UK.
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emmasmith1402 · 10 months
Soft Robotics Market Forecast 2024 to 2032
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Soft robotics is a field of robotics that focuses on creating flexible and adaptive robotic systems inspired by the natural movement and mechanics of living organisms. Unlike traditional rigid robots, soft robots are made from materials that are deformable and compliant, allowing them to interact with their environment in a more gentle and versatile manner. Soft robotics combines principles from engineering, material science, and biology to develop robots capable of tasks such as grasping delicate objects, navigating through complex and unpredictable environments, and interacting with humans safely. These robots often utilize pneumatics, hydraulics, or smart materials to achieve their softness and flexibility, enabling them to perform tasks that are difficult or impossible for traditional robots. The Soft Robotics Market was valued at USD 371.81 Million in 2022 and is expected to register CAGR of 46.57% by 2032. The soft robotics market is driven by several factors that contribute to its growth and adoption including increasing human-robot collaboration, increasing demand for automation in manufacturing and increasing research and development efforts. Get a free sample PDF Brochure By Types: Soft Gripper Inflatable Robots Exoskeletons By Applications: Medical & Healthcare Food Logistics 3C By Market Vendors: Cyberdyne Soft Robotics Ekso Bionics Holdings ReWalk Robotics RightHand Robotics Parker Hannifin Beijing Soft Robot Tech Co.,Ltd Myomo Bionik Laboratories Panasonic Read More
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lit-works · 1 year
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Act One: "A world that hates and fears us..."
This was my first time visiting the Xavier Institute for gifted youth, located at 1407 Greymalkin Lane, in the Salem Center of Westchester County, New York. It was built on a massive familial estate that was mostly open to the elements. As I arrived I noticed state of the art security had been installed to prevent intrusion by unwanted visitors.
After I was buzzed through the gate I took my time getting a good look of the grounds. Down on the far shore was a boathouse, nearby which staff member Robert Drake was having fun with some students, taking in some of the summer sun while surfing a translucent surfboard.
A large part of the grounds were dedicated to a thriving garden. This garden hosted an exotic variety of beautiful flora, and was a serene location where Orroro Munroe had chosen to relax.
Another large portion of the grounds were dedicated to a hangar, a wide-open airfield space full of mechanical equipment and housed the workshop of Daniel Lone Eagle.
The actual Xavier Mansion on the grounds was an exemplary display of archaic European architecture and had many winding hallways between student dormitories and classrooms, which were well-equipped with state of the art robotic guards on the grounds and in the house itself. The main building was constantly filled with crowds of mutant students on their way to class or to relax. James Warren Worthington III gave a complex, yet poignantly humorous lecture on the free market in his business and economics course. Elizabeth Braddock maintained her daily fitness regiment, training with a fighting doll in her room shared with Worthington. Scott Summers and Jean Grey, the first students of the Institute's headmaster, were behind the locked door of their own shared chambers. Raven Darkholme and Remy Lebeaux enjoyed a game of pool with a small group of upperclassmen in a rec room inside the dormitories.
The Institute had it's very own medical lab, which doubled as a Scientific Genetic Research Center. This wing housed medical supplies and bizarre technology that seemingly allowed the ministering of care and gene therapy. The animalistic Dr. Hank McCoy spent most of his time here, and was presently performing various stress-tests on varying X-Genes.
Underneath the Mansion was a sub-basement level, which was restricted access to anyone but authorized X-Men, and Professor Charles Xavier. This sub-basement level was accessed by high-speed elevator tubes. Facial and vocal recognition biometric scanners observed all occupants of the sub-basement level at all times to prevent security breaches. Once there beneath the earth and hearth, the sub-basement became a complex web of hallways between other subterranean structures, sporting adamantium melded doors and melded steel walls. The complex was honey-combed with tunnels and underground passageways, and this labyrinth was once occupied by a hostile settlement of mutants called The Morlock during the 80s. That area was considered the weakest area of defense in the entire sub-basement. However, in time of an emergency those tunnels would make an excellent escape.
The halls led me to The Danger Room. The Danger Room was where the field operatives of the X-Men physically trained for missions. The Danger Room was equipped with impossibly fast processors and other computer hardware that were programmed to analyze and respond to the X-Men's choices by using extrapolated data files from previous simulations, and modeling software, simulated gravity fields, and 3D holographic projections to create realistic virtual environments and situations for the X-Men to hone their skills in. Set apart from the actual danger room, where the facilitator of the training regiment would modify or adjust the obstacles and control the overall intensity of the exercise. Currently engaged in a rigorous and grueling training session without a facilitator were a metal man, a clawed berserker, and a heavily armed man with the letter M branded on his face.
Across the underground labyrinth was the room containing Cerebro. Cerebro was an advanced and complex E.S.P. (extra-sensory perception) device. It derived its name from the Latin word "Cerebrum", for the brain. It functioned to amplify telepathic ability, and strengthen brainwaves. It also accelerated the user's synaptic activity by stimulating neurons in the user's brain. The main purpose of Cerebro was to enable Xavier to locate the mutant genetic signature across the globe, but was also integrated into the Institute's AI. Cerebro was housed in the most secure section of the mansion as it contained extensive files on the world's mutant population and their current whereabouts and activities. The machine's restricted access settings could only be overruled by a secret passcode known only to Professor Xavier and his first student, who assisted in calibrating the machine, Jean Grey.
Professor Charles Xavier slowly removed Cerebro's headset interface, and placed it down onto a console. As he commanded his specially designed wheelchair to transport him out of the housing chamber for Cerebro, he began issuing a mental summons to the present X-Men for a meeting in the War Room.
The War Room served as an informational hub and base of operations for the X-Men. The room had wall-inserted monitors constantly displaying real-time news feeds from across the Earth. Each screen represented by a red dot on a holographically projected world globe, which came from the center of the floor, allowing for the viewer to see which disturbances were going on in the world and where. The War Room also held combat equipment and state of the art computers.
Slowly, The X-Men gathered before their leader and mentor. The active X-Men roster had expanded exponentially in the previous decade going into the 90s, to such a size they were split into two teams to be made more manageable. Blue & Gold. The blue team, led by Scott Summers, arrived. 'Cyclops', being Scott Summer's codename, was joined by Dr. Hank McCoy (Beast), Elizabeth Braddock (Psylocke), Raven Darkholme (Rogue), Remy Lebeaux (Gambit), and a man from the Danger Room (Wolverine).
Professor Xavier utilized the monitors to display applicable news footage, and spoke: "An unofficial incarnation of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants are attacking Yankees Stadium in New York City. The group's most recent leader, Quicksilver, is finding himself on the opposing side of the law once again, and he's leading the unruly duo of Blob and Toad. Avalanche and Pyro are collaborating as well."
"what is Pietro angry about this time?" Asked Wolverine.
"Apparently their terror attack is a message that mutants aren't afraid of humans, but humans should fear mutants, and bow down to their superiors." Xavier explained.
"What better way to spread a message than to interrupt the national Pastime's world-series?" Cyclops asked rhetorically.
"Yes, it seems the young Maximov apple didn't fall too far from the tree in regards to flairs for the dramatic." Xavier replied, and then addressed all the X-Men present. "Prepare yourselves, and remember, you are representing the good in Mutantkind. The sneering public eye is upon you and it is wisest to resolve this with as little conflict as possible. We want to show humanity that not all of us echo the sentiments of this criminal element."
And with that I boarded the private jet of the X-Men, The Blackbird, alongside the primary iteration of that very team.
As the X-Men Blue team and I arrived, we found the stadium in ruins and a panicked crowd desperately fleeing the scene. The Blackbird was landed on the roof next to a gaping hole, which allowed the team easy entry as I stayed behind to safely observe and take record. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants must have expected the X-Men to show up, in fact, they seemed happy for it, because they got the opportunity to give their old nemeses a thrashing.
Cyclops first attempted to reason with the hostile mutants, but it was not long before it came to blows. However, the expertise and militant organization of The X-Men proved greater than the Brotherhood's unadulterated rage. The Jumbotron ended up being forcibly brought down upon the grotesquely obese criminal called the Blob, and Avalanche had caused even further damage to the structural integrity of the monumental stadium. Most of the Brotherhood was incapacitated, but their leader, aptly named Quicksilver, fled the scene once he had lost his allies.
As the X-Men and I were returning to the institute, we inevitably learned of the recent destruction of Avengers' Mansion. During a recent battle between the Avengers and their long-time foe Ultron, Avengers' Mansion was destroyed and both Ultron and the Avengers had completely disappeared. The superhuman community at large had gathered at the ruined mansion to search through the rubble for survivors. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Vision were among the missing.
When we arrived I found such superheroes as Spider-Man, Wasp, the current Ant-Man, and Hercules all present and helping remove debris. We spent hours searching, but at the end of the day...everyone returned home with no clue as to what had really happened.
The day after the destruction of Avengers' Mansion, Scott Summers had spent the majority of the day in the War Room with Professor Xavier.
As dusk neared I eavesdropped on a private conversation between Scott and the man codenamed Wolverine. Scott spoke of a group of violent human religious extremists known as 'The Purifiers' who had been kidnapping mutant teenagers, and who had most recently taken a student of the institute. The Purifiers had kidnapped Rahne Sinclaire, a 15-year-old girl. Wolverine agreed that it was their obligation to save the captured children, "Well, if those nut-jobs are dumb enough to come after us, I'll snikt 'em down. Hard."
"I'm not gonna wait until there are more dead mutant kids on our doorstep. You're going after the purifiers before they get the chance to do whatever it is they have planned. When you reach them, you're going to eliminate this threat permanently. But you're not going in alone, I want you to put a black ops team together. A new X-Force." Cyclops stated.
"Damn, Summers, don't know if I should be impressed or worried you've snapped. What's Jean say about all this?" Wolverine asked.
"Jean...doesn't need to know."
"OK, I'm impressed."
"No one can know."
X-Force consisting of Wolverine, Warpath, Psylocke, and Angel traveled by blackbird to an abandoned church surrounded by trees in the countryside of upstate New York. The church was ancient, full of rotted wood and cluttered with empty pews. From outside the sound of hymns being sung could be heard. William Stryker's preaching against the "sin and degradation of the demonic mutant race" drowned out the screams and cries of a tortured young girl.
Stryker had probably expected someone to learn of his genocidal activities at the church, and so he had posted snipers to ward off unwanted visitors, and they were well-hidden in the trees. They stood no chance against X-Force.
Once X-Force entered the church, William Stryker commanded his six total Purifier cultists and soldiers to attack and defend, while he continues to grandstand. Once all of his pathetic minions has been mercilessly executed, Stryker joined the fight and went until his own bitter end. Rahne Sinclaire was rescued and escorted back to the institute.
The morning after X-Force returned to the institute, I found a group of students gathered around a television.
On the TV was a reporter, and behind him was a mass of people crowded together and looking at a stage in front of them. The reporter began to speak, "If you're just now joining us, The Avengers have returned from their recent disappearance and have called a press conference." The crowd behind him began to talk louder. "Here they are now. Let's listen."
The camera zoomed in on the stage as Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Vision all approached the pulpit. They waved at the crowd and Captain America took the microphone. "My fellow Americans, metahumans and mutants, it is truly a great day to be alive and an American."
The crowd cheered and applauded, but Captain America beckoned for them to quiet and continued his speech.
"During our absence, we were transported to an alternate reality. A reality much like our own, but in the distant future and what we saw there we found disturbing." He paused and looked out into the crowd before he continued. "What we found there was tyranny and oppression, brought on by an anarchist government. The free peoples of the United States of America were denied their basic human rights and forced to live more like slaves than citizens. The cause of this anarchic governing force was abject failure. Failure to serve and protect. The ones who had failed were us, the most powerful of all. We finally managed to escape that nightmarish reality thanks to the Asgardian magics of Thor and Iron Man's inventive genius to find ourselves back in the nation we love and hold dearest to our hearts." The crowd applauded again, but weaker this time. "My fellow Americans, we The Avengers, stand before you and promise you security and protection from the dystopic future and oppressive regime we met in that alternate reality. I just had a meeting with the President of the United States and Congress, Tony Stark, Secretary of National Security, and representing S.H.I.E.L.D. as current Director-in-chief. As of NOW, The Avengers are Head of State of America."
The crowd erupted into chaos. Captain America again held up his hand and silenced the crowd.
"We solemnly swear to protect and serve. With Thor's might, Stark's Intellect, and my patriotism we will govern this great nation to prosperity, safety, and peace that it has never before seen. To ensure the survival of our great nation, I ask something very pinnacle of the metahuman population across the nation: I ask that you reveal your identity and register yourself as agents of the government. You and your loved ones will be kept safe and supported from dissenting public or enemies who may wish to harm you. Believe me, I understand the importance of keeping the ones you care about safe. Please, I beg that you see the benefits of governmental registration and regulation that I am suggesting to you, and that you do so. If you do not, you will be deemed as an enemy of the state, face prosecution and be imprisoned. Our new, Ideal society cannot stand for dangerous acts of vigilantism outside of the law. That is All I have to say."
Retrospectively, I see that the ensuing coup had been in the works for a long time and every contingency had been calculated that the X-Men, mutants, and specific superhumans wouldn't register easily. As such, a nearby military base had been emptied to encourage the mutants of Xavier's institute to register or be taken in by force. Knowing the fallibility of humans, massive Sentinel series robots had been sent in to oversee the transaction. While the soldiers were armed and ready to fight, they first presented the X-Men the option to peacefully surrender and register. The leader of the soldiers had strict orders from the White House to arrest and detain any noncompliant staff or student of the institute. He was also bigoted and hard-headed, which made it very difficult for Scott Summers to reason with him. With the presence of the Sentinels heightening the anxieties of all the mutants, an outspoken young woman named Jubilation Lee used her powers and provoked the soldiers into an assault.
The minute the fighting broke out panicked souls fled in all directions, Wolverine leapt to Jubilee's defense by flanking a Sentinel, Robert Drake (Iceman) began erecting a massive ice barrier, and an elite team of stealth soldiers with telepathy-dampening alloy helmets infiltrated the Xavier Mansion. The stealth team burst forcibly into Professor Xavier's offices and into the sub-basement only to find Hank McCoy laboring to render Cerebro inoperable and that Xavier was gone.
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kudos12 · 2 years
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Research Nester published a report titled “Robotic Angiography Systems Market: Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2031” which delivers detailed overview of the global robotic angiography systems market in terms of market segmentation by technology, application, indication, end-user, and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global robotic angiography systems market is estimated to garner a moderate revenue by the end of 2031 by growing at a CAGR of ~6% over the forecast period, i.e., 2022 – 2031. Further, the market generated a modest revenue in the year 2021. The market is segmented and analyzed for demand and supply by end-user into hospitals, specialty clinics, diagnostic & imaging centers, and academic & research institutes, out of which, the hospitals segment is anticipated to garner the largest revenue by the end of 2031. One of the major factors anticipated to drive the growth of the segment is the increasing number of patient visits in hospitals, followed by the rising availability of hospitals around the globe.
The global robotic angiography systems market is expected to grow on account of the increasing integration of automation in the healthcare industry, along with the surge in trends of internet of things (IoT) in healthcare, also known as internet of medical things (IoMT). Besides this, the growing advancements in the development of novel robotic imaging solutions along with the availability of several government initiatives to promote R&D in the field of healthcare are also poised to generate numerous opportunities for the growth of the market in the coming years.
Download Sample of This Strategic Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-4163
The global robotic angiography systems market is segmented on the basis of region into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa, out of which, the market in North America is projected to hold the largest market share by the end of 2031. Surge in the number of hospitals and diagnostic & imaging centers, followed by the presence of a strong healthcare network, and the rising awareness amongst the healthcare service providers for advanced robot-assisted minimally invasive diagnostic imaging devices are some of the major factors anticipated to drive the growth of the market in the region.
The research is global in nature and covers detailed analysis on the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Increasing Adoption of Advanced Medical Robotics by Healthcare Service Providers to Promote Market Growth
The current health expenditure as a share of GDP worldwide, according to the statistics by the World Bank, touched 9.84% in the year 2019, up from 8.63% in the year 2000.
Backed by the rising expenditure on healthcare, and the growing incidences of different types of diseases, there is a rising need amongst the healthcare service providers to adopt advanced diagnostic devices that are assisted by robots. These advanced medical robots aid in the early diagnosis of diseases which in turn, is expected to drive the demand for the product. Such a factor is therefore expected to boost the growth of the global robotic angiography systems market during the forecast period.
However, the concern for exposure to radiation, along with the high probability of injury caused due to catheterized artery, are some of the major factors expected to operate as key restraint to the growth of global robotic angiography systems market over the forecast period.
Curious about this latest version of report? Obtain Report Details @  https://www.researchnester.com/reports/robotic-angiography-systems-market/4163
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global robotic angiography systems market which includes company profiling of General Electric (GE Healthcare), KUKA AG, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Corindus, Inc., Shimadzu Corporation, Boston Scientific Corporation, Abbott, Canon Medical Systems Corporation, Medtronic Plc, and others. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global robotic angiography systems market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
Request Report Sample@ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-4163
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magicalstarsign · 2 years
my boss decided to pull the health insurance rug out from under my feet & be like "maybe if you meet these performance milestones i'll give you insurance :) !"
previously he promised it to me in exchange for taking on additional responsibilities, but then he hired someone else to take on that role without telling me :) after asking me directly to take the role :)
so i'm saying fuck it! fuck it to this boss who thinks insurance is just some fun perk and not something i Need, because I do NEEEEEEEEEEED to find a new asthma medication. i'm not gonna be his little circus clown and beg for insurance any longer.
i'll still need to figure something out w/r/t insurance but at least i won't have to suffer through the most mind-meltingly boring and tedious work just for the whisper of a promise of insurance. i have other freelance clients i can take on more work for while i look for something more stable.
i thought freelance was gonna be the answer for me but i dont think it is.. i knew the feast-or-famine unpredictability of it was gonna be hard, but the stress of not knowing if i'm gonna have rent money for the next month is too much for me. i don't like the prospect of working full-time for one company again but it's preferable to what i'm doing now.
i'm moving to DC with my friend in october so it's gonna be many more months of financial insecurity but i think living there will open up my options for both full-time and part-time work, so i just have to ride it out for a little longer
in the meantime if anyone needs a freelancer to: design print materials; do visual branding; write/edit marketing copy and long-form industry-specific articles; conduct SEO kw research; plan, implement, and track SEO campaigns; manage and interpret traffic & engagement data; create data reports and make site improvement recommendations for web devs...... hmu. won't do any more social media strategy & post creation tho bc i hate it too much
BTW my plan to quit is gonna be like "actually, i dont think i can hit these arbitrary performance milestones you set so i'm gonna step down :) good luck finding someone who is better than me" and i know i'll be begged to stay bc i'm THE ONLY ONE AT THE COMPANY who can currently make certain client deliverables. i said the same thing when i quit my previous hell job last year ("sorry i can't perform to this standard you're setting so i'm leaving!") and my boss there promptly rolled over and begged me to stay bc the department "would fail without me".
like sorry, i'm just taking your words at face value instead of going along with this little game you're trying to play where you treat me like a little work robot and try to get more out of me without offering anything in return :) don't let youself be negged by a job, friends
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spookysaladchaos · 6 minutes
Global Top 13 Companies Accounted for 54% of total Liquid Surface Tension Meter market (QYResearch, 2021)
This report studies the Liquid Surface Tension Meter market
Liquid Surface Tension Meter as it applies to physics is a measuring instrument used to measure the surface tension of liquids or surfaces.
The Liquid Surface Tension Meter industry can be broken down into several segments, Static Surface Tension Meter and Dynamic Surface Tension Meter.
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According to the new market research report “Global Liquid Surface Tension Meter Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Liquid Surface Tension Meter market size is projected to reach USD 0.08 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.3% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Liquid Surface Tension Meter Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Liquid Surface Tension Meter Top 13 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Liquid Surface Tension Meter include KRÜSS, Biolin Scientific, Kibron, SITA Messtechnik, Kyowa, DataPhysics Instruments, LAUDA Scientific, First Ten Angstroms, Wuhan Huatian, KINO, etc. In 2021, the global top five players had a share approximately 54.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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wellnessweb · 19 hours
Understanding the Global Electrosurgery Market Size
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The Electrosurgery Market size was estimated at USD 6.5 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 10.75 billion by 2031 with a growing CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period of 2024-2031.The Electrosurgery market is a dynamic landscape where technological advancements intersect with the evolving needs of medical professionals worldwide. Utilizing high-frequency electrical currents to cut, coagulate, and seal tissues during surgical procedures, Electrosurgery represents a cornerstone of modern surgical practice, offering precision and efficiency. As demand grows for minimally invasive techniques, Electrosurgery continues to innovate, integrating with robotics and imaging technologies to enhance procedural outcomes and patient recovery. Market dynamics reflect a burgeoning interest in safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness, driving research into novel electrode designs and energy delivery systems.
Get Sample of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/3394
Market Scope & Overview
To support the report's estimates of the overall market position, market development possibilities, potential bottlenecks, current industry trends, and future trends, authentic statistics are used. To mention a few, the worldwide Electrosurgery Market  report study investigations evaluate a variety of critical aspects such as market expansion, product success, and investment in a developing market. Market research reveals current and future market trends. The competition study takes into account all new product releases, product extensions, agreements, joint ventures, collaborations, and acquisitions.
The Electrosurgery Market  study also includes a competitor list and analysis, as well as a strategic industry analysis of the key market dynamics.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Product
Electrosurgical Instruments
Electrosurgical Generators
Electrosurgical Accessories
Smoke Evacuation Systems
By Surgery
General Surgery
Obstetric/Gynecological Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Cardiovascular Surgery
Oncological Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Urological Surgery
Other Surgeries
By End User
Hospitals, Clinics, and Ablation Centers
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Research Laboratories and Academic Institutes
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
According to the Electrosurgery Market  research report, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a number of market hurdles, opportunities, and factors that are expected to have an impact on future business success.
Regional Outlook
All of the world's major regional markets are included in the Electrosurgery Market  study analysis. The study delves deeply into the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, and Europe. This research digs into regional analysis in light of the current situation of the market, current trends, and recent achievements.
Competitive Analysis
The research report contains great data, projections for the future, and in-depth market assessments on a national and global basis. The market study includes a list of important competitors, tactical recommendations, and an analysis of the major industry determinants. The Electrosurgery Market research report examines new revenue pockets, legislative changes, market growth in specific categories, and dominance in specific application niches, as well as product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, and technical advancements.
Key Reasons to Purchase Electrosurgery Market  Report
The report includes definitions, categories, and applications of the market, as well as a SWOT analysis of the industry's drivers and restraints.
The report examines current trends, import-export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, and the impact of domestic and foreign market rivals.
Report Conclusion
You can utilize the authentic data in the research report to make informed business decisions that benefit the market.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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robertemma27-blog · 21 hours
Which Companies Specialize in Manufacturing of Battery Production Machines?
The global battery production machine market size is expected to grow from USD 7.3 billion in 2022 to USD 19.4 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 21.5% from 2022 to 2027. 
Battery production machines are used to manufacture lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are made of three major components: cathode, anode, and electrolyte, and they are available in multiple variants, depending on the materials combined with lithium, such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, titanium, and iron. Various machine types, such as mixing machines, coating and drying machines, calendaring machines, slitting machines, electrode stacking machines, assembling and handling machines, and formation and testing machines, have been covered in the report’s scope.
Battery Production Machine companies include:
Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan),
Durr Group (Germany),
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. (China),
Shenzhen Yinghe Technology Co., Ltd. (China), and
Schuler Group (Germany).
Download PDF Brochure:
Hitachi, Ltd. is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company operates through the Digital Systems & Services, Green Energy & Mobility, Connective Industries, Automotive Systems Business, Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., Hitachi Metals, and Others segments. It offers lithium-ion battery production machines through its subsidiary Hitachi High-Tech Corporation. Hitachi High-Tech Corporation was established in 1947 and is listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange, operating independently in the Hitachi Group. In May 2020, the High-Tech Corporation was delisted and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. The subsidiary operates in four business categories: Nano-Technology Solutions, Analytical & Medical Solutions, Core Technology Solutions, and Value Chain Solutions.
Durr Group is one of the leading companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sectors. The company offers turnkey paint shops, final assembly systems, automation, and robot technology for the automotive industry. It continuously researches and develops digital technologies for different systems, machines, and processes. The company offers its products through five segments—Woodworking and Machinery Systems, Paint and Final Assembly Systems, Application Technology, Clean Technology Systems, and Measuring and Process Systems. Through the Clean Technology Systems segment, the company offers air pollution control, noise abatement systems, and coating systems for battery electrodes.
Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. is one of the leading manufacturers of new energy equipment. The company offers its products to seven industries: lithium-ion battery, photovoltaic, 3C, warehouse & logistics system, automotive, fuel cell, and laser. The company provides one-stop turnkey lithium-ion battery manufacturing solutions. It is engaged in R&D to make the manufacturing process intelligent and provides consulting, design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, training, and future upgrades to its customers. The company has partnered with leading battery manufacturers, including Panasonic Corporation, Sony, Samsung SDI, LG Chem, CATL, and BYD. The company exports its products to more than 20 countries, including the US, Germany, Japan, and India. Also, the company has five established subsidiaries globally, along with more than 50 service outlets.
Shenzhen Yinghe Technology Co., Ltd. is one the leading companies in the field of power battery intelligent automation and intelligent digital factory solutions for power batteries. The company has a dedicated research and development system to enhance its product portfolio with new and emerging technologies. The company has strong expertise in technical, manufacturing, and services related to the power battery manufacturing processes. The company offers its customers single-process machines and customized products with new technologies. It designs, draws, manufactures, and commissions customized products according to the customer’s needs.Schuler Group is one of the leading companies operating in the field of forming technology and engaged in the manufacturing of presses. The company offers various technologies, including automotive press, hydraulic press, and forging, used in different industries and sectors, including automotive, industrial, e-mobility, aerospace, and railway. The company is a subsidiary of an international technology group ANDRITZ. The company offers turnkey solutions such as machines, dies, and conveyor technology in the battery production sector.
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mitalipingale · 4 months
The Medical Robot Market in 2023 is US$ 9.38 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 32.32 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 16.72%.
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Achievers IT: Advancing Artificial Intelligence Education and Innovation
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world as we know it, impacting every industry and transforming everyday life. The rapid advancements in AI technology have created a surge in demand for skilled professionals who can navigate this complex field. Achievers IT is at the forefront of this educational revolution, providing top-tier Artificial Intelligence Courses designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this dynamic industry.
The Evolution and Impact of Artificial Intelligence
AI involves the development of systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. The applications of AI are vast and varied, with significant advancements in several key areas:
Healthcare: AI is enhancing diagnostics, personalizing treatment plans, and improving patient outcomes. Machine learning algorithms analyze medical data to identify patterns and predict diseases, enabling early intervention and more effective treatments.
Finance: AI is revolutionizing the finance industry with applications in fraud detection, risk management, algorithmic trading, and customer service automation. AI-driven solutions enable financial institutions to process large datasets efficiently and make informed decisions.
Transportation: AI is transforming transportation through the development of autonomous vehicles and smart logistics systems. AI optimizes route planning, reduces traffic congestion, and enhances safety, contributing to the development of smarter cities.
Retail: AI improves customer experiences through personalized recommendations, inventory management, and automated customer service. Retailers use AI to analyze consumer behavior, optimize supply chains, and enhance operational efficiency.
Achievers IT: Leading the Way in AI Education
At Achievers IT, we are committed to providing comprehensive AI education through our Artificial Intelligence Courses. Our curriculum is designed to cover a broad spectrum of AI topics, ensuring that students gain a deep understanding of the field. Key features of our AI courses include:
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Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses cover essential AI concepts, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. We regularly update our curriculum to incorporate the latest advancements and industry trends.
Expert Instructors: Our faculty comprises industry experts and experienced professionals who bring real-world insights into the classroom. Their practical knowledge and expertise provide students with a rich and engaging learning experience.
Hands-On Projects: We emphasize experiential learning through hands-on projects and assignments. Students work on real-world problems, applying theoretical concepts to practical scenarios, which ensures they are well-prepared for the job market.
Flexible Learning Options: Understanding the diverse needs of our students, we offer flexible learning options, including online and in-person training. This flexibility allows working professionals and students to learn at their own pace and convenience.
Industry Collaboration: We collaborate with leading tech companies to offer internship opportunities, industry projects, and exposure to best practices. These partnerships enhance the learning experience and provide valuable industry insights.
Ethical AI: Our training programs include discussions on the ethical implications of AI, ensuring that students understand the responsibilities and ethical considerations involved in developing AI systems.
The Importance of AI Education in India
India is rapidly becoming a global hub for AI research and development, driven by a tech-savvy workforce and substantial investments in AI initiatives. By offering advanced Artificial Intelligence Courses, Achievers IT is contributing to this growth and preparing the next generation of AI leaders.
Our graduates are making significant contributions across various sectors, from startups to multinational corporations. They are developing AI solutions that address critical challenges in healthcare, finance, transportation, retail, and more, driving innovation and creating positive societal impacts.
Achievers IT is at the forefront of AI education and innovation, committed to providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the AI-driven world. Our comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Courses are designed to empower individuals to lead the AI revolution and shape the future of technology.
Join Achievers IT and embark on a journey of discovery and innovation in the exciting field of artificial intelligence. Together, we can explore the limitless possibilities of AI and create a smarter, better future for all.
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Science and technology in Japan has helped fuel the rapid industrial and economic development of the country. Japan has a long history and tradition for scientific research and development, stretching as far back as the Meiji period.
However, science and technology developed rapidly after the Second World War, which has affected the advancement of vehicle technology, consumer electronics, robotics, medical devices, space exploration, and the film industry. Japan's exemplary educational system as well its higher education institutions help contribute to the country's acceptance for technological innovation and aid engineering talent development.
High levels of support for research and development have enabled Japan to produce advances in automotive engines, television display technology, videogames, optical clocks, and many other fields. Japan is also advanced and a global leader in the robotics, natural sciences, aerospace exploration and biomedical research areas. In 2023, Japan was ranked 13th in the Global Innovation Index by the World Intellectual Property Organization.[1]
Scientific research in Japan is supported and promoted by the Japanese Government through various institutes and agencies including the Japan Science and Technology Agency (科学技術振興機構), Science Council of Japan (日本学術会議) and the Japan Academy (日本学士院).
Aerospace research
Founded in 2003 through the merging of three aerospace organisations (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, National Aerospace Laboratory, and the National Space Development Agency of Japan), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) conducts space and planetary exploration, aviation research, and the development of various space technologies and satellites. JAXA has developed a series of rockets in conjunction with Japanese heavy manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The organisation was also responsible for the development of the Japanese Experiment Module (also known as KIBO), which was launched and added to the International Space Station during Space Shuttle assembly flights in 2007 and 2008 and the HTV to transfer payloads to the station in 2009.
Japan also sends several astronauts to work in the ISS and help other international collaborators with space research and technology transfers. Since 1990, twelve Japanese individuals have participated in space flights, two of whom were women. Two Japanese astronauts also served as commanders of the ISS, with the last being Akihiko Hoshide.
In recent years, Japan's Hayabusa2 spacecraft has been used to collect samples from a near-Earth asteroid called Ryugu and back to Earth for research and analysis. The 6-year mission ended in 2020.
Nuclear energy
Main article: Nuclear power in JapanThe Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant, a 3-unit BWR site typical of Japan's nuclear plants
Since 1973, Japan has been looking to become less dependent on imported fuel and start to depend on nuclear energy. In 2008, after the opening of 7 brand new nuclear reactors in Japan (3 on Honshū, and 1 each on Hokkaidō, Kyūshū, Shikoku, and Tanegashima) Japan became the third largest nuclear power user in the world with 55 nuclear reactors. These provide 34.5% of Japan's electricity.
Following an earthquake, tsunami, and the failure of cooling systems at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on March 11, 2011, a nuclear emergency was declared. 140,000 residents within 20 km of the plant were evacuated. See Radiation effects from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 900.
Japan is well known for its electronics industry throughout the world, and Japanese electronic products account for a large share in the world market, compared to a majority of other countries. Japan is one of the leading nations in the fields of scientific research, technology, machinery, and medical research with the world's third largest budget for research and development at $130 billion USD, and over 677,731 researchers. Japan has received the most science Nobel prizes in Asia
Japan has large international corporate conglomerates such as Fuji (which developed the nation's first electronic computer, FUJIC1999, in 1956) and Sony. Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Sharp, NEC, Nintendo, Epson and Toshiba are among the best-known electronics companies in the world. Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, and Subaru are also very well known automobile companies in the world.
It is estimated that compared to the amount of known reserves still in the ground, 16% of the world's gold and 22% of silver is contained in electronic technology in Japan.
Japan is also known for robotics. There are many types of robots that are used in restaurants, hospitals, parks, or in different companies.[6] Robots are used for different purposes, such as in restaurants in Japan. Japanese research companies are researching on advanced AI robots that can mimic the work of humans.[7]
Medicine and healthcare
Japan is also a global leader in the area of biomedical research along with the United States and elsewhere. In 2015, the country established the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development to help implement biomedical research and development projects and improve the support infrastructure for clinical research. Medical research in Japan typically takes place in various national university and private university research hospitals. These research hospitals include University of Tokyo Hospital, Tohoku University Hospital, and Keio University Hospital among others.
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dailytrendswire · 3 days
Pharmacy Automation Market : Trends and Future Growth Analysis by 2031
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Discover a detailed exploration of the Pharmacy Automation  Market by Data Bridge Market Research, thoughtfully presented with visual finesse to ensure seamless data absorption. Crucial insights are illuminated through vivid graphs, charts, and figures, empowering astute decision-making.
 This Pharmacy Automation  report published by Data Bridge Market Research gives all-inclusive data regarding the market.  This Pharmacy Automation  report firstly introduces market by definition, application, classification and Specification. It provides the data of the market dynamics, market trends and market growth.  Competitive landscape of the market is also taken into account while developing this research report.  The data mentioned in this report is validated by the research analyst and expert so that the authentic information of the market is reached to the consumers. Additionally, the report tracks the latest developments and advancements in the market.
Key topic of the market are covered while developing this Pharmacy Automation  research report.  It segments the market by product launches, application, end user type. This Pharmacy Automation  research report give information about the market new technologies, growth factors, regional trends, company share, development policy and value chain. This report also states import / export, supply and consumption figures as well as manufacturing cost, global revenue and present gross margin by regions.
The global pharmacy automation market is supportive and aims to reduce medication dispensing errors and improve patient safety. Data Bridge Market Research analyzes that the global pharmacy automation market will grow at a CAGR of 10.0% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2030.
Get Sample Research Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-pharmacy-automation-market
Market Growth Drivers:
Medical errors are the leading cause of death in countries, further leading to increased hospitalization worldwide. Medication errors are of various types that include errors in the chain of pharmacological and pharmaceutical patient care: prescription errors, dispensing errors, administration errors, transcription errors, prescribing faults, and ‘across settings’ errors.
Notably, the report emphasizes the engagement of essential entities, including:
ARxIUM, OMNICELL INC., Cerner Corporation, Capsa Healthcare, ScriptPro LLC, RxSafe, LLC., MedAvail Technologies, Inc., Asteres Inc., InterLink AI, Inc., BD, Baxter, Fullscript, McKesson Corporation, Innovation Associates, AmerisourceBergen Corporation, UNIVERSAL LOGISTICS HOLDINGS, INC, Takazono Corporation, TOSHO Inc., Willach Group, BIQHS, Synergy Medical, Yuyama, APD Algoritmos Procesos y Diseños S.A, JVM Europe BV, Genesis Automation LTD, myPak Solutions Pty Ltd., Demodeks Pharmacy Shelving, Deenova S.r.l., KUKA AG, and KLS Pharma Robotics GmbH among others
Key highlights of the report:
Comprehensive analysis of the global Pharmacy Automation market, detailing present and future trends to identify promising investment opportunities.
Exploration of evolving market dynamics within the industry.
Examination of strategies adopted by major players and their product portfolios.
Detailed breakdown of market segments for a profound understanding.
Review of the latest industry trends and advancements.
Forecasting the trajectory of the Pharmacy Automation market through detailed segmentation analysis
Key Market Segmentation
Product (Systems, Software, and Services), Pharmacy Type (Independent, Chain, and Federal), Pharmacy Size (Large Size Pharmacy, Medium Size Pharmacy, and Small Size Pharmacy), Application (Drug Dispensing and Packaging, Drug Storage, and Inventory Management), End User (Inpatient Pharmacies, Outpatient Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies, Central Fill/Mail Order Pharmacies, Pharmacy Benefit Management Organizations, and Others), Distribution Channel (Direct Tender and Third Party Distributor)
Intended Audience:
Companies within the Pharmacy Automation industry
Investors and analysts keen on the Pharmacy Automation market
Individuals seeking insights into the dynamics of the Pharmacy Automation market
Read More About This Market Intelligence Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-pharmacy-automation-market
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Data Bridge Market Research operates as a multinational management-consulting firm, boasting offices situated in both India and Canada. Renowned for our innovative and cutting-edge market analysis methodologies, we pride ourselves on our unparalleled durability and forward-thinking approaches. Our commitment lies in unravelling optimal consumer prospects and nurturing invaluable insights to empower your company's success within the market.
With a team comprising over 500 analysts specializing in various industries, we have been instrumental in serving over 40% of Fortune 500 companies on a global scale. Our extensive network boasts a clientele exceeding 5000+, spanning across the globe. At Data Bridge Market Research, our goal remains steadfast: to provide comprehensive market intelligence and strategic guidance to propel your business toward success.
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Pharmacy Automation  Market,
Pharmacy Automation  Market Scope,
Pharmacy Automation  Market Size,
Pharmacy Automation  Market Forecast
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healthcarehubhh · 3 days
Medical Robotic Systems of the Future
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Introduction Robotic systems have drastically changed the field of medicine and healthcare over the past few decades. By augmenting a surgeon's abilities, these systems allow for minimally invasive procedures that reduce recovery time for patients. Looking ahead, newer generations of robots promise even greater precision and autonomy. Advancing Surgical Medical Robotic Systems Surgical robots like da Vinci allow a surgeon to operate through small incisions from a console several feet away. da Vinci's wrists and instruments provide 7 degrees of freedom similar to the human hand, enhancing control and visibility. New models add features like a separate robot arm for assisting the main surgeon. As robotic arms and components evolve to maximize agility and precision, procedures that were previously difficult or risky can be improved. Enhanced Mobility for Rehabilitation For patients recovering from injuries or surgeries, robotic exoskeletons and prosthetics are restoring mobility. Exoskeletons allow paraplegics to stand and move about with motors augmenting weakened legs and hips. Prosthetic hands and arms powered by miniature motors can perform delicate tasks like play piano. Continued advances may one day provide near-natural alternatives to lost limbs through highly dexterous robotic replacements. Medical Robotic System Assistance for Healthcare Workers In hospitals, robots are taking up duties to help overburdened nurses and doctors. Automated carts deliver meals, supplies and medication between floors, reducing time spent searching for items. Mobile robots guide visitors to patient rooms and provide information displays. For infectious patients, robot assistants allow remote video visits while safely limiting exposure. This growing robotic support helps maximize valuable human time and resources. Precision Robots in Non-Invasive Diagnostics Certain medical diagnostic robots can examine the body in delicate, non-invasive ways. Capsule endoscopes are swallowable cameras that capture high definition videos of the entire digestive tract. Retinal scanning robots take ultra high resolution photos of the eye to screen for conditions like diabetes or glaucoma. Miniature swimming robots explore blood vessels to locate blockages, acting as nanosubmarines inside the body. As diagnostic technology improves, robotic tools may uncover medical problems at even earlier stages. The Future of Assistive Care Medical Robotic System In future decades, robotics will likely become further integrated into healthcare through assistive robots focused on well-being. Companion robots can check vitals, remind patients to take medications, and reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation for the elderly living independently. Nursing robots may lift or turn bedridden patients with human-level gentleness. Miniature nanobots one day may precisely deliver drugs, patch tissues at a cellular level or flush toxins from the liver. Combined with continued advances in artificial intelligence, medical robots will reshape healthcare as they take increasingly supportive caregiving roles.
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191
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jayanthitbrc · 3 days
Forecasting the Future Segments and Major Players in the Lab Automation Market
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Overview and Scope Lab automation refers to the use of technology and machinery to streamline and optimize laboratory processes, reducing manual intervention and increasing efficiency. It is a multi-disciplinary strategy to research, develop, optimize, and capitalize on technologies in the laboratory that enable new and improved processes. Sizing and Forecast The lab automation market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $6.67 billion in 2023 to $7.33 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.9%.  The  growth in the historic period can be attributed to miniaturization of assays and instruments, advancements in robotics and automation technologies, increased demand for high-throughput screening in drug discovery, growth in emphasis on precision and reproducibility in research, and the need for faster and more accurate diagnostic testing. The lab automation market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $10.80 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.2%.  Order your report now for swift delivery, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/lab-automation-global-market-report Segmentation & Regional Insights The lab automation market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Stage Of Automation: Pre-Analytical Stage, Analytical Stage, Post-Analytical Stage, Total Lab Automation 2) By Process: Discrete Processing, Continuous Flow 3) By Application: Diagnostics, Genomic Solutions, Microbiology, Drug Discovery, Proteomic Solutions, Other Applications 4) By End-User: Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Research and Diagnostic Laboratories, Other End-Users North America was the largest region in the lab automation market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the lab automation market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa. Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=15077&type=smp Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The rising demand for personalized medicine is expected to propel the growth of the lab automation market going forward. Personalized medicine, also known as precision medicine, refers to a medical approach that tailors healthcare decisions, practices, interventions, and treatments to individual patients. The demand for personalized medicine is on the rise due to several factors, including advancements in genomics and molecular diagnostics, increased awareness and education, a growing burden of chronic diseases, and its cost-effectiveness. Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the lab automation market report are Thermo Fisher Scientific; Becton Dickinson And Company (BD); Agilent Technologies Inc.; PerkinElmer LLC; Beckman Coulter Inc.; Biomek Inc.; Bio-Rad Laboratories; QIAGEN N.V.; Tecan Group; Brooks Life Sciences; Hamilton Company. The lab automation market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Market Characteristics 3. Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 5. Market Size And Growth 6. Segmentation 7. Regional And Country Analysis . . . 27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Email: [email protected] Follow Us On: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company   Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessResearchCompany   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24_fI0rV8cR5DxlCpgmyFQ   Blog: https://blog.tbrc.info/   Healthcare Blog: https://healthcareresearchreports.com/   Global Market Model: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/global-market-model  
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