#Medical Assistant Training Long Island
sky-seoroundtable · 5 months
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Medical Assistant Training Islandia NY | Access Careers
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
Overdose prevention centers, where individuals can consume illicit drugs under the observation of trained staff, are not associated with significant increases in crime, a new study finds. When the researchers compared syringe service programs in New York City with two programs that were recently sanctioned by city officials to offer supervised drug consumption, they found no significant increases in crimes recorded by the police or calls for emergency service in the surrounding neighborhoods. The findings, which are published in JAMA Network Open, come as plans to open overdose prevention centers proceed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and elsewhere, and not long after lawmakers in Philadelphia passed a preemptive measure to ban these types of centers, says coauthor Brandon del Pozo, an assistant professor (research) at Brown University’s Warren Alpert Medical School and School of Public Health. “What this data shows is that if a neighborhood benefits from an established syringe service program, then adding the service of supervised drug consumption is not likely to increase reported crime, disorder complaints, or related calls to 311 and 911,” del Pozo says.
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onyxmilk · 6 months
hi, can I please request drabbles of the strawhats with a fem!reader who is very very strong (like yor forger or maki zen'in), but doesn’t look like it? like, the reader doesn't look like she can beat people up, but she surely can.
Strawhats x f!Reader; "Strength"
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notes; merry christmas yall :D tw; Reader uses She/Her pronouns!, unedited wc; 0.5k
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Luffy; Luffy watched in awe as [YourName] absolutely kicked ass. See, he knew that something was special about you when he found her on the same boat that Koby was on! He knew there was some fire inside [YourName, and to the others she was deemed useless- just some girl Luffy had picked up early on. [YourName] fought with all her might, taking down buff men and flipping them. The others were too busy to notice, but Luffy did and he was entranced because of it. Luckily, he could watch and fight- encouraging [YourName] with soft 'Yeah!' and 'Kick their asses!'
Zoro; "Do you need help- Oh.." Zoro offered to [YourName] but instead watched her as she picked up heavy boxes and moved them onto their new ship. He had taken a liking to her, often making excuses to get near her, he just didn't know why and he thinks he found his reasoning. She was the definition of looks could be deceiving! She was shorted than him and often played hopeless to scam the merchants around them, it got them more food. Seeing [YourName] do what was deemed a 'man's job' really got him debating his feelings for the beautiful woman. Nami; [YourName] was friends with Nami when she was little before she left, and each time she had even thought of the girl- Nami would think of someone weak and needing assistance constantly. So to her surprise, when she had arrived back on her home island and after the whole fight did she find [YourName] carrying heavy medical supplies. Nami just had to watch for a moment in shock, that's when her sister had came up to her and chuckled, explaining that after Nami left, [YourName] took training seriously. Nami just blushed and nodded her head, understanding and assuming [YourName]'s reasoning. Usopp; Usopp was new to the strawhats, not sure what [YourName] because she didn't really do much but trip Kuro. So when he found [YourName] really making Zoro work for his money in an arm wrestle he was a little more than just shocked. He turned to Nami who seen this play out before and just laughed before nodding her head and heading out, Usopp just stayed and watched what would happen- and he was glad he did. After a long five minutes, [YourName] won the wrestle and got the berry. Zoro would scoff and walk off while Usopp praised [YourName]. Sanji; [YourName] was new to the Baratie, playing waitress who would help out in the kitchen now and again. Sanji didn't lay eyes on her until one night when it was just him to clean up the kitchen and [YourName] offered to help. "You don't have to get tha-" Sanji began, just for [YourName] to pick up one of the heavier boxes packed full of ingredients and move it. Sanji stood there, impressed but also in shock. [YourName] just didn't look like the type of girl to do any heavy lifting like that, but every woman to their own he supposed.
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allbluedepths · 3 months
Okay, hopefully this posts correctly this time! Headcanons about the Red Hair Pirates’ crew roles and duties below because I think about these guys way too much. (+ would love to hear anyone else’s headcanons for this!)
Shanks: captain; canon. Can't add much more here!
Benn: first mate; canon. Handles oversight with just about everything on board, from making sure things run smoothly day to day, managing their funds and budget, and information oversight from their associated crews and islands once they gain them. If it isn't specifically assigned to someone else (and possibly, even if it is), it falls under this position.
Yasopp: sniper; canon. In charge of all watch duties both at sea and on land. Responsible for crew members focused on long-range combat and training crew members in those skills. Assists Gab with overseeing long-range artillery.
Lucky: cook; canon. In charge of all meals, galley staff, and keeping track of food stores. Also assists with keeping track of alcohol stores.
Hongo: doctor; canon. In charge of all medical necessities aboard, both emergency and nonemergency. Responsible for medicine stocks and any compounding as necessary. Assists with sail repairs when needed and available (suturing skills come in handy).
Limejuice: helmsman; non-canon. Steers ship and works in conjunction with Building Snake to traverse plotted courses. Considered adjacent to Yasopp and his watch duty by nature of always having an eye out anyways while steering.
Bonk Punch: musician; canon. Keeps morale up with his music alongside Monster. Main instrument is a fiddle (non-canon), though is skilled with string instruments of all sizes (cellos sadly aren't easily maneuverable aboard). Jack of all trades assisting other senior officers as necessary.
Monster: musician; canon. See above for musician's duties; main instrument is a concertina (similar to a small accordion; non-canon). Also assists around the ship.
Building Snake: navigator; canon. Plans all navigation routes requested by the captain and first mate, advises against any known nautical hazards, and works with Limejuice to properly maneuver the ship.
Gab: Shipwright/carpenter; non-canon. Responsible for overall ship maintenance and repairs; is heavily involved in choosing any new ship for the crew. For combat, handles all non-gun, long-range artillery, including maintenance, firing crews for combat, and artillery stock; done in conjunction with Yasopp.
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iamnot-crazy · 9 days
Pages of Promise, Some Sunny Day
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (Bittersweet Ending)
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Summary: You have always itched for adventure and when an interesting vessel appears you take your chance and jump aboard. Now you have found a new home with the straw hats but still long for the day you can meet Law again.
Trafalgar Law x GN!reader
TW: mentions of death, sad
The thousand Sunny gleamed in the horizon and a collective gasp echoed through the Polar Tang. Bepo bounced in excitement holding onto Law shoulders as he looked at the ship, "Captain! It's the Straw Hats! Can we say hi to Y/N?"
A hint of a smile played on Law's lips, a warmth spread through him at the thought of seeing you again. "Alight".
The moment the ship docked, Luffy materialized on the deck a grin splitting his face like a melon, "Traffy! Are you here to join our adventure!"
Law raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in his eyes. before he could respond the Heart Pirate crew came bursting out of the Tang demanding to know where you are.
Luffy chuckled, "They're just out shopping!"
The crew sighed in disappointment and returned to their docking procedures. Law smirked at the crews impatience to see you before returning his attention to the straw hat captain to discuss this "adventure" he wants to embark on.
After a little of waiting a joyous shriek cut through the air. You, arms overflowing with bag, spotted the Heart Pirated and launched yourself into the group.
The Hearts were holding you tightly as they began fussing about your leaving without a goodbye.
"Im sorry! If I did I don't think I would have gotten on the sunny." you cried defensively buried in their embrace.
The crew laugh as Shachi rubbed your hair, "Just don't do it again!"
You laughed, "Where is Law?" you pull out of the embrace looking for Law.
Bepo pointed over to where Law was standing with Luffy deep in conversation, "StrawHat is trying to convince Captain to join him on some kind of adventure."
A chill went down your spin as you watch Law smile as Luffy spoke animately and you began your run. Law turned to see you and his smile grew as he prepared himself to catch you as you flung yourself at him. He spun you around as your heart pounded in a thrill before you grab the back of his head pulling him into a deep kiss.
The air filled with an electricity at the action. Both crews gasp with a mixture of surprise and thrill with their suspicions confirmed.
You chuckle finally pulling away resting your foreheads together, "I missed you Law," you whisper tuning out the commotion of the two crew.
"I Missed you to y/n," Law laughed closing his eyes as he placed you on the ground gently holding you waist.
"Law..." You coughed as Law reopened his eyes as your weight pulls to ground, a crimson stain blooming on your shirt. Panic surged though Law's eyes as you crumpled to the ground, "I Love...."
Law's world began to spin as he knelt beside you, tears streaming down his face as he tried to recall his medical training. But the wound in your stomach gape, it was beyond his powers to heal.
The initial euphoria of the reunion was shattered and the scene of war surrounded him. The "adventure" the Straw Hats was far more dangerous that they had initially revealed.
Luffy, ever the optimist, had agreed to help a group of townspeople on this island reclaim their stolen wealth from a ruthless noble family, the house of Vermillion. The Hearts wanted to spend more time with you so they offered their assistance. The plan was simple - a stealthy heist while the Straw Hats created a diversion, but things had escalated quickly.
The Vermilions unleashed their most potent weapon: a battalion of towering giants, Law, his heart sinking at the sight, knew their initial plan wouldn't hold. With a heavy heart, he ordered the Hearts Pirates to retreat with whatever they could salvage.
Chaos erupted. The giants, wielding immense physical power, trampled through the battlefield. In the maelstrom, you vanished. Panic clawed at Law's throat as he searched for your familiar form.
Finally, he found you amidst the wreckage, a horrifying wound blow marring your abdomen. Now Law holds you tight barely able to hear you last words before you life fully fades.
"Y/N!" Usopp shouted in his search and paused seeing Law on his knees, "Traffy did you..." He skidded to a halt, his eyes widening in horror at the sight of your lifeless form in Law's arms.
Tears streamed down Usopp's face as he approached. "I'll... I'll take them back to the ship," he choked out, his voice trembling.
Law nodded numbly, handing you over to Usopp. He watched as Usopp clutched your body close, disappearing into the dust and debris, a silent vow escaping his lips to get you back to the Sunny, even if it was the last thing he did.
Law jumped into the fray, a whirlwind of vengeance. He found Luffy locked in a fierce duel with the Vermilions' most powerful warrior. Law activated his Room, teleporting into the fight and dissecting the warrior with a brutal slash.
"Traffy!" The captain shouted in excitement as he watched the older captain slash the warrior into 5 pieces still screaming surprised to be alive
"Straw Hat!" Law shouted pointing to the ground. Straw Hat nodded understanding the plan jumping up into the air and pounded the ground with his haki covered hands destroying the ground and sending larger debris into the air. Law twisted his fingers taking control of the debris and sending it flying at the warrior burying him beneath it.
Law turn to see another Warrior aiming a punch above Sanji who was just thrown into a wall and was struggling to get up. "Straw Hat!" Law ordered once more Luffy geared up his punch aiming at Law right before contact Law swapped places with the giant and the giant was faced with Luffy's giant haki filled fist.
The second Warrior fell to the ground with a thud while Luffy laughed, "We make a great team Traffy!"
Law ignored him, his eyes blazing with a feral intensity. Sanji started to retort, "I didn't need the assist, Traf.." but stopped short, the gravity of the situation hitting him as he saw the raw grief etched on Law's face.
Law snapped towards Sanji, his voice laced with a desperate urgency. "We need to finish this now before anyone else gets killed!" He vanished in a flash of his Room, and in the blink of an eye, Zoro found himself replacing him, his swords barely missing Sanji's head as they swung past.
Zoro looked up in confusion, while Sanji lashed out with a kick aimed at Zoro's head. "you mosshead!" he roared. The ground shook as another giant warrior fell, its lifeless form crashing to the ground.
Both Sanji and Zoro turned their gaze to see Law standing atop the defeated giant, his Kikoku extended and crackling with electricity. A gaping hole had opened in the ground where the giant once stood. Law leapt off with a feral scream, his movements erratic and driven by a desperate rage.
"What's gotten into him?" Zoro questioned, watching Law stalk through the battlefield like a wounded animal, his body slick with blood.
Sanji shrugged. "He said something about not letting anyone else die," he muttered, his eyes drawn to Luffy who stood frozen, staring blankly across the battlefield. Sanji and Zoro followed his gaze to see Usopp running past them towards the Sunny, his face a mask of grief as he cradled your lifeless form. The sight that chilled them to the bone was the gaping wound mirroring Ace's death blow, marring your abdomen.
"Shit," Sanji and Zoro mumbled in unison. They watched Law tear through the remaining guards with a reckless abandon, a stark contrast to his usual tactical approach.
"Luffy!" Zoro bellowed, snapping the captain out of his trance. "You gotta stop Law before he gets himself killed!"
The two ran over to the captain trying to shake him out of his thoughts.
"You're the only one who can stop him! Mosshead and I will get everyone else back to the ship." Sanji shouted his plan and they shake the captain.
"They.... y/n.... Ace..." Luffy muttered.
We will deal with that in a moment first we need to keep doctor doom over there from getting himself killed!" Sanji stepped in front of Luffy, breaking his line of sight. Luffy finally snapped out of it and nodded, a grim determination replacing the shock on his face. Zoro and Sanji took off into the field, assisting anyone they could back to the ship.
Luffy ran to Law who stood in the middle of the battlefield, a whirlwind of vengeance. "Law!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the clash of steel.
Law's head snapped towards the younger captain. The world seemed to slow down in that agonizing pause, a silent accusation thundering in the air. Law, his coat ripped and bloodied, turned to Luffy, his eyes blazing with a grief that threatened to consume him.
"I told you we needed to retreat!" Law roared, his voice raw with a mixture of grief and rage that echoed across the battlefield. "We needed a plan!"
Luffy's eyes darken as he drew closer, "You are their captain now! It was your responsibility to protect them! You failed them!" Law's voice roared, his voice hoarse filled with emotions. "I told you and now They are dead! Y/N is DEAD! Because of you!"
Law's face contorted in fury when the younger captain stopped in front of him. Law threw a fist at Luffy's face, a desperate attempt to lash out at his own grief. The entire battlefield fell silent as Luffy took the blow head-on, his expression unreadable.
Law continued to punch Luffy, a torrent of grief and blame erupting in each blow. Tears streamed down his face, a stark contrast to his rage-filled words. With each punch, his strength waned, his attacks becoming more desperate than forceful.
Finally, Luffy grabbed Law's arm, stopping the onslaught. Law, drained and defeated, slumped to his knees, his sobs echoing across the battlefield. "I never told them I loved them," he choked out, his voice cracking. "We were supposed to meet after they achieved their dreams..."
Luffy, his own face etched with pain, pulled the older captain onto his shoulder. He began walking back to the Sunny, leaving behind a scene of destruction. The giants lay defeated, while the remaining guards were slowly being subdued by the townspeople. Smoke from the ravaged battlefield rose lazily into the sky, a grim reminder of the battle's cost. As they reached the ship, the other crewmates looked on with a mixture of sadness and concern as Luffy gently laid the now passed out Law on the bench under the shade of the deck's tree.
Luffy looked over at Chopper, who shook his head solemnly and turned towards the side of the deck where they laid you down. The ghastly wound in your stomach had stopped bleeding, a cruel reminder of what you'd lost. Robin, with a gentle touch, had placed a bouquet of wildflowers in your hands, a small act of beauty.
A shout came from outside the ship, shattering the somber silence. "Straw Hats!" a townsperson yelled, his voice brimming with glee. "Thank you!" The crew looked up to see the townspeople celebrating, the remaining guards subdued. A bitter pang of guilt twisted in Luffy's gut. He forced a smile and waved back, Jembi already steering the Sunny away from the ravaged island.
Deeper into the ocean, the yellow submarine emerged from the waves. Law, finally stirring from his grief-stricken slumber, saw the Hearts Pirates appear on the deck. Usopp, his face etched with grief, explained what had happened as Law cradled your head in his lap, his fingers gently brushing a stray strand of hair across your cheek. The Hearts Pirates, their own sorrow simmering beneath the surface, exchanged a look. They longed to hold you one last time, to say goodbye. But they understood Law's need for this final moment, this private farewell.
A heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the gentle lapping of waves against the ships. The crews, united in grief, knew a decision had to be made. Finally, a plan was formed, a tribute to your spirit. With a heavy heart, they placed your body on a raft, adorned with flowers. As they set it ablaze, the flames danced, consuming the wood and casting an ethereal glow on the water. Law, watching the smoke rise, could have sworn it resembled a black feathery coat carrying your spirit upward and old friends promise to keep you safe when he couldn't.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (Bittersweet Ending)
A/N: Sometimes I need to not make myself cry when writing but hey if you wanna read more of my work check out my MasterList
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - still more fun supporting characters
Following the jump are a few more supporting players that I couldn’t fit into the schedule in that the idea for extended cast supplementals was an idea that came to me late in the process.  Apologies in advance for all of the cool supporting cast members who are not included.
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The enigmatic warrior and sensei known only as Stick was born blind, yet honed his other senses to such an uncanny degree as to entirely compensate for his lack of sight.  He was taken in and raised by the shadowy order of warriors known as the Chaste who believed Stick to be the reincarnation of Yamato-Take.  
The Chaset had been in a centuries-long war with The Hand and Stick was selected to lead The Chaste in this ongoing conflict.  
He received extensive training throughout his life, including tutelage in the mystic arts by The Ancient One (the then Sorcerer Supreme).  Having become a master of multiple forms of martial arts and mystical practices, Stick set about recruiting and training new warriors to bolster the ranks of The Chaste.  Among these students had been Matt Murdock whom Stick sought out not long after Matt had lost his sight.  Stick helped Matt utilize his hearing and special radar senses to compensate for his blindness, aiding him on his path to becoming the superhero known as Daredevil.  
A later pupil of Stick was Electra who ultimately turned away from him to become an assassin for The Hand.  After Elektra was killed in battle against Bullseye, Stick sacrificed himself, using his life energy to bring Electra back to life and purge her of the evil influence of The Hand.  Although Stick was later himself resurrected by the cosmic entity known as The Grandmaster.  Actor Terrance Stamp portrayed Sick in the Sony Films movie, Electra; whereas actor Scott Glenn portrayed the character in the MCU Netflix television shows.  The blind sensei first appeared in the pages of Daredevil Vol. 1 #176 (1981
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Wendy Kawasaki
Wendy had been a student who asked Captain Marvel for an interview as part of her research.   Marvel was so impressed by Wendy that she hired the young woman on to act as a personal assistant.  
Wendy would later join the Alpha Flight Space program.  She earned the rank of lieutenant and has more recently been appointed commander of the program.
The character first appeared in the pages of Captain Marvel Vol. 7 #9 (2013).
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Ganke Lee
Ganke Lee is the best friend of Miles Morales, and one of the only people whom Miles had shared his secret with. It was Ganke who figured out that Miles carried similar abilities to Spider-Man. He was first alerted to his friend's newfound powers when Miles came bursting into his room and explaining the events that transpired to give him such abilities.
Thrilled at Miles's ‘cool’ powers and making the initial assessment that he was a Mutant, Ganke made suggestions that he should be a superhero and embrace his abilities; though Miles was much more reluctant to use his powers and wanted to ignore them in pursuit of a normal life. Ganke later made the correct deduction that Miles's abilities were not a product of the X-Gene, but as a result of tampered genetics.
Following the Secret Wars event wherein the Ultimate Universe was destroyed, The Molecule Man recreated Ganke in the 616 Universe as a favor to Miles who had shown him kindness during the ordeal.  
Actor Jacob Batalon portrays a version of Ganke (renamed Ned) in the MCU Spider-man movies.  The character first appeared in the pages of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #2 (2011).
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Moira MacTaggert
Doctor Moira MacTaggert had been a brilliant geneticist, medical doctor and researcher who became a staunch alley to the X-Men and Mutant rights all over the world.  Based on Muir Island, MacTaggart was at the forefront of trying to find a cure for the terrible Legacy Virus.
She was later revealed to be a Mutant herself who possessed the capacity to recall the events of her life across a near countless spectrum of alternate realities.  She used this knowledge to guide the Mutant race so to avoid extinction events and establish the Mutant nation of Krakoa.  Yet the emotional toll of having experienced and being able to recall her own death across some many different time lines ultimately drove her mad and she became evil.
Actress Rose Byrne portrayed MacTaggert in the Fox Films X-Men movies.  Moira MacTaggert first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #96 (1975).
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Roz Solomon
Agent Roz Solomon served as a member of SHIELD in the organization’s environmental sciences division.  A staunch environmentalist, Solomon investigated an illegal oceanic drilling practice conducted by the Roxxan Oil Corporation and ended up sharing an adventure with the Mighty Thor.  Following the dissuasion of SHIELD, Solomon accepted an offer by King T’Challa to become a part of his Agents of Wakanda program.  The intrepid young agent first appeared in the pages of Thor: God of Thunder #12 (2013).  
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Ian Soo.  A latent Inhuman who gained his powers by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis did not alter Ian’s physical form and endowed him with telekinetic powers, the ability to lift and manipulate objects with the power of his mind.  The upper limits of Ian’s telekinetic abilities has yet to be revealed.  Ian was living in New York City when he was bestowed his powers.  He had recently lost his job and apartment and was having terribly difficult time finding new employment.  Desperate, Ian chose to use his newfound powers to rob an armored car.  Brand new to this would-be turn of becoming a super-villain, Ian chose the truly awful codename of ‘Telekinian.’  
Ian’s attempt to rob this armored car was foiled by the hero Hellcat (Patsy Walker).  Rather than duking it out in typical fashion, Ian and Hellcat ended up bonding on their mutual love of musical theater.  Patsy convinced Ian to give up his villainous ways and the two became roommates and good friends.  On occasion, Ian would resume his guise as Telekinian to aided Hellcat in her heroic endeavors.
The hero first appeared in the pages of Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 (2015).
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A toddler aged Morlock whose Mutant powers and attributes were active at birth.  Leach’s abilities act to nullify any other Mutant’s powers in his immediate vicinity.  He essentially takes away other Mutant’s powers, although these powers return once they are away from Leach’s vicinity.  Leach’s power-nullification abilities also work on some non-Mutant super powered beings and the reasons for this remains unknown.  Leach survived the Morlock massacre and currently resides at The Baxter Building as a member of The Richards’ Family and student of The Future Foundation.  Young Leach first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #179 (1983).
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Arthur ‘Artie’ Maddicks’ Mutant powers manifested in childhood, leaving him mute and physically transformed in a fashion that his father found grotesque.  Although he had lost the capacity to speak aloud, Artie gained the power to tap into and project the thoughts of himself or other people.  
Artie’s father had Hank McCoy abducted so to force the scientist to find a means of ‘curing’ his son’s mutation.  The ordeal resulted in tragedy and Artie’s father was killed.  Now orphaned, Artie was taken in by X-Factor were he became lifelong friends with fellow Mutant child, Leach.  He first appeared in the pages of X-Factor Vol. 1 #2 (1986).  
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A latent Inhuman named Jovanna whose transformation was caused by exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis endowed Swain with psychic powers that enables her to read and control the emotions of others.  The transformation also left Swain with a reptilian-like tail.
Following her transformation, Swain accepted the invitation of asylum of New Attilan.  She was made the captain of the Royal Inhuman Vessel (or RIV), an enormous flying fortress that circumnavigates the globe following the Terrigen Cloud.  Swain’s central role aboard the RIV is to use her empathic powers so to maintain the wellbeing of Hub, the new Inhuman who was transformed into a powerful dynamo of unlimited energy.  Hub’s energies power the RIV, yet his transformation has caused him great pain and emotional duress.  Swain has used her powers to help Hub feel in control of his anxiety and the process of powering The RIV acts to quell his pain.  
The intrepid NuHuman first appeared din the pages of All-New Inhumans #1 (2015).  
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Nancy Whitehead and Mew
Nancy Whitehead is the college roommate of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  A young woman of incredible intelligence and ingenuity, Nancy has become involved in many of Squirrel Girl’s adventures and her quick thinking and no nonsense attitude has proven crucial in saving the day on numerous occasions. 
Nancy is a proficient author of fan fiction and self-made comic books.  Her favorite character is CatThor, a version of the Mighty Thor who is also a cat.  She is Loki’s favorite human.  Shge claims her cat, Mew, is the greatest cat in the world (debatable).  
The unbeatably clever roommate first appeared in the pages of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 1 #1 (2015).  
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Dinah Soar
Much of Dinah Soar's history remains a mystery. However, during her long life, she came to live in Wisconsin where she was drawn to helping others despite her inability to communicate with others and many humans fearing her appearance.
Dinah Soar was one of a few individuals who answered Mr. Immortal's advertisement looking for costumed superheroes and became one of the founding members of the Great Lakes Avengers.  Sadly, Dinah was killed in action whist battling the villainous Maelstrom.
The mysterious heroine first appeared in the pages of West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 #46 (1989).
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Tyesha and Gabe Hillman
Tyesha Hillman is the fiancee and later wife to Aamir Khan, the brother of Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel).  Tyesha and Aamir later had a son whom they named Malik.  Her younger brother, Gabe is a classmate of Kamala and has acted as a member of the ‘Kamala Korps,’ a group of would-be crimefighters who stepped in to patrol the streets of Jersey City during a time in which Ms. Marvel was missing in action.  
Actress Travina Springer portrayed Tyesha in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel; actor Jordan Preston Carter portrayed Gabe in this same series.  Tyesha first appeared in the pages of Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #2 (2015); whereas gibe first appeared in Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #5 (2016).
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Very little is known of the origins of the Inhuman hero known as Naja.  A latent Inhuman whose transformation was caused by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis greatly altered Naja’s physical appearance, changing her into a reptilian form, with green scaled skin, clawed hands and feet, and a web-like membrane connecting from her wrists to her lower trunk that allows for glide-based flight.    Along with these physical changes, Naja also gained greatly enhanced dexterity, strength and durability, the aforementioned flight, as well as the capacity to alter the color of her scales so to blend in with her surroundings in a camouflage-style process.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of Inhuman (2014).  
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William Reilly was a Mutant who possessed the ability to control and redistribute fatty deposits on his body.  This enabled him to increase his size, strength and durability.  He was recruited into the corporate iteration of X-Force and served as a member of the team under the alias of ‘Phat.’  He was later killed in action, although a portion of William’s lipid structure was saved by Doop who used it to create William’s ‘daughter’ BabyPhat.  
The character first appeared in the pages of X-Force Vol. 1 #117 (2001). 
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The friendly fellow affectionately known as Grills had been a neighbor of Hawkeye (Clint Barton) when the Avenger was living in an apartment building in the Bedford-Sty area of Brooklyn.  The two became pals and Hawkeye assisted Grils in tending to his aged father during Hurricane Sandy.  
Unfortunately, being friends with superheroes can be a dangerous matter and Grills was sadly killed by the assassin known as The Clown.  
A version of the character featured in the Disney+ series, Hawkeye portrayed by actor Clayton English.  Grills first appeared in the pages of Hawkeye Vol. 4 #1 (2012).  
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mrsbsmooth · 9 months
Scripts - S7 - Episode 1 (Part 1 of 2)
Meet the girls, meet the boys (+ chat with Alex)
NARRATOR: Welcome back to a brand-spanking new season of Love Island! Well, actually we’re partway through and are about to go into Casa Amor!  But will I make <i>Amor</i> funny opening than this? I hope so, for your sakes. I’ve been stuck in this shed since last season and my chat’s a bit rusty.  But don’t worry, the Islanders’ chat is far better!  Let’s meet our stunning Casa Amor girls!
Your Jeep rolls down the stony drive and comes to a stop outside Casa Amor. Your heart races as you strut down the path to the entrance. You open the door to reveal the glamorous, modern villa and strut inside… You step out onto the lawn and spy a table decked out with champagne glasses. Three other Casa Amor girls squeal with excitement when they see you.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Ahh! It’s the final Casa Girl!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hey, everyone!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Wow, I thought I’d be stealing the show.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Looks like I’ll have some serious competition.
Summer looks stunned as she pours you a glass of bubbly.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself, I’m Summer!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hey, Summer.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oh my days, you’re gorgeous!
She beams with joy, full of nervous energy.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: Did I just say that out loud?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Aha yes! But thank you.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well it’s true! You’re a hottie! I’m Bonnie by the way.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Nice to meet you!
SUMMER_HAPPY: And this is Uma…
Uma steps forward to greet you with a striking confidence.
UMA_FLIRTY: Way to show us all up… We all knew the final girl would be a bombshell.
UMA_HAPPY: But I didn’t think you’d be this stunning.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Last, but certainly not least!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: So, what do we call you?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh, I’m {0}.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That's such a cool name! She’s got it all!
UMA_HAPPY: And who is {0}? What do you do?
Graphic designer
PLAYER_HAPPY: I work as a freelance graphic designer.I make logos and create brand identities for businesses. As well as working on my own stuff.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Wow! You must be quite the artist!
Semi-pro athlete
PLAYER_HAPPY: I actually do athletics!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Oh, what kind?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sprinting, hurdles, long jump. The whole lot really! I’m still semi-pro at the moment. But my goal is to go professional soon!
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s so impressive!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m actually an entrepreneur. Working with businesses to build themselves up and grow.Start ups mostly. Making sure they’re utilising everything in their portfolios. As well as working on my own small business.
UMA_HAPPY: I love that hustle!
Junior Doctor
PLAYER_HAPPY: I actually recently graduated from medical school. Just starting out as a junior doctor.
BONNIE_IDLE: Wow congratulations, that must be hard work.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It is! Being a doctor is all I ever wanted to do.
Trainee Engineer
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m actually training to be a civil engineer. It’s mostly helping with designs, writing up reports and assisting the lead engineers. But I’m hoping to be building bridges of my own one day.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That sounds so exciting!
UMA_FLIRTY: Well in the meantime you can build some bridges in here…
PLAYER_HAPPY: I actually work as a conservationist.
UMA_HAPPY: Wow, what does that involve?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I mostly work with nature trusts around the U.K. Helping them maintain and preserve protected areas for wildlife.
In the middle of a gap year
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m kinda still figuring that out. Having a bit of a gap year.  I’ve been travelling and getting some life experience. Trying to decide what’s next for me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: If that's to study more or get into a job. I’m kinda still figuring that out.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I respect that. There’s no rush to find what you want to do! We’ve got our whole lives for that.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s such a coincidence!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m a campaigner for an animal rights charity! I’m obsessed with nature and wildlife. And doing everything we can to protect it.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Seems like we’ve got a lot in common.
BONNIE_HAPPY: What do you guys do?
SUMMER_HAPPY: It’s funny, I actually work with a lot of athletes.
PLAYER_IDLE: Oh, what do you do?
SUMMER_HAPPY: I’m a physical therapist. I do a lot of work with sports people, helping them recover from injuries.
SUMMER_IDLE: I’d say I’d love to work with you, {0}, but hopefully you never need to!
PLAYER_HAPPY: How about you, Uma?
UMA_HAPPY: It’s funny that you mention logos, {0}.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s funny that you’re an entrepreneur.
UMA_HAPPY: I’m a businesswoman myself!
UMA_IDLE: I run a hair accessory brand. We’re small at the moment but growing fast!
UMA_HAPPY: We were actually looking to rebrand soon. Something new and exciting.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well you know where to find me.
UMA_FLIRTY: Exciting!
UMA_HAPPY: I’d love to learn more about what projects you’re working on sometime.
UMA_HAPPY: Exciting!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Aww, you guys seem so cool! We’re gonna be besties I can already tell.
BONNIE_HAPPY: For sure. I guess this is all of us now. I still can’t believe we’re here!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Better believe it, we’re in <i>the</i> Casa Amor!
You look around the villa, soaking it all in, nervous excitement hangs in the air.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Hope you girls are ready to turn some heads!
UMA_FLIRTY: We were just talking game plans for when the boys arrive.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Yeah! What’s your game plan going to be, {0}?
I’m getting my flirt on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh I’m definitely going to be grafting. If we’re getting back to the main villa…
We are gonna need to get our flirt on.
Gonna act casual
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think I’m just gonna play it cool. If I just be myself then I’ll vibe with the right guy. Plus that’ll let them do the grafting.
Mysterious is the way to go
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m going for the mysterious approach. Get them hooked and wanting to know more.No point giving everything away straight away.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Ooh, I like it!
SUMMER_HAPPY: I think I’m going to take it slow. Really get to know them before I commit.
UMA_IDLE: Really? I don’t know about you, but I plan to turn some heads.
BONNIE_IDLE: I don’t even know what they look like! Wanted it to be a surprise.
UMA_IDLE: Yeah I only watched bits.
UMA_HAPPY: I wanted to make my own impression when I met them!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I wanted to come in fresh too. Make my own read on the boys.
I saw some beach hut updates
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I saw some beach hut updates. Quite intriguing.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Oh, so you’ve seen them already?
UMA_FLIRTY: Sounds like you’ve had a head start then, {0}.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It looks like it.
I wanted to come in fresh too
PLAYER_HAPPY: I wanted to come in fresh too and make my own mind up.
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s the way.
I was away on holiday
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’ve been away on holiday recently so haven’t seen it at all. Seeing them will be a nice surprise.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: It sure will.
SUMMER_HAPPY: What do we think these boys are gonna be like then?
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I’ve always liked big hunks who can cook exquisite Italian food…
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s pretty specific.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I just want someone who can make me laugh, a real comedian.
BONNIE_IDLE: And someone who is kind and puts other people first.
UMA_IDLE: I know what you mean. I want a proper gent.
UMA_FLIRTY: Someone who’s ambitious and knows what they want from life. So we can be the ultimate power couple.
UMA_HAPPY: Some rock hard abs wouldn’t hurt though.
BONNIE_HAPPY: What about you, {0}. Have you got a type on paper?
Boy next door
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m looking for those ‘boy next door’ vibes.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Someone who I can take home to the family and see a future with.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Proper boyfriend material?
Bubbly and energetic
PLAYER_HAPPY: I just want someone who’s bubbly and fun. A guy I can have great chat with, someone to match my energy.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m with {0} there. You’ve gotta be on the same wavelength for sure.
Mysterious and chill
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I like someone mysterious… sexy.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I enjoy finding out more about them slowly. Chipping away.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Makes things more interesting.
UMA_FLIRTY: I totally agree.
Romantic and sweet
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I want a hopeless romantic.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Someone thoughtful who likes to surprise me.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Yes! Need a man who is gonna treat you right!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I suppose we’ll wait and see who walks through those doors.
SUMMER_HAPPY: I wonder what’s been happening in the villa so far?
BONNIE_HAPPY: We’ll find out soon enough!
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: I’m so nervous, I’ve never done anything like this before.
BONNIE_HAPPY: But life’s all about new experiences!
UMA_HAPPY: Exactly, you could have love at first sight. Who knows what will happen?
SUMMER_HAPPY: We’re gonna hang out with a load of hot boys, that’s what!
BONNIE_HAPPY: And beautiful girls too it seems!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Are you into girls as well as boys?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oh yeah, for sure. Whoever lights my fire!  Are you into girls too, {0}?
Yeah, I’m into girls and boys
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah! I’m into girls and boys.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Good to know… Can’t wait to get to know you better.
I’m not into girls
PLAYER_HAPPY: Nah, I’m just into boys.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Fair enough. Well I can’t wait to get to know you girls anyway.
Suddenly, your phone pings.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Our first Love Island text! This is it, our summer begins now.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s mine!
LITEXT: Girls, the boys are on their way from the main villa. Please get ready to meet them. {0}FirstImpressions {1}GameOn
BONNIE_HAPPY: Ahh! Here we go!!!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s do this.
You all hurry into the villa to prepare for the boys’ arrival.
The girls rush into the dressing room to touch up their hair and make up.
SUMMER_HAPPY: It’s all happening, ladies. Our men are on the way!
BONNIE_HAPPY: They’re not ours yet. They’re still coupled up, remember.
UMA_FLIRTY: Not for long…
UMA_HAPPY: If we’re gonna turn some heads we need to knock their socks off.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Gonna be hard catching their eyes while standing next to {0}. But I’ll try my best to match her glam…
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I’m not worried.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Really? I feel like I need some flirt practice. I might be rusty.
PLAYER_IDLE: When was your last relationship?
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: Oh, me and my ex split about 8 months ago.
BONNIE_IDLE: But we were together for a year.
BONNIE_HAPPY: There’s no hard feelings between us though. I’ve been a bit slow getting back into the dating game. Guess that’s why I’m here.
SUMMER_HAPPY: I definitely couldn’t wait 8 months to get out there! Gotta live your life! Just hit up some raves and see who you meet. And then if they end up being boring then it’s byyyyeee.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: No point waiting around for what you want. Gotta go out and get it!
UMA_IDLE: At a rave though? No way, that’s not my vibe.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What’s your vibe then, Uma?
UMA_HAPPY: I wanna be wined and dined! Fine-dined that is…
UMA_HAPPY: You can tell a lot about a guy by how much effort he puts into the first date.
UMA_HAPPY: My ex was obsessed with food, he’d take me to some of the best restaurants.
BONNIE_HAPPY: He sounds like a keeper. What happened?
UMA_HAPPY: Let’s just say his arse got dumped! I’m after the real deal now. No more lads.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: How about you, {0}? What’s your dating history like?
Fresh out of a long-term relationship
PLAYER_IDLE: I actually just got out of a long-term thing.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I feel like I’m ready to find someone new!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m right here with you!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Time to get back out there.
I’ve had a few situationships
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’ve had a few situationships.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But nothing super serious.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Yeah, who needs serious!
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I think I’m ready for the real thing.
I’ve just been having fun till now
PLAYER_HAPPY: To be honest I haven’t really had any serious relationships.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m not necessarily looking for the love of my life. I’m just trying to have some fun.
SUMMER_HAPPY: A girl after my own heart.
BONNIE_HAPPY: It is <i>Love</i> Island after all!
UMA_FLIRTY: And there are boys for the taking!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Speaking of which, they’re probably nearly here! We need to get ready!
BONNIE_HAPPY: I mean, {0} is already looking 10 out of 10.
Looking in the mirror, you’re looking out of this world in your outfit. With the boys nearly here, you wonder whether you want to make any final touches.
UMA_HAPPY: I thought you couldn’t improve on perfection!
UMA_FLIRTY: Summer’s right, first impressions are everything. Everyone knows that Casa girls have the toughest challenge.
UMA_HAPPY: We have to make them forget they ever had partners.
BONNIE_HAPPY: What you thinking, {0}?
PLAYER_IDLE: I think this works.
UMA_HAPPY: We’ve only got a few days to get back to the main villa. Wanna start it off with a bang!
Ok, I’ll take another look
I’m fine
PLAYER_HAPPY: This will definitely turn their heads.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Oh my days, give us a chance, {0}!
UMA_HAPPY: They won’t know what hit ‘em.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m feeling more comfortable in this outfit.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Whatever makes you feel comfortable!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well, I think we are looking gooooorgeous!
UMA_HAPPY: Look out boys, here we come.
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Hey, I actually thought of something.
SUMMER_IDLE: What if we all take it slow today?
SUMMER_IDLE: We could stick together and let the boys do the work?
SUMMER_IDLE: We all want to make sure we find the right boy…
SUMMER_IDLE: And get back to the villa together. There’s no point rushing.
BONNIE_IDLE: I thought you just said you don’t wait for boys?
SUMMER_HAPPY: I know but I’m here to do things differently! I wanna try the slow burn.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well I’m a slow burn kinda girl anyway, so fine by me!
UMA_FLIRTY: Erm, not gonna lie I’m not about the slow burn.
UMA_FLIRTY: You guys can do what you like, but I’m jumping in head first.
SUMMER_HAPPY: What do you say, {0}?
SUMMER_IDLE: I know you said you were going to get your flirt on but…
SUMMER_HAPPY: You did say you were gonna play it casual…
SUMMER_HAPPY: You did say you wanted to play it mysterious…
SUMMER_IDLE: Shall we all take it slow together?
Let’s take it slow
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sure thing, Summer.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s take things slow. We don’t want to rush things and get it wrong.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Yes! I knew you would get it.
No way, I’m going for it
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, I’m gonna do my own thing.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want to be free to get to know the boys.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Ergh really, I thought you would get it?
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Oh well. Just me and Bonnie then.
Suddenly you hear the doors of the villa open.
The sound of excited chatter echoes from downstairs.
UMA_HAPPY: The boys are here!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Let’s get out there, girls!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Good luck everyone!
Summer rushes out of the door and downstairs.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: So much for taking things slow…
You and the other girls hurry out behind her to meet the boys.
You spot Summer already flirting with two of the boys and sashay over to meet them.
PLAYER_IDLE: Having fun there, Summer?
SUMMER_HAPPY: Oh, hey guys! Have you met Alex and Joyo yet?
UMA_IDLE: Obviously not.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Hey! It’s great to meet you all.
JOYO_FLIRTY: You’re all looking stunning.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I can already tell this is going to be interesting.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, today’s been wild already.
ALEX_FLIRTY: What do we call you girls?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m {0}. This is Bonnie and Uma.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Nice to meet you, boys.
UMA_FLIRTY: I hope you’re ready to forget all about the main villa…
JOYO_FLIRTY: I think we’re in trouble here, Alex.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Yeah, you all seem lovely.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Your outfit is amazing, {0}.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Going to be hard to keep my eyes off you.
JOYO_FLIRTY: You’ve got a great look for sure.
UMA_FLIRTY: Is it just you two then?
JOYO_FLIRTY: Bored of us already?
UMA_FLIRTY: Just want to weigh up all my options.
JOYO_HAPPY: They’re exploring inside, but we’re all you need right here, right?
The villa doors swing open and out burst two more boys.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Well hello, hello!
BRYSON_HAPPY: There you all are! We were wondering where the ladies were at.
ALEX_HAPPY: Speak of the devils…
SUMMER_FLIRTY: And I thought the boys couldn’t get any hotter!
BRYSON_HAPPY: How wrong you were!
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Hey, girls! I’m Bryson.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I’m Rafael, it’s a pleasure to meet you!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: This villa is almost as gorgeous as you all.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Cute, where have you two been hiding?
BRYSON_HAPPY: We just had a cheeky little tour. This place is sick!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: We may have gotten a little lost.
ALEX_HAPPY: Lost? You guys are useless.
BRYSON_HAPPY: We wanted to find you girls first, but we’ve been beaten to it.
You catch Bryson’s eye and his face lights up.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Sorry, I didn’t catch your name?
BRYSON_HAPPY: I won’t be forgetting that in a hurry.
JOYO_IDLE: You’d forget your own name if it wasn’t written on your clothes, Bryson.
BRYSON_SERIOUS: At least I know how to dress myself, Joyo.
There is a moment of awkward silence, before the boys burst out laughing.
JOYO_HAPPY: I don’t even have an answer for that one.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: So boys, who’s closed off and who’s not?
BRYSON_SURPRISED: Straight on it, love to see it.
BONNIE_HAPPY: And this is her taking it slow.
The boys all look at each other, seeming unsure what to say.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Cat got your tongue, boys?
RAFAEL_IDLE: I guess I’m the only one that’s kind of closed off.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Kind of? You don’t sound too certain.
A phone pings.
ALEX_FLIRTY: That’s mine!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ooh read it out!
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for an ice-breaker, please make your way to the firepit for a game of Sexy Charades! {0}MimeTime {1}LimberUp
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Sexy charades! Yes!
BRYSON_HAPPY: This will be fun. Let’s go!
You all rush off towards the firepit.
Everyone takes a seat around the firepit where a stack of cards sits.
Your phone pings.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Another text! It’s mine.
LITEXT: Islanders, please take it in turns to pick a card and act out the action with the Islander you think is the hottest. {0}, you’re up first. {1}PartyStarter {2}LetsGo
BONNIE_HAPPY: Ahhh, I’m so excited!
Bonnie leans over and whispers in your ear.
BONNIE_HAPPY: This is our chance to show these boys what we’re made of.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Better put on a good show if we’re gonna make it back to the villa.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Can’t wait to see what tricks you’ve gotten hidden up your sleeve.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Well, {0}. What are you waiting for?
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, which boy do you think is the hottest?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it’s going to have to be Alex.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: I mean, I’m flattered!
Alex stands and joins you over by the cards.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s going to have to be Rafael.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Wow, really?!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I’m honoured!
Rafael stands and joins you over by the cards.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s going to have to be Bryson.
BRYSON_IDLE: I mean, totally. I saw that coming.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Wasn’t surprised at all.
Bryson stands and joins you over by the cards.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it has to be Joyo.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I knew you’d have great taste.
Joyo stands and joins you over by the cards.
The other boys seem disappointed as you reach for the first card.
It reads Cowgirl.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, let’s go!
You grab {0} by the hand and drag him in front of everyone.
{0}_FLIRTY: What should we do?
Ride on his back!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Quick, get on your hands and knees!
{0}_FLIRTY: Yes, maam!
He drops down on his hands and knees and you hop onto his back.
He crawls around while you swing your arms, riding him like a pony.
Do the proper position
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Seems like you better lie down on your back!
{0}_FLIRTY: You’re the boss!
He lies down on his back and you hop on top of him.
You sit on his lap and swing your arms around like you’re riding a horse.
Let him ride you!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’ll be the pony and you can ride me!
{0}_FLIRTY: But that’s not the position?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Just do it!
{0}_HAPPY: You’re the boss!
You get down on your hands and knees and {0} sits on your back, riding you like a cowboy.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Erm, cowboy?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Cowgirl! It has to be!
{0}_HAPPY: You smashed it, {1}!
You both get up and take your seats.
It’s Alex’s turn next. He looks around, choosing who to pick.
Summer scooches towards him.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: So, who's it gonna be?
ALEX_HAPPY: I think it has to be {0}.
ALEX_HAPPY: What do you say? Wanna pick a card with me, {0}?
Let’s do it!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yes, please.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I was hoping you would!
Alex takes you by the hand and you rush over to the card.
He reveals the prompt, Spooning!
He leans in and whispers in your ear.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Wanna be big spoon or little spoon?
Big spoon!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh big spoon for sure!
You both get down on the ground and you tuck yourself behind Alex in a cute cuddle.
Little spoon!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Little spoon definitely!
You both get down on the floor and he scooches in behind, enveloping you with his muscular arms.
SUMMER_HAPPY: It’s spooning!
No thanks
PLAYER_IDLE: I’d rather not if that’s ok?
ALEX_HAPPY: Oh yeah, of course! Who wants to join me then?
Summer and Bonnie’s hands shoot up.
ALEX_HAPPY: Let’s do it!
Alex draws the card. Then the two of them jump to the floor.
Alex scooches up behind Bonnie and cuddles here, keeping a respectable distance between them.
ALEX_HAPPY: Quick, guess!
PLAYER_HAPPY: They’re snuggling, it’s got to be!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Nope, not yet anyway!
SUMMER_HAPPY: It’s spooning, obviously!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s got to be spooning!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s sleeping! They’re sleeping together!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Nope! Not yet anyways!
SUMMER_HAPPY: It’s spooning, obviously!
ALEX_HAPPY: Yep, you got it!
SUMMER_IDLE: That was too easy.
SUMMER_EMBARRASSED: Someone gonna pick me now?
UMA_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, Summer. There’s no <i>rush</i>.
Summer looks a little embarrassed as another text comes in.
JOYO_HAPPY: I’m up! How about you, Uma? Wanna have a go with me?
UMA_FLIRTY: You read my mind.
JOYO_HAPPY: Just want to make sure everyone gets a go!
SUMMER_SERIOUS: This is ridiculous.
Joyo and Uma rush over to the cards. They pull one.
Uma pulls Joyo to her and then spins her body around. She presses her body playfully back against him as she bends forward.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Well this looks familiar.
SUMMER_SERIOUS: I wanted this one!
The Wheelbarrow!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s the wheelbarrow!
UMA_HAPPY: What’s the wheelbarrow?
JOYO_FLIRTY: I know what it is, but it ain’t this.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I know doggy style when I see it!
Doggy style!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: That has to be doggy style!
UMA_HAPPY: Well observed!
JOYO_HAPPY: A personal fave.
The shopping cart!
PLAYER_HAPPY: The shopping cart?
UMA_SURPRISED: The what? I’m not a shopping cart!
JOYO_HAPPY: Isn’t that a dance move?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: I know doggy style when I see it!
Joyo and Uma rush back to their places.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Finally! My turn!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: You look like you know what’s good for you, Bryson.
Bryson stands and heads straight for you.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Fancy another go, {0}?
For sure!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yes please!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Let’s gooo!
You and Bryson hurry over to the cards.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: Will you do the honours?
You pull a card, it says Turn Me On
BRYSON_HAPPY: What do we do?
PLAYER_HAPPY: What turns you on?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Neck kisses?
Kiss Bryson’s neck
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You got it.
You come in close to Bryson and gently kiss his neck.
He starts acting turned on, until you realise he isn’t acting.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Neck kisses!
ALEX_HAPPY: Making out?
JOYO_HAPPY: Turning him on?
Let Bryson kiss your neck
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well go on then…
You turn your head to reveal your neck.
Bryson comes closer and gently plants kisses up your neck.
You act turned on to the crowd.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Neck kisses!
ALEX_HAPPY: Making out?
JOYO_HAPPY: Turning him on?
Pretend to be a lightswitch
PLAYER_IDLE: Not doing that! I know, I’ll be a light switch!
You stand still and form a switch by sticking out your arm.
Bryson pushes your arm up and flicks the switch.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Turn me on!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Hold on, Joyo, it’s my turn!
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’m kidding, that’s right!
You and Bryson head back to your seats.
I’m ok, thanks
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don't think so.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Oooh ok. Summer, let’s go!
SUMMER_HAPPY: I’m gonna pretend I wasn’t second choice there!
They grab a card, and whisper for a moment. Summer starts kissing Bryson’s neck.
Love bites!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s love bites!
BRYSON_HAPPY: Nope, she’s being quite gentle actually.
UMA_FLIRTY: It’s a turn on!
UMA_HAPPY: I knew it!
Rushing things!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Looks like rushing into things to me.
Summer rolls her eyes, pretending not to hear and then continues.
UMA_FLIRTY: It’s a turn on!
UMA_HAPPY: I knew it!
Turning him on!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s a turn on!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I knew it!
Summer and Bryson rush back to their places.
Uma’s phone pings and she heads straight for Alex!
UMA_FLIRTY: Come here you!
ALEX_HAPPY: Okie dokie!
They bolt to the cards and pull one out.
Uma jumps to the floor and lies on her back.
UMA_HAPPY: Don’t be scared! I don’t bite!
Alex looks a little shy and he lies down on top of her.
JOYO_HAPPY: Just sex?
BRYSON_IDLE: Good one…
PLAYER_HAPPY: He’s planking on her!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I think he’s trying to do missionary?
ALEX_HAPPY: Thanks a lot, guys! Like that weren’t embarrassing already!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Only messing with ya, great form mate!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s missionary for sure!
ALEX_HAPPY: Yes! Glad I did something right!
UMA_FLIRTY: You did a lot right.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Are you wrestling her?
ALEX_HAPPY: Wrestling her? No!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I believe it’s called missionary.
ALEX_HAPPY: Thank you!
Alex and Uma take their seats hurriedly.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: My time to shine!
Rafael hurries over to Bonnie and offers his hand.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Bonnie, will you do me the honour?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Just wanna make sure everyone goes!
Rafael and Bonnie pull their card.
She whispers in his ear and then plants a peck on his cheek.
RAFAEL_FLIRTY: Easy peasy.
Before Bonnie can sit back down her phone pings!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oh, my turn again!
She looks around at everyone.
Then her gaze lands on you.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Care to join me, {0}?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yay! Come on then!
Not really
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m ok, thanks.
BONNIE_SAD: Oh, no problem.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Well then how about you, Bryson?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Sure, let’s do it!
BONNIE_HAPPY: How about you, Bryson?
BRYSON_HAPPY: Yes! Let’s do it!
You and Bonnie rush over to the cards and pull one out.
It says Cuddle
BONNIE_HAPPY: What should we do??
Jump into her arms
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’ve got an idea.
You take a step back, then leap into Bonnie’s arms.
She catches you just in time.
Everyone claps and applauds.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Aren’t you full of surprises!
Have a tender embrace
PLAYER_FLIRTY: How about this?
You step towards Bonnie and pull her in close to you.
You gently place her head on your shoulder and relax into one another.
Holding each other tight in a comforting embrace.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Aww, this is actually really nice.
BONNIE_HAPPY: You give great cuddles, {0}.
Snuggle on the floor
PLAYER_HAPPY: Quick! On the floor!
Bonnie lays down on her back and you hop on top of her.
Wrapping your arms around each other, you roll around in a chaotic cuddle.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Ahh! You’re wild {0}!
SUMMER_HAPPY: A snuggle?!
RAFAEL_HAPPY: A cuddle! Obviously!
Bonnie smiles, a sparkle in her eye. Before you make your way back to your seats.
Bonnie and Bryson grab their card.
Before you know it Bonnie takes a run up and jumps into Bryson’s arms.
They lock their arms around each other and spin around in a playful embrace.
UMA_FLIRTY: Dancing?
JOYO_HAPPY: Hugging?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It’s a cuddle!
Bonnie and Bryson high five as they take their seats.
UMA_FLIRTY: Is that it then? Game over?
JOYO_HAPPY: Looks like there is one more card?
UMA_FLIRTY: {0}! Why don’t you take it! Bet it’s the juiciest!
UMA_FLIRTY: Might even be a chance for a little smooch.
*Yes, I’m doing it!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That card’s mine!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Wooo! Go {0}!
UMA_FLIRTY: This one is gonna be good, I can tell.
Nah, I’m done
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m fine, thanks.
BONNIE_SURPRISED: Really? But who knows what it will be?
UMA_FLIRTY: Might be a chance to get to know the boys <i>properly</i>.
SUMMER_HAPPY: If you don’t take it I will!
*Alright, I’ll do it!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, I’m doing it!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yaaas! Go, {0}!
I don’t want to
PLAYER_IDLE: No thanks. I don’t want to.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Great! Then it’s all mine!
You pick out a card, it says Snogging. Uma glances over your shoulder at it and whispers to you.
UMA_FLIRTY: Juicy. Sounds like Rafael’s kind of closed off. For now.
UMA_FLIRTY: Sure we can turn his head though in time.
UMA_FLIRTY: So, who are you gonna pick?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m choosing Bryson.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Well aren’t I a lucky boy!
BRYSON_HAPPY: We’re gonna smash this!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m choosing Joyo.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I hoped you would.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I guess I got lucky.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m choosing Alex.
ALEX_HAPPY: Lucky me!
ALEX_HAPPY: I’ll do my best!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m choosing Bonnie.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Me? Wow, it’s my lucky day!
You take {0}’s hand and show the card, both of your eyes lighting up.
{0}_FLIRTY: I guess there’s only one thing to do?
Sexy snog!
You pull {0} close to you.
You feel their hands on your waist as you close your eyes and lean in.
{0}’s soft lips meet yours in a passionate snog.
You feel them breathe deeply, goosebumps forming on your skin.
{0} pulls you in closer in a tight embrace.
Then you pull apart and stare into each other’s eyes.
UMA_FLIRTY: Wooo! Now that’s a snog!
{0}_HAPPY: Yes it was! I’m very impressed.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Good to know you enjoyed it.
{0}_HAPPY: I think that’s understating it, {1}.
{0}_FLIRTY: You’re a great kisser.
{0}_FLIRTY: That kiss is definitely up there.
{0} looks deep into your eyes, a palpable excitement hangs between you.
You get a sense that you’ve certainly caught their attention.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m hoping there’ll be more kisses like that.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Interesting.
UMA_FLIRTY: Looks like sparks are flying already!
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Can’t deny that looked like a hot kiss.
Mime snogging
PLAYER_HAPPY: Let’s just mime it for now.
{0}_HAPPY: Sure thing!
You turn your back to the others and pretend to snog each other.
UMA_HAPPY: Making out?
SUMMER_HAPPY: Oh wait, snogging!
{0}_HAPPY: Yes! Kind of.
You hear one final ping.
Joyo checks his phone.
SUMMER_IDLE: What now?
JOYO_HAPPY: Says the game is over!
SUMMER_SERIOUS: Oh what? That’s not fair!
UMA_HAPPY: That’s it then!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: I defo would’ve picked you, Joyo.
JOYO_FLIRTY: If you have to ask then that says it all.
BRYSON_SERIOUS: I wasn’t asking you.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Maybe if you worked on your moves a bit.
ALEX_HAPPY: Come on, lads, let’s leave the girls to chat for a bit, yeah?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m sure they’ve got lots to discuss.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Sure, see you later, ladies.
JOYO_FLIRTY: Later, girls!
As the boys walk away you can hear Bryson and Joyo bickering.
JOYO_EMBARRASSED: Why the long face man?
BRYSON_SERIOUS: As if you need to ask that after earlier.
UMA_HAPPY: That was a lot of fun!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Right! These boys are such a laugh.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Not to mention hot!
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Yeah, what happened to going slow, Summer?
SUMMER_IDLE: I don’t know what you mean?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: By the time we got out there you nearly had a ring on your finger!
SUMMER_HAPPY: I just got a bit excited, that's all!
SUMMER_HAPPY: I’m not committing to anyone! The deal’s still on. No rushing!
UMA_FLIRTY: Well, I’m going to go chat to them and see who they really are.
Uma leans into your ear.
UMA_HAPPY: If I were you, I'd get my grafting boots on too.
UMA_HAPPY: And get to know all the boys as much as you can.
UMA_FLIRTY: You only get one chance to make a first impression.
*I’ll have longer chats with all the boys
I’ll see how it goes
PLAYER_IDLE: I think I’ll just play it by ear. See how they go.
UMA_IDLE: I don’t know. Things move fast in Casa Amor.
UMA_FLIRTY: I’d get to know them all as much as possible.
UMA_SERIOUS: It could help you work out who to focus on.
UMA_FLIRTY: And it might help turn their head your way.
*I’ll have longer chats with all the boys
I’ll play it by ear
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ll just see what happens.
UMA_IDLE: Fair enough.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re right, I should make the most of these chats.
UMA_FLIRTY: Absolutely. You only get one chance at a first impression.
UMA_FLIRTY: And things move fast in Casa Amor.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Catch you later!
&roofterrace: Alex
You burst through the doors, surprising Alex as he takes in the views.
ALEX_SURPRISED: {0}! You caught me by surprise then.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Didn’t mean to scare you.
ALEX_HAPPY: Oh no, nothing scary about it! A very nice surprise.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Come sit with me.
You sit yourself down next to Alex.
ALEX_HAPPY: You caught me getting a cheeky bird’s-eye view of the Casa.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Getting the lay of the land?
ALEX_HAPPY: Exactly, just taking it all in. The villa’s been such a whirlwind.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Being here feels refreshing.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Like a fresh start?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Yeah, maybe.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’ve certainly found a lot to admire so far.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh really? What have you been admiring so far?
ALEX_HAPPY: Well, the cupboards in the kitchen have been fitted immaculately…
ALEX_HAPPY: And don’t get me started on the living room.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sorry, what are you on about?
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m a carpenter by trade.
ALEX_HAPPY: Gotta admire good craftsmanship when you see it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Oh, I thought you might have been admiring us Casa girls…
ALEX_FLIRTY: I was… I’m just messing with you.
ALEX_FLIRTY: You’re all stunning. It’s true what they say.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What do they say?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Casa Amor really is the ultimate test. I can already see this won’t be easy!
ALEX_HAPPY: But I’ve gotta admit. I’m glad it was you that came and found me.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’ve been looking forward to getting to know you.
Flirt it up
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Me too. I’ve been looking forward to getting you to myself.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Well, I’m all yours.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: All mine already? That was easy.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Just a few minutes with me and you forget all about the other villa?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Ha, you clearly have that effect on me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You haven’t seen anything yet.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I can’t wait to see what you have in store…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I want to see what you’re about first.
Act cool
PLAYER_HAPPY: I can’t blame you, I’m pretty cool.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Most people wanna know me. I’m kinda a big deal.
ALEX_HAPPY: I can tell… and humble too.
Alex shoots you a jokey wink.
ALEX_HAPPY: Well, I’m honoured to be in your presence.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Good, you should be!
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, who is Alex?
Be mysterious
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m more interested in getting to know Alex.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: The less you know about me the better…
ALEX_FLIRTY: Ooh, very intriguing. I love a bit of mystery.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Go on then, I’m an open book.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re a carpenter?
ALEX_HAPPY: That’s right and I know what you’re thinking.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What am I thinking?
ALEX_FLIRTY: It does make me good with my hands.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Very presumptive but good to know. What sort of stuff do you make then?
ALEX_HAPPY: Oh anything I put my mind to really.
ALEX_HAPPY: I built a lot of my house actually, back in Warrington.
ALEX_IDLE: Bought a sad old fixer upper and have been refurbing it back to its former glory.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Some kind of lad pad I’m guessing?
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: More like country manor…
ALEX_HAPPY: It was basically a ruin so I got it real cheap.
ALEX_HAPPY: It's always been my goal to build my dream home.
PLAYER_IDLE: And would you build a dream house for your dream girl?
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’d love to, what we talking? Humble cottage or grand castle?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I wouldn’t mind a cute little cottage.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Tucked away all cosy in the countryside.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Now that I can do.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sounds like you’re a handy man to have around.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I like to make myself useful.
PLAYER_HAPPY: A castle sounds real nice.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’d expect nothing less.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Your wish is my command!
ALEX_HAPPY: Might take me a few years, mind.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I can wait.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’d prefer a townhouse?
ALEX_HAPPY: Ah city girl are we? That might be a tricky one.
ALEX_IDLE: I’m more of a fan of rustic buildings.
ALEX_FLIRTY: But just for you I could give it a go!
ALEX_HAPPY: I’ve got a treehouse in my garden in the meantime?
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You think I’m going to live in your treehouse?
ALEX_HAPPY: Trust me this isn’t any ordinary treehouse.
ALEX_HAPPY: Think of it more like a luxury tree top residence.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m listening…
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Alright, I may have oversold it. It is dragon themed.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Interesting.
ALEX_HAPPY: I built it for my nephews! And kinda for me too.
ALEX_HAPPY: They always come over to mine.
ALEX_IDLE: I thought it would be nice for them to have somewhere to play.
ALEX_HAPPY: I built this slide coming out of the dragon’s mouth.
ALEX_HAPPY: It leads into this ball pit I made. It’s got a roof so they can play in the rain.
ALEX_HAPPY: And I built this scaly tail out of old tires.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Sorry, I always geek out over this stuff.
Tell him he’s cute
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s pretty cute hearing you talk about this.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s good to see your cute side already.
ALEX_HAPPY: Glad I haven’t icked you out already.
Tease him
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It certainly seems like you do.
PLAYER_IDLE: Do you normally rave about treehouses to girls you’ve just met?
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Sadly so. Probably why I’m still single.
ALEX_HAPPY: Anything to be the cool uncle.
ALEX_HAPPY: Which feels weird to say, I still feel like a kid.
ALEX_HAPPY: But seeing how much the kids love it always puts a smile on my face.
ALEX_HAPPY: Even if having a dragon treehouse isn’t exactly a winner with the ladies…
I love it!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I love the sound of that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s a winner with me.
ALEX_HAPPY: Really? I mean I secretly love it too.
ALEX_HAPPY: You can visit anytime.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s a date.
It’s not a vibe
PLAYER_IDLE: Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a vibe if I’m honest.
ALEX_IDLE: Yeah, exactly. The kids love it though.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Maybe when they grow up I’ll turn it into the luxury treetop residence.
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s more like it.
Who cares about the ladies?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Who cares what the ladies think!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Being the cool uncle sounds way better anyway.
ALEX_HAPPY: It is pretty great. They’re funny kids.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So you’ve not been bringing many ladies to the dragon house then?
ALEX_HAPPY: Not exactly.
ALEX_IDLE: Though I’ve not brought anyone back to the casa del Alex lately.
PLAYER_IDLE: Oh? Have you been single for a while?
ALEX_IDLE: Not exactly single, but not exactly dating. I don’t know what you’d call it?
PLAYER_IDLE: I know what you mean, like situationships?
ALEX_HAPPY: Yeah! I’ve met some nice girls but it’s not gone the distance lately.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Has it ever gone the distance?
ALEX_HAPPY: Well clearly not too far otherwise I wouldn’t be here!
ALEX_HAPPY: But I’ve had a couple of long-term girlfriends in the past.
ALEX_HAPPY: But neither of them were the one.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re ready for the one?
ALEX_HAPPY: More than ready! It’s the reason I’m here.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And do you think you’ve found her yet? In the villa I mean.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I see you’re not shy asking the awkward questions.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Had to ask. Who are you coupled with in the villa?
ALEX_IDLE: I’m with Estelle.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Ah Estelle! The competition…
ALEX_HAPPY: Ha, not quite. She’s a lovely girl.
ALEX_HAPPY: We definitely clicked, on that first day there was chemistry.
ALEX_IDLE: But after a while it kind of fizzled out.
ALEX_IDLE: It felt like we wanted different things. I guess opposites attract…
ALEX_IDLE: But it doesn't mean it lasts.
ALEX_HAPPY: It’s pretty friend vibey with us.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: You’re in a friend couple?
ALEX_IDLE: Not quite, but I think we’re both open to new people.
PLAYER_IDLE: So you’re open to having your head turned?
ALEX_FLIRTY: Seems to be spinning as we speak.
ALEX_FLIRTY: You’ve certainly taken be my surprise, {0}.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Though I think you’ve caught all the boys’ eyes.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Can’t say I blame them.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m sure they’ll be butting heads over you in no time.
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Wouldn’t be the first time in here.
PLAYER_IDLE: Yeah, I noticed a bit of tension between Bryson and Joyo.
ALEX_HAPPY: Ah yeah, they’re not exactly the best of friends at the moment.
ALEX_IDLE: But not my place to get into other people’s business. Or my style.
ALEX_HAPPY: Prefer to stay drama free.
ALEX_IDLE: I’m sure they’ll fill you in themselves though.
ALEX_HAPPY: If they haven’t already…
PLAYER_HAPPY: Looks like I’ve got some snooping to do then.
ALEX_HAPPY: If you’re not in a hurry to snoop we could chill here a little longer?
ALEX_HAPPY: You’ve got good chat. I’m up for getting to know you better for sure.
ALEX_HAPPY: Plus, I could fill you in on the other boys too if you’re interested?
*I’ll stay longer!
I’ll make tracks
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, I’ve got other people to chat to.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’m sure they could wait, if you wanted to talk a bit more.
ALEX_HAPPY: I can give you my first impressions of you girls…
*Ok, I’ll stay
No, really
PLAYER_IDLE: No, really. I wanna talk to the others.
ALEX_IDLE: Makes sense, {0}.
ALEX_HAPPY: We’ll catch up later.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, ok. I’ll stay and chill for a bit.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I was hoping you’d say that.
ALEX_HAPPY: I feel like I was ready to leave the main villa for a bit.
ALEX_IDLE: It’s really fun to come here and meet some great new girls.
ALEX_IDLE: No shade on the OG girls, they’re all cool in their own ways.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’m just ready to explore a new connection.
PLAYER_IDLE: So what were your first impressions of the Casa Amor girls then?
ALEX_HAPPY: Uma’s great. She seems very sure of herself.
ALEX_HAPPY: I like her confidence!
ALEX_IDLE: I feel like people often jump to conclusions about confident people.
ALEX_IDLE: Thinking that they’re cocky.
ALEX_HAPPY: But Uma doesn’t seem it. She just seems to know her own mind.
You like confidence? You’ll love me
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You like confidence?
ALEX_FLIRTY: I do… It’s always been a trait I like in a girl.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’ll love me then.
ALEX_FLIRTY: I believe you, {0}.
ALEX_HAPPY: You seem sure of yourself. I like that.
Are you confident then?
PLAYER_IDLE: Are you confident then?
ALEX_HAPPY: Absolutely.
PLAYER_IDLE: But not cocky?
ALEX_IDLE: Never. My friends and family would never let that fly.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m a confident guy. Confident in what I do, who I am, how I dress.
ALEX_IDLE: But I’d like to think I never come across as arrogant.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ll have to wait and see.
Uma’s not that confident
PLAYER_IDLE: Uma’s not that confident.
PLAYER_IDLE: You just met her, I don’t know how you can gauge all that.
ALEX_IDLE: That’s just the vibe she gave me.
ALEX_IDLE: I’m fully prepared to be wrong though.
PLAYER_IDLE: What about Bonnie and Summer?
ALEX_HAPPY: Bonnie seems like the kind of girl who could brighten up any situation.
ALEX_IDLE: She’s got that natural comfortability about her.
ALEX_HAPPY: She could slot into any friend group and be close to them in no time.
ALEX_HAPPY: An all-round lovely girl.
ALEX_HAPPY: Summer seems nice too.
ALEX_IDLE: Very flirty and competitive.
ALEX_IDLE: It’s hard to fully know what she’s about right now.
ALEX_IDLE: I’m sure there’s more to her.
PLAYER_IDLE: And what’s your first impressions of me?
ALEX_HAPPY: Very beautiful. Like, extremely beautiful.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Magnetic. I can feel myself being pulled towards you.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Charming…
ALEX_FLIRTY: Very cool…
ALEX_FLIRTY: Mysterious…
ALEX_HAPPY: And you love treehouses too, which is a bonus.
ALEX_HAPPY: In short, you’re intriguing for sure.
I’m the most intriguing girl
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m the most interesting girl, I know that.
ALEX_IDLE: Bold statement there, {0}!
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m a bold girl.
ALEX_IDLE: I wouldn’t want to put any of the other girls down.
ALEX_HAPPY: But you do have something about you for sure.
ALEX_IDLE: You seem like the most so far.
Aww, thanks Alex
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Aww, thanks Alex.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It feels good to hear you say those things.
ALEX_HAPPY: I think that’s a good sign then, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Maybe you’re right.
Is that all you can say?
PLAYER_IDLE: Is that all you have to say?
ALEX_IDLE: Well, I’ve only just met you, {0}.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m sure there’s way more I have yet to discover.
ALEX_HAPPY: I think you’re going to be popular with all the boys.
PLAYER_IDLE: You think?
ALEX_HAPPY: Definitely. I know them all pretty well by now.
PLAYER_IDLE: Give me a bit of an insight then?
ALEX_HAPPY: Into the boys?
ALEX_HAPPY: Well Joyo, he’ll pretend that nothing fazes him.
ALEX_IDLE: Don’t get me wrong, he is a cool guy.
ALEX_HAPPY: But the right kind of girl could rattle him.
ALEX_IDLE: I think he’s got more levels to him than he gives off sometimes.
ALEX_HAPPY: Bryson… He’s a lot. He makes me laugh, constantly.
ALEX_HAPPY: He brings the good vibes to any situation.
ALEX_IDLE: He can be a bit immature though, but he’s very switched on.
ALEX_IDLE: I think underneath the bundle of charisma, he’s a smart lad.
ALEX_HAPPY: Raf, Raffie, my brother.
ALEX_HAPPY: You know when you just know you’re gonna be mates with someone for life?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Aww. Bromance?
ALEX_HAPPY: Yeah, he’s become like my little brother in here.
ALEX_IDLE: I feel the instinct to look out for him.
ALEX_HAPPY: Plus, I know my nephews are gonna love him.
ALEX_HAPPY: We’ve been pretty inseparable since the day we met.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m happy to make it to Casa Amor with him.
ALEX_IDLE: Now we both need to figure out what we want from here…
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m curious to know that too.
ALEX_IDLE: I’ll be straight with you, {0}.
ALEX_HAPPY: I want to give everyone a chance. I’m here to find my person.
ALEX_IDLE: And I never want to settle. I want to find <i>the one</i>.
ALEX_HAPPY: And who knows how that’s going to pan out.
ALEX_FLIRTY: But you’ve defo caught my eye.
ALEX_IDLE: But I will let you know that I move slower than some of the other boys.
I move slow too
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s cool with me, I move slow too.
PLAYER_IDLE: I like to really get to know people.
ALEX_HAPPY: Exactly! Things are a bit different here than in the outside world.
ALEX_IDLE: But that doesn’t mean anybody has to rush into anything.
ALEX_HAPPY: Then again, who knows. Maybe I’m looking for a girl to surprise me.
What a shame, I move fast
PLAYER_IDLE: Ooops, that’s a shame. I’m sorta in the move fast camp.
ALEX_IDLE: Well, that’s ok.
ALEX_IDLE: Who knows, maybe I’m just waiting for a girl to surprise me…
ALEX_IDLE: Yeah, Bryson and Joyo definitely seem to move a little faster.
ALEX_IDLE: I think they’ll want to explore things in Casa Amor.
ALEX_HAPPY: See if they’ve got a better connection with anybody.
PLAYER_IDLE: Oh really?
ALEX_IDLE: Yeah, but Rafael will be more cautious. He’s a bit tied to Daphne.
ALEX_HAPPY: I think he should explore his options though.
PLAYER_IDLE: That makes sense.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Speaking of the other boys…
ALEX_FLIRTY: I’ll let you mingle.
ALEX_HAPPY: It’s been fun chatting with you, {0}.
You head off to chat to the others.
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marveltrumpshate · 2 years
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This year continued to be A Lot and we decided to ensure that there were charities that directly addressed current events. Folded into this post are groups that work for aid targeting every natural disaster and man-made one, climate change, the ongoing COVID pandemic, and more. If you're looking for an organization that directly addresses any of those, this is your spotlight post.
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Center for Reproductive Rights is the only global legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person. With local partners across five continents, they have secured legal victories before national courts, UN Committees, and regional human rights bodies on issues such as access to life-saving obstetrics care, contraception, maternal health, and safe abortion services and the prevention of forced sterilization and child marriage.
Clean Air Task Force
As we've seen for a long time now but especially this year with constant natural disasters and alarming news from all over the world, climate change is real and we need to do something about it. Over the past 25 years, CATF, a group of climate and energy experts who think outside the box to solve the climate crisis, has pushed for technology innovations, legal advocacy, research, and policy changes. Their goal is to achieve a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost.
Coalition for Rainforest Nations
Boasting a voluntary membership of over 50 rainforest nations, CORN provides a single voice to countries that didn’t cause the climate emergency but nevertheless feel the brunt of it daily. CORN originated the global conservation mechanism Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) to stop deforestation. REDD+ was successfully mandated in the Paris Climate Agreement (2015) and covers 90% of the world’s tropical rainforests.
International Rescue Committee
Founded in 1933, the IRC is a long-standing trusted partner in supporting those whose lives have been upended by sudden violence, political or natural. Their main fundraising focuses right now are Pakistan and Ukraine, but they are no stranger to areas of disaster throughout the world as they currently work in 40 countries. The IRC provides emergency aid and long-term assistance, including refugee settlement, and focuses on health, education, economic well-being, empowerment, and safety.
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Odds are you’ve heard of MSF, the global organization that sends trained medical professionals to the places they’re needed most. MSF has been working globally for nearly 40 years, providing medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare—no matter what. They’re guided by principles of independence, impartiality, and neutrality to global political policies or movements.
National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum
NAPAWF is the only organization focused on building a movement for social, political, and economic change for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls. Their work focuses on policy and structural change, organizing and civic engagement, and legal advocacy and judicial strategy. They also tackle reproductive health and rights, economic justice, and immigration and racial justice.
National Network of Abortion Funds
The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice. They provide their grassroots base of over 80 autonomous, diverse organizations/abortion funds with leadership development, infrastructure support, and technical assistance. Some fund procedures while others cover abortion pills, transportation, lodging, childcare, doula services, and other forms of support.
National Resource Defense Council
"We believe the world’s children should inherit a planet that will sustain them as it has sustained us. NRDC works to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water and the wild, and to prevent special interests from undermining public interests." Since 1970, the NRDC has been a leader in legal advocacy for climate justice. They work with a staff of about 700 lawyers, scientists, and policy experts to reduce pollution and protect natural resources nationally and internationally.
Partners In Health
Founded by Paul Farmer when he was still in medical school, PIH is committed to bringing exceptional health care to every corner of the planet. PIH also works to provide access to food, transportation, housing, and other key components of healing to the most vulnerable. Their work started in Haiti but has expanded rapidly across the globe.
RIP Medical Debt
Over 100 million Americans (one in three) are struggling with paying off medical bills. COVID has only added to those numbers, putting people under significant financial burden and emotional distress. This organization buys up medical debt in order to forgive it with no tax consequences to donors or recipients. Donate just $1 and you wipe out $100 of someone's medical debt, $100 to get rid of $10,000 in debt, and so on—the ripple effect is real. Through their work, RIP Medical Help not only helps with financial relief but also brings attention to the need for a more compassionate, transparent, equitable, and affordable healthcare system.
The Solutions Project
Using grants and donations, The Solutions Project empowers grassroots leaders to build solutions, funding, and influence for the communities most affected by the climate crisis. They also provide media training and networking and leverage influencer and media relationships for their grantees. Due to the lack of representation of communities directly impacted by climate change, they aim to invest 95% of their resources to front line leaders of color and at least 80% to organizations led by women and gender nonconforming people. If The Solutions Project sounds familiar to you, it might be because Mark Ruffalo is one of the founders and he and Don Cheadle are among the board of directors!
World Central Kitchen
Started by Chef José Andrés, WCK makes sure that people are fed in the wake of natural disasters. Their programs advance human and environmental health, offer access to professional culinary training, create jobs, and improve food security. WCK also teaches food safety and cooking classes to native people who live where disasters have occurred, so they may open restaurants and support the local economy more permanently. Their current focuses are partnering with restaurants, one of the hardest-hit industries, through the pandemic (here and here) and assisting those affected by Hurricane Ian, Hurricane Fiona, floods in Pakistan, and the war in Ukraine.
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wytfut · 1 year
A past life
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Bruce Whitefoot circa 1993
I’d like to honor the memory of my friend and past fire chief Doug Lorenson to this episode. Doug lost his long battle with leukemia at the too young of age of 35, and survived by 2 young children, and his Wife. Doug got on this department barely out of high school.
 Thru the years, I’ve been a part of many organizations. Some of the day to day house keeping of these organizations was pure torture. Where as the main theme was glorious. I still support emotionally and spiritually at times the Fire Dept. But honestly, do not miss it. 
The above shot, is 1993, before our house burned down. I had attended the National Fire Academy twice. Been fire chief.  With some exciting stories to tell. Can of skoal in shirt pocket. National Fire Academy hat. And a huge fire/rescue belt buckle. 
I was hard core fire dept member from 1978 to 1994. Then asked to come back again in 1999. In 99, I was going to make an attempt to get 20 years under my belt. In 99, I just barely made it as a member/chief another year, and just had to get out. I just couldn’t do it any more.... note “burned out”. 
Initially, joined just after Luke was born. No idea what I was getting into. Didn’t know if I could handle fire fighting or rescue. But thought that I’d just give it a shot, and do the best I can.
The at that time the current, Dept. was poorly trained at best, and had the best of intentions of “surrounding and drowning” all fire incidents (good ol’ boy syndrome), which wasn’t all that uncommon with rural depts. across Nebraski. Some are still that way today.
 There was no Waverly Rescue then, .... we depended on Greenwood for rescue, and we would be first responders until they arrived. The “trauma” kit consisted of bandages from the early 60′s (free Civil Defense over stock), and a demand valve on a small tank. No one on the dept, had any medical training to speak of except for one member (Mike Danley), maybe others with a little first aid. Sorry but he couldn’t make every call.
Mike at this time was just starting to organize funding/approval for Waverly to start their own rescue squad. It was very early stages here. Mike had been on another rescue squad in the past, and saw the need. 
Greenwood rescue, over 48% of all of their medical calls were to Waverly at that time. So they were all about us getting our own too.
I had been on WFD for less than a year, when I joined up with the beginnings of the Rescue Squad and became a charter member. Helping promote funding, and starting training. Mike’s presence then was a beast. Ultimate respect for him. Big guy, with a huge sense of humor, and tons of knowledge. 
We got the rescue up and running. We were separate from Fire, not common, but you’d see it here and there. So I became a dual member. In some ways it was a rough go. Not all fire or rescue members got a long. BUT every call it appeared everyone was attempting the same goal.
The local Rural Fire, and the City Council had never ever spent so much money in budget before. That was a battle to convince them to make the plunge. Members of both groups wanted the rescue, but didn’t want to spend the money. Good folks made hard choices. 
Thru the years... experience flew in my itty bitty head, and a lot stuck/stayed there. I’ve done CPR 4 times, actual hands on, with 1 surviving, and 2 of them coming back for a short period. Several actual structural fires (we didn’t really have that many, but we were called by neighboring FD to assist [Mutual Aid]). Car accidents full of carnage.... nightmare fest. Chemical incidents. Hazardous matericals, law enforcement incidents, Etc. Etc.
Attended State Fire school  in Grand Island every year I could. Took a few classes a couple of times. 
Attended Rescue Schools in Kearney. 
Attended National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg Maryland twice.
I was Doug Lorensons Assistant Chief on the FD, when we found out thru the grapevine we were considered “the best” fire/rescue this end of the State, and in the top 5 of the whole state, for volunteer FD and Rescue.
We could rock it.... oh lordy were we something back then. We held open seminars to any Dept’s that wished to attend. We trained heavily. Went to National Fire Academy. 
A tiny fraction of our achievements:  First rescue to learn “shock trousers”. Awarded Rescue Dept. of the year. Farm equipment rescue seminar (Waverly sponsored). School bus rescue seminar (Waverly sponsored). Pump class sponsored. Fire Fighter 1 class sponsored. Free CPR classes for members and general public and groups. Emotional stability class sponsored. Jaws of life class sponsored. Air Bag rescue class sponsored. Mutual aid water hauling class sponsored. First in our area to sign on with Bryan Heart Team (they were pre paramedic). First volunteer dept, in this area with their own air compressor (LFD would come out to Waverly to fill tanks time to time)  .... Hi angle rescue training.  on and on, simply amazing 
Our money by this time (late 80′s) was rolling in from a Bingo Parlor sponsor. So our equipment was nothing short of top shelf. All the schooling a member could handle.
These were the days that employers would support employees that belonged to civil service groups. 
For example I worked at Lincoln Hoot and Hollar. I could be working anywhere, and if I got a fire/rescue call, they would get me there if needed, and they would pay me, no questions asked. 
LTT was not the only company that did this. It wasn’t uncommon. In this area now, you never hear of it, and folks would think you were nuts to even suggest it. 
Week day calls were tough back then, even worse now. Members who could make these calls were over worked and rarely appreciated. Never enough folks for support. Mutual Aid calls were common, just to get physical bodies to help. 
Calls as one can suspect, very unpredictable. Have a call everyday for months. Then go 6 months with nothing. Participated in days where we would have 5 in 1 day. 8 on a weekend. 
Often appeared on big holidays were almost a promise. My house fire is a prime example.... Xmas morning. 
One Xmas holiday we had 2 structure fires (2 mutual aid fatalities) and a frost bite call all within 24 hours.
Lots of blood and guts with I80 running thru our district. Upwards of 50% of our calls were on I80.  Those calls could be very interesting also. Some very tough. One had several of our members reevaluating “what are we doing?”. 
I won’t get into details here on these type of calls. They are not for open discussion to the public. More of a private conversation.... 
Still have some friends on the FD/rescue. But mostly I don’t know any of them. And I’d suspect they have never heard of me... especially since I’ve been gone since 1999. 
Chief 2 times for total 3 years. Held every office of both organizations at one time or another. And a member of a separate appointment by the city council to “emergency preparedness”. CPR and Red Cross Safety Instructor for over 10 years. I taught to private groups and at LTT.
I do miss it at times. Believe it to be the adrenaline side of it. Miss that rush. Plus the afterglow when we really did something cool. Don’t miss butting heads with the government, or pig headed people. 
President Reagan, did go out of his way to try and recognize and find money for the Volunteer Emergency Services of our country. At that time 85% of all emergency services were volunteer in our country. Other than being recognized I don’t think anything ever became of it. 
Don’t know those numbers how they apply to todays world here in Waverlyland. I do know that they suffer dramatically on weekday calls.... worse than back then. I’ve heard because of this issue, it has taken its toll on existing members attitudes. 
Find myself lucky to have survived all of this, and kept my head screwed on. Tough go at times.
Who knows what the future brings
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I've been thinking more about this AU and how my favorite archangel might fit into it c:
TWs: anxiety described in detail, starvation mention, medical abuse, drug mention in the context of medical use, captivity, all of this minus the anxiety is mostly just topics in conversation or briefly mentioned
"Yves, was it?" The hooded figure sat behind their desk spoke. Yves nodded, stiff and nervous.
"Yes, Doctor." He replied. He hadn't been an Operator long, but he thought that he'd been doing well. He'd prevented more than a few casualties with his expertise, and Sophronia had even smiled at him once when their team was on their way back to the landship.
He'd been summoned by the Doctor to their office during one of his clinic shifts, though. Sophronia was standing behind their chair, face as impassive as the Doctor's mask. Yves knew he was being fired, kicked off the landship--not even allowed to be the lowest grunt of an assistant anymore. He'd have to go back to Victoria. He'd starve again, given the choice to go back to the factories or just beg like the other Infected. He hoped he would get a chance to say goodbye to the friends he'd made, and maybe have one last meal with decent vegetables.
"Sophronia has spoken highly of you." The Doctor continued. "She says you're efficient and professional. Your bedside manner could use a bit of work, but she's noted your dedication to your craft. Given this assessment, I wanted to talk to you about an assignment."
Yves blinked, his anxiety stopped in its tracks mid-spiral. "I--you have a special assignment for me?" He sounded just a bit faint, face flushing when the Doctor pulled open the mini fridge by their desk and pushed a cold water bottle towards him. "I mean...what're the details?" He asked, not looking at the near-smile on Sophronia's face or the Doctor's politely folded hands.
"I'm sure you remember the investigation that Rhodes Island was involved with, pertaining to reports of those missing people in rural Columbia." The Doctor said.
"Mm." Yves hummed as he took a calming drink. "I do, Charlotte came back needing adjustments to her anxiety routine, and Elliot needed a few days leave for distress." The senior medics had been particularly busy in the days following, though Yves didn't pry. He didn't need more messes to deal with, especially if it was above his pay grade.
"You were never given the specifics, but it's now necessary." The Doctor pulled a folder from their desk--the kind with a fingerprint lock that sealed the documents firmly inside, safe from prying eyes. "We found some missing people during that investigation. One of them is being assigned to your squad and as your team's assigned medic, you are responsible for being familiar with their medical history."
Yves' eyebrows shot up, disappearing behind his bangs. "A new teammate?" There were plenty of other squads that could use another pair of hands--some that needed basic niches filled before they could be considered ready for deployment for higher-stakes assignments. "Why our squad--if I can ask?" He added, his respect for the two commanders in front of him catching up quickly to his surprise.
"Bennett...seems most comfortable when members of our squad are nearby, given that we helped him out of that...place." Sophronia spoke up after a moment. "And he's expressed a desire to help us do what we do, when he's back on his feet and given training. I'd like to go over his file with you, perhaps in your room?" Sophronia's voice softened, just a bit. "It's not light reading, I'm afraid, and you'll likely have questions."
A knot of dread wound its fingers into Yves' stomach. He'd seen urgent orders for more Infection suppressant drugs--the IV kind, plus surgical and biohazard disposal supplies. They didn't usually need any of that so soon after their last order. He picked up the file, the packet inside feeling like a ticking bomb. "Yes, Commander Sophronia. That...that sounds like a good idea."
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Week 2: As Above, So Below
This title may be pretentios, yes, but it reflects well the main difference this AU has from canon "TAWOG" — floating islands.
In this universe, there exist three levels: Above, Below and Horizon. Each three are going to be covered, so strap in for the ride!
(Disclaimer: None of the material here is intended to reflect the real world. It is not metaphorical and should be taken at face value as a part of the worldbuilding. The Alternative Universe "Rolling Dice" is an amateur's work of fiction based on a semi-satirical animated kids' show, and any parallels with real world, including events and people, are coincidental.)
Ever since the Ancient Days, there have been witnesses of gigantic chunks of the ground rising up in the air, some taking buildings, people, animals and plants along their way. It became a material for mythology, claiming such events are the result of Gods' ways, of them building their homestead. The deaths of those attempting to climb onto the floating islands.
Nowadays, it is recognised that these rocks have different wind currants, temperature, etc., and the unprepared mountain climbers did not have the technology to stay up there for too long. However, due to these conditions, previously unknown chemical elements had developed. And so, a scientific interest has emerged. To accomodate long-time workers, multiple living areas with sustainable resource chain from the ground were built. Not long after, common folk found their way there too.
Currently, Above, as called by the public, is a place of residence for many people of working class and higher. If they manage to keep up with the industrial working pace and hadn't lost their documents in a heist done by infamous Pizza Family, that is... And if not... Another level awaits them.
The part of Elmore where the main events of the AU take place. Outside of the casino and the detective force standing up against it, there are vertical travelling outposts, vertical and horizontal post offices, convenience stores, train stations, etc. In other words, this part of the population can manage itself, unlike Above, that is dependent on the argicultural output done by Below.
Do not make a mistake, though. Due to most industrial complexes getting built on the floating islands, since the access to minerals is more convenient, Below is considered primitive by many, even by the government. As such, there is a problem in distribution of finances, lackluster working force (most of the youth is aiming for other, bigger towns, or Above, as more advanced option for education and work), resulting in criminal activity in some particular districts, mostly Shadow districts, placed directly under the islands, named as such for lack of sunlight.
Fun fact — casino's owners, before Corpeno's reign, were of lineage of Above residents. Samuel himself is a Below resident from birth, and changed many workplaces before the fateful night, including newspaper office, grocer's, butcher's, fish shop, cleaning service... And has worked on occassions as a medical assistant.
Finally, there is a level unnoticed by many and often unmentioned. These islands are placed in between the two levels, but were given such name, as some have mistaken the placement for one on the horizon.
It is rather mysterious place, with residents rumoured to all be members of Amphibos cult. Not many bothered to investigate it, though... Other notable figures are fortune tellers, with urban legends saying they disappear at the sunrise.
Amphibos used to recruit their new members, blending in on both levels and earning trust of people they see as worthy. Nowadays, such activity died down, to get rid of suspicions. It does not mean it was entirely eradicated, though, and one particularly faithful, albeit naïve, member thought of doing such work in "Rolling Dice". It was unsuccessful, but attracted attention of the owner.
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What is the Goal of Having a Personal Care Aide?
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In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals find it challenging to care for themselves or their loved ones due to illness, disability, or aging. This is where a Personal Care Aide (PCA) steps in. A PCA provides essential assistance to those in need, ensuring they can live comfortably and safely at home. But what exactly is the goal of having a Personal Care Aide, and how does PCA training in Long Island prepare these aides to offer the best care possible?
Understanding the Role of a Personal Care Aide
A Personal Care Aide is a trained professional who offers support with daily activities that individuals might struggle with on their own. These activities can range from personal hygiene and dressing to meal preparation and light housekeeping. The main goal of a PCA is to enhance the quality of life for their clients by promoting independence and providing compassionate care. Joyful Career Center provides you with the best PCA training in Long Island.
Key Goals of Having a Personal Care Aide
1. Promoting Independence
One of the primary goals of having a Personal Care Aide is to help individuals maintain their independence. By assisting with tasks that the client finds challenging, a PCA allows them to continue living in their own home rather than moving to a care facility. This support helps clients feel more in control of their lives and can significantly boost their confidence and sense of autonomy.
2. Ensuring Safety
Safety is a critical concern, especially for elderly individuals or those with disabilities. A PCA helps ensure the client’s safety by preventing accidents, such as falls, that can occur during daily activities. They are trained to recognize potential hazards and take steps to mitigate them, providing peace of mind for both the client and their family.
3. Providing Companionship
Loneliness and social isolation can have severe impacts on a person’s mental and physical health. A PCA not only assists with physical tasks but also offers emotional support and companionship. They engage clients in conversations, accompany them on walks, and participate in hobbies and activities, helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness.
4. Assisting with Personal Care
Personal care tasks, such as bathing, grooming, and dressing, can be challenging for those with limited mobility or health issues. A PCA provides respectful and sensitive assistance with these activities, ensuring the client feels clean, comfortable, and dignified. This care is crucial for maintaining personal hygiene and overall well-being.
5. Supporting Health and Nutrition
Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining health, particularly for those with specific dietary needs or medical conditions. A PCA can assist with meal planning and preparation, ensuring clients receive balanced and nutritious meals. They can also help with feeding if necessary, making sure the client is well-nourished.
6. Providing Respite for Family Caregivers
Caring for a loved one can be physically and emotionally demanding for family members. A PCA provides much-needed respite for family caregivers, allowing them to take a break and recharge. This support helps prevent caregiver burnout and ensures that family members can continue to provide care without compromising their own health and well-being.
How PCA Training in Long Island Prepares Aides
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Effective PCA training is crucial for preparing aides to deliver high-quality care. In Long Island, PCA training programs are designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively. Here’s how PCA training in Long Island makes a difference:
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
PCA training programs in Long Island cover a wide range of topics, including personal care, nutrition, infection control, and emergency response. This comprehensive curriculum ensures that trainees are well-prepared to handle various situations and provide excellent care.
2. Hands-On Experience
Practical experience is a key component of PCA training. Trainees participate in hands-on exercises and real-life scenarios to practice their skills. This experience helps them gain confidence and proficiency in performing their duties. Joyful Career Center provides you with the best PCA training in New York City.
3. Certified Instructors
PCA training in Long Island is often conducted by certified instructors with extensive experience in the healthcare field. These instructors provide valuable insights, guidance, and mentorship, helping trainees develop the competencies needed to excel as Personal Care Aides.
4. Focus on Compassionate Care
A crucial aspect of PCA training is teaching trainees to provide care with empathy and compassion. Programs emphasize the importance of understanding the emotional and psychological needs of clients, ensuring that aides can offer not only physical support but also emotional comfort.
The goal of having a Personal Care Aide is multifaceted, encompassing the promotion of independence, safety, companionship, personal care, and nutrition. PCA training in Long Island plays a vital role in preparing individuals to meet these goals, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to provide high-quality, compassionate care. By understanding the importance of a PCA and the benefits they offer, families can make informed decisions about the care of their loved ones, ensuring their well-being and quality of life.
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skyseoroundtable · 2 months
Unlocking Potential with Access Careers: Long Island CNA Training
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Unlocking Potential with Access Careers: Long Island CNA Training
First of all, In the constantly changing field of healthcare, Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are essential in giving patients sensitive care. Enrolling in CNA training could be your first step toward a rewarding career in healthcare if you live on Long Island and are thinking about pursuing a career in that field. Come learn about the advantages of CNA training on Long Island and how it can lead to a fulfilling career in the medical field.
The Relevance of CNA Training: Those who complete CNA training are better prepared to succeed in the healthcare industry by gaining the necessary knowledge and abilities. Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) play a crucial role in the healthcare team, helping patients with everyday tasks and provide essential support to nursing staff. Aspiring CNAs acquire vital skills like infection control protocols, communication strategies, and patient care techniques through extensive training programs, equipping them for success in a range of healthcare environments.
Possibilities on Long Island: The healthcare industry on Long Island is thriving, offering a wide variety of CNA jobs. There is always a need for qualified CNAs, whether you want to work in home healthcare companies, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, or hospitals. A plethora of job opportunities are at your fingertips if you pursue CNA training on Long Island. 
Choosing the Correct Training Program: It's critical to pick a CNA training program that both fits your needs and advances your professional objectives. Seek out courses taught by knowledgeable professors who are committed to your achievement and approved by respectable associations. To ensure a well-rounded educational experience, take into account additional elements including program length, scheduling possibilities, and clinical training chances.
Advantages of CNA Training: Getting CNA training has several advantages that go beyond only learning the necessary skills for the position. Employers will find you more appealing if you have completed a training program because it shows that you are dedicated to providing patients with the best treatment possible. Furthermore, obtaining a CNA certification offers a strong basis for additional study and specialization while opening doors to advancement prospects in the healthcare industry.
Embarking on Your CNA Journey: Now is the perfect time to look into Long Island training programs if you're prepared to take the initial step toward a fulfilling career as a CNA. Whether you're a recent high school graduate, looking to change careers, or just have a passion for healthcare, CNA training provides a route to fulfilling employment in an area that is in high demand. Enroll in a respectable CNA training program today to start investing in your future and set yourself up for a rewarding career in healthcare.
Contact us
Hempstead Campus
🏢: 474 Fulton Avenue, Suite 201 Hempstead, NY 11550
📞: (516)-433-0034
Islandia Campus
🏢:  1930 Veterans Highway, Suite 10 Islandia, NY 11749
📞: (631)630-9410
🌐 : https://accesscareers.net/
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deathb1ooms · 3 months
claire is originally from the resident evil franchise
claire is around five and a half years younger than chris. when she was thirteen , their parents were killed in a suspicious car accident. rather than go into foster care or go to live with distant relatives , chris decided to become claire's legal guaridan. he enlisted in the air force and brought claire with him , though she stayed on base with the family of one of the members of chris' unit , the burtons. during this time , claire was being home schooled by kathy burton along with their daughters moira and polly. claire grew very close to the burton women , and she also grew even closer to her brother. she would train with him on hand to hand combat and weapons , learning his training alongside him during his basic training for the air force.
by the time she'd turned eighteen and graduated high school , she and chris were as close as possible , both calling each other their best friends. he encouraged her to go to college , even when she suggested joining the air force with him , stating that she deserved a normal life. she gave in and enrolled in washington university in st. louis to study journalism.
she enjoyed her time in college , taking interesting classes and meeting even more interesting people , but she kept in contact with her brother. they'd never gone longer than a week without checking in , even when he was on missions out of state , and even that was rare. claire could count on hearing from her brother every three days at least , so when two weeks had gone by without a message or an answer to her calls and texts , claire knew something was wrong.
the last message he'd sent her had been about going back to raccoon city , that there had been trouble but ' alpha team was on the way to clean up the mess '. he'd promised to update her later , both having been born in raccoon city , missouri , and had lived there until their parents had died over six years prior. but there had never been an update , never been any contact since. that was not like chris at all.
so claire decided to leave school and go find her brother.
― the events of RE2 take place here and are canon ―
while investigating the raccoon city police department , claire found papers that suggested he'd gone to europe on a mission , but the letters sounded off. claire wasn't in the mood to trust anything after going so long without speaking to her brother , but she had to find out for herself. booking the flight , claire went to an umbrella facility in paris , france. there , she was kidnapped and taken to a different and secure location , rockfort island , where she was held prisoner only for a short amount of time. the man who'd captured her , rodrigo , decided to let her go after realizing the complex was overrun with the dead. she leaves and tries to find a way off the island , meeting steve in the meantime. together , they find out that umbrella had been surveilling chris for a long while. using the same computer that held the information about chris , claire reached out to leon for assistance getting off the island.
eventually chris does come and rescue claire , but not until after steve is dosed with the t veronica virus , mutates , and then is killed trying to protect claire. together , chris and claire leave the island.
after ensuring that everything was alright , and that they wouldn't go so long without speaking again , chris and claire parted ways. claire continued her college education while chris continued working with the military , creating a unit called the BSAA in order to combat the bioterrorism that umbrella was committing.
after graduating college and becoming a full fledged journalist , claire was recruited by a company called terrasave. the company's main goal is to provide aid to communities affected by bioterrorism or medical related incidents. terrasave works outside of the government , though most often their goals are aligned with local government. claire knew that she belonged with terrasave , it was her own way of helping her brother fight the ongoing biological warfare.
― the events of revelations 2 take place here and are canon ―
claire continued work with terrasave throughout the events of RE6 and RE7 but immediately following the dulvey incident , it became obvious to chris that blue umbrella and the BSAA weren't to be trusted. after leaving clues that only she would understand , chris went rogue against the BSAA and went on the run. knowing that he would need someone on the inside , when the BSAA came to recruit claire for the task force that was meant to find the hound wolf squad , she enthusiastically said yes.
throughout the years leading up to romania , and during romania , claire is a full member of the BSAA. she participates in missions and sits in on briefs , though her main mission is to find her brother. she knows that the BSAA doesn't fully trust her , but she's doing her best to help them see that they all want the same thing ― chris to come home.
short and sweet verses :
alternate verse 1 , college verse takes place prior to the events of RE2. claire is a journalism major attending washington university in st louis , missouri ( subject to change based on plot ). faceclaim for this verse is lyndsy fonseca and she is available for shipping.
alternate verse 2 , this verse takes place between RE2 and RE7. during this time , claire is still attending college in the beginning , though now she has already endured the zombie attacks and raccoon city is destroyed. after graduation , claire is recruited into terrasave and throughout this verse she is working with them. faceclaim for this verse is lyndsy fonseca and she is available for shipping.
main verse , after the events of RE7 , chris no longer trusted the BSAA. he and his team of hound wolves decided to go rogue and deal with miranda and the horrors off romania on their own. the BSAA recruited claire to help them find her brother , whom she claims hasn't reached out to her. this verse is the three years prior to RE8 and on. faceclaim for this verse is lyndsy fonseca and she is available for shipping.
more to be added as it comes up!
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In-flight Care: Air Ambulance Services in Silchar
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In the realm of emergency medical services, air ambulance India plays a vital role in swiftly transporting critically ill or injured individuals to healthcare facilities, ensuring timely and specialized care. Among the bustling city of Silchar, located in the northeastern state of Assam, air ambulance services in Silchar stand as a beacon of hope during medical emergencies, offering swift and efficient transportation to those in need.
Understanding Air Ambulance Services
Air ambulance India is a specialized mode of transportation that provides medical assistance and swift conveyance to patients who require urgent care, often over long distances. Equipped with advanced medical equipment and staffed by trained professionals, these air ambulances ensure that patients receive the necessary medical attention en route to the hospital.
In Silchar, the presence of air ambulance services serves as a lifeline for individuals facing critical medical situations. Whether it's responding to accidents, medical emergencies, or the need for urgent organ transplants, these services play a crucial role in saving lives.
Features of Air Ambulance Services in Silchar
The air ambulance services in Silchar are equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities, including life-support systems, ventilators, cardiac monitors, and medications. These amenities ensure that patients receive comprehensive medical care while in transit.
Moreover, the staff onboard air ambulance India are highly trained medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics, capable of managing various medical emergencies effectively. Their expertise ensures that patients receive the appropriate treatment and care throughout the journey.
The Importance of Timely Transportation
During medical emergencies, time is of the essence. Air ambulance services in Silchar understand this critical aspect and prioritize swift transportation to minimize delays in accessing medical care. Whether it's reaching remote areas or transferring patients between healthcare facilities, these services ensure timely intervention, which can significantly impact patient outcomes.
In situations where ground transportation may be impractical or time-consuming, such as in cases of natural disasters or inaccessible terrain, air ambulance India offers a reliable solution for swift evacuation and medical transport.
Accessibility and Reach
One of the significant advantages of air ambulance services is their ability to reach remote or inaccessible areas where conventional ambulances may struggle to operate. Silchar, with its diverse terrain and sometimes challenging accessibility, benefits greatly from the presence of air ambulance India.
These services bridge the gap between urban healthcare centers and remote communities, ensuring that individuals in distant locations receive timely medical assistance. Whether it's responding to medical emergencies in rural villages or transporting patients from remote islands, air ambulance services in Silchar extend medical access to areas that would otherwise face significant challenges.
Collaboration with Healthcare Facilities
Air ambulance services in Silchar often collaborate closely with healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and emergency response teams. This collaboration ensures seamless coordination in patient transfer, medical assistance, and post-transport care.
By working hand in hand with healthcare providers, air ambulance India can streamline the transfer process, optimize medical interventions, and ensure continuity of care for patients. This collaborative approach enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency medical services in Silchar.
Cost-Effectiveness and Affordability
Despite the advanced medical facilities and specialized care offered, air ambulance services in Silchar strive to maintain cost-effectiveness and affordability. Recognizing the importance of accessible healthcare, these services offer competitive pricing models and work with insurance providers to ease the financial burden on patients.
Moreover, the swift transportation provided by air ambulance India can often mitigate the escalation of medical conditions, potentially reducing long-term healthcare costs associated with delayed intervention or inadequate treatment.
In the realm of emergency medical services, air ambulance services in Silchar stand as a beacon of hope, providing swift and efficient transportation for individuals facing critical medical situations. With advanced medical facilities, trained professionals, and a commitment to timely intervention, these services play a crucial role in saving lives and ensuring access to medical care, even in the most challenging circumstances. As Silchar continues to grow and develop, the presence of air ambulance India serves as a cornerstone of its healthcare infrastructure, offering reassurance and support to communities across the region.
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