#Medical Admission in Ukraine
wteacademy · 2 years
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When you have no idea how to take medical admission in a foreign country, WTE Academy will assist you in taking medical admission in Armenia, Ukraine and Poland. WTE Academy not only provides students with a comprehensive education, but it also has a wide range of amenities and facilities that make it a great place to learn.
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rmgeo · 2 years
MBBS in Ukraine
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MBBS in Ukraine’s renowned universities is a rewarding investment of time, finance and career dream for many Indian students. This heart of Europe is a country well-known for providing quality medical education at affordable fees. Ukraine, the largest European country, has achieved a 100% literacy rate and ranks amongst the best place for studying MBBS abroad. Little known is that Ukraine has some of the best Medical Universities in the world.
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André-Philippe Côté, Le Soleil (Québec)  ::[Scott Horton]
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Volodymyr’s triumph, Vladimir’s humiliation. ::  December 22, 2022
Robert B. Hubbell
         On Wednesday, the presidents of Ukraine and Russia addressed the world about the existential struggle between the nation of Ukraine and the tyrant of Russia. The Ukrainian leader spoke with strength and confidence to a US Congress momentarily united by a man whose manifest courage melted partisan divides and galvanized the reluctant hearts and minds of wary politicians. Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to Congress was a triumph for Zelenskyy, Ukraine, and the global defense of democracy.
The video of the speech is here; President Zelenskyy Address to Congress (beginning at the 35-minute mark). I urge you to watch the address in its entirety.
         On the opposite side of the globe, the tyrant of Russia was forced to concede that his depraved assault on the Ukrainian people has been a disaster for the Russian military. Putin delivered his remarks to the Russian Parliament, whose members are political hostages that dare not speak the truth about Putin’s blunder. But the blood of dead and wounded soldiers returning to small towns and villages across Russia has seeped through the warp and weft of Putin’s shroud of censorship.
         In his speech, Putin boasted of materials and support that will be provided to Russian soldiers in the future—an admission that those items are in short supply among troops already deployed in Ukraine. The list of missing items is pathetic sign of a shocking lack of military preparedness in Russia’s once-vaunted army: boots, food, helmets, medical kits, and bulletproof vests. See NYTimes, Putin Concedes Military Failings, but Insists Russia Will Fight On. Putin’s promise to provide better equipment and training for troops engaged in combat is like promising to repair a Boeing 747 mid-flight. It can’t be done.
         Zelenksyy’s visit to Washington was remarkable and historic. It is beyond my ability to summon relevant comparisons. I will leave that commentary to historians and give you my real-time impressions of Zelenskyy’s speech. (The quotations below are based on notes and may not track the official transcript.)
         The essential fact is this: Zelenskyy is a masterful communicator and a charismatic, courageous leader. He entered the House chamber bearing a battle flag signed by Ukrainian soldiers deployed on the front lines. He presented that flag to Congress as a symbol of Ukraine’s gratitude. He left the chamber holding an American flag given to him by Speaker Pelosi as a sign of America’s respect for Zelenskyy and Ukraine. If that were all that had happened, it would have been a diplomatic triumph. But there was so much more.
         The House was packed with Representatives and Senators otherwise distracted by last-minute negotiations over the 2023 appropriations bill. To their credit, members of Congress gave Zelenskyy dozens of standing ovations accompanied by cheers. For once, Republicans and Democrats were united in common purpose. (The exceptions were Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, who remained seated beside each other, smirking and whispering while their colleagues applauded Zelenskyy.)
         Zelenskyy delivered his speech in English, a powerful yet endearing effort to speak directly to Americans at an emotional level. It worked. At least it worked for me. In earnest tones and plain words, Zelenskyy spoke of the suffering of the Ukrainian people. But he said that Ukrainians do not feel sorry for themselves or resent those not facing similar challenges. In a moving passage, he spoke about celebrating Christmas by candlelight, not by choice but because Iranian-supplied drones had targeted the electrical grid. Zelensky said,
In two days, we will celebrate Christmas by candlelight. Millions will have no heating or running water as a result of missiles and drone attacks on infrastructure. We do not complain; we do not judge or compare whose life is easier; your well-being is the product of your many struggles and victories. We will go through our war with dignity and success.
         Zelenskyy spoke of America and Ukraine as allies in a global fight against anti-democratic forces. (“Our two nations are allies in the battle.”) He said that the struggle “will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live. Will it be a democracy of Ukrainians and Americans?” And Zelensky cautioned that America should “not make the mistake of believing that an ocean will protect America because the world is too interconnected to allow anyone to feel safe.”
         Zelensky invoked American history. He compared the early battlefield success of Ukraine to the Battle of Saratoga, a decisive victory for the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. He quoted the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor, saying that Ukraine would “fight through to absolute victory.” He said that “Just as brave American soldiers fought Hitler’s forces during Christmas 1944, so Ukrainian troops are fighting Russia this Christmas.”
         Zelenskyy sought to put Putin on the defensive. He said that Ukraine had already won the battle for the hearts and minds of the world. And he warned that the war might not end until Russians had freed themselves of control by the Kremlin.
         Finally, Zelensky called for unity in Congress (“bi-partisan and bi-cameral”). He assured the lawmakers that Ukrainians did not need American troops but instead needed additional military and financial aid. In a memorable line, he said that “Your money is not charity; it is an investment in global security that we will handle in the most responsible way.”
         The speech was remarkable, brave, and historic. Professor Timothy Snyder of Yale provided his thoughts on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show, explaining why and how Ukraine’s defense against Russia benefits America far beyond the military and financial support we provide to Ukraine. Snyder made similar remarks in his Substack newsletter, Gratitude to Ukraine - by Timothy Snyder. I have previously linked to Snyder’s essay on gratitude to Ukraine. If you haven’t read it, now is a good time to do so.
         In the end, the most important part of Zelenskyy’s speech is that it reminds Americans of the sacrifice necessary to defend democracy—one that prior generations willingly made for us. We should not take that sacrifice for granted nor defile it by turning our backs on liberties redeemed with blood and suffering. Today’s challenges are daunting, but it is our duty to overcome them. To do so, we must embrace the example of courage and determination on display on the floor of the House chamber today. Today, all Americans should join in saying, “Slava Ukraini!”
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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mariacallous · 1 year
Russia’s Investigative Committee (IC) is a federal law-enforcement agency tasked with detective work in both military and civilian spheres. Since the earliest phases of the armed conflict in the Donbas in 2014, the IC launched a number of programs for assisting children affected by warfare in eastern Ukraine. As the conflict developed into a full-scale war, the federal bureau started recruiting youths from the region to its cadets corps, sending them to several campuses around Russia. Anna Ryzhkova, a journalist writing for the independent outlet Verstka, has located and interviewed a number of Ukrainian teens who are now enrolled as cadets in these academies. (Their names have been changed to protect their privacy.) What she discovered was a tangle of moral ambiguities and outright violations of the rights of a child. With Verstka’s permission, Meduza has translated this reportage on the life of Ukrainian cadets in Russia’s law-enforcement schools.
Early admissions
In July 2022, 14-year-old twins Nikita and Denis were getting ready for kick-boxing practice in their home city of Donetsk, Ukraine. Then the phone rang. The caller, it turned out, was their school principal, who spoke for a long time with their grandmother, who was raising the boys on her own. The twins couldn’t make out what the conversation was about, but when their grandmother finally hung up, she said: “As soon as you’re back, we have to talk.”
That evening, the two teens learned that their principal was encouraging them to apply to the cadet corps of Russia’s Investigative Committee, a federal investigative bureau with several cadets schools around the country. “The three of us sat down together, talked about our plans for the future, and finally decided to agree,” says Nikita. “We picked Moscow, because it’s closer, and life is better there. It’s Moscow after all.”
The next morning, the twins got up at 8:00 a.m. and set out to collect their application documents, together with their grandmother. They had just over a day to get all the required papers, from transcripts to medical records, and the whole family was worried they might not meet the deadline. But they did.
By August, the admissions decision came: Nikita and Denis had been matriculated. In late summer, the brothers joined other eighth- and ninth-graders from the Donetsk region who had all been admitted to Russian military academies. All of them had the required entrance exams waived. When the bus packed with kids reached Russia’s Rostov region, the group was split in two: some of them were put on another bus headed to Volgograd; others flew to Moscow aboard a military plane.
Several months later, Denis posted a photo of himself receiving a Russian passport from the Investigative Committee’s head Alexander Bastrykin. His brother Nikita posted a similar status, declaring his new allegiance: “Russia is now my life,” he wrote.
Always with you
“The children of Donbas” (a painful phrase, since 2014, that quickly became a cliché of Russian pro-war propaganda) drew the interest of Russia’s Investigative Committee (IC) from the very start of the armed conflict in the region. The federal agency promptly started recruiting students from the conflict zone for one of its boarding schools, based in the urban development of Khimki, just outside of Moscow. The IC’s recruiters focused on the socially disadvantaged youths. At the same time, the agency boasted about sending children wounded in the conflict to Moscow, for treatment at Dr. Leonid Roshal’s well-known emergency children’s clinic.
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, federal agents started visiting displaced Ukrainian children in Russian orphanages, bringing them gifts and “humanitarian aid.” These visits occurred in at least 10 different Russian regions, as calculated by Verstka together with the open-source project Kidmapping, which tracks the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia on an interactive map.
In the Kursk region, for example, the Investigative Committee sponsored a back-to-school drive for orphans from the Donetsk region. In Nizhny Novgorod, federal agents gave balls, jump-ropes, and table-tennis sets to “evacuated” children from Ukraine. Wounded children at Roshal clinic were visited by the agency’s chairman Alexander Bastrykin, who brought stuffed toys to give as gifts. When meeting with school-aged children, IC staff would mention their cadet corps and encourage them to apply.
The motto repeatedly invoked during these charitable visits, “no child is a stranger,” had been coined by Russia’s Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova, also famous for saying that “every child is our child.” It was also Lvova-Belova who thanked the IC and the federal agents for their help in “evacuating” Ukrainian children to Russia. This included Filipp, the teenage boy Lvova-Belova herself adopted upon meeting him in Russia. (According to Lvova-Belova, Filipp has since decided to apply to a law college, to work in the Russian justice system in the future.)
According to an internal report published by the Investigative Committee in its print journal, the agency had moved 323 children from Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions across the Russian border. Only 181 of them were orphans. Upon entering Russia, 78 minors (28 of them orphaned) were enrolled in Russian schools, including military academies.
To mark International Children’s Day on June 1, 2022, the IC’s Bastrykin spoke before an audience of at-risk children, gathered for the occasion at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Some of them had recently arrived from the Donbas. Speaking to the whole group, Bastrykin told the youngsters that Russia’s future, its “power,” and the state’s “future victories” were all in their hands. As if to assuage their anxiety, he added: “But the Investigative Committee is always with you. We’ll always lend you a hand.”
‘I learned the anthem in no time’
In September 2022, the Investigative Committee reported that 43 children from the Donbas had joined its cadet corps that school year. By watching the public exercises performed by IC cadets in Moscow, Volgograd, and St. Petersburg, Verstka identified 12 of the teenagers who had come to the cadet corps from the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories.
A teen who grew up in Makiivka and is now enrolled in the IC’s Moscow cadet corps, starts every morning by watching the Russian state flag being raised to the sound the national anthem. “At 7:00 a.m. every Monday, the whole corps has to sing the anthem,” he says. “To be honest, at first I didn’t even know the words. But I learned them in no time.” After losing both parents, this boy was raised by his grandfather in Makiivka, where his life revolved around soccer. The Russian cadet corps seemed like the best option for his future. He gave up soccer, and now attends classes six days a week, leaning Chinese and the fundamentals of jurisprudence.
A ninth-grader from Donetsk joined a military academy in Volgograd under pressure from his mother. Because of all the shelling in their home city, she recalls, her son (the eldest of a large family) went to school remotely for a while. This made her anxious about the quality of the education he was getting. The boy wanted to become a pastry chef and resisted joining the cadet corps till the bitter end, she recalls. “He dug in his heels, but finally caved in under pressure. It’s the chance of a lifetime — you’ve got to try it, so that you don’t regret it for the rest of your life,” the woman told Verstka.
A 14-year-old from Shakhtarsk (also in the Donetsk region) was admitted mid-year. He says he still doesn’t understand why his classmates have to line up at the beginning of every class, “instead of just sitting down at their desks when the bell rings, like normal kids.”
Nikita, one of the twins from Donetsk sent to the cadet corps by their grandmother, was at first intimidated by people “in epaulettes” all around him. “Everyone wearing insignia, and you don’t even know the rules yet.” He worried he might do something wrong and get in trouble. Until he enrolled at the academy, Nikita didn’t realize that most of the cadets there are expected to become detectives: “The FSB, the Prosecutor’s Office, and places like that. You can even become a judge, if I’m not mistaken,” he says.
Education and indoctrination
Sasha, a 14-year-old cadet from Horlivka, was admitted to the cadet corps together with his twin brother, just like the twins form Donetsk and another pair of siblings from Shakhtarsk. Sasha and his brother now live in Volgograd. Their school newspaper, Kadetsky Vestnik, has described them as survivors of “the aggression of the Kyiv regime.” When they still lived at home, a projectile exploded next to their home. The paper celebrated the fact that they were now studying “the basics of military service.”
In conversation with Verstka, Sasha said that he’s learned to take apart a machine gun and to put it back together. In May 2023, the twins were promoted to senior cadets for their achievements. This was the high point of their school year.
The values outlined in the IC cadet corps’s charter include “allegiance to the Russian Federation” and “respect for public service.” The schools’ curricula also describe the kind of person that every cadet should aspire to be: children are not only expected to be moral and creative, but also to “embrace the fate of their fatherland as their own.” This fatherland is presumed to be Russia, since the students are also expected to root themselves “in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Russian people.” Ukrainians in the cadet corps are treated and expected to behave as Russians, without any special distinctions.
Extracurriculars at the boarding schools also revolve around Russia’s various wars throughout history. Since 2022, talks about the “special military operation” (Russia’s official euphemism for the full-scale invasion of Ukraine) have been added to the standard repertoire of lectures about World War II (called, incidentally, the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and the more recent Chechen and Afghan wars.
In February 2023, the cadets took part in a conference on the antifascist youth movement. According to the conference report, the participants learned the importance of “resisting attempts to falsify history.” The following month, cadets in Volgograd collected toiletries, food, and clothes for the Russian troops fighting in Ukraine. They also wrote letters to the front.
For the international law attorney Olga Gnezdilova, these extracurriculars amount to the indoctrination of the cadets in violation of the international Convention on the Rights of the Child, with which Russia is still obliged to comply. “Article 29 of the convention,” Gnezdilova says,
makes clear that the education of a child should be about instilling respect for his or her parents, cultural identity, language, and home country. No matter how the [Russian] state might wish to help Donbas’s children adapt to new realities, it has a duty to respect their country of origin. Activities in support of people engaged in combat against Ukraine are clearly a violation of this principle. Children removed from the Donbas still have a connection to Ukraine, at least through their relatives and childhood memories. What we see here is clearly an attempt to re-educate them.
Another principle violated by educating Ukrainian cadets in Russia is what the Convention on the Rights of the Child describes as “the preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society, in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups, and persons of indigenous origin.” Gnezdilova thinks that this rule is also undermined at the military schools where Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine is routinely glorified, both in classes and during extracurriculars.
The parents’ and guardians’ consent, the Russian lawyer explains, doesn’t make the situation any less illegal or unethical:
Both Russian and international law work in the interests of the child. Is it in the child’s interest, then, to be embroiled in intensive ideological conflict? But he is inevitably exposed to this conflict when someone tells him that it’s fine to be fighting against the people in his country of origin. In his dependent position away from home, away from his parents, in a foreign country, he has to agree with whatever the cadet corps imposes on him. Indoctrination through the education system is a powerful instrument, and it really does work. The younger the child, the easier it is to maker her or him absorb ideological principles. The state is clearly taking advantage of this.
Without grandma
All the cadets who spoke to Verstka about their experience of leaving the Donbas to study in Russia mentioned that the hardest part of getting used to things was homesickness. Although some students in the cadet corps are orphaned, it’s still the norm for students to spend their weekly leave at home with family.
Cadets from the Donetsk region at the Moscow military academy said their school makes an effort to entertain them on weekends. Excursions and museum trips are sometimes organized by the staff. Students from the Donbas are also permitted to use smartphones, while the other cadets can only use push-button phones. “This is because they can see their families while on leave, but we only have video calls,” says a student from Shakhtarsk.
A student from Makiivka said that the cadets only get 15 minutes for daily phone-calls during the week. “The first month was especially tough. I’d feel homesick but had no time to call. Every night at bedtime, you’d think how much you just want to go home already,” he recalls.
Many of the students could only see their families during the school breaks, when chaperones took the cadets from the Donbas back to their home region. Some families came to visit their children in Moscow. The student from Makiivka who gave up soccer to become a cadet says that his grandfather came to visit him last May, at the end of the 2022–2023 school year. The two of them stayed in a rented apartment not far from the school. They took walks and went to soccer games together.
The twins Nikita and Denis also expected to spend the winter break with their grandmother. She decided to come and see them in December 2022, and to stay through the holidays. Although the twins missed her a lot, Nikita says, both he and his brother knew that she was immensely proud of them and boasted about them whenever anyone back in Donetsk asked about the boys.
The day before their grandmother’s arrival, a classmate’s mother helped the twins rent her an apartment. It was on the 31st floor of a high-rise, and getting there required multiple transfers on the Moscow subway. But somehow the family found there way there and spent an evening together. They were extremely happy, Nikita recalls.
Then the boys’ grandmother went to sleep — never to wake up again. “Grandma died on the very first day of vacation. I guess she didn’t survive the long journey. She hadn’t been used to traveling that far,” Nikita says.
The boy struggled to describe the rest of the vacation. He recalls their commander coming to see them on his own day off and telling them to “be strong.” The boys themselves had to pay for their grandmother’s cremation, and took the money out of their stipends. Then their classmate’s mother, the same woman who had helped them find an apartment, took their grandmother’s ashes back to Donetsk.
“It was really sad to be at the cadet corps over the New Year’s break. The place was empty. It felt like we were completely alone there. But our classmate and his family helped us. They took us to Red Square for the first time. We also went to a skating rink. Only without grandma,” Nikita says.
Last spring, the brothers went back to Donetsk, where the first thing they did was visit their grandmother’s grave. Their uncle has stepped in as their new legal guardian.
Influential friends
Nikita, who lost his grandmother during his first year as a cadet, shares the story of a “friendship” that started between him and his chaperone during his first trip from Donetsk to Moscow. It began somewhat awkwardly for Nikita when he counted up the stars on his chaperone’s epaulettes and guessed he must be a sergeant. The officer laughed at his mistake: “Can’t you see I’m a colonel,” he said good-humoredly.
The officer, whom Nikita calls “Dmitry Borisovich,” is now regularly in touch with him and his brother. Although the officer doesn’t work at the cadet corps, he’s taken the twins under his wing. Once, he scheduled the brothers for a physical at the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital, without any warning to the boys. It turned out that Nikita had a deformed septum, while his brother was partially deaf in one ear. “Dmitry Borisovich just noticed that I was using nose drops a lot,” Nikita says, “and that my brother was always turning his good ear to hear better.”
When asked if he doesn’t think it strange to be friends with such a high-ranking officer, Nikita assures Verstka: “You’re wrong to think anything. This is definitely friendship, real friendship.” At the time of the interview, Nikita was looking forward to a vacation in the Crimea, also promised by Dmitry Borisovich. Several photos showing the cadet with his arm around an adult man have since appeared on Nikita’s VK page. Verstka studied them closely and identified the adult in the photos as Colonel Dmitry Gorbunkov, presently the head of the IC’s foreign relations department.
When contacted by Verstka, Gorbunkov declined to comment on his role in the youths’ lives. “But thank you for your interest in the life of our cadets,” he said.
A year into their acquaintance, Nikita insists that he and Gorbunkov talk to each other as openly as any next-of-kin. At the same time, he cannot answer any questions about Gorbunkov’s personal life. He doesn’t even know whether his “friend” has a family.
Another cadet, who originally came from Shakhtarsk, says that he finally felt “at home” in Russia when he stayed at the camp called “The Day After Tomorrow” (established by the Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova to help traumatized children from the Donbas). Cadets from the same region were sent there during a regular camp session, mingling with the “civilian” children. Because “there was no schedule and everything was really comfortable,” the cadet recalls, he was finally able to relax.
Recalling the same trip, another adolescent mentions a visit from the Investigative Committee’s chairman, General Alexander Bastrykin. Several cadets confirm that Bastrykin spent the whole day at the camp, drinking tea with the cadets, chatting, and posing for group photos by the press wall. When one of the boys asked for an autograph, the general scrawled: “Wishing you success in our shared country — Russia.” Bastrykin also swam in the pool and went to the sauna with the cadets. “It was unforgettable,” says one of them, adding that Bastrykin made a formidable impression on him.
Nikita, who got sick and didn’t go to the camp, regrets having missed out. “Swimming pool and sauna — to me, it’s sheer luxury, and such prestige! I’ve never been to a pool or a sauna, except once, when visiting Dmitry Borisovich. He has his own sauna. It was so pleasant, I can’t even describe the feeling.”
‘Rough around the edges and completely guileless’
When meeting with the cadets, one of the teens recalls, Bastrykin told them not to worry too much about their grades. “You can make mistakes,” the general said, “you can be less smart that someone else, but what matters is how steadfastly you go after your goal.”
The Investigative Committee also appears to be pursuing a goal: namely, to increase the percentage of cadets who enroll, upon leaving the cadet corps, at the IC Academy, the agency’s own college that trains the IC’s federal detectives. In 2017, only six former cadets matriculated at the academy, but by 2022 that number had increased to 94. One of the incentives to enroll is that cadets get extra points on the academy’s entrance exams, which vastly improves their admission chances. In 2022, Bastrykin said that 100 percent of that year’s graduating class accepted jobs as IC detectives as soon as they left the academy.
In 2020, the IC reached a formal partnership agreement with the Russian-backed government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk “republic.” That year, 10 teenagers from the region enrolled in the agency’s cadet corps. One of them was a tenth-grade student named Margarita. In order to get in, she had to take entrance exams in history, social science, physical education, and basic military training. When, after graduating from the cadet corps, she applied the the IC Academy, the selection process was tough once again. The faculty at the cadet corps, however, urged the cadets to stay within the IC system, instead of “slipping into” the Interior Ministry or FSB structures.
Margarita says that she and her classmates from Donetsk “wondered for a long time” why the IC was so heavily invested in recruiting them and turning them into full-fledged detectives. She still doesn’t have a clear answer to this question. “Maybe, they just got an order from the top to help our children,” she guesses.
A source with knowledge of Russia’s law-enforcement system says that the IC chairman Bastrykin has several “bees in his bonnet,” one of them being juvenile justice and crimes against children. The speaker says that Bastrykin’s interests usually spring directly from his personal experiences. In the same way, he says, his interest in juvenile justice became apparent after his second marriage, when Bastrykin and his wife Olga Alexandrova (now dean of the Russian Law Academy) started having children.
Trying to understand the cadets’ own motives for trying to become detectives in the Russian justice system, Verstka wrote to one of the faculty members at the IC cadet corps, asking him to describe cadets from the Donbas. “To make it short,” he wrote back, “they’re kids like other kids. Some perform better than others, some get Bs and others Cs. Their main goal is to get into the IC Academy. Not all of them achieve this, but the motivation is there.”
Another faculty member described the same group of students as “good kids, a bit rough around the edges, and completely guileless.” Both faculty members declined to say more without approval from the school’s leadership.
The cadets themselves speak about their future as detectives in vague and general terms. The international law attorney Olga Gnezdilova thinks that neither the students nor their families may know much about the way this profession has changed over the past 20 years. Families who send their children to study in Russia from a region like the Donbas may know even less about what it’s like to work for the Russian law-enforcement system.
“In the early aughts,” she says,
a detective’s education was supposed to turn him into a kind of Sherlock Holmes, but today solving crimes isn’t much of an interesting or subtle art. We see the IC ignoring the really complex cases, while elderly retired people get prosecuted for writing what they think about the war on their social media.
Gnezdilova believes that the IC’s cadets who came from the Donbas are being trained in order to be sent back to the region later, since they already know it so well. By the time they go back, she says, “they will have developed a loyalty [to Russia] and corresponding political views.”
Starting this fall, the IC is planning to open cadet classes in two schools located on occupied Ukrainian territories, in Luhansk and Skadovsk (a city in the Kherson region). The principals of the two schools each signed an agreement with the IC’s director for education and pedagogy, Sergey Petrov.
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When it comes to pursuing an MBBS abroad, there are numerous myths and misconceptions that can deter students from considering this option. In reality, studying medicine abroad offers vast opportunities, global exposure, and a pathway to becoming a skilled doctor. To help clarify the truth, let’s dive into the most common myths and facts associated with MBBS abroad.
Myth 1: MBBS Abroad Is Only for Students Who Can't Get into Indian Colleges
One of the most widespread misconceptions is that students who pursue an MBBS abroad are those who couldn’t secure a spot in Indian medical colleges. This is far from the truth. Many students opt for medical universities abroad due to affordable tuition, international exposure, high-quality education, and a streamlined admission process. Additionally, the competition for medical seats in India is fierce, and many meritorious students miss out on a seat due to the limited number of slots available.
Myth 2: MBBS Abroad Is Very Expensive
While some countries might have higher tuition fees, many destinations for MBBS abroad offer affordable education. Countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and the Philippines are known for providing quality medical education at a fraction of the cost compared to private medical colleges in India. Moreover, many universities offer scholarships and financial aid to international students, making the overall cost more manageable.
Myth 3: The Quality of Education Is Not Up to Standard
The quality of education in medical universities abroad is highly regulated by various global health organizations. Many universities abroad are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Medical Council of India (MCI), and other international medical bodies. These universities follow globally accepted curricula, have state-of-the-art facilities, and offer excellent clinical exposure. In fact, some of the best medical faculties are found in countries like Russia, China, and Germany, where research and innovation in medicine thrive.
Myth 4: Foreign Medical Graduates Can't Practice in India
One of the biggest concerns for students pursuing MBBS abroad is whether they will be able to practice in India. The truth is, graduates from recognized foreign universities can practice in India after clearing the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE), now replaced by the National Exit Test (NEXT). Passing this exam enables graduates to practice in India with the same privileges as those who earned their degree domestically.
Myth 5: Language Barriers Make It Difficult to Study Abroad
While language barriers can be a concern for some students, many medical universities abroad offer their MBBS programs in English medium. Countries like Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines have universities that teach medical courses entirely in English. Additionally, students are often provided with language training for effective communication with patients during clinical rotations.
The myths surrounding MBBS abroad are often based on misconceptions rather than facts. Pursuing a medical degree abroad can be a life-changing opportunity, providing quality education, global exposure, and career prospects. By debunking these myths, it's clear that studying MBBS abroad is a viable and beneficial option for students aspiring to become successful doctors.
For those who dream of wearing a white coat and practicing medicine, studying MBBS abroad can be the perfect stepping stone to achieving their goals.
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Best Consultants for MBBS Abroad in Vadodara | Disha Education Consultancy
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Choosing to study MBBS abroad is a significant decision, and finding the right guidance is crucial for a successful journey. For students in Vadodara, the search for the best consultants for MBBS abroad in Vadodara ends with Disha Education Consultancy. With years of experience and a proven track record, we provide expert assistance in selecting the right university, handling admission procedures, and ensuring a smooth transition to your chosen destination.
Why Choose Disha Education Consultancy?
Navigating the complexities of studying MBBS abroad can be overwhelming. From choosing the right country and university to understanding the admission requirements, visa processes, and financial planning, there are many factors to consider. This is where Disha Education Consultancy stands out as the best consultants for MBBS abroad in Vadodara. Here’s why:
1. Expert Guidance: Our experienced consultants have in-depth knowledge of the top medical universities worldwide. We provide personalized advice based on your academic profile, preferences, and budget, ensuring you choose the best option for your future.
2. Comprehensive Support: From initial counseling to final enrollment, we offer end-to-end support. This includes university selection, application processing, visa assistance, pre-departure orientation, and even post-arrival support.
3. Strong Partnerships: We have established partnerships with reputed medical universities in countries like Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and the Philippines. These partnerships ensure that our students receive the best opportunities and benefits.
4. Transparent Processes: We believe in complete transparency in all our dealings. Our team provides clear and accurate information, so you are fully aware of all aspects, including costs, university requirements, and other essential details.
5. Success Stories: Our success is measured by the success of our students. We are proud of our numerous students who have successfully completed their MBBS abroad and are now pursuing successful careers in medicine.
Services Offered by Disha Education Consultancy
As the best consultants for MBBS abroad in Vadodara, we offer a wide range of services to help you achieve your dream of studying medicine abroad:
- Counseling and Guidance: We help you understand the various options available, the advantages of different countries, and which university best matches your goals.
- University Selection: Based on your academic background, budget, and preferences, we provide a curated list of top universities that align with your aspirations.
- Admission Assistance: We assist in preparing and submitting your application, ensuring all documents are accurate and submitted on time.
- Visa Assistance: Our team provides step-by-step guidance on the visa process, helping you prepare the necessary documents and avoid common pitfalls.
- Pre-Departure Support: We organize pre-departure orientation sessions to help you understand the cultural and academic environment of your chosen country.
Why Disha Education Consultancy is Your Ideal Partner
At Disha Education Consultancy, we understand the unique challenges faced by Indian students aiming to pursue MBBS abroad. Our team is committed to making your journey stress-free and successful. As the best consultants for MBBS abroad in Vadodara, we provide reliable support, expert guidance, and personalized services to help you achieve your dream of becoming a doctor.
Finding the right guidance is key to ensuring a smooth and successful MBBS journey abroad. With Disha Education Consultancy, you are partnering with the best consultants for MBBS abroad in Vadodara. We offer expert advice, comprehensive support, and a proven track record of success, making us the trusted choice for aspiring doctors. Visit Disha Education Consultancy to learn more and take the first step toward your medical career today.
Originally Published by Disha Education Consultancy
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globaleducators · 18 days
Medical University in Abroad - Global Educators
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Medical University in Abroad: Your Pathway to a Medical Career
Pursuing an MBBS degree from a medical university in abroad has become a popular choice for Indian students due to limited seats and high competition in India. with world-class pedagogy standards cheap tuition fees and associate in nursing chance to get  multicultural surround perusal astatine  checkup university in abroad offers respective benefits. Countries like Russia Kazakhstan Ukraine and Armenia are known for their globally recognized medical programs, which are accredited by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI).
Global Educators & Consultants The best MBBS Abroad Consultants in Jaipur, India, have successfully assisted over 500 Indian students in securing admission to top-approved universities worldwide. they bid general counsel along the admissions work help you take the good checkup at the university in abroad founded along your pedantic ground budget and vocation goals. From preparing the necessary documentation to providing visa assistance and pre-departure support, Global Educators & Consultants ensure a hassle-free Encounter for aspiring doctors.
Studying at a medical university in abroad allows students to receive quality education without the stress of intense entrance exams like NEET. with associate in nursing cheap sign Structure and general back from round educators & consultants Students get center along their studies, and global educators devise their daydream of a decent  and  world. Choose the right path for your medical career with the best guidance available.
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wteacademy · 2 years
Many students dream of taking admission in Ukraine college. Some student’s dreams come true and some don’t. But WTE Academy will help you to take medical admission in Ukraine. WTE academy provides the best services to take admission in Ukraine.
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sidigital12 · 21 days
Abroad MBBS consultancy in Hyderabad
Shine Medico Consultancy, a leading abroad MBBS consultancy in Hyderabad, is dedicated to helping aspiring medical students achieve their dreams of studying medicine overseas. With a wealth of experience and an in-depth understanding of international medical education, Shine Medico Consultancy provides comprehensive guidance and support to students seeking admission to top medical universities across the globe. The consultancy's mission is to simplify the complex process of studying MBBS abroad, ensuring that students and their families have a smooth and stress-free experience from start to finish.
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At Shine Medico Consultancy, the journey begins with a personalized consultation to understand each student's unique aspirations, academic background, and financial situation. This tailored approach allows the consultancy to provide well-informed advice on the best countries and universities that align with the student's goals. Shine Medico Consultancy has a strong network of partnerships with prestigious medical universities in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, China, the Philippines, and more, offering a wide range of options for students to choose from.
The consultancy's expert team is well-versed in the admission requirements, application procedures, and documentation processes of various countries. They provide step-by-step guidance to ensure that students complete their applications accurately and on time, maximizing their chances of securing admission to their desired university. Shine Medico Consultancy also assists with visa applications, travel arrangements, and accommodation, making the entire process seamless and convenient for students and their families.
What sets Shine Medico Consultancy apart is its commitment to transparency and ethical practices. The consultancy believes in providing honest and reliable information to students, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future. The team takes the time to educate students about the benefits and challenges of studying abroad, helping them understand the academic, cultural, and social aspects of living in a foreign country. This holistic approach ensures that students are well-prepared for their new environment and can make the most of their international education experience.
Once students have successfully secured admission and arrived at their chosen destination, Shine Medico Consultancy continues to provide support throughout their academic journey. From helping students adjust to their new surroundings to providing guidance on academic and career planning, the consultancy remains a trusted partner every step of the way.
Choosing Shine Medico Consultancy as your abroad MBBS consultancy in Hyderabad means choosing a dedicated team that is passionate about helping students succeed. Visit us at https://shinembbs.com/ and contact us 8885260007 or 9888745745.  With a proven track record of success and a commitment to excellence, Shine Medico Consultancy is the ideal partner for anyone looking to pursue an MBBS degree abroad.
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argroup6 · 22 days
Unlocking Global Opportunities: Exploring MBBS Education Overseas
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Pursuing a medical degree is a dream for many students, and with the growing trend of studying MBBS in Abroad, that dream is more attainable than ever. Students are now exploring options beyond their home countries, seeking high-quality education and a global perspective on medicine. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits, options, and steps to embark on an MBBS Education Overseas journey.
Why Choose MBBS Education Overseas?
Studying MBBS in Abroad offers numerous advantages. First and foremost, it provides students with access to world-class medical education at a fraction of the cost compared to private institutions in some countries. Countries like Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines have become popular destinations due to their affordable tuition fees, modern facilities, and globally recognized degrees.
Another significant benefit is the exposure to a diverse environment. MBBS Education Overseas allows students to interact with peers from different cultures, enhancing their communication skills and understanding of global health challenges. This multicultural experience is invaluable, especially in today’s interconnected world.
Top Destinations for MBBS Education Overseas
One of the most sought-after destinations for MBBS in Abroad is Russia. The country has a long-standing tradition of providing excellent medical education. Universities like the North Caucasian State Academy and Siberian State Medical University are renowned for their rigorous academic programs and state-of-the-art facilities. These institutions offer courses in English, making it easier for international students to adapt.
Russia’s medical universities are known for their focus on research and practical training, ensuring that students gain hands-on experience from the very beginning. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application prepares students for the challenges they will face in their medical careers.
The Admission Process for MBBS in Russia
The process of getting admitted to an MBBS in Russia program is straightforward but requires careful preparation. Most Russian universities do not require entrance exams, and the admission is based on the marks obtained in the 12th grade, particularly in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. However, students must meet the eligibility criteria set by the respective universities.
After securing admission, students need to apply for a student visa, which is usually granted without much hassle. Once in Russia, students can enjoy the benefits of high-quality education, safe living conditions, and the chance to explore the rich cultural heritage of the country.
Career Opportunities after MBBS in Abroad
Completing an MBBS Education Overseas opens up a plethora of career opportunities. Graduates can choose to practise medicine in their home country after clearing the required licensing exams or continue their careers abroad. The global recognition of degrees earned from countries like Russia means that graduates are highly regarded by employers and medical institutions worldwide.
Moreover, many countries offer postgraduate programs and specialisation courses, allowing students to further their expertise in a particular field of medicine. This flexibility ensures that students can tailor their careers according to their interests and goals.
Challenges and How to Overcome Them
While the idea of pursuing MBBS in Abroad is exciting, it’s essential to be aware of the challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, and homesickness are common issues faced by international students. However, many universities provide language support and counselling services to help students adjust to their new environment.
It’s also crucial to do thorough research before selecting a university. Ensuring that the university is recognized by medical councils in your home country is vital to avoid any issues when returning home to practise medicine.
In conclusion, MBBS Education Overseas is an excellent opportunity for students to gain a global perspective on medicine, receive quality education, and open doors to international career opportunities. With careful planning and determination, studying MBBS in Abroad can be a life-changing experience that sets the foundation for a successful medical career.
By choosing the right destination, like Russia, and preparing well for the journey ahead, students can make the most of their MBBS in Russia experience. The world of medicine is vast and full of possibilities, and pursuing an MBBS Education Overseas is a significant step toward achieving your dreams.
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expertmedico · 29 days
Mbbs abroad consultants in jaipur | Best Study Consultants Guides India | Call at 7742500767
Studying MBBS Abroad A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Students
For many Indian students aspiring to become doctors, studying MBBS abroad presents a promising opportunity. The global landscape of medical education is rich with options, offering a variety of programs that can be both enriching and rewarding. However, navigating this journey requires careful planning and expert advice. This is where MBBS abroad consultants in Jaipur come into play.
Benefits of Studying MBBS Abroad
Global Exposure: Studying medicine in a foreign country provides exposure to different medical practices, healthcare systems, and patient demographics. This global perspective can be invaluable in developing a well-rounded medical education.
Affordability: Compared to private medical colleges in India, studying MBBS abroad can sometimes be more cost-effective. Countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines offer affordable tuition fees and living expenses while maintaining quality education.
English-Medium Programs: Many medical schools abroad offer programs in English, making it easier for Indian students who are more comfortable with this language to pursue their studies without language barriers.
How MBBS Abroad Consultants in Jaipur Can Help
Navigating the process of studying MBBS abroad can be complex, and this is where MBBS abroad consultants in Jaipur become essential. These experts provide valuable assistance in several areas:
Choosing the Right University: With numerous options available, selecting the right medical school can be overwhelming. Consultants help narrow down choices based on factors such as the country, university rankings, program structure, and overall suitability.
Application Assistance: The application process for foreign medical schools can involve extensive paperwork, including admission forms, visa applications, and documentation. Consultants streamline this process, ensuring that all requirements are met and deadlines are adhered to.
Financial Guidance: Studying abroad involves various costs, including tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses. Consultants provide guidance on budgeting, scholarships, and financial aid options to ease the financial burden.
Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival Support: Consultants assist with pre-departure preparations such as accommodation arrangements and travel plans. They also offer support upon arrival, helping students adjust to their new environment and addressing any issues that may arise.
Making the Most of Your MBBS Journey Abroad
Once you’ve secured a place in a medical program abroad, there are several ways to make the most of this opportunity:
Immerse Yourself in the Local Culture: Embracing the local culture and healthcare practices can enhance your learning experience and help you adapt more quickly.
Build a Network: Connect with fellow students, faculty, and professionals in the field. Networking can provide support, open doors to research opportunities, and offer valuable insights into the medical field.
Stay Focused and Motivated: Medical education is demanding, and studying abroad adds another layer of challenge. Stay focused on your goals, manage your time effectively, and seek help when needed.
expertmedicos is the foremost destination for aspiring medical students in Jaipur seeking to pursue their MBBS studies abroad. As the leading MBBS abroad consultants in Jaipur, we provide comprehensive guidance and support to help students realize their dream of studying medicine internationally. Our team of expert consultants offers personalized counseling, assists with university selection, visa application, and ensures a smooth transition for students. Visit our website to take consultants.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
German town stops accepting Ukrainian migrants
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/german-town-stops-accepting-ukrainian-migrants/
German town stops accepting Ukrainian migrants
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The large influx has made it difficult to integrate them into society, the authorities in Pirmasens have claimed
The southern German town of Pirmasens has stopped accepting Ukrainian migrants after greatly exceeding the admission quota, the media outlet Tagesschau reported on Friday, citing the local authorities. Ukrainian migranst in Germany can choose freely in which city or district they want to live. However, to ensure that municipalities are not overwhelmed, a quota system is in place to regulate the distribution of Ukrainians among the federal states. In the state Rhineland-Palatinate, where Pirmasens is located, any town or city that exceeds the acceptance quota by 40% is officially allowed to reject them. The local quota was exceeded by 82.6% in July, which has led to a “dangerous overburdening” of the town, the Pirmasens administration said in a statement. It added that the steady influx of migrants has been making it difficult to “sustainably” integrate all the newcomers. The halt on admitting new refugees will be in force until further notice, while those turned away will be referred to the nearest initial reception center for distribution within the state. The decision comes with certain exceptions, however. For instance, the town will continue to accept Ukrainians who meet the criteria of “having a positive effect on integration,” such as those already with housing, a job, or income that covers living expenses.
Read more
Ukrainians must work – top German MP
Pirmasens, which is located near the German-French border, has a population of roughly 41,000. According to the local authorities, the city has accepted nearly 900 Ukrainians since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022. Rhineland-Palatinate has been facing difficulties accommodating Ukrainian refugees. Last month, five out of the state’s seven collective municipalities raised the alarm because their capacities to take new migrants were exhausted. Germany has been among the top EU destinations for Ukrainians due to the generous benefits it offers. Apart from the temporary protection status introduced by the European Council, which grants migrants from Ukraine the right to an extended visa-free stay, accommodation, medical care, employment, and education, Ukrainians in Germany are entitled to a ‘citizen’s benefit’ of €563 ($610) per month – a level of support markedly higher than in other EU states.
READ MORE: EU states have taken 430 children from Ukrainian refugee families – media
A total of around 1.3 million Ukrainian migrants were residing in Germany as of March of this year, according to official statistics, a figure that represents roughly a quarter of the bloc’s estimated total of 4.3 million. However, according to media reports, local authorities across the country have been urging the federal government to abolish these benefits in order to stop the flow of refugees and persuade newcomers to find jobs and better integrate themselves into German society.
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Why Studying MBBS Abroad is a Great Option for Indian Students
For many Indian students aspiring to become medical professionals, studying MBBS abroad has become an increasingly attractive option. The decision to study MBBS abroad offers numerous benefits, including access to high-quality education, affordable tuition, and diverse cultural experiences. Here's why pursuing an MBBS degree abroad might be the right choice for you and how it can impact your medical career positively.
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Advantages of Studying MBBS Abroad
1. High-Quality Education: Medical universities abroad are renowned for their world-class education and advanced teaching methodologies. By choosing to study MBBS abroad, students can benefit from cutting-edge facilities and a robust curriculum that prepares them thoroughly for a medical career. Many of these institutions are globally recognized, adding significant value to your degree.
2. Affordable Tuition Fees: One of the compelling reasons to consider MBBS in abroad for Indian students is the affordability compared to private medical colleges in India. Countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines offer medical education at a fraction of the cost, making it a financially viable option for many students. This affordability extends beyond tuition fees to include lower living expenses.
3. Diverse Cultural Exposure: Studying medicine in a foreign country provides invaluable cultural experiences. Engaging with different cultures and lifestyles enriches your personal growth and broadens your understanding of global health issues. This exposure not only enhances your medical knowledge but also improves your adaptability and communication skills.
4. English-Medium Programs: Many medical schools abroad offer MBBS programs in English, which is particularly beneficial for Indian students. This eliminates the need for additional language proficiency exams and allows you to concentrate on your studies. The availability of English-medium instruction makes it easier to integrate and excel in your medical education.
5. International Recognition: Degrees from prestigious international medical schools are often recognized worldwide. This international recognition means that once you complete your MBBS abroad, you can practice medicine in various countries, provided you meet local licensing requirements. This flexibility can open doors to diverse career opportunities across the globe.
6. Practical Training and Internships: Medical programs abroad often include extensive practical training and clinical rotations. This hands-on experience is crucial for developing your medical skills and understanding real-world medical practices. Many institutions have affiliations with renowned hospitals, providing additional exposure to advanced medical techniques.
7. Streamlined Admission Process: Compared to the competitive admissions process in India, many universities abroad offer a more straightforward application process. This can simplify your path to securing a place in a preferred medical program, often without the need for entrance exams or high cut-off scores.
How to Choose the Best Option
When considering studying MBBS abroad, it's essential to research and select the right destination and program that fits your needs. Factors to evaluate include the university’s reputation, the quality of the medical program, the cost of living, and the language of instruction. Countries like Russia, Ukraine, China, and the Philippines are popular among Indian students for their affordable and high-quality medical education.
While finding the best MBBS abroad consultancy can help streamline the process, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and make informed decisions based on your personal goals and circumstances.
Final Thoughts
Deciding to study MBBS abroad can be a transformative experience that offers significant educational and professional benefits. With careful planning and research, you can find a program that aligns with your aspirations and sets the stage for a successful medical career. Embrace the opportunity to study medicine in a global context and open doors to a world of possibilities.
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study-mantraoverseas · 2 months
Discover Your Ideal University for MBBS Abroad with Studymantra Overseas 
Unleash the Potential of Studying Medicine Internationally
In the competitive world of medical education, finding the right university can be a game-changer for your career. At Studymantra Overseas, we understand that the journey to becoming a medical professional involves not just securing admission but also ensuring a smooth transition into your new academic environment. With over a decade of expertise in the field, our dedicated team of education consultants is here to guide you through every step of your study MBBS abroad journey.
Why Choose to Study MBBS Abroad?
Advantages of Pursuing Medical Education Overseas
Studying MBBS abroad offers several distinct advantages that are often unattainable within the confines of domestic institutions. These benefits include:
Global Recognition of Degrees: Universities abroad are recognized by prominent international bodies such as the Medical Council of India (MCI), World Health Organization (WHO), Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), World Federation for Medical Education (WFE), Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), and International Medical Education Directory (IMED). This ensures that your degree holds value not just in India, but in over 142 countries worldwide.
Affordable Education: With rising fees and fierce competition for seats in Indian medical colleges, many students find studying medicine abroad a cost-effective alternative. International institutions often offer more affordable tuition fees and lower living expenses compared to private medical colleges in India.
Diverse Educational Environment: Studying abroad provides exposure to diverse medical practices and cultures, enhancing your overall learning experience and preparing you for a global medical career.
High-Quality Education: Many foreign universities offer cutting-edge facilities, experienced faculty, and a curriculum that meets international standards, ensuring that students receive a top-notch education.
Popular Destinations for MBBS Abroad
Explore Top International Locations for Medical Education
When it comes to selecting a destination for your MBBS studies, certain countries stand out for their exceptional educational standards and welcoming environments:
Georgia: Known for its high-quality medical education and affordable tuition fees.
Ukraine: Offers a range of universities with globally recognized degrees and a supportive student community.
China: Features numerous top-ranked medical universities with modern facilities.
Russia: Provides a broad selection of medical programs with a focus on practical training.
Kyrgyzstan: Known for its low-cost medical programs and favorable living conditions.
Nepal: Offers quality education with a culturally familiar environment.
Bangladesh: Combines affordable education with recognized medical degrees.
Armenia: Provides access to quality education and practical medical training.
Kazakhstan: Known for its modern medical institutions and supportive student services.
Studymantra Overseas :-Your Trusted Partner in Medical Education Abroad
Comprehensive Support for Your Medical Journey
At Edurizon Pvt. Ltd., we are committed to facilitating every aspect of your study abroad experience. Our services include:
University Selection: We help you choose the best medical university that aligns with your career goals and budget.
Admission Assistance: From application submissions to interview preparations, we ensure a smooth admission process.
Visa Processing: Our team assists with visa applications, ensuring compliance with international travel regulations.
Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival Support: We provide guidance on travel arrangements, accommodation, and adaptation to your new environment.
Budget-Friendly University Options
Optimize Your Education Investment
Selecting a university that fits your budget is crucial for managing the financial aspects of studying abroad. Considerations include:
Tuition Fees: Evaluate the overall cost of education and compare it with your financial resources.
Living Expenses: Factor in the cost of living in different countries and cities.
Scholarships and Financial Aid: Explore available scholarships and financial aid options that can help reduce your educational expenses.
Start Your Journey with Studymantra Overseas
Embark on your path to becoming a medical professional with confidence and clarity. Join the ranks of successful Indian students who have achieved their dreams with the support of Studymantra Overseas. Contact us today to learn more about the opportunities awaiting you and take the first step towards a rewarding medical career abroad .
Your dream of studying medicine abroad is within reach. Let Studymantra Overseas . be your guide to a successful and fulfilling international education experience .
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