#Me who used to watch a bunch of scammer phone call prank videos: Oh no
rubberduckyrye · 2 months
Hey so like. I'm just gonna be real with all of you for a sec cause this popped up on my dash and I just want to warn everyone
If you get an ask from a blog that's got barely any posts begging for donations, stating that they are Palestine refugees in need of necessities that can only be obtained through financial means... it's 99.9% likely to be a scam.
A real person in need wouldn't be turning to tumblr for financial aid--they would be looking to other programs and social media websites, or especially the reddit dedicated to donation drives, and not tumblr which has no way to promote a successful donation drive other than "word of mouth" (reblogs)
Also, they would probably be looking for food, water, and shelter--not necessarily financial resources at this time.
I know it sucks that these people are weaponizing the war and using your empathy to steal from you, especially when you can't ever be 100% sure the asker is a scammer or a real person who maybe doesn't know there are better websites to ask... but it's better to donate to places you KNOW are legitimate rather than give some greedy bastard your money to run off with.
Please, PLEASE be careful when you click on links and answer/reblog those asks.
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