#Mca64 launcher 2.0
ctgreys · 2 years
Mca64 launcher 2.0
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nnounced this week tht they will not proceed with their plnned record opertis merger. Pge 42 Newsstnd Price $3 50 RADIO & RECORDS Polytrm, Wrners Drop Merger Plns PolyGrm nd Wrner Bros. Pge 4 SUMMER COUNTRY RATINGS SCOREBOARD L Helt checks out Country's rtings performnce in the summer books, mrket -by -mrket. Pge 23 FCC FINES 3 STATIONS The Commissi dished out $40,500 worth of fines to 3 sttis this week, including three $0,000 levies. Pge 2 HOLIDAYS: SALES BONANZA Dwight Cse emphsizes the need to pln hed for the extr benefits holidys cn bring your stti. VP t Msl Chet Trt VP t Blir Rdio Stn Snyder VP t Mnhttn Thoms Lnd WTIX PD Scott McCloud PD t KCNR Steve Grmzy PD for WYMJ Pge 3, 28, 34 PROMOTING NETWORK PROGRAMMING Reed Bunzel lerns how networks nd progrm suppliers re working with sttis to promote their specil progrmming nd dd tht extr edge of ppel. Pge 0 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK Steve Downes GM t WISN & WBTT Kevin Sutter Chryslis Nt'l LP Promoti Director Susn Bice VP At Aries Phil Roberts Sr. Pge 35, 44 RATINGS DIARIES AUSTRALIAN STYLE Jhn Hiber exmines the McNir Anders rdio listening diry, which bosts n 80% usble return rte from Austrlin prticipnts (double wht Arbitr receives here). Menwhile, WSFM/Hrrisburg sets up comprehensive promoti to help reunite missing kids with their prents. uthorities gng up to defuse the dngerous situti. Pge 36 RADIO'S POSITIVE SOCIAL ACTIVISM Following numerous incidents of gng -relted shootings, KDAY nd L.A. 1 ISSUE NUMBER 559 THE INDUSTRY'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER NOVEMBER 9, 984 I N S I D E: EXECS CITE AOR MONEY POWER AOR is in gret finncil shpe, ccording to top executives from Tft, Infinity, Shmrock, nd other successful opertis.
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