#Mazino Urek
ydotome · 1 month
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I'll play with you, baby. - Kami no Tou S2 - Episode 6
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luclfrog · 2 months
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I made this in celebration for the release of season 2 🔥
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waitingforsecretsouls · 3 months
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nonotoff · 1 month
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Emily Mazino my beloved
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the-messenger-hawk · 2 years
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tog crew have some thoughts on kids
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ureksbaby · 8 months
is this love?
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summary : urek mazino trying to understand love
type : short fic
w.c : 1k
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urek thought he loved women. small women, tall women; quiet women, feisty women; weak women, strong women. urek would say that he had a space in his heart for all of them. he had space for those that didn’t know him well, and so adored him. he had space for those that did know him, and so didn't. it didn’t matter to him, his heart was an overflowing void ready to share its space with any and all.
he was shameless in his love. for why should he be ashamed? his love for women was pure. they were soft, strong, beautiful and worthy of protection from someone like him. he was so full of space to love, so he loved all women, without restraint, showering them in affection. he flirted and courted and dated like it was the only thing he was good at.
being the strongest in the tower garnered a man plenty of attention. there was never a lack of women willing to be on the receiving end of his love. he was kept busy with them, but if it grew boring, he still had plenty to spare for the women who were up for more of a chase. there was enough women to keep him occupied.
then, after he thought that he loved women, he thought that he loved garam. the jahad princess was beautiful, that was doubtless. she was powerful, kind, and just by nature. hidden away, with her two of the 13 month series, she knew how to handle herself - she would be able to handle him. when he met her on the floor of death, he was sure of it: she was the one for him.
but she rejected him, and though he tried to rekindle his previous love for all women, dating any other woman just didn’t do it for him. he couldn't dampen the love he felt with senseless dating anymore. surely, it must be garam.
urek thought he simply loved women. urek thought he loved garam jahad. urek thought his barren heart would forever be full of space for others to love.
until he met you.
urek didn't know what it was about you. you were only a regular, residing on the 53rd floor after giving up on your ascent of the tower. at first, there didn't seem to be anything particularly special about you, but somehow urek knew.
perhaps it was the way that, while others may have be blessed with sun-kissed skin, you shone greater and warmer than the sun itself. he wondered if all those that were beautiful had simply come into contact with you and you had shared your beauty with them, like the sun shares light with the moon. it felt sinful to look at you. all children are told not to stare at the sun, but he is unable to listen when the sun in question is you. if staring at you meant going blind, he would stare until the image of you was permanently burned into his memory.
others may call the moon beautiful, but urek was sure that the moon only moved the tides to show you your own reflection in the waves, to witness the beauty you shared with it.
perhaps it was the sound of your voice; the way it said his name, like birdsong. the way you greeted him after a long time apart, asked him about his journey. you always seemed so eager to hear about him, when all he wanted was to hear your voice until the end of time. even the tower seemed to still when you spoke, as if craning to listen. however, he would oblige you, only in hopes of making you laugh.
urek would gladly never hear anything ever again if it meant he could always be blessed by the melody of your laughter.
perhaps it was your kindness, your selflessness, your unending capacity to love what others may consider unlovable. he watched you nurture the smallest plants into the biggest and beautiful flowers (he would say most, but they would have to compete with you for that title). he watched you nurse the weakest of cubs on the 53rd floor, until they were hideous, ferocious beasts, yet you never cowered from their ugliness. you even loved him, letting him into your home: caring, doting, nurturing.
it was rotten work, loving him, urek was sure. selfishly, he would allow himself to soak in whatever bliss you had to offer him for as long as you were willing to draw him up a bath of it.
urek knew that he loved you. he was sure. he knew that he was surely in love when he presented you with a barracuda scale, a memento of his sobriquet
'a piece of me to keep you company while i'm away.' he had told you.
'i'll keep it close to my heart, then.' you had replied.
however, despite him being completely sure this time that he was in love with you, there was a nagging fear that remained. he had thought he loved all women; he had thought he loved garam; what if he only thought he knew he loved you?
he sought out the advice of those he could think to be helpful.
he asked yuri, what she thought of his love for you.
she had raised an eyebrow,
'you? love a regular? pfft, yeah right. that's just some weird perverted fantasy of yours.'
maybe yuri was right. it felt fantastical to be around you. it felt almost unreal. could any living being be so lucky?
he also asked garam.
she had scoffed,
'well, if your 'love' for me was anything to go by, then i wish the poor soul luck.'
was garam right? was being loved by him really such a curse?
finally, he asked baek ryun, confessing his troubles to his best friend,
baek ryun had sighed,
'i think you're asking the wrong people.'
ryun was right. he was asking the wrong people. he needed to ask you.
so, urek returned to you at your cottage on the 53rd floor, surrounded by the biggest and (not quite the most) beautiful flowers, guarded by hideous, ferocious beasts. he heard your greeting of welcome like bird song when he entered. he took in your beauty that shone with all the intensity of the sun when he laid eyes on you. with his overflowing heart now void of any space left for loving anything else in the world, he asked you,
'y/n, is this love?'
to which you smiled, cradling his face in your tender, loving hands, and simply replied:
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tash-sho-sho · 2 months
I'm SO excited for season 2 of Tower of God, and I hope, HOPE they don't try to do the same thing as season 1 where they put like 78 chapters in 13 episodes.
I want to see Karaka and of course, more of my beloved Yuri, she has been one of my favorite characters since I first saw her! Ugh. Urek is a MUST, however.
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In fact, there are many chacater I want to see animated, but they most likely won't show up until season 3 or 4. That's why I'm begging to the tower/gods/Jahad to make this anime a success because if not, I'm going to cry on a corner.
Also, have anyone noticed the differences between season 1 and season 2? They look a "lil" different.
Tumblr is acting up so I can't show it, but anyway, it's very drastic!
I'm excited for this new season☆
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secretsoffish · 2 months
Urek Mazino and Garam Jahed would be that couple that breaks up and gets back together every other week. In my mind Hell Joe didn't lose his memories and he's like their friend who they force to be mediator. Garam gets mad and Is like "I'll just take HELL JOE to this event instead". Like Garam and Urek are together and Hell Joe is Also There.
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meliohy · 6 months
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Just two high ranker besties hanging out
Ref under the cut
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clyde-wy · 4 months
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We're joining the Wolhaiksong with this one!!
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qweaenr · 2 years
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grimmscythe · 9 hours
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My new favorite hoodie
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Zahard downplay is crazy. I'll grant Phantaminum (though regardless of how easily he could have defeated Zahard, fact of the matter is also that for some reason he didn't *shrug*). But Enryu (in its extent) and Urek?
Enryu fought an Admin (whom I, and that's just my personal opinion, believe to not be categorically more powerful than fully realized Irregulars outside of their supposed administrator monopoly over shinsu and its distribution, at least no to the point of categorically out fire - powering said Irregulars) and some fodder but people make the gulf between him an Zahard akin to heaven and earth (nevermind that Enryu is not an administrator, so the whole "but he killed one, and SIU said Zahard could never do it!" is somewhat of a false equivalent to draw for a hypothetical Enryu and Zahard battle. Anyone remember the whole "King of the Tower" Zahard deal, granted said position by virtue of the administrators? Of course he couldn't kill an administrator, he's the Irregular with the most known administrator contracts ("shackles") out of them all).
Mind you, I'm not even saying Zahard would win against Enryu or anything, but he IS 1) a fellow Irregular capable of Shinwonryu 2) a physical anomaly and durability machine, so I don't think it's weird to grant him better reaction times and endurance to say, a first volley of "Red Rain", than background rank and file Rankers. He also categorically doesn't underestimate people, even his far younger and inexperienced data only gradually tested Bam because he absolutely trashed him in their first encounter and wanted to have some fun, so it's unlikely Outside Zahard wouldn't realize the threat Enryu poses (SIU did say he had excellent survival instincts as befitting an adventurer) or not start all out. I'd even argue that to Outside Zahard a nearly hopeless fight to the death would be the equivalent of the fun his data self had with Bam, whether he himself has realized that or not (as reckognized by his data <3).
Urek punched through some scenery, fought an upjumped administrator parasite, needing Bam's help for the finish and had an exchange of hits with Luslec who chose to bounce. The fact of this extended battle screentime alone makes it narratively unlikely that Zahard is only going to be slightly more dangerous, because I see no way that wouldn't feel highly underwhelming to the audience. But even with those "feats" trying to argue that he's more powerful and how widespread that opinion seems already is kinda crazy. There's a reason 90% of Urek>Zahard is based on the old blogpost info about Arie Hon saying that Urek was "far better" than him when they fought at his floor (which. Big whoop, so was Zahard, 10:1 in that regard for him, since we're using blogpost info and such).
And again in reverse, I'm not saying Urek is not incredibly powerful in his own right or deserving of his high ranking, simply that he has yet to tangibly demonstrate something that would put, say, his physical strength (something I've surprisingly often seen as the edge people would give him over Zahard, when imo, giving him an advantage in speed seems far more likely, given his signature technique of "firing shinsu at the speed of light" and everything about Zahard's highlighted monstrous strength) above Zahard, who has the entire Princess of Zahard stuff on his side as a "feat" in that regard alone (creating Princesses out of not only Great Family members but even random Towerborn physically superior to all Ten Great Families average and the (physical) equal of Rankers even all the way back on the Floor of Tests with just a little of his power).
I'll also say that the whole concept of "yeah, number 1 and 2 are definitely stronger than number three (this checks out), but ACTUALLY number four was also stronger than number three all along!" (Uhh, what? In that case, don't give Urek a definitive ranking built into the earlierst lore, that so far checks out (Phantaminum>Enryu>Zahard), and make him a Traumerei or something) would just feel...Random. Especially since number three is the primary antagonist of the whole series.
Tldr; I see the gap between Zahard and Urek as likely to be wider than the one between Zahard and Enryu.
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now-a-witch · 30 days
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Plz he is but a baby! Leave him alone! He should be having a nice meal with all his friends who care about him 😭😭😭😭
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the-messenger-hawk · 1 year
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another one o these
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adreamngofdragons · 1 month
Director: Could you perhaps say that word like a normal person?
Urek VA:
No can do
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