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Love 4 One Another or Love 4 Money?
All Tea, All Truth
Tea: Mayte and Tyka are on the outs.
Truth: Mayte wanted Tyka to help her acquire Love 4 One Another Charities. Mayte got her charity legitimate and compliant in order to take over, but Tyka refused!
Tea: Manuela Testolini stole Love 4 One Another.
Truth: Manuela Testolini filed a trademark registration for the words “Love 4 One Another” with the approval of Prince’s family. That’s all! She did not file to acquire Love 4 One Another Charities that was dissolved in 2011. The trademark isn’t the charity name, it’s for the four words only. Manuela filed for the trademark because people were already making merchandise and the family couldn’t do anything until they filed papers in court. (Link: https://trademarks.justia.com/870/15/love-4-one-87015573.html)
The Love 4 One Another handprint designed by Steve Parke was trademarked in 2005, but lapsed in 2008. The handprint was registered in 2010, but in May 2017 became unrevivable. (Link:https://www.trademarkia.com/love-4-one-another-78616776.html)
Mayte could have filed a trademark registration for the words “Love 4 One Another” if she really wanted to. However, she didn’t because she wanted to acquire Love 4 One Another Charities and the money tied to it;money that Patrick Cousins legally has.
Read more about Patrick Cousins at: http://www.citypages.com/news/long-after-they-split-lawyer-patrick-cousins-still-mysteriously-meddling-in-princes-affairs/395002731
#mayte garcia#loveforoneanother#prince#prince rogers nelson#loveformoney#steve parke#maytesrescue#trademark
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🐣 🐰🐇 Happy Easter!! 🐣🐰🐇 Thank you @koabear_bandanas for making us look so super festive! 🐣 #happyeaster #shihtzu #maytesrescue #lhhgrad #easter #eastersunday #easterdog https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQM1_bhRL5/?igshid=10hk03u68cvem
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If you are in this area or can travel there or know someone willing to open their hearts and their home - please don’t let this little one suffer not one more day... he’s just as important as as our very own furbaby...#savealifepetrescue, #maytesrescue, #maytespuppyrescueofinstagram🦮💔💜 (at Westerleigh, Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wwbYClTpTgo_6-OVe6dQTz7SxRFPVEIQut7c0/?igshid=537nkx6dqjht
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💜💜💜 The Beautiful Ones... #Prince @sheilaedrummer & @maytejannell / @maytesrescue 💜 (at East Tanglewilde, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL5Lb0vH6yk/?igshid=2ne2kp9f26x4
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Here's 521st photo art that I create to celebrate the late rock singer @prince early birthday. R.I.P. The King of Purple Rain. @dreamwwe @maytesrescue (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHaognJRap/?igshid=svd5asmo67l1
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@prince 's ex-wife, @maytesrescue , has a new book out where she dishes about the late singer. Find out what the most beautiful girl in the world told us about it TODAY on @thezooonlatv 6pm P/8C/9E on @latvnetwork . 💜💖💙 LIKE AND SHARE! . . #wcw #womancrushwednesday #prince #pop #maytegarcia #wednesday #book #bookstagram (at Los Angeles, California)
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@TracyWashington: Meeting my new #Granddog #Prince my granddaughters new rescue pup for the first time. We had a chat on where his name came from.💜😉 #Prince #PaisleyPark #pets #dogs @maytesrescue https://t.co/4qP7Jwegbc https://t.co/p43BALIoHZ
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How it’s going... Today is 1 month since Virgil came home. He’s adapted well to his new life although unsure he is gaining confidence every day. He’s getting along well with both Gracie and is on the verge (virg?) of playing with Alfie. I’m just smitten with this little #gem. So much to take in, in a short amount of time, for such a little guy, but Virgil Waffles is doing a great job! He sure likes a soft bed!! ♥️♥️♥️ I’m sure glad to give him one (or 100 lol) #swipe for #howitstarted #howitsgoing #virgil #waffles #virgilwaffles #maytesrescue (at Boogie Time LV) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNL33tMh6xF/?igshid=1tttlh3w1ttqg
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Ooh, 👁 4got about this one!! @people @Prince 💜U @maytejannell @maytesrescue 💯👊🏻👼#Prince4Ever (at Berkeley, California)
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dogumantry Jade says goodbye to a couple of friends before she departs tonight to her forever home in Minnesota 🙌🏻🐶🐾✈️🛬🏡@maytesrescue
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So I finally received these two books I order (yes, New books to my collection lol), I have an airfryer that I haven't used yet so I brought a airfryer cookbook to start cooking even healthier. The next book I've always wanted to buy, I always thought the love between Prince and @maytesrescue was a love so pure. I'll be reading both soon. 👍🏻👊🏻🤸♀️📖🙆♀️💜😁 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_L_O0HzRI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7i52qldyk25c
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Once Again For The Lady In The Back Raising That 501(c)3 Designation Letter
Not once did we EVER say you weren’t a 501(c)3. You are. You have a designation letter, which isn’t very hard to get. The IRS asks you for an EIN and Articles of Incorporation. That’s it and they send you a letter saying your entity is recognized as being tax-exempt. However, YOU don’t seem to understand what that means.
Essentially, having a 501(c)3 designation means you can collect donations and tell your donors their donation is tax deductible AND you do not have to pay federal income taxes on your donations or charitable assets TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. This letter does not fulfill each state’s requirements. The IRS says this very clearly in Publication 557, Publication 4220 and Publication 4221-PC. If you were smart, you would tell your friend without benefits that a far better use of his time is to read these manuals for you rather than complaining on social media all day about stuff no one cares about but him.
We know that’s a long shot, but someone in your circle needs to.
At any rate, if you call the IRS and ask specific questions, they will tell you having their designation letter does NOT free you from the responsibility of law in any of the states and if a state REQUIRES you to register with the DOJ to fundraise and accept donations AND if they require certain tax forms be sent to their tax board, you must comply and you are in what ever status IN THAT STATE the Attorney General says you are.
So here is what your former state (CA) says in response to an inquiry: Mayte’s Rescue is delinquent in providing the paperwork necessary to become a registered charitable entity and must cease all funding solicitations from the public until such time it is current. The organization has 60 days from August 30, 2017 to comply or fees, fines and penalties will be assessed for the Rescue itself, Mayte Garcia and all named officers. Even if residing in another state, these will be due and they can place liens on income and property.
Nevada says that Mayte’s Rescue is NOT registered there to fundraise or solicit donations from the public. If doing so, they must register according to state law. It is a simple process. However, if not in good standing in another state, it may be required that the Rescue fulfill the necessary requirements to be in good standing before they will be able to register in Nevada.
The IRS says that the 501(c)3 (which was incorporated in 2012 in CA) has turned in Forms 990 for 2013-2016. However, they have not turned in Form 990 for 2012. Also, the 501(c)3 is not in good standing in California and Florida and is on their way to being the same in Nevada. This could possibly trigger an audit that when all of the above are verified by the IRS, the 501(c)3 can be revoked or suspended.
Mayte is running all across social media waving that letter in the face of those who ask her a legitimate question she cannot possibly answer so she deflects this way. Mayte, we said you were not registered in any state to fundraise, run a raffle or solicit donations from the public. AND YOU ARE NOT. Why don’t you try waving that paperwork around. Show us those papers. SHOW US THE REGISTRATION from Nevada, from Florida, from California. Prove we lied! PLEASE! Or just stop, be a big girl and accept the responsibility. Because if you don’t a lot of people are going to either be asking for their donations back or filing a class action lawsuit you or your partners in crime cannot afford!
We are going to be real clear here: you left CA because you were in trouble there in terms of the registration. You changed the address because you KNEW they told you not to raise money or ask for donations and for some foul reason you seem to think that being in Nevada will keep you from facing the wrath of Xavier Becerra’s office. It won’t, but nice try!
We won’t hold our breath waiting for you to post proof you are registered in any state to fundraise. We know you can’t because we know you aren’t. Hopefully, your donors get wise. The holidays are coming and it is a shame for hardworking people to be swindled out of their money ESPECIALLY when you or Coqui Trust (of which you are the Trustee) could have easily sold one of the $1.5 million properties to fund an animal shelter today and could have 5 years ago. But when dealing with crooks, liars and thieves...
Since people are asking, we will answer some questions and provide resources for them because unlike those in your immediate circle, we know what we are talking about:
How to move a non-profit from one state to another AND fulfill all state level REQUIREMENTS
How to operate in multiple states when incorporated in another (for example being incorporated in CA and operating in Nevada)
One final piece of advice. According to The Foundation Group, an entity of attorneys and others who know how to help non-profits get and stay compliant:
40 states and the District of Columbia require 501(c)(3) organizations to register with their Department of Charities prior to soliciting donations from the public. This department is usually a division of either the Attorney General’s office or the Secretary of State.
You should give them a call, (888) 361-9445. Then you won’t be lying to your potential donors when showing them the 501(c)3 letter because YOU know as well as WE know, they want to see the proof you are registered to solicit donations in CA and Nevada or in any other state! Your “crusaders” are far smarter than you give them credit for.
And rather than hating us for telling you the truth, you might want to LISTEN to us to get yourself and your life straight! Then you can stop running!
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Did someone say three month #adoptaversary ⁉️ Welcome home you sweet gentle shy loving polite #candycorn toothed boy. Your big heart has opened to your siblings and the cuddles are in full force. We all just love you #tothemoonandback Mr. Virgil Waffles #virgilwaffles #maytesrescue https://www.instagram.com/p/CPxFBI_hHmi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hello everyone! If you live in the Las Vegas area and is looking to adopting a pet, come out this Saturday December 9 from 10:30-2:30 pm to Mayte Rescue adoption party at Dog Supplies Outlet! All the info is in this post, also go to @maytesrescue as well! There are also looking for volunteers for the event , if interested please go to Mayte Rescue and Happy adopting!!! #adoption #animalrescue #party #justadopt #lasvegas #maytegracia #prince #lovinghomes #puppies #dogs #warmth #love #happiness #comeout #funday (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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