captainatarime · 9 months
✨ Happy New Year! ✨
(Woah... 2023 its over! i can't believe it heheh!)
(This year, it was the 5th anniversary of the blog, I can't believe that 5 years have already passed since I created the blog on April 25, 2018 :'3! but this year, in addition to the anniversary and advancing a little in the story of Splatoon 3, I created a blog for Alternative Future AU :D!)
(I want to thank you all for supporting and following the blog, you all are awesome 🩷)
(Also, I want to thank all my friends for a wonderful 2023!!!)
@manysquidsandoctos @grandpa-cephalopods @sunshinelulusplatoon @acustardduckling @dat-guy-jimmy @mayifox999-blog @secrettps @dexter-the-inkling-boy
(Thank you so much for everything 💕!!!)
(I hope everyone had a wonderful 2023 and i see you in 2024 for more!)
(✨ Happy New Year! ✨)
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captainatarime · 2 years
⭐ Happy New Year! ⭐
(2022 is over! I still can't believe it's finally over, a lot happened in 2022! I had eye surgery, I graduated from high school and i entered to the university!)
(But some things also happened in the blog! This year was the 4th anniversary of the blog, this year the story of Splatoon 3 began and we are very close to reaching 100 followers!)
(I still can't believe it's been 4 years since I created the blog, and I'm so happy that I did it, I met so many wonderful people, I always enjoy drawing and creating the stories of the characters for the blog! 💖)
(For that, I want to give special thanks to all my best friends!)
@peaachhh @grandpa-cephalopods @warriorsofsplatsville @sunshinelulusplatoon @splatfriends @jay-teh-rednecc @secrettps @mayifox999-blog @apeculiarredsquid
💖 Thank you so much for a wonderful 2022!!! You are the best :3!!! 💖
✨ And I also want to thank all my followers for supporting the blog!!! thank you so much!!! ✨
(Thank you everyone! and I wish you all a Happy New Year!)
✨ Happy New Year! ✨
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captainatarime · 4 years
The dream (Part 1)
It all happened on a quiet night, in a wedding hall, they were celebrating a wedding Everyone was celebrating, dancing and eating, Chris was talking to Mayi and Rayman Atarime was with Octavia at a table, they were eating some of the food "Tavi! Tonight many shooting stars will fall! I want to see them!" Atarime said "No Atarime, you will have to wait until the party is over" Octavia exclaimed while she continued eating "Pleaseeeeeee!" Atarime said "*Sigh* okay, you win, just remember you have to go back before the party's over, okay?" Octavia told her "Yes! Thank you Tavi!!!" Atarime kissed her on the cheek and went to the door that led to the garden of the wedding hall Without anyone noticing, she left the wedding hall to see the shooting stars that would fall that night, at first everything was quiet
"A... ta... ri... me..." She heard a voice calling her, at first she ignored it since she thought it was just her imagination "A... ta... ri... me..." That voice sounded again... this time she decided to go to investigate, she walked near the forest
She listened as someone sang a terrifying melody, she got a little scared, but she decided to keep walking After walking for a while, she found an abandoned cemetery, she looked for the entrance, when she found it she decided to enter
"Ri... ght... He... re..." She heard that voice, she didn't have a flashlight, so the road was very dark, she decided to take a few steps forward
"Keep... wal... king..." She was already scared, when she turned around she realized that the exit was not there, it was as if it had disappeared, she decided to continue walking, in the background she saw a small purple flame "Oh! Maybe someone else is here!" she thought, she thought it was someone with a flashlight that was also in the cemetery, she approached the purple flame, the road was too dark, she almost fell on the road, but she finally got closer Oh no... it wasn't someone else, the small purple flame approached Atarime, she tried to touch it but when she did that, the voice spoke again
"You shouldn't have done that..." After hearing that, multiple purple flames appeared out of nowhere and headed towards the exit of the cemetery, after that a purple ghost appeared, the purple fire showed that it had a human silhouette with eyes totally yellow She saw the ghost go to the exit, The ghost was heading towards the wedding hall, she tried to stop the ghost but the ghost grabbed her with his magic and slammed her against the wall, causing her to fall unconscious due to the strong blow
"Ow..." The sun was barely rising, Atarime woke up to realize that she was still in the cemetery, she realized that she had a large purple stain on her stomach that almost reached to her chest (the small purple flame caused it), she quickly remembered what had happened, and ran to the wedding hall Atarime opened the doors of the wedding halls, everyone was there, some characters were trying to calm the people who were scared by what had happened last night, among the characters were Mayi, Rayman, Molly and Doctavio "That ghost is still out there with everyone's souls! We have to go after him!" Chris exclaimed Atarime tried to look for Octavia among all the people, but she didn't find her, until she saw Xena and went to talk to her "Xena? W-what happened!?" Atarime asked her "W-we were attacked last night b-by some kind of g-ghost!" Xena said, she was about to cry "Where are the others!?" Atarime asked "O-on the top floor, Lulu and Emmy a-are there-" Xena replied Atarime went running to the stairs to reach the top floor "A-atarime! W-wait!" Xena tried to stop her
(Here is the first part of the dream I had! I had to divide the text because it's too long, in a moment I will publish part 2)
Characters that appear in The dream (part 1):
(Mayi and Rayman belongs to @mayifox999)
(Chris belongs to @secrettps​)
(Molly belongs to @splattales)
(Doctavio belongs to @grandpa-cephalopods)
(Lulu belongs to @sunshinelulusplatoon)
(Emmy belongs to @manysquidsandoctos)
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captainatarime · 5 years
Atarime: "WHAAAAT!? SANS!?"
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(Mayi belongs to @mayifox999)
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captainatarime · 6 years
(I made some gifts for all my best Friends!!!)
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(A gift for @sunshinelulusplatoon!!!)
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(A gift for @ask-the-h-bros!!!)
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(✨A gift for @grandpa-cephalopods!!!✨)
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(A gift for @splattales!!!)
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(A gift for @g0ldtr4p!!!)
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(A gift for @mayifox999!!!)
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(And a gift for @manysquidsandoctos!!!)
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captainatarime · 6 years
(I'm back! It was great to be in my first Anime-con with @mayifox999 and @g0ldtr4p!)
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captainatarime · 3 years
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(Happy Birthday @mayifox999-blog :3)
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captainatarime · 5 years
✨Happy New Year!!!✨
(Hi everyone :D!!! Mun talking!)
(The year is over! I would like to say thank you so much to my followers and friends for a wonderful 2019!!!)
(Thank you very much everyone for all the support to this blog :3!!!)
(Oh! Also thanks to @agent-7-at-your-service for giving us the Gold Inkopolis Badge for Top Roleplayer!!!)
(I would like to give special thanks to all my best friends!!!)
@secrettps, @mayifox999, @manysquidsandoctos @xsk-the-haymen-bros, @grandpa-cephalopods, @sunshinelulusplatoon, @splattales, @dexter-the-inkling-boy
(Thank you for everything :D!!! And thank you so much for making this 2019 so wonderful!!!)
(I hope everyone had a wonderful 2019 and see you in 2020!!!)
(Happy new year!!!)
⭐ -Mun ⭐
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captainatarime · 5 years
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(The Cuttlefish Family!)
(There are still more members, but soon they will be added!)
(Request: @mayifox999)
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captainatarime · 6 years
Happy New Year!!!
Hi everyone!!! Atarime-Mun talking!  
I would like to say big thanks to all my followers and friends for an excellent 2018!!! Thank you very much for supporting the blog!
Thank you very much to @agent-7-at-your-service for giving us the Bronze Squid Badge!
Also, I would like to give special thanks to all my best friends who supported the blog and following me!
@grandpa-cephalopods @g0ldtr4p @mayifox999 @sunshinelulusplatoon @splatfriends @manysquidsandoctos @ask-the-h-bros
Thanks for everything :3!!! And for making this an amazing year!!! 
Oh! and also I would like to give special thanks to @grandpa-cephalopods for supporting me in my art and inspiring me to create the blog! Thank you so much :3!!! Thank you for believing in me ;w;
I hope everyone had a great 2018 and have another excellent year!
✨Happy New year!✨
⭐ Atarime-Mun⭐
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captainatarime · 6 years
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► Name ➔ S -... Atarime Cuttlefish
► Are you single ➔ "No"
► Are you happy ➔ "Yes!"
► Are you angry? ➔ "No"
► Are your parents still married ➔ "Yes :3"
► Birth Place ➔ "Calamari County"
► Hair Color ➔ "White with Orange
► Eye Color ➔ "Yellow! With a Star in the center
► Birthday ➔ "January 26"
► Mood ➔ "Happy :3"
► Gender ➔ Female
► Summer or winter ➔ "Summer"
► Morning or afternoon ➔ "Morning"
► Are you in love ➔ "I'm already in a relationship :3"
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ "No longer..."
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ "This is my first relationship"
► Have you ever broken someone's heart ➔ "Yes..."
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ "No?"
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ "Yes!!!"
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ "Maybe I have a fan who admires me too much"
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "Yes... that... night..."
► Love or lust ➔ "Love"
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ "Lemonade!!!"
► Cats or dogs ➔ "Cats :3"
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ "BEST FRIENDS!!!"
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "???"
► Day or night ➔ "Day"
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ "No"
► Fallen down / up the stairs ➔ "No... yet..."
► Wanted something / someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "What?"
► Wanted to disappear ➔ "No"
► Smile or eyes ➔ "Smile :3"
► Shorter or Taller ➔ "Taller"
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ "Intelligence"
► Hookup or relationship ➔ "Relationship"
► Do you and your family get along ➔ "Yes :3, I love my family very much"
► Would you say to have "messed up life" ➔ "No"
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ "No"
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ "No"
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ "What? No"
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ "Yes :3!!!"
► Who is your best friend (s) ➔ "Oh well where I start..."
Octavia,Pearl, Xena, Violet, Thalia, Tartar, Jackie, Daisy
I also have many friends in other dimensions and my friends from my school :3
► Who knows everything about you ➔ "Octavia"
Tagged by: @jester-insanity
Tagging: @grandpa-cephalopods @sunshinelulusplatoon @splattales @ask-the-hb-bros @mayifox999 and everyone :3!!!
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captainatarime · 6 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people who you know or seem to have a good heart. If you get five back then you must be pretty awesome! 💖 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✧💕✨💜
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captainatarime · 6 years
01 , 07?
01: What should we call you?
(Well, @g0ldtr4p and @mayifox999 call me "Star")
(It's okay if someone calls me Star :3)
07: What languages do you speak?
(Actually... I also speak Latin Spanish)
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captainatarime · 6 years
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(@mayifox999​ I love your draw!!! Thank you so much for this gift!!)
(The Art is From: @mayifox999)
(Atarime belongs to me!)
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