#Mayhaps they’ll fight a Gorgon at some point
therantingsage · 4 years
There is no need to add an excess of worldbuilding. I just don't want the Olsen kingdom to be the only one around as kingdoms need alliances to thrive. Just a mention of other rulers is good. For the deer's name, I'm as stumped as you are. For the A, I have Apollo or Atlas and for the D, the best I could find is Dayax. Dayax is Somali for "moon". Sorry I could not provide much assistance. If you need ideas for story beats or medieval life I can help there.
Hmmm...Atlas Dayax, the Alabaster one
Nah I need to workshop that for a bit to make it sound right. It’s a good start but I need to smudge it around, maybe mix it with Alan Dracula’s name?
Like...Apollan Drayax, Alppan Dayax...not entirely sold on how Dayax sounds but I’ll figure something out. It just sounds like nonsense to me now
Also as a moon god I wanna give AD feathery wings, like a Peryton! I googled them but there wasn’t much lore I could find on Perytons so I’ll just make up my own, especially since a Peryton likely won’t be his true form, just the one he appears as to mortals
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