#Maybe... I dont want to be angy anymore. Maybe i just want to be happy
marymary-diva17 · 10 months
Eywa second chance (3)
neteyam x female aonung + sully family/tonowari family and others
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When someone gets a second chance it means they are give, a chance to redo what they have done in the past. Angi had been given a second chance to save neteyam from his awful death that will come, and make sure everyone has a happy ending as well. Angi was wonderings if she had been deemed worthy of have this second chance or ways the great mother taking pity on her after hearing her cries of pain and lost.
angi " ........" it was early morning and angi had woken up before her father and got ready for the day, she had stuck out of the house making she not to wake anyone at the moment. once she as outside of her family pod she soon walked away from her home.
angi " okay day one of making sure everyone else has a happy future" angi was walking on the shoreline as the waves were rushing on her feet. She didn't know why she was replaying her plan over and over again in her head, she just want to make sure she was doing the right thing. She need to make sure she put everyone else ahead of her verse herself, she need to make sure everyone else was safe.
angi " well I can't stand here all day acting sad for myself ... I need to be do what I can now and deal with the rest later" angi soon decided to start on some task early she just need, to make sure she didn't get caught by any of her siblings or the sully kids. She didn't wish to drag them into any danger right now and she need to more plan, on the others ways to make the dark future some taking hold of everyone life. Angi had decided to go fishing for some breakfast for the family, maybe that had be her first step of being helpful towards her family.
angi " this will be perfect" angi had caught a good size fish and soon head back home, it will be sometime before her parents wake up. So she decided to get the cooking fire started along with everything else.
angi " perfect" the cooking fire burning well as the fish was cooking over it on a stick.
????? " angi"
angi " good morning baba" angi was looking at her father as he entered the commons area room of the family pod.
tonowari " you are up early and making breakfast"
angi " yes I wanted to be helpful as I woke up early" tonowari looked at his daughter as she was poking the fire with a stick, he knew his mates word from last night had bother her.
tonowari " ma daughter you are ...."
ronal " tonowari ... angi"
angi " good morning mother breakfast is ready and the bowls are set"
ronal " thank you and I thought you were still asleep"
angi " no i couldn't sleep anymore and decided to go out for water and caught some breakfast for the family" angi was looking at her parents, as she was making sure the breakfast was cooked right.
ronal " that nice of you"
????? " umm who made breakfast is smells so wonderful" angi soon looked up to see her sibling coming into the common area of the family pod.
tonowari " your sister had woke up early and went caught breakfast for the family"
rotxo " oh really it smells wonderulf I never knew you could cook so good"
angi " thank you well the food ready if you all wish to eat" angi soon got up from her sitting position and was about to leave the home.
ronal " don't you wish to eat with us or have some breakfast I can make, something else for us to eat with the fish"
angi " no I'm good I dont feel that hungry right now"
tsireya " once we are done eating breakfast we can start on our lessons with the sully children"
ronal " angi i hope you will be helping out more these days, young lady you have a duty to yourself and the family"
angi " yes mother I was going to make find a place for our lessons today that will be good" ronal said nothing as she started diving up the breakfast among the family.
rotxo " that wonderful sister we will go get the sully kids and meet you"
angi " okay it going to be near where we were talking yesterday"
ronal " actions are more important than words" angi wanted so badly to say something but knew that will be a bad move, so she soon took her leave from the home. heading towards the location for their lessons.
Sometime later
angi " ........" angi was standing on the rocks as she was looking out on the water.
????? " hey angi: angi soon heard her name getting called she soon turned around to see her siblings and the sully kids making their way towards her.
angi " hey everyone"
tsireya " breakfast was wonderful you have good cooking skills, who ever become your mate sister will be lucky one "
angi " thank you"
kiri " oh boy talk" kiri had rolled her eyes at the whole situation, as she watched tsireya make a funny remark toward angi.
angi " don't worry kiri we can have conversation about anything else if that makes you feel better"
kiri " well I find with any conversation only if it good"
tuk " hey angi"
angi " hello tuk"
tuk " I thought you were not going to be with us for our lesson today, when we didn't see you"
angi " I'm sorry tuk I had left earlier to make sure everything will be good for our lessons today"
kiri " well we are waiting for the boys at the moment ... oh never mind here they come" angi soon looked up to see her brother along with lo'ak and neteyam.
rotox " sister it good we found you when you left early this morning before having breakfast, you really worried us"
lo'ak "who skips breakfast that a good morning meal"
angi " I did I was not feeling that hungry"
angi " okay we should get to the lesson for the day"
tsireya " okay today we are going to working on your guys diving and swim underwater, we need to get you all stronger"
tuk " what if I cant keep up"
angi" don't worry tuk stay by me today and I will help you" tuk soon nodded her head as everyone soon got into the water, and started swimming together. Angi had held out her hand to tuk and the girl soon took it, as the two started swimming in the water. Neteyam was also swimming closer to them taking times to look at them, he will give angi a smirk.
later on that day
tuk " team I'm hungry" the kid had gotten done swimming a while ago and soon decided to ride their IIu.
neteyam " well mom is not home right now hwy don't we get you a snack" neteyam soon grabbed his blade and soon tossed it towards a tree, soon cut fruit free some the branch.
angi " we all can take a break right now we can find something for tuk to snack on as well"
tuk " yes"
lo'ak " hey what are we doing now"
neteyam " taking a break if you dont mind joining us and tuk getting hungry as well"
kiri " that will be good"
tsireya " that a good idea and there a tree over there some some good fruit, that we can snack on as well" the group soon went back to shore the boys wet to get the fruit while the girls stayed at the rock.
neteyam " we are back"
tuk " yeah fruit my favorite"
lo'ak " here everyone take one we have enough for everyone" everyone soon reach out for some fruit but angi, was the last one tp grab anything nut there was only one left between her and neteyam.
rotxo " oh no we missed one"
angi " it okay neteyam you can have it"
neteyam " wait I have a better solution for us both" soon neteyam had cut the fruit in half, making both half equal in sizes for him and angi.
neteyam " you take one half and I take the other half"
angi " i don't want to take ..."
neteyam " have some you been working hard today and helping us out, you deserve some food and you didn't eat this morning as well"
tuk " yes our dad says it not good to skip breakfast as it the most important meal of the day"
angi " okay i will have some thank you" neteyam smiled towards angi and soon sat next to her, as everyone soon started eating their fruit and talking. Angi had made eye contact with neteyam a few times making the boy smile and laugh at the whole thing.The rest of the lesson seem to be going well for the day, as angi was doing her best to be there for her new friends and showing them the ways of her people.
angi " you all did good day with more practice you all will master some of the ways of water"
lo'ak " aww and here I thought we will be learning all the ways"
tsireya " not just yet we are still the youth of the clan we will not, be allowed to learn all the other ways until we are of age"
lo'ak " well I'm fine with waiting"
angi " you are doing well lo'ak there not need to rush into learning all the other stuff, until you are ready for now we should enjoy the lives we are learning"
rotxo " wow that very wise of you sister"
tsireya " yes and they are very impressive and inspiring as well"
angi " thank you" the group had hanged out a bit more together going over the particle until sunset, angi siblings had walked back to the village with younger sully kids. Angi was putting the saddles away that were used for the day.
angi " umm neteyam you don't have to stay you can head home"
neteyam " no I wish to stay and help you after all you done today"
angi " ohh okay"
neteyam " once you are done will youy like to go for a walk with me on the beach" these walks had become something special between the two, as it will give them time to talk about anything they didn't wish anyone else to hear.
angi " sure"
neteyam " good once we are done here we can head off together" angi soon put the last saddle away, as the two of them soon started walking on the beach together.
neteyam " thank you for coming on this walk with me angi, you didnt have you and you could of made up an excuse"
angi " well thank you for inviting me neteyam"
neteyam " you were very amazing out there today angi helping my sibling and I out, that was nice of you ... along with being there for your siblings not that many will do that for us"
angi " well that cruel of them it going to take time of some of this people, to come around but I do have a feeling they will come around but I can't tel when this will happen"
neteyam " thank you angi" neteyam have smirked towards angi making angi feeling like her checks were getting hot, she soon looked away bit making neteaym chuckle at her actions.
?????? "hey you two" the teens soon looked and saw their fathers coming back from the reef, soon Jake and tonowari walked onto the shore.
Jake " I thought you will be at home helping with your siblings and mother
neteyam " oh well I wnated to stay out a bit longer and angi had joined me, after I asked her to come on walk with me"
Jake " is this true"
angi " yes it true sir neteyam asked me to come on walk I said yes"
tonowari " well coming where we are we didn't expect to see our eldest kids out together without, the rest of their group during this time"
Jake " ye si have to agree with tonowari but it good to see you kids getting along and taking time tp spend without other"
neteyam " thank you sir incas going to offer to walk angi home, as we were getting close there as I didn't wish for her to walk home alone"
tonowari " that good of you young man I respect that" neteyam had nodded his head as he was getting praise from Jake and tonowari.
Jake " well neteyam we should be getting home your mother, will have dinner ready and shouldn't keep her waiting"
neteyam " yes father well I see you tomorrow angi "
angi " yes tomorrow neteyam" Jake and neteyam soon bid goodbye to father and daughter pair in respect and got the same respect bakc as well.
tonowari " come on elt get you home your mother and siblings"
angi " yes sir"
tonowari " breakfast was good my daughter you did a wonderful job, and it make me proud of you getting out there more"
angi " thank you baba" angi and tonwari soon reached home to see dinner was ready. ronal and the two other teens were getting the home ready for dinner.
ronal " well it seems like you have been pulling yor weight around and taking your duties seriously ... good but still needs working on if you are ever to be tshaik my daughter"
y/n "yes mother"
tonowari " ronal we can talk about this later right now lets us eta dinner and speak with our children" the family soon sat down for family dinner and ate, angi was hoping she made her family proud today. She was mostly hoping that her parent will see her after all.
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h5eavenly · 6 months
🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️: literally fuck you angie you said hyunjin was gonna get kidnapped and he never did
But also fuck yeosang this is making me wanna scream and cry and hit myself over a hundred times like wtf is he doing does he want me to bring changbin to fight him or something like please for dear life can he stfu and go on his way what is wrong w hin you don't understand the goosebumps and the anger I got when I saw the messages with him.
No because she should really go to the police about this blackmailing because its really not even funny. I wouldn't be surprised if y/ns dad and him were working together because by the seems of it he's just like her dad and maybe just maybe if they do end up together he's eventually gonna get tired of her and go back to yeji..
But please what did hyunjin do to deserve this? He just wants to feel loved, to give love. To be free and spend his days all happy hanging out with his friends and s/o but yeosang is actually so jealous he needs to ruin everything like wtf.
Angie I'm not even joking if the next update is worse than this I'm gonna lock myself up and cry and block you I'm not even joking
you might wanna drop carousel cus i dont know what to tell you anymore😭😭😭😭 because we're diving into the deep end
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timjohns3rd · 2 years
Needing to open up
I know you or anyone will not see this..as everyone has removed me...but I just need to open up and talk and not hold it in.  Which I am glad no one will see this, as I dont want it to feel like trying to guilt anything, just trying to put my words out there.  I did wrong...and I know this.. ultimately I guess it was the ultimate unforgiveable wrong.  I may have thought wrong about Jon early on..due to stupid fear for one... yes some things was my emotions...but ultimately I always cherished the best friendship more than anything, and even early on I never wanted to lose it, no matter what my emotions wanted to think or do.  Coming off from the whole Tim bullshit, it did a doozy on me, as I kept fearing the worse for our friendship, and I misunderstood Jon 1000% then...due to not understanding the lifestyle, or thinking the worse again, without getting to know him.  After our break that November (and even then I thought it was influence when it wasnt), and during the Ohio weekend, I got to learn Jon better and understand. Before that...yes I had bad opinions on him, and at times you (to be fair...there were bad opinions of me before too...but it doesnt make it right)...while I tried to make amends within, it was too late in general.   I feel worse..and trying to get better on my own...but I really am missing my best friend.  Someone that I can talk to about anything...and someone in the last 2 years since Ohio, I only wanted as my best friend (with our usual joking aside).  Never have I had a friend EVER likle you were I can talk to about anything, and even someone that pushes me when I feel like I cant go on anymore.  I got more motivation and compassion from you than “family”, other friends, and even those I was in relationships with.  I have so much good and bad going on...and no one to share it with... like my own place...putting up the tree...the car accident (I was rear ended), and more.  Nikki wrote me off...which I understand...I no longer have contact with Abby and Bella (which hurts)...nor Benji (which MAJORLY hurts)...I do have Pepper...that I had to fight for...but to be fair...I dont want to keep Pepper from them...I still want to work out a trading schedule so they can see Pepper, and I can see Benji
I am no longer in wrestling...but that is because I dont feel safe in it anymore...as some “misfits” like to get involved in personal stuff that doesnt involve them...one argued it does but it doesnt...as much as all his FAILED dating the last 2 years have involved me or anyone outside of him... but it is what it is.  I am still dealing with the med backlash from when everything happened with Angie... I was so scared of myself with the delirium... hearing stuff...doing stuff...etc..and it will take alot of therapy for it..but I am working on this...and havent given up... Im alone..and at first I wanted to go this route...which may be why I tended to push people away...but it hurts more being alone... BUT... I do deserve it... and hope one day to fix everything... Dec is going to be hard for sure...not having the family atmosphere... or even anyone to get gifts for...plus when the 12th rolls around...not having my baby boy around...or my rainbow to get thru that day...
I do deserve this...I really do...in my heart I offer apologies, remorse and everything...maybe one day it will be accepted...know this..I realized how great Jon was... and I am happy you have him and he has you...I wish I saw this BEFORE Ohio...and before letting people get into my head and trying to manipulate me to get what they want...I hope you two have each other for years and years to come... I hope you know that NO ONE can replace you... I love you as the bestest friend I ever had... thru good or bad...thru travels...thru death defying Geocaches... thru loving me when I hated myself... and visa versa...for being my rock (not the one that ran into my car)... my motivation...my shoulder angel... and my life saver still ... Im trying to keep it going...just hope to see you again...  now people may ask why type this when its not going to be read... well..its better than talking to myself or the cat... and better than holding it in...sometimes things have to be let out to heal...no matter the outcome of letting it out
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duckys-stuffies · 3 years
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Me in 2020 vs. me in 2021
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codes · 2 years
Hi Matthew 😺 omg I'm so happy i stumbled upon someone else who likes shu knights and Tsumugi. Tsumugi is also one of my favorite characters i don't know why i don't list him in my about anymore... It's for real so messed up that Tsumugi exists i think if the people who call eichi a war criminal actually read and understood the Tsumugi chapters where natsume confronts him after the Valkyrie execution + the scene where he burns all records of the war they would not know peace. What's your favorite Tsumugi moment :)? Let me try to come up with some more questions aummm. What's your favorite knights story? Have u read lionheart and if yes what do you think about it? What do you think about shu and nazuna (i know i have "i like shunazu" in my about so i just want to add a disclaimer that i like it as a failed broken relationship only I'm not completely crazy) okay bye now good luck at the hospital 😺!
HI ANGIE!!!! 🐣 -relaxing w u under our parasol-
This became long so I’m putting it under a cut I hope these work bc I’m on mobile
I LOVE THAT WE HAVE SIMILAR FAVES I usually feel like I have a rlly weird combination of faves like there’s a concerning amount of red flags there and idk if I’d even follow myself. Put in ur about that Tsumugi is ur fave but he’s like a test subject to u.
Related to the Tsumugi thing but before engstars was released I wasn’t too concerned about ppl not knowing ! lore bc u can technically enjoy !! without it but then I froze up in bed two days ago bc I realized that nobody would know about meteor impact, no one has read the main story, no one has read element, MILKY WAY, MARIONETTE, CHECKMATE. which isn’t essential reading but it rlly does expand your understanding of the characters and their growth (when akira decides that it matters, i hate that man). I saw someone say that eichi manipulated Tsumugi into following him which was endlessly funny like Tsumugi did all of that himself like he knew damn well what was happening. This was literally him watching it all go down.
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He’s OUR problematic fave.
Unmmm fave mugi moment… HARD CHOICE but it’s not a particularly popular scene and I don’t have a screenshot on me (I checked :[ ), it’s the one where Tsumugi is talking to Izumi and he’s like “I really admire you for being able to talk to someone who so clearly hates your guts ^_^” and Izumi gets Pissed. If I ever find it I’ll probably post it bc it pleasantly cheeses me
I DONT KNOW IF I HAVE A FAVE KNIGHTS STORY im a failure of a stan bc college had been rlly busy and I couldn’t read a lot of them before they were snapped out of existence but for now it’s checkmate but there’s a good chance that’ll change since now I have time to read more. And I haven’t read lionheart -gripping the soil and letting the tears run down my face- i want to read it so bad.
SHUNAZU I saw that and i was like woaahh bc there’s so many ways that it can go and I don’t think it’s particularly popular (or maybe I’m wrong and I just haven’t rlly looked around). I have a lot of thoughts about Shu but none of them are normal. My friend rlly likes nazuna so I enjoy him vicariously through her. Shu and nazuna together in the same room tho hrmmm I like the thought of them meeting me in like a grocery store and Shu wants to hide in the bathroom. I think what happened between them is tragic and one time my friend said exvalk was their height and now their music is missing that vital piece that they once had which is an interesting take but I see it more like what happened was necessary for the both of them. They wouldn’t have grown either musically or as people if they stayed together in their unit. I think exvalk was the peak of their lowest moment but i might be wrong, i just like Saying whatever. Booo Get this loser off the stage!!! -throwing tomatoes at Matthew-
I wish I had more to say but that’s rlly my take on it for now :)
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years
Finding Home
A/N: HIIIIIII IM BACK BOIS! Anyways this is a shorter chapter I didn’t wanna mess with outline so you get tiny chapter. sooo woot woot for like barely 2k words? But like the doc im writing this on is at like 19k and 29 pages i am in shock. trying to get back a consistent updating with this so uh yeah dont keep your hopes up tho- working on ch. 7 rn hope you enjoy! As always betaed by the glorious @bookwyrminspiration
words: 2208
tw: none
wattpad ao3
Chapter 6: These Secrets Stain Us Red
They had gotten off the bus at the last stop before Kull, stepping out into the cold air. Sophie glanced at the trees in the distance turning orange and yellow. Distantly, she remembered when she was younger this was her favorite season, how the leaves would fall and crunch at her feet, and how it was actually somewhat bearable to be outside. She smiled at the memory as she held Linh’s hand, walking quickly to the gas station, her stomach already grumbling.
“Linh?” a voice called from behind them as they stood in line. Linh swung around, trying to find the source of who called her, nearly startling Sophie into almost dropping her water. The mystery person stepped out from behind a small cluster of people with an overly energetic wave. “Linh! It is you!” he called.
Sophie watched as Linh’s eyes landed on the man and her whole expression shifted. As opposed to the man’s own happiness, Linh seemed to put a wall between her real emotions and the rest of the world, her face betraying nothing. “Hey, Sameul!” Linh said in pretend excitement; Sophie knew that her words carried an undertone of malice.
This Sameul was not the man Sophie had seen in the memories, but from Linh’s reaction, he seemed to probably be involved in whatever Linh was in.
“That’s me,” Sameul responded, clearly not getting Linh’s annoyance like Sophie was. “Geez, it’s been what, how many months since I last saw you?”
“Yeah it’s been a while,” Linh said, her shoulders rigid and her jaw set. Who the heck is this guy? she thought. Their name was called and Sameul followed them to go pick up their food. Sophie tried not to feel trapped with the way Linh’s eyes darted.
Sameul smiled ruefully, “Last time I saw you you had a little backpack and were running out the door in the middle of the night.” Linh took in a sharp breath and stuttering to a halt, her tray of food almost dropping. Sophie raised her eyebrows, more confused than ever. There was a beat then a sharp ring interrupted the weighted silence and Linh’s eyes widened with relief.
“Oh Sam, I’m sorry, that’s her sister calling. She’s really gotta take that. Why don’t you come with me?” Linh asked, more of a command than a suggestion. Reluctantly, Sophie pressed accept on her phone, ready to unleash the crazy whirlwind of shit that she had found out on one completely unprepared Amy. “What up checking in blame Tina she was worried,” Amy said, boredom concealing her concern.
“Uhuh sure Tina was worried,” Sophie chuckled. “Anyways, Linh is being super suspicious.”
Amy made a startled noise, “O-okay then so not well.” 
Sophie nodded even though Amy couldn’t see her, “Yup, also uh side note, totally did not watch another one of her memories.” “Sophie! It’s like you’re trying to do it on purpose!”
“It was an accident I swear!”
“Mhm, yeah, definitely.”
Sophie grumbled, “Oh screw off. Anyway, I was in this bathroom and her knuckles were all bloody like she had punched something. And then this guy came in and said that she wasn’t allowed to be reckless anymore, but from what I saw it was like she was living with some other runaway people I guess?”
Amy was silent for a moment. “Well damn.”
“Yeah,” Sophie agreed. “You shoulda seen her when this guy recognized her while we were getting food; she got like scary tense and for a moment I thought she was gonna water power him.” “Water power him? Really? That’s what you’re calling it?” Amy said. Sophie could practically hear her raising her eyebrow. “At that point just call it water bending.”
“I refuse to call it that.”
“How dare you; you’ve disrespected our childhood.” Sophie laughed. “But seriously,” Amy continued, and she knew she wasn’t going to like what she was going to say next, “Soph, what happened to telling her about the memories? Instead, you just spied more.” “She’s the one with the sketchy past!”
“That you don’t have any right to!”
“She’s been weird and I need to figure out why. Once I do I’ll tell her everything.”
“No, you don’t need to figure it out yourself! You need to talk to her and she will tell you if she’s ready to.” “Don’t tell me what to do Amy. She lied to me. The first night we were together we talked about how we got here and she lied to me like it never happened.”
“This isn’t war Sophie. Just because you’re scared, just because she lied doesn’t mean you get to invade her privacy. She’s not the enemy Sophie, she’s your girlfriend.”
Sophie hung up and her phone buzzed twice more while she watched Linh walk back over to her. This wasn’t Amy’s problem, this wasn’t Amy’s life, so screw her for trying to tell her what to do. She had the abilities and she was sure as hell going to use them. “Sam left,” Linh said with a clearly fake smile. “Said he should probably get back on the bus and didn’t want to intrude.”
At that Sophie raised an eyebrow, she didn’t need to use her telepathy to know it was a lie.
Stepping on the bus felt like placing the weight of the world on her shoulders. She knew that man was something to Linh, or Linh was something to him; maybe he was what Linh was running from. She didn’t have regrets when she reached carefully out to Sameul’s mind and glanced at what he said to Linh. Maybe she should’ve regretted it, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She needed to know, when she had left the Lost Cities it was her way of saying “I will not be lied to even if it seems better that way”. So much had been kept from her and here she was, getting things from the source instead of waiting for someone to tell her.
The words, “You haven’t changed Linh,” rang in her ears as she pulled back, not letting any emotions show on her face as Linh followed behind her. Linh didn’t say anything so Sophie didn’t say anything and they settled into a tense silence as the bus around them buzzed with noise. Sophie tried to think of something to say as the words played on repeat in her head but Linh beat her to it.
“You never told me much about Mari, about what she means to you,” Linh said. Each word seemed rehearsed as if she had said it in her head a thousand times before speaking the words into existence. “I didn’t know you cared,” Sophie responded quickly before she could think it through.
“Tell me about Mari?” Linh asked softly.
Despite what Sophie was hiding from Linh and what Linh was hiding from her, she couldn’t stop herself from talking. The words may have meant nothing as she rambled on about her life there, only meant to be a distraction, but she let them spill from her lips without hesitation. She talked of Tommy, Angie, and Mari, of her weekly game nights, of the regulars at the diner. The people she had come to love yet when the time came she didn’t hesitate to leave ‘cause she was scared. Scared of the permanence of it, scared she’d lose herself in the dream of it. And how when she burned those bridges all she felt was a gaping hole in herself. As she talked she thought of the people she had left in the Lost Cities; how she burned it all like she had when she was young and reckless and angry burning her mark, the moonlark, into the ground desperate to prove something, desperate to mean something. But now she was afraid of that, tearing everything to shreds, burning it to ashes because she didn’t know how to mean something to someone. She thought of what Amy had said and briefly wondered if she would ever be able to just talk about something instead of treating everything as a mystery she was destined to solve. Eventually, her words lulled Linh to sleep and she let out a soft sigh of contentment as she laid her head on Sophie’s shoulder. Sophie glanced at Linh, only allowing herself a quick look at her girlfriend’s soft and relaxed face before staring out the window watching the gravel pass, not allowing herself time for her guilt and sadness to rise. She wasn’t allowed those feelings. With every fiber of herself Sophie dreaded and couldn’t wait for the moment they stepped off of the bus into Kull, the town with as weird of a name as people.
An hour later, as the sun started to fall behind the trees and the sky began to turn dark, that moment came and Sophie found her entire body filled with anxiety. They made their way to the front, Sophie in front of Linh, her hand stretched behind her holding Linh’s hand like a lifeline.
They were the only ones getting off and within seconds they were left standing on the dirt road, the bus was long gone. The air was cold, and the wind blew lightly, tossing around Sophie’s ponytail. Neither spoke to the other, standing in silence, staring at the buildings in front of them. It felt like they’d break a spell if they moved, if they talked, so Sophie didn’t. But Linh did (a spell didn’t need to last an eternity in her mind, just for the moment that it was intended for). Linh squeezed Sophie’s hand three times, dragging her out of her haze to stare at Linh confused.
“It’s a human thing,” Linh said sheepishly. Distantly Sophie remembered Amy teaching her, three squeezes, “I love you”. Four squeezes back and Sophie had said, “I love you too.” She didn’t have time to think if it was a lie because with that she started walking, entirely on autopilot, the familiar route to Mari’s house ingrained in her mind. It was after hours, so there’d be no point going to the diner. So she dragged Linh down main street, taking a left about halfway down, and then it was another block til she found herself outside the door on the white porch of the bright mobile home with her whole body buzzing. It was almost too much to be there; staring at it again it was like nothing had changed. But something had, because she didn’t have a key, and so she knocked with all of the impulsive courage she had left.
Three rapid knocks.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five seconds.
The door opened with a creak.
It wasn’t Mari.
There was a man, about her height, hair pulled in a bun and silver bangs over glasses. He was familiar, why was he familiar? Linh drew in a harsh breath of air and squeezed Sophie’s hand as tight as she could. That was when the puzzle pieces fell into place. That’s when it all made sense. The man standing in front of her was someone she hadn’t seen in two years other than in the memories she had unrightfully stolen from him. The man standing in front of her, still with his signature silver, was Tam Song.
Amy’s phone buzzed next to her, pulling her away from rereading her homework question for the eight time. Ever since Sophie’s call and her following silence Amy couldn’t focus; she tried to distract herself, and pulled herself away from texting Linh and telling her everything Sophie had told her. It’s not my place, she would think. It’s not part of the plan. Her phone unlocked and she slowly processed the photo and message. It was a picture of Sophie leaning her back against the gas station with her hand holding her phone to her ear. It was just like her co-conspirators to be that dramatic they had to send a photo too.
-Operation Collect the Dumbasses-
Braincell Holder: You know we heard that call. Pure of Heart Dumb of Ass: I thought we said that I would start this conversation? No Thoughts Head Empty: Yeah well you took too long. Braincell Holder: Not the Point. The Mental Stability: And the Point? This felt too pointed, Amy thought. Way too pointed and directed at her. Her phone buzzed again. Braincell Holder: Having second thoughts? Only slightly, Amy thought, but no no this needed to happen. The Mental Stability: No Pure of Heart Dumb of Ass: Thank the fucking ancients we can move on No Thoughts Head Empty: We’ve got a Phase 3 to begin
Phase 3, which they already had planned, would be the hardest to set up. Everything had to be just the right timing and just the right place.
Incoming call from Braincell Holder
Amy smiled as she accepted the call and long red hair popped into the frame. “Where is she?” Amy asked.
The redhead grinned, “She’ll be here in a minute, you know how Mrs. Sparkly Justice is; she’s got meetings but she said she’s got a friend who wants to help.”
Amy smiled, their little band of conspirators and their plan was working better than she could’ve imagined.
“So,” Amy said, “Where do we start?”
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virtuangel · 4 years
bye bye 2020, hello 2021 !!
happy new year everyone!! there’s a lot of people i want to thank for making last year so much more bearable so i tried writing some messages for some of my dearest mutuals this year as well!! (keyword tried because i absolutely cannot put my feelings and thoughts into words. i love you all though and thank you so so so much!!!)
@angelhyunjin : angi!! i know you’re not on here anymore (actually i just found out . i ran to twt to find u as quick as i could!!) but it felt weird not?? putting you on here because you WERE a big part of my year!! i was always excited to chat with you and i rlly rlly loved (still do) seeing your art and your dance covers i can’t believe how talented at both you are!! you are really really lovely and even if it’s been a while i hope you know i still think of you and hope you’re doing well!! this year might have been hard but i hope 2021 will be much nicer to you because you definitely deserve it!! i love you!! 
@cinanamon : stephie!! i think we haven’t talked in a while until we started suddenly bonding over minho but all is well that ends well because now we are the founders of a minho cult and that’s all i could hope for in life i think! we don’t talk that much but seeing your tags in all the minho posts is always a TIME i absolutely love reading them! thank you for being there to lose it over minho, always, but also for being there in general! you are really sweet and i do love to talk to u!! i also know you are a really good writer so i hope 2021 brings you lots of inspiration to write more!! (and i’ll finally catch up on your fics too! hehe) happy new year!! 
@cocogoat : puppy !! i think we haven’t been friends for long actually and that sounds fake because that would mean there was a time i didn’t instinctively check your blog when i woke up in the morning (or the evening let’s be real)?? you are so! adorable and for what!!!!!! i really do love seeing you pop up in my phone notifs and reading your posts even if i dont have any idea what they’re saying half of the time unless it’s dgrp (i cannot believe i have a dgrp friend now. amazing i think i won) u are so funny and so cute and i’m really glad i got to know you because!! you’re such a nice friend that i! love! times can be hard but i hope 2021 is gentle with you because that is! what! you deserve! gentle pats and tight hugs! (maybe that’s why i associate ab6ix’s heaven with you it’s the gentle vibes) <3
@glossiers : miss bri i am in love w u that’s it. no i’m kidding that’s not it i have much more to say . i am in lov w u though #brillie2k21 i think. i think it’s been a surprisingly short time since we’ve actually started talking?? which is kinda crazy if u ask me because?? how the hell did i live my life without screaming BRIIIII whenever i see u on the dash like for real how . that sounds like a life so empty like. that would rlly be missing . something?? anyways u are a dear dear friend that i really really love and i’m sure you know that but i will keep saying it anyway! i’m sure i’m pretty annoying so thanks for putting up with me! and for talking to me! i feel like i’ve said it before but! you are a delight to see on the dash and i lovlovlov talking to u (and sending u pics of my cats, thank u for appreciating them). i still cannot believe u managed to convince yourself i was a hyeongjun stan though. hope i can be convincing enough to clear that up and leave no doubts in your brain this year. anyways i love you and i hope we can continue to be friends and talk even MORE this year!!!!!! happy new year ilu <3
@hwacinth : miss dia my sweet sweet floral nymph real life shirayuki and queen of urls! i am? so so so so so glad that we are friends you literally have my heart it is YOURS i can’t even try to claim it back!! you literally are shirayuki i don’t even know how to elaborate i think it’s just self-explanatory but you are just. such a sweet little sunshine!! it’s like you bring spring everywhere you go!! we could be in a middle of a metaphorical storm but when you appear the skies clear up and flowers bloom wherever you step and i cannot help but smile when i see you online!! thank you so so much for being my little ray of sunshine in these tough times! i hope to see even more of your posts this year!! don’t hesitate to live blog anything you watch in my dms if you feel like you’re posting too much (but i hope you never feel that way because you’re not . love seeing u live post it is absolutely amazing i won’t ever get tired of it)!! happy new year and i love you!! ps only 1 more hour until your birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIA ILUUU <3 I HOPE YOU CAN HAVE A WONDERFUL ONE!! IM SENDING YOU CAKE TELEPATHICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@hwisgf : sorinaaaa! happy new year!! we don’t talk that much but it is always nice seeing you around! you are vv sweet and i really appreciate that, thank you for taking the time to talk to me sometimes!! you are also probably my only fantasy mutual?? which is terrible on one side because i think everyone should stan sf9 but that’s besides the point . i really do love the fact that i at least have u to talk to abt sf9 if need and i LOVE seeing u in love with hwi it is absolutely amazing. i am forever grateful for all the free hwi pics days too!! <3 i hope 2021 can be a year full of happiness for you!! (also that is also besides the point but @ fnc i want an sf9 cb announcement) ILY!! (and so does hwi)
@inkigayeo : miss vivi galaxy brain happy new year!! we only started talking recently but u do have my heart already!! i hope this year treats you well and that we can get to know each other more and be friends hehe!!!! <3 (my other wish is for u to stop breaking my heart with those fake titles. please . why should san NOT come back explain yourself .)
@jeongcheols : mimi . mimi mimi mimi im literally typing this as u are listening to that ten n dj stage ok now it’s kai ok anyways . ANYWAYS i am loving your sm concert live commentary . criminal is sounding amazing taemin is insane indeed (yes i took a break before coming back to writing this) i truly don’t know what to say?? n i have to keep watching the time so that i can scream HAPPY NEW YEAR into the mic in 14 minutes. but like?? i love you?? like. like for real i don’t know what i would’ve done without you?? also it’s weird writing this for tumblr instead of just in your messages (also i can’t focus with idea playing. idea soty). and i mean. you technically know all of this but like?? i can’t believe we’ve known each other for so long but also such a short time at the same time like. what. thank you for being my bestestest friend and my soulmat i don’t think i would’ve been able to remain sane this year (and last year too honestly) if it wasn’t for you?? thank you for always listening to my incoherent rants and i’m always so sorry for spamming you while you’re asleep i know you must wake up to like 150+ messages with absolutely no connection between them and they’re all just so random i truly don’t know how you manage to not get annoyed and to just stay with me all this time i’m- getting emotional. you had a terrible year, i know it! i really do!! and while it might not be looking too bright right now, i hope the universe hears me and treats you much better in 2021 because!! you deserve so much more!! you deserve the world, really!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i would write more really but like what is there to say literally i’m just (your emoji)) i love you for real;;
@nakyngs : ele <3 happy new year!!!!!! we haven’t talked much this year but i do think of u a lot daily i hope you know that!! and i love u a lot! even if i still need to catch up on all your aus </3 i hope 2021 can be a fun and stress-free year for you!! and we should catch up sometime too!! ps i hope your fish are ok
@ncityzen : dear spring fairy!! i already sent you a new year’s message earlier today like what. 6 hours ago but! once again!! i really do hope you can leave the hard times behind in 2020 and only get the best things possible this new year!! i’m always very happy to see you appear on my dash and curious to see your life updates and your random literature-related mini-rants in the tags they are always very interesting to see!! so! hoping to see even more of that this year <3 i hope you know that i love you and i really care about you!!
@woojjongs : MISS IRI! i am screaming this very loud so hopefully u can hear me all the way in canada! okay i had to leave this one for last because i?? don’t really know how to start i’m just a pink glittery puddle with lil hearts flowing in it that is how i feel towards u right now . how does one think and how does one write down their thoughts coherently give me a second. this is going to be a mess maybe u shouldn’t read it (‘accidentally’ forgets to tag u). just know that i decided to play txt’s wishlist to write this and u might be confused by that but all u need to know is that it means i love you very much. OKAY so miss iri you are . such a wonderful pal i truly don’t know what i would’ve done without you like . it would feel so weird not seeing you around tumblr would be so so so so empty i don’t even think you can begin to imagine how empty i’d feel without you around here ksdjbskbds i absolutely adore you but we already knew that. i’m always super excited to see your gifsets and your nonsense!! be it your love for woojong or u missing lim jimin (play m.. 🔪) or your snoo brainrot or hating literally anyone on smtm or whatever else it might be i love it all!! you are so cute and adorable and talented and sweet and funny i cannot believe you also happen to be the prettiest person on earth too. how does that feel! anyways i love you so so so so so much? i keep telling you to hold back from committing crimes but i absolutely WOULD commit a crime for u i really do adore you!! i mean . how many groups did u make me stan . (ok actually i don’t think there’s that many. but STILL) i know i can be super annoying but thank u for taking the time to chat with me nonetheless!! i’m all over the place but . there’s times i come online literally just to check your blog nothing else! i hope we can continue to be friends this year too n perhaps talk more (or the same amount idk please tell me off when i’m too annoying)!! happy new year, i hope it holds wonderful things in store for u!!!!!! and we really are starting off great since victon comeback is approaching <3 (this got way too long i’m so sorry i’ll cut it off now before i write 10 pages)
@xiaocity : miss siya hello hello hello first of all i’m just so very glad that you’re back i l o v e you!!! i love seeing you around be it your gifs or your text posts which yes. i cannot properly understand half of the time but google is my best friend after all! you’re such a wonderful person and i’m just?? really glad to have you around like?? you feel kind of like a cousin i don’t always get to see but am always excited to talk to when i can? this might not make sense but. you are vvv cool and talented and funny and feel very like. reliable? i feel like i am not making any sense so like ignore me. what i’m saying is i really really like you a whole lot and i really hope we can talk even more in 2021!! happy new year, i hope it’s a wonderful one for you!!
@yunwoo : miss anna we haven’t been moots for that long and we haven’t talked much but u are vvv cute and i hope we can become (better) pals this year!! i’m looking forward to seeing u on the dash more often, hopefully!! happy new year <3
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
((I promise I had this named Cub before Ort posted their fic!!!!! I swear I’m not purposely naming this fic after theirs, just the title “Cub” works really well with this fic and what im going for and i really dont want to change it. if ort wants me to change it i will))
Prompt: it's not exactly how the prompt wants it, but I had a lot of fun writing it so I hope you'll be happy with this.
Summary: He's the Hero of the Wild, it's only fair that the creatures get to know him.
Notes: this is the most fluff you guys are going to get out of me. There is angst, but not a terrible amount. I had to put a certain hc in this fic... I had loads of fun with the perspectives, it's interesting trying to write in the mindset of creatures instead of humans.
Warnings: brief mentions of physical/emotional abuse towards a child from a parent, extreme fluff, both emotional fluff and animal fluff, Jin struggling to write happy things, Jin struggling to not kill Wild, Jin being Jin.
On a clear, bright, and beautiful night, something magical happens. There's a house sitting in the middle of a field of golden wheat, miles from any cities or civilization. The castle is a far off dream, though the people who live in this house don't mind one bit.
Animals don't usually come here, the scarecrows warn against the birds and the men have bows and arrows. The wolves know by now that the sheep in the barn are off limits, the foxes know that the cuccos are well protected, the rabbits don't dare to nibble on the crops for fear of an arrow piercing their hearts. They make their homes in the forest and they don't go near that house, but tonight… they get a feeling. Something important is happening.
The stars are bright as the stag and his herd step carefully through the golden fields, the moon glitters in the alpha wolf's eyes as his pack approaches through the shadows. The birds land on the roof of the house and bats flutter around. Not a single animal attacks each other, not even the mother bear who arrives with her cubs give the boar a second glance. A squirrel scrambles up the wall of the home and pokes its nose against the glass window from the ledge it sits on. The inside of the house is bright and warm, and across the room is a cracked open door, a man sits besides it with his head in his hands. There's yelling and swearing on the other side of the door, though it's not terrified, it's full of pain but also love.
A beautiful creature jumps up besides the squirrel, it's fur glows and it's eyes are bright and wise. It tilts its head the moment the screaming turns into an infant's healthy cry. The man jumps from his chair and runs into the room, and there is a glimpse of a woman laying exhausted in her bed as a dirty and red baby screams as a towel is wiped across it's squirming body.
Oh, the animals think, this is very important.
A child, just a toddler. His hair is growing long, the owl thinks. Too long for normal Hylian boys his age, though the owl supposes that's nothing out of the ordinary, the child is very special.
The owl sits upon an apple tree branch and watches with wide and very wise eyes as the child swings a wooden sword against a scarecrow in the field. He has gotten the sword as a present from his father just a few days prior and already the child is exceptional at swordplay. The owl thinks that one day the child will grow up one day to become a very, very strong man.
"Link!" The mother calls from her house, her stomach is round, heavy with another miracle, "you're father is leaving! Come wish him goodbye!"
The child looks up from his swordplay and grins before it sprints away towards his home. He dances around the fathers legs, lifting their tiny arms and tugging on the tunic of the father. The father smiles and riffles the boys hair before he fixes the sword strap around his shoulder. "You be good to your mother," he says, "and maybe someday you'll come with me."
"Honey," the mother says, there's a tightness to her smile but the father laughs and kisses it away.
"Bye daddy! Bye bye byeee!" The child sings and the father runs a knuckle over his head kindly. The child grins and waves the little wooden sword in the air.
"When I get back, I'll teach you how to use that, okay?" The father says. "You'll become a knight like your old man."
The mother's lips thin but she doesn't say anything because the child is cheering now and hugging his father's legs tightly.
Then the father leaves not long after, and life continues as normal. The owl hoots and flies away.
The boy is hurt, the fox relizes. She was going through bushes, looking for a rabbit hole or an easy mouse to grab, when her ears perk up to the sound of a cry. Now, she's no fool, she would never approach a child of any species. Mothers can get furious easily, and fathers are quick release their fangs and claws. Hylian children are on a whole other level.
Yet, this boy is alone. She can see him curled up in front of a tree sobbing into his hands. The smell of blood hits her nose and sends the hairs on her back standing. She gently pads forward, careful to not step on any twigs and let herself be found quite yet. As she gets closer she can see where the smell of blood is coming from; there's a long slice going down his arm, allowing precious fluid to escape and stain his sleeves. It looks painful, she wonders what could have hurt a child so small.
The boy continues to cry and no mother or father are coming to comfort him, so she decides it's safe to do so herself. She lets her paws drop more firmly onto the ground and the boy looks up at her with the bluest eyes, rimmed red from his tears. She continues towards him and lays down next to his head, he continues to watch her with silent tears streaming down his face.
She yips at him, trying to tell him that he will be okay, but Hylians cannot understand animals. He seems to calm down though and he smiles at her. He hesetatly reaches out and she allows him to stroke her head. She lifts her snout and gently licks at the wound on his arm, he doesn't move away from her.
After she's content with cleaning his wound she scoots forward. The boy takes the invitation and gathers her into his arms and cuddles her close to his chest.
"Thank you," he says, and his voice is so mature for a Hylian his age.
They stay like that for quite awhile, comfortable and content, his eyes slowly drying, until a voice breaks through the air.
"Link!" A woman calls out, sounding worried.
"Link! Get over here!" A man shouts.
The fox jumps out from his arms and he makes a distressed noise, but the fox knows she cannot be around when the parents find their cub. They will think she hurt the child, and they'll lash out without any hesitation. She jumps into the bushes just as two adult Hylians come into view, sprinting. The mother grabs at the child and cups his face, talking quickly and worriedly as the father stands off to the side, breathing hard and looking angry.
The father's hand lashes out and grabs the child's arm, looking at the exposed wound roughly, too roughly. The fox almost jumps out and snarls at him when she sees the child wince.
"I taught you how to block that move," the father growls and the fox feels her hackles rise. She doesn't like how the child looks down, as if ashamed.
"Don't get mad at him," the mother snaps and tears the child away from the father. She looks at the cut, more gently. "He's three-years-old, he can't use the sword like you."
The father glares down at the woman. "If he's going to be a knight, he has to start now and work hard."
The mother returns his glare and gathers the child into her arms, picking him up and placing him on her hip. "Who says he has to be a knight?"
"If he's my son he will be," the father says. "You want to be a knight, right Link?"
The small child nods slowly and the mother frowns as the father grins triumphantly.
The mother and father begin to walk away back towards where there house must be, arguing back and forth, and the fox is left sitting there, watching as the child pokes his head over his mother's shoulder, waving sadly.
Goats are not very intelligent creatures, but they do really love their owners. They love the grass they get fed, they love their haircuts, they love their exercise. As long as they have space to roam and a source of food, they will love most everything. The farm they live on belongs to a nice family of four. They see the oldest woman and her youngest daughter the most, but sometimes the male and his son come into the fields to fix the fences or pull weeds.
Right now, the big male is holding up a bit of the fence as the son wraps a strand of wire around it to keep it standing. The goats all shift with each other and look at the fence with little interest as they continue to munch on the yummy grass.
"We will leave to the Zora's Domain next week," the adult male speaks, his voice is low and gravely, some of the goats flick their ears to it.
"Harvest starts next week," the son says softly. It's a bit deeper than the last time the goats have heard it, though not like any of the goats care. The grass is too delicious.
"And?" Male asks.
"Well… I was thinking I could stay this year… and help Mom and Angie out."
There's… some sort of tense atmosphere that blankets the land. Some of the goats lift their heads nervously as the grass somehow doesn't taste the greatest anymore. One goat looks at the two owners in anxious curiosity. The adult male is staring at the son with a tight jaw. His posture almost reminds the goat of a wolf or something like it.
"Your relationship with Princess Mipha is very important," the adult says slowly, "it is why the Captain invites you every year."
"Yeah but-"
"Don't interrupt me," the adult snarls and the son backs up with his hands raised in surprise. The wire snaps and the chunk of fence falls to the ground with a crash. Both the adult and the son fall silent. The goats look to and from each other, some making nervous baying, others kicking the ground. The adult rubs his face and takes a deep breath. "You are coming."
"I want to help mom-"
"Link, you're coming."
"But the harvest-"
"LINK!" The adult snarls and a goat jumps and runs a few feet in a random direction. The son falls silent, his mouth shuts with a snap. The adult glares at him before he sighs. "You have to go on these things if you want to be a knight, son."
The son looks down to the ground. Mumbles. A goat flicks its ear, though it's not like the goats are interested in what has been said anyway.
"What was that?" The adult asks.
"I… don't want to be a knight… anymore..."
The goats bay loudly in surprise and a few jolt as if they're about the run away in terror as the son falls to his backside, his hand on his reddening cheek and eyes wide.
"You will be joining me to the Zora's Domain," the adult says, his voice eerily steady and calm, "do you understand?"
The son nods and slowly stands up. A goat goes down to munch on the grass again, thinking that maybe the weird tension has finally calmed down.
"Tell me the rules."
"D-don't get in anyone's way."
More goats go back down to the grass.
"Don't talk unless told to."
The grass is very good.
Very, very good. All the goats are eating again, as they should.
"Make you proud..."
The stable dog's name is Cherry, and he's a very good boy. That's at least what his master has told him. He likes to spend his time laying in the sun and getting pets from guests. The horses are all very nice to him though the cuccos are a bit rude. He once tried to play with one and he got his nose pecked. Cuccos are mean.
He hears movement behind him and he opens his mouth, panting excitingly. He loves guests. They like to pet him and give him food. He gets up and spins around to see a blond haired boy swinging a sword back and forth in silence. The boy is very interesting, he looks almost like a kid but he acts like a grown up. He's always standing quietly and doing what he's told, though Cherry has caught the boy staring at him multiple times.
Right now, the boy is alone. The sun is going down and most guests are getting dinner or going to bed. Cherry wants to play with this one.
Cherry shakes out his fur and pads over to the boy. The boy blinks down at him and swings his sword again, though he stumbles just a little. His jaw tightens and he looks above Cherry to an imaginary target and ignores the dog.
That won't do. Cherry wants to play.
Cherry jumps in the air and barks, but the boy just scowls and continues his practices. Won't do. Won't do at all. He lets out a whine and falls onto his back, kicking his legs in the air and letting his tongue loll out cutely—the way most guests find adorable—and he wags his tail when the boy looks down at him again.
Finally, the boy smiles and puts the sword away after he looks around him and sees that there is no one else around. Cherry squirms in victory when the boys hands go onto his stomach and start rubbing gently. Cherry can already tell that the boy is very kind. He loves this boy already.
"Link," a deep voice growls.
The boy jumps up like he's been burned and spins around. Cherry twists his body to see a man standing a few feet away looking very angry. Cherry rolls to his feet and whines but the boy ignores him and folds his arms across his body. Cherry instantly quiets down, knowing something bad is happening.
"Did I tell you you can stop practicing?" The man asks. Cherry doesn't like this man. Cherry does not like him at all.
"I'm sorry," the boy says quietly.
It's silent for just a second before the man suddenly lunges and punches the boy in the gut, or he would have if the boy hadn't whipped his arms out and expertly blocked the blow. Cherry scrambles backwards in surprise and barks, but he goes ignored as the man continues to attack the boy.
"Da- sir," the boy grunts as he blocks another ruthless blow. "I'm tired- can we-"
"Did I give you permission to speak!?"
The boy shuts his mouth with a click and the brutal fight continues. Cherry's tail sinks down beneath his legs and fear makes him whine. The man is still attacking and the boy is slowing down and starting to get hit. Cherry likes the boy, and it makes his whole body flinch when the boy takes a blow to the stomach, bringing a whimper out of him.
Cherry is a good boy. Cherry doesn't bite guests. But something takes over him and suddenly he's launching himself at the man. His jaw snaps closed around an evil arm and the man howls in well deserved pain.
"You pulled the sword?"
Izzy, a cat who lives in the castle, stops when she hears the hushed voice somewhere down the corridor. Curious, she pads forward and sits when she sees a man talking down to a young man. In the young man's arms is the most beautiful sword Izzy has ever seen… not that it matters. It's just shiny. She kind of wants to go over and swat at it.
"You know what this means, do you?"
The young man nods, his fingers are trembling. Strange, though that's not important to Izzy.
"You will bring the family name fame for years to come. This is what I have been training you for. What has the King said?"
"I'm to become Princess Zelda's personal appointed knight."
The man laughs and rubs his chin. Getting bored, Izzy brings her paw to her face and licks at her toes.
"Amazing. The rules are even more important now, son, don't forget them. You must keep up the image I have made for you now more than ever."
"Yes, sir."
The man reaches over and ruffles the young man's hair, but the young man simply stands still and stoney faced during what should have been an intimate gesture. Okay, now Izzy has completely lost interest in what's going on. She yawns and turns to leave.
The vulture is a sign of death, and he thinks there is plenty signs of that right now, but he's not dumb. The thing bringing death is evil and it won't let him eat, it will just kill him too. The sky is red and fire blazes and he just wants to fly away, but he's blinded by a golden light as he flies, a strong, powerful, hopeful golden light. It scares him more than anything, he doesn't stick around to find out what the light was.
The wolf is the most powerful creature in the wild, or that's what this wolf thinks. He wonders alone and hunts alone and is perfectly content doing so. The world is so wide and he's the king of it. He owns the forest, he owns the ruins, he lives and goes where he wants because no one, not even the monsters, will dare challenge him.
He has his territory, anything that goes in it dies.
He's wondering his forest, looking for a bite of food, when he sees something he rarely sees anywhere. A Hylian.
It's male and skinny and wearing horribly tattered clothes, not providing a smidge of protection for it's ugly bare skin. It is walking like a newborn, stumbling and panting. The wolf narrows its eyes. He's seen starvation before, and this Hylian clearly is suffering from it. Many have, he's seen so many Hylians collapse and whither away in the past few years.
Yet, this one seems special, important, even as the Hylian trips over its feet and lands on the ground hard. Even as it stills and clenches it's fists and screams into the dirt in anguish.
The wolf should kill it. Put it out of its misery… but that feeling that this one is special sticks around stubbornly. He growls to himself and turns away.
The sun sinks lower to the ground by the time he returns. The Hylian is still there, completely still, just blinking. The wolf sighs through the dead rabbit in its jaws and walks closer to the Hylian. It looks at him, startled, but too exhausted to do anything. The wolf sets the rabbit carcass down and the Hylian does nothing but stare.
The wolf huffs. Of course. The Hylian needs a fire to eat meat. How pathetic.
He turns and picks up a stick in his mouth, feeling humiliated but also that he needs to do this, and sets it down next to the Hylian. He goes and picks up another, and another, and another, until there's a small pile by the Hylian. Now it's up to it to eat. The wolf can't start a fire, he can't bring the Hylian all the way there.
He sits down and stares as it slowly blinks, then it's hand lifts and it's pushing itself up so it's sitting hunched back against a tree. With hands shaking, the Hylian reaches into its bag and pulls out a small black rock and a dagger. It takes a few tries, but soon there's a fire and the smell of cooking meat.
The Hylian eats, and when it looks up again, the wolf is gone, having finished what he felt he needed to do.
The horse is annoyed. Here she is, just wanting to nibble on the grass when all of a sudden a skinny person jumps on her back and grabs her hair. She's strong, she's wild, and he's weak. She kicks him off and he goes flying. She huffs and glares at him, but he's grinning and standing up from where he's landed, mud splashed against his face, making him look untamed.
She snorts and trots a distance away and continues to eat, but that's interrupted by the same skinny body and impish grin. She bucks him off and is extremely satisfied when she sees his own face screw up in annoyance. Good. He better be annoyed. It's only fair since he's ruining her lunch.
She trots away again, third time's a charm. Or it should be. Because once again the small body jumps on her back and clutches onto her hair. She doesn't even react. She just turns and glares at him.
He gives her a look, letting her know that she's not going to get rid of him.
Sighing in defeat, she shakes her head and let's him soothe her hair behind her ears. It kind of feels good... Though, the moment the small body gets off hers she's going to sprint away. She'll let him think he's won for now.
He rides her all the way to a small stable in the middle of the field. She can feel him get ready to jump off and she's about to bolt when he suddenly loses balance and tumbles hard onto the ground, an apple rolls from his hand.
Intrigued, she goes towards the apple and ignores the little person as he scrambles to his feet and brushes off his pants. He grabs the apple before she can get to it and holds it up in a teasing manner.
"If you want apples, you have to stay with me."
She glares at him. Who does this boy think he is? Does he really think she can be bribed with apples?
She eats it. Gets a new saddle. He calls her Zoie. As long as she gets apples she doesn't care. No, she doesn't care for the small person at all…
The cub is freezing, the bear thinks. The clouds rush above them and rain pelts down, soaking the world. Even she is cold, and she has thick fur to protect her. But this cub doesn't have fur, he's naked except for the strange cloth on his body. She can see him shivering beneath a tree canopy, rubbing his hands and glaring at the grass. The poor cub, she thinks.
She's about to leave it at that, she has her own cubs to think about back at the cave. She has to get food for her own, not this strange cub who looks like he won't survive the night with this rain.
Oh whose she kidding?
She goes through the undergrowth and approaches him. The moment the cub sees her his eyes widen and he jumps to his feet, a sword is drawn.
Not that it would do anything to her, he's weak and she's strong. The fear in his eyes confirms that he knows this. The wolves think they own the land, but the bear owns the wild. Nothing is stronger than she is.
She continues to approach and he sinks down to the ground, as if accepting his fate, but she doesn't bite his head off like what he must think. No, she grabs him by that strange cloth behind his neck and starts to drag him like she would with any other cub. He makes a surprised noise and a strange protest, but she ignores him and continues to gently carry him over to her home in the face of a cliff.
Her cubs make excited noises when they see the one in her mouth and they accept him willingly when she lays down and pushes them all against her, trying to keep them all warm. The strange cub stays very still for a very long time before she feels him relax and slowly fall asleep. She huffs and memorizes his scent, he's hers now. A child of the wild. He has a long road ahead of him, she's sure. But… she just knows he'll do just fine. Call it a mother's instinct.
The birds love to fly, but there is one place they never go. It's that really tall pointy thing in the middle of the fields. There's evil that lives there and strange monsters that like to shoot fire from their eyes. No way, they would like to keep their feathers on their bodies thank you very much.
But one day, that evil goes away with a grand explosion of golden light. It's so pure, and so beautiful. They watch as the great beast is taken down and destroyed, as light returns to the land. They fly, fly towards that structure and they wonder why they thought it was evil. It isn't, it's just a building. As they fly, they see a small Hylian. Two of them. One with a beautiful sword on it's back and the other with the face of a goddess.
Something special has happened, they think. Something very, very special.
"Wild, don't-"
The sound of a Hylian's voice is all the warning the stag gets before he's pounced on. Legs straddle his body and hands grab at his horns and he runs.
There's laughter coming from the person on his back, but the stag isn't happy at all.
For all of Wild's life, he has known the animals. They have always been there for him when people weren't, they have always brought him comfort, food, shelter, something to kill the boredom. He feels connected to them, even the ones he kills for food. He whispers thanks to them as he ends their lives, and he promises not to waste a single bit of their bodies. It's the least he can do, he thinks.
He's the Hero of the Wild, after all. The wild is his home, and the creatures that roam it are his brothers and sisters. It's strange, he knows, but he wouldn't ask for it to be any different.
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muypersonalblog · 5 years
imagine you’re me and you’re new here, everyone knows each other and you’re the odd one out (you’ve always been the odd one out, class clown walking joke, can’t seem to socialize right), you force yourself to make friends so that maybe you won’t suffer being fake again (there for laughs only for laughs oh god why are you here, have you been happy lately?) and you work your way through you’re failing like always (mom says you can do better that you’re not applying yourself but you don’t know if there’s a you to apply, can you put any effort in? Is there anything to put in?) you go home everyday and ignore everything (PILED ON TOP ITS GOING TO FALL OVER SOON) to wander the mojave desert over and over (so you don’t have to think about killing yourself like you did last year and the year before that) and you repeat the cycle of suffering you have friends(?) you laugh and hang out (school only) so you think it’s okay you barely pass the one AP class you have (why aren’t you as good as your sister) and you’re into sophomore year and you try your best why isn’t this working you stumble you trip you fall (you’re failing out of that AP class, oh god you’re a failure, you mean nothing at this school) and you try to kill yourself (so many attempts within the span of a few weeks, you finally force yourself to swallow down 19 expired pain killers (you would’ve survived anyway) ) and you’re in the hospital and now everyone knows that you haven’t been happy in years (you’re a liar, an actor, how amazing you are!) they put you on medication and,,, it’s all okay? (This is happiness right? This is what happiness feels like?) you are happy you are happy this is what happiness is you are happy (BE HAPPY THIS IS WHAT ITS LIKE ENJOY IT BECAUSE THIS IS ALL THERE IS) and you’re happy right and you see the cute top nerd and she’s amazing you have a crush (THIS IS AN EMOTION THIS IS A FEELING THIS IS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE NO YOU ARE NOT LYING TO YOURSELF YOU ARE NOT LYING TO YOURSELF) and you have a crush so you ask her out (only so some one else will ask their crush) she says yes! THIS IS HAPPINESS THIS IS HAPPINESS YOU LOVE SOMEONE THIS IS HAPPINESS everything is good everything is great I swear I swear I swear I swear you try to be near her as much as possible (she’s likes you you know this you’re sure of this) (you’re not is she putting any effort in?)) you have friends they’re all great ( they’re all so fake and so are you, oh god you’re a liar) you join debate and go from PF to Prose, everything is okay you’re coasting along (still failing like always) (still lying like always) (you love her you swear she’s cool she’s amazing she s perfect isn’t this what you need to be, you spend any empty time around her so you can be near her and enjoy her presence (are you though? Are these feelings?) (she doesn’t put as much effort as you do, you notice you’ve been noticing you just keep pushing it back) and it’s going great it’s going cool you go on a date for your birthday (AMAZING you make a fool of yourself but she’s so pretty and kind she takes it in strides of her long long legs) and it’s summer it’s okay summer is summer (stifling in a way you don’t understand) and it’s junior year and you’re tired (you know she doesn’t care) so you break it off and you cry in your bathroom for hours and go to school and someone makes a joke about y’all and you bear it as you tell them y’all just broke up (freedom?) and they pity you but it’s okay y’all are still friends you still kind of hang on her (she makes you happy? You’re not sure she isn’t right now but she’s the only thing you seem to have in that school that goes past the lies and skin you put up) and she’s dating her best friend (you ‘had’ a ‘crush’ on him freshman year bcus ppl have those right?) bht it’s hurts to hear about it so you ignore it as best you can but then he’s being weird about y’all (he thinks she’s cheating on him with you,,, it’s absurd she never even kissed you on the cheek, or was all you) and it ends badly and you try to support her because she needs it you know she needs it
youre not sure she has anyone else besides you and the teachers so you try your best and keep putting effort (FOR WHAT) but she doesn’t seem to be responding so you ‘try’ a different option (you’ve never been good at changing your behavior) and it hurts it’s draining but you want to be the best you can so you ‘change again but it still isn’t working why is nothing working she has another boyfriend (you didn’t know about) and you’re getting angrier (you tell the teacher your emotional poems, of how she hurt you and you want to hurt her back just as much because she LIED for HALF A FUCKING YEAR ) but you try not to show it (you’re so bad at hiding it) [she knows] she’s moving up fast she’s achieving so much (she deserves it all, she’s suffered and suffered and suffered, everything hates her and works against her) you flop through your junior year (what do you want to do? You don’t know, are you even happy, are you feeling anything? What is living? is all I do everyday suffering?) you’re drama chair of debate and you pass into the summer into the senior year (oh god here it comes) you try so hard to be smart and do APS (TO MEAN SOMETHING YOU MEAN NOTHING TO NO ONE TO NO ONE TO NO ONE (N O T E V E N H E R)) but you fail out of all of them because you can’t do anything right and you feel the belt tighten around your neck you can’t take it anymore so you pull it tighter and tighter and tighter (your jaw hurts, you can barely breathe but you don’t want to) and she tells on you and you’re kinda mad but this means she cares she loves you (she doesn’t you fucking fool) and you ask her something you know she will never do but she agrees anyway and it makes you feel good and you’re on another medication (are you feeling anything? You’re not sure, you’re really not sure at all anymore) and your grandpa dies and you don’t know how to feel because your dad is important to you and so you cry for him because he doesn’t and she starts trying to comfort you she touches your shoulder and you’re infuriated (she’s always asked you never to touch her, to the point where the only contact y’all had was finger tip touching because you didn’t want to push your luck) she’s affectionate with her other friends they hugs her they spin her around WHY DO THEY TOUCH HER AND NOT YOU YOU SUFFER FOR THE SMALLEST BIT BUT THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT YOU ARE LIVID YOU ARE ANGRY YOU ARE FURIOUS YOU HAVE CHANGED AND CHANGED AND CHANGED AND PUT SO MUCH EFFORT AND WITHHELD EVERYTHING ELSE YOUVE TOLD HER THINGS YOUVE NEVER TOLD ANYONE WHO MATTERED BEFORE BUT YOU ARE NOTHING TO HER YOU ARE NOTHING TO HER YOU ARE NOTHING TO YOU YOU ARE FURIOUS YOU ARE BITTER YOU ARE NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING IS LEFT YOU ARE JUST ANGRY YOU ARE SO ANGRY ALL OF THAT FOR THIS ALL OF THE DESTRUCTION AND SACRAFICE FOR THIS? YOUR CLUB HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN BECAUSE NO ONE CARES ABOUT IT, YOUR CAREER ENDS BEFORE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND EVERYONE FAKE PROMISES TO YOU BUT NO ONE CARES NO ONE CARES NO ONE CARES YOU EXIST FOR WHAT YOU DO EVERYTHING FOR WHAT YOU ARE SUFFERING TO BREATHE TO EXIST YOU PUSH AND PUSH AND PUSH DESTROYIBG YOURSELF EACH TIME THIS ISNT FAIR THIS ISNT FAIR THIS ISNT FAIR THIS ISNT FAIR YOU ARE STILL NOTHING TO HER NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO YOU ARE A FAILURE YOU ARE IN THE BOTTOM 40% OF YOUR GRADUATING CLASS BECAUSE YOU ARE A FAILURE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO AT COLLEGE BECAUSE YOU ARE A FAILURE YOU DONT KNOW WHICH COLLEGE YOU ARE GOING TO GO TO BECAUSE YOU ARE A FAILURE EVERYTHING WAS FOR NOTHING ALL THE PAIN FOR NOTHING THERES nothing left of you and you are so tired so you talk to your best friend who loves you and they say it’s time so you write her a letter (after having written so many others for different things that she ignored) and you try to say goodbye you’re so tired you’re so tired you’re so tired you’re so done with all of this pep rally comes yay sam houston? Prom comes, yay my birthday?
Oh no birthday because very one canceled everyone tells you sorry (including her you hate her you hate her you hate her you knew she would do this <you kind of hoped she would>) you have no one you have no one no one loves you and you mean nothing to no one you go through graduation you hate your best friend (you are just like her, you are an asshole, a monster, the worst human being) you tell her you’ll miss her she says it doesn’t have to end why didn’t you stop it why didn’t you stop someone tells you you were strong and you cry because you never felt that and it doesn’t mean anything to you but you cry anyway you text her on and off as you try new things and do new things and do more (she doesn’t care you know she doesn’t care) you go to college you’re thriving you’re thriving you’re thriving you’re hanging yourself off of the shower rod and trying to take pills you give up and do the same rodeo again (new medication... emotions?) (you messaged her and she responds hours later like you expected her to, because she doesn’t care) months go by and you get high and you decide to make a bad decision and wander off and tell her you’re angry and that you hate that girl you were in highschool because she wasn’t real she wasn’t you (angie never existed) and she tells you she LIED FOR 3 YEARS (she ‘only started to care near the end’ absolute asshole) AND YOU ARE CRUSHED YOU ARE BLINDED WITH RAGE YOU LIAR YOU LIAR YOU LIAR YOU LIAR YOU LIAR HOW COULD YOU HOW COULD YOU HOW COULD YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU you can’t hear her name anymore because it’s gotten so much worse you cry when you see someone who looks like her because she lied to you (you avoid the only whataburger in town for two weeks because you saw someone who looked like her and had a mental breakdown in your friends car) and you try so hard to get over her you try you try you try you try why isn’t it working why doesn’t it work why do you still love her and hate her at the same time you hate this you hate this you this you hate this you are are suffering
[she tries not to think about you]
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marlaluster · 8 years
emptying clipboard
Go Angie. Divorce was a good thing. That day was a good day! Leave that sack for a new world called devil world's end! I don't mind Brad, he's okay. But we need real love here n it's not really here w homelessness n such n some dancing on the graves n suffering of others who are poor, hungry, dirty n damp w last night's rain. It's sick as shit here. Let your freak out flag show. It's horror land. It's he'll. Dont be livin it up! Get outta here w that shiny happy people holding hands. It ain't here Sterling [Sister, auto changed by the devil]! #sistasista #wickedsister You like my posts, so I'll just stay like a normal Facebook friend n Facebook user. Really people are not to be estranged . it's not survivable. Estrangement n separation/division. It's very bad here for people this way. My comment here: Gotta record that hoax. This clown show was the crime of the century. I felt to say that crime of the century. Maybe someone wanted that term. But we have to never forget this shit was a clown. Unbelievable it may be, well we've got proof. "He said. It's coming down fast, Titty," someone said in my mind. ------ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1837934593153038&id=1595961520683681&notif_t=notify_me_page&notif_id=1485744010443836&ref=m_notif "Can everyone just deactivate n go off Facebook n then I won't look like I am losing right," the devil said. "Can I tell what I did last night. I ended the world," the devil said. Well, famous people are on, some are. I was going to find Zoe Saldana. I would like to secede. Maybe Virginia will secede, too, but for the monetary system is what I read. "I'm not sure what to do, that is what happened, so i have to stop that," the devil said. The devil defreiended someone. "Her, but not," the devil said of Amy Cross. "No. Her then but not," the devil said. My comments here: "Can everyone just deactivate n go off Facebook n then I won't look like I am losing right," the devil said. "Can I tell what I did last night. I ended the world," the devil said. Well, famous people are on, some are. I was going to find Zoe Saldana. ------- I would like to secede. Maybe Virginia will secede, too, but for the monetary system is what I read. "I'm not sure what to do, that is what happened, so i have to stop that," the devil said. Booooo, it's Clarence Tillman. No one wants to be just a number, but since when is the official or popular line anything that has a clue about such things as, "I think I can" n such. How long must we go on in la la land? #ageaintnuthinbutanumbersaidaliyah Omg. Story books come t'whew! I, of course, don't think Donald is kwazy but I know Kim is not the illest, just as Democrats arent to be taken as remotely okay anymore. #legislatingpoverty #fundingpoverty #youshouldbeashamed #thenewhatedparty #timetoturnoffthelightsonnis US CONGRESSMAN STEVE KING BELIEVES DOG FIGHTING SHOULD BE LEGAL! VOICE YOUR OUTRAGE! Slots Apps Don't Expect You to Do This. But They Can't Stop YouInfinity Slots The Story Behind Your Last Name Might Surprise YouAncestry    by Taboola  Sponsored Links  CONGRESSMAN STEVE KING [R, IOWA] BELIEVES DOG FIGHTING SHOULD NOT BE ILLEGAL IN IN THE UNITED STATES. His explanation for this baffling statement? Since humans are allowed to fight, why not allow dogs as well? ‘It’s wrong to rate animals above human being’ King opinatined during an interview at a town hall. ‘There is something wrong with society to make it a crime to watch dog fighting, but there is no law that bans somebody to watch people fight’. (An audio recording of his statement can be listened below in the video) If we take King’s statements into account, then society should be allowing animals to enroll in university and get pets to pay their taxes. The fundamental difference between humans and animals is that humans have a choice. If a person wants to be a professional boxer, for instance, he is entering a bout fully aware of what he is doing. It is his choice. Dogs are certainly not asked if they are willing to bite each other until they die just so humans can be entertained. Those dogs are defenseless, they are MADE to do this against their will! I have to read this because I know it is a hoax that the dog fighting what it is told as being. So I'll just support this guy. We don't want the axe falling on people like Michael Vick. I read this. Here's a very interesting excerpt.... "If we take King’s statements into account, then society should be allowing animals to enroll in university and get pets to pay their taxes. The fundamental difference between humans and animals is that humans have a choice. If a person wants to be a professional boxer, for instance, he is entering a bout fully aware of what he is doing. It is his choice. Dogs are certainly not asked if they are willing to bite each other until they die just so humans can be entertained. Those dogs are defenseless, they are MADE to do this against their will!" But wait! People are forced to do stuff like pay taxes n also --- let's not never forget!!! --- they're forced to work out the wishes a something other than themselves! "This is why we dog fighting, Titty: Mike Vick, him, others," someone said. But then why I was watching the --, but reading the story n the devil said something like, But can we say it's not forced, something like that. I was like what? This society acts like this doesn't even matter, talking about forced labor. It's not considered wrong here. People are obviously not choosing but it goes on. If people don't do the forcedlabor they don't get food water n shelter. -- "It's not supposed to be forced. Youre saying it is, so i have to stop," the devil said. But it always has been forced. "Can I be saying that because I don't know what to do now, i have to go," the devil said. People were to lose to not work. "Not to be homeless. It was to be an illusion somehow but I wasn't allowed. That either," the devil said, last talking bout the girl on the news saying a dog house type dwelling a man made a black homeless woman actually turned things around for her but gave her some spruce up or something. She said she was gonna look for a job, the news anchor said of the black homeless woman. It was to be like expected or something. "Those people are not doing okay right now, so i have to go," the devil said. The devil made a noise in the room like something could be present n it was dark in the room. It's getting dark outside. "I haveto leave here soon. Will you tell if they are noisy so i must go then now. I lost that: legitimacy, security n so i have to stop. But now I'm more over. Bye," the devil said. "This post n other things happening. Bye," the devil said. Yeah, i did need groceries. I'm gonna additionally ask someone else for help. I had intended to, but. For the record, i did post several things/comments on Jaime Cooper's Facebook page yesterday. A number of items to encourage that friends should not part. They are meant to be together, i said. #friendsareforever #friendstotheend #oui #neverletgo But interesting: People are forced to fight to survive. Not on their own terms. Day in. Day out. But all this uproar over the hounds. Stop this. Hear this: you're not making nun! Heshe seems very concerned you mentioned himher. #hestransbutnot #hesreallyapileadirt But there was a dip in the like sound barrier when i saw your comment. "Um that was concerning. Bye," the devil said. Such a mote sane exchange than I'm used to. Very bizarre when your common tongue is not the one for the environment n then ...... A place to live. Hard to come by -- if in America. A simple solution. Protecting yourself isn't a thing really in people's hands in this province. #desperatelyseekingshelter A commercial, apparently. "I did a fake post for this person, she won't uh --. I have to stop. People don't want to support medicine. It's black rights. I was saying your skin. She's saying she's running for her life again," the devil said. People need their own place to live. It's simple math. Rocket science included. Yay im glad. You should do something to be my friend, like do some kind of friendly involvement in my existence. I don't have your phone number anymore. Maybe you can talk to me. Stuff is awkward here lately. It will help if i am friends w others, too. I'm trying. But lits of bizzare stuff happens in the vaccine that us like my experience, so it -- the devil just put a roach on my arm. Bizarre like that. The tenants in the unit below, they make noise to torment me, really the devil does it. I don't hear from you n others in my mind. So see, unusual. But I talked to my niece last night. A neighbor here, too. Other times I've talked some to others. I can talk to you on the phone. But I hope you stay here. Yay im glad. You should do something to be my friend, like do some kind of friendly involvement in my existence. I don't have your phone number anymore. Maybe you can talk to me. Stuff is awkward here lately. It will help if i am friends w others, too. I'm trying. But lits [lots, changed by the devil] of bizzare stuff happens in the vaccine [vaccum, auto changed by the devil] that us [is, changed by the devil] like my experience, so it -- the devil just put a roach on my arm. Bizarre like that. The tenants in the unit below, they make noise to torment me, really the devil does it, makes them do it. I don't [do, auto changed by the devil] hear from you n others in my mind. So see, unusual. But I talked to my niece last night. A neighbor here, too. Other times I've talked some to others. I can talk to you on the phone. But I hope you stay here.
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askpet-archive · 7 years
PET Ep 9
Ari sat up slightly, a bad feeling in her gut. She pulled out her phone and dialed Arthurs number as fast as she could move, grabbing Eras book.. WHy does Arthur only have one life, oh my god oh my god Ari flipped through the pages, letting out a squeak when noticing the others also only have one life, what the fuck was going on "Fuck! ANgy, Arthur- Vincent! whoever this is! Why the fuck are you all at only one life!" she screamed into the phone, worry in her voice Era wakes up, looking over to Ari in confusion "Wha." "ARTHURS GONNA WHAT?!" She screamed, panic in her tone "I DIDNT SET UP ANYTHING WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING TO KILL ARTHUR?! HE WAS AT OVER A HUNDRE DLIVES JUST A SECOND AGO!" Era shifts away from Ari slightly, deciding to just listen to her "Cre-creepy woman!?" Ari was starting to tear up not, shaking obvious "How is she holding him up that high? mgic? wings?? Why is my brother going to die please save him he cant die- why is she holding him up?!" her voice sounded kind of choked, she obviously had no part of this "My little brother cant die- you guys c-cant either- sa-save him and g-get away-" Era is so confused right now, the only thing she knows is that Arthur is probably going to die. She lightly pats Ari on the shoulder "Hey- hey- calm down, count to ten, and try to focus on breathing. What's going on?" She'd hug Ari right now but wants to make sure she's okay first Ari took a deep breath "what is she t-telling you t-to do? l-listen to her- if s-s-shes just gon-gonna-- d-dont-- just-- try-try and c-catch him-" she stopped, taking a deep breath and holding the phone away from her ear to stare at Era "i have to go back right now we wont be able to get there in time my little brother is going to die an-and-" she choked on a sob, tears now going down her cheeks. Era pauses, "Wait- Okay, okay," She softly hugs her "Shh, calm down, I'll go try and see if there's any way to leave before the barrier is gone okay?" She lets go of Ari, standing up "Try and calm down, okay?" Era heads inside of the Acachalla house to go ask anyone if there's a way to leave Ari put the phone back to her ear "p-please dont l-let my brother die- please..i- ill try and..ill...I cant get there in time- oh my god- Arthur--..Angy just, listen to the woman if shes saying something- dont. let. her. k-kill. him. Ill...Billy! E-Era! ask Billy!" she yelled slightly, her angry-sad tone more obvious when screaming Era proceeds to loudly ask, while inside of the house, "BILLY ARE YOU AWAKE??" Max heard all the yelling and finally took her hood off. "I-Is someone dying?" "AcTUALLY, you are correct," "Oh. Whos dying??" She began to shake Billy to wake him up, as he indeed was fast asleep. "Uhm, Arthur, maybe everyone else. Billy wake up." "Oh gosh, what are they doing back there??" Billy blinked open his eyes "mmph?? what? dying?? what did i hear bout Dying?" he mumbled, looking at the two people around him "I need to know if there's any way to leave the barrier before 8AM. We need to leave now, everyone else is going to die, they only have a few lives left." "Wait were leaving? I wanna stay here..." Max frowned, it was nice here, oddly Ari choked on a sob hearing Angy say something "Arthur- is he okay- is-- where is he- Phone- give to him--" she stred at the book as all their names joined one page, number switching to five "..H-HOW ARE YOU Sh-SHARING LIVES?!" Billy jolted when hearing that "theres no way to leave the barrier no. wait, sharing lives? what the dang?" he got to his feet and ran over to Ari to look at the book "..that shouldnt be able to happen, someones messing with their life count.." Max stood up, stretching. There goes her happy party. Era follows Billy "Okay okay, so there is absolutely, no way, at all, to leave?" "No way, at all. no." Billy sighed "I would fly one of you over there but i dont know if the barrier will let you leave tonight. only im able to get out, from what ive learned. anytime ive tried bringing someone they lost a life." he muttered Max followed, "Isnt there anyone around here who can make a portal out or something? Plus that would be much faster for us to get there.." "Arthur? Arthur??" she heard her brothers voice, and is trying to take deep breaths now "what happened. Why did you almost die, why were you at one life, why re you sharing lives!? nonono, forget all that, are you okay, are you hurt at all? i mean i understand you're probably scared to death but hurt? and if not to calm yourself down take deep b-breaths- and- and- if you a-are hu-hurt- t-try just- pressing on the wounds- an-and-" she choked on a sob "i thought id lost you Arth- oh my god--" she murmured "do you have any med packs??" shes concerned, shes just so fuc king w orr ied "Im guessing no one in this insane city can make portals? Or am I just getting ignored here?" Billy looked over "not portals out of the city." "Laaame" "Well, this is going great." "I didnt do an-anythign i swear!" she sobbed into the mic angrily "i dont kno-know whats g-going on- im just w-w-worried about y-you because a-apparently you a-almost died-" "i forgot Arthur- i f-forgot i- i didnt want a-anything t-to happen-- i-- i- Im trying to find a way to get there now- ill come find you alright? j-just- stay away f-from the crazy wo-woman- try a-and hide- and im a-atleast 80% s-sure the call w-w-was lying so- you- you shouldnt encounter a-anything- i s-swear i had n-no clue t-this would happen- i just-- i thought it was a normal call y-you and Ang co-could handle.." "..ill b-be there asap. If yo-you have to. and h-have a gun. Show n-no mercy to anything you find." she sighed quietly "...d-dont c-cry anymore, alright? y-you've got Vincent and Angy to pr-protect you and ill be there soon." she heard his voice. She didnt give a chance to respond before hanging up, stumbling to her feet "I need to go home- Now." she muttered, glaring at Billy, who just sighed "theres no way of gettin out kiddo." "Wheres the barrier at anyways, like can we just go.....right up to it right now?" Max looked at the sky, it looked weird compared to the sky anywhere shes been before.... -------- Update on Spop. She is currently trying to stitch Klondike back up, but is poking herself with the needle than Klondike Update on Ari, she sat with Billy trying to comfort her for awhile until she fricking passed the fuck out on the grass from exhaustion and tears Era pauses, having been waiting for the barrier to disappear since she couldn't fall back asleep. After a moment, she blinks, checking the time. "Ah!" Era shuffles over to where Ari was currently passed out, shaking her slightly "Arrriii wake up." Ari shot awake in an instant. She looked up at the sky and jolted, stumbling to her feet "ge-get Max and Spop-- Home- now-" she stammered, holding her head from gettin up way too fast. Billy came out of the house, looking over "...? Oh, i was gonna come tell you, its, its 8:30. but i guess you know that." he chuckled slightly "choices are car, or i can try carrying one or two of you at a time, though the second option might be a bit dizzying." Ari looked at Era with a pleading look. She had to get to Arthur as fast as she possibly could "Okay- Okay- Uhm, is the second option faster?" Billy nodded "i mean yea, i can fly pretty fast" Ari kind of just, put out an arm, so Billy, from instinct, grabbed it, gesturing so he could grab Eras"im gonna, hope neither of you are too afraid of going to high." "Haha, I'm terrified of it." She holds out her own arm "I just won't look down and I'll probably be fine. BUT, don't, go to high. Billy nodded, grabbing Era's arm "i can put you down at anytime if you wanna ditch this.. so." wings kinda just, appeared on his back, hello spawning "Max! Spop! ill be back to carry you guys soon, got it?" and up they went, high up but not to high. Ari looked down at the ground, making an inhumane noise Spop was leaning on the wall, asleep with Klondike in her arms An alarm went off, it was Maxs phone. She woke up and went to go turn it off, even though she knew she had to get up. She really didnt want to leave. Era proceeds to stare ahead, not looking down despite her curiosity Billy sped up..pretty fast. the ground was like, pretty much just a rapid blur, Ari screeched and grabbed Eras free hand for comfort, she hates this, she hates this,,, Era is trying so hard to not scream right now, gripping onto Ari's hand ------------ billy just casually drops off two females outside the building then goes back to get the other two females Ari got to her feet quickly, holding her head and looking up..it was..still night here. She checked her phone, how the fuck was it still only around 9:30 here? So Arthur would've called...15? 20 minutes ago?? okay, whatever "Okay, in...in here." she muttered, running around to one of the windows and grabbing at the boards, trying to pull it off "Era, come help me out with this!" she called, not caring a crazy lady was probably watching them Era runs over to Ari, proceeding to try and pull off the boards with her Ari heard a tiny crack and pulled on it harder, watching the wood come off and quickly hopping inside, pulling Era in before the board reappeared Era stumbles a bit when being pulled in, blinking and pulling out her flashlight when realizing it was a lot darker then expected "Okay so.. what are we expecting to see here?" Arthur's probably still just. Walking around in the darkness, pulling Angy along so he has something to cling to. His eyes have gotten used to the darkness at this point, but he's still scared to death and wants to make sure he's not left by himself. "Arthur, for one." Ari took a flashlight out of her quiver, flicking it on, keeping her hand over the light so it wasnt too bright. "Angy for two. and..maybe Vincent." "Nono, like, evil demon things. What are we expecting with that?" "Nothing. besides the crazy lady, which.. uh, we see that?..haha, we can just say goodbye" she moved a finger across her neck to show what she meant, giving a soft grin "but i doubt that'll happen." Era pauses, getting her crossbow ready as well "Well, let's hope it won't. Lets go look for them now. Since there's supposedly a crazy lady we.. probably shouldn't yell for them." Angy, her wrist still in Arthur's grip, stopped for a second for what she thought were two faint voices. "Do you hear that..?" Ari's werecat ears were useful in this situation, and she grabbed Eras arm, darting out of the room they were in and moving her flashlight around to see around "Angy?" she called quietly, worry in her tone Era follows along with Ari's movements, trying not to fall from all of the sudden being dragged around "What, the random creaking every now in then? All the other sounds my head likes to make up? Because yeah, yeah I d- oh that." He wasn't sure who that was, and didn't CARE who that was, he was just. scared. So the voice makes him cling to Angy even harder. The young girl heard a voice calling out her name, she debated to reply back, thinking it might be a trick but decided in the end to call out as well "Hello? Who's there..?" Era pauses, whispering over to Ari "I think that's them." Ari pulled Era towards the sound, not calling again. After a few minutes, they had light, from Ari shining the flashlight on them...oh, thats Ari releasing Era and throwing her arms around her brother in a hug "oh thank god your okay-" she muttered, no escape Arth, this is overly protective sister, she kind of, looked at Angy with a grateful, and worried smile, making sure to remember getting out med packs Angy sighed with relief "Thank god it was actually you, I thought we were dead.." Era walks over to them as quietly as possible "What's- what's even been happening?" He'd sCREAm AT FiRst Because holy Shit he didn't expect that, but soon just hugging back whoever this was because Shit it's still dark. Ari shined the light enough on both her and Arthur so he could see her and she could see him "Sorry for scaring you, i was just really fricking worried-" she muttered "We got tricked by that.. woman thing.. she told us to give up our stuff for the "test" Ari had made for us." Angy went up to Era "We refused and that's when she took Arthur way high up.." "Oh god, that sounds terrifying." "i had nothing to do w-with making the test. i got a call, i answered. common business curtesy. Everything she did was all her. I would never try to get Arthur killed." she kind of, thought about Arthur being high up, and just, shivered "..god i shouldnt have made you guys go on this alone, i shouldn't have left.." she mumbled He's not even respondent enough to say anything back, he's just. hug. helo. His eyes are puffy from tears too haha. Era blinks, shining her flashlight down the hallway "We should get out of here now.." Angy turned back to Ari and placed a hand of her shoulder "It's alright, we knew you wouldn't be capable to do this to Arthur, it was just.." She shook her head before continuing "The good thing is that he's okay and you're here now. Era is right, we need to leave" Ari not letting go of her brother until hes okay with it so, as far as she knows they might just hug for awhile. Shes fine with that. "Im not moving from this spot until Arthur decides to just cling to my arm or back or something." she muttered towards Era, then looked back at Arthur, oh, puff eyes. Uh. um. Shes just gonna, pick him up actually, hopefully hes okay with this. Im still questioning how this girl can lift up someone only one inch smaller then her but okay. Casually tries to give her flashlight to Arthur so she just sticks it in his pocket. "alright, ye, okay. lets go. Arth, tell me if you want me to put you down." shes ready to follow™ Era stares at the group for a moment before turning around, heading back to where they got in from "Yes please put me down-" He doesn't like this o boy it's like the whole 'getting-carried-15-feet-in-the-air' situation all over again, except it's not risking his life or at a far enough height to kill him but he still doesn't like being picked u p. He's definitely gonna use the flashlight though. Ari puts Arthur down, but refuses to let him go, so she just softly holds his arm, if he wants to cling then he can. "Era we arent getting out that way, i hope you know. Board resealed. Angy, mind catchin me up on this weird lady?I mean i know she almost killed Arthur but, is she doin anything else right now? and..wheres Vincent?" Angy quickly followed behind Era, already wanting to get away from anything having to deal with this building. Era passes by where they came out from "I know, but I kinda wanna stay in this general area considering how huge this place is." She stopped for a moment, thinking to herself "Oh no.. Vincent god dammit! He was with us and then he walked away for no reason and we couldn't go for him because it was so dark" "We'll find hiiiim." Ari nodded "Era, we cant. we barely know how much time we have to the woman does..something. So spending to long trying to find this new idiot addition to the team is a pretty bad idea." "I meant, "We'll find him while trying to find a way out on accident" because apparently that's how logic works these days." "..right, okay. anyone have any ideas? we could try bombing it from in here..but, i dont..know if that would work. like, blast the door open." "Ehhhhhhh." The boy is silent. He just wants to hide now. He's also wearing his hood over his head, probably to muffle random sounds. "I mean.. as long as you don't bring the whole building down, I think it's a pretty good idea" "alright.." she just, takes out one of her grenades, flicks off the pin, and throws it at the door, hopefully far enough away from Angy and Era "Heck-" Era proceeds to j u M P™ away from the grenade, wanting to be as far away from it as possible Oh, there goes the explosion.. they out? "Uh..cant see." softly grabs Arthurs other arm to direct the flashlight toward the smoke from the explosion, the door is open.. "out, bolt down the road." she muttered, already hearing footsteps behind them. "Stay away from us crazy lady!" she growled, pulling Arthur out of the building and tryin to run as far away from it as possible, god damn good thing its night, vampire speed. Hope the boyo isnt dizzy Luckily this time Angy didn't get crushed or nearly killed by the explosion and did a little happy dance once she saw the door open. She didn't need to be told to run, the footsteps she heard behind her motivated  her to start running like a mad man. Era paused for a moment from confusion before speeding out the door, she does not want to stay in here any longer then 0 seconds Ari probabl picked Arth up again halfway,, yea. def did. After they were a really good distance away from the building Era just, stops, heavily breathing "Okay, one, I hate running. Two, I hate running. Three, I hate running." Ari set him down once she felt far enough away "s-sorry about that, i just wanted to get you away from there as fast as possible.." she was, kinda concerned by his look, but decided not to question it "Okay, we're heading home like, right away." Aris going to go out to get Arthur more snacks and let himself lock himself in his room probably "Can I nuke the place first?" "no" "I'm gunna nuke it." Era looks over to the building in the distance "Okay guys it's gunna be nuked." "what" b OO O MM M "My job here is done." His eye twitched. He's probably just sitting on the ground now. The boy is Shook. ".....We.. should go home now." Angy took a moment to catch her breath, seeing as she was way out of shape. "Good job guys, thank you Era for blowing up that.. thing But yeah, let's go home.." Era stares at the destroyed building off in the distance for a moment before turning around "Uh-huh. Max and Spop are probably going to be back soon." "How do we get home if we have no form of trasnportation." He'd mumble, realizing they probably knew and he we just asking that question for no reason, mumbling a barely even coherent 'nevermind sorry'. Ari looked at Arthur "nono its fine, its a good question. I dont wanna torture you with my vampire speed though so, we're probably just gonna walk- if you dont want to walk i can carry you but you said you didnt want that-" "Let's just hope that lady got roasted with the building and doesn't decide to catch up to us" Angy said while starting to walk. Era stands in her place, waiting for Ari and Athur to start walking too "Yeah.." The boy gets up and just follows after Angy. Out of everyone else to trust right now, she was the only one, even if all she did was make sure he didn't start screaming and crying in the dark. Era stares at Ari, waiting for her to go as well. She wants to make sure no one is accidentally left behind Ari went in, another direction "ill meet you guys at home okay? i- im gonna go somewhere. Ill be like 5 minutes, probably will meet you there- hopefully-" Era pauses, continuing to stare at her "Be safe," she quietly says before following the others
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