#Maybe working over 40 hours this week is intensifying emotions
late night little feelings
pathfinder hasn't felt right lately. Actually it hasn't felt right for a long time. Ever since our pirate campaign ended horribly, I don't know, it just feels off. It feels like we're playing just to play and not to tell a story and that's what I like. Maybe this group isn't the right group for me anymore but they're also some of my closets friends? It just doesn't feel like anyone really cares about it.
I just really miss Jhara and that world and the story and what playing felt like back then, and it feels silly explaining this to my therapist but I know it's not silly. I just miss the way it was. Things all feel different.
im trying really hard to let it go, but man it just sucks.
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prettyyoungtragedy · 7 years
“Who the hell is Bucky?”
Summary: Y/N worked for Hydra, a young scientist, all her life she had been lied to. Thinking Hydra were working for the good of mankind. Until she is put in charge of The Winter Soldier, and is not faced with the morality of her work. Takes place during the Winter Soldier.
A/N: Just an idea I played around with, hope whoever reads this enjoys it.  I am not the greatest smut writer, but I hope to get better over time! Drop me some feedback?
Words: 2789
Warnings: smut, angst and yeah..
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4/?
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Bucky Barnes was a man of few words, or he had become a man of few words. Y/N learned that after spending a few days cooped up in the house in the woods with him. Both of them had withdrawn into themselves in the three days they spent in that house, Bucky would leave for hours on end, only to return quieter and more morose than before and Y/N spent her time searching for their next base to camp or she kept updated on the Avengers and Shield and whatever information she could get on Hydra.
She never pressured Bucky into communicating with her, she knew how hard it must have been for him to adjust to his new freedom and all the memories that came rushing back. At night she could hear him screaming in dread in his room from the nightmares and it gave her shivers. His screams were one’s of true pain, she would hear him gasping awake and rushing out of his room and out of the house. Where he went she did not know, there were times when he would shower until the water became cold as if he were trying to scrub away the memories of the Winter Soldier. It broke her heart to see how tortured and broken he was. Knowing she had a hand in it,
A week after they had arrived at the house, Bucky finally struck up a conversation with her.
Y/N sat at on the floor, bending over the laptop between her legs, her hair cascading across her face as she stared intently at the screen. She was researching as she always did, she played music loudly through the stereo in the living room. She always lost herself in research whatever it may be and she hadn’t heard Bucky return from whatever venture he was on outside. Bucky’s boots suddenly appeared in her view,
“What are you doing?” His voice sounded, startling her as it always did. There had been so much silence that his voice seemed foreign to her.
“Huh?” she replied, looking up at him, his blue eyes piercing into her as she gazed up at him,
“Why are you on the floor when there are three couches and a table in this room?” Bucky asked her quizzically,
Y/N looked around the room, she knew what he meant and she didn’t really have an answer for him. The floor was more comfortable for her,
“I don’t know, I like it here.” She shrugged,
Bucky raised an eyebrow at her, but didn’t press the matter further. Instead to her surprise he took a seat in front of her, crossing his legs and stared at her.
“What are YOU doing?” She asked, looking at him in confusion, Bucky seemed to hate being around her, but here he was.
“Looking,” was his curt response,
“Answers.” He said,
“By looking at me?” She asked,
Y/N and Bucky stared at each other for a moment, his blue eyes piercing into her. His expression solemn,
“And this helps how?” she said, closing the laptop in front of her and sliding it to the side, curious to see where this would lead.
“I don’t know yet, but you seem to help.” He replied, narrowing his eyes are her, Bucky leaned back on his arms,
He looked devastatingly handsome in this position, his dark hair falling into his icy blue eyes, lips pursed. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest as he stared at her, she felt vulnerable under his gaze for some reason.
“You smell like lavender,” Bucky suddenly said,
“Excuse me?” Y/N responded baffled by his sudden confession,
“You know? The flower? Lavender? Yeah you smell like it.” He repeated,
“Yeah, I know what Lavender is Bucky,” Y/N retorted, “How do you know I smell like lavender,”
“Winter solider serum,” he replied, a wry smile on his face. And that was the first time she had seen Bucky smile, and it did all sorts of things to her.
From that small conversation on the living room floor, Bucky and Y/N began bonding more. Slowly at first with passing conversations, which developed into discussions at the dinner table and eventually to conversations sitting next to each other on the couch.
Bucky always stayed out of each, he hated to be touched, Y/N learned this the hard way when she had accidently touched his shoulder during a conversation and his reaction was terrifying. He had hissed and pulled away from her not before storming off, slamming the door behind him.
He was regaining his memories more as he went along, it had been three weeks since he had taken you from the hospital, and you had been keeping a keen eye out for any Hydra activity but had spotted none. Then came the night that changed everything between the two of them.
It ha started out as a normal night for them, Bucky made dinner as he always did, they ate, discussing Bucky’s past and hers. Y/N was eternally fascinated to hear about the 40’s when he grew up, it was an entirely different world. Then they cleared up and headed to the living room once more, Y/N sat on the couch reading an old book she had found, Bucky sat on the windowsill looking out at the night sky, as he always did.
Y/N’ gaze wandered to Bucky, his silhouette on the windowsill, hulking and perfect. He wore grey hooded sweater and sweatpants, it was so casual, no one would say this was the infamous Winter Soldier. Beneath the sweater, his rippling muscles tugged at the sweatshirt as he moved slightly.
Y/N lifted the glass of vodka to her lips, still staring at Bucky, she sipped the cold liquor. Swallowing it slowly, she found herself envisioning what it would be like to go to bed with him.
“You’re staring,” Bucky said, not looking at her,
‘Fuck!’ she thought, cursing herself out as she blushed. Thankfully the room was dimly lit, and she hoped he could not see her blushing. “Sorry,” she mumbled, returning to her book.
Y/N then felt his gaze on her, and she tried her utmost to ignore it until he stood up and came over to where she stood. His metal hand suddenly on the book in her hand, he took it from her hands,
“What are you reading?” He asked,
“Nothing interesting,” Y/N replied, watching as he gazed at the cover with a frown before he tossed it to the couch beside her,
“I have a question,” Bucky said, taking a seat beside her. He was abnormally close to her, facing her as he spoke to her. He seemed to have a boyish calm about him that evening.
“Go ahead,” she encouraged, maybe it was the vodka going to her head but she could have sworn she saw Bucky take a quick glance at her body.
“Why did you do it?” Bucky asked softly,
Y/N was waiting for this conversation, and she was dreading it.
“I don’t know,” she replied, looking down at her hands, avoiding his gaze.
“Bullshit,” Bucky said, his gaze intensifying
“What do you want me to say?” Y/N demanded, she couldn’t give him the answer he was looking for as she herself did not know what it was,
“The truth maybe?” Bucky retorted,
Y/N stared at him, she knew what he was seeking but could not give It to him. Bucky was looking for redemption for his past crimes, he was in search of validation, seeking a new life, and Y/N was unsure if she could be the one to give him all that.
“What truth Barnes?” She said quietly, ‘
Bucky sighed deeply, he rarely ever showed emotion. He was as unreadable as ever, his intense gaze was the only thing that ever betrayed his emotions, Y/N felt this deep connection with him but it was always fleeting.
“Tell me why you tried to save me Doctor Y/L/N.” He ordered,
Y/N was quiet, there was an unspoken pull towards Bucky Barnes, this unexplainable bond. Neither of them knew what it was, but there was a pull towards each other. And both her and Bucky were looking for what that pull was,
“I cant give you what you seek Bucky,” Y/N whispered,
Disappointment flitted across his face, and he nodded.
Bucky stood up, the conversation clearly over, “Good night Doctor,” he said, before walking out of the room, leaving Y/N sitting alone and flabbergasted.
Later that night Y/N lay in bed, her mind going over the conversation she had with Bucky. Everything she had lost felt incomprehensible compared to the loss Bucky had faced, he was a man out of time. His whole life taken away seventy years ago, he could have been a husband, a father , a lover to someone. But Hydra had taken that away, an organization she was part of.
She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Bucky scream in his room, another night, another nightmare. Feeling emboldened Y/N threw back her covers and quickly made her way to his room. She knocked softly on the door and when there was no response she opened the door and stepped in.
As she made her way toward the bed, she saw, in the pale glow of the moonlight, Bucky lay on his back, the panicked rise and fall of his bare torso, rapid in the darkness. His metal arm clenched to the left of him, a pained look on his sleeping face.
Y/N hesitated, and then reached for him, attempting to comfort him. As soon as she touched him Bucky’s eyes flew open and he grabbed her hand, yanking her towards him, he flipped her around pinning her hand behind her back and his metal arm closed around her throat. Pinning her down to the bed beside him,
“B-b-bucky,” She gasped as he choked her, she could hear his rapid breathing beside her, he shoulder ached as he held her arm behind her.  
He was still trapped in his nightmare, she felt his grip get tighter around her neck. She knew if she didn’t wake him up in the net few seconds he would most likely break the bones in her arm or her neck.
“Bucky!” she gasped again, shoving her elbow into hos muscular chest,
As soon as she hit him, she felt him relaxed his grip and then instantly shive himself off the bed, releasing her from his grip. “Wh-what the fuck are you doing here?” he exclaimed, looking around bewildered,
Y/N was working on getting her breath back, she sat up on the bed, rotating her arm which was aching from being held in his iron grip. “You were having a nightmare,” she replied, “I wanted to help,”
Bucky was silent as he looked at her on the bed, his chest rapidly rising and falling, “Don’t do that,” he said gruffly,
“Do what?” Y/N asked, confused,
“Help me,” He replied,
Y/N got off the bed and moved toward him, “Bucky,” she said softly, and he immediately backed away from her, “I want to help,”
Bucky shook his head, “You can’t help me,” he murmured dejectedly,
Y/N moved closer to him, and he took another step back, “Let me try,” she replied, reaching her hand towards him,
Bucky froze as her hand made contact with his chest, she could feel his heart hammering in his chest. A wild look in his eyes, before she knew what was happening Bucky grabbed her by the arm and shoved her against the wall, his metal arm slammed into the wall beside her face.
He leaned down and gazed at her face, an intense look in his eyes. “You should be afraid of me Doctor,” Bucky said, sinisterly, his blue eyes staring intensely into hers,
Y/N couldn’t find the words in that moment, instead she reached up and cupped his handsome face, she knew she should be afraid of him but she couldn’t be. In that moment all she wanted to do was ease the pain in his eyes,
“I am not afraid of you James Buchanan Barnes,” she whispered,
That was all it took before Bucky’s lips crashed over hers, pinning her against the wall. Her mouth fell open against his, Bucky’s kiss all-consuming. Using his right hand, Bucky hoisted Y/N up against the wall, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed his muscular body against hers.
There was an urgency to his kissing. Bucky pulled her sweater off tossing it across the room, his eyes never leaving her body. The lust in his eyes, raw and evident. Y/N ran her fingers through his long dark hair, and pulled his face towards her once more, their kissing more desperate and urgent than before.
Trailing rough kisses across her neck and shoulders, Bucky moved her toward the bed. He tossed her onto it, she could visibly see his arousal in his pants, it was large. Bucky gazed down at her on the bed for a seond, before he grabbed her legs, pulling her towards him. In one swift movement he removed her underwear, then tugged off his shirt and pants as well.
Bucky got between her legs, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss once more. She could feel his thick member pressed up against her core, the arousal palpable. His metal hand never touching her once, Bucky used his right hand only as he navigated her body, kissing, sucking, biting as he went along. He lined himself up with her entrance and looked into her eyes, awaiting her consent. Y/N hooked her legs over his hips and locked them, moving his body towards her giving him the consent he sought. Gasping as he entered her, the swell was intoxicating, and she moaned against him.
Bucky moved slowly above her, using his metal limb to prop himself up and he fucked her. She shuddered with pleasure as Bucky brought her closer to orgasm, there was no passion between them, it as raw unopposed fucking and it was the intimacy of fucking that they craved. He buried himself deep within her, using the closeness of their bodies to forget the torture and pain that plagued him.
Y/N dug her nails into his muscular as she felt her orgasm building, suddenly Bucky pulled away, leaving her gasping for more. Without warning he flipped her over, gripping her hips, he pulled her towards him once more, he lined himself up with her entrance from behind and in one swift thrust he entered her.
Bucky gripped onto her hip with just one hand and he thrust into her, hard. Her back arched, she felt the orgasm she was seeking approaching, her moans getting louder as it approached.
And then the coil within her snapped, and the orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave. Bucky never stopped or slowed his pace as she rode out her orgasm, his name rapidly falling her to lips as she did so. He pulled away once more, leaving her breathless as he flipped her over once more, getting between her legs again. He kissed her, roughly, and entered her once more.
Three mind-blowing orgasms later, both Y/N fell back onto the bed gasping for breath. She felt like her body was on fire, beside her Bucky lay calm, cool and collected, staring up at the ceiling. He looked serene in the pale glow of the moonlight, and devastatingly handsome. The emotions and implications of what had just taken place suddenly came rushing to her, and her heart began to race. She didn’t know what it meant or how either of them were going to deal with it, so she wordlessly got up from the bed, grabbing her items of clothing and quickly pulling them on to cover her nakedness.
“What are you doing?” Bucky said in a soft voice, sitting up,
“I…I’m going to my room” Y/N replied, moving towards the door,
“Why?” he sounded hurt by this, she was unsure of how to navigate this situation. It was all foreign to her, and so was he. He was an enigma she barely knew anything about, he was a killer, a methodical machine yet tonight she had seen an entirely different side of him.
Y/N sighed, “It’s better this way,” she said, then quickly exited his room shutting the door behind her. She was bewildered by the events of what had just transpired between them. Bucky had been passionate, and intimate with her, something she has never expected. Yet she suddenly felt afraid of him, something she had never felt before. She didn’t know if it was the vulnerability of the situation or not, but there was a tinge of fear that she suddenly felt.
Tags: @lanilovespsychos @marveloussupernatural @rashinyx2002 @loricwizardbluetoastedcake
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ignideus · 4 years
end = beginning.
TW: Suicide, death, murder, violence & gore. Read at your own risk.
The fox is restless.
There was this excruciating pain in his chest that he badly wanted to stab away, as if it’s just waiting to rip its way out from within his rib cage and crush every single bone to pieces to break free from its confinements. It’s been rebelling for months and weeks now, and it’s been searching for just the right gap to escape from his body and go feral exactly the way his grandfather warned him. The fox absolutely despised being entrapped, and he was told that sooner or later, it would try to take him over, no matter what it takes.
“Jongina, it runs in the family. It will try to consume you, and you will have a hard time trying to stay true to yourself when it challenges your spirit.
But you can resist it. You must.”
Hell. He had been resisting it well. He hadn’t even attended to its needs for what seemed to be a long time. He didn’t feed on blood to sate its craving. He didn’t go out to look at the full moon to allow its demands to be where it felt the most alive. He didn’t seek out sexual favours and gave in to its libido from multiple people like he would usually, because it's exactly what the fox feeds on, and the only person he loved, he protected with a spell to keep it away from feeding on its energy. And that rages it. It hates to be defied. And it wants to make Jongin pay for starving it to near death.
The fox 
The sooner he let it live inside him, the sooner he realised that all the mishaps in his life and the restlessness he’d felt all along was caused by more than just him being heartbroken and distraught—it was that the thing lived beyond his emotions. It has become a part of him, and its rage affects him too. 
When he does let it out, it’s only when he has full control of his body, allowing the ears and the tail to breathe, so he can too, feeling less pain all over his body from restraining the spirit’s rampant need to break free. Yet, it wasn’t enough. The thing wanted him. His conscious mind. His body. His spirit. It wants to claim what was promised to it, sacrificed to it, given to it. But Jongin never asked to be given to the fox, much less becoming one with it. It wasn’t something he ever wanted to be. He never wanted to have to feed on blood of all things. Yet, countless nights of him crying his eyes out begging to whatever deities that were listening to turn him back into what he used to be, the fox merely laughed. 
The fear of being taken over and being changed into what he was afraid of soon only intensified, and he was no longer the same person anymore. He’d detached himself from people. He couldn’t be bothered to keep his friendships. He’s given up on love. And he’s no longer hopeful about being happy, when all he could be is to be immensely worried of his fate and those around him. There were countless times where he feared hurting those he cared for, and every time the thought crosses his mind, the fox just laughs, louder than ever, and mocks him for his naivety. 
I am you. You are a part of me and so am I, a part of you. To get rid of me is to get rid of yourself.
And then, he realised.
To get rid of it means to get rid of myself. 
And vice versa…?
He lied.
Those who asked were told that he’s fine. He’s just away, away to clear his mind, to make some space for the things that bothered him. Move on from the person he loves and turn away from the troubles of it all. Seek some solace and come back a better person. He made them believe that he’s fine, that he’s recovering, that he’s safe with his grandparents. 
Nearly two weeks had passed then. His lies probably still held true to some people. He had hoped that they still believed it. So they won’t worry. So they won’t find him, so they won’t stop him.
Because he can’t stand it any longer and it had to be done.
There was a big circle of salt on the ground, and stacks of wood in the middle. Pig blood scattered around it, with what he thought would ward off spirits and make peace with them. An offering of sorts, in hopes that they wouldn’t interfere with what he’s trying to do. He stood in the middle of the forest, staring at what’s about to come for the two of them. The trick was to kill off the spirit, the demon, or whatever it was residing inside of him along with him, and not allow it to escape. He was hopeful of this. He learned enough from his grandfather’s exorcism rites, and hoped this would do. Even with what little knowledge he has of it.
Somehow, the fox had been silent that day. It didn’t rebel. It didn’t say a word about his attempt to kill it together with him. Perhaps it knew the end would come, though never would’ve thought someone like Jongin would resort to anything like this for the sake of it.
“If I die, you’ll die,” he says every once in a while as he stacks up as many chopped wood on top of each other. Sometimes it comes across like a chant, sometimes it sounded like he was only trying to convince himself with utmost optimism that this was surely to work. Yet again, the fox didn’t say a thing, and not even a glimpse of it showed itself. A part of Jongin grew paranoid. 
The sun was starting to set. Less than an hour more and darkness will cover the grounds until he’s left with only the small flashlight he bought at the camping base, along with the matchsticks and gasoline. He strayed far away from the site and deep into the forest, so to make sure no one will ever know he’s there. And when it’s finally time, he poured gasoline inside the circle, and onto the chopped woods. Being as thorough as possible, just to make sure.
He was determined. He did think about the people he’s leaving. But he was sure, so immensely sure that he holds not that much of a significant place in anyone’s lives at this point, that his disappearance would be a breeze. 
They’ll be okay. They’ll survive. Stop thinking about it. There’s no point contemplating now. 
He’s doing this to protect everyone anyways.
By then, it was almost 7 in the evening. Darkness has fully engulfed the forest by now, so he lit up the matchsticks and threw it into the huge pit he made. The flames hurled aloud, and he backed away a bit from the intense heat. The hot ribbons of light looked like they were dancing as the wind blew softly. 
He wasn’t sure what the fox was thinking now. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking either. Or where to begin. But one thought remained: So, this is how I die? He imagined it would’ve been a lot... A lot more peaceful, perhaps. On his bed, in the arms of a loved one. 
But that’s merely fantasy now, not even something he could ever get even if he wanted it. There’s no hope for someone whose life has basically come to an end because of a curse that can’t simply be undone unless he does the sacrifice himself. It was the only way... or so he thought.
It’s going to be quick,
was one of the last thoughts he had before he stepped inside the burning fire, roaring wild and shrieking with every crisp blow of the windy breeze as it engulfs the entirety of his body whole, swallowing him in the blaze. Strangely, he felt welcomed in its warmth.
Some few days later.
Daytime pulled its curtain, and nighttime fell. 
The campsite had no visitors for the night, and there was only the faint sound of chirping crickets that occupied the walk of a certain 40-something man, who found it convenient to go for a hunt at this time of the night. He bribed the guard to allow him to enter. Someone like him always has his way to get whatever he wants.
He noticed the deafening silence that awaits the pathway ahead. The tick of his wrist watch clicked rather loudly as he entered the site that led further up the hills, and he suddenly felt a cold shiver going down his spine when he stepped on a big rock to look over his surroundings from a higher view. Strange. The weather has become unusually cold out of nowhere.
There’s a noise, the crunch of leaves and branches from a distance. Turning on his phone’s torchlight, he aimed it towards where he heard the sound. A quick shadow passed by—was that a person? What human moves that fast?
The man quickly put away his phone, squinting in the dark trying to make out the dark figure. There was a tail, and a pair of ears. No doubt, just a wild animal. It moved about from one tree to another, then returned to the first tree it lingered around when he first saw it. As the hunter slowly stepped behind a tree to hide, the unknown creature moved forward, closer towards him. It didn’t seem to have spotted him, though, much to his advantage.
He noticed something strange about the creature. It stood on hind legs, with a stance of a human, now suddenly moving rather slowly and with a limp, as if injured on one leg. When it turned to the side, he noticed the tail—or tails, standing tall and unusually parted into two. It had a white, silverish fur that glimmered under the moonlight, and the thing made a small howling noise as it slowly moved closer, and closer. As if it was looking for something. Yet, the man thought it was his lucky day, This is such an easy prey. 
Rifle in another arm, readily held out, trying to aim for a shot. It’s going to be a blast bragging about his new catch of the day to his mates. Wonder what they can do with the beautiful fur though? Maybe a new rug? A jacket for upcoming winter? A rare piece of fabric? He shuddered in clear excitement. He couldn’t wait to take a closer look at this majestic being. What a shame that it had to die.
He waited for it to get just a little closer. Damn, should’ve used a trap. He didn’t want to let this one go, it’d be a shame. From this distance, though, he’s pretty sure he can aim for the other leg. With a well aimed angle, he pulled the trigger, and a loud bang echoed throughout the forest—
But gone.
It’s suddenly gone.
The man widened his eyes in confusion, looking around frantically and wondered where he could’ve missed the thing. It was just there, and then the next second it‘s no longer in sight. What the fuck just happened? 
He stepped out from where he hid and rushed to see the spot he shot. Right here. Just here.
“Looking for something… or someone?” a low raspy voice asked. Startled by the voice, he turned around, but the sight that met him made him shudder.
The thing was a person after all, except... not quite. 
Bright, glowing yellow eyes. A pair of fluffy white ears, and two tails that pointed threateningly towards him. Sharp, long fangs that reached his bottom lip, digging into the soft flesh, chewing, drooling. One could tell how famished and starved it looked, probably for days and probably weeks. Up close, he observed that the thing is undoubtedly as human as he is, but with other features that aren’t. 
It snarled.
“What were you trying to do to me?” it asked. It could talk. The man backed away when the thing took one step forward, a sinister smile stretching far too wide across its face, showing rows of pearly whites, with big fangs on display. It sniffed, and the man raised his rifle and pointed it at it. 
“Fuck off! What the fuck are you? Stop fucking with me punk!” 
It roared with laughter, and a heavy drool left its mouth, dribbling down its chin. There’s a wet slurping noise it makes as he walks to one side, eyeing the man with that smile of his, looking at him from head to toe. 
“Very interesting that my very first meal would be a rich, cocky old man. Don’t worry, I won’t butcher up your body too much—“
A shot, right onto his chest. The gaping hole spurted with blood, and he coughed out some more. He looked up, the male evidently panicking as he froze in his spot. 
“Oh my oh my, I applaud your bravery, human,” it laughed again, pressing a hand up against its chest. Just like that, the hole was gone, but the blood remains. Two blue orbs suddenly emerged behind the creature, glowing as bright as its yellowish eyes, and they started to spin in circles, almost as if to scream out a warning to those who encountered its master.
“But a bullet won’t kill a god.”
The man freaked out even more, and that’s when he took the cue to leave the scene and flee, turning on his feet and leaving what equipment he brought along with him except the rifle. He was fast on his feet, wanting to get the fuck out of there already, holding back the urge to scream in fear and be known a fucking lunatic. He wasn’t as lucky as he thought the moment he accidentally trips on a rock and falls flat on his face against the muddy ground, and that’s when the laughter is heard again.
It appeared as fast as it vanished from sight. He found the creature crouched right in front of him, out of nowhere, and it suddenly grabs a hold of his hair, a fit of giggles leaving his lips.
“So this is the sight of a scared human? A lot, lot more interesting than the little one’s terrified face every time he sees me in the mirror. Oh, he hated me. He hated my guts so much… You must hate me too? You must hate me for messing with your luck,” it purred, pulling his head up by the hair and baring his neck. The man’s face is drained out of blood as the creature raises one finger on the other hand, a pointy, clawed nail twirling in the air. When it forcefully turned the man’s body around, he had the finger resting right on top of where his liver would be.
“I’ll make it quick.”
He lied.
With a deafening scream of the human, the creature pressed its finger inside his flesh, slicing and ripping it open with the claw, digging inside with his bare hands to pull out the organ from his ribcage. The man screamed in horror, helplessly pinned to the ground with two strong tails. It took a while for it to find the liver, its favourite snack besides a human heart. It’s gotten clumsy, hasn’t it? 
It’s been waiting for this moment for too long. Far too long, but now they’ve come a full circle, after months of waiting for Jongin to accept and obey it. The human was persistent, though, far too persistent that he refused to allow it to make a home in his body, and now he had to pay the price. Burnt in flames, only to reborn and be taken over by it—him, Kai, the self-proclaimed god. 
And somewhere inside his own body, Jongin was screaming. Screaming to be let out.
“Ah, ah, ssshhh… you both should learn how to be quiet and respectful.” It howled happily as the fresh liver leaves its owner unharmed and in good shape. But it would be a shame for it to allow the man to just suffer and bleed to death, wouldn’t it? There was blood everywhere. To him, the sight was an appetiser, the same way humans look at side dishes. It’s learned plenty from Jongin.
Another scream leaves the man’s lips, and it stared with its glowing eyes, irritated. The creature makes a mockingly sympathetic face, making eye contact with the man, only to stab a hole in his chest with one of his tails, grabbing his beating heart and pulling it right off his chest. Mercy killing. The man’s body doesn’t move anymore, good. He hadn’t harmed the heart, however. That’s his main course.
“Don’t look at me while I feast,” it growled, whacking his head with the other tail so he turns the other way, and began to eat its meal. It ripped apart the liver with its bare teeth, blood spurting down its chin, making more mess than it already had. 
Finally, finally a real food, not some small amounts of blood infused in strawberry milk like the weakling Jongin had fed it before. It—he, is now alive, at last.
Neither the man nor his body was found ever again.
To get rid of me means to get rid of yourself.
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