#Maybe if this app had a feature where I can yell anything and add shitty pictures + background music I'd be more acitve
jebtruther · 2 years
Really gotta toughen up wtf why am I getting so scared 2 post on this app💀💀💀
Anyways DBOC propaganda🫶
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2 posts on one day cray z😱🥶🥳
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chaoticsagi · 5 years
Prompt: 2 -  “Just follow me, I know the area.”
Fandom & Ship: Community, Jeff x Annie
Summary: Jeff, Britta and Troy fly to DC to surprise Annie, but without Annie there to plan it all, it kind of falls apart.
“We’re lost,” Troy whines behind him, his voice rings in Jeff’s ears. This is the fifth time that Troy has moaned in the last 3 minutes and Jeff’s starting to lose his patience with him.
He thinks to himself how, if they had listened to him earlier and actually followed the map he had out on his phone, they wouldn’t even be in this mess. But then his phone died, and then so did Troy’s. Now they had no map, no address, no hints as to where the hell they should be headed.
He pictures them all in Annie’s apartment, imaging them with a hot drink and their feet up on her sofa, listening to her tell a story in her animated Annie fashion. He tries to ignore the fact that they’re currently roaming the streets of DC hopelessly in a desperate attempt to find her apartment building in the cold air. Their luggage drags along behind them and they can’t ignore how tired, bored and cold they all feel.  
The thought of seeing Annie again was the only thing keeping Jeff going at this point. Even if Britta and Troy were there with him. He does kind of wish he could see her alone, but when he announced his plans to his friends, they all begged to join him, and Jeff couldn’t say no.
“Just follow me, I know the area,” Britta says confidently, but it only causes her friends to groan. “I lived in New York, remember?”
“You do realise we are not in New York right now, right?” Jeff feels the need to check, unsure why Britta thinks her faux-knowledge of a completely different city will help her here and now. It’s one of those weird Britta-isms he’ll never understand, but he hopes for her sake she’s on to something. For the love of God, please let her be onto something.
“Shut up,” she nudges his side and storms past him, walking off down the street.
Troy and Jeff pick up pace to follow her, knowing they don’t really have much choice at this point, both their phones are dead and they have no idea where they were. They might as well not lose Britta, even if she is dead weight.
They wander aimlessly for a few more minutes? Hours? Days? Jeff’s lost track of time by this point, and every second seems to be crawling by agonisingly slow. It’s time to face facts, they have no clue where they are. He just wants to see Annie. Why is it so hard?
The idea of surprising Annie with an impromptu semi-group reunion seems stupid now that they couldn’t even find her. Jeff thinks back to their original, half-hatched plans and wonders whether they should’ve just got her to meet them at the airport. She’d probably be embarrassed with his poor planning skills, he thinks to himself after.
“Shall I just call her?” Britta asks 5 blocks later, and Jeff and Troy turn to each other, eyes full of anger (Jeff) and confusion (Troy).
“You’ve had a phone on you the whole time?!” They shout in unison.
“Duh doy. These phones last like a week without charging,” Britta pulls out a very outdated phone from her purse. It looks like a brick and Jeff’s pretty sure he can see an antenna sticking out of it. It looks like a lost relic from the late 80s. “It may not have all your fancy apps on it, but it does the trick.”
“Jeez Britta, how old is your phone?” Troy comments, curiously inspecting the device in her hand. “You seriously need an upgrade.”
Returning back to the task at hand, Jeff rubs his temples vividly. “So you’re meaning to tell us we could’ve called Annie hours ago? Did you seriously not think of that?”
“I thought the whole point of this was that it was a surprise,” she spits out.
He glares back at her. Her reasoning is stupid and he’s not afraid to tell her that.
“Shut up, Winger. Maybe if you didn’t spend the whole flight sorting through your selfies and draining your shitty phone battery, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.”
Troy stifles a laugh and stops immediately when Jeff sends him a pointed look.
“I wasn’t even doing that,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. So what? He may have been looking through some old photos of the group all together, reminiscing about the last time he saw Annie… Didn’t mean anything though.
Britta presses call on Annie’s icon, putting the phone on speaker. They can all hear her flustered voice when she finally answers.
“Hi Britta,” Annie calls out in her familiar voice. It sends a chill down Jeff’s spine. That, or cold breeze that just picked up. “Is everything ok?”
“Heyyyy,” she drawls in response. Jeff and Troy stand by, listening in.
“You haven’t locked yourself out of the apartment again, have you? Is there a problem with the rent or something? Have you been robbed?”
“Nah, I’m all good,” Britta continues. “Actually, we do need your help… We’re a little lost.”
“Lost?” Annie’s voice is laced with concern, he can practically sense imagine her sitting at home, heart racing, eyes filled with panic. It’s a pretty cute picture, but he doesn’t want her to worry too much.
“We’re in D.C. but we don’t really know where we are right now… What’s your address again?” He sighs, feeling a bit bad they’ve ruined their surprise.
“Surprise!” Troy adds in before Annie can even react.
“You’re in DC?” is all she says before pausing for a moment. They wait, huddling further into their jackets, unsure if she sounds excited or not. “I’ll text it to you now Britta.”
“We’ll get a cab right over. Thanks, Annie!”
“I can’t believe you guys are here!” She jumps up and down as they walk into her apartment. It’s a tiny, tiny excuse for a place. The walls are bright yellow - very Annie - and the kitchen slash living room just about fits them all inside. Thank god the others hadn’t been able to make it; they were already at maximum capacity.
“I missed you,” Troy pulls her in for a big hug. “Plus I have to tell you all my pirate stories - something these two clearly don’t appreciate.” Troy sends Britta and Jeff a glare as he moves away.
Britta ignores him, approaching Annie next. “Your place is… cute,” she tries. 
But in reality it’s cramped, and Jeff’s pretty sure he can feel a breeze coming in through the closed window, he mentally tells himself to check that out later. 
He can tell she’s really tried to make it as homely as she can, with throws and pillows and little dashes of Annie about the place. 
“Thanks,” Annie shrugs. “It’s the best I could do with my savings right now. Oh, and please thank your parents again for covering all the rent while I’m gone, I owe them.”
“Don’t mention it. Seriously.”
It’s Jeff’s turn next.
He’s finally standing in front of her, a moment he’s been picturing ever since he dropped her off at the airport with Abed. And yeah, he definitely never imagines Troy and Britta in all his fantasies, but he knows it’s nice for them to all have a group reunion so he’s not exactly complaining. 
“Hey,” he breaths as she steps towards her. He feels a weight on his shoulders, full of words unsaid, longing and feelings. The woman he loves is stood there in front of him, and more than anything he wants to go over to her, pull her close, and press his lips on hers. But he can’t. Not right now, at least.
A silence lingers between them, before she moves closer and wraps her arms around his waist.
“Hey,” she near-whispers back into his chest and the vibration of her voice against him sends shockwaves around his body. For the first time in a while, he finally feels alive. It’s stupid and he tries to ignore it.
“Missed you,” he stops himself from saying more. He really doesn’t want to open his mouth and admits just how much he hates Greendale when she’s not there. He’s been getting by ok, and he doesn’t exactly want to scare her off.
She leans up to whisper in his ear, “I missed you the most.”
She smells like vanilla, all warm and homely and comforting all in one and he can’t help but let a smile dance across his features as he holds her.
“Break it up, guys,” Troy yells across the room, to which Britta adds some gagging noises for dramatic effect. 
“Yeah. I didn’t come all this way to be a third wheel, Winger.”
Annie pushes herself out of his grasp, smiling at her houseguests.
“Who wants to go get dinner?”
Jeff stands by watching the three, all happily discussing where to go. He thinks to himself how lucky he is to have them all in his life still, how lucky he is that they’re all here together despite their Greendale days being long gone. He never could have imagined it would be like this, but he’s so glad it is.
This is it. This is his family.
They drop their things off at the hotel before heading for food, and because they all have so much to catch up on, they almost don’t notice the restaurant clearing out for closing time.
So they eventually end up at some random bar Annie recommends and it’s pretty packed inside. Full of people much younger than Jeff, he notes, but tries not to think about it too much.
His mind wanders to whether she’s moved on, found some young, good looking guy here in DC that’s more suited to her new FBI lifestyle than he is. But the thought makes his stomach churn and his head cloud with anxiety and insecurity and he thinks it’s best to leave those thoughts alone. 
He ends up ordering himself a scotch while they all listen to Troy’s recap of his time in Australia and then sneaks out the entrance to the smoking area for some fresh air.
It all feels so surreal now, Jeff’s not really sure how to feel. 
“You ok?” he recognises her voice immediately, and turns to spot a familiar head of brown, shiny hair and bright blue eyes looking up at him.
“I’m good,” he nods, his voice doing very little to mask his true emotions.
Not that it matters. He knows Annie can read him like an open book anyway. He doesn’t know why he bothers trying to hide anything from her.
“Just follow me,” she says, grabbing his hand. “Don’t worry, I know the area.”
He looks at her puzzled, remembering when Britta said the exact same thing. She giggles at his quizzical expression and winks back. Troy had told her the story earlier and she found it completely hilarious.
She leads him away from the bar, just down a quiet, secluded street around the corner. She’s walking faster than he’s ever seen her move and he wonders what her urgency is and where she’s taking him.
She doesn’t say anything, just stops abruptly outside a closed shop, and before he even has a chance to ask her what she’s doing, she leans onto her tip toes and slants her lips on top of his.
His heart explodes and his head goes fuzzy and he can’t quite believe this is happening. He pulls her body closer, his hand nestled into her hair and the other tight on her waist, holding her close.
Her lips taste fruity, like the cocktails she’s been ordering all night (some things never change). Her tongue finds its way into his mouth, and he has to stop himself from moaning too loudly in response. He’s waited far too long for this. His heart pounds in his chest, threatening to leap out if he gets too excited.
Eventually, they part, their chests heaving and their lips red. Her nose is a little pink from all the friction. It might just be the best thing he’s ever seen.
“We should go back before they notice that we ran off,” she smiles innocently and holds her hand out for him to take.
He doesn’t have time to overthink what just happened. All he knows is he can’t wait for the rest of their little secret moments together this weekend.
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