#Maybe I'll actually remember to use it consistently xD
flaskoflethe · 29 days
Ok trying to write something when my meds are still (nominally) in effect! Standard ramble/stream of consciousness, today on privilege
Having privilege fucking sucks? No, I don't mean in the "oh woe is me i had to pay 10% more for my luxury goods!" sense. I am a white person earning a living wage in the imperial core: objectively, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on! But analysis of privilege is relative to so many conditions it renders the statement "I have some privilege" and insufficiently defined statement t ok be communicatively valuable.
Like, I have no debt. Economically speaking, that puts me in the upper quarter of Americans wealth-wise. Undeniably, that conveys privilege. But that usage is imprecise; the privilege is of the form removal-of-burdan, not a hoarded-undue-excess. My interactions with systems is, undeniably, shaped by the fact I am able to somewhat select the services I engage, and with a degree of choice and freedom. Being white, on top of economic status, means I have even greater degrees of systemic benefit. But I'm also disabled. And autistic. And queer. And trans. It's absolutely correct to call me a complaining white woman - I am, despite my desire not to complain! - but my complaint is not "I should have it easier". Empirically, there are ways in which I do and ways in which I absolutely do not.
My point, the whole reason I bring this up, the reason it bothers me. I like helping my friends and communities. It's why I offer to send masks to people, if I see a person in one of my circles who may be in a dangerous situation or could use some help i try to be able to offer it. But despite my advantageous position economically, I'm *far* from wealth. If I lose my job, I have a few month's buffer to last me until I can find a new one or need to ask for help. But that's not enough to be able to pay for what everyone around me needs. Not in the literal sense - I'm asocial enough to not know my neighbors, for example - but in my communities, in the circles and spaces through which I move. There is so much need, any individual could exhaust themselves without making a significant dent. How do you balance it out? Anyway, you will note every privilege I mention save one is conditional. I can lose my job, or physical health, or insurance, or... And those benefits and privileges are gone.
Why has this been bothering me lately? Two reasons. It should not take having my actual metabolic curve for a specific estradiol ester mapped out to get an ester that my body reacts to appropriately. Being able to tell your doctor that you need a different medication should be sufficient. More seriously, you shouldn't have to fear retaliation for raising a concern about complicity to apartheid. The only ethical reaction to privilege is trying to twist it against itself. There's no "enough" anyone can do to fight these systems - all anyone can do is whatever they can. Sorry I can't be doing more.
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Do you think you could do like a characterization of the Familers?
Everytime I try to think about their personalities and how they would interact with each other, or M6, or Mc I just feel like I don't get it right. Like I've got like the very basics but that's like it
Malak is a crazy
Chandra is spoiled
Faust is a wildcard
Ianna is protective
Pepi is energetic
Idk Lucio’s familars ( i cant spell one of their names) but they are kinda like wild dogs, they do whatever they want
EVEN THEN, I still feel like some of these are wrong or don't cover most of their character or I'm mischaracterizing them on accident.
Could you maybe do some more Familers mini headcannons?
Like what do the Familers do when M6 is sad?
What do they do when Mc is sad?
How do they interact with each other on a day to day bases?
( I think you might have done one of these actually )
But I have more
What do they do when M6 or/and MC gets hurt?
What do they typically do during the day and/or What do they do when they aren't with M6?
How would they respond if M6/Mc was in a dangerous situation/attacked | How are they when M6/Mc is ill?
Some of these are probably answers in their routes but it's hard to remember/recall. I do wish they were in their respective routes just a little bit more than they are so I could get a could grasp of their personalities.
What I really want is just like a written out basis of what they are like? I don't even need the Mini headcannons ( but I do like them) Their personalities is just what I have a hard time grasping because it not like right in front of me or I'm not constantly reminded of it like the Li’s that I just forget or mischaracterize them.
So if you ever have the time and or patience, I would love if you could just write about their personalities or just more about them in general. They are right hand to the Li’s and I love them so much and I tried using the wiki but I don't trust it because apparently some of the info is just flat-out wrong. I love reading you headcannons and mini headcannons because I feel like you do the Li’s justice and this account is keeping the Arcana fandom alive. I'm very sorry that this is a really long ask and my grammar my be wrong in some areas.
I'd like to thank you if you've read through everything. I hope you keep making Arcana content in the future as me and many others really do enjoy your content and takes on the characters.
Hi friend!! I hope you're ready for the full scale essay under the cut XD
(also, you are more than welcome to request some mini-hcs with the M6's familiars - please feel free to submit them individually so I can sort and try to answer them ^.^)
The devs don't go hugely into detail about how familiars work, exactly, but here's what we know: First, how in-tune to magic you are does affect how involved your bond is, but people still have familiars whether or not they have a lot of magical ability. Second, the bond makes the most sense if you think of it as being similar to a "soulmates AU" setup. The person and animal involved have a natural connection with the potential for a full-fledged familiar bond, but how that manifests changes depending on the effort and type of bonding that happens.
There's also a consistent pattern when it comes to vibes and personality, with the familiars being very similar to their respective humans. I'll go familiar by familiar from here ^.^
Julian and Malak are (unfortunately) not very in touch with each other. Julian doesn't speak of him much beyond referring to him as "the raven", and while it's clear that they're more in sync than the average human and animal would be, Julian tends to find it more uncanny than comforting. Malak, in turn, tends to get quickly annoyed by this when his genuine attempts to help and protect and connect get consistently thwarted. He shares Julian's values and habits, constantly keeping watch (anxiously or otherwise) over his person and the people important to him, and often flying beak-first into situations that seem out of control with little regard for his own well being. Malak and Julian have the capacity to cover each other's blind spots. Julian is quicker at analyzing and navigating social situations that sometimes send the bird into a frenzy, while Malak is aware of magical happenings that Julian is completely blind to.
The two of them share an anxiety about the world being a constantly dangerous place and noble mindset focused around doing the right thing and protecting the people they love. The big difference is that Malak doesn't doubt his own abilities - as generally anxious as he acts with all his ruffling feathers and screeches, the raven doesn't hold himself back because he thinks someone else could do better. If anything, he's often pushing Julian to get over the self-deprecation and join him already. Unfortunately, neither of them has figured out how to listen to each other yet, which means more often than not they just get on each other's nerves. Given MC's ability to help Julian navigate things of a magical nature, they could very easily become the communication bridge between the two.
It's pretty heavily implied (if not canon) that Faust is the child of Asra's parents' familiars, Chimes and Flamel. She was given to Asra as an egg and hatched on one of their birthdays, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have an incredibly strong bond, enough for them to send memories to each other, have conversations, communicate across long distances, and even share emotions. Faust loves Asra, herself, and MC almost equally, and in Asra's route she happily becomes MC's companion when Asra isn't around to do so. She also appears to have her own capacity for magic, frequently blipping from one realm to another as she pleases.
The best way (in my head) of describing her vibes are that one honorary younger sibling who is also the instigator best friend. While she's borne witness to Asra's toughest moments, she's received such excellent care and attention that she doesn't seem to have nearly the same levels of trauma - or maturity. Reading about her feels a lot like what I imagine reading about a teenaged Asra with a much kinder life would feel like - whimsical, mischievous, creative, impulsive, unpredictable, and carefree to the point of recklessness. She's still learning what it means to have limits (re: going off on an unannounced adventure, only to be caught and held hostage by the Devil) but when push comes to shove she's suprisingly dependable (re: sabotaging the ritual, right under the Devil's nose).
Due to her being so accessible to MC's character, she has a level of plot influence and general content that comes closer to a main character than the other familiars. It gives fan work more content to work with, but also less space to take its own creative liberty.
Chandra is always hovering, and yet rarely directly involved. We know that Nadia used to be able to speak with her similarly to how Asra speaks with Faust, but she doesn't remember how. There's a wall between the two of them that they both seem to want to breach, but given the circumstances, they just haven't found the time and resources to do it yet. However, it's clear that they know how important they are to each other - Chandra seems to live at Nadia's beck and call, despite seeming so distant, and Nadia dedicates much of her personal time and interests to caring for her. They rely heavily on each other as allies in uncertain times (re: Nadia trusting Chandra in multiple routes to be her eyes and ears and carry her most important messages).
Chandra certainly has Nadia's independence, initiative, and desire for companionship. She's often seen on alert on the fringes and ready to step in and help take control of chaotic situations. However, where Nadia responds to a desire for companionship by initiating connection, Chandra is more reserved. She's present, she's paying attention, but she's not actively connecting until she's invited. She, like Nadia, has become accustomed to living in a Palace filled with with intrigue and uncertain loyalties, and it plays out in her reticence. She's much more likely to communicate interest by watching intently from a distance than by approaching and interacting. Over time, if MC is able to help Nadia find the way to communicate with Chandra again, they'll likely become her confidante in her efforts to be a good familiar.
The best way to describe her and Muriel is trauma bonded. (Which, given Muriel's past, is arguably the bond that lets him receive the support he needs from her best.) They're both loners, both uninterested in connection until it's proven to be worthwhile, and both deeply distrusting of other people's motives. Inanna is Muriel's breaking point twice. First, when he's expected to kill her in the Coliseum (how they met), and second, when she's horribly injured trying to protect the heart of the forest. Both of those moments with her push Muriel to recognize his priorities and actually act on them. As a result, they have a deep mutual respect for each other - and a stubborn emphasis on still being their own people (or wolf). Muriel refers to her as his friend more easily than as his familiar.
Inanna as a character, however, seems to hold onto some of the traits that Muriel has buried under his trauma. She's more adaptable than he is, quicker to accept change, and considerably more hopeful and optimistic. She's faster to act (often the one prompting Muriel to follow through, when he'd rather continue thinking), and she's nosier. Where Muriel analyzes and then quietly judges while respecting someone's decision, Inanna analyzes and then does her best to assist any kind of good change. Whether that's leading MC to Muriel when he's injured and would rather be left alone, or expressing the affection towards them that he's still trying to hide, she acts like a big sister. Independent, a bit of a bully, fiercely protective, and loyal beyond measurement. She doesn't need to bond with MC through Muriel, she can do that herself.
Portia met Pepi on Mazelinka's ship, as she was on her way to hunt down her older brother and beat some sense into him. The two of them bonded instantly, and when the time came for Portia and Mazelinka to part ways, Pepi gave up the life of a ship cat to stay by Portia's side. Portia doesn't seem to be fully aware of Pepi being her familiar and sees her as more of an uncannily well-bonded pet. At least, until her own route, where Pepi learns how to speak. Up until that point Portia just seems to see Pepi more as an unusually intelligent cat that she likes to talk to. The two of them are each other's family, Pepi always ready to lend a helping paw with unruly birds, and Portia always happy to spoil her with snuggles and treats.
Pepi has Portia's optimism, love of mischief, and dauntless attitude. However, they differ somewhat in how they view themselves. While Portia struggles to see herself as the main character of her own story, often fading into the background in order to support someone else, Pepi is more than happy to take center stage. This cat can and will prioritize her own needs and preferences if she thinks nobody else is going to do it, and it often lands her in trouble (re: stealing your heartsong festival gift, seeking out nap places that give her access to forbidden fishies, etc). She's quick to make her own friendships, and when you and Portia start your new life together, she'll consider you one of her family as well. Thanks to her retained ability to speak (upright ending) you'll never have to go without a conversation partner again.
Mercedes & Melchior
Lucio, unfortunately, didn't realize these two were his familiars until after he'd met you. While a large part of his menagerie building was his search for a familiar, he failed to notice how those two in particular were so attached to them. Thankfully, they're never on their own given how closely they stick to each other. Their lack of a strongly developed magical connection with Lucio doesn't really stop them from being able to communicate. They vibe with him on a similar act-first-think-later wavelength, having such little interest in impulse control that it's impossible not to know what they want. All you know is that they're hellbent on accomplishing it and on getting out of whatever consequences they invite with a pair of large, shining puppy eyes.
Besides their impulsiveness and chaotic nature, Mercedes and Melchior share Lucio's tendency to live in the moment and focus on life's pleasures. However, they also have the emotional intelligence and undying loyalty all good dogs do. When Lucio was "dead" they spent three years guarding his wing and trying to find help for him, and when you join him in his search for answers, they'll remain with you and empathize with you regardless of the dangers involved (re: one of them going with Lucio to get help, the other staying next to you and whining when Valdemar has you strapped to a gurney). They instinctively track your emotional state and are often the reason Lucio notices how you're doing as quickly as he does. For all their bratty behavior, their doggy bodies are overflowing with love for the people they care about and nothing makes them happier than being with them. Don't mistake love for respect, though - they take orders from nobody.
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toast-tales · 2 years
Random Question Time: (I'm hoping these questions weren't asked before. Ignore them if they were or if they are dumb, I apologize in advance!)
Which human character if turned into a giant all sudden would absolutely be overtaken by their new "power"?
And which giant if turned into a human would absolutely fall into helpless disarray?
Lastly, what would you say are the pet peeves for your main cast, Danny, Christopher, Nathan, and any others you'd love to go through? Peeves big or small. Ha, you get it, I'm done. XD I'd honestly like to know all of them, but don't if you don't want too!
HAH! I love those first two questions because I actually started writing something for this (so far, just non-canon shenanigans lol) and somewhat unsurprisingly, the answer is Danny and Christopher. And I mean this quite honestly, not just because they're the main characters.
Danny would finally not be helpless anymore, and would certainly relish in a little bit of payback. She would finally get to hug Nathan. She could walk around outside, maybe take a walk in the woods, go down the street, eat at a nice restaurant. She'd try and take full advantage of her new "abilities." And if she knew it was safe, she probably wouldn't be against eating someone who deserved it, just to rub it in further-
Christopher would be absolutely terrified. His whole thing is maintaining a certain level of control in all situations. If he was actually reduced to that size, helpless, and at the whim of whoever he was with (especially someone who might have it out for him), he'd be freaking out. It would be a multifold nightmare for him - one, he'd lose a lot of his sharpened senses, which would be hard to get used to. It'd feel like he was running around blind. Two, he'd know how vulnerable he was, having previously had giant senses and...remembering how humans tasted. And even if he knew he would be safe throughout, being eaten would be a new and terrifying experience for him. It would be...humbling, to say the least. If he wasn't actively terrified, he'd probably just be an irritable grouch about it until he got back to normal.
As far as pet peeves...
Danny really doesn't like people who speak for her, put words into her mouth, that sort of thing. People who tell her how she should feel or what she should want. (Nathan's the exception here - she respects his opinion enough to know that he's just concerned for her.)
Christopher is a bit of a neat freak. He hates when people leave trash lying around, or dirty dishes, or just mess in general. He'll usually pick it up or clean it himself because of how much it bugs him, but it really rubs him the wrong way when people do it consistently. (This is probably a byproduct of how messy his parents were.)
Nathan hates being referred to as a "goody-two-shoes" or anything similar. Especially by people who barely know him. It's not just the fact that he doesn't eat humans - he never went to any crazy parties, didn't drink, smoke, and he doesn't really swear. Unfortunately that's enough for most people to label him pretty quickly, and he hates being labeled like that, even if it's not in an outright mean way. It just makes him feel like a child, and that's a big insecurity of his.
(that's probably all the characters I'll do for right now, this is at risk of becoming another novel entirely at this point lol)
Thank you for the questions, and I hope you have a swell-tastic day as well, friendo! :D
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piracytheorist · 2 years
okay okay, maybe I'll add another if I see no one ask you it, but for the character opinion bingo, I want to see Ethan Winters and Mia Winters; hm hm *wink wink*, wanna go for that Mithan duo
I'll admit I have no f idea how bingo works, should I add on the previous card? I'll do that but using different colours, it'll be yellow for Ethan and blue for Mia, so:
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I am aroace, not interested in relationships, but Ethan Winters is a guy to marry. Certainly take good care of him and cherish how much he'd love you, but despite his apparent "lack of interesting traits", he's the kind of person you'd actually want to settle down with. Caring, loving, sweet, not hindered by any toxic masculinity in him, and would make you laugh with his stupid jokes. And also very brave when it comes down to it.
For all of that, he is blorbo. As I mentioned with Manny, Ethan is a delight to play as because despite the shit happening around him he's still so stuck to reality and I love how I'm exploring the fuckery with him because he's always going WHAT THE FUCK just like I am. Plus his one-liners are perfectly horrible to give me a laugh during stressful gameplay.
He was done so f dirty by the fans, I can't even... - meaning the RE fans of course, particularly the re8 fans, not the Ethan fans. The villains existed in the story to die, accept you're a simp and get over your hate for Ethan, Jesus. I'm all for loving whatever fictional thing you want to love but when people start coming with torches and pitchforks for a character just because he isn't hot or morally ambiguous or doesn't have a complicated backstory and character WHEN THAT'S NOT EVEN NEEDED IN THE STORY... we're starting to have problems.
My blog my rules, so I picked "Why does he look like that" but (affectionate). Because look at him:
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We weren't even MEANT to see this face but they nailed the "plain white bread" taste even on the hidden face! This is the face of a Just a Guy who wanted to go buy groceries but saw the tired overworked grocery workers were closing down for the night, and he's now hating that he has to get up earlier next morning so he can shop before work. I wanna pat his shoulder and tell him it's okay, then hand him over a flag with a hammer and sickle and tell him we should go protest in the square.
If all that couldn't portray why I've lost my mind for Ethan "Just a Guy" Winters I don't know what else to tell you XD
And yes of course he hasn't done anything wrong in his life <3 He even taught himself to not swear because he had a baby (remember how much he swears in re7, compared to re8) even if a few fucks slip through here and there <3 If the villains didn't wanna be killed they should have just stayed out of his way of getting Rose back. They wanted a good parent figure but god forbid a father try to get his own kid back.
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I feel like with this fandom, I have to repeat over and over that I'm not a big fan of Mia, but I don't hate her either. Of course I'm being sarcastic with the "everyone is wrong but me" but considering what the gaming community mostly consists of, I'm not surprised at all that the female character who was neither a) sexualized, b) OP, c) mysterious, or d) firmly on the "good" end of the spectrum received all the fucking hate from the community - and even the latter could still make her a target for that. I don't understand why fandom communities have to pick one character to hate on, period. But the hatred for Mia is completely uncalled for, especially considering how criminally little time she got in re8. Sure I can understand that she wanted to leave her past life as a bioterrorist behind, but she was a fucking bioterrorist and I'd like to know more of how she regretted her past work and especially how she worked it out with Ethan enough to reach the point of deciding to have a baby. That's just missed screentime, not a reason to hate on a character, unless you're always prepared to see the worst in a character with limited screentime. But again, she's a female character who doesn't have any of the traits that most gamers *cough*incels*cough* consider they make a female character worthy of existing in a story.
So yeah, just like Ethan, she got done really dirty by the re8 fandom. I'm pretty sure most people who complain that "RE8 should have given us the choice to join Heisenberg just like RE7 gave us the choice between saving Mia and Zoe!" have forgotten that initially saving Zoe brings the bad ending, because they've missed the entire point of re7 is to save our wife, Mia, because Ethan is a wife-loving dumbass who will risk life and limb (... literally) to save her, and whether or not we agree with that IS NOT THE POINT. We are meant to get into Ethan's headspace, not force Ethan into ours. That's the entire point of first-person games with a linear story.
Idk if I was supposed to just be positive here, lmao. Most of my feelings for Mia are like a reaction to the absurd amount of hate I see for her, I'd probably not care much for her aside from "I'd like to see her development between re7 and re8" if people were just normal about her. I mean, even almost perfect characters get haters, so there would be some for Mia anyway and I'd understand that, but this fandom genuinely worries me to the point I had to add a disclaimer on a fic I wrote so that people wouldn't hate on her in the comments because I'm just tired of all the negativity. And that's not fucking normal, especially for a character whom I only care about because of her relationship to my blorbo.
Fandoms be weird, y'all.
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Dreaming, An Explanation
Okay before I start, I had this posted on Amino a while back so if you go "hey I've seen this on Amino-" that's because it's my post. If you need further proof I'll log in and screenshot XD
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I wanted to make this to show others valuable information and maybe clear up how the dream process works! Before anyone asks - yes I did write this. These are my NOTES from the book I was reading. You can find it here: https://books.google.com/books/about/500_Dreams_Interpreted.html?id=g-TqtgAACAAJ
Obviously I do not claim to have a scientific discovery on any bit of this information (lol), it's public information.
I've collected, gathered, and put into my own words. If I had to copy it word for word I have "quotations" and things like "(from the book.)" Also, you'll see me say "quote on unquote." If anything wasn't quoted, I sincerely apologize in advance. I hope you get any answers you have needed, and that this isn't too boring! The whole point of this was to give information on dreams and how make the most of them. I never really understood (until a few years back) why we lucid dream and how it works. Why does it do this and is there anything that triggers it? So here is what I learned and what I also got from the book! (I really hope you find answers because this took....8 hours? To write?) So in other words, I hope this clears things up for you!
Side note: The images are sort of like borders?? I hope they don't bother you. And there are a lot of grammar errors so 🧍🏻‍♀️
Dreams can be used to communicate and discover important things about yourself. The process happens when the deepest part of your subconscious, that processes the dream state, sends messages to you - which can be symbols, actions, people, or images. What happens in a dream is usually not meaningless, but it can be confusing at times! These messages are meant to help you evaluate and discover what you are doing right and wrong.
Dreams can consist of personal experiences which are why when your subconscious messages you, it can consist of things that are personal to you. (Such as memories, beliefs, and other things like fantasies and expectations.) This is why if you learn the meanings of your dreams and discover how to use them, you can become better at what you do and achieve a higher level of inspiration and encouragement.
“When you go to sleep, where do you really go?”    ― Brian Lovestar
The way to unlock the meanings of your dreams is to realize that
¹ They are not a one-way experience in which your dream self bombards you with information.
² Dreams are not lectures, they are dialogues between your conscious and subconscious minds. The dialogue is created from your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Your dream self then uses this information to create visual pictures to show you what you feel and how you perceive things.
Once you begin to interpret your dreams you will recognize attributes that may not be serving you in the best way possible/positive way. Once you interpret your dreams and learn - you’ll find it easier to face fears and overcome personal challenges. With more practice, you can learn to program and/or “incubate” your dreams to address a very specific problem. Because dreams generally have multiple levels of meaning, the more work, and effort you do, the better.
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Why do we dream?
This has no definitive answer, though as far as speculation goes - it's to rejuvenate and repair the body. Others say it’s purely phycological; to review the daily events, relieve the mind, and to release emotions. Here are a few explanations...
Carl Jung, a psychologist, believes that we dream to compensate for underdeveloped personalities. His reason is it may explain why the dreaming behavior of some is obviously different from the ‘them’ they personify while awake.
This suggests that dreams organize and process the conscious and unconscious mind that it received during the day. In other words “refreshing the mind.” And again, in other words, “rebooting/turning it off and on again.”
Ernest Hartmann, a psychiatry professor, suggests that dreams are projected by certain emotions. The new material is “weaved” into the memory of said dreamer in ways to help cope. In ways such as stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, etc.
Activation Synthesis
In this theory, Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley say that dreams are due to “sensory-motor signals.” These areas activate small parts of the brain that affect memory, emotions, and physical feelings. In this, it creates dreams in relation to the sensations and signals sent.
Some scientists believe in this theory: the theory that dreaming is a problem-solving use. They suggest that when we sleep, our brain continues to process all issues of concern that we deal with in our waking hours. In this, it makes up solutions.
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So what does happen when we sleep? That we know of?
When you go to bed at night you are alert. The reason is that your brain is still producing a small signal - a beta wave. As you begin to fall asleep these waves slow down and become ‘Alpha Waves.’ When this happens you might experience what’s called “Hypnagogia.” This is the experience of auditory and visual hallucinations that make it hard for you to fall into a “deep sleep.” As others may know it, it can cause Sleep Paralysis and Lucid Dreaming! As Google says: “Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep in humans: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. Mental phenomena that occur during this “threshold consciousness” phase include lucid thought, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.” During the process of attempting this...some people reported hearing their name called, seeing random patterns, and body jerks (which are called myoclonic jerks.) When you’re in this stage it’s as if you’re fighting to stay awake. But actually, this is the first step of sleep.
Every night your body switches between a cycle of REM and NREM states. This happens around every 90 minutes or so, you switch between light sleep and deep sleep and the cycle continues. It supposedly happens around 6 times a night (but varies depending on how long you sleep at night.) The changes between REM and NREM are found by the change of your heart rate, brain activity, muscle tension, and body temperature.
NREM Sleep
State one: In this stage, you should begin to drift off. Your muscles relax, your body temp and blood pressure decrease, and you breathe slowly. As the production of Alpha waves begin to slow, your awareness noise, light, and feeling begin to zone out. Your eyes would exhibit slow movements and this is an easy state to awake you from.
State two: If stage one is undisturbed, state two will enter the stage. In this, you will feel a deeper sense of relaxation and like before… All blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and temp decrease. Your brain produces slower theta waves which will soon introduce “sleep spindles.” Sleep spindles are higher forms of activity. This process usually lasts 10-20 minutes.
State three: This is a deeper form of sleep. You couldn’t be awakened very easily from this state. Yet again temp, blood, and heart rate decrease. Your brain should still be producing theta waves, which gradually change to lower and larger delta waves.
State four: State four is when you are sleeping deeply now but not dreaming. In this stage, it’s difficult to be awoken due to your body’s sensitivity level. In this stage, most of your brain waves are delta waves now.
Back To Rem
Around 20 minutes after being in stage 4 of NREM, your cycle goes back to states 2 and 3. But you won't return to stage one and wake up. Instead, you will just go to REM sleep. This is called “prime dream mode.” The electrical waves/movements in your brain put you in a state similar to being awake. Your eyes will move from behind the lids. Research says this is because your mind is focusing on the dreams. During this, your heart rate speeds up, oxygen increases and so does your temp. After this REM is induced and what is commonly referred to as Sleep Paralysis will begin. This is when all muscles in the body are immobilized. As far as we know - it’s believed to prevent us from “acting out” in our dreams and hurting ourselves.
Side Note
This happens multiple times a night. The more time you enter State 4 sleep, the more rejuvenation you receive. The more time you spend in sleep, the less time that 3 and 4 will happen and gives you more time to spend in REM/dreaming stage. Also, from the reading, they say early morning dreams are more vivid and happen longer.
End of the dreaming
When you begin to wake up, you’ll experience “hypnopompia.” This is very similar to hypnagogia, This stage leaves you disoriented and makes you feel “loopy.” It could make you feel like there is pressure on your chest and sometimes causes you to feel, see, and hear things. Such as someone walking into your room and standing there. This process can be described as your mind waking up before your body does. Many times this does happen, but we have no memory of it ever happening. But when people do remember they describe it as frightening or disturbing. If you do happen to experience this, it’s said to remain calm and your body will eventually wake up.
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How can you recall your dreams?
The first good step is to keep the visual fresh in your mind! As well, try to remember as many details as possible. Despite whether you only remember fragments or “none at all.” There are a few fun activities you can do!
Window of Opportunity
This method is intended to improve your observational skills, which does improve dream recall. Pick a comfortable spot to sit in, specifically near a window. You need the window. Take a few moments to unwind and relax. Just let your gaze look wherever you like - as long as you're looking at what’s out there. Notice as much detail as you can while being focused. BUT do not feel stressed by it. Don’t “worry” about it either. Just focus on the details. Take in as much as you can like… what color is the sky? Are the trees yellow and brown or green? Are there people? If so, what do they look like? What are they wearing? Once you are done with the scene and you feel comfortable, bring out a notebook and write down every bit of information you remember. It doesn’t matter the order and neither does it if you don’t remember something specific. It can be general things if that’s all you remember. Also, note the emotions you felt as you looked at certain things. Were you tired? Happy? Wanting this to be over? Write that down. If you’re artistic, you may sketch it! Sometimes sketching the scene may help you remember things you didn’t recall before.
Dream it up a bit
After this exercise, you might want to do better/enhance the skill. When you do, you should try being “more creative.” How so? Make it more “dreamier.” Pretend you are actually there in the scene. Strolling a path, smelling the roses, looking at the lake, etc. Once you’re done, jot it down. Remember to do this in the present tense. Write the details of what you saw and then implement yourself into it - just as you imagined.
If gazing out of a window is not something you want to do. There is another way! To do so you need to recall an event that happened in your day and pretend like it was a dream! Write it down in the present tense. Here’s an example: You went to eat lunch. Since you did you need to ask these questions:
•What time do I leave and arrive?
•What am I wearing?
•What’s the weather like?
•What day of the week is it?
•How am I feeling?
•Do I speak to someone?
•How do I travel?
•Am I alone?
You can do this for however long you’d like. Recalling all of these details as if they were a dream helps your mind remember said dreams.
Yep! Suggestion! This is effective and simple. All you have to do is, very often, suggest to yourself that you WILL remember your dreams. You can post reminders on your phone, ask someone to say “hey you're going to remember your dreams” every so often, or even use a “suggestion trigger.” A suggestion trigger is something to remind you to repeat your phrase. A good “suggestion trigger” is whenever you check the time!
Dream Journals and Sleep
Dream journals are your own personal journal and there is no “right or wrong” way to keep one. It’s made based on what you observe from your dreams. Simply put. The most important part of keeping one is that you feel comfortable with it. Here are a few small suggestions before going to bed:
Pick one that suits you.
Yes, it may be nice to buy one of those fancy dream journals that are marketed as such. But you may get it and spend money on something you really didn’t like. So go with what suits you and makes you comfortable.
Prepare yourself and your place.
Avoid anything strenuous before bed and avoid anything that might disrupt your sleep cycle. If you are a tidy type and need a clean room, then tidy before bed. Be sure the room is the right temperature for you and get into something cozy. You may be too lazy to do so but this will help your sleep and your remembrance of detail. It will also make sure you won’t be distracted by small annoying things.
Place the journal near you when you sleep.
Also, keep a pen! If you wake up at night you can write it ASAP.
Before going to bed, open to a new page.
Note where you are and where you live, the date, the time, etc. Leave a space at the top so you can title it later depending on the dream you had. Summarize all events of that day you can think of and write down your reminder phrase! It is optional if you want to include your mood and your health state. Before going to bed, repeat your reminder phrase
Upon Waking Up
Set your clock 15 minutes earlier than your normal wake time. This gives you more time to write your details. If possible, wake up to classical music or radio. Alarms cause sudden noises and sudden noises have been proven to make you forget dream memory upon waking up. As you begin to wake up, lie down, and keep your eyes shut. This will help “cement” the details into your subconscious. (Supposedly.) Without trying to change or manipulate any thoughts, try to recall the details of your dream When you feel comfortable enough, start writing anything you remember. Write in the present tense. Try to relive the dream as you write it. You can start anywhere in the dream, even go backward. The more important aspect is keeping somewhere to relive. Once you finished you should write the time you woke up and choose a title. Assigning a title and table of contents will help your mind's ability to make connections.
Dreamwork during the day
If you couldn’t recall your dream, take some time (when you can) to write about what your day as if it were a dream. Just like what we mentioned above. To “enhanced” this exercise you can imagine that you really did recall something. For example (come from the book): “I awake with a vague feeling of having been in a sunny place. There are brightness and warmth.”
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Dream Incubation. What is it? And how do I use it?
Around the world there are places called “Dream temples” These temples were made in the honor of Asklepios, the god of healing. Snakes were allowed to move freely around these temples because it was believed they were secret symbols to evoke the powers of gods. As you may know, there is a popular symbol of snakes. The Caduceus! It’s two snakes wrapped around a staff. This is mainly based on the symbolism that snakes are “healers.” Both emotional and physical. Dream temples were most often placed in a rural area away from loud places. Many people would travel, even from long distances, to stay in these places to receive answers or enlightenment. These temples had a set intention for visitors/seekers to clarify the outcome they wanted. Because of the focus and encouragement received from the temples, it’s said it’s not unusual to receive the specific message they looked for. Not all cultures and places had these temples, but it didn’t stop them from Dream Incubation. (More on that in a minute). The Egyptians wrote the questions they wanted on linen and tied it around the wrist while meditating. Some soaked it in oil and burned it with incense while praying. Then they went to sleep, expecting the answer.
As you know, these days you can’t go to your local supermarket and pass by a dream temple. But, dream incubation is still widely practiced. People still to this day to "program" their dreams.
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Your Temple
When trying to induce your routine to practice dream incubation, it can be simple or complex. Whatever you find comfortable. The temple of yours can be anywhere you find comfortable and where you are willing to practice the routine. (Such as writing, scripting, daydreaming, etc). But the main idea is to focus on your desired message.
Here are a few steps:
•Choose your phrase
•Form a clear intention
•Prepare your mind
•Get comfy
•Visualize your dream’s solution (Ex: reading it, having the advice handed to you, seeing the answer played out in your very own personal “dream drama.”)
•Think about your reaction to the answer
Incubating dreams
When incubating your dreams you need a pre-set idea. Where do you want to be? In what way do you want your answer given? What symbols represent this? Afterward, start daydreaming about it, try to feel whatever it is that would be around you. Choose phrases that will affirm that it’s what you will dream of. Repeat that as many times possible. Often reflect on how it would feel being there and when you wake up and log as usual. But because you are programming this yourself - there may be nothing to interpret. But it will induce what you wanted to see. (A/N. As I’m reading this book and typing these notes I'm realizing how close they were to figuring out the shifting process. I-. Bye-). But take this moment to think through what happened, there may have been a messaged slipped in.
Lucid Dreams (Fun Fact!)
Believe it or not, the earliest record of lucid dreaming was recorded in the 4th century B.C. This happened when Aristotle, himself, was writing his work ‘On Dreams.’ He said quote on quote “For often when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream.” In 1867 Hervey de Saint-Denys wrote “Dreams and How to Guide Them.” This book was intended to show you the techniques he used to achieve a state of realization.
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To Lucid Dream
When you lucid dream, you can do anything you please when you realize it is nothing but a dream. So how can you tell if it's a lucid dream? How do you lucid dream? Well, there are multiple ways.
Record it.
Record what you remember. Like we talked about with a dream journal.
Power of suggestion.
Even a simple phrase that “I am aware I am dreaming.” Is simple enough! Repeat this during the day and at night.
Checking your reality.
A commonly favored thing is “reality checks.” This requires you to test your surroundings and ask if they are real or not. If you notice something is off, it’s possible you once played it off. But if you looked closer, it was a dream.
Look for inconsistencies.
It’s found that a few things do not remain consistent in a dream. For example lights, watches, the time, sounds, etc. Because these changes are not normal, you know it’s just a dream.
Now that there are tips to know if you’re in a dream; Here are some to help you practice lucid dreaming/become in the state.
Visualize your everyday life (when awake) like a dream! Convince yourself as every small thing is just a dream. Whenever you’re doing something, take a look around and think of it as a dream. Believe that everything you do can be changed because you will it. Daydreaming the small things have changed will help as well. The tree outside? It’s not dead. It’s in full bloom! These practices are intended to help you make conscious and unconscious choices.
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First of all, I was so nervous I sent that last message without flipping the anon switch because I didn't double check like usual. Lol. It's only a matter of time so hopefully you figure it out before then. 😉
Also, I could not get through this entire post without dying of laughter. I was laughing so hard I was crying last night. It took me 10+ minutes to get a hold of myself. I'm over here having the time of my life and you're going crazy trying to figure it out. I'm sorry I'm laughing but it's just so much fun for me. 😂
Aw Gina, I love you too!!! I'm glad to be back too. I'll try to be more consistent. 😊
Welp, at least now you know I'm not from the UK if I don't know the difference between pounds and euros. Haha. But I Googled it and omg 120 pounds is even more than 120 euros! Geez!
Oh gosh no, I'm alright. No need to be nervous. I just catch a lot of colds because I spend a lot of time in the cold and as we've established, I only kind of take care of myself. Haha.
That draft is everything! I'm gone for two days and you're ready to send out a search party for me. 😅 I wish I'd waited so I could see that post. 🤣🤣🤣 I say post it anyway just so I can see. Maybe you can get the entire Harry Potter side of Tumblr searching for me. (I'm kidding! 😅)
Omg I'm just glad that at least last night it wasn't me that kept you up until 7am but instead it was Tiktok. I'm only responsible for the hour between 4 and 5am. So that's something at least. 😅
because no, I don't want to talk about me, I am ready to find out who you are!
I think we might have to come up with a rule here. I think when you ask a series of questions at the end (like in your last message) I get to pick one identity question from the group but you also have to include a getting to know you question that we both answer (like favorite color or favorite movie or something). 😊
Here are my highlights from your lists:
The Shadowhunters thing actually could be a useful clue if you know where to look or who to ask. So I'm glad you remember that. 😉
Personal Edition:
Ok the first three made me smile so much. You're the best. 😊
4. 6 days ago you wrote; the new semester has started
Dang Gina! You're really out here making a timeline of all our interactions aren't you? 🤣🤣🤣
5. You are hoping you'll be able to read and interact a little more.
Once again, this actually could be a clue if you know where to look.
7. You only kind of take care of yourself; Let me get my slipper 😅
No slippers needed today. After this I'm gonna have brunch and I promise to drink a full glass of something with my meal. (I hate water but it'll be something)
9. You are doing a research project on landing mechanics in a specific sport; This is where I thought I knew who you were. Then you destroyed it by saying; You are majoring in science and you like testing and analyzation 🙈
I'm super interested in who you thought I was with this one. I am curious to know how the second portion destroyed that, because research and analyzation go together, do they not? I'm confused.
18. We talked a few times in different places; How is that a clue?! 😂
That's literally the most important clue I've given you! It means you might have to look outside of our asks to find answers to my clues! I actually thought I gave myself away the other day, and I was absolutely dying of laughter watching you respond and realizing you hadn't noticed.
You are actually correct on all three of those! You do follow me, I am over 18, and I am from the US!
It sounds like the science thing is what's tripping you up the most, so I will clarify (kind of) "I'm majoring in a science"
Of those clues you asked for, many of them will give me away! So instead I will technically answer one but make it extra vague; There are 3 names people on Tumblr call me, and in alphabetical order the letters they start with are E, I, and M.
Yes, I much prefer these vague clues... 😄 But to be honest, I threw in a couple good ones this time so hopefully you've made a little progress and have some ideas of where to look next. I also honestly think I gave myself away today, so I am anxiously awaiting your response. 😬
(I wish I could put a read more in asks, this has gotten super long so apologies to your followers. Although by the looks of the likes on some of our messages it looks like some people are enjoying this as much as I am 😅) -⭐
Shoot, I wish you forgot to switch the anon xD
Actually, it is hilarious, so I completely understand xD I’m feeling like Sherlock Holmes but a dumber, less useful version. Like a faulty Sherlock Holmes xD
Rest under the cut :D
I don’t want you to feel like you have to message me or it’s like an obligation so if you have no time and you are too busy, then just take your time, I completely get it, we are not rushing anywhere. <3
Hahaha you would love it if everyone searched for you :D The anonymous Tumblr celebrity xD I might post it regardless, but I don’t want to get attacked about trying to expose my anon’s identity. I have seen posts where people went off on accounts saying they shouldn’t try knowing their anon’s identity as they chose to be on anon for a reason. I don’t really want to have to explain myself to everyone and coming off stalkerish and you are the only one who knows the whole story and a couple of my followers xD I will have to think this through, until then it sits in my drafts. :D
Okay, pink and black are my favourite colours and I don’t have a favourite movie. Now that it’s out of the way, back to you xD
You see, you said you spend a lot of time in the cold! Once again this makes me think of the same person I initially thought of. When you referred to Shadowhunters, again it’s the same person I am thinking of, but there is also another person in my mind so now I have two options.
Research and analysis go together, but again the person I thought of said something about studying sport stuff, exercise science thingy, that’s why it threw me off. That’s why I changed my mind and decided you are not that person. But now that you say A science it makes me think of that person again, but on the other hand I don’t know what the other protentional person studies. God, you are killing me!
You say we have talked the other day. There was only 4 people I have talked to outside of my asks recently and one of them was the same person I thought of from the beginning, but also my second option was between those 4 people too.
Both of my options are 18+, I follow them, and they are from the US. You see, both of my options have at least one of those letters, but now I’m off to confusion land again, because you said they call you 3 names. Who on earth uses 3 names? xD
5. You are hoping you'll be able to read and interact a little more. - Once again, this actually could be a clue if you know where to look.
This did not help at all xD I think what you consider clue is not a clue for me and what I consider a clue is not a clue for you xD This is getting twisted at this stage xD I honestly think we are both in the same Discord server, I am quite sure at this point.
The fact that you think you gave yourself away makes me feel utterly useless. I am trying to think of all the people I have talked to recently and all of them has I, E and M in their name or their name starts with those letters, but only one of them talked to me about cold and science. Whether I am missing something very obvious or I know who you are, and I am simply questioning myself at this point.
Let me ask you one question, which would help me find the right answer. Have you got any injuries and if yes, what’s that? :D
I feel like I’m close, but at the same time I keep questioning it <3
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