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noisyearthquakeninja · 1 year ago
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blogalloh · 2 years ago
Aku Adalah Hamba Yang Kebanggaanku Adalah Kemiskinanku Dan Besarnya Kebutuhanku Ke Alloh #Dakwah #Islam
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Nada Umayatul Awaliah atau yang akrab disapa Nada Sikkah, baru saja menggunggah video cover shalawat Qod Kafany pada kanal youtube Neng Nada Official. Belum lama diunggah, video cover ini telah ditonton sebanyak 9.500 view. Aku Adalah Hamba Yang Kebanggaanku Adalah Kemiskinanku Dan Besarnya Kebutuhanku Ke Alloh Sementara itu, qod Kafany adalah salah satu shalawat yang dikarang oleh seorang ulama sufi dari Yaman yakni Habib Abdullah bin Alwy Hadad. Berikut ini adalah lirik shalawat Qod Kafany oleh Nada Sikkah beserta latin dan terjemahannya: hannya: الله ... مَالَنَا مَوْلً سِوَا اللهْ Allah (4x) Malana Maulan Siwallah Allah (4x).. Kita tidak punya tuhan selain Allah كُلَّمَا نَادَيْتُ يَا هُو قَالَ يَا عَبْدِي أَنَا اللهْ Kullamaa naa daita ya Hu Qoola ya 'abdii Ana-llah Ketika aku memanggil “Oh Tuhan” Dia berkata “Oh umatku, Akulah Allah” قَدْ كَفَانِيْ عِلْمُ رَبِّي مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَاخْتِيَارِ Qod kafani i’lmu robbi min su-aali wakhtiyaari Sungguh telah cukup bagiku kepuasan dan ketenanganku bahwa penciptaku maha mengetahui segala permintaanku dan usahaku فَدُ عَائِي وَابْتِهَالِي شَاهِدٌ لِي بِافْتِقَارِي Fadu’aii wabtihaali syahidullil biftiqoori Maka doa doa dan jeritan hatiku sebagai saksiku atas kefakiranku (dihadapan kewibawaanMu) فَلِهَذَا السِّرِّ أَدْعُو فِي يَسَارِي وَعَسَارِي Falihaadzaassirri ad’uu fi yasaari wa’asaari Maka demi rahasia kefakiranku (dihadapan kewibawaanMu) aku selalu mohon (padaMu) disaat kemudahan dan kesulitanku أَنَا عَبْدٌ صَارَفَخْرِي ضِمْنَ فَقْرِي وَاضْطِرَارِي Ana’abduu shoro fakhri dhimma faqri wadhthiroori Aku adalah hamba yang kebanggaanku adalah dalamnya kemiskinanku dan besarnya kebutuhanku (padaMu) يَا إِلَهِي وَمَلِيكِي أَنْتَ تَعْلَم كَيْفَ حَالِي Yaa ilaahi wa maliiki anta ta’lam kaifa haali Wahai Tuhanku wahai yang memiliki diriku, Engkau maha mengetahui bagaimana keadaanku وَبِمَا قَدْ حَلَّ قَلْبِي مِنْهُمُومٍ وَاشْتِغَالِي Wa bima qod halla qolbi min himumin wasytigholi Dan dari segala yang memenuhi hatiku dari kegundahan dan kesibukanku (hingga terlupakan dari mengingatMu) فَتَدَارَكْنِي بِلُطْفٍ مِنْكَ يَا مَولَى الْمَوَالِي Fatadaa rokhi biluthfin minka yaa maulal mawaali Maka ulurkanlah bagiku kasih sayang dari Mu wahai Raja dari segenap para Raja ياَ كَرِيْمَ الْوَجْهِ غِثْنِي قَبْلَ أَنْ يَفْنَى اصْطِبَارِي Yaa kariiimal wajha ghitsni qobla anyafnash thibaari Wahai Yang Maha Pemurah Dzatnya, tolonglah aku, dengan pertolongan yang datang sebelum sirna kemampuanku dalam bersabar ياَسَرِ يْعَ الْغَوْثِ غَوْثًا مِنْكَ يُدْرِكْنِي سَرِيعًا Yaa sarii’al ghoutsa minka yudrikna sarii’an Wahai Yang Maha Cepat mendatangkan pertolongan, temukan kami dengan dengan pertolongan dari Mu yang mendatangi kami segera يُهْزِمُ الْعُسْرَوَيَأْتِي بْالَّذْي أَرْجُو جَمِيعًا Yahzamul usro wa ya’tii billadzi arju jamii’an Pertolongan yang merubuhkan segala kesulitan, dan mendatangkan segala yang kami harap harapkan يَاقَرِيْبًا يَامُجِيْبًا يَاعَلِيْمًا يَاسَمِيْعًا Ya qoriiban ya mujiiban yaa ‘aliiman yaa samii’an Wahai Yang Maha Dekat, Wahai Yang Maha Menjawab segala rintihan, Wahai Yang Maha Mengetahui, Wahai Yang Maha Mendengar قَدْ تَحَقَّقْتُ بِعَجْزِي وَخُضُوْعِي وَانْكِسَارِي Qod tahaqqoqtu wa khudhu’ii wal kisaari Sungguh aku telah benar-benar meyakini kelemahan dan ketidakmampuanku, kerendahan dan keluluhanku. Sumber : https://muslimahdaily.com/entertainment/item/5284-lirik-dan-terjemahan-shalawat-qod-kafany-%E2%80%93-nada-sikkah.html بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ
muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali. Aku Adalah Hamba Yang Kebanggaanku Adalah Kemiskinanku Dan Besarnya Kebutuhanku Ke Alloh
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awesometeennews · 4 years ago
I Wasn't Even One Per Cent Of What He Is As Father, Says Jeetendra On Son Tusshar Kapoor
I Wasn’t Even One Per Cent Of What He Is As Father, Says Jeetendra On Son Tusshar Kapoor
Jeetendra, 78, says lockdown and age have made him realise that when he was a busy actor, he missed out on spending time with his two children — son Tusshar Kapoor, who is an actor, and daughter Ekta Kapoor, a producer.
The veteran actor had a quarantine special birthday with his family last month. Talking about it with a smile, he told IANS: “That is my world.” As for coping with the ongoing…
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newscountryindia · 4 years ago
I Wasn't Even One Per Cent Of What He Is As Father, Says Jeetendra On Son Tusshar Kapoor
I Wasn’t Even One Per Cent Of What He Is As Father, Says Jeetendra On Son Tusshar Kapoor
Jeetendra, 78, says lockdown and age have made him realise that when he was a busy actor, he missed out on spending time with his two children — son Tusshar Kapoor, who is an actor, and daughter Ekta Kapoor, a producer.
The veteran actor had a quarantine special birthday with his family last month. Talking about it with a smile, he told IANS: “That is my world.” As for coping with the…
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ramcharantitties · 2 years ago
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when someone is shooting at random stuff in your house but you only care about the orange juice
This scene really threw me off. After the whole fiasco of killing garudha and claiming kgf to himself, Rocky was who he was again. The feared mawaali of Bombay, drunk and sarcastic most of the times. He just had an empire under him now, nothing much. In many movies and fictions I've seen the sudden 180 degree of demeanor once they come in power but he lived like a king his whole life and continued to do so. What surprised me about this scene was that the women weren't scared of him and called him bhaiya. Cared for his wellbeing when they said Reena will shoot him too. Then I realised- he fought for them before he set his mind to take over kgf.
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niakurniatiginting · 4 years ago
Edisi : Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2020
Episode 02
Pernikahan Zainab binti Jahsy
Mawaali itu strata sosial yang ada pada bangsa Arab di masa Rasulullah Saw. Mereka adalah para budak yang telah telah dimerdekakan. Dalam strata sosial, orang-orang mawaali ini menempati strata yang paling bawah.
Ketika Islam datang, sejak awal sudah memproklamirkan kesetaraan. Tak ada perbedaan derajat sosial. Yang ada adalah derajat taqwa. Itupun cuma Allah SWT saja yang berhak menstratakannya tanpa pernah diketahui manusia.
Tatkala Islam sudah semakin kuat, Rasulullah Saw bermaksud menghapuskan budaya jahiliyah yang sudah mengakar kuat ini. Harus ada contoh kongkrit yang ditunjukkan agar umat Islam pada waktu itu mau meninggalkan budaya ini.
Dengan penuh pertimbangan matang akhirnya Rasulullah Saw berniat menikahkan Zaid bin Harits dengan Zainab binti Jahsy. Sahabat PPH tentu sudah mahfum siapa Zaid bin Harits. Beliau adalah budak Khadijah ra yang dihibahkan kepada Nabi Saw. Lalu Rasulullah Saw memerdekakannya dan mengangkatnya sebagai anak.
Pernikahan keduanya tentu akan menjadi moment bersejarah runtuhnya budaya jahiliah yang sudah mengakar selama ratusan tahun ini. Zaid dari kelas sosial mawaali sementara Zainab adalah keturunan Bani Hasyim yang sangat dimuliakan dan terhormat di tengah kaumnya.
Maka, Rasulullah Saw menemui Zainab binti Jahsy dan mengutarakan lamarannya untuk Zaid. Mendapatkan kabar ini, Zainab merasa keberatan. Ia tidak dapat membayangkan jika dia harus menikah dengan mantan budak sementara kedudukannya di tengah masyarakat saat itu sangatlah terhormat.
"Aku tidak mau menikah dengannya." Kata Zainab.
"Tidak. Engkau harus menikah dengannya." Jawab Rasulullah Saw.
"Wahai Rasulullah, bolehkah aku mempertimbangkannya lebih dulu?" tanya Zainab.
Saat mereka sedang berbincang inilah turun Wahyu surat Al-Ahzab ayat 36 : "Dan tidaklah patut bagi laki-laki yang mu'min dan tidak pula bagi perempuan yang mu'min, apabila Allah dan rasul-Nya telah menetapkan sesuatu ketetapan, akan ada bagi mereka pilihan (yang lain) tentang urusan mereka. Dan siapa yang mendurhakai Allah SWT dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya dia telah benar-benar sesat, sesat yang nyata."
Setelah wahyu turun, Rasulullah Saw menyampaikanya pada Zainab. Mendengar hal itu Zainab berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah Engkau benar-benar menghendaki aku menikah dengannya?"
"Iya." Jawab Rasulullah Saw.
"Kalau begitu aku tidak ingin durhaka kepada Rasulullah Saw. Saat ini juga aku bersedia menikah dengannya." Jawab Zainab dengan yakin.
Maka menikahlah kedua mempelai itu. Zaid memberikan mahar 10 Dinar dan 60 Dirham, Seperangkat pakaian, kerudung, kasur, dan kain, 50 mud makanan dan 10 mud kurma. Semua itu Zaid dapatkan dari Rasulullah Saw. (FYI : 1 mud setara dengan 675 gram).
✍🏻 @pesanpositifharian
Referensi :
35 Sirah Shahabiyah
•┈┈┈┈• ❀ 💫⭐💫 ❀ •┈┈┈┈•
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parinpurohit-blog · 7 years ago
#Mawaali look 🔥.. Tag your mawaaali friend 😂😂 . . The devil😈 Whispered in my ear👂 "You are not strong enough to withstand the storm🌋" .. .. Today I whispered📣 in the Devils ear👂 , " I Am The Storm Baby 🌊🔥 " . . . . Check out my more videos @musical.ly as 👉🏻parin_oo7 . . (made by @ parin_oo7 with @musical.ly) ♬ (Original sound - Parinpurohit) . . . @musical.lyindiaofficial @musicallyhyd @dubsmashhyd @musical.ly_india @welove_musically @musical.lyindiaofficial @musical.ly @musicallovers7 @musical.ly_shootouts @musicallys @musical.ly_india__ @musicallyindia.official @ryl_shootouts . . #movies #theatre #video #movie #film #films #videos #actor#cinema #actingwars #instamovies #star #moviestar #photooftheday #hollywood #goodmovie #instagood #flick #flicks #instaflick #instaflicks#atttitude #courage #style #fashion #loves#teamparth #musicallyindiaofficial (at Ahmedabad, India)
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bollywoodirect · 6 years ago
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Hindi cinema's yesteryear star Jeetendra turns 77 years today.
Wishing Jeetendra a happy birthday and many more years of success and good health.
Born on April 7, 1942, this veteran actor has left his mark in Hindi cinema with his innumerable skills – charming looks, dancing and impeccable acting.
Jeetendra began his career with V Shantaram's Navrang in 1959 where he was cast as Sandhya’s double. However, the film which brought him to the limelight was Geet Gaya Patharon Ne (1964). It was also directed by V Shantaram. With director Ravikant Nagaich's Farz (1967), a smash hit, Jeetendra turned into a sought after actor.
Over the years, Jeetendra developed a unique dancing style, which was not conventional but was completely in sync with the tunes.
Jeetendra’s popular films include Himmat, Humjoli, Caravan, Justice Chaudhary, Mawaali, Himmatwala, Jaani Dushman, Tohfa, Parichay, Kinara and Khushboo and many more.
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keyscity · 3 years ago
Mawaali [1983 – FLAC]
Mawaali [1983 – FLAC]
——————————————————————— VA – Mawaali ——————————————————————— Artist……………: Various Artists Album…………….: Mawaali Genre…………….: Soundtrack Source……………: CD Year……………..: 1983 Ripper……………: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520 Codec…………….: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Version…………..: reference libFLAC 1.3.0 20130526 Quality…………..: Lossless, (avg. compression: 68 %) Channels………….: Stereo /…
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thecikgu-blog · 7 years ago
Syair Qod Kafaani
Syair ini merupakan karya ulama besar Hadromaut Yaman, Imam Al-Allamah Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alwy Al-Hadad. Beliau juga banyak mengarang kitab-kitab Khasanah islam, Salah satu kitab karya beliau adalah Risalatul Muawanah yang selalu kami kaji dipesantren kami pesantren sunan kalijogo semoga rahmat Allah selalu menyelimutinya. Al-Imam Arifbillah Al-Habib Ali bin Abdullah Al-Idrus ra. mengatakan, “Sayyid Abdullah bin Alwy Al-Haddad adalah Sultan seluruh golongan Ba Alawy”.
قَدْ كَفَانِيْ عِلْمُ رَبِّي مِنْ سُؤَالِي وَاخْتِيَارِ
qod kafani i’lmu robbi
min su-aali wakhtiyaari
Sungguh telah cukup bagiku kepuasan dan ketenanganku bahwa Penciptaku Maha Mengetahui Segala Permintaanku dan Usahaku
فَدُ عَائِي وَابْتِهَالِي شَاهِدٌ لِي بِافْتِقَارِي
fadu’aii wabtihaali
syahidullil biftiqoori
Maka do’a do’a dan jeritan hatiku sebagai saksiku atas kefakiranku (dihadapan kewibawaanMU)
فَلِهَذَا السِّرِّ أَدْعُو فِي يَسَارِي وَعَسَارِي
falihaadzaassirri ad’uu
fi yasaari wa ‘asaari
Maka demi rahasia kefakiranku ( dihadapan KewibawaanMu)aku selalau mohon (padaMu) disaat kemudahan dan kesulitanku
أَنَا عَبْدٌ صَارَفَخْرِي ضِمْنَ فَقْرِي وَاضْطِرَارِي
ana ‘abduu shoro fakhri
dhimna faqri wadhthiroori
Aku adalah hamba yang kebangganku adalah dalamnya kemiskinannku dan besarnya kebutuhanku (padaMu)
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي مِنْسُؤَالِي وَاخْتِيَارِي
Sungguh telah cukup bagiku kepuasan dan ketenanganku bahwa penciptraku Maha Mengetahui segala permohonan dan usahaku
يَا إِلَهِي وَمَلِيكِي أَنْتَ تَعْلَم كَيْفَ حَالِي
yaa ilaahi wa maliiki
anta ta’lam kaifa haali
Wahai Tuhanku Wahai yang memiliki diriku,Engkau Maha Mengetahui bagaimana keadaanku
وَبِمَا قَدْ حَلَّ قَلْبِي مِنْهُمُومٍ وَاشْتِغَالِي
wa bima qod halla qolbi
Dan dari segala yang memenuhi hatiku dari kegundahan dan kesibukanku (hingga terlupakan dari mengingatMu)
فَتَدَارَكْنِي بِلُطْفٍ مِنْكَ يَا مَولَى الْمَوَالِي
fatadaa rokni biluthfin
minka yaa maulal mawaali
Maka ulurkanlah bagiku Kasih Sayang dari Mu Wahai Raja dari segenap para Raja
ياَ كَرِيْمَ الْوَجْهِ غِثْنِي قَبْلَ أَنْ يَفْنَى اصْطِبَارِي
yaa kariimal wajha ghitsni
qobla anyafnash thibaari
Wahai Yang Maha Pemurah Dzatnya,tolonglah aku,dengan pertolongan yang dating sebelum sirna kemampuanku dalam bersabar
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي مِنْسُؤَالِي وَاخْتِيَارِي
Sungguh telah cukup bagiku kepuasan dan ketenanganku bahwa penciptaku mengetahui segala permohonan dan usahaku
ياَسَرِ يْعَ الْغَوْثِ غَوْثًا مِنْكَ يُدْرِكْنِي سَرِيعًا
yaa sarii’al ghoutsa ghoutsan
minka yudrikna sarii’an
Wahai Yang Maha cepat mendatangkan pertolongan,temukan kami dengan pertolongan dari Mu yang mendatangi kami dengan segera
يُهْزِمُ الْعُسْرَوَيَأْتِي بْالَّذْي أَرْجُو جَمِيعًا
yahzamul ‘usro wa ya’tii
billadzi arju jamii’an
Pertolongan yang merubuhkan segala kesulitan,dan mendatangkan segala yang kami harap harapkan
يَاقَرِيْبًا يَامُجِيْبًا يَاعَلِيْمًا يَاسَمِيْعًا
ya qoriiban ya mujiiban
yaa ‘aliiman yaa samii’an
Wahai Yang Maha Dekat,Wahai Yang Maha Menjawab segala rintihan,Wahai Yang Maha Mengetahui,Wahai Yang Maha Mendengar
قَدْ تَحَقَّقْتُ بِعَجْزِي وَخُضُوْعِي وَانْكِسَارِي
qod tahaqqoqtu bi’ajzi
wa khudhu’ii wal kisaari
Sungguh aku telah benar-benar meyakini kelemahan dan ketidakmampuanku,kerendahan dan keluluhanku
قَدْ كَفَانِي عِلْمُ رَبِّي مِنْ سُؤَلِي وَاخْتِيَارِي
Sungguh telah cukup bagiku kepuasan dan ketenanganku bahwa penciptaku Maha Mengetahui Segala Permohonan dan usahaku
لَمْ أَزَلْ بِالْبَابِ وَاقِفْ فَارْحَمَنْ رَبِّي وُقُوْفِي
lam azal bilbaab waqf
farhamna robbi wuquufi
Aku masih tetap berdiri di Gerbang Mu,maka kasihanilah aku yang masih terus menunggu
وَبِوَادِي الْفَضْلِ عَاكِفْ فَأَدِمْ رَبِّي عُكُوفِي
wabiwaadil fadhli ‘aakif
faadim robbi ‘ukuufi
Dan di Lembah Anugerah Kasih SayangMu aku berdiam maka abadikanlah keadaanku ini
وَلِحُسْنِ الظَّنِّ لاَزِمَ فَهُوَخِلِّي وَحَلِيْفِي
Maka bersangka baik padaMu adalah hal yang mesti bagiku,sangka baik atasMu adalah pakaianku dan janjiku
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gone2soon-rip · 7 years ago
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SRIVEDI KAPOOR (b,SHREE AMMA YANGER AYYAPAN.1963-Died February 24th 2018,at 54.Drowning).Indian actress,simply known as Srivdei.She was one of Bollywood cinema’s greatest and most popular stars,with an acting career spanning two periods,1967-97,and her return to popularity,from 2012 toi her untimely death through accidental drowning,in 2018.Sridevi established herself as one of the leading actresses of Tamil and Telugu cinema, with leading roles in 16 Vayathinile (1977), Sigappu Rojakkal (1978), Varumayin Niram Sivappu (1980), Meendum Kokila (1981), Premabhishekam (1981), Moondram Pirai (1982), Aakhari Poratam (1988), Jagadeka Veerudu Atiloka Sundari (1990) and Kshana Kshanam (1991).Sridevi's first starring role in Hindi cinema came with the 1979 drama film Solva Sawan, and she gained wide attention with the 1983 production Himmatwala. She went on appear in a series of commercially successful films, including Mawaali (1983), Tohfa (1984), Naya Kadam (1984), Maqsad (1984), Masterji (1985), Nazrana (1987), Mr. India (1987), Waqt Ki Awaz (1988) and Chandni (1989). She also received praise for such films as Sadma (1983), Nagina (1986), ChaalBaaz (1989), Lamhe (1991), Khuda Gawah (1992), Gumrah (1993), Laadla (1994) and Judaai (1997). Following the role of the titular protagonist in the television sitcom Malini Iyer (2004–2005), Sridevi returned to film acting in 2012 with the successful comedy-drama English Vinglish. She then starred in her 300th film role in the 2017 thriller Mom. She earned critical acclaim for her performances in both films.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sridevi
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khan-ismail-umarr · 4 years ago
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Part 3 wahan pass mein ek chemist shop bhi tha, yeh wahi bdlg hai jisse ke upar power gym hai, waqt beet raha tha, baarish rukne ka naam nahi le rahi thi, uss waqt koi aaspass rehta uska bhi khayal nahi aaya ki usske ghar pauncha jaaye, shayyed uski wajah yahi rehi hogi Supriya ke pass jo exposed rushes wo kahi kharab na ho jaaye aur paani mein tairti humaari nayi gaadi, kyonki pass hi Supriya ki Mummy Oshiwara rehti hai wahan paidal jaaya ja sakta tha. 6,7,8 baj gaye, ab sab kuch tham chuka tha, baarish ko chhodkar, ek maruti 800 uss parking mein ruki thi, wo jaisi jaise doob rahi thi, waisi waisi tension bhi badh raha tha, jis jagah hum ruke thay wo 7-8 steps ki unchai pe tha, paani dheere seediyaan chadne laga, chemist wale ne apne cheezon ke daam dugne kar diye thay, maine ek sprite aur chips ka packet khareeda, lekin wo gale se nahi utar raha tha, dheere log kam hone lage, ab sirf humdono aur kuch lukhe.. mera matlab mawaali type log aur kuch gareeb bhikh mangne wale reh gaye thay, samne road par BST khadi thi kuch passengers ab bhi baite thay, Maruti 800 puri doob chuki thi aur paani puri seedhiya chadh chuka tha, phone mein pani gush jaane ki wajah se wo bhi kaam nahi kar rahe thay, meri nazar Supriya par padi toh uki ankh bhar chuki thi, maine uske khando par haath rakhkar kaha, seedhi tak paani aane mein 8 ghantey lage, 8 ghante aur baarish hogi toh hum doobenge waise hogi nahi, aur agar hogi toh jo sab ka hoga wo hamara bhi hoga aur khushi ki baat hai humlog saath hai.. shukra hai Allah ki Haji Ali baba ke naam par main aagaya tumhare saath, nahi toh yahan tum pareshan rehti aur main wahan ghar par pareshan rehta, jaisi jaise raat aage badh rahi thi, aaspass ke logon se darr lag raha tha, hum log chemist ki shop ke aage aakar khade hogaye .. dekhte dekhte . 3 baj gaye thay 12 ghante ho chuke thay humme wahan par phase, 4..5..6 .. baje humne dekha paani utar raha hai, baarish halki halki padh rahi thi, humlog ne himmat ki aur seedi se neeche utrey aur gaadi taraf bade .. ghootno tak tab bhi paani tha, humlog ne aaspas Janki ko awaaz lagayi ..magar wahan koi nahi tha, sannata tha.. gaadi ki chaabi Janki ke pass thi... contd https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHpup9Ja9x/?igshid=qobyc4g2of1f
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earpanel · 5 years ago
LEADERBRIEF: Gaana CEO Prashan Agarwal on growing from 60 mn to 100 mn, and the road ahead
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Gaana’s mantra for the future, says CEO Prashan Agarwal, is great content plus a seamless UI for the Indian user who doesn't want to put in too much effort to discover the songs, and a strong focus on regional content An IIT graduate and a Dean’s Merit lister from ISB Hyderabad, Prashan Agarwal, CEO – Gaana, brings enormous experience to his current role. From a Senior Associate Technology at Sapient to IM Leader at GE, from a VP at Naukri to Founding Director at AllCheckDeals.com, Co Founder at PropTiger and 19miles.com to his current role of CEO at Gaana, Prashan Agarwal has been leading Gaana with the acumen of an accomplished business leader, Entrepreneur and Angel Investor for more than three years now. Karthik P K caught up with Agarwal on the sidelines of the launch of VYRL Cover Star by VYRL Originals and Gaana.com in Mumbai, to speak about the opportunities and priorities of music streaming platforms and how they are moving ahead to widen the spread of their content genres.  And of the phenomenal growth of Gaana over the past year from 60 million to 100 million users, plus its ongoing mission to create a platform which is personalized to the user and creates room for regional music to get its due. Read on Does Gaana have a library of content from private bands and performers? If so, what is that number? How do they help Gaana’s offerings? Well, We only work with labels, so we do have a lot of songs from private bands that come to us through a platform called ‘Okay Listen’ and other smaller platforms that are there in the country, and that is distributed through Orchard. These kinds of songs have a very niche audience they appeal to, and so we see a decent amount of traction on these songs. The usage is very high, but the number of customers who listen to these songs is limited as of today. How popular is this genre of music on Gaana? The popularity of private bands would be in low single-digit percent as of today. Because if you look at the country, there's a lot of evolution that has happened in regional music, English music. And then, of course, Bollywood music continues to grow. But what we've seen is the emergence of regional music and English music. Now, the band phenomenon continues to be a niche Indie music scene, if I may call it that. What is working out today, if you look at from a mainstream perspective, is hip hop to a certain extent. Gaana will help these promising private artistes by making their content available to its millions of users. Any other way you plan to help them? Will you actively promote this private content on the home page push notifications of Gaana on mobile and the web? When you talk about private bands, you talk about non-film music, which is pretty much the same genre. What is happening with non-film music is that with VYRL coming into play and us also doing bits and pieces in terms of promoting non-film music, we absolutely want to give the same kind of distribution to non-film music as a mainstream artist. So if you look at a band, the guys behind that band have now completely started showing up on the homepage as well. Secondly, we are also working on creating absolutely new offering for Indie music, which will focus on private offerings from smaller artists and  bands and basically open up the entire funnel -- much like what SoundCloud has done in terms of creating a platform where people can come and through some basic curation can upload their songs;  and if that song appeals to my customers, than definitely they'll make it to the showcase on the Indie music page. After the fan following grows to a certain threshold, we will be looking at the homepage offering for them. But essentially, if you are a local band and you are able to get a label to back you like VYRL, then definitely there are a lot more chances for you to make it to the homepage. After the fan following of an Indie act grows to a certain threshold, Gaana will be looking at the homepage offering for them. But essentially, if you are a local band and you are able to get a label like VYRL to back you, then definitely there are a lot more chances for you to make it to the (Gaana) homepage How has Gaana been faring so far? We are the market leaders in the music streaming space, we have now 100 million monthly users. The entire country today has about 150 million customers who stream music online. Broadly, if I look at the market, the entire Indian population -- which is  1.4 billion customers -- listens to music. All of us love antakshari, all of us know about 200 songs each. So from that perspective, there is still a huge amount of potential in the market. Over the next few years the market will grow phenomenally from this 150 million; it will grow to about 400 million customers, and we will continue to be the market leaders given the kind of focus that we have on regional music, the kind of brand salience and brand recall that we have amongst the Indian customers. We are definitely the first port of call when it comes to music streaming for the Indian customer. FM Radio is trying to maximize its existing content by taking conversations online, as with Red FM Digital Radio, which has done this very smartly. And Saavn has been putting up interesting podcasts like Bhai Ke Raapchik Reviews by Kirthi Shetty, who is an exceptional talent – he was the voice and producer of Mawaali Bhai on RED FM -- for example. Both pipes of music delivery are expanding their content framework. Would you comment on this? What is Gaana doing in this space? Radio Mirchi is exclusive to Gaana, so we have all the Radio Mirchi stations and programs on Gaana for the last 5 years. We have been promoting radio content much like other platforms. Radio Mirchi continues to be a big draw for a lot of our customers, Meethi Mirchi is one of the strongest programs that we have on the platform today. I do not differentiate between radio programs and podcasts. When I look at the Indian customer, he doesn't even understand what a podcast is. So for me, radio is podcast and that is the basic premise on which we are building our entire radio offering on the app. So, the radio pages today don’t just have Radio Mirchi, now we have programs like Comedy Nights with Kapil. We have a lot of programs that we are doing in terms of storytelling, with Ashish Vidyarthi. Our focus has been to bring more and more Indian radio audio content on the radio tab of Gaana and we have seen a decent amount of success. We don't call it a podcast; that's the only difference. For me, radio is podcast and that is the basic premise on which we are building our entire radio offering on the app. So, the radio pages today don’t just have Radio Mirchi; now we have programs like Comedy Nights with Kapil. We have a lot of programs that we are doing in terms of storytelling, with Ashish Vidyarthi What would help music streaming platforms like Gaana and Saavn perform better? These have created the category for the Amazon Primes and the YouTube Musics to move in, and soon other streaming platforms too will enter India. How do you see the streaming and FM Radio players evolving their offerings? The biggest thing is content. When we look at the way live streaming is kind of shaping up, most of the people are now coming online to listen to music. Given Gaana’s brand presence, we have been fortunate that people come to us as the first port of call. It is our job and duty to make sure the kind of content that we offering to the customer is absolutely top-notch, and that's why we have invested not just in Hindi music but in regional music, English music, and now non-film music, podcasts, radio programs… we are doing a lot of  meditation and devotional programs too…  all that will be part of our Radio Podcast offering. So the idea is to create more and more diverse content for the Indian consumer as he comes online, and to make the entire process of consumption easy through voice search, through a lot of interventions on the app where you can see the entire app translated into 12 languages, a voice-led recommendation approach where you mention just one song and you can lean back and listen to 15 songs on the platform. So the idea is to have the best content and then create a seamless experience for the Indian user who doesn't want to do much effort to discover the songs. The idea is to create more and more diverse content for the Indian consumer as he comes online, and to make the entire process of consumption easy through voice search and interventions on the app in 12 languages, a voice-led recommendation approach where you mention just one song and you can listen to 15 songs on the platform. Have the best content and then create a seamless experience for the Indian user who doesn't want to put in too much effort to discover the songs Gaana already has close to half its user base in the 15-25 age group, and you’re reportedly targeting a 600 million user base by end-2022. But looking back, what have been the best accomplishments of Gaana  in the last 12 months? The 100 million is a big, big milestone for us as we've grown almost from 60 million last year to 100 million as we close the year, and that is a big milestone because I think the way music streaming is catching up in the country, pretty much the entire population will be online in the next five years. That is the biggest achievement because we are not just growing, but are building a new category altogether in the music space. What future plans are you most excited about? The biggest thing that we are excited about is kind of creating more and more content for the customer, and that essentially is through backing the regional music. I think India is a diverse country, there's a lot of music to be explored. We are doing a lot of work, which will come to the fore this year. Because of what we did with Punjabi music in the last few years, today, Punjabi music is almost as big as English music on my platform, and it used to be half of English music; perhaps lower than that. So the idea is that I bring the same level of competence on Tamil, Telugu, Hariyanvi, Bhojpuri… because that's what the customer wants to listen to, because nothing is as close to your heart as the song in the language of the place where you were born, you're brought up, you have so many memories that are attached to those kinds of songs. So, create a platform which is personalized to the user and creates room for regional music to get its due. Read the full article
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bollywoodirect · 7 years ago
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Wishing Sridevi many happy returns of the day.
Sridevi Kapoor (born Shree Amma Yanger Ayyapan; 13 August 1963) is a film actress who has worked in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada films. She has been called the first female superstar of Hindi cinema.
Sridevi started her career as a child artist in M.A. Thirumugham’s devotional Thunaivan at the age of four, and continued to act as a child artist in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada films. She made her Bollywood debut as a child artist in the hit Julie (1975) and played her first adult role at age 13 with the Tamil film Moondru Mudichu (1976). Subsequently, Sridevi established herself as one of the leading actresses of Tamil and Telugu cinema, with roles such as 16 Vayathinile (1977), Sigappu Rojakkal (1978), Varumayin Niram Sivappu (1980), Meendum Kokila (1981), Premabhishekam (1981), Moondram Pirai (1982), Aakhari Poratam (1988), Jagadeka Veerudu Atiloka Sundari (1990), and Kshana Kshanam (1991).
In Bollywood, she made her debut as a lead actress in Solva Sawan (1978) and gained wide public attention with the movie Himmatwala (1983). She appeared in a string of commercially successful movies like Mawaali (1983), Tohfa (1984), Naya Kadam (1984), Masterji (1985), Maqsad (1985), Nazrana (1987), Mr. India (1987), Waqt Ki Awaz (1988), Chandni (1989). She also received critical acclaim for commercially successful movies like Sadma (1983), Nagina (1986), ChaalBaaz (1989), Lamhe (1991), Khuda Gawah (1992), Gumrah (1993), Laadla (1994), Judaai (1997).
In 2012, Sridevi returned to films after a 15-year-long hiatus with English Vinglish and became the only actress in the history of Hindi and Tamil cinema to make a highly successful comeback. In 2013, the Government of India awarded her Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honor. She was also voted 'India's Greatest Actress in 100 Years' in a CNN-IBN national poll conducted in 2013 on the occasion of the Centenary of Indian Cinema.
In her career, Sridevi has won five Filmfare Awards.
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todaybharatnews · 5 years ago
via Today Bharat Sridevi passed away, aged 54, due to accidental drowning in a Dubai hotel on February 24, 2018. Her sudden death left family, friends and thousands of fans in a state of shock. It is Sridevirsquo;s second death anniversary today. Actor Janhvi Kapoor on Monday remembered her late mother, Bollywood star Sridevi, on her second death anniversary. The Dhadak actor posted a black-and-white photo from her childhood where she is seen hugging her mother on a sofa. ldquo;Miss you everyday,rdquo; Janhvi Kapoor captioned the photo. Sridevi passed away, aged 54, due to accidental drowning in a Dubai hotel on February 24, 2018. Her sudden death left family, friends and thousands of fans in a state of shock. In an impressive career, spanning five decades, Sridevi dominated the commercial space in cinema in the rsquo;80s and rsquo;90s. She made her Hindi film debut as a child artiste in 1975 hit Julie and continued ruling the South Indian film industry where she established herself as a leading heroine with films such as 16 Vayathinile, Sigappu Rojakkal, Meendum Kokila and Moondram Pirai. In Bollywood, she started her journey as a lead actor in 1978rsquo;s Solva Sawan and followed it up with a number of commercial hits such as Himmatwala, Mawaali, Tohfa, Mr India, Chandni, Lamhe, Nagina and Khuda Gawah among several more. Her last film was 2018rsquo;s Mom, which won her a National Award posthumously. The actor was married to producer Boney Kapoor. They have two daughters ndash; Janhvi and Khushi. Janhvi Kapoor, who made her debut with Dhadak, was recently seen in Ghost Stories. She has Dostana 2, Roohi Afzana, Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl and Takht in her kitty.
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businessliveme · 6 years ago
FRiENDi mobile moves to Ooredoo
FRiENDi mobile, the Sultanate’s first mobile reseller, has announced its partnership with Ooredoo, in a move to enhance network connectivity and offer better services to its customers.
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On its new free-of-charge “Super SIM”, FRiENDi mobile presents its customers with attractive products and new features such as Unlimited Validity on all data and calling plans – a first in Oman.
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Existing customers who wish to benefit from the new offers and features will need to exchange their old SIM to the new “Super SIM” for free at any shop that sells FRiENDi mobile SIMs.
In addition, to celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan and their network change, FRiENDi mobile is offering its customers Triple Data on all Anytime and Combo (data + minutes) plans which are activated on the new “Super SIM”. For example, a purchase of the 1 GB plan for RO 3 will reward customers with an additional 2 GB that can be used between 7pm and 6am.
Along with international calling plans as low as 500 Bz for 20 minutes to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, customers will also get to enjoy attractive calling plans to the GCC, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines and many other destinations.
“I am extremely excited about our new and innovative product portfolio, which allows customers to finally purchase data and calling plans with piece of mind, knowing that the data or minutes purchased will never expire, as is the case with all the other telecom providers in Oman. I am convinced that our Unlimited Validity feature, coupled with our fantastic Ramadan promotion allowing customers to benefit from Triple Data with most of our data plans, will be very well received by existing and new customers, and we welcome everyone to benefit by picking up a free-of-charge ‘Super SIM’ at any shop selling FRiENDi mobile products”, said Salma Nasser Al Mawaali, CEO of FRiENDi mobile.
The post FRiENDi mobile moves to Ooredoo appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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