#Mattsun x male reader
zmbiesuga · 2 years
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matsukawa issei x m!reader (pronouns aren't mentioned but the intention is still there), established relationship
warnings: angst, really poor body image on mattsuns part including negative mentions of weight, hurt/comfort, cussing, use of pet names (baby, honey, pretty boy), matsukawa is referred to as mattsun and issei, the friends mentioned are not the seijoh four
notes: i projected a bit oops
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mattsun had lost track of time. all he knew was that the light illuminating from his laptop hurt his bloodshot eyes, and if the soft sounds from it weren't the only thing keeping him sane, he would slam it shut in a heartbeat.
he doesn't know how he ended up in this position, really. he's not typically a sensitive guy, he's normally nonchalant, laid back. he walks the world like nothing can hurt him.
but then he thinks about what his friends said.
it was playful, at first. little jabs at his personality that he could rebuttal with ease. teasing them about their flaws, adamant on avoiding striking any nerves.
he just wished they would be as careful as him.
what got to him first, was the mention of his eyebrows. how they were too thick, that they didn't match his face.
which then led to the conversation about his jawline, how it was too triangular, too uneven.
and even though those comments hurt, he took them and bit his tongue. for his own sake. just shake it off, he thought, they're just joking stop being such a fucking baby
it was fine, really.
until they started talking about his weight. how he was too skinny, too tall, too boney. how almost nauseating it was that they could see how his ribs poked through his skin.
yeah, that's what got him.
from practice to home was a blur to him, but he remembers how he stormed to his room. how he sat in his own silence for a moment or so, before his body racked with violent sobs.
he cried. he cried until there was no more air in his lungs, until the sobs got caught in his throat. he gripped his hair and broke down for what felt like an eternity.
and even now, hours later, the thought of everything that happened makes him want to start sobbing again.
but he can't. the lump in his throat sticks there, not daring to move.
he really thinks he's fucking pathetic. to let such words get to him, he knows he shouldn't care. he knows they meant no harm. he knows they were just jokes. he knows he's not that bad looking.
well, he guesses there must be some truth to their words if they poked and prodded at it. he guesses there's some truth if he's allowing himself to be this affected by it.
he doesn't hear you softly open the door to his bedroom.
you had grown worried, you tried to contact him over dozens of times within the past few hours, only to be left on delivered.
at first you were mad, you figured he was just ignoring you for makki or something unimportant, but once oikawa had told you that issei had left the gym in a sulk, you had just grown to be worried.
you slowly made your way towards him, the soft blue glow of his laptop being the only source of light in the room.
when you tripped over his sneakers is when he finally noticed you.
slowly, he turned from his laptop to face you. the cacoon of his blanket covering most of him. that's when you finally got a good look at his face.
his eyes were bloodshot, and his tears from earlier left stains of trails down his cheeks. the dried snot under his nose, his tussled hair and cracked lips showing his distress.
god, you swear, even like this he looks so beautiful.
"issei, baby, what's wrong?" you question, crouching down next to his bed. you reach your hand out, lightly stroking his face.
tears slowly begin to fall from his eyes again. you wipe them away gently with his thumbs.
the gesture alone sends him into another fit of sobs, you wrap your arms around him, rubbing circles on his back as you let him weep into the crook of your neck.
"i can't fucking . . . i'm so pathetic i'm sorry . . ." he blubbers, god he can't believe himself right now.
"nonono baby you aren't pathetic, you're allowed to cry. you're allowed to be upset," you reassure him, "take your time. i'm not going anywhere."
you two stay like that for a few minutes, issei composes himself the best to his ability, before sitting up and letting what happened fall from his lips in a hurry.
your face contorts in anger as he continues, not with him, of course. you couldn't believe what he was saying, what kind of friends were these people?
once he finished, you allowed yourself to speak.
"issei," you began, "what they said about you was absolutely ridiculous."
at first he's taken aback by your words, but then you continue,
"you are one of the most gorgeous boys i have ever laid my eyes on," you said, "your eyebrows aren't too thick, they fit your face perfectly. your jawline is perfect too, and even if it is asymmetrical, most peoples are. it's not uncommon and it certainly does not make you ugly."
you take a deep breath, cupping his hands in yours. giving him a reassuring squeeze before picking up again once more,
"and as for your weight," you began, "i just . . . the fact that they even felt the need to comment on that disgusts me. there is nothing wrong with your weight, as long as you are healthy that's all that matters. whether you be on the bigger or smaller side, as long as you are healthy that's all that should matter. ever. don't listen to the utter bullshit they spew because it's not true. you're a beautiful boy, you're my beautiful boy."
he starts crying again, but this time out of a warm feeling bursting in his chest. he pulls you in for a tight embrace, and you squeeze him just as hard.
"i love you so much." are the only words he's able to mutter before he falls asleep on your shoulders.
you then softly close the lid to his laptop, crawling under the covers with him and placing a kiss on his forehead.
sleep well, pretty boy. is all you can think before drifting off yourself
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a/n: i just want to remind you guys that you are beautiful no matter what and you deserve good things. likes, reblogs & comments are appreciated!
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nykie-love-anime · 1 month
Oikawa: If I were a gardener, I'd put our 'two-lips' together Y/N: - blushes - Makki: Why aren't we like that? Mattsun: If I were a gardener, you'd be my 'hoe' Makki: - giggles like a little schoolboy -
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can i request something?
Gn! or M! reader with makki AND Matsukawa (pls poly ♡)
The reader is neurodivergent and is overestimulated and very stressed. For example they do not want to be touched or hear any sounds because they are close to breaking down, yk? And Makki und matsu try to calm them and give them some noise-cancelling-headphones and stuff. The reader is hypersensitive and every day is hard since sounds are everywhere and every sound is stressing them out (even rain and stuff)
I am very hypersensitive and I get very frustrated and stressed over little sounds like pouring in some water in a glass..
Thank you in advance!! <3 But you can take your time, i dont want to rush you!!
P.S continue your work!! I really appreciate you and your stories!! You are doing an amazing job.
Hi! I tried my best. I’m not sure how you personally react to your hypersensitivity so I went with my ticks when I get that way.
Too Loud
Makki x m!reader x Mattsun
Hanamaki knew he was a loud personality.
Iwaizumi often described him as an acquired taste, and since his best friend was Oikawa that felt like it said a lot.
Which is why he was surprised when you accepted his confession.
And even more surprised when you accepted a make-or-break clause to that confession.
Because while Makki had feelings for you- amazing, sweet, quiet you- he also couldn’t fight that he had feelings for his own best friend, who you described as a subdued version of him and he couldn’t really argue with that. You had even admitted to the same feelings, so Makki spoke with Mattsun and the three of you made it work.
And now, forbid Oikawa from ever actually figuring it out and being a menace about it, Makki was happy with you and Mattsun.
But because he had a loud personality, he didn’t always notice when someone couldn’t handle it.
You had never really opened up to either of them about when you couldn’t handle a situation, in high school there had been studying to excuse yourself for, and then work became a good reason. It was like you were trying to hold off on them finding out you just weren’t normal.
But work had been crushing you, big project after big project, someone always unsatisfied with what you’d done- and you were practically at your breaking point from it all.
Mattsun noticed first.
He had come home before Makki, and unlike most days you didn’t greet him. Instead he found you, rubbing your hands around each other, shifting in your seat on the couch and every time he made a noise… you were flinching.
Mattsun’s brow furrowed. It didn’t look like it was fear.
“Y/N?” His voice wasn’t loud, not by a long shot, but the way you ducked away from the sound like it had been so startling had him concerned.
He wasn’t sure how to feel when you looked up at him, your eyes bloodshot and filled with unshed tears, and your voice wasn’t the warm deep sound he had known so long, “It’s- Everything is so much.”
His mouth opened and closed a few times, unsure what that could mean.
He had always noticed your thought process shifted more than most others, and he learned that you were neurodivergent along the way, but you had never broached the topic, so he never mentioned it. But this was something different, the way you ducked away from the window when a car honk sounded from the street, the way you shied away from the light still spilling from the hallway outside the open front door.
So he didn’t say a word, slipping his shoes off and shutting the window as soundlessly as possible before he did the same with the door. He sat a few feet away from you on the couch, giving you the option to get closer if you wanted it, but you stayed firmly in your corner. Switching his phone to silent was the obvious next move, followed by a text to the only missing partner, all the while Mattsun kept an eye on you.
Makki was surprised to get the text that something was wrong, even more when his boyfriend sent him a list of things to get at the store- but he didn’t argue. He bought exactly what he was told to, following the explicit instructions not to deviate, and then toed off his shoes in the hall outside the front door as he was instructed.
And as soon as he walked through that door, he was getting tugged into the kitchen you were the only one to ever use because he could burn water and Mattsun only knew how to make cereal. “What-“
“Shh!” Mattsun clapped a hand over Makki’s mouth, speaking so quietly he could barely hear him, “Y/N isn’t feeling great today. Did you get everything?”
He nodded, the hand still pressed over his mouth for another second before it pulled away. Mattsun cringed as the bag crinkled, peeking around the corner to see you rubbing your arms more aggressively as you shrank away from the sound. He held a finger to his lips, quickly grabbing up the bags and scurrying to the outside hall.
Makki followed curiously, still lost on what was actually happening, to find the boyfriend you shared in the hallway carefully tearing opening packages and bundling the trash in the corner outside the door. “Okay, what is happening?”
Mattsun pursed his lips, pausing to look at him and shrug, “Honestly? I’m not sure. But I know sound isn’t helping right now.”
“Hypersensitivity to it?” Makki offered, one of the temp jobs he had landed him with a coworker that suffered from a sensitivity to light when things were stressful, and he had managed to convince the supervisor to have a dimmer switch installed. Mattsun raised his brows questioning, and Makki launched into his best recollection of an explanation.
Meanwhile you were doing your best to ignore the outside world. The heat was too hot, but the cold was too cold. Every sound was too loud but the quiet was too somehow too loud, too. Every light was too bright but the dark was too dark.
And suddenly the sounds were muffled. They weren’t gone, just quieter. More bearable. There was a weight over your ears, but it was comforting and soft. A cool weight fell on your shoulders next. A blanket that wasn’t heavy, wasn’t light, wasn’t too warm.
Glancing up, you saw the nervous expressions of the two boys you had loved for so long. And with teary eyes, you did all you could with a voice as quieter than it had ever been.
You whispered, “Thank you.”
Makki had always had a loud personality. It was who he always was, and his best friend and one of the loves of his life had always been a slightly subdued version of him. Neither of them were ever quiet unless they were up to something mischievous.
But for you? For you they’d be whatever you needed them to be.
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oukabarsburgblr · 4 months
Tongue Twisting [Dare AU]
An annoying setter dares you to suck someone's face. Good thing your hot teammate walked in at the right time.
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Short but too detailed for a drabble? has haikyuu characters as fillers because I'm too lazy to make up other ocs, voyeurism, making out, profile
Find out more under the cut!
"Still don't understand your point, Oikawa..."
(m/n) spoke with a lazy but confused grin, his eyebrows furrowing as he leaned forward from his chair he was sitting in. The brunette, standing tall in front of him had his hands on his hips.
"I'll give you the keys if you do it. It's not that hard for you, (m/n)." Oikawa smirked, his fingers spinning the bundle of keys he stole from the (h/c)'s bag earlier. Matsukawa who had dragged a chair to sit beside his standing captain quirked an eyebrow.
"If 'Zumi gets word of this, he's gonna get so pissed at you." "But he won't if (m/n) does it quick!"
A training camp had been set between Keio Shiki and Aoba Johsai for the Volleyball Men's Club. (m/n) and Oikawa both positioned as their captains of their respective teams and ever since (m/n) step foot onto the training camp's venue, Oikawa had a grudge on him seemingly for petty reasons.
(m/n) (l/n) had also been a third year setter, and a captain whose team had gone to nationals regularly representing the Saitama prefecture so Seijoh's coach had stated that the Shiki VBC team was the 'better' version of them and that got Oikawa pissed. It didn't help that Ushijima acknowledged (m/n) as a fantastic setter so he felt threatened with his position.
Since then, Oikawa would bother the (h/c) with small things, such as asking him to help clean his side of the gym, criticising his sets and serves or just straight up taking and using his stuff. Iwaizumi would knock some sense into his captain but it just so happened that both vice captains of both teams had to go run errands. Perfect.
(m/n) would have his meals in a more private area rather than the mess hall mostly due to him having to finish other duties on his laptop but Oikawa decided to infiltrate his booth and Matsukawa saw and just followed him in. His request was outrageous to say the least.
"Make out with someone."
(m/n) who was about to slurp his bowl of noodles visibly paused in his tracks and glanced at the annoying setter. He couldn't believe this was the man he was constantly compared to.
"Make out?" Oikawa grinned, seemingly proud of himself as he dangled the ring of keys he had snatched from the (h/c)'s duffle bag. "Or I'll throw this away." "...You do realise in the end, you'll get in trouble right?"
Matsukawa who had just stepped inside the lounge, froze and deadpanned at his captain. "Oikawa, what the fuck?" "Shut up, Mattsun! If you won't back me up, then leave." He whined as he tried to push the middle blocker away but the ravenette only decided to pull up a chair as (m/n) finished his meal.
The keys were access to all of the gyms and several other sections that were to be used by the volleyball teams on the property and (m/n) was in charge of keeping them safe and locked when they weren't using it and Oikawa was annoyed on how he wasn't picked.
How come he's athletic, smart, has good looks and has a nice personality?? FRAUD-
Oikawa couldn't accept someone with such a caliber existing and he was determined to find a foible somewhere in the (h/c). He continued to pester (m/n) and was about to dump the keys in a paper shredder until the (h/c) agreed. Although he doesn't exactly look mad?
"So do I have to get someone or you're picking?" (m/n) smoothened his pants, still sitting in the wooden chair as Matsukawa gaped at his relaxed expression. Even Oikawa was shocked he had agreed. "A-Anyone. Except your boyfriend!" "I don't have a boyfriend." The (h/c) deadpanned.
The setter suspected (m/n) was dating at least someone on his team, with the way they idolised and admired him. Especially his ace and his vice captain.
"How about you then?" (m/n) winked at the brunette, his finger made a 'come over here' taunt and Oikawa screeched. "You're shameless!" "You asked for it."
Matsukawa and the (h/c) was laughing at the flabbergasted brunette until the door behind them slid open and revealed an intimidating redhead. Keio Shiki's ace.
"What?" Sousuke deadpanned, confused as to why was there Seijoh's captain and annoying middle blocker in (m/n)'s private lounge, usually he would sneak away to spend time with his favourite person/crush but instead he found a grinning (h/c) and two other players from their rival team, his stomach tightened with jealousy.
Oikawa gestured to him and (m/n) laughed. "He wouldn't." "Wouldn't what?" Sousuke questioned, moving behind the suddenly cautious brunette to grab a chair, dragging it to sit between Matsukawa and (m/n).
"Would you have sex with your captain?"
Sousuke felt his heart dropped as he froze, his eyes on the ground and he heard (m/n)'s voice in the background. "He said smooching not fucking." What? Smooching not what?
The ace was confused as he peered to see the one who had asked him, Matsukawa smirking at him. "...huh?" Sleeping with his captain would be a dream come true. Hell he tried to woo the (h/c) for years if it wasn't for a certain cockblock VICE CAPTAIN-
"Like I said he wouldn't do that." (m/n) waved Matsukawa's teasing off, his eyes glancing at the redhead as he chuckled lightly. Sousuke frowned.
"I beg to differ." Oikawa was staring at the redhead, his eyes glinting as he crossed his arms, the bundle of keys nowhere to be seen. Sousuke reminded the brunette of Kyoutani, their playstyles and brash behaviour was similar, only Sousuke's style was more refined and he had been tamed by the (h/c). "If not, then I'll get someone else-"
"No." Sousuke grunted out, his fists clenching as he glanced at his captain, who was staring at him with a neutral expression. "I'll kill anyone who touches you."
"Calm down, hermano." Matsukawa whistled. "It's just kissing." The ravenette noticed the protective behaviour Sousuke had for his captain, pulling his shirt down if his skin was exposed, urging him to wash up quickly in the communal bathroom. He almost punched Oikawa in the face one time if it wasn't for Iwaizumi holding him back.
(m/n) gazed at the redhead, his eyes scanning his tense figure before he reached out and pulled his hand. "Then do you mind?" He smiled at the redhead whose cheeks flared. "What?" "Make out with me for a bit."
Oikawa's body was trembling, holding in his laugh as he slapped Matsukawa on the back repeatedly, the middle blocker cupping his mouth with his hand in excited shock. Sousuke's hand that was in (m/n)'s hold shuddered for a bit before he took a hold of himself.
"Are you going to do it with someone else?" (m/n) hummed, tapping his chin in mock thought. "Well I'm doing it for something..." He peered at Oikawa who was grinning. "Either way, if I have to then I'll have to." He nonchalantly stated, observing the agitated redhead.
"I might break their hands, (m/n)." Sousuke whispered to his captain, his hand now laying on his shoulder. "Then just swap spit with me." The (h/c) winked.
Sousuke stared at his captain for a moment, the gears in his brain moving and locking in as he grabbed his chair to sit and scoot directly in front of the (h/c) whose smile reached his eyes. Oikawa was hollering in the background and Matsukawa was holding in his cackle.
Bet he's a bottom. Oikawa didn't have a clear cut objective in his plan. He just wanted to see (m/n) melt one way or another. Sousuke was an added bonus, he was so annoyed with how good chemistry they had on the court.
Hazel scanned the (h/c)'s body, his eyes moving upwards to catch (e/c) staring at his bottom lip before they locked together. (m/n) smiled and tilted his head. "Don't regret this." "..."
Sousuke placed his hand on (m/n)'s bicep as he slowly moved forward, his breath held in. (m/n) chuckled as he closed his eyes, leaning in and he gripped the redhead's thigh, rubbing his thumb into his ace's pants.
The redhead's heart was racing, he stiffened his trembling hand as he gripped the armchair and he felt his world turned into bliss when his lips pressed against his captain's.
Sousuke was rigid as he nervously opened his mouth, panicking internally when he felt no response. "Let's go slow..." (m/n) cooed as his other hand moved to cup the redhead's jaw, his nail teasingly scratching his neck.
He flinched before humming awkwardly, closing his lips and letting his captain have his way. (m/n) gently lapping up the redhead's rough picked lips, his tongue softly swiping against the redhead's clenched mouth. His grip on Sousuke's thigh tightened.
Oikawa was laughing and taking a picture secretly, Matsukawa was hiding his smile with his hand, amused at the current scenario in front of him. A certain middle blocker is gonna be so pissed when he finds out.
The redhead cautiously opened his mouth, poking out his tongue and (m/n) seemed to stammer when it met with his. Sousuke could taste a lingering salt on (m/n)'s tongue. "Noodles for dinner?" "You know me." (m/n) chuckled before holding Sousuke's face with both of his hands and clashed their teeth.
Sousuke grunted as his breath stuttered when the (h/c) entered his mouth. He moaned when (m/n)'s tongue pressed againts his hard palate and he heard his captain's quiet laugh.
The butterflies in his stomach was raging as he forced himself to stop acting so nervous, his hands finally moved to hold (m/n) by the waist, rubbing his sides up and down. He had to swallow more than normal with how generous the (h/c) was licking his tongue, the taste of soup placating his buds and their saliva mixed.
Moving forward, Sousuke's chair scratched against the floor as he forced it closer to the (h/c)'s, desperate to have more. He couldn't believe that he was doing this. What kind of miracle did he walked upon? If any other man had sat in his position, he would have had his neck wrung.
"Nggh- hah!" He pulled his face back, panting with spit drooping down his chin. His penis was undeniably hard, the outline stretching against his jeans. Sousuke's face was hot, his cheeks red and he felt even weaker seeing the (h/c)'s expression.
(m/n) was smiling shamelessly and licked his lips, his heart fluttered and light. His own cock was also erect but he couldn't show that. The (h/c) wiped both his and Sousuke's face. "You had enough?" "..."
The redhead stayed quiet, swallowing his saliva. Sousuke wanted more, (m/n)'s tongue and drool in his mouth, or even his in the (h/c). Either way, it could never be enough. He had gotten a taste and Sousuke was Adephagia.
His hand gripped (m/n)'s lower waist, dangerously close to the plump of his ass and the (h/c) let out a quiet groan while biting his bottom lip. Half-lidded (e/c) eyes glared at burning hazel. (m/n) smiled as he felt Sousuke pulling him into his lap.
Sousuke kicked the (h/c)'s chair away as he held the captain on his lap, his left hand fondling down his back and his other rubbing (m/n)'s thigh. Their mouths were connected again and Sousuke immediately took the chance to thrust his tongue past (m/n)'s lips.
The taste of udon was more apparent now as he intruded his captain's mouth, pushing his wet muscle against the (h/c)'s. (m/n) moaned as his teeth scraped and he tried to push back. His hands are now in Sousuke's red locks, pulling and roughing them up.
(m/n) (l/n) couldn't say he never meant to end up in this position, sitting perchly in his ace's lap while sloppily making out with the redhead. Oikawa annoyed him and if the only thing that got him to shut up was for him to swallow someone's spit, then so be it. It was a plus for him too, how long had it been since he let loose anyways.
Sucking Sousuke's tongue was a different story however. He knew the redhead's obsession- passion for him. His intent gaze lingering over his figure, his rough fingertips brushing against his face and it didn't help he was handsome and so compliant under his will too. (m/n) could no longer hear the two Seijoh players laughing when Sousuke pulled him onto his lap.
His heart undeniably was pounding against his chest and now he was fiercely face fucking with his ace, Sousuke's hand dangerously hovering over his ass. (m/n) could feel the hard dick under his bosom, teasingly grinding on top of the rough jeans the redhead wore- fuck he shouldn't be doing this.
"Mmng ahh-" He pushed Sousuke away, the redhead frowning and panting with his tongue slack against his bottom lip. "We should hah- finish-" He was cut off when the redhead lapped up his jaw, making the (h/c) mewl and squirm in his hold. "Don't wanna." Sousuke mumbled, letting his tongue drag across (m/n)'s jaw.
The (h/c) huffed as his hands trembled, he leaned back, unintentionally exposing more of his neck. Sousuke brushed his fangs over (s/c) before he bit down, making (m/n) gasp and whimper as he rolled his hips.
"Y-You..." (m/n) frustratingly whined, his arousal was painful as he pressed himself down onto Sousuke's. "Hah...hah..." The redhead pulled away from the (h/c)'s neck, lust and want evident in his desperate eyes. (e/c) melted with equal need staring back.
"...my room." Sousuke immediately picked him up and walked out of the lounge, (m/n) locked his ankles around the redhead's torso. They both were still making out by the time they were out of the Seijoh's sight.
Oikawa was silent, not knowing what to say. Matsukawa was palming his face. "You should've expected that. That red hair guy was basically eye-fucking him everytime they're on the court." "I just....wanted to see him submit...not hooking up with someone."
Matsukawa raised an eyebrow. "Was this supposed to be a kink? That's gross, idiot-kawa." "I JUST WANTED TO SEE HIM LOSE FOR ONCE??" "Whatever it is, he definitely won tonight." The middle blocker secretly adjusted his pants, Oikawa's face was red and blushing.
"Why the hell are you guys in here?" Iwaizumi questioned, stepping into the lounge. Hanamaki poked his head in as well.
"...nothing." "Oikawa made a horny dare." "I DID NOT!!"
Iwaizumi cringed at the setter, disappointment etched onto his face. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT-" He wailed and Hanamaki looked to Matsukawa for an explanation.
The middle blocker only raised his hands in mock surrender, his mind wandering to the Shiki pair. Sousuke might show up but (m/n) will definitely not be attending practice tomorrow.
Afterthoughts :
Wow me posting🤩 the last part is a bit hanging, was supposed to be more slurping but i got sleepy. I wanna ask u guys to like a post that will help my team advance in an engineering innovation competition but that will be most likely indirectly doxxing myself hm😔
I have so many long drafts...like i legit have an almost finished jinx au but goddamn i lost the spirit. Ive been neglecting daisuke ik🥰 ill come back to my big tiddy man soon.
Just finished watching the haikyuu movie yesterday and kenma is terrifying wtf. I see why ppl like him now. The first year fic boutta go crazy
Taglist :
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25
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forusomimiya · 1 year
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Masterlist by forusomimiya ღ
Hii ✨ I finally had some time to write my own masterlist with all my works, as many of you were asking me to do it. I will be updating the list with each new work I publish, so, for the new followers, you will always be able to see the old works without having to go through all my profile. 🏐 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙆𝙔𝙐𝙐 🏐 (male x male) ↴ 🌼Headcanons/Scenarios/AU´s: • (Ushisaku)
• (SakuAtsu) ↴ ➝ 1 ➝ 2 ➝ 3 (ft. SunaOsa) ➝ Driver License 🚘 ➝ 5 ➝ Friends w/ Benefits 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 ➝ 6 ➝ 7 • (SunaOsa) ↴ ➝ My "good" boy
• (HQ guys with 🐱 pt.1) • (HQ guys with 🐱 pt.2) 🏐 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙆𝙔𝙐𝙐 🏐 (x reader) ↴ 🌼Male x Reader: ღ (ATSUMU) ➝ Atsumu as a bf ➝ 3 drinks for 3 things about you ➝ Sing them to me ღ (BOKUTO) ➝ First time? ➝ Birthday Boy ღ (IWAIZUMI) ➝ Iwaizumi as a bf ღ (OIKAWA) ➝ Tooru being spanish ➝ Thigh riding ღ (OSAMU) ➝ Osamu as a bf ➝ Big boy with big arms ღ (SAKUSA) ➝ Sakusa as a bf ➝ 🎱 ➝ Fantasies ➝ Virgin! Sakusa ღ (SUNA) ➝ Workout pt.1 ➝ Workout pt.2 ➝ Rintarou Suna`s secret ➝ Summer taste ➝ Suna likes to... ➝ 📱 ➝ He likes them 🍒 ➝ Sex tape ➝ Smoker! Suna ➝ Virgin! Suna pt.1 ➝ Virgin! Suna pt.2 ➝ Hello chat! This is my bf ➝ 🚬 ღ (USHIJIMA) -1- -2- 🌼Poly w/ Reader: • (ATSUOI x reader) • (BOKUROO x reader) • (IWAOI x reader) • (SAKUATSU x reader) • (USHIIWA x reader)
• (SUNAOSA x reader) ↴ ➝ Among foxes ➝ Both? Both. ➝ A stranger in a fox mask
• (MSBY4 x reader) ↴ ➝ Brasil! Hinata ➝ Four´s a crowd
• (SAKUSUNA x reader) ↴
➝ Don’t play with us
🌼Multi (Kita, Akaashi, Hakuba Gao, Tobio, Mattsun and more…): • (HAIKYUU! TEXTS 💬 pt.1) • (HAIKYUU! TEXTS 💬 pt.2) • (HQ BOYS BEING PERVERTED 🤫) • (WHO HQ GUYS LIKES TO BE HUMILIATED VS. LIKES TO HUMILIATE) • (HQ CAPTAINS REACTING TO YOU WALKING SEMI-NAKED WITH HIS TEAM JERSEY) Part 1 Multi -1- Multi -6- Multi -2- Multi -7- Multi -3- Multi -8- Multi -4- Multi -9- Multi -5- Multi -10-
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miyamoratsumuu · 1 year
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-where the crows take flight, where the great king became a comrade, where the eagles soar, where the cats roar, where the owls prey, where the foxes are the most sly, and the weasels unpredictable
navigation . . .
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DRABBLES (short fics below 1k words)
↳ "uh, tsumu?". . . it's normal for people in a relationship to BOTH share their clothes. right? (miya atsumu, gn reader. fluff, crack) ↳ at midnight. . . kuroo tetsuro being the nerd he is, had the audacity to give you butterflies this late in the evening. (kuroo tetsuro, gn reader. fluff) ↳ you're safe here. . . you come home late due to an accident during volleyball practice. little did you know your boyfriend was waiting for you the whole time. (seperately- oikawa toru, bokuto koutaro, kuroo tetsuro, gn reader, fluff, comfort) ↳ out of your league. . . he wanted to be yours. and he can be., but certain circumstances say otherwise. ↳ unsent letters. . . he was a writer, you were his muse. and every stroke of his pen reminded him just why all he wished for was to be the one to love you until the end of forever. (iwaizumi hajime, fem reader. fluff, angst)
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↳ dating the pretty setter squad W/ MOODBOARDS. . . ft. oikawa, akaashi, kenma, atsumu, semi ↳ dating the hq boys, W/ MOODBOARDS pt. 2. . . ft. kuroo, mattsun, suna ↳ dating the hq boys, W/ MOODBOARDS pt. 3. . . ft. bokuto, iwaizumi, tsukishima ↳ haikyuu boys + tiktok trends with you. . . ft. various hq boys ↳ in love all over again. . . as you walked down the aisle, the song that described the story of your love played in the background. or your wedding with them as opm (original pinoy music) songs (ft. various male characters) ↳ still into you. . . after all this time, kenma was still into you as much as he was in the beginning of your relationship (ft. kenma)
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↳ jamais vu. . . (h.iwaizumi x reader smau series, ongoing)
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↳ and they were roommates. . . keiji seemingly made everything easier for you when he moved in. especially the part where he made you fall in love with him. (akaashi keiji, gn reader. fluff. 1.9k words) ↳ easy to love. . . love has always been a beautiful mystery. until kiyoko came along to help you uncover it. (shimizu kiyoko, gn reader. fluff. 1.2k words)
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gh0stchoir · 3 years
Reader is Makki's and Mattsun's best friend, and the three of them built the trio that Oikawa's nightmares are made of. When Makki and Mattsun rot for Oikawa to mess up so that he has to buy them ramen, Reader joins in. Just to mess with the captain, Reader gushes about how amazing Kageyama and Ushijima are. They are just best buds, having the time of their life together. (I don't know if you write poly, so no romance is mentioned here)
“Trauma Trio.”
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Character(s): (platonic) Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei / Aoba Johsai 3rd years
Time set point: Highschool
Pronouns used: he/him
Warnings: oikawa slander(duh), not proofread
A/n: I do write for poly relationships, but this equally as good as it would’ve been poly so not I’m not complaining ✋ also sorry if this was a bit short :”)
“Ho ho is that so?~ Our faithful captain better not mess up this serve!~” Y/n snickered into his hand, Makki holding in his laughs as he jabbed y/n’s stomach to stop him before he laughed too hard out loud. “Or else, yknow as always, you gotta buy ramen Oikawa-kun!!~” Y/n teased more. This one ended up Mattsun to let out a laugh, then triggered Makki and then the trio began cackling.
Toru just stared at them, eye twitching. He looked at Iwaizumi who stood with his arms crossed, a smirk presented on his face. Not him too! Oikawa groaned and ran a hand through his hair, thinking of scenarios as to where the horrible trio weren’t always picking on him and making him have barely anything in his wallet.
“Oh don’t hesitate now!~” Y/n continued, pushing past Makki and Mattsun who were still leaning on the other and crying from laughing. “You gotta be just like the amazing Kageyama-san and Ushijima-san! Don’t disappoint captain!~~” Y/n called, waving his hands around like some sort of unhelpful cheerleader. The brunette narrowed his eyes at the names. Y/n always mentioned his rivals, knowing how much he disliked them. Y/n backed up, bursting out laughing at the look on Toru’s face.
The setter bounced the ball on the floor, exhaling. He just wanted one normal practice, where everyone practiced hard and perfect. Not the trauma trio causing a ruckus once again. And what was worse, the most strict person wasn’t stopping them! In fact, he found this all quite amusing. Especially since it was technically after practice ended and Oikawa wanted the third years to stay after with him to practice. Instead the time was filled with the trio having the time of their lives, Iwaizumi getting a laugh or two, and Oikawa probably getting more money taken away because of a stupid bet.
“Iwa-chan don’t laugh! You’re supposed to be on my side!!” The brunette whined, gripping the ball in his hands. Iwaizumi raised a brow at him and scoffed.
“I never pick sides on these. It’s just amusing to see how you willingly let them taunt you and let them have a kick of themselves. And I get ramen out of it.” The ace grinned. Y/n finger gunned him, going back to talking to Makki and Mattsun. They were huddled and let out occasional little giggles. It looked like they were a group of schoolgirls and boys talking about a cute boy they all had a crush on. This time however, it was a group of highschool boys talking about a cute boy that they wanted to torture.
Y/n suddenly stood up, pointing directly at Oikawa. “You! Serve right now! Don’t be a pussy!! Cmon, don’t you wanna be like Ushi-“
“Alright alright!! I don’t wanna hear his name again!” Oikawa interrupted, waving him off. Makki and Mattsun, seemingly now just laughing at the smallest things because their brains couldn’t comprehend anything happening, leaning once again on the other at Oikawa’s shaky outburst. Never leave a group of 5 high schoolers alone, especially if three of them act like the trio does. If you do, it’s game over.
Y/n watched as Oikawa was clearly tired and off his game, bouncing the ball softly before throwing it up. He ran up and served it, and it hit the corner of the net. The brunette landed back on the ground and sighed. If he hadn’t been so provoked, he wouldn’t of had to buy them all damn ramen!
The others bursted out laughing, for once including Hajime. Oikawa just watched as they all cackled aloud like hyenas that were high. The sound of their laughter haunted him. The reason only really being because he only heard it when he was in defeat and they won in some sort of their stupid plans.
“Holy shit!! I didn’t expect you to mess up that bad!” Makki yelled out in between laughs, holding his stomach from laughing too much. Y/n reached up as if Makki was able to help him from the unstoppable laughter. They were all still laughing that they were crying and began getting headaches.
The trauma trio continued laughing, continuously doing it from the small jokes they added in. Iwaizumi calmed down a bit earlier, now just watching his friends. It was possible they were so sensitive to laugh at everyone because the trio would get barely any sleep and with a day full of school and two volleyball practices AND extra practice, they’d be so sleep deprived that the most idiotic thing would be the most amusing thing to them that the average human would either find a bit amusing or not at all.
Oikawa grumbled as he went his way into the locker room, beginning to remember he did agree to the bet. As always. It was because y/n would always taunt him, and it would make the captains ego come out and want to defend himself. It wasn’t Toru’s fault that he liked to show off and prove he was the best! But y/n knew how to get the captain riled up and mess up.
“Oh Toru-kun!~” Y/n called out as he entered the locker room. He held a proud smirk. What a smug little bastard..
“I know I know! Just hurry up and change so we can just get this over with.” The brunette mumbled, slipping his bag over his shoulder. Mattsun walked in after y/n, snickering into his hand.
“So short tempered, captain?” He asked, a non-rhetorical question. This earning a giggle from Makki and y/n. Oikawa groaned loudly, resting his head against the wall. He just wanted to go home already.
“That ramen was so good!” Y/n smiled, stretching with a yawn. The group of five were all at a nearby park, finishing their ramen that Oikawa had to pay for. Y/n thought to himself, grinning a slight before standing and walking to behind the bench where Toru sat.
He leaned over, resting his arms around the setters shoulders. “Thank youuu!~” He sang, gently swaying him side to side. Oikawa hummed faintly in acknowledgment. He was far too tired to speak, already half asleep.
Makki narrowed his eyes and poked Toru’s side, causing him to jolt up. He looked as if he’d seen a ghost, eyes wide and hair disheveled. Y/n fell back onto the grass and cackled aloud, Mattsun and Makki joining in once again. Iwaizumi just started at Oikawa, who continued to just stare infront of him.
“Shittykawa, oi you ok?” Hajime put a hand on his shoulder, shaking him. Oikawa immediately pulled his hands up to his face and groaned. Iwaizumi just watched, glancing at the other three that leaned on each other and continued joking about. Oikawa shot a tired glare at them, rubbing his temple.
“I hate you three..” Toru whined.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
ohmygod I just thought of something and I needed to request it– mattsun x ‘formal’ ?? M!reader who always dresses in uniforms and issei dares him to try dressing in a maid outfit,, so maybe a lil drabble of that,, if ur okay w/ it, ofc!!
Ok so like I was like “who’s Mattsun oh is he that seijoh dude with the eyebrows eh” but then I see ✨maid outfit✨ and I had to write it HAHA
You said maid outfit but I raise you this...catboy maid outfit...IM SORRY I LOVE CATBOYS (and would kill for a Kuroo cat maid request cough cough someone get on that)
Drabble - Matsukawa x maid outfit! Male reader
⚠️Warnings - reader in a cat maid outfit if that triggers you idk, reader talking like Celestia Ludenberg HAHA
Pronouns - male, he/him
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If Matsukawa had a dime for every time (Y/n) wore some extra-ass button up or dress pants on a date as simple as going to the park, he’d have enough money to buy Oikawa a new purse.
“Truth or dare, (Y/n)?” Mattsun asked, leaning all his weight on his elbows from his seat on the ground. Hanamaki stifled a snicker. He already knew what Matsukawa was going to say.
“Er, I do not see the point of this game.”
“Just say truth or dare, (Y/n).”
“Okay then, I choose ‘dare’.” (Y/n) smoothed out his dress pants. Matsukawa smirked, standing up triumphantly and marching away. (Y/n), and a few others in the circle, tilted or leaned their heads back to see where Mattsun went.
Eventually, Matsukawa returned, clutching a white gift bag ominously. (Y/n) furrowed his eyebrows.
“I dare you to go into the bathroom and change into this.”
(Y/n) scrunched his nose up in reluctance. “...what is it?” He tried to peek into the bag but Matsukawa snatched it away.
“No peeking. Just do it-you picked dare didn’t you?”
(Y/n) hesitantly grabbed the bag from Mattsun’s hands, and trotted off into the bathroom. He could hear Hanamaki’s snickers grow into cackles, as well as a few evil chuckles from Matsukawa himself.
Just what was in the bag?
After what seemed like forever, (Y/n) silently opened the bathroom door. He hid his body as much as he could with his hands in utter disgust and embarrassment.
“I...I d-do not see the appeal in this...distasteful outfit...”
Iwazumi whistled, Hanamaki and Matsukawa practically fainted from laughter, while Oikawa started flinging half hearted compliments at (Y/n)
(Y/n) was standing coyly with a black, silk maid outfit, complete with a little white apron and white cat ears clipped to his hair. A fluffy white tail was also clipped to the upper hem of his skirt, and to complete the look-sheer black kitty stockings and a collar.
“When-when did you purchase this?!” (Y/n’s) voice cracked.
“I saved up money for that, you better be grateful, bubs.”
“Matsukawa-san!” (Y/n) stomped over to Matsukawa, who was now standing, but the swish of his tail and his poofy skirt bouncing up and down undermined how threatening he looked. He looked like an angry kitten. “I-!”
Before he could say anything, Mattsun snaked his arms around (Y/n’s) waist, and rested his chin on his head. (Y/n) fizzled into a string of blushy sputters, shakily trying to push Mattsun off. Matsukawa calmed down from his laughing fit, taking a deep breath in.
“You should wear this more often...”
“No I should not!”
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bakuroo-writings · 3 years
FEAT: Makki x gn!reader, Atsumu x f!reader, Mattsun x f!reader (maybe could be gn), Noya x gn!reader, Bokuto x gn!reader, Ushijima x gn!reader, Tendou x m!reader, Sakusa x f!reader, Goshiki x f!reader, Terushima x f!reader, Koganegawa x f!reader, Yamaguchi x f!reader, Kuroo x f!reader.
Warnings: suggestive language, nsfw euphemisms, dark humor a little in Mattsun's, graphic response in Terushima's, mentions of male and female genitalia/body parts, death mention. Please let me know if I missed anything so I can add it and give proper warnings. Same goes for post tags.
Thank you @pudding-head-kenma for brainstorming and providing the texts ideas.
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Not using the HQ taglist because it's so very cursed.
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rintarouweb · 4 years
pairing: matsukawa x gn!reader
genre: fluff!! 
warnings: unedited!
word count: 520
notes: happy birthday issei <3 this was honestly kinda rushed, i hope you enjoy though!! i also can’t believe it’s already march, wtf
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⇢ matsukawa has a box he keeps in the top of his closet that’s just filled with things from his s/o or things he thinks are special to his relationship
 ⇢ he’s actually very sentimental and likes keeping little things people get him, especially things from his s/o! it’s honestly a random collection of things; some photos, bracelets, even a few sea shells and pretty rocks
⇢ keeps a polaroid of you in the back of his phone case, yes, and the rest of the polaroids and pictures of you two are tucked away in the box! there are also some bracelets you two got at a festival one summer, pictures from a photo booth, and tickets from the first concert you two went to together
⇢ if you’re the type to write letters, little notes, or even doodle on them - those things are also in the box
⇢ sometimes when he’s upset, he’ll pull the box out and look over everything because he’ll be reminded of the happy memories 
⇢ issei has some freckles, not too many on his face though. there are a few under his eyes, you can’t see them unless you’re very close to his face, and he has a few random spots scattered on his hands, arms, and shoulders. he finds them very pretty and gets excited whenever he sees that he has a new freckle
⇢ has such a nice smell. he always smells so good. mattsun has a strong scent but it’s a good one, whenever he leaves a room you can basically smell that he was just in there
⇢ definitely doesn’t mind when you wear his clothes! he has some clothes set aside in his wardrobe that he doesn’t wear much and doesn’t care about you wearing
⇢ at the start of your relationship, mattsun would always give you his jacket so he got into a habit of always having a spare jacket, hoodie, etc. to give to you if you needed or wanted it
⇢ a big fan of holding hands!! he’ll absentmindedly grab your hand and just hold it or start playing with your fingers. sometimes he’ll even start tracing the lines on your palm or place butterfly kisses on your fingers
⇢ he loves to give (and receive) forehead kisses. it’s become a way that he greets you and even says goodbye to you
⇢ when he wants your attention, he’ll poke your cheek until you’re so annoyed you stop what it is that you’re doing or you give him a kiss. kisses = happy mattsun
⇢ he’s good at giving people their space, seeing as he needs alone time too. if you’re studying or busy with work, he comes into the room every so often to give you some water, snacks, coffee, whatever you need and leaves you be
⇢ if he’s decided you’ve been working for too long, he’ll find his way over to you and pester you until you pay attention to him and agree on taking a break. sometimes he really just wants attention - other times he just worries about you overworking yourself 
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geronimowrites · 3 years
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Part 1
Male! Reader x Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, and Oikawa (Established poly relationship)
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Heavy dom/sub dynamics, submissive male! reader, crybaby! Reader, brat tamer! Iwaizumi, hard dom! Oikawa, mean dom! Hanamaki, mean dom! Matsukawa, BDSM, spanking, use of sex toys, dacryphilia, hair pulling, drooling, spitting, dumbification
You weren’t supposed to go to the library today. You’d been overworking yourself lately, driven by a frenzy of anxiety that forced you to strive for nothing but perfection. Iwaizumi had finally put his foot down after you’d stayed awake for two and a half days, forbidding you from further throwing yourself into your studies at the expense of your health. He’d put Matsukawa, Hanamaki, and Oikawa on watch too, all of them keeping a close eye on you and making sure that you were resting and not studying. You’d been banned from going to the library for the next week.
At first, it seemed reasonable. You were so burned out that you slept like a baby for thirteen hours straight. But after a few days passed, your stagnant progress began to wear on you. A horrible, chiding itchiness scratched at the back of your brain, warning you of all the work piling up while you did nothing to put a dent in it. You needed to do something or else you were going to fall behind. Just a small assignment. Just one.
Thinking back, sneaking out of your shared apartment was a stupid idea, but your irrational fears won out over the logic you prided yourself on having. You had only wanted to go to the library for thirty minutes to recheck some of your sources while the four of them were sleeping, but thirty minutes turned into an hour, an hour into two, and then two into four. Now, staring at the buzzing light above your apartment door that was definitely turned off when you left, you’re regretting your decision.
A sick pit of dread sinks in your stomach as you fumble with your keys, breath puffing out in front of you in clouds, hands shaking and struggling to find the right one. You’re not sure if the trembling is from knowing you’ve been caught, the cold, or if it’s the remnants of all the caffeine in your system; yet another thing Iwaizumi had forbidden you from having.
You’re about to slot the key in the lock when the door is pulled open quickly. You freeze, arm still extended with the keys in hand, and slowly look up to the impassive faces of Hanamaki and Matsukawa through your snowflake-coated lashes.
They stand silently, the only sound audible being the occasional car driving down the road beside the apartment building, streets nearly abandoned due to the time of night and the snow. You consider bolting for a brief, insane moment as you look at their imposing figures clad in the dark slacks and button-down shirts they always wear during scenes. Between the two of them, they completely fill up the door frame, each towering over you and nailing your feet to the floor with their heavy gazes.
You consider running again when Matsukawa snatches the collar of your jacket with an iron grip and begins to pull you forward into the warm apartment where you know both Iwaizumi and Oikawa are waiting for you. You dig your heels into the ground for a short second, pulling away, scared of their silence and Mattsun’s too-firm hands on you, only to go limp as their eyes flash dangerously at your resistance.
You’ve never seen this side of them; all silence, rough hands, and cold glares….It makes you nauseous to know that your actions are what drove them to this point. You’re normally so well behaved, following all their rules, and content being their good baby. You doubt you’ll ever go against Iwaizumi’s orders again simply because you hate the way they’re looking at you in disappointment, punishment aside.
You’re tugged none too gently over the threshold and pushed into the dim entry hallway where Hanamaki seals your fate by curling dexterous fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck, making your stomach drop as he secures you in place. The door slams shut behind you, leaving you at their mercy.
A short, clipped whimper is forced from your throat when Maki tightens his grip and wrenches your head back by your hair, pulling, pulling, until you’re looking straight up at him as he leans over you from behind. You stare at his upside-down face, eyes wide and pricking with tears as the pure sadistic glee morphing his facial features registers with you.
They’ve been waiting for you to fuck up like this. They’ve been looking forward to it.
You flinch and shiver when Matsukawa’s cold fingers ghost over the exposed, taut flesh of your neck, but you can’t escape the sensations due to Hanamaki’s tight hold on your head. They both crowd you in, each so much bigger than you and practically suffocating you with their presence alone.
You know you’re fucked when Matsukawa’s wandering hands leave for a moment, only to return briefly to fasten a thick, weighty leather collar around your throat while Maki keeps you still. The material is warm and familiar against your chilled skin, most likely from sitting in his pocket for a prolonged period of time.
However, goosebumps break out over your body when you recognize the collar from the set of cuffs, straps, and connectors they use when they want to keep you very still. They’re Iwaizumi’s favorites to use during intense scenes where they don’t want you to be able to escape their treatment. You’ve never had to be punished severely, so you’re inexperienced with having them on for anything other than intense sensation play or temperature play.
You want to talk to them- to beg them for forgiveness, but the words get stuck in your throat when Mattsun finishes, squeezing over the collar with large hands for good measure and choking you abruptly.
Your hands fly up to grip his wrists, startled by the sudden juxtaposition between his feather-light strokes and bruising hold. You pull at his hands, just wanting him to ease up a little when Hanamaki suddenly slaps yours away. The action makes you ache mentally as much as it hurts physically, the startling realization that they are not going to go easy on you making the tears building up in your eyes threaten to spill over. You hold your stinging hand to your chest and refrain from making a sound for fear of pissing them off even more, while Maki chuckles at your reaction.
Matsukawa turns after he releases you, crouching down, and fishes something out of a black duffel that’s been placed beside the door. You let out a tiny sniffle when Maki twists his hand in your hair harshly, forcing the tears brimming in your eyes to overflow with the burning ache settling over the nape of your neck. The sudden spike in pain makes the thoughts churning around in your head tumble out in a flurry of pathetic apologies.
“M’ sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again! I didn’t mean t-“ Maki cuts you off quickly, flattening his big palm over your mouth to stop your babbling before you can give an explanation.
“What? Didn’t mean to get caught? We don’t give a shit about why. You disobeyed a direct order. From Iwaizumi, too. Out of all of us, I’d have thought he’d be the one you were the least likely to defy.” He mutters, releasing you, only to shove two of his fingers into your mouth when you open to give a retort.
“I don’t want to hear another word from you until someone gives you permission or asks you a question. Now make this hole useful and suck.” He tells you, stroking your tongue softly with the pads of his index and middle finger. You oblige, eager to obey and show him that you can be a good boy despite the tears dripping down your cheeks.
“Oh, look at this dumb little crybaby Mattsun. We haven’t even gotten to the good parts yet and he’s already so scared.” Maki coos, before thrusting the fingers in your mouth back into your throat, making you gag and choke around them.
You whine quietly and squeeze your eyes shut, more hot tears rolling down your cold cheeks. You tremble, needing to get away from his mean words and cruel hands, but he doesn’t allow you an inch of breathing room. Matsukawa doesn’t respond, only clicking his tongue in exasperation when he looks up and sees that Maki is being truthful.
“Such cute reactions. It’s a shame you don’t fuck up more often, truly. You cry so prettily.” Hanamaki whispers in your ear like it’s a secret between just the two of you. He loosens his grip on your hair just slightly, only to readjust and pull you back to rest your head against his shoulder. His fingers move slowly inside your mouth, switching between petting over your tongue while you suck, and rubbing the slick ridges of your hard palate.
“Luckily for us though, you’re going to get it tonight. You’re in so much trouble.” He says, practically singing the words and punctuating his sentence with a sharp nip to your ear. His pure delight with the situation makes you shake against his solid form, which you can tell he’s enjoying by the hard-on pressed up against your lower back.
The four of them have always expressed their enjoyment of your crybaby tears, Maki and Oikawa in particular, even going as far as to show you sad videos every now and then so they can watch your lower lip wobble and your eyes drip steady streams seemingly out of nowhere. Of course, they’d comfort you afterward, taking you into their arms or on their laps so they could wipe away your tears, apologizing for being mean but secretly not regretting a thing.
When Matsukawa stands, he keeps his broad back to you and lets several objects clatter into the narrow console table before he turns around. His hands reach out and he quickly strips you of your coat, throwing it into the corner, before he begins unbuttoning your soft, oversized flannel that you stole from Iwaizumi. As each button comes undone, you become less and less certain of where it will lead.
You shiver when he flicks open your shirt, revealing the flat expanse of your chest to the chill of the entryway. His long, cold fingers immediately latch onto the sensitive buds of your nipples, rubbing them and pinching them meanly and watching as they perk up and harden under his attention. You squirm, unable to stay still against the ache that’s starting up in your chest, and Maki tsks and tightens his grip on your hair when you try to pull away.
“So sensitive,” Matsukawa mutters, face still as impassive as when he started.
“He’s gonna get his hair ripped out if he doesn’t stop squirming though.” Maki comments, and you whimper as more of your tears fall.
Matsukawa’s touches are clinical despite the intimate nature of the act, and his apathy puts a metaphorical distance between you that you desperately want to close. His hands abruptly leave your nipples, abandoning them with a flick to the harsh air and leaving them flushed and pert. The sudden change makes you dizzy, though you assume that their goal is to keep you on your toes and prevent you from anticipating their moves.
“You know he can’t help it, he’s always been a wiggler,” Mattsun says, tone bored and sounding like he’s commenting on the weather. You look at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he’ll take pity on you. However, he only smirks, wipes the little trail of drool off your chin, and pulls Maki’s fingers from your mouth. He crouches down just a little, admiring the slick coat of spit glistening on Maki’s fingers in the low light, before he’s pulling those same fingers into his own mouth, licking and sucking the drool off.
The sound of him swishing it around in his mouth makes you blush heavily, and you do even more so when he leans over and feeds the mixture into Maki’s mouth through a messy, rough kiss. The two men make out above your head, squishing you between them, and you keep your hands flat to your sides despite the burning urge to touch them. You’re already in hot water, and you haven’t been given permission to participate. It’s mean, but you’re determined to prove that you’re worthy of their trust again.
When they separate, Matsukawa immediately looks down at you, noting your downcast eyes and appearing satisfied that you’ve passed his test.
“That’s a good boy, keeping your hands to yourself. I knew you could do it.” He coos, tilting your chin up and pecking you on the nose.
Matsukawa crouches in front of you and begins unlacing your winter boots, pulling the heavy shoes off of your sock-clad feet, and chucking them away just like he did to your coat. He chuckles quietly when he sees the pattern on your socks; cute little rubber duckies, a pair of thigh-highs that Oikawa bought you as a joke but you ended up loving.
His hands settle on your hips for a short moment, and you barely have any time to prepare yourself before he’s curling his fingers into your waistband and yanking your pants down your legs, leaving you in just your underwear, the socks, and the open flannel. He throws your pants into the slowly accumulating pile of the rest of your clothes and turns back to face you, still on his knees.
“We need to get you more pairs like these,” he says, stroking up your legs and paying close attention to the area of your thighs where the socks end, making the soft skin bulge out slightly from the tight material.
“A garter belt would be nice too- oh I bet he’d look so cute in panties.” Maki coos, thumbing the elastic band of your short briefs. You flush brightly at the embarrassing idea, not surprised at all that Maki would get off on dressing you like a girl. However, it does stir something in you that you can’t deny is appealing.
“Would you like that, pretty boy? Want us to dress you up all cute and let Iwa and Mattsun wreck you, huh? Maybe after Oikawa finishes with you we can plan something, but you’ve gotta keep being a good boy.” Maki purrs, grabbing a handful of your ass and squeezing roughly. The thought alone makes you shift on your feet, warmth pooling in your stomach at the idea.
“I’ll be a good boy.”’You respond, but it comes out as a shy whisper. Matsukawa laughs at you, pressing a quick kiss into the soft skin of your tummy, before he’s up and sorting through the objects he left on the console table.
“We’re going to make sure of that tonight.” He says, holding up a device that has your legs closing tightly on instinct. You let out a drawn-out whine to express your displeasure, and a fresh wave of tears floods down your cheeks as you get a better idea of how the night is going to go. He peers over his shoulder to take in your reaction, eyes too wide and grin a tad bit unhinged; the most expressive you’ve seen him since you got home.
The particular toy he holds in his hand is a small, inconspicuous remote-controlled vibrating butt plug. Although in your eyes, it’s more like a torture device than a pleasure tool. The first and only time they’d used it on you, you’d ended up cumming in less than ten seconds after Matsukawa had turned it on, and spent another few seconds of torturous pleasure crying and begging him to turn it off. It was much too powerful to do anything other than force orgasms out of you, and yet it fit so snugly against your prostate it was like it was made specifically for your body.
“See Maki, I told you he’d remember his little friend here,” Mattsun says with a smirk before he sets it back down and picks up a pair of leather cuffs and a chain connector, and makes his way back to you.
“Gonna have to do something about all of that wiggling if we want to use that though, huh?” He asks you lowly, and you nod after a beat of hesitation, still eyeing the cursed toy wearily. He snaps in your face, breaking your trance and making you jump slightly. When you look up at him he smiles just a little bit softer than he has been, eyes crinkling just a tad, and holds out one of his hands expectantly.
“Right hand first. Give me your color too, baby. You’re crying an awful lot already.” He says, and behinds fastening the cuff around your wrist when you place your palm in his hand.
“Green.” You whisper after a moment, unable to deny the excitement coursing alongside your dread for the overwhelming toy. You want them to give you everything, to do everything they want with you.
“Good boy, takin’ time to think,” He says, praising your careful self-evaluation and moving on to cuff your left wrist. You have a tendency to get stuck in your head, uncertain of exactly what you’re feeling in the moment, so the four of them have no problem slowing down for a second to let you process even if you have been bad.
When the two cuffs are situated snuggly on your wrists, Mattsun clips one end of the chain connector to your left cuff before threading it through the metal loop of your collar and connecting the second. The connector is only long enough for your hands to rest against your collar bones, locking them firmly in place and keeping your hands well out of the way. It’s odd, but not uncomfortable.
He steps back towards the table, content with his job, and Maki finally releases your hair from his grip, satisfied that you’re not going to run off or do something stupid. He smoothes over the sore area with his palm, rubbing the ache out as best as he can. You lean into his pets, feeling yourself sink slightly into a cloudy haze as you eagerly accept the momentary comfort he’s offering you, likely the last time he’ll do so until Oikawa and Iwaizumi are through with you. Hanamaki turns you around, guiding your head into his chest and letting you rest there while he busies himself with lifting your flannel out of the way.
“You make me so fucking mad, you know that baby?” He starts, whispering, scratching his short nails gently over your bare back while he talks. “You’re so good to us all the time, but you’re not taking care of yourself. That’s why we have to do this. Because our baby deserves the best and he can’t have that if he’s jeopardizing his own health.” He tells you and finishes by giving you a gentle peck on the crown of your head. The soft words and affection instantly have your tears springing back to life, and he coos and rubs your back when he hears you sniffling.
“God, he’s just a leaky little faucet, isn’t he?” Mattsun murmurs from directly behind you, reaching around to swipe away a few stray tears. You flinch slightly when his cold hand comes around your waist and splays over your tummy, gently pulling you backward just a little so he can slip the thick band of a leather waist cuff above your hips. The material matches that of the ones adorning your wrists and neck and is fitted with an array of loops and rings where connectors can be clipped. You squirm in place just a little, moving in anticipation at the addition, and Maki quiets your motions with firm hands.
“Just a wiggly little crybaby,” Maki responds, squeezing the plush flesh just below your hips as Matsukawa tightens the cuff fully. He makes short work of the ankle and thigh cuffs next, moving faster now that he’s not occupied with teasing you. He leaves your legs free of connectors for the moment, and you know that won’t be the case when Oikawa gets his hands on you. The man has a morbid fascination with seeing you completely immobile and at his mercy.
When he stands he gives you a firm slap on the rear, making you jerk forward further into Maki’s chest. You go to shield your ass from him, trying to protect the stinging flesh from further abuse, but your hands stop short, jerking the chain connecting your cuffs to your collar with a rattle. Your eyes widen when you realize that’s exactly the reason they’re cuffed the way they are.
“Oh? Smart baby figured it out then? You didn’t think we were just going to be using the toy on you, did you?” Hanamaki asks rhetorically, sadistic glee alight once more as he takes in your pale face. You should have guessed, really. As torturous as it would be, just forcing orgasms out of you would be too simple- too easy for them to do. You shift on your feet, bouncing on your toes slightly as you’re overcome with a burst of nervous energy.
“There are the hops,” Matsukawa says, laughing slightly as he identifies the tell for when you get nervous. He turns his back to you, busying himself with the items still on the table, and you turn to watch him, putting your back to Maki. When he faces you again, he has the devil incarnate in his hand, the remote that goes with it, and a bottle of lube. He raises an eyebrow at you, noting how you’ve turned to face him, and smirks.
“Oh come on. What’s the matter? Don’t trust me?” He practically purrs out. You think for a moment, before deciding to answer honestly.
“Not really, no.” You say softly, and they both laugh to your relief.
“Ah, well, I don’t blame you. Now, hold these for me.” He says, handing you the remote and the plug and placing the sleek toys against the palms of each cuffed hand. You grasp them with uncertainty, a little confused, but when he pressed the small, rectangular bottle of lube to your lips, you get a better idea of what he wants.
“Be a dear and give these to Iwaizumi, love.”
Reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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tendousfingers · 3 years
plug me | issei matsukawa
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× a/n : this is my addition to the ukai nation ' take a ride with me ' collab ! i wasn't exactly pleased with my writing this time around, but im going to post anyways, so i hope you'll all enjoy it.
× summary : you and your plug issei have had the hots for each other for quite awhile.
x warnings ! : f!reader, weed, selling weed, plug! mattsun , usage of weed / marijuana , sex under the influence , oral fem! receiving , finger sucking , degradation , face slapping , dub con? (a little, just in case) , mentions of male masturbation , vaginal penetration , squirting , he finishes inside, not proofread. let me know if i missed anything <3
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matsukawa had always had some sort of thing for you, whether it was just him thinking you were cute, or fuckable, he had always had eyes for you. of course you hadn't exactly noticed, convinced that a guy as attractive as mattsun wouldn't be interested in you, instead, he was just nice.
but god was it the complete opposite. you'd never know how many nights he'd fisted his cock thinking about you, just after you had left from buying a bag from him. how many times he'd turned down girl after girl, having only you occupying his mind.
it was obvious to his roommate hanamaki, who observed every grin on issei's lips when you would text. he'd notice the way mattsun would change his clothes before you arrived, obvious when he watched issei throw extra buds of weed into your sacks time and time again.
this time though, makki wouldn't be around to witness it, having gone to stay with family for a little while, issei had been left alone. this thought circulates in the back of his mind as he stares down at your form through a slightly cracked front door, brows raised up slightly as he fights every urge to look your body up and down, dressed up real cute in one of those velvet night sets.
"hey sorry i didn't text.. i forgot. can i get a quarter?" you ask so sweetly, so saccharine that he couldn't possibly say no even if he had wanted to. your keys jingle in your hand as you clasp both hands together beneath your bust, and this time, issei deliberately looks you up and down, tongue poised between his teeth. he licks at his bottom lip, allowing the door to swing all the way open, revealing his white tank top and grey sweatpant clad body. "course you can, sweetheart. come on in,"
he turns on his heel, silver chain resting pretty on his chest glinting under the porch light for just a split second. you feel your heart hammering in your chest as you step in behind him, eyes surveying the all too familiar layout of his apartment. you feel flustered from him even just looking at you, a hand coming up to rub at your cheek.
you take a seat on his couch, and moments later he sits down beside you, a scale and a jar of weed in his hands. the cushions dip in beneath his weight, and issei makes quick work of measuring out your desired amount of greenery. to avoid staring at him, you fumble around with your wallet to pull out a twenty dollar bill,
"you got any plans tonight?"
you nearly drop your wallet at his deep baritone suddenly meeting your ears, his expectant gaze right on you as he puts your weed in a zip lock bag. you go braindead for just a quick moment, staring at him dumbfoundedly as you process his question, too worked up already.
he grins, eyebrows raising up. you feel dumb, but he thinks you couldn't be cuter. "no.. was probably just gonna smoke and go to bed.." you trail off, looking away from him and across the living room area. your attention is only drawn back when the bag of weed is placed in your lap, issei's long fingers then reaching for the bill in your hand. there's a moment of silence as he pauses, eyes locking onto yours over the exchange of money in your hands. it's like he's building up courage, lips parting to speak as the crisp twenty finally slips from your grasp and he folds it into itself. "then do you want to share a blunt with me before you go?"
issei feels the corners of his lips curling into a wide smirk, watching as your pretty little eyes widen to the size of saucers. you're so dumb innocent, the way you open your mouth to speak yet no words come out, leaving you gaping like a fish out of water.
you want to ask why, why he would want to smoke with you. why everytime he even glances at you your cunt clenches around nothing and flutters. but the only thing that you can get past your lips is a, "s-sure." to which he smiles, yet another breathtaking grin. your heart is hammering in your chest as he packs the weed into a wrap, bringing it up to his lips before pausing and looking over at you.
"you know, you're my favorite customer."
he says this casually, nonchalantly as if it wasn't anything at all. matsukawa keeps his eyes on you as he drags the tip of his tongue over the edge of the blunt, wetting the paper and smoothing it up with his lip as he uses his fingers to roll it tightly. you swallow down the lump in your throat, feeling rather /hot/ as you watch him continuously lick at the joint. "i-i am?"
his lingua follows the seam of the blunt all the way from one end to the other, brows raising with sheer amusement because this was exactly the question he was hoping you'd ask, exactly the moment and opportunity he had been waiting to seize.
he remains quiet for a moment, igniting his lighter and running the flame over the blunt to dry it. he keeps his gaze locked onto you, looking through the orange hue that flickers over his frontispiece from the lighter. instead of answering your question, he leans forward with his knees on his elbows, brows raised up to his hairline. "don't act clueless sweetheart. you're pretty and dumb, but you can't be that dumb."
"but i don't—" the blunt is presented to you, rolled precisely and tightly. you go to take it, hesitantly and tentatively, but issei suddenly pulls it back, "nu-uh. ill light it for you. now go on and wrap those pretty lips around it for me, yeah? behave and ill tell you why you're my favorite." his eyes gleam, looking at you as if he's a predator and you're his prey. he bites down on his bottom lip with his front teeth as you finally take the blunt into your mouth, lips plump and glossy. issei leans even closer now, bringing the lighter up to the other end,
"you're my favorite cause you're so good. so pretty, always wearin' those little outfits when you come to see me. all dolled up, just for me." he grins, flicking the lighter and bringing it over the blunt to light it. he watches as the edges begin to curl and the weed begins to glow with heat, "you just want me to smoke you out and fuck you dumb, isn't that right?"
was he wrong? absolutely not. but, who wouldn't want to fuck their ridiculously hot drug dealer? issei was.. different. the way he acted, the way he talked, moved, carried himself. he was unlike any other man you had met before. it sparked something within you.. the desire for something more with the guy who regularly sold you weed.
you hadn't been trying to catch his attention, initially. for awhile, you just admired him when you had the chance, bought your weed and went home. it was only after a visit to buy weed in which you had brought a friend, had she convinced you that issei liked you. she swore by it, claiming that it was obvious in the way he looked at you. soon after, you began purposely seeking his attention, and making more frequent visits to his apartment.
the smoke that enters your lungs burns, it always does, but it burns just right. it wasn't too strong, not suffocating, but it's issei's words that make you choke, sucking in a bit too hard and a bit too fast. he pulls the blunt back, lips pooching into a pout. "aw, too much? stupid little baby can't even take a hit?"
it's raunchy, the way those mean words made you cunt throb, the way his behavior has your cunt leaving a wet, sopping spot beneath you on his couch. you inhale deeply after exhaling the rest of the smoke, looking up at him with glassy eyes. you knew where this was headed, what he wanted and what he meant by saying you were his favorite. how dumb would you be to pass up this opportunity?
you nod your head, fingers reaching up to splay across his lower stomach, cleverly using that as a crutch to help you move closer to him. "need your help, issei."
"yeah?" fuck, you were such a little tease, already riling him up like that. cock already pressing against the cloth of his sweatpants. he's grinning, bringing the blunt to his lips and taking a deep hit. he holds it in his lungs, free hand taking a tight grip over your chin. he uses his thumb to pry your lips apart, and in a strained voice he tells you, "open."
you do as your told, but not before sealing your lips around his thumb and sucking for just a moment. when you finish, he leans forward, moving his thumb and holding onto your face even tighter. you feel the brush of his lips against yours, and before you can react, he's exhaling all the smoke he was holding in right into your mouth.
long, slightly rough digits squeeze your cheeks tightly as he watches you suck in the second hand smoke. "good girl." you already feel buzzed, just barely lightheaded. you smile with lidded eyes, and when you've held the hit in your lungs long enough to be satisfied, you pucker your lips and slowly blow it across his face.
between hits off the blunt and lips continuously clashing, you find yourself topless and splayed across the cushions of his couch, the smoke that the two of you had been blowing out now thick in the atmosphere of his apartment.
issei's chain thumps against his chest as his own shirt slides over his head, a smirk playing on his lips as it drops to the floor and he leans over you, trailing his lips from the edge of your bare hip all the way up to your lips. you let your hand cup his cheek, fingers running through his curls as you pull him in for a kiss. he grips your side as his lean waist settles between your legs, hard cock resting comfortably against your cunt.
the way your lips move against his feels as if it's in slow motion, smacking together and tongues poking and sliding. he grinds against you, eliciting a gasp from you that he more than happily swallows. he kisses you one last time, pulling back with a sharp inhale and a "fuck" as he takes in the sight of you, laid out on his couch half naked and pretty, so sweet and syrupy it could have given him a cavity.
"real pretty for me, aren't you?" he asks with a rhetorical tone, eyes glancing downward as he buries his fingers under the waistband of your shorts and pulls them back, elastic snapping against your skin sharply. you keen, desperately lifting your hips up off the couch. he takes this opportunity to tug your bottoms halfway down your thighs, enough that he's able to easily glide them over your knees and throw them aside.
almost immediately you bring your hands to cover your face, far too embarrassed by your soiled panties that were exposed for him to see. he cups your pussy, not even phased by the warm cloth sticking to his skin. issei grinds his palm into your hypersensitive clit, "look at me while i play with your sloppy pussy."
two digits slide up and down the shape of your slit, panties wet and malleable. he toys with the wet cloth just a little more, soon peeling it away from your body. it drags down your thigh, leaving a glistening trail of slick across your smooth skin. instead of dropping your undergarments to the ground, he slides them into his pocket. he doesn't give you the opportunity to call him out on it, because he's spreading your legs and leaning forward, a strong hand placed firmly on your knee.
the warmth of his tongue laps at your thigh, licking up any smear of your juices greedily. the room around you spins, and even with issei tonguing closer and closer to your cunt you can't help but squeeze your eyes closed, head falling back in tandem with the first stroke of the tip of his tongue against your clit. "oh god—"
you don't know if you're sensitive because your high or if you're just that hot for matsukawa, but you don't have the right mindset to figure it out, spine delicately arching as he flattens his tongue against your throbbing bundle of nerves, slowly working himself deeper and deeper between your lower lips. fingers fly down between your legs, gripping and tugging at his curls to which he gives you a low and throaty groan. it reverberates through your pussy, and when your legs dare to snap shut he's prying them open with an iron grip over the back of your knee, gaze intense as if he's telling you not to do it again.
theres a kiss placed to your apex, and then another and another until he's sloppily tonguing and sucking, flickering against your entrance before gliding back up. your mouth hangs agape, only silent squeal and the occasional gasp leaving it while you gush and writhe against him, coming closer and closer to your peak.
just as soon as you begin to feel your orgasm building up in your gut, issei brings two fingers up to your tight little hole. he sucks down on your clit with a vacuum like seal as he plunges them both deep inside, eyes nearly rolling back at the way your cushiony walls close in around them.
he feels impatient, but as much as he'd like to shove his sweats down and shove his cock inside of you, he knows he's got to get you prepped. especially for the first time the two of you would be together like this.
with quick precision he curls his fingers up into that tender spot he knows is there, rubbing the pads of his fingers against it repeatedly. he breaks the seal of his mouth on your cunt when he feels you tense up, a sharp cry breeching your gaped lips. he's moving quickly to hover above you, eyes trained on your face as he pumps both fingers in and out of you. issei's palm slaps against your cunt, over and over again with only milliseconds between as he jerks his hand even faster.
"m— im gonna cum!"
with those words, the trembling of your thighs can't be held back anymore, hips grinding against his palm, desperately chasing that teetering orgasm. issei watches, even stops the movement of his fingers just to see you finish this way, all by yourself as you ride his fingers. he only crooks his finger slightly, giving just enough pressure that you finally break like a dam, gushing against his hand.
"fuuuck!" he groans loudly, fucking his fingers into you until there's nothing left, until his hand comes to a slow stop, and he carefully slips them out. issei crawls up towards you, fingertips pressing against your lips and smearing your cum all over. they push past your lips, and like a good little slut you clean them off, bobbing your head up and down and swirling your tongue.
issei couldn't be more pleased with how compliant you were, watching as you lick and suck your own cum from his fingers. he hums with satisfaction, digits popping from your lips with a thin sheen of saliva connecting them. his free hand pushes at the waistband of his sweatpants, getting them down just low enough to tuck beneath his balls. he sits back on the couch, his phalanges that drip with your spit wrapping around the base of his cock and pumping leisurely.
the sensitive skin soon glistens with your spit, cock tall and leaning slightly. the tip is a angry red, precum forming in beads that roll down his slit and the underside of his cock, shaft tan and smooth. you feel your breath hitch as you watch him, as you watch the precum slide past his balls and disappear into his hair. it's like he's moving in slow motion, a large hand coming to pat his lap and signal you to come on over. "you'll be a good girl and sit on my cock, won't you?"
"yes daddy." the response is almost immediate, shocking both you and him. he grins widely, legs spreading father apart as he sinks down lower on the couch. mattsun runs his hand along the back of your leg as you straddle his waist, bracing one arm on the headrest of the couch while using the other to reach behind you and find his cock. your throat constricts as you swallow thickly, the sheer size of his length having not slipped by unnoticed. you rub the tip back and forth along your slit, collecting some of you arousal that leaks from your slightly prepped hole.
once, twice even three times his cockhead swipes past your entrance, before finally it catches and pops inside. your eyes widen, eyelashes fluttering uncontrollably. "nngh— fuck–" you grip at his shoulders, nails lightly biting into his skin from how tightly you hold onto him. issei takes ahold of your hips, tilting his head back slightly in order to look at your face through amused and lidded eyes. he liked it, liked watching you struggle to sink down on his fat cock. he liked the way your eyes have already begun to water, the way you whimper.
he eases himself inside of you slowly, rolling his hips upward and working more and more of his cock through the tight muscles. sweat lines your skin in a thin layer, inner thighs and legs aching from how long you've had to hold yourself in this position. you feel ridiculously full, like ten tons of pressure against your cervix.
when issei's hips finally meet with your skin, he lets out a gasp, being fully enveloped in the warmth of your cunt. tears are streaking down your cheeks, lips trembling as you part them to speak, "s-so full!"
"you can take it." it's a clear statement, not a suggestion or a question. his hips are rearing back down before you can even protest, almost immediately setting a steady pace. your breasts undulate with every thrust, every bounce upon his cock. you're held in place just like that, squealing and thrashing as mattsun throws his pelvis up into you.
it only takes a few thrusts before you cum again, the stretch and pressure just about forcing it to gush against him. he releases your hip to grip you chin, squeezing tightly and then pulling back to sharply slap you across the face. the sting brings heat to the surface of your skin, the shock causing you to choke on the moan that had been trapped in your throat. "didn't fuckin' tell you to cum again."
for a split second, issei considers going easy on you, but the sudden tightening of your pussy around him after he's slapped you changes his mind. he reaches a hand around to the back of your head, grabbing the ends of your hair and tugging so that your head bends back. he grunts, feeling his balls begin to pull up as he nears his release, "should fucking make you clean up the couch shouldn't i? going and making and mess like that without even asking for permission."
you nod your head, agreeing to every statement like a good little slut. your walls clench and convulse around him, and with a particularly sharp tug to your hair you feel that knot in your stomach become dangerously tight yet again. inhaling deeply you claw at his chest, "gonna cum again, please—!"
he's pleased with how quickly you learn, granting your lease with a quick nod of his head. matsukawa releases your hair, hand coming to press tightly against the back of your head in a sloppy kiss. he's scooted up to the edge of the couch, holding out until he feels you coming undone once again. he uses his free hand to push down on your hip with all the force he has, rocking you back and forth over his cock. you're held in place yet again when he cums, groaning hotly into your mouth and grinding until you've milked him for every last drop.
slowly but surely, issei's hips still, fingers loosening on your head and hip and allowing you to slump over onto his shoulder, arms and legs limp. his chest heaves, leaning back with you until his back meets the cushions. he's lost his high, gazing up at his ceiling because fuck he can't believe he's just done this with you. he pushes on your shoulder, leaning you back to get a good view of you, "you alright?"
you nod with a wide smile, glowing in a post orgasmic glow. you lean down and capture his lips in a kiss before pulling away with a hum, "mm, can we smoke again?" and issei can only grin wildly, because he's finally found someone that can match his crazy.
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Iwa x reader (implied male, but no pronouns used)
Valentine’s Day was for girls.
That’s what every other boy said, Valentine’s Day was for girls, and White Day was for boys. But when it’s the only time you feel you can work up the nerve, what’s it matter what day it really is?
Except the nerve never came to you.
You had been ready, gift prepared and stowed carefully in your bag, but you couldn’t manage to hang onto the courage to actually give it to him.
Your friends thought it was hilarious, but how could you do it? You weren’t like him. Even when he was aggressive, he was loved. He was popular and a star player- the Ace of the school team. You were just a fast runner. The lead runner on the track team, to be specific. That wasn’t as impressive to you. You didn’t have to work with anyone unless you were running a relay. When you ran, you were on your own.
So your gift stayed in your bag, undelivered, as you walked back in to school the day after Valentine’s Day. Wondering if maybe today the courage would appear, but you doubted it, not after all the girls you’d seen approach him yesterday.
Unfortunately for you, you had a childhood friend that never forgot anything if he thought you could be tortured with it.
Equally unfortunate for you- he happened to play on the team with the recipient of your gift.
“Yes, Makki?”
You narrowed your eyes when you saw his eyes glittering with amusement, “You know it’s the strangest thing. Oikawa was reading his- and the rest of the team’s- confession notes yesterday.”
You immediately turned to walk away, “Leave it alone.”
“Wait a sec- dammit, Y/N, slow down!” He knew you wouldn’t. The one thing you had on Makki was speed, if you wanted out of conversation, he would never catch you to continue it.
“Hey, Y/N!” The deep voice as an arm hooked around your shoulders halted your escape.
“Let go, Mattsun.”
“Now why would I do that?” He clutched his chest with his free hand, “I thought you loved us. All those years of playing together now mean nothing?”
Makki huffed as he caught up, “Damn, I forget how fast your little legs take you.”
“I’m barely shorter than you-“
“Still makes you plenty shorter than me, just standing like this hurts my back.” Mattsun interjected but you ignored him.
“And if you both really must know- it’s because I didn’t give it to him!”
“Why the hell not?” Mattsun asked quickly, squeezing his arm until he practically had you in a headlock, “We helped you with that thing for a week!”
“Because why bother??” You called out as you reared back your fist and punched him in the stomach lightly- but hard enough for him to jerk and let go, “I’m sure he accepted one of the super pretty girls that came up to him yesterday.”
“Who accepted a pretty girl, Y/N-Chan?”
You froze stiffly at Oikawa’s voice, knowing that if he was there, Iwaizumi wasn’t far behind. “Don’t worry about it, Oikawa. Gotta get to class, bye!” Mattsun reached out to catch you, but you were already gone.
“Damn, runners.” He muttered, turning to Makki who sent him a thumbs up.
“Oh, no, where the hell is it??” You dig through your bag again as you sat in your first class and waited for the teacher, but the gift you had so carefully placed inside was missing. It had been when you got to school, you’d checked, and the Mattsun had caught you and- “Makki, I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“Why are you killing Makki?”
Your head snapped up to see Iwa standing in front of you, and clipped onto his bag was the present you had made for him. Little keychains- one of his jersey and one of yours. But if he had them- then the letter- you wanted to throw up. Your jaw fell open, warmth spreading to your cheeks as you floundered for a response, “A lot of reasons.” Finally fluttered out shakily.
Iwa nodded, taking the seat next to you like he did every day, and fiddled with his bag for a second, “Here, I think you’re supposed to have this one.” His large hand reached over, depositing the keychain of his jersey onto your desk, and your eyes darted up to catch the flushed expression on his face as he stared at his own desk.
Your voice was small when you answered, “Thank you.” You took it carefully, staring at it unsure of what this meant, but Iwa cleared his throat.
“I’m not… good with this stuff. Shittykawa says I’m too abrasive or whatever. But maybe after our practices today, we could go to a café or something? Talk?”
Your head jerkily before you thought about it, “Yes. We should… do that.”
A pause.
“Here. I meant to give this to you yesterday. I chickened out.” Brow furrowed, you took the small box he held out to you, noticing he was once again avoiding looking at you, and opened it carefully.
Inside was a pair of simple chain looking bracelets, with a simple note.
“I know I’m late, but the question still needs an answer.”
First, you hooked one of the bracelets with your finger, setting it carefully in front of him as you echoed his words, “I think you’re supposed to have this one.”
Then you took the note, grabbing a pen from your bag and carefully writing back.
Iwa took it as soon as you set it down, a smile breaking over his face as he finally glanced at you, red cheeks and all.
‘Will you be my Valentine?’
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klutzykozume · 2 years
nice to really meet you
feeating: 1st year! mattsun x fem!reader
length: ~650 words
warnings: one (1) use of “princess”
part one
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iwaizumi, oikawa, and makki look at matsukawa in disbelief. makki is the first to recover. he wraps his arm around the taller boy’s shoulder.
“who knew you were such a flirt,” the pink hair boy grins at mattsun.
mattsun’s face was flushed a dark red, “i didn’t mean to. i don’t realize what i had said until after i said it!”
this causes iwaizumi and oikawa to chuckle.
“she’ll be fine, a little flustered but she’s fine,” oikawa smiles at his teammate.
“i didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable,” mattsun sighs, looking between oikawa and iwaizumi.
oikawa gets up, closing his laptop in the process, “let’s go get some things from the store to get your mind off of it. i don’t have anything here to share” oikawa walks out of his room.
“i think that’s a great idea,” iwaizumi says as he follows behind him, a smirk resting on his face.
“it’s not that big of a deal oikawa,” mattsun frowns.
makki smiles, pulling the middle blocker out of the bedroom, “come on! it’ll be fun!”
the group of boys head out the door and to your house instead.
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you were playing a game on your laptop when you hear knocking coming from the door downstairs. you check your phone and see it was almost ten o’clock at night. furrowing your eyebrows, you make your way to the door quietly.
just as you make it to the door, the knocking happens again.
“i know you’re home~” you can hear the smile from the person on other side of the door.
“what are you doing here oikawa?” you pull the door open, “i thought you-“
slamming the door shut, you squeal.
“that’s no way to treat your guests [f/n]!” oikawa shouts through the door. “we came to hang out!”
“besides, you said we should meet each other in person cutie!” you here makki speak. no sooner than he finishes his sentence do you hear the sound of someone hitting him followed by a soft “ow” from makki.
“i’m sorry about him and i’m sorry about what i said earlier. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable if i did,” mattsun apologizes through the door.
this causes you to freeze. he’s hot and polite? you could die right on the spot.
“we can leave if you really want us to,” iwaizumi speaks up. as much as he’s enjoying watching the stupidity go on, he didn’t want to make you upset.
you take a deep breath and open the door slightly.
on the other side, the boys look between one another. makki shrugs and makes his way up to the door only to be stopped by matsukawa grabbing his arm.
“we’re not coming in until you tell us it’s okay. use your words princess” mattsun calls out to you.
“it’s okay, really,” you speak softly, taking a step back from the door to give the group more room to enter.
iwaizumi and oikawa clap a hand on matsukawa’s back, urging him forward. the middle blocker pushes the door open and takes a steps inside.
“hi,” you manage to breathe out.
“hey,” he offers you a small smile.
you’re so going to kill oikawa the next time the opportunity arises.
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“so, is she single?” makki whispers to the other two males he was standing with.
oikawa and iwaizumi look between each other before turning their attention back to makki.
“what’s it matter to you?” iwaizumi glares at the boy.
“oh, c’mon don’t you think they look cute together?” makki grins, looking at you and mattsun.
“they could be terrible for one another,” iwaizumi crosses his arms over his chest.
“or… they could be perfect for one another~” oikawa throws an arm around iwaizumi.
iwaizumi pushes oikawa’s arm off of him, “let them do this on their terms,” he looks between makki and oikawa. “you two shouldn’t get involved.”
if only iwaizumi remembered who he was talking to.
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notes: i definitely didn’t see part two going like this but i couldn’t remember my other plot
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diorissei · 3 years
recently read some seijoh4 frat au fics and omfg these men are so toxic so fucking devious and yet, so hot. my god…the story and characters were just so well-written like ugh even the dialogue was attractive so now I shall provide u with some of my own seijoh4 frat hcs (and this is coming from someone who’s in a professional frat)
i’m not sure if i should tag the writers i was inspired by because I don’t want to come off as weird and i don’t want to make them uncomfortable so pls lmk if you would like to be tagged and credited ty!
note: this is my first drabble/piece of writing here. please leave some feedback if you would like 🥺 also this is loosely based off my own experience in a fraternity lol
゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚…………………………………………………………….
pairings: matsukawa x f!reader with hints of iwaizumi and hanamaki
content warnings: 18+ content, all characters are aged up 18+, college/frat au, male x f!reader, alcohol, hazing, emotional manipulation, humiliation, use of pet names (sweet thing, babe, etc), some misogyny, seijoh4 being dicks, mild (?) choking, recording without consent, suggestive themes. if you don’t like it, please don’t read.
tbh I see seijoh4 as members of a super selective business frat (ΣΕΨ sigma epsilon psi) bc I’m p sure it’s canon that seijoh is a private school and the boys come from money
the executive board: president: oikawa | vp: iwaizumi | secretary: mattsun | treasurer: makki
most professional frats are co-ed, but seijoh’s been a majority male frat for a while now so when you, a freshman, attempt to rush because you want to break out of your shy shell and become a strong-willed business woman, you immediately become a subject of interest to the exec board
their frat had won you over with their presentation on the importance of inclusion and voice in the business environment and an added plus was the acceptance rate of their members into big corporations and law firms
each exec board member gave a speech detailing their position and goals for the year and you remembered how deep and smooth their voices sounded. they were excellent speakers and you hoped they would help you become successful and dominant just like them
as their eyes swept over the crowd of wide-eyed, innocent potential new members (boys and girls included), you noticed that their eyes lingered a little bit too long on you
to the exec board, female pledges were always the best. they were always so eager to please and do well, but little did they know that sigma epsilon psi was just as cruel as the outside business world. so why not start early?
ΣΕΨ always had a pretty big turnout at their interest meeting bc of the power they held not only in terms of popularity but also their academics. (the insane attractiveness of the board was only an added plus)
most members have stellar gpas, were TAs (teacher assistants), and held internships at the most competitive companies. you heard a rumor that a recommendation from a brother could get you just about anywhere.
but you also heard that the rush process was insane
the exec board preached professionalism in everything they do their members and pledges, but during rush month, the facade comes off and they became different men entirely
if you even received a bid from them, you heard that the rush and social events were humiliating and degrading as everything you did for them would be for the sake of the frat, for the sake of your loyalty to the brotherhood
Cheers erupted all around you as the sticky ping pong ball landed in the cup right in front of you. “Fuckkk,” you groaned. This was the fifth time that the ball landed in your cup. You looked up at your partner, the secretary of Sigma Epsilon Psi, Matsukawa Issei, only to find him staring back at you with dark eyes. At first, when he had asked if you wanted to be partners with him for beer pong you inwardly cheered, but now you realized that the universe had other plans for you.
Matsukawa laughed at your misfortune and removed the ball from your cup. He picked up the red solo cup and used it as an opportunity to sling his arm over your shoulder. The tall man towered over you as he held the cup to your lips. If it weren’t for the current situation then you might have actually enjoyed the sight. It’s no secret that the executive board of Sigma Epsilon Psi was easy on the eyes. “Come on y/n. Drink up,” he goaded as he pushed the cup against your plush lips.
Noticing your hesitance Matsukawa spoke again. “You do want to get in right? You want to become a strong business woman right? Isn’t that what you told me during interviews?” he asked, voice dripping in mirth and sarcasm. He was right; you had to get in no matter what. This process, this frat, these people, all of it was just a means to a hopefully money-filled end. “Come on y/n, Makki’s team is winning and I’m not trying to iron his damn suits for him for the next month,” complained Matsukawa.
His eyes watched as Makki’s partner picked up his cup and began chugging. He looked at you expectantly but this time his eyes had a darker glint in it. Fuck it, you thought as you picked up your cup and downed the jungle juice mixture in one swallow, ignoring the burn as the liquid traveled down your throat and into your stomach.
“Atta girl,” said Matsukawa as he released his tight grip on your shoulder. His eyes looked you up and down, lingering on your swollen lips and flushed chest. The business formal blouse you had to wear to every meeting and party as a pledge was now stuck to your body, outlining the curves of your body and the ridges of your bra. Matsukawa’s hand gripped your waist as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. His warm breath sent shivers down your spine. “Flip the fucking cup and make me proud babe.”
You set the cup down and tried to flip it onto its open end. People cheered as you and Makki’s partner raced against each other, trying to flip the cup but failing. Fuck fuck fuck. Your head was pounding and you were sure your face was flushed a bright red as the party raged around you. Your back was soaked with sweat and your whole body felt hot, not to mention the heat coming from Matsukawa’s large hand as it rested on the curve of your ass. If you couldn’t flip this you would have to drink from the bitch cup, a cup that was filled with every single alcohol that could be found in the frat house. You couldn’t drink from that cup. You just couldn’t. That cup would fuck you up and put you at the mercy of the executive board.
You bent down, not noticing that your ass kept brushing against Matsukawa’s front. You tried everything. Gentle taps and quick flicks of your wrist, but that stupid red solo cup kept bouncing off the table’s surface. It kept falling down and your ears were filled with the sounds of plastic ricocheting off plastic. It didn’t help that the pounding bass of the speakers was making your headache worse. You were getting more and more nervous and just as you were going to try again, cheers erupted from Makki’s side. The male pledge’s cup stood upright on its wider end.
Fuck, your bid is getting revoked for sure now.
“Aw, y/n,” groaned Matsukawa, “Were you even trying? Stupid girl, now you have to drink from the bitch cup.” He didn’t look the slightest bit disappointed. The smirk he had on since the beginning of the game never left his face.
“And as your partner and your secretary, I get the honors of delivering the bitch cup to you.” Not wanting to disrespect a brother, no less a member of the executive board, you nodded and followed him to the kitchen. Shame flooded through your body and if it wasn’t for the red flush on your cheeks you swear you would have been even redder.
“Iwa, pass me the bitch cup. This sweet thing lost so now she has to drink from it,” laughed Matsukawa as he motioned to the muscular man leaning on the fridge. The vice president, Iwaizumi Hajime, passed the dark haired man the godforsaken cup and looked you up and down. “Damn, she looks fucked up. I don’t know if she can even drink this,” chuckled Iwaizumi. “Nah, no worries, that’s why I’m here to help,” said Matsukawa. “Right, y/n?”
Again, voiceless, you nodded.
“Good girl.”
He quickly got behind you and tilted your head up. “Wait- what are you doing?” you asked, head jerking away from his hand. “I’m just helping you drink from the bitch cup. Don’t worry about it babe. Now stay still.”
His left hand came up to cup your face, the silver rings cooling your burning face while the other hand lifted the bitch cup to your mouth.
Fuck. You felt tears begin to well up on your lash line, but you wouldn’t let yourself cry. You got yourself into this mess and now you were going to get yourself out of it, no matter how attractive these men were. No matter how much you wanted to crumble at their feet and let them do whatever they wanted to do you.
“Now open wide pretty girl,” cooed Matsukawa as his left hand squeezed your lower jaw. The praise sent another burst of heat down your body and your core clenched. Obediently you opened your mouth and looked up at Matsukawa with wide eyes. You swore you heard Matsukawa whisper fuck under his breath. You felt humiliated and yet, this might be the hottest thing you’ve experienced in college.
You could only watch as a steady stream of alcohol was poured down your throat. Matsukawa’s hand was so large that it wrapped around your throat, holding you still so the alcohol could flow right down your throat and so he could feel your throat contracting with every swallow you took. His fingers applied a light pressure to your throat and you could feel the warmth of his body as his chest was pressed to your back. He felt so toned. You felt dizzy. Your vision started to blur but you forced yourself to focus on Matsukawa’s blown pupils and the large banner hanging in the kitchen that had the letters ΣΕΨ embroidered on it in teal. If not for the liquid in your mouth, you would have moaned. So much for preserving the last shreds of your dignity.
“Damn,” you heard Makki remark, “She looks like a natural, right Iwa?” The vice president gave a grunt in response, more focused on watching your throat bob up and down. He wondered what else your mouth was good at as he watched the streams of alcohol miss your mouth and instead, flow down your chin and onto the formal blouse you wore.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Makki with his phone out and flash on.
“Fuck, you’re almost there,” groaned Matsukawa. “You look so good like this, y/n.”
The taste of soju and truly burned the back of your throat and you were sure that you were going to see imprints of Matsukawa’s fingers and rings on your neck the next day, but you continued swallowing that crude mixture.
All for the fraternity, right?
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elysianslove · 3 years
NSFW Drabbles : HAIKYUU edition !
a compiled list of all my nsfw drabbles in an attempt to be more organized.
i’ll update this the more i write ! <3
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— show you what it’s like; iwaizumi, osamu, suna
— show you what it’s like; atsumu, sakusa, akaashi
— s/o using their safe word; suna, sakusa
— s/o using their safe word; iwaizumi, bokuto
— pegging your boyfriend; bokuto, atsumu, kuroo
— getting passed and railed by the inarizaki team
— getting passed and railed by the msby team
— visuals & complimentary drabbles
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— ceo!daichi x assistant!reader
— mattsun making sure makki can hear
— threesome with iwaizumi & sakusa
— threesome with oikawa & ushijima
— iwaizumi’s camgirl best friend , part 2 , part 3 (1k+)
— pegging iwaizumi
— intrusions & interruptions with iwaizumi (+ fluff)
— pussy slapping with oikawa
— bratty sub kenma
— aggressive kenma
— tit fucking with kenma
— camboy femboy kenma
— anal with kuroo
— public shower sex with akaashi
— love making with akaashi
— kitchen sex with ushijima
— camboy atsumu
— enemies to lovers with atsumu
— tag teamed by the twins / threesome with the twins
— suna sucking dick (male!reader)
— sex in the back of onigiri miya with osamu
— suna bottoming (male!reader)
— sucking on suna’s fingers
— pillow prince osamu
— sounding with suna
— blowjobs with suna
— car sex with suna
— suna getting clingy during sex
— sub atsumu (w/ video visual)
— thigh riding with osamu
— somnophilia with osamu
— atsumu sucking on your tits for comfort
— suna’s preferred way of eating pussy (from the back)
— osamu’s obsession with your cotton panties
— dilf!osamu x teen!employee , part 2
— making sakusa squirt
— dumbification with terushima
— pegging terushima
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