#Matthias Klausen
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accursedthing · 5 years ago
11, 30, 39, 50, 57, 75, 92 for the of asks?
Thank u Charlie u kno I love ur ass
I'm going to do Matthias with this cause you didn't name anyone and he's my protagonist for Northern Fish
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
I actually just wrote a passage kind of about this! Matthias doesn't expect that he'll do anything to be remembered by, he really doesn't see himself as the hero of his own story, but he's sure that Dmitri (his boyfriend) is going to be great, and he would be happy to just be a footnote in Dmitri's story. He just wants it to be remembered someday that he loved him, and he was there, that's enough for him and he expects and really wants nothing more
30. When frightened, do they resort to "fight" or "flight?"
Flight. Matthias knows he can't win a fight, it's almost a trauma response really that that will not be his instinct
39. What does their happily ever after look like?
Picture this: he lives on a small island on the Baltic sea. His family is there and so is Dmitri's family, and they get along just fine and none of them are weird about his relationship, they've all come to peaceful terms. Him and Dmitri wear matching rings and go sailing together sometimes, and the water is always perfect. There are no more Nazis, that problem solved itself, and nothing bad happens ever again
But he knows that will never happen so right now all he's asking is that the Nazis go away and everyone leaves him and Dmitri alone
50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?
Matthias dresses like he doesn't think about it, and he really should. He wears all the same clothes he's been wearing for years, and some of them are really starting to show it. Like his pants, he's quite tall and most of them are a little too short now, and have been too short for a long time. He also wears lots of sweaters and sweater vests that were normally knitted by his mother or his grandmother, and they're all lovely work, but he wears them so much through so much activity that many of them are starting to unravel at the ends but he doesn't really care. Also sometimes he borrows Dmitri's clothes because he never thinks ahead and brings enough when he visits
If he were to describe his own style I don't even know what he would say, he would probably just admit he wears whatever his mother gave him and leave it at that
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
Matthias is not a virgin, and he likes sex, but he's had a hard time with it in the past. His first time was with his childhood friend when he was fifteen, and it was very weird because neither of them knew that much what they were doing, though Peter seemed to know a bit more than maybe he should have, and it was under this strange pretense of like "ok but no homo. We're just trying it, right? It doesn't make us queer" cause they were both fucking terrified. And then that one had consequences not long after, when Peter's older brother beat Matthias up and broke his nose
He didn't sleep with anyone at all for a good while after that, but eventually he did again when he was in Sweden with some guy he met, and that was physically a better experience, but damnit Matthias is emotional. He's a romantic. This wasn't really enough
And then he met Dmitri. And the first time they slept together he was glad about it, and it was good, especially since Dmitri so easily took the lead cause Matthias needs that, but he was also so so worried that that would be it, that this was all Dmitri wanted from him and he would never see him again. But it wasn't, and he still feels so lucky because he really loves Dmitri
For a long time he also had a guilt about sex, which was that good ol' internalized homophobia, where normally right after he'd have to sit there and be like "I'm a horrible, awful, disgusting person. What would my mother say? What would my grandparents say? I wasn't made for this, it's sinful, what's wrong with me??" And though some of that is still there in the back of his mind, because it's very hard to get rid of, it's eased a lot in the time he's been with Dmitri, because he loves him, he's completely in love, and how could that be wrong? And also because his religious views are starting to change because of the things Dmitri says to him; "what could be more sacred?"
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
He would probably just write a letter. Letters to Dmitri when they're not together almost take the role of a diary for him; he'd just start writing one of those about whatever was happening right then. If nothing was happening, hell, "dear Dmitri, I found this paper and I love you."
Or maybe he'd put it in his pocket to hold onto in case he needed it later. He does worry about being unprepared for things
92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif
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mountainrunner-de · 7 years ago
Das 6. Südtirol Ultra Skyrace 2018 ist erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen
Bozen, 29. Juli 2018 – Drei Tage lang standen die über 800 gemeldeten Extrembergläufer aus 35 verschiedenen Nationen beim Südtirol Ultra Skyrace 2018 im Rampenlicht. Am Sonntagmittag ist das renommierte Sportevent, das auf der Hufeisentour in der Sarntaler Alpen ausgetragen wird, mit der traditionellen Siegerehrung in Bozen zu Ende gegangen. Auf der 121 Kilometer langen Originalstrecke mit 7554 Höhenmetern erreichten 127 Athletinnen und Athleten das Ziel. Bei 199 Startern entspricht das einer Finisher-Quote von 64 Prozent. Damit erreichten 6 Prozent mehr Athleten das Ziel, als im vergangenen Jahr.
Dieser Umstand ist wohl zwei wesentlichen Faktoren geschuldet: Zum einen gab es heuer zwar leichte Gewitter, aber von einem Wolkenbruch wie in den vergangenen Jahren war keine Spur. Und zum anderen hat es sich in der Trailszene herumgesprochen, dass das Südtirol Ultra Skyrace zu Recht mit dem Slogan „extremste Erfahrung in den Alpen“ wirbt. Dementsprechend sorgfältig ist mittlerweile auch die Vorbereitung darauf.
Wer beim Extremberglauf entlang der Hufeisentour in den Sarntaler Alpen ins Ziel kommt, der hat eine Herkulesaufgabe bewältigt. So wie der Franzose Benjamin Violot, 32 Jahre alt aus Paris, der nach 38:03.13 Stunden Kampf als Letzter durch den Zielbogen ging und das Südtirol Ultra Skyrace offiziell beendete. Rund 20 Stunden vorher, am Samstagnachmittag, hatte sich an selber Stelle Alexander Rabensteiner aus Klausen für seinen vierten Sieg feiern lassen. Er kam nach 18:33.08 Stunden an. Bei den Frauen pulverisierte die Ennebergerin Anna Pedevilla in 20:51.45 den Streckenrekord.
Sky Trail entpuppt sich als Glücksgriff – Finisher-Quoten bis zu 100 Prozent
Beim Südtirol Skyrace (69 km/3930 hm) setzten sich Johannes Klein aus Deutschland (7:07.41) und die Sarner Lokalmatadorin Regina Spiess (9:00.07) durch. Hier erreichten 137 Sportler von 148 Startern das Ziel, was einer starken Quote von 92,5 Prozent entspricht. Noch besser war der Wert beim Südtirol Sky Marathon, wo 217 Teilnehmer von 220 Startern ankamen. Hier lag die Quote bei sagenhaften 98,6 Prozent. Bei den Männern setzte sich Vorjahressieger Daniel Rohringer aus Gosau in Österreich durch (4:14.38), während bei den Frauen Edeltraud Thaler aus Lana die Nase vorne hatte (5:20.31).
Als bahnbrechender Erfolg entpuppte sich der Südtirol Sky Trail (27 km/1063 hm), den alle 135 gestarteten Bergläufer erfolgreich beendeten. Diese kürzeste Strecke hatten die Veranstalter neu eingeführt, um Athletinnen und Athleten an den Trail-Sport heranzuführen. Ein Experiment, das OK-Chef Josef Günther Mair und seinem Team vollauf geglückt ist. Hier jubelten Thomas Holzmann aus Jenesien (2:14.22) und die Französin Mathilde Vinet (2:42.38) über den Tagessieg.
Das Südtirol Ultra Skyrace 2019 wird vom 26. bis 28. Juli stattfinden
Zufrieden zog OK-Chef Josef Günther Mair im Rahmen der Siegerehrung Bilanz: „Mit 806 Meldungen und 35 teilnehmenden Nationen, darunter Athleten aus Australien, Kanada, Russland oder Hong Kong, hatten wir schon ein Ziel erreicht, bevor es überhaupt losgegangen war. Jetzt sind wir einfach nur happy, dass es keine größeren Verletzungen gab. Besonders loben möchte ich die Rennleitung und die 80 Mann der Bergrettung, des CNSAS und des Notfalldienstes, die einen super Job gemacht haben. Sie hatten die Situation perfekt unter Kontrolle. Bedanken möchte ich mich von ganzem Herzen bei unseren 500 freiwilligen Helfern für den unermüdlichen Einsatz. Ohne sie wäre so eine Veranstaltung nie und nimmer möglich, genauso wenig, wenn wir nicht so starke Partner wie Sportler, La Sportiva und Raiffeisen, sowie unzählige andere Sponsoren an unserer Seite hätten. Die vielen lobenden Worte und glücklichen Gesichter der Teilnehmer sind Ansporn, auch 2019 ein möglichst perfektes Event auf die Beine zu stellen.“
Das Südtirol Ultra Skyrace wird auch im kommenden Jahr am letzten Juli-Wochenende stattfinden, und zwar vom 26. bis zum 28. Juli 2019.
Südtirol Ultra Skyrace 2018 – Ehrentafel
Südtirol Ultra Skyrace 121K/7554D+
Männer: 1. Alexander Rabensteiner ITA/Skinfit-Hoka 18:33.08 2. Walter Manser SUI/Compresssport 18:47.32 3. Matthias Dippacher GER/Team Dynafit 19:13.32
Frauen: 1. Anna Pedevilla ITA/La Sportiva 20:51.45 2. Ildiko Wermescher HUN/Hoka one one 22:30.03 3. Maria Kemenater ITA/ ASC LF Sarntal Raiffeisen 24:35.00
Südtirol Skyrace 69K/3930D+
Männer: 1. Johannes Klein GER/Adidas Terrex 7:07.41 2. Evgenii Pishchalov RUS/Rocket ScienZe 7:15.20 3. Stefan Tschurtschenthaler ITA/Soltnflitzer ASV Jenesien 7:45.44
Frauen: 1. Regina Spiess ITA/ASC LF Sarntal Raiffeisen 9:00.07 2. Julia Witt GER/IG Schmerz 9:08.21 3. Kerstin Dusch SUI 9:14.01
Südtirol Sky Marathon 42,2K/2863D+
Männer: 1. Daniel Rohringer AUT/DeBettin Sparkasse Skg. Mammut 4:14.38 2. Hansrudi Brugger ITA/Team Treibjagd 4:31.10 3. Domenico Nicolazzo ITA/Sportler Team 4:39.26
Frauen: 1. Edeltraud Thaler ITA/Telmekom Team 5:20.31 2. Kathrin Angerer GER/La Sportiva Mountain Running 5:21.31 3. Birgit Klammer ITA/ASV Gherdeina Runners 5:24.18
Südtirol Sky Trail 27K/1067D+
Männer: 1. Thomas Holzmann ITA/ASV Jenesien Soltnflitzer 2:14.22 2. Georg Widmann ITA 2:15.11 3. Markus Mey GER/www.hirschenwirt.it 2:16.46
Frauen: 1. Mathilde Vinet FRA/Club AO Charenton 2:42.38 2. Isabel Tribus ITA 2:43.55 3. Angelica Huber ITA/SC Meran 2:50.24
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accursedthing · 8 years ago
Full name: Matthias KlausenGender and sexuality: Male, gayPronouns: He/him/hisEthnicity/species: White, Danish, humanBirthplace and birthdate: Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21st, 1920Guilty pleasures: Like Søren, classic fairytales. Also, sailors. He is attracted to them, guiltily.Phobias: I’m pretty sure he’s got anxiety disorder, so let’s just say a lot, but especially peopleWhat they would be famous for: He kind of avoids fame at all costs, so… Maybe for being Dmitri’s boyfriend though, since Dmitri is the most likely to be famousWhat they would be arrested for: Illegally immigrating to Norway lol OC you ship them with: Dmitri, of course ❤️OC most likely to murder them: Oh definitely either Jonas or Bendt, who have already broken his nose and beaten him into a concussion (Jonas) and tried to shove him off a bridge (Bendt). They don’t like him much.Favorite movie/book genre: FantasyLeast favorite movie/book genre: Realism (we see a pattern here, no?)Talents and/or powers: SailingWhy someone might love them: He’s sweet, and kind-hearted, he falls in love too easily, he’s awkward in a way that some may find endearing, and he loves to laughWhy someone might hate them: He’s cowardly He’s bad at talking to people. He runs from danger, and doesn’t stand up for even himself. How they change: He learns to be brave, and to go after what he wantsWhy you love them: Given where he started, he’s the kind of character that I feel immensely proud of any time he grows. I want to watch him and cheer him on as if he were my child. And I see myself in him in some ways.
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accursedthing · 6 years ago
20 and 50 for Elin and Matthias?
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when their favorite song comes on?
Well given the time period they live in (1940ish) things are a little different for them than for us; they don't have a record player in their home and they don't see films often so neither are in a position to get into musicals at all. But they do both like music, Elin is very much a fan of jazz and swing, which is new and exciting, and Matthias prefers older style music but he can appreciate all of it. And they both like to dance and sing, but Elin is the only one who is actually confident enough to do it in front of anyone else.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them, what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
I'm assuming food and means of living are accounted for, for the sake of the question.
Matthias is a sailor, so he would grab a compass first, just to be safe. After that I imagine the next priority would be at least one book, because he would get antsy without one. If he's limited, he would take The Little Mermaid, because it's been his favorite since he was little. If he could bring another, probably a book of mythology. He would bring a comb after that, and a razor, because he likes to be neat and he hates how he looks when his facial hair grows out, too much like his father. Beyond those I think it would be all letters and photographs. He's a sentimental type, after all.
Elin would take her sketchbook first, and all her colored pencils. Then lotion, because her skin gets dry, and a pair of good, sturdy shoes. Of course she would also grab some money, which Matthias would not, I'm not sure she would even think of much more to bring besides those things. She's a very different kind of person from her Mads.
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