#Matteo Ballarin
micro961 · 1 year
G519 - Walking to the sun
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Il singolo che segna l’esordio del progetto ideato da Guido Cinelli
Un viaggio tra gli estremi dell'esistenza, il giorno e la notte, l'acqua e il fuoco, il bambino e l’adulto.
Il progetto dell’artista e polistrumentista Guido Cinelli denominato G519 approda ad un primo disco di inediti in uscita il 1° agosto dal titolo “Blue Atomic Sky” in concomitanza col singolo “Walking to the sun” dentro cui spiccano le sonorità anni ‘70 di un certo rock progressivo, di jazz, di miscele dai forti poteri evocativi. 
«Gli estremi dell’esistenza rappresentano dei poli da esplorare ma anche dei limiti, degli estremi che tuttavia invogliano a forzare confini, spostando in là l'obiettivo esistenziale al quale mira sempre l'individuo con la sua ambizione e allo stesso tempo con il suo bisogno di conoscere. Un’urgenza che attraversa le generazioni e anche oggi ci impegna in una perlustrazione di periferie umane che sarà arrestata inevitabilmente dal contrappeso dell'estremo opposto. Cosa ci sarà oltre? La risposta non ci è riservata, almeno fino a quando scadrà il contratto di affitto che ci dà il diritto di usare il pianeta Terra. Il fuoco del sole con i suoi colori è preso come porta di verità tenute nascoste, e quando questa fiamma verrà quasi raggiunta, sarà toccata dall'estremo opposto, dall'acqua che la spegnerà; nel contempo il fluire dell'acqua darà corso a nuovi inizi». Guido Cinelli
Le registrazioni sono state realizzate dallo stesso Guido Cinelli insieme con Francesco Marzona, presso il Birdland Studio di Udine. Le parti ritmiche sono state registrate presso il Mushroom Studio di Frisanco. Nel brano oltre alla splendida partecipazione della cantante Ronnie Grace, troviamo Pablo De Biasi alla batteria, Francesco Minutello al flicorno, Flavio Passon alle tastiere e lo stesso Cinelli alle tastiere, basso e chitarre.
Etichetta: Autoproduzione Radio date e release album: 1° agosto 2023
Il progetto G519, nasce dall’artista e polistrumentista Guido Cinelli che nel 2018 ha iniziato ad invitare vari turnisti presso lo studio di registrazione “Birdland” di Francesco Marzona e presso lo storico “Mushroom Studio”. La contaminazione e la semina di queste lunghe sessioni di registrazione porterà alla pubblicazione del primo disco a firma G519 dal titolo "Blue Atomic Sky", concept album che ruota intorno al Rock progressivo tanto caro all'autore. Con Guido Cinelli (che ha firmato le parti di chitarre e basso in tutte le tracce così come le tastiere, oltre che ai suoni ricavati da una piccola pentola da cucina) troviamo anche Ronnie Grace nel brano "Walking to the sun", Francesco Minutello al flicorno, Chiara Di Gleria voce nei brani "Plastic Moon", "Vision of angels" e "A time to reflect reprise", Pablo De Biasi alla batteria, alle voci maschili Matteo Ballarin e Tony Longheu (nel brano "Proxima Centauri") e Flavio Passon alle tastiere su "A time to reflect reprise", “Rain in the City” e il già citato "Walking to the sun", il primo singolo che anticipa tutto il lavoro e che troviamo in radio e nei canali digitali dal 1 agosto 2023.
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dtferrando · 3 years
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Unfolding Pavilion: Rituals of Solitude - Act III
Online / January 2022 - ongoing
In the summer of 2020, a group of twelve architects spent one week of artistic residency locked inside of a ruined House built on a small island in the Venetian lagoon: one per room, in complete solitude.
The House was an almost exact replica of what was previously thought to be an unrealised project by John Hejduk: his House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate. Built in the 70’s by an eccentric Contessa, without Hejduk’s knowledge, the House was on its way of being demolished by the new owners. Their plan was to build a luxury glamping resort in its stead. The Unfolding Pavilion made an agreement with them, by signing a contract that allowed the temporary occupation of the House and the realisation of twelve site-specific installations inside of its rooms, on the condition that everything was to be kept secret before the demolition of the building took place. Everything went accordingly and sadly, in December 2020, the House was razed to the ground.
The incredible story of the replica of John Hejduk’s House for the Inhabitant Who Refused to Participate is the subject of Rituals of Solitude, a transmedial exhibition in three acts curated by Daniel Tudor Munteanu and Davide Tommaso Ferrando, on the occasion of the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale.
Conceived in the middle of the global lockdown, Rituals of Solitude is an expanding exhibition about the inversion of the traditional relationship between private and public space; about the paradoxical rituals by means of which homes are inhabited; about the ways in which visual technologies are domesticated and used as tools for self-representation and bonding; about the accumulation, fetishization and exhibition of objects in domestic interiors; and about the conditions of solitude that are generated by forced acts of isolation.
Unfolding Pavilion: Rituals of Solitude is organised in three acts:
Act I, presented in December 2020, is an online exhibition that documents the site-specific works produced during the residency in the House.
Act II is the offline and itinerant instance of the exhibition, first shown in Venice in May 2021 inside Contessa's former boat, moored at Punta della Dogana during the opening of the Architecture Biennale.
Act III, launched in January 2022, is a virtual environment that digitally reconstructs and reinterprets the spaces of the Venetian exhibition.
Curators: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando Exhibition Design and Model Making: ErranteArchitetture (Sarah Becchio & Paolo Borghino)
Web Design and Development, Sound Design: hund (Ernesto Bellei, Federico Bergonzini, Antonio Alessandro Di Cicco, Simone S. Melis), Andrea Cappi
Photography and Video: Laurian Ghinițoiu; Stefano Di Corato (atelier XYZ)
Illustrators: Giovanni Benedetti, Marialuisa Montanari
Graphic Design: Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc
Photogrammetry and Digitalization: Cenk Güzelis; Uwe Brunner Narrator: Alina Mihăescu
Production: Marco Ballarin; Carnets (Matteo Vianello, Davide Cecconello, Caterina Barbon, Marco Andreatta); Elisabeta Rabiniuc Mocanu, Ana Victoria Munteanu
Sponsored by: Italien Zentrum, Innsbruck University; Department of Architectural Theory, Innsbruck University; Dean’s Office, Innsbruck University; Office of the Vice Rector for Research, Innsbruck University; Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
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blogdeimusicisti · 3 years
Ronnie Grace
BIOGRAFIA: Ronnie Grace è una cantautrice e performer italocanadese indipendente di Pordenone, classe 1995. Cresciuta bilingue, fin da piccola entra in contatto con la lingua, la cultura e la musica di tutti i paesi anglofoni. Nonostante le prime influenze musicali arrivino dal soul e dalla black music, la sua musica oggi è più vicina al pop di Dua Lipa e Mark Ronson. Nel 2016 ha scritto e…
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rginternetpress · 3 years
MotoGP: Presentación del WithU Yamaha RNF MotoGP Team
El WithU Yamaha RNF MotoGP Team ha presentado en el Teatro Filarmónico de Verona a su dupla de pilotos: el veterano Andrea Dovizioso y al rookie Darryn Binder. También han revelado los colores de la Yamaha YZR-M1.
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El Teatro Filarmónico de Verona ha sido el lugar elegido para la presentación del nuevo WithU Yamaha RNF MotoGP Team, para darse a conocer como nuevo equipo de MotoGP, además de enseñar las Yamaha YZR-M1 con las que competirán esta temporada su dupla de pilotos: Andrea Dovizioso y el rookie Darryn Binder.
En un acto virtual, retransmitido en directo a través de YouTube hemos podido ver a Matteo Ballarin, presidente de WithU, nuevo patrocinador tras la marcha de Petronas del mundial, junto a Razlan Razali, dueño del Sepang Racing Team y Wilco Zeelemberg, que será el Team manager del equipo. Además, también hemos conocido la novedad de que el WithU RNF Team competirá, a partir de 2022, en el mundial de MotoE.
“Estoy emocionado por comenzar la temporada 2022 con un nuevo capítulo para todo el grupo. Cerramos el viejo, pero cerrar capítulos siempre significa abrir nuevos episodios, y empezar este nuevo proyecto con el equipo RNF vuelve a ser un gran reto”, ha comentado el Zeelemberg acerca del reto que tiene por delante su nuevo equipo.
Comenzando con Andrea Dovizioso, el piloto italiano ha sido presentado de forma oficial en el equipo, después de ya haber formado parte del Petronas Yamaha la temporada pasada, cuando Franco Morbidelli subiera al equipo oficial, tras la marcha de Maverick Viñales a Aprilia.
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‘Dovi’ asumirá su decimoquinta temporada en la categoría reina, siendo el piloto más veterano de toda la parrilla tras la retirada de Valentino Rossi. El tres veces campeón del mundo seguirá contando con su jefe técnico, Ramón Forcada, para recuperar su forma y dar un salto cualitativo en 2022, incluso pudiendo luchar por el campeonato.
“Será difícil porque el nivel es muy alto y no sabemos la situación de nuestra moto respecto al resto. Todo puede pasar. No quiero decir que sí, que lucharé por el Mundial, pero estoy aquí para eso. No estoy en un año de aprendizaje”, expresó el de Forlimpopoli.
Con relación a esos veinte años que lleva ‘Dovi’ compitiendo en el motociclismo de élite, el italiano ha reconocido que “tener 20 años de experiencia en el Mundial tiene más cosas positivas que negativas. No pierdes tiempo o energía en algunas cosas. Pero, también, cuando estás mucho tiempo en algo, te afecta y no es bueno. Cuando estás atrás, no disfrutas. Y así no podemos vivir en una situación como esa. Quiero estar lo más delante posible. Estás bien sólo cuando estás delante”, concluyó ‘Dovi’.
“Ahora Dovi es el tipo más veterano de la parrilla, pero hizo mucho en su época en Ducati. Tres veces subcampeón. Antes estuvo con el Tech3 con la Yamaha. Y lo más importante es que completa у las cinco carreras del año pasado con nosotros, con una moto de hace dos temporadas. No estuvo apretando, pero ahora con el mismo paquete que los chicos de fábrica creo que puede ser uno de los pilotos que puede luchar por el campeonato”, aseguró Razali en el acto de presentación del equipo.
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Por otro lado, Darryn Binder, siguiendo el ejemplo de Jack Miller, sube directamente a la categoría reina desde Moto3, sin haber experimentado grandes proezas en la categoría pequeña. Este gran salto de categoría supone un reto adaptativo aún mayor para el sudafricano, que lo afronta con gran motivación.
“No puedo esperar. Va a ser fantástico. Estoy muy, muy emocionado por mi primera temporada en MotoGP. nuestro objetivo es ir paso a paso. Obviamente pasar de Moto3 a MotoGP es un gran salto y solo quiero acometerlo de forma gradual e ir subiendo todo lo alto que pueda. No quiero hacer grandes locuras, sino dar pasos lentos pero seguros. No puedo esperar al test de Sepang para que todo eche a andar”, ha explicado el hermano pequeño de Brad Binder, quien seguirá compitiendo con KTM.
Centrándonos ahora a la estética de la YZR-M1, destaca por su base de color negro, con detalles en un azul ya habitual para Yamaha, combinados con detalles en color rojo, que también aparecen en los monos de ambos pilotos.
Para finalizar, también se ha presentado a dupla de pilotos que competirán con las motos eléctricas: el italiano Niccolò Canepa y el británico Bradley Smith. También ha estado presente Filippo Conti, que será el Team manager del WithU GRT RNF MotoE.
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arnaldomoreirablog · 4 years
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DO BLOG DO ARNALDO MOREIRA Eric Granado teve nesta terça-feira (2) um bom primeiro dia de trabalho com sua nova equipe no Mundial de Moto-E. O jovem brasileiro e o time espanhol One Energy Racing participaram dos testes que abriram a série de sessões realizadas pela categoria no circuito de Jerez de la Frontera. Ainda conhecendo seu novo time, Granado recebeu elogios por ter dominado duas das três sessões de ensaios da categoria no traçado da região da Andaluzia, ficando com o segundo melhor tempo na última delas.  Os testes seguirão nesta quarta-feira e serão encerrados no dia seguinte, fornecendo um panorama aproximado das forças do Mundial. “Foi um ótimo início com a nova equipe”, destacou Granado. “O objetivo principal hoje foi conhecer o método de trabalho da One Energy na pista, recuperar o meu ritmo em cima da moto Energica Ego Corsa e também experimentar alguns ajustes na nova suspensão dianteira Öhlins, que é uma das principais modificações que teremos para 2021”, resumiu o piloto brasileiro. Outra novidade que será testada em Jerez pelo time dirigido pelo italiano Matteo Ballarin é uma evolução dos pneus Michelin. “As motos são iguais para todos, então os ajustes e adaptação a cada elemento da moto fazem uma grande diferença no resultado na pista. E entender os pneus, claro, é fundamental”, conta Granado.  “Hoje tivemos um dia muito focado na suspensão dianteira e amanhã essa novidade terá o complemento dos novos pneus, que definirão muito do comportamento da moto. Ainda temos muita coisa para testar e acertos para experimentar, e eu também posso melhorar a minha pilotagem. Mas de uma forma geral o dia de hoje foi um início realmente muito bom e acho que deixei a equipe satisfeita com meu trabalho. Amanhã tem mais”, completa Eric Granado. https://www.instagram.com/p/CL8eoezpQ_0/?igshid=1durdru3q3fx1
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tmnotizie · 6 years
SAN BENEDETTO – Un pannello che ricorda la location del primo campo sportivo utilizzato dalla Sambenedettese e soprannominato, in virtù della sua conformazione, “La Trappoletta”. E’ stato inaugurato sabato mattina in piazza San Giovanni Battista dove, fino agli anni Trenta una giovanissima Sambenedettese ha giocato e si è allenata.
E’ stato il momento clou di una due giorni di iniziative organizzate dal Rotary Club di San Benedetto del Tronto del presidente Alberto De Angelis, che hanno avuto al centro il rapporto tra la Samb e la città di San Benedetto, partendo proprio da quell’area, nel cuore del centro cittadino, da dove tutto è nato.
Le iniziative hanno preso il via venerdì pomeriggio nella sala conferenze di Palazzo Capocasa, distante pochi metri dal luogo in cui sorgeva il primissimo campo sportivo. Un incontro al quale hanno partecipato un centinaio di cittadini che hanno ascoltato i saluti del presidente Alberto De Angelis, del consigliere comunale Mario Ballatore e dell’addetto stampa della Sambenedettese Calcio Matteo Bianchini presente, insieme alla responsabile marketing Simona Piergallini, in rappresentanza della società rossoblù.
Ad aprire i lavori è stato il professor Gianluca Antonucci, docente dell’Università D’Annunzio di Chieti – Pescara. Il professore ha parlato della crescita dei giovani atleti soffermandosi sulle difficoltà incontrate dalla realtà di provincia ma dando vita ad un lungo approfondimento sull’attuale situazione del mondo calcistico italiano e non solo.
Quindi è toccato al giornalista Emidio Lattanzi parlare di come lo sviluppo economico della città sia spesso andato a braccetto, in un modo o nell’altro, con le fortune agonistiche della squadra cittadina. Momenti di commozione al ricordo della figura del presidente Domenico Roncarolo (presente in platea il figlio Giorgio), che riuscì a coinvolgere la marineria nel contributo alla Samb neo promossa in serie B negli anni Cinquanta. Curiosità tra i presenti anche per due filmati dell’Istituto Luce, sempre degli anni Cinquanta, incentrati proprio sulla “piccola” Samb.
A scendere nel dettaglio sulla storia degli stadi cittadini è stato invece il professor Stefano Novelli che ha tracciato il percorso iniziato nell’attuale Piazza San Giovanni con la Trappoletta e passato prima per l’area portuale (con il Ballarin) e infine nell’attuale location del Riviera delle Palme. Tanti gli aneddoti e i riferimenti a vicende legate proprio alle particolarità della “Trappoletta”.
Sabato mattina, quindi, l’inaugurazione del pannello ideato da Stefano Novelli, Nicola Genziani e Giuseppe Merlini, alla presenza del sindaco di San Benedetto Pasqualino Piunti e di una delegazione di ragazzi militanti nelle giovanili della Sambenedettese.
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Unfolding Pavilion 2018
The Team
The Unfolding Pavilion 2018 is curated by Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando and Sara Favargiotti.
Daniel Tudor Munteanu is a practicing architect and urban planner based in Suceava, Romania. He was educated in Romania and The Netherlands, has exhibited at the 5th ”Urbanism\Architecture Bi-city Biennale” in Shenzhen and has contributed to “OfficeUS”, the U.S. Pavilion for the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale. His texts and graphic essays were published in San Rocco, Volume, Log and Oase. In 2015 he curated the “Aformal Academy/Pedagogical Infrastructure” chapter for the  6th Shenzhen ”Urbanism\Architecture Bi-city Biennale” and contributed to the “The State of the Art of Architecture” project for the Chicago Architecture Biennale. In 2016 he was the co-curator of the first “Unfolding Pavilion” at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale. Daniel is the founder and editor of the research project ‘OfHouses - a collection of old forgotten houses’.
Davide Tommaso Ferrando is an architecture researcher and critic, particularly interested in the intersections between architecture, city and media. M.Arch in Advanced Architectural Design at ETSA Madrid and PhD in Architecture and Building Design at Politecnico di Torino, he is Post-Doc University Assistant in the Department of Architectural Theory and History at the University of Innsbruck. Director of 011+ and vice-director of Viceversa, his writings are published in collective books and international magazines such as The Architectural Review, Casabella and Project. In 2016, he is curator with Daniel Tudor Munteanu of the Unfolding Pavilion, and scientific consultant for the “Meeting the Commons” section of the Italian Pavilion at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale. In 2017, he is curator with Nina Bassoli of the Festival “Architettura in Città” of Torino.
Sara Favargiotti is Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at University of Trento as well as Research Affiliate at the Office for Urbanization, Harvard GSD. Graduated with distinction in 2009 (University of Genoa), she completed her PhD in 2014 (IUAV). Her research and teaching focus on landscape's transformations and adaptation. She is specialized in landscape urbanism and ecological design focusing on emerging infrastructures and their influence on cities, landscapes and territories.
                                                                            Curators:  Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti Production: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti, Ana Victoria Munteanu, Eliza Rabiniuc Mocanu, Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc Graphic design:  Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc (volumetrica) Photographs:  Nicolò Galeazzi, Stefano Di Corato (atelier XYZ), Laurian Ghinitoiu (laurianghinitoiu.com). Research:  Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti, Pietro Valle Web Design:  Spectator theme by Keith McKnight and Zack Sultan, with magic tricks by Victor Jerman
                                                                            Sponsored by: Förderkreis 1669 - Innsbruck University; Dean’s Office - Innsbruck University; Land Tirol; Office of the Vice Rector for Research - Innsbruck University; Department of Architectural Theory -  Innsbruck University; DICAM (Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering) - University of Trento. In collaboration with: Insula spa; Italien-Zentrum - Innsbruck University; Fantoni spa; Valle Architetti Associati
                                                                            A heartfelt thank you to: Pietro Valle, prof. Bart Lootsma & Our warmest thanks to: Marco Ballarin / Babau Bureau; Tina Damiani, Mariapiera Fidanza, Federico Mentil, Annina, Gianluca Bernardi, Leonardo Peressa, Andrea Cusanno, Placido Luise, Stefano Di Corato, Niccoló Fuin, Silvia Mannocci, Alessandro Betta, Marco Andreatta, Gianluca Bernardi, Andrea Cusanno, Davide Cecconello, Leonardo Peressa, Matteo Vianello, Gioia Voltolina; Architre (Halil, Marius, Rosario, Roman and Pedro); Luca Barison, Maurizio Camoli; Antonella, Fabio, Laura, Vani, Palmiro, Giovanni, Adriana, Enrico; Matei, Carmen & Ion Radu Munteanu... and all the others who encouraged us and made this possible!
                                                                            Illustrations: 1. The team, from left to right: Ana Munteanu, Magda Vieriu, Tina Damiani, Davide Tommaso Ferrando (curator), Sara Favargiotti (curator), Daniel Tudor Munteanu (curator), Octavian Hrebenciuc. Photo by: Nicolò Galeazzi. © atelier XYZ / Unfolding Pavilion.  >
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under16eccbattaglia · 7 years
Seconda vittoria a Legnano
12 Novembre 2017
Aba Legnano: Mortara 64:69 ( 22:16, 18:17, 18:18, 6:18)
Mortara: Bossi ne, Spada 13, Gabetta ns , Sacchi 24, Pancrazi 1, Facchi M. 16, Facchi A. 8, Facchi G. 0, Comellli 0, Lonati7,  all. Zanotti
Arbitri Sangalli e Munafò
 Importante vittoria in trasferta in rimonta contro Aba Legnano (l’anno scorso settima in campionato).
Da subito avanti Aba (e fino a due minuti dalla fine), con un margine massimo di  11 punti.
Molto male le difese delle due squadre nel primo tempo.
Mortara al rientro gioca meglio, anche se non sempre con continuità
I ns rimangono a contatto grazie ai punti di Sacchi ( che con 24 si conferma tra i migliori marcatori del torneo), a Spada come sempre molto bene in difesa, 13 punti con 3 su 3 da tre punti , alla fiammata di Lonati che dalla panchina nel finale del terzo periodo ed inizio del quarto realizza i suoi 7 punti (su 8 di squadra) con importanti rimbalzi in attacco ed assist spettacolari.
Solita solidità di Matteo Facchi 16 punti con 7 su 9 ai liberi, suo fratello Andrea tanti rimbalzi in attacco nel momento cruciale della partita.
Nell’ultimo quarto iniziato con uno svantaggio di 7 i ns rimontano e pareggiano sul 58:58 con un tiro da tre di Sacchi, risponde Aba e il secondo aggancio ( che spezza le gambe agli avversari) arriva grazie ad un’azione spettacolare che ha fatto alzare metà del pubblico: Sacchi riceve palla da un rimbalzo difensivodi Pancrazi, due  palleggi e dalla sua area ad una mano “crossa” in avanti, all’altezza della lunetta Lonati che sta correndo verso il ferro salta come su un muro a pallavolo e passa al volo con tocco a due mani verso Matteo Facchi che è in vantaggio sul lungo avversario, Matteo  con l’esperienza dei suoi 15 anni finta aspetta il contatto falloso e da sotto segna .
Il primo sorpasso con la terza bomba di Spada .
Mortara riesce a complicarsi la vita grazie ad un tecnico per proteste , poi Sacchi con un tiro da tre stranamente ben costruito ( di solito segna i tiri “ignoranti”) allunga sul 67:62 a poco più di un minuto dalla fine e si arriva sul 69:64 finale.
Per la prima volta Mortara superiore ai rimbalzi ad Aba squadra molto fisica.
Non bene ai liberi e da due, da segnalare un ottimo 6 su 11 da tre.
Sabato prossimo trasferta a Brescia che ha battuto di misura Costa per rimanere a contatto con le prime quattro squadre favorite per la qualificazione alle finali nazionali.
 Commento di Zanotti:
Vittoria importante pur se prodotto di una partita non entusiasmante.
Con un approccio poco intenso e al contempo poco lucido, abbiamo subito per lunghi tratti gli avversari, avendo però il merito di non lasciarli allungare (max svantaggio 10 punti).
Sotto per 38 minuti li raggiungiamo e superiamo in un finale in cui finalmente “tiriamo fuori” le qualità che ci erano mancate.
Necessario però produrre miglioramenti concreti, a prescindere dai risultati singoli
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rimbalzi Aba 23 difesa e 8 in attacco
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dtferrando · 3 years
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Unfolding Pavilion: Rituals of Solitude - Act II
Venezia / 22 May 2021
The ‘Unfolding Pavilion’ is an exhibition and editorial project that pops up at major architecture events in previously inaccessible but architecturally significant buildings.
In its third edition, the Unfolding Pavilion opened on the occasion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia, inside of the belly of an old mercantile sailboat moored at Punta della Dogana. The trabaccolo once belonged to Countess Luisa Albertina di Tesserata: an eccentric art collector who in the 1970s commissioned the construction, on a small island of the Venetian archipelago she owned, of an almost exact replica of an unrealised project by John Hejduk: the House for the Inhabitant who Refused to Participate.
The curators of the Unfolding Pavilion came to know about the house by pure chance, and decided to organize an exhibition inside of its spaces. An agreement was made with the owners of the island, and in the summer of 2020, twelve architects and scholars were invited to spend one week of residency locked inside the replica of John Hejduk’s house. One per room. Each room equipped with only one piece of furniture, which they couldn’t choose. The outcome of the one-week residency were twelve site-specific works dealing with issues of privacy, domesticity and isolation. The house was demolished in December 2020, to give space to a luxury glamping resort. The 2021 edition of the Unfolding Pavilion and its digital counterpart, the website www.ritualsofsolitude.com, are the first documentation of the installations made by the twelve contributors during their one-week residency.
Curators: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando Web Design and Development, Sound Design: hund (Ernesto Bellei, Federico Bergonzini, Antonio Alessandro Di Cicco, Simone S. Melis) Exhibition Design and Model Making: ErranteArchitetture (Sarah Becchio & Paolo Borghino) Illustration: Muto, Marialuisa Montanari Photography and Video: Laurian Ghinițoiu; Stefano Di Corato (atelier XYZ) Graphic design: Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc Photogrammetry and Digitalization: Cenk Güzelis; Uwe Brunner Narrator: Alina Mihăescu Production: Carnets (Matteo Vianello, Davide Cecconello, Caterina Barbon, Marco Andreatta); Marco Ballarin; Elisabeta Rabiniuc Mocanu, Ana Victoria Munteanu.
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megbelvedere · 7 years
IPF from meg belvedere on Vimeo.
Production Company: K48 Executive Producer: Leone Balduzzi Line Producer: Maria Grazia Belvedere Assistant Producer: Giovanni D'Anniballe PA: Giovanni Recchia, Alessandro Maffi Runner: Vittorio Scalzotto
1st AD: Andrea Piazza
Director of Photography: Alessandro Ubaldi Steadicam Operator: Armando Avallone Focus Puller: Simone de Rosa 2nd AC: Matteo Gibelli VTR: Nicolò Mazzoleni Gaffer: Daniele Ballarin Electrician: Luca villa Key Grip: Fortunato Massimo Maccotta Grip: Timothy Gordon Contardo
Set Designer: Amos Caparrotta Prop Master: Fabrizio Florio
Stylist: Luciana Malacarne Make Up Artist: Alice Fantini
Sound Recordist: Ivan Mosconi
Edit: Tommaso Gallone Color Correction: Anna Visigalli@Corte 11 Compositor: Smider Recording: Gigasound
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42beanscamden · 7 years
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🎤On Sunday, 7th of May we are delighted to host Borden in our café, playing a very inspiring acoustic gig. #42beans #borden #bordenmusic #freegig #timetorelax #londonart #cappuccino #camden #camdengigs #camdentown #morningtoncrescent Borden (AKA Federico Bazzo) starts in 2014 in Treviso (IT) as a solo project by singer-songwriter Federico Bazzo. Driven by great inspiration from the band Radiohead, in 2006 and lately in 2009 Federico joined two tribute bands (Homesick Aliens and Basement). After some significant live concerts and showcases in North-east Italy, Federico started to write original songs and record demos under the nickname of Borden,a magician, which derives from the main character of the movie “The prestige”. “Collisions”, the first official EP released by Borden in 2015, was recorded and self-produced at Fishbowl Studio (Treviso, Italy) with the help of Matteo Ballarin and Andrea Ghion. Following some live shows and good reviews from italian webzines, two songs have been used in a short film called “Little Himalaya”. (at 42 Beans)
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Unfolding Pavilion 2018
The Authors
The most unique members of the Little Italy network have been invited to take part in the 2018 iteration of the Unfolding Pavilion. They are Italian architects born in the 1980s, practicing also as academics, critics, artists, photographers, curators, editors or designers.  
                                                                            abacO is a Paris-based collaborative design studio established by Alice Braggion and Alessandro Carabini, working at the intersection of space, technologies and art.
ANALOGIQUE is an architectural practice founded in Sicily in 2015 by Claudia Cosentino, Dario Felice and Antonio Rizzo, working in the fields of architecture, landscape and urban design, furniture production and curatorial practice.
Arcipelago is a collective of islands scattered in the sea of architecture. A submarine volcanic eruption in the Adriatic Sea formed these six islands along the coast of Puglia in the spring of 2015. Since then, the plate movements on the lithosphere have caused the continuous migration of the islands throughout the Eurasian continent. These days, they are scattered all over Italy, Switzerland and Spain; some of them have just reached the Venetian lagoon to join the Unfolding Pavilion. These Islands are: Nicola Dario Baldassarre, Pasquale Cipri, Salvatore Dentamaro and Nicoletta Faccitondo.
atelier XYZ, based in Brescia and Porto, works and researches in architectural photography and architectural video. The atelier was founded in 2017 by Nicolò Galeazzi and Stefano Di Corato.
Babau Bureau is an architectural and landscape office founded in 2012 in Venice by Marco Ballarin, Stefano Tornieri and Massimo Triches. Babau Bureau’s current research focuses on the reuse and transformation of buildings and open spaces as a contemporary requirement and as a sustainable development strategy. Beside the professional career, the office keeps an active research in the academic field in the IUAV Venice.
Diego BEGNARDI graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan. He worked mainly as an interior and furniture designer. From 2017 he follows set design courses to develop manual skills and craftsmanship, making creativity its main action field.
Giovanni BENEDETTI graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan. He lives in Madrid, where he works and carries on personal researches about architecture. He writes and draws on his blog using the pseudonym of Muto.
Boano Prišmontas is a young London-based architectural firm, founded by Tomaso Boano and Jonas Prišmontas. They like to play, craft, design, make, doubt, investigate, and challenge themselves and the world. ​Boano Prišmontas took part in the London Festival of Architecture 2016 with an installation called Minima Moralia; Milan Design Week 2017 with Quiubox and Dubai Design Week with Aidah.
Bunker is a design and research studio led by Carlo Gandolfi and Roberto Molteni, operating between Milan, Venice, Lisbon, and Sao Paulo. Bunker’s formation has a variable structure, availing itself through the years of internal and external collaborations, realizing designs, winning contests, and gaining acknowledgements both in Italy and abroad. Bunker has been involved in important urban regeneration projects such as the center of artistic and cultural production "mare culturale urbano" in Milan.
Campomarzio is an architectural collective practice which merges practical and theoretical expertise within the fields of architecture, urbanism, research, and visual communication. Founded in Trento in 2012, Campomarzio is run by six partners: Pietro V. Ambrosini, Michele Andreatta, Alessandro Busana, Daniele Cappelletti, Enrico Lunelli and Teresa Pedretti. The plurality of its founders and their different international academic and professional experiences allow Campomarzio to develop a careful and meticulous design and research activity, with the aim to combine theory and practice.
Fabio CAPPELLO is M.Arch (DiARC - University of Study of Naples ‘Federico II’), assistant at DiARC and at the international seminar Villard de Honnecourt. Cappello is a licensed architect, co-founder of PROFFERLO architettura, curator at SPONTANEOUS, editor of Chiasmo (leaflet about Neapolitan architecture) and architectural photographer. He collaborated with Domus, Temporary Office, Milan Arch Week and the Venice Architecture Biennale.
Michele D’ARIANO SIMIONATO has an MA in Architecture from the University of Ferrara and a Master in Spatial Design from ZHDK in Zurich. His work focuses on temporary architecture, urban regeneration and social practice.
Roberto DAMIANI has a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Università di Pescara and is currently serving as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto. He is the organizer and curator of Italy under Construction, a program of public lectures and exhibitions on contemporary architecture in Italy sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute in Toronto. He is the editor of the forthcoming book The Architect and the Public: On George Baird’s Contribution to Architecture (Macerata: Quodlibet) supported by the Graham Foundation.
ECÒL is an architecture office and research platform founded in 2016 in Prato, Italy. Fading the line between architectural practice and theory, its work concentrates on developing multidisciplinary collaborations promoting an inclusive approach to architecture. ECÒL believes in the definition of pure geometry as an accomplished architectural gesture, an immediate spatial producer; looking for a new iconography rich of symbolism, ECÒL uses geometry as a tool to address intuitively human reactions and to trigger spontaneous social engagement.
ENTER Studio is an architectural cooperative practice based in Genoa, Italy, founded in 2017. Enter believes in schemes where interaction, intersection and negotiation become the foundation of a work model where the exchange of skills is the surplus value. Enter aims to apply a multidisciplinary approach that believes in the variety of scales and society interaction  as a key to interpret the role of the architect in contemporaneity.
False mirror office gathers five architects who have the Polytechnic School of Genoa as a common background. Believing that new only originates as a reaction to the existing, false mirror office re-discovers the past as the present, re-signifies high as mass culture, re-values forms and functions. As a matter of fact, false mirror office mis-represents Architecture.
Sara FAVARGIOTTI is Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at University of Trento as well as Research Affiliate at the Office for Urbanization, Harvard GSD. Graduated with distinction in 2009 (University of Genoa), she completed her PhD in 2014 (IUAV). Her research and teaching focus on landscape’s transformations and adaptation. She is specialized in landscape urbanism and ecological design focusing on emerging infrastructures and their influence on cities, landscapes and territories.
Rossella FERORELLI obtained a PhD at the Politecnico di Milano with Luca Molinari, with a thesis about the transformation of publicness in the built urban environment of the postdigital society. Since 2011, she is a founding member of SMALL - Soft Metropolitan Architecture & Landscape Lab, an architecture office and open platform based in Bari and Milan, investigating on the contemporary urban condition both through design and forms of parallel research, hybridizing the curatorial practice with independent publishing and academic experimentation.
Davide Tommaso FERRANDO is an architecture critic, editor, curator and educator based in Torino, Italy. M.Arch in Advanced Architectural Design at ETSA Madrid and Ph.D in Architecture and Building Design at Politecnico di Torino. He’s been adjunct professor at ETSA Madrid, Politecnico di Torino and Università di Ferrara, and an invited lecturer, among others, at ETSA Madrid, Politecnico di Milano and Innsbruck University. He is director of 011+ and editor of Viceversa. His texts are published in international magazines and collective books.
Figura/Sfondo is a creative workshop led by Michele Brusasca. Founded in Paris in 2010, it creates and develops poetic and ingenious objects using both traditional and new digital technologies.
Forestieri Pace Pezzani is an architecture firm based in Milan. The office was founded in 2013 by the architects Enrico Forestieri, Matteo Pace Sargenti and Pietro Pezzani. It deals with projects of different sizes, from private commissions for interiors to masterplan competitions.
gosplan believes in architecture as a mass medium. As such, architecture is a production of forms, a tale about space. gosplan was established in Genova in 2010 by Federico Bellegoni, Nicola Lunardi, Veronica Rusca and Lorenzo Trompetto.
LINEARAMA is an architectural studio and research lab established in Genoa in 2014 by Gabriele Molfetta and Selene Vacchelli.
Malapartecafé is a research project born in Genoa, Italy and currently led by Ilaria Caraffi and Emanuele Crovetto. They make drawings, satire, and stuff about architecture and contemporary culture.
Luigi MANDRACCIO is an architect and a Ph.D. candidate at dAD, Polytechnic School of Genoa and his research is focused on scientific mega-structures. He is part of the editorial board of the international books series Burrasca that he founded in 2013. He co–curated the 2015 and 2016 edition of the symposium “Clip Stamp Upload” about independent publishers on Architecture. Besides publishing some articles and essay, he co-edited: CSU Editoria indipendente di architettura nei seminari Clip Stamp Upload, and Temporary Office. First act. Il Mercato del Pesce di Genova (2017, Sagep).
oblò - officina di architettura is an architecture practice based in Milan and Paris, led by Francesca Coden and Emanuele Romani.
Giacomo PALA is an architect and researcher working and teaching at the Institute of Architectural Theory of the Faculty of Architecture in Innsbruck. He is conducting a PhD on Giovanni Battista Piranesi as a case study to develop a theoretical inquiry about the notions of contemporaneity, history, narrative and “parachronism” in architecture. He is co-directing the studio “ArchiFIcture” at the University of Innsbruck. SInce 2013 he is a member of Burrasca.
pia is an architectural practice based in Genoa, led by Alessandro Perotta and Valeria Iberto.
Gabriele PITACCO graduated cum laude, obtained a PhD and a master at the International School for Advanced Studies, won the Leonardo da Vinci grant, the Erasmus Young Entrepreneur grant and the DIANET postdoc grant. After working for OMA and OBR, Pitacco founded GPA in 2009; the firm designed the Eko Kampus masterplan in Saranda (Albania), the Hydrodinamic Museum in Trieste (Italy) and was selected (with Libeskind, Miralles-Tagliabue, LAND, Culd and Co+E) for the Kodrina maserplan in Pristina, Kosovo.
Gian Luca PORCILE received his PhD in Architecture from the University of Genoa in 2011. His main research interests are the influences of natural patterns on architectural theory and urban development. He is a founding member of the Multidisciplinary Research Group ‘ICAR65′. He teaches History of Architecture at the department of Architecture-Design (dAD) of the University of Genoa.
Giuseppe RESTA received his Ph.D. in Architecture from Politecnico di Bari/Università RomaTRE. He is co-founder of PROFFERLO architettura and curator at Antilia gallery. His research is focused on contemporary Mediterranean domestic space.
ROBOCOOP is an urban art duo composed by two architects, currently living between Rome and London. Working mainly in the urban context of the city, their aim is to document the architecture comparing it to the past, using different tools – as collages, installations, photographs, engravings, drawings etc -  with a provocative and reflexive approach.
Emilia ROSMINI PhD, architectural researcher and designer, teaching assistant in various courses of Urban and Architectural design, in recent years she attended international competitions, congresses, festivals and architectural events, receiving prizes and mentions. She carried out research at ETSA Seville in 2013 and at ETSA Madrid in 2017, focusing on the relationship between social inclusion, experimental housing and built heritage. Italian by birth, Spanish by adoption, she moves between Rome, Seville and Madrid.
Giorgia SCOGNAMIGLIO is an architect and urban designer from Rome, currently attending a MSc in Urban Regeneration at UCL in London. Her research mainly focuses on the themes of urban governance, community engagement and the design and management of public spaces. With an experience of professional consultancy and academic research and teaching at Sapienza University of Rome, she has collaborated as ideator and designer with different experts on regeneration projects. She is co-founder of Unsent Postcard.
Jörg STANZEL is an architecture student, designer and researcher living and practicing in Innsbruck. His current architectural research deals with the notions of real and fake as concepts influencing the discipline of architecture (as a practice, object or ideal). He has held workshops and seminars at the faculty of architecture of Innsbruck and he is part of the Institute of Urban Design’s team at the same university.
Caterina STEINER has an MA in Architecture, from the University of Firenze. She has taught at UNITEC in Auckland, SDU in China and worked as an architect in Basel, Zurich and Milan.
STUDIO associates is the architectural practice of Marco Formenti, Nicolò Galeazzi and Martina Salvaneschi. It is an abstract and anonymous container, which by its nature, refuses a precise definition and adjectivization. It does not focus only on the final result, the product, but rather on the process that lead to that result. Thus, nothing is static and definite. Everything is constantly evolving...
StudioERRANTE Architetture is a Turin based office founded by Sarah Becchio and Paolo Borghino. Errante Architetture is particularly interested in the narrative and poetic side of the project through the use of simple construction methods, raw materials and naked details. The only way Errante Architetture knows to pursue the project is making models and drawings.
Studiospazio is the architectural practice established in 2014 by Samuele Squassabia, Tao Baerlocher and Eugenio Squassabia in Zurich (CH) and Mantova (IT). Studiospazio deals with the question of the relationship between architecture and the contemporary reality through projects, competitions, publications and the academic commitment.
TCA THINK TANK is a platform based in Singapore. Led by Pier Alessio Rizzardi, TCA is practicing architecture, urbanism and cultural analysis. TCA’s works include a variety of projects from city scale level, portable and temporary design, to printed publications. Working with architects, artist, publishers, and universities, TCA escapes from the constraint of the division between research and practice, to explore the multidisciplinary possibilities of architecture. TCA reports the Theoretical Condition of the Architecture.
Davide TRABUCCO is an artist and architecture student from Bologna, Italy. In 2012 he won a place in the residence program of Fondazione Collegio Artistico Venturoli di Bologna. He is the author of the ongoing visual project Confórmi (le forme non appartengono a nessuno).
UNO8A is an architecture team founded in Genoa in 2014 by Beatrice Moretti and Fabrizio Polimone. Since 2018, UNO8A is part of casana, a collective of architects based in Genoa. 
Riccardo M. VILLA is Assistant Researcher at the TU Wien and a member of GIZMO. His latest work, Backstage: l’architettura come lavoro concreto (Hoepli, 2016) deals with the state of the practice and the conditions of labor in contemporary architecture.
WAR (Warehouse of Architecture and Research) was founded in Rome in 2013. Its essence lies between the concept of a mannerist architecture studio and an independent space for research in the contemporary practice. The studio is led by Gabriele Corbo, Jacopo Costanzo, Valeria Guerrisi.
Emiliano ZANDRI is an architect based in Rome and is teaching assistant in Urban and Architectural design at the Sapienza University of Rome. In 2016 he co-founded ZA², a brotherhood photographic project. As architect, he took part in several international competitions, workshops and architectural exhibitions.
Lorenzo ZANDRI is an architect-photographer-artist, currently living between Rome, Paris and London. His visual research has the aim to document the built environment and urban transformations, using photography as the main tool to represent the surrounding landscape. He is co-founder of ROBOCOOP, ZA² and Unsent Postcard.
ZarCola Architetti is a Milanese architectural practice founded by Edoardo Giancola and Federico Zarattini.
                                                                            Illustrations: 1. Gabriele Basilico, Pupils playing in the courtyard of Aldo Rossi’s school in Fagnano Olona. Source: Gianni Braghieri, “Aldo Rossi: Works and Projects” (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1991).
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Unfolding Pavilion 2018
The Works
The Unfolding Pavilion has invited the most unique members of the Little Italy network to create works capable of reacting to both Gino Valle’s building and the specific space occupied by the Pavilion.
The invited architects were asked to produce original objects/installations, that puts in dialogue their personal body of work to the Giudecca Social Housing - to one or more of its elements/spaces/representations, to the whole building, to the relation of the project with its urban surroundings, etc. - and so to use the Venetian condominium as a sort of tool to reflect on their own practice, just as the representations of Renaissance ideal cities served as tools to experiment with the new technique of perspective.
                                                                                abacO Venise qui Parle. Photography installation. 19 panels, 40 x 30 cm (each).   Team: Alice Braggion, Alessandro Carabini.
                                                                             ANALOGIQUE M.I.Mo. Installation. Steel device on wheels, map, image, drawings texts.   Team: Claudia Cosentino, Dario Felice, Antonio Rizzo.
                                                                             Arcipelago Reflektor. Box of methacrylate panels, three bricks, mirrors. Custom support in black painted steel (rod, assembled in two pieces, and two end plates). 31 x 31 x 31cm (box). 31 x 31 x 161cm (overall). Team: Nicola Dario Baldassarre, Pasquale Cipri, Salvatore Dentamaro, Nicoletta Faccitondo.
                                                                             Babau Bureau Periscopio. Digital print on paper. 50 x 76 cm.   Team: Marco Ballarin, Stefano Tornieri, Massimo Triches, Sofia Sacchini.
                                                                             Boano Prišmontas 165x165. Light installation.   Team: Tomaso Boano, Jonas Prišmontas.
                                                                             Bunker Immersions. When Palladio met Valle. Installation. Bathtub, light projection, water. 48,5 x 30 x 8 cm.   Team: Carlo Gandolfi, Roberto Molteni, Federico Chaubet, Matteo Donghi.
                                                                             Campomarzio Hamlet, The Ghost of the Cemetery of the Ashes of Thought. Installation. Direct print on glass, digital print on paper. 300 x 70 cm.   Team: Pietro V. Ambrosini, Michele Andreatta, Alessandro Busana, Daniele Cappelletti, Enrico Lunelli, Teresa Pedretti.
                                                                             Fabio CAPPELLO, Giuseppe RESTA Domestic Valle. Installation. Custom ‘Udine’ wallpaper, custom ‘Chirignago’ steel table. 30 sqm (wallpaper). 175 x 75 x 70 cm (table).   Team: Fabio Cappello, Giuseppe Resta.
                                                                             Fabio CAPPELLO + Rossella FERORELLI + Luigi MANDRACCIO + Gian Luca PORCILE CSU in Motion. Event. Round table & discussion. Sunday, May 27th 2018, 10:00 - 13:00. Team: Fabio Cappello, Rossella Ferorelli, Luigi Mandraccio, Gian Luca Porcile.
                                                                             Michele D’ARIANO SIMIONATO & Caterina STEINER Abandon Ship! Installation. Sound, laser printed images on paper. 170 x 170 cm. Team: Michele D’Ariano Simionato, Caterina Steiner.
                                                                             Roberto DAMIANI Hotel Giudecca 2028. Color prints on Sintra panel, 33 x 33 cm (each). Color booklet, 22 x 28 cm.   Team: Roberto Damiani, Emma Dunn, Mina Hanna, Zoe Renaud.
                                                                             ECÒL La Serenissima. Iron, PVC, PLA, acrylic. 75 x 75 x 60 cm. Team: Emanuele Barili, Cosimo Balestri, Olivia Gori, Lorenzo Perri (architects), with the fundamental support of Flavia Monechi (designer) and Vanni Balestri (oral surgeon).
                                                                              ENTER Studio Del Gabinetto (e) delle Allegorie / Upon the Chamber (and) of Allegories. Installation. Paper. 16 sqm.   Team: Margherita Del Grosso, Massimiliano Dalle Sasse, Alessio Poggi, Andrea Silvestri, Chiara Mondin.
                                                                                False Mirror Office, gosplan, LINEARAMA, pia, UNO8A La Cameretta / The Kids Room. Installation. Colored medium density fiberboards. 175 x 35 x 95 cm.   Team: False Mirror Office (Andrea Anselmo, Gloria Castellini, Filippo Fanciotti, Giovanni Glorialanza, Boris Hamzeian), gosplan (Nicola Lunardi, Veronica Rusca, Lorenzo Trompetto), LINEARAMA (Gabriele Molfetta, Selene Vacchelli), pia (Alessandro Perotta, Valeria Iberto), UNO8A (Beatrice Moretti, Fabrizio Polimone), with the carpenters team 81 millimetri (Ivan Berton, Lucia Lina Repetto) and the support of ALL WOOD & Special Materials (Genova).
                                                                             Davide Tommaso FERRANDO + Sara FAVARGIOTTI Little Italy: The Survey. Video. Booklet. Team: Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti, with graphic design by Martina Moro & Paul Böhm, sponsored by Land Tirol, in collaboration with Italien-Zentrum - Innsbruck University.
                                                                           Forestieri Pace Pezzani Competitions as Battlefields: Imaginary Landscapes, The Quality Myth, Is Time Money?. Event. Round table & discussion. Saturday, May 26th 2018, 15:00 - 19:15. Team:  Enrico Forestieri, Matteo Pace Sargenti, Pietro Pezzani.
                                                                             Malapartecafé + Fabio CAPELLO THE SUSTAINABLE MISUNDERSTANDING or WE DON’T GIVE A S*** ABOUT SUSTAINABLE IMPERATIVE IF IT’S ONLY ANOTHER ORNAMENT TO ARCHITECTURE. Digital print. Customized toilet paper. 20 x 20 cm. 10 x 10 x 12 cm.   Team: Ilaria Caraffi, Emanuele Crovetto, Fabio Capello.
                                                                             oblò - officina di architettura + Figura/Sfondo Opus Incertum. Installation. Wood trunk, mirror, 3d printed brick. 60 x 60 x 60 cm.   Team: Oblò – Officina di Architettura (Francesca Coden, Emanuele Romani), Figura/Sfondo (Michele Brusasca), Alessandro Benetti with Volumes Makers Space (Paris).
                                                                             Giacomo PALA + Riccardo M. VILLA + Jörg STANZEL Quasi Theory - Quasi Project. Multimedia. 60 x 100 x 180 cm.
                                                                             Gabriele PITACCO Unfolding Young (!?) Gino Valle. Installation. 5 digital printed panels, 12 postcards, text. 3d printed maquette. 314 x 250 x 82,5 cm (overall). Event. Round table & discussion. Saturday, May 26th 2018, 11:00 - 13:00. Team: Alessandro Bettoso, Claudia Ciulla, Cristina Forcesin, Enrico Furlan, Marco Gnesda, Gabriele Pitacco,  Irene Valle.
                                                                             ROBOCOOP Souvenir from La Giudecca. Kitsch-pop installation. Hand-made collage and digital print. Snow globe with paper, glass, glue, plastic, water, marble, brass. Wooden podium. 18 x 18 x 9 cm (object).
                                                                             Emilia ROSMINI & Emiliano ZANDRI THE MAIL. Plexiglass and paper. 30 x 20 x 12 cm.
                                                                             Giorgia SCOGNAMIGLIO & Lorenzo ZANDRI Greetings from an apartment (Unsent Postcard). Installation. Bespoke plywood shelves. Limited edition postcard series, 4’x6’, 400gr glossy paper, printed in Italy. 150 x 75 cm (overall).
                                                                             STUDIO associates + atelier XYZ + Davide Tommaso FERRANDO Democratic Spaces. Movie. Event. Film screening & discussion. Saturday, May 26th 2018, 20:30 - 21:30.   Team: STUDIO associates (Marco Formenti, Nicolò Galeazzi, Martina Salvaneschi), atelier XYZ (Stefano Di Corato), Davide Tommaso Ferrando.
                                                                             StudioERRANTE Architetture + Diego BEGNARDI + Giovanni BENEDETTI Banchetto / Feast. Papier-mâché. 130 x 60 x 100 cm.   Team: StudioERRANTE Architetture (Sarah Becchio, Paolo Borghino, Ioana Iacob), Diego Begnardi, Giovanni Benedetti.
                                                                             Studiospazio Giudecca Windowsill. Painted plywood, dry flowers. 90 x 187 x 2,5 cm.   Team: Samuele Squassabia, Tao Baerlocher, Eugenio Squassabia, Diana Arina.
                                                                             TCA THINK TANK + ZarCola Architetti Italian experience, foreign architects: Stories of those who pull it off. Installation. Metal, 250 x 150 x 150 cm. Book, 17 x 24cm, 220 pages. Posters, 45 x 80 cm. Video,15 minutes. Team: Pier Alessio Rizzardi, Zhang Hankun, Alessandro Colombo, Edoardo Giancola, Federico Zarattini.
                                                                             Davide TRABUCCO Versus II. Fabric. 200 cm x 300 cm.
                                                                             Unfolding Pavilion An Exhibition of Social Value. Performance. 60 hours. Team: Daniel Tudor Munteanu, Ana Munteanu, Davide Tommaso Ferrando, Sara Favargiotti, Magda Vieriu & Octavian Hrebenciuc.
                                                                             WAR (Warehouse of Architecture and Research) Theseus in the 80’s. Light Installation. LED strips, disco ball. 100 m strip. 50 cm ø ball. Team: Gabriele Corbo, Jacopo Costanzo, Valeria Guerrisi, Loriano Giannone, Michelangelo Sicari, Angela Tanzola.
                                                                             All of the exhibited works were commissioned by the Unfolding Pavilion and were created especially for this exhibition.
Illustrations: 1. Studiospazio - Giudecca Windowsill. Photo by: Davide Tomasso Ferrando. © Unfolding Pavilion.
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