musicarenagh · 11 months
Matt DeAngelis Breaks The Ice With 'All Good Things “All things must come to an end” this line in Matt DeAngelis' latest single, “All Good Things” is mind-boggling. This phrase is self-explanatory, as regardless of what we are going through, there is always an end to it. But don’t think this is going to be one of those soul-depressing songs, because it isn’t. All Good Things" is a song written about the conclusion of childhood and the transition into adulthood. While it is true that the carefree times of childhood are coming to an end, bigger and better things are in store for the future, even though it signals your innocence has been left behind. Departing from what one has known in some of the happiest times in their life is certainly no easy release, but must be done by all…. This according to Matt DeAngelis was the main inspiration behind “All Good Things” The song is full of inspiration and what I really like about the song is the laid-back nature of it, while the vocals are soothing and nostalgic and the instrumentation is full of bliss. In a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh Matt disclosed Outside of music, one of his other main interests is meteorology and revealed he is a storm chaser and have been chasing storms for a number of years now. He even appeared on the popular Weather Channel television program “Deadline to Disaster'' for documenting a damaging tornado. This has been his greatest accomplishment as a stormchaser thus far. In the interview, Matthew DeAngelis delved deeper into his personal life and some of the battles he faces both personally and musically. Watch All Good Things below https://youtu.be/nFPx7H79NzM Follow Matt DeAngelis on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Youtube Instagram Twitter What is your stage name? My stage name is Matt DeAngelis. Is there a story behind your stage name? While there is no exciting story about my stage name, my legal name is Matthew DeAngelis, but I felt shortening my first name to Matt was better for the stage. Where do you find inspiration? I find inspiration as a songwriter in many areas of my life. The most notable  are from the world around me, more specifically the global issues we all face and the events that ensue. I am an advocate for mental health and also for climate change, promoting ways we as humans can look after one another and our world. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? During the early years of my life, both of my parents were heavily involved in my musical influences. I began studing classical piano at age 9, but had began wrting my first songs at age 8. I was doing piano competitions and also played with the Rock University band when I was 10. I have been honing my craft ever since to become the songwriter and performer I am today. Are you from a musical or artistic family? My family is very musical and artistic. My father is a professional musician and composer, while my mom is a poet and has been writing for many years. Many other members of my family are involved in either music or the arts, as well. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? As I said, my dad is a professional musician and composer and was a main staple in my desire to become a professional musician. Although I had formal training at the piano, my dad tutored me as a musician for many years and continues to do so. Both of my parents have been incredibly supportive over my career thus far, as I credit them to any success I have. I am blessed to have such a strong support system that has propelled me into a career in the music industry. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? As a singer and songwriter, I am mainly self-taught, but my dad mentored me as a musician, mainly on the piano and keyboards. Growing up in such a musical household, it was quite easy for me to go to the piano and begin learning how to write songs and play. Singing was an art that has developed for me over time, but is something I can always remember doing.
I later studied voice with a formal teacher that has been more than beneficial especially playing live. [caption id="attachment_52603" align="alignnone" width="720"] As a singer and songwriter, I am mainly self-taught, but my dad mentored me as a musician, mainly on the piano and keyboards.[/caption] hat was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? The first concert I ever went to was to see the band The Musical Box, when I was 12 years old. They performed the well-known concept album “The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway,” originally written by the progressive rock band Genesis. This was an incredible experience and one that inspired me even more to be a professional musician and performer. How could you describe your music? The best way I can describe my music is progressive pop. My songs have elements of classic and progressive rock, but also characteristics of pop music through key hooks and melodies that resonate with many audiences. I have always believed that strong beautiful melodies endure forever. Describe your creative process. I do not always have a set creative process. Each time I write, the process is often different. I may begin by writing lyrics on one occasion, but start at the piano or guitar on another. Sometimes I create a melody on the spot, but other times I may write an entire song lyrically before even thinking about adding music. Whatever the case may be, I feel it is important for me to let the creative process come naturally. What is your main inspiration? My main inspiration would have to be my focus on worldly events and climate, but also having God as a foundation for my songs. I pride myself on adding a positive spin to all of my songs and offer hope for a brighter future. Having had to deal with OCD my entire life, I have had to rely on God to help me deal with the intrusive thoughts and anxiety that are part of the condition. I had to learn early on that I can't survive without turning a negative into a positive. What musician do you admire most and why? My first main musical inspiration growing up was the early music of David Bowie, as I have always admired him a great deal. Not only are his songs incredible, but tell a story that inspire me each time I listen. Aside from his musical and writing abilities, I always admired David Bowie as a performer and the way he was able to evolve as a musician over time. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? When I first began writing, my songs were always progressive and had many parts, often totalling over at least seven minutes per song. I have since evolved as a progressive pop songwriter, where I have maintained my roots of writing detailed music, but have also incorporated elements of pop in my songs. This evolution has taken place over a number of years and I feel I am still evolving as a songwriter. Who do you see as your main competitor? While I cannot pinpoint a main competitor, the music industry in general is incredibly competitive. As a musician and performer, I need to be on the top of my game at all times. What are your interests outside of music? Outside of music, one of my other main interests is meteorology. Aside from being a professional musician, I am a storm chaser and have been chasing storms for a number of years now. I have even appeared on the popular Weather Channel television program “Deadline to Disaster'' for documenting a damaging tornado. This has been my greatest accomplishment as a storm chaser thus far. I am also an advid photographer, primarily shooting weather photos. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? While my music career is the most important aspect in my life, I am also an avid weather fan and storm chaser. My love for meteorology and storm chasing has been with me for many years, dating back to early childhood. I also have a degree in inclusive education and teach science and social studies to 4th and 5th graders. I have also begun teaching piano to beginners on my YouTube channel.
What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? One of the biggest challenges I face as a solo artist is distributing my music to all possible platforms and increasing engagement with fans. It is a challenge because of the competitiveness of the industry, but also difficult just being a solo artist. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I would change the way music is being distributed. I feel that we have developed an excessive obsession for technology, and while there are a number of benefits, I believe that the music industry longs for the days when more things were done in an analog fashion--from recording to making an actual "record." There is so much more that can be incorporated, everything from artwork to liner notes. My recording process continues to be organic. Everything is written out and played by the great group of musicians who have been making recording with me over the past 5 years. Why did you choose this as the title of this project? ‘All Good Things" is a song written about the conclusion of childhood and the transition into adulthood. While it is true that the carefree times of childhood are coming to an end, bigger and better things are in store for the future, even though it signals your innocence has been left behind. Departing from what one has known in some of the happiest times in their life is certainly no easy release, but must be done by all. For those listening to this song, I intend for you to use my words to help you through the conclusion of your dependence and introduction to independence in life. While the future may seem frightening and unknown, acknowledge that while all good things are coming to an end, greater things await you for the rest of your life. https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ejTmYKaWOBehHwjpchCq8 What are your plans for the coming months? I plan on continuing to release new original singles and music videos, while also songwriting and performing live at many venues throughout the Mid Atlantic region. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? I have recently worked with the great Richie Cannata--Billy Joel's original sax player. He will be featured on one of my new releases early in 2024. I have also worked with the great Chesta Davis gospel singers on that same release. What message would you like to give to your fans? I would like to thank my fans for their endless support. Without them, none of my success would be possible. I would also like to tell my fans that there is new music on the way, so stay tuned!
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