#Matt and FOggy would have stayed if they really were landman and zack!
ddimagines · 2 years
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Imagine... Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles as Landman and Zack!
By DD Imagines!
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pagesfromthevoid · 3 years
You mentioned in Blind Faith that Matt and Tony had involuntarily met before, and now I’m curious 👀 Will we ever get to find out what happened there?
A Permanent Paycheck | m.m.
Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson
A False God drabble
In which Nelson and Murdock involuntarily meet Tony Stark
Authors Note: This isn’t the drabble I thought I’d post today but alas. The urge to write it was strong. It’s not a nearly as exciting story as you might think lol. But I’ll be posting something a little more…spicy later 👀
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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2015 —Two Months Prior to the Incident in Sokkovia
“Where did you say we were going?” Matt asked as Foggy lead him into hotel in downtown.
“We got invited to a very important party being hosted by Stark Industries,” Foggy explained. “Three steps coming up.”
Matt followed his directions, walking through the door that opened before the two. Security stopped and asked for their invitations, of which Foggy fumbled to present. When satisfied, the guard let them in. It smelled like champagne and expensive whiskey, an ominous reminder of the night he’d met Elektra. But he knew she wouldn’t be here; she hadn’t come back since that night at Sweeney’s.
“Why would we get invited to a party hosted by Stark Industries?” Matt asked, brow raised as the two fully entered the party.
The sounds were a bit overwhelming, but it was mostly talking. At least there wasn’t loud music to really overload his senses.
“Who cares? We don’t have any clients yet. This could be huge.”
“He’ll need to find anyone but us,” Matt pointed out as they walked to the bar. Foggy ordered a beer, Matt his whiskey neat. “Stark has so much blood on his hands. We can’t represent him; that’s not why we started Nelson and Murdock.”
Foggy sighed, knowing full well that Matt was right. That’s not why he agreed to leave Landman and Zack’s; if he wanted to be high profile, he would have stayed there. But the idea that Stark Industries wanted them for something was still enticing. They could, at the very least, entertain the thought for the evening.
Matt clapped Foggy on the shoulder, sipping his whiskey. Foggy spent most of the evening describing what was going on. Every pretty woman that walked by, every high up CEO he recognized. Matt appreciated the idea behind it, but he was listening in on conversations. Trying to determine why exactly the two lawyers were really invited. He was so focused that he didn’t actually hear the man of the hour approach.
“There’s the men of the hour,” Tony Stark announced. The bartender immediately handed him a drink, without the billionaire even asking. “Franklin Nelson and Matthew Murdock, right? I figured since you’re the only blind man here…”
“Foggy, sir,” he quickly corrected, extending his hand. Tony took it with a charismatic grin.
“Just Matt,” the other explained as Tony shook using his other free hand. “Was there a reason you invited us, Mr. Stark?”
Tony pulled his hands away, reaching for his glass once more. “I have a reason for just about everything I do,” he pointed out as he took a sip of his drink. “You boys are promising, you know. Murdock, especially. Summa cum laude. You rattled Landman and Zack’s by leaving.”
Matt felt a bit uneasy, hearing how much the hero knew about them. But Foggy seemed enamored by it all; Matt just gave a polite smile. “I didn’t realize you kept tabs on us.”
“I keep tabs on anyone I think is going to do a lot of good,” Tony explained. “And you boys —you’re going to do wonders. And I wanted to offer you a permanent paycheck.”
Foggy elbowed Matt, who glanced over his shoulder. Foggy is who spoke up though. “Doing what? Representing Stark Industries?”
“Oh no,” Tony quickly corrected. He set his glass back down. “I’m not in charge of the company anymore. Miss Potts is. No, the opportunity I’m presenting you is to represent the Avengers.”
The lawyers both let out a surprised sound. Matt couldn’t exactly say no to this; the Avengers did what he was doing, after all. Just on a bigger scale. But representing the Avengers was the complete opposite of what Matt truly wanted to do. He wanted to help the little guy; not the superheroes.
“Mr. Stark, while that’s enticing, we’re not interested,” Matt obliged. But Foggy grabbed his arm, just a little too hard.
“Can you excuse us for a moment, Mr. Stark? I think we need to discuss this privately.”
Tony put his hands up and stepped back into the crowd. Foggy turned to Matt and hit his arm.
“Dude. We’d be representing the heroes! The good guys!”
“But they’re not who need our help, Foggy,” Matt reminded him, frowning deeply. “Captain America doesn’t need a lawyer; neither does Iron Man. You know who does?”
Foggy groaned, but nodded some. “The single mom whose slumlord is trying to wrongfully evict her.”
“Or the family’s who lose their homes when the heroes save the world.”
The two stared each other down as Stark returned with Pepper Potts, who introduced herself politely.
“Don’t let him pressure you into anything,” she warned with a playful smile.
Matt nodded as he glanced back at Foggy. The other lawyer shook her hand with a smile.
“He couldn’t if he tried,” Foggy offered with a smile. “We appreciate the offer, Mr. Stark. But I think we’re needed somewhere else.”
“Where else would you be doing the most good?”
It was Matt who spoke up, stepping in front of Foggy. “In the neighborhoods where the Avengers do the most damage,” he explained, giving the hero a very faked, polite smile. “The families there need us more.”
Tony was thrown off by his sudden brashness but waved it off, not letting it affect him. Pepper sipped her champagne, holding back a laugh. As if she knew that Tony wasn’t going to get what he wanted. Matt wondered if she had tried to talk him out of it. But Tony shrugged, taking a glass of champagne from the waiter that walked by.
“Can’t say I didn’t try, right? Good luck the pro bono shit,” Tony waved the two off and walked away, as if he wasn’t just trying to pay them to defend the Avengers.
Series Masterlist
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pomegranate-belle · 6 years
Pls have more ridiculous cat!Matt shenanigans, including some halfhearted worldbuilding, lol
“Mr. Nelson,” Foggy reads in his best falsely-jovial customer service voice, “as neither yourself or Mr. Murdock are legally classified as forcibly nocturnal, your request for a nighttime work shift has been denied to leave space for employees who have greater need of the night shift schedule. Please be at work promptly at seven forty-five AM with the attached onboarding paperwork completed and in hand. While we understand and respect that the circumstances of Mr. Murdock’s shapeshifting curse can be a challenge in the workplace, the firm of Landman and Zack reserves the right to terminate the employment of any employee unable to complete their work obligations in a timely manner, on the grounds of blah, blah, blah. Jesus fuck.”
With an angry huff, Foggy crumples up the memo. It’s on fancy card stock, so he has to put extra effort into crushing it and that only frustrates him more. When he tosses it at the trash can and misses wildly, Matt pounces on the paper and bites it. Normally his tiny fury would at least make Foggy crack a smile, but he’s still too upset. And the truth is, he knows deep down it’s not really funny. If Matt was human right now he’d have smashed something or broken his hand punching a wall. Foggy supposes that’s at least one silver lining to the curse — it generally keeps Matt from hurting himself when he’s pissed off.
“Ok yeah you might not die in sunlight or anything, but come on! How many blood-sucking lawyers do they have that there’s no room for two interns on the night shift!”
There’s a low, reproachful mrrow at that. Matt’s even stopped eviscerating the crumpled memo to point his furry, disapproving face up at Foggy. How Matt’s disappointed-in-you expression still works even as a cat, Foggy has no clue. He sighs loudly.
“Yes, I know, that’s sanguist. It’s not the vampires’ faults, it’s on L&Z. But I’m still royally torqued off, Matt! This is so stupid!” He picks up their onboarding paperwork and shakes it. “And do you know what’s worse?”
With a tilt of his head, Matt offers a questioning chirp. His tail flicks at the air, weaving back and forth.
“Your paperwork is all in Braille!” Foggy exclaims. “So basically they’re willing to accommodate your blindness — probably only because they’re legally required to — but not your cat-ness!”
At last, Foggy’s indignation runs dry, and he slumps down onto one of their kitchen chairs, tossing the sheaf of paper onto the table. He doesn’t even want to think about mind-numbing paperwork right now, let alone the kind he’ll either have to fill out painstakingly slowly by himself or stay up all night to help Matt finish once the moon finally rises. Another groan spills past Foggy’s lips as he scrubs at his face in agitation. Really, though, there’s nothing for it.
“I guess that means I’d better beef up on my Braille,” he mutters, “unless we both want the boot. Jeez. It’s kind of ironic that this would actually be easier if they were full-on ADA non-compliant dicks and just left everything in print. What dipshit thinks a cat can read Braille with its teeny tiny toe beans?”
Matt makes an indignant little mew and butts his head against Foggy’s ankle.
“What! It’s a technical term!” insists Foggy. “I don’t care if you think it sounds undignified, they’re toe beans!”
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wittyno · 6 years
After the cab drowning, what would've happened in 3x05, if Fisk sent the FBI after Foggy instead of after Matt? (I mean, I think it would change a lot since Foggy has more to lose than Matt at this point)
I like the name “the cab drowning” it sounds like Matt starred in a really shitty horror movie. 
This was one of the things that confused me. That Foggy’s “make myself so visible, Fisk can’t touch me” scheme actually worked. Why didn’t he send Dex after him? Or someone else? Making Foggy’s life a living hell wouldn’t be that hard. 
Yes you have the whole family loan thing, but… there were more buttons to push. Even putting physical harm aside, they could have done a number of things. Ruin his career, which would have forced him to go solo. Building a law firm is insanely hard, building it by yourself, and with a shit reputation is impossible. Fisk could have had Foggy disbarred, without getting himself in trouble. He has the FBI by the balls and could have easily gotten Foggy and Marci for that matter disbarred. Now that I think of it why didn’t he have Matt disbarred? Disbarment are quite rare, but the criteria are broad enough. 
They’ve not pushed Foggy as far as they’ve pushed Matt. Partially because he’s not the main character, but also because you need at least one person who is semi whole in our rag tag team. Foggy is still an idealist, funnily enough. He still believes that at the end of the day the law can win. That anything Matt can accomplish with his fists, he (Foggy) can do with lawyering., which I just think is funny. Because Matt is the one that uses Marshall to get Foggy to quit Landman and Zack. The “we must dissent from the apathy” quote, which is a real thing that you should read. Foggy’s belief int the system has been tested, over and over, and at the end of DD3, both he and Matt realize that vigilantism and the law can go hand in hand. I don’t agree, but that’s another bag of beans. 
I love Foggy, but breaking him would have been easier than breaking a KitKat. He’s not Matt, he doesn’t have this crazy self-destructive need to protect, which is good. Matt is willing to suffer incredible pain to protect the ones he loves, without question. That might seem heroic, it’s not. I am not sure what it would take to break him, threaten Marci? Disbarment? Actually shutting down his family’s shop? What I am saying is that it’s a weird route not to take. 
But let’s say Fisk had gone after Foggy, in the hell-hath-no-fury-like-a-bad-man-scorned way. What would Matt have done? He clearly doesn’t want to involve anyone. Foggy has no way of contacting Matt, to even tell him what’s going on. How would it have changed Karen and Matt’s reunion? Could Fisk make Matt give up Daredeviling? Could Matt choose between his friends and his night job? He did at Midland Circle. Matt thought he was going to die, and he chose to stay. That says a lot about him and not all good. 
What if they had made an arrangement, like Matt and Fisk did at the end of DD3? You give up Daredeviling and Foggy is safe, you go back on the streets and something bad happens to him. What if Karen was in Foggy’s place? 
Even in associating with Matt, Karen and Foggy made a choice. Karen more than Foggy, but still. Foggy says it nicely in s1 “you really think that anyone would believe that I didn’t know what you were doing? That Karen didn’t know?”. They both could have walked away, disavowed him and never looked back. Fisk would have never found out about Wesley and they could have been safe. They don’t, they stand by Matt’s side, even though he definitely doesn’t deserve it. 
Main Point(s): Yeah, I am still pissed about Midland Circle, fight me.
Send me asks about Daredevil if you like.
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windmilltothestars · 6 years
I have THREE THINGS to say that are vaguely related to Daredevil!
1.) FIRST, I just like to reiterate to marvel and laugh and be delighted by the knowledge that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have a shared backstory with Daredevil, in that the chemicals that blinded Matt Murdock and gave him his super-senses later drained into the sewer where they mutated the Turtles and one rat.  The rat became their mentor, Splinter.  And the name Splinter came from Stick!  And the Turtles’ enemy was the the Foot, coming from Daredevil’s enemies, the Hand.
2.) In honor of Daredevil season 3 coming out, I went out and bought some avocadoes.  Avocadoes are expensive in Korea, and I didn’t get to eat either one of them because they had such a short window of being ripe but not mushy and I went at both them on opposite sides of that.  Anyway, the Korean spelling for avocado is “아보카도” which was written on the label, and led to a delightful realization.  In Korean Hangul, the the the ‘b’ and ‘v’ sounds are not distinctive, they are one letter; and SO ARE the ‘k/c’ and ‘g’ sounds.  That means that in Korean pronunciation, the words ‘avocado’ and abogado (the Spanish word for lawyer) are indistinguishable!  So if Foggy was a native Korean speaker, this would be a totally understandable pronunciation mistake!  He’s not, of course, I just thought this was cool!
3.)  Though I made a post ages ago about things I have in common with Foggy Nelson, I think I’ve always actually related more to Matt.  He’s religious and it’s and important part of who he is, he has some anger issues, he’s driven more by ideals than self-preservation, common sense or pragmatism, he believes everyone is worthy of redemption and thus is against killing but certainly isn’t a pacifist, he’s friendly and kind but more reserved and formal, tries to carry the weight of the world, has no chill, is a bad communicator and doesn’t know how to ask for help, often keeps his problems to himself and gets quietly overwhelmed, is a bit dramatic, wants to rebel against the teachings of his cold mentor but also SORT OF just wants to prove himself and earn his respect, etc., etc.  And I relate to ALL THESE THINGS and more.  I could write a whole post about how my extreme hatred of Stick and everything he stands for probably had its roots in some conflicts I had with my brother as a kid.  (As a disclaimer, my brother is a very nice person who would never murder a child or be half as much of a jerk as Stick, but these were ideological arguments we had when my brother was younger and more arrogant.)  Anyway, I found Matt really relatable.  I over-identified with him sometimes.  And I related to him MORE than Foggy, though I sometimes found that Foggy was often the viewpoint character in fan fics I read, like he was automatically the one people could relate to, because he’s arguably the most “normal” character on the show.  I wondered if most people FOUND Foggy more relatable, if he was meant to be more relatable.  But anyway, not to me; it was all Matt.  And I loved him; he was my fave, because in general (though in different and more extreme ways) he often stood for what I stood for and struggled with what I struggle with.  Because of all this, anytime he was in conflict with his friends and allies, I was always firmly on his side.  I could understand his motivations way more, and usually I just thought he was right, except when he was succumbing to the Stick lines of thinking, which was tragic but understandable given that inescapable influence.  “This guy had a way of getting in your head.”  I was ready to fight Foggy or anyone else in defense of Matt.  And like, I LIKE Foggy. He’s a nice guy, a loyal friend.  To this day, I still somewhat prefer shipping Karen with him to Karen with Matt.  But reading a single post that unfavorably compared Matt to Foggy, implied Matt “didn’t deserve” Foggy’s friendship or that Foggy was better off without him would fill me with RAGE.  And I’d get defensive, and want to point out Foggy’s character flaws.  Like, it’s a canon fact that Foggy probably would have just stayed with the corrupt Landman and Zack and gotten rich defending corporations from the little guys who needed help if Matt hadn’t quoted Thurgood Marshall at him and convinced him that ideals were more important than money.  He acknowledges this himself, and thanks Matt for it: “You dragged me into this rinky-dink firm, Murdock, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for it.”  ANYWAY ANYWAY what was actually my point here?!?  I think it was about season 3, which I had mixed feelings about.  Mostly BECAUSE of the edgy direction of Matt’s views at the beginning of the season - being angry at God, wanting to completely dispose of the ‘Matt Murdock’ part of his identity that included his friendships, basically just kind of giving up on life.  For the first time, I completely could not relate to him; he made no sense.  Like of course I still sympathized with him because he was most likely actually depressed and canonically a bit suicidal; I was vaguely annoyed at Sister Maggie on his behalf in the vain of “please be gentle with him, don’t be so critical, he’s a in a fragile state; like, you’re RIGHT, but say it in a gentler way please” and he’s had a rough time, but how he got there and missing the logical step to sudden new edgy views was upsetting and jarring.  And maybe it’s a case of “you don’t understand because you’re not depressed” and maybe that’s true, and I would feel bad about that, but - still.  Weirdly, he only started making sense to me again when he started hallucinating Wilson Fisk pointing out his failures and tearing him down every other scene.  He had a drive and purpose again, and very familiar demon of self-doubt.  And him working his way back to the hero I loved was gratifying at every step, but so frustratingly SLOW; it took TOO LONG to get the True Matt back.  I’m glad it worked out in the end.  I’m glad he’s returned to who he was as both Matt and Daredevil, his views on friends and God and killing back in proper order, opening his generous heart to a relationship with a mother he never knew.  The season had some great moments, had a lot going for it, but a lot of it was decidedly NOT to my taste or in the character of my interpretation, and so I still hold season 1 as the best season, and eagerly hope there is a season 4 where Matt is once again the Matt I know so well.
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