#Matsuo yuuto
ecargmura · 5 months
Possible Twins x Oto Story?
The author of Tadaima, Okaeri, Ichi Ichikawa, just posted a little comic about a potential continuation with the YuuShuu twins and Aoto.
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The couple behind Michiru are the Matsuo family's parents given Shuuto's reaction.
If you're curious on what they actually look like, the author made a sketch of them with the intent on having them show up in the third volume, but scrapped the idea.
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The parent who gave birth is the green-haired dad and he's 10 years older than the blond dad.
What do you think? Do you want a Twins x Oto story?
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rifki16 · 3 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Finale Episode Review
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A very sweet strawberry fruit cupcake
I think this finale really sates my thirst for how to make a good finale for a Japanese BL work. The reason is simple; the finale really ties all of the questions and problems which have popped up throughout the series. I don’t think it was the best finale I’ve ever seen amongst Japanese BL works, however I would like to consider it as the best one in this year, so far.
Let’s kick off with the first theme:
Omegaverse Mechanics
I stand by my last episode’s essay that the Omegaverse mechanics which force a determinist sequence of events which lead to sex after an alpha senses an omega’s pheromone is harmful. I really don’t think that said representation is helpful for a society, frankly for a world, with very persistent and imbedded harmful rape perception and culture.
In this episode, we get more explanations as to how pheromones actually operate. When Yuuki was on a, fake, date with Matsuo-san, Matsuo-san explained the whole kerfuffle that Mochizuki-san and Hiromu had; Hiromu was affected by Mochizuki-san’s pheromones. He implied further that Mochizuki-san’s hormones were much stronger because Mochizuki-san had animosity against alphas. I don’t understand how that works either.
Fast forward several minutes, we were shown to Mochizuki-san coming to the park and he tried to explain his behavior from the other day. He claimed that he hadn’t been on the right medications; he was still figuring the dosage to control his pheromones. He added that his emotional state also contributed to the severity of his pheromones, for which he apologized. He apologized specifically for not controlling his hormones and thus causing pain to Hiro-san.
Setting aside the apology game, one thread from the last episode has been that the pheromone, the determinist stimulus, seems like a curse to humans in the omegaverse since even not acting on it, ignoring it, will also cause alphas to suffer. If we analyze this through media studies analysis, one can argue that it is admirable that Hiro-san controlled his hormones in the face of this determinist stimulus, this curse. The question then becomes: why doesn’t this universe create a medication which could ease the pain for the alphas who don’t act on their pheromones’ responses urges. Why does it fall solely on the omegas to curb their pheromones’ secretion?
I think the show wants to highlight more on the segregationist attitudes and prejudices lie within all of the characters. I don’t think that my complaint about the inner working of the omegaverse mechanics can be solved by this show or manga alone.
Secondly, the episode also told us about the mating mechanics. During the fake date of Yuuki and Matsuo-san, Matsuo-san told Yuuki that Hiromu and Masaki had doubts before they mated. Masaki at first offered to have an open relationship with Hiro-san since he’s an omega and Hiromu is an alpha. Hiro-san then, according to Matsuo-san, refused to tie Masaki down under those circumstances. I don’t know what happened afterwards, however, Masaki then agreed to be Hiro-san’s mate. Matsuo-san added that in between the time they became boyfriends, got married, and mated, the two alphas learned a lot about omegas, as if we need to applause them for doing the bare minimum in knowing more about their freaking husband and bestfriend’s husband.
I think Masaki’s worry was the fact that for omegas, if you mate, you mate for life. I assume that if you mate with an omega, and you die, your now, omega widow or widower cannot have a new mate. I still don’t understand what the urgencies are of needing to have a mate. Does it stop you from being sexually assaulted by an alpha if you’re an omega?
Matsuo-san didn’t properly explain Hiro-san’s worry. All he said was that: 1). Matsuo-san didn’t want an open relationship with Masaski, 2). Matsuo-san kept pressuring Hiro-san to mate already, because he was scared of something happening [to them] 3). They learned a lot about omega mechanics. What were Hiro-san’s worries in mating with Masaki? Was it just because of Masaki’s insecurities that they waited that long to mate? I don’t know.
This whole story about Masaki and Hiromu’s relationship was a recounting by Yuuki to Mochizuki-san when they were talking about the future of his relationship with the Fujiyoshis. After telling the whole story to Mochizuki-san, he then asked Yuuki, “you’re saying that his family understands, so it’s, okay?”. Yuuki then stood up and became angry by that statement. I don’t know why that conclusion was triggering for Yuuki. I think Mochizuki-san’s point was very typical of a segregationist, and something that I as a novice omegaverse observer frequently reads. However, Yuuki then said something very important, “…It’s about respect, Masaki and Hiromu always try to understand each other”. Based on that statement, I think it’s fair to say that Hiromu waited until Masaki was ready to mate, and then they mated. Maybe, that was how simple the sequence of events took place.
When Yuuki spotted Mochizuki-san and Michi-chan one town over, Yuuki tried to stop the evading Mochizuki-san by screaming that he’s a beta. Yuuki’s mum then said, “why are you shouting it out loud? It’s a personal information”. I laughed a little bit at that interaction.
The other important note from the meeting of Yuuki and Mochizuki-san at the out-of-town park was when Mochizuki-san said, “… but there are some issues only we can understand”. I think that was a very good stance by him. No matter how sympathetic or well-meaning Yuuki or Matsuo-san can be, they are still not omegas. They don’t have the same fears or bodily functions like omegas. Hence, I think the way that the show tries to present this ideological clash was quite good.
We were presented by how the mainstream perspectives on the supposed interactions between the secondary sex identities have been rooted in peoples’ minds which was shown by Mochizuki-san’s speech after the first time he met Matsuo-san. Mochizuki-san might have an experience of his own, we don’t know. Then, we were made to sympathize him further by knowing: 1). Omegas can’t have children easily when they fertilize with each other (how do they reproduce then? By the random birth lottery? Like what had happened to Masaki), 2). As a single omega parent with an omega child against this scary alpha-filled world, it seems like Mochizuki-san has several good points in protecting his child. Of course, I don’t defend him restricting Michi-chan from playing with Hikari.
The way that we slide back to the Fujiyoshis’ side is by bringing home all of the emotion-driven arguments. I have recited how Yuuki told Mochizuki-san that Hiromu is not some overbearing lust monster to his own husband, and he tries to actively understand his husband. Then, during the confrontation at the park, Masaki then reminded Mochizuki-san that he didn’t need to be the only person who has to protect Michi-chan, that he can trust Masaki and others. After that, the two boys’ pleas to Mochizuki-san made him to let Michi-chan play with Hikari again.
Masaki and Hiromu’s Relationship
Yes, I think I can safely say that these two are very supportive of each other. However, I just wanted to point out a little bit about how Hiro-san is always “the steady anchor” of the relationship. I’m very irritated by this characterization, because in heterosexual relationships, men are expected to be this unfazed, unemotional, steady-against-the-current person, whereas women are expected to be the emotional wishy-washy part of the relationship. I don’t think that it needs to be replicated here. Men are humans too. They have emotions, one way or another, men must acknowledge their emotions and work through it.
I also don’t think that this characterization, which Masaki brought up to Yuuki when he was just about to go to the park to potentially meet Mochizuki-san, is accurate. Masaki is a very brave omega man who had endured countless mockeries and struggles to finally have a stable home. Maybe Masaki said that about Hiro-san to Yuuki just to praise his husband – the old hyping up my spouse trope. However, I know that Masaki is not just some wishy-washy character.
Final Thoughts
All of the show’s biggest plotlines, be it from Masaki’s overthinking, Masaki’s fear of repeating bad coping mechanism, Yuuki’s low self-esteem problem, Hikari’s role within the family, Fujiyoshi-san’s perspectives on his own grandson’s co-father, and now Mochizuki-san’s omega worries, have been properly addressed. I’m so happy that even in the finale, everyone made a cameo, even Masaki’s cousin. I’m going to really miss this show. Go watch this finale yall, it’s so good.
Also, I ship Mochizuki-san with Yuuto or Shuuto so much lol.
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inahochi · 3 months
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TADAIMA, OKAERI (2024)  ⋆ #10.
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animemakeblog · 6 months
“Tadaima, Okaeri” The Ending Theme, Second Promo
The official website for the television anime adaptation of Ichi Ichikawa's Tadaima, Okaeri manga unveiled the ending tune and another promotional video. The anime is supposed to debut on April 9 at 12:30 a.m. on Tokyo MX, with MBS, BS-NTV, and Animax to follow.
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ecargmura · 3 months
Twins And Mochizuki
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I don't remember if the anime mentioned this in the twins' debut episode (Episode 10), but in the manga, they tell Yuuki that, like their brother, they also like women, but they also have a soft spot for fragile/delicate looking people like Masaki, hence why they were a bit too touchy with him in the beginning of Episode 10.
It was mentioned in Episode 11 that Mochizuki and Masaki have a similar aura and that Yuuki thinks Mochizuki is a beautiful man.
This is why the twins fell for him at first sight.
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ecargmura · 4 months
Matsuo's Family Reveal
Today's episode of Tadaima Okaeri has a glimpse of Matsuo's family.
He has parents and two little brothers who are twins.
His parents are both male and have a ten-year age gap with the 'mom' being the older one.
The parents and younger brothers have the exact same personality.
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If you're wondering that they look like, the author drew them a few years ago. They were originally planned to appear in the third volume, but they scrapped the idea.
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rifki16 · 3 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode Ten Recap Analysis
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Instant ramen with sausages and kimchi
We finally get some Yuuki's actions. I'm so happy and proud of him. The episode revolved more on his potential relationship with Matsuo-san. However, of course, we still got to see the adorable Hikari, Hinata and Michiru ^^
Yuuki and Matsuo-san’s Relationship and the Perception of Homosexuality in the Omegaverse
The first time we have ever seen Matsuo-san being shipped with Yuuki was in the third episode, if I’m not mistaken, the one where Masaki and Hiromu just mended their relationship with Fujiyoshi-san, Hiromu’s dad, and they spent, what was supposed to be, an afternoon date with Hikari’s Fujiyoshi grandparents. At the end of the episode, after a game of hide and seek during which, Matsuo-san was holding both Hikari and Hinata in his hands, Matsuo-san was complaining that he hurt his arms and Yuuki was trying to lightly massage his back. Hiromu took a picture of Yuuki’s act of kindness, and in the post-credit scene, he sent it to Matsuo-san. While standing and waiting for Yuuki to grab the menu of the burger chain, Matsuo-san was thinking about Hiromu’s, and his father – Fujiyoshi-san, act of shipping him with Yuuki.
Fast forward to this episode, we saw how rambunctious the twin younger brothers of Matsuo-san can be. They cornered Yuuki, during the middle of the episode, I suppose in-between the playdate that they were supposed to participate in with Hikari and Hinata. They then asked him, “How far have you gone with our brother?”. Yuuki of course answered it in the literal sense. Side Note, I think I have seen the joke used in a live-action BL, I think it was My Love Mix-up. Anyway, he then kept on pestering Yuuki with questions about his relationship with their older brother. They said that his brother usually dates girls, however, as their brother has not been dating for a while, their dad has now been pinning his hope of Matsuo-san’s marriage with this “Yuuki” that their older brother kept mentioning about.
Yuuki then somehow puzzled with the statements and questions from Shuuto and Yuuto. He had this face like the thought of dating Matsuo-san never really crossed his mind. He then reminded the twin younger brothers of Matsuo-san that a). he’s a man, and b). he’s usually the one getting protected.
I don’t know whether the second point that Yuuki said was a mistranslation or what. The context was: the twins said that their brother was the “doting and protective” kind of lover, Yuuki tried to deny the allegation that he’s dating their older brother by saying that he’s the one who usually gets protected, doesn’t that just fit the kind of lover that Matsuo-san usually seek? Anyway, I still don’t understand how him bringing up the two points can refute the allegation that the twins levied against him.
That brought me to a second point about this scene, why would Yuuki’s gender matter in Matsuo-san’s decision-making matrixes as to whether date Yuuki or not? Aren’t people in the Omegaverse used to seeing same-sex relationship? My comprehension is that the people in said universe just detest different secondary sex identifiers to mate. I don’t think there’s an inherent homophobia in the way that the scene was played out. It seems just like the case of Yuuki being oblivious and not seeing himself as a potential partner to Matsuo-san, despite being the number one cheerleader for Masaki and Hiromu. Is it that maybe same-sex relationship is still quite rare in the Omegaverse which made Yuuki confused?
Or is Yuuki’s confusion and self-exclusion caused by Shuuto and Yuuto’s earlier statement when one of them said that their older brother usually date women? And hence, Yuuki simply cannot see himself as one of the lover contenders in Matsuo-san’s life.
My analysis aside, during this confrontation, he was thinking his way out of the questions that the twins kept giving to him. He assured them that he is not Matsuo-san’s lover, yet, he said to himself that calling their relationship as “acquittances” was not right because they are too close and intimate to just be acquittances. He also added that he couldn’t just be a friend to Matsuo-san, because he felt like he was closer than just being a friend to him. He then reiterated to the twins that he’s not the “clingy” type to his friends – something that he always does to Matsuo-san. The twins then asked, something to the effect of, “then, why are you [clingy with him]?”.
Matsuo-san then interjected the confrontation. The twins scuttled along and left Matsuo-san and Yuuki in the foyer, I think it’s the foyer of the house, I’ve never had a house that big. Upon reflection from the questions that the twins gave to Yuuki, he then asked Matsuo-san, “are you dating anyone?”. Matsuo-san then answered that he is not, and he added that he wouldn’t be spending too much time with Yuuki if he had been. Yup, you guess right, the misinterpretation then came within Yuuki’s mind that he had been selfishly hogging all of Matsuo-san’s time because he thought that maybe if he hadn’t spent his time with Matsuo-san, Matsu-san would already have a girlfriend at some point.
We then saw the playdate continued. Hikari was playing Trick or Treat with the guests; Hikari played the candy giver not the receiver. When he came to Yuuki, he then said, “give the candy to someone that you love”. Yuuki immediately gave his candy to Matsuo-san. After that, Hiromu gave his to Masaki. Seeing what Hiromu did with his candy then made Yuuki a little bit self-conscious, as he just was confronted as to whether he liked Matsuo-san. Linguistic side note, in Japanese, as I have written before, the word “sukida” or like is more often used in expressing romantic love rather than the word “ai”. Yuuki then regretted his action because he thought it was just plain, platonic love, I suppose.
Matsuo-san then drove the twins to the train station to send them home, however before departing the Fujiyoshi house, he insisted that Hiromu got in the car. On the way to the train station, Matsuo-san then harangued the three guys not to pressure Yuuki to fall for him. Matsuo-san admitted to the three guys that Yuuki is clingy to him, however, he deemed that Yuuki is too young for him.
Side note, this was also brought to my attention on Twitter several weeks ago. Someone replied to me on my tweet about shipping Yuuki and Matsuo-san, that Matsuo-san is too old for Yuuki. I replied to them that they might not be that far apart as Matsuo-san might be late 30s, and Yuuki is early 20s, so like 10 years apart at wost right? Is that too far? I mean, many straight Hollywood actors/any midwestern or southern cis straight men always date a much much younger woman, this one is a decade apart, by the worst projection.
I understand the toxic power imbalance that older – younger couple combination might have, be it because financial reasons or any social capital the older significant other might have. The task of the anime is then detailing more how Matsuo-san and Yuuki can solve this adversity of their relationship.
When Yuuki was alone with Masaki, Hikari and Hinata at the Fujiyoshi house, Yuuki clarified about the whole candy sharing incident with Masaki and said that he was thinking of other kind of love. However, Masaki told Yuuki that what made him happy was the fact that he instinctively wanted to give the candy to Hiromu, just like that, without thinking that deeply to it.
Yuuki then told Masaki about how he intended to put more distance between him and Matsuo-san. He said that he didn’t want to be an imposition to Matsuo-san, to be a hurdle for him in getting a girlfriend. Masaki then replied and said that he didn’t see it, his whole relationship with Matsuo-san, the way Yuuki recounted it to him. The reason that Masaki said his reply was because of Matsuo-san’s face after Yuuki gave the candy to him. He probably saw the absence from the expression of annoyance from Matsuo-san. Masaki then added, “I guess you see it all the time”.
Yuuki seemed to be confused by the reply. He then needed to spend the night at Fujiyoshi’s, along with Matsuo-san, because he got drunk after drinking the wine from the twins. As he was getting a cup of water at the ground floor, he saw that Masaki and Hiromu were getting it on. He then realized what “face”, or a more appropriate translation seems to be “expression”, that Masaki referred to in their conversation before.
After getting back to his room at the first floor, he saw that Matsuo-san got woken up because he needed to get a glass of water. He then asked Matsuo-san to sleep next to him in the bed after telling Matsuo-san not to get a glass of water downstairs.
I’m just very happy that the anime evaded the really unnecessary plotlines of misunderstanding between Yuuki and Matsuo-san; the whole “I need to quit seeing you so that you can find a girlfriend” plot line is very tiring in Japanese BL shows.
This is already too long of a recap review. I just want to talk a little bit about Hikari and Michiru’s friendship. I think the anime was really good in portraying a good male friendship, even the twins also acknowledged that. I think even CollegeHumor already made a skit about how most of cis-male friendship is nothing more but abuse and bullying.
You all really need to watch the episode, it’s so good in portraying Yuuki’s development.
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