#Matilda Alster
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year ago
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I wanted to draw Mathilda, but something about her appearance made me think she'd look great in 2B cosplay. Maybe a little revealing for her, so that's why she's embarrassed (I imagine Miguel had something to do with it). I headcanon that Mathilda loves playing JRPGS.
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beatlynxx · 2 years ago
Top five coolest designs for characters in Bakuten Shoot, perhaps🤔
augh ;; i'm not good w like. judging character designs or whatever so this is just me judging how kewl the characters look to me
i'll try to limit myself to one character per team to be fair .. am i doing this right i hope so
5 — hiruta
i vibe with most of the shell killers a LOT i'm very upset they were so short lived. his design is so intimidating ?? /pos
also i started watching yu-gi-oh duel monsters recently and rex's design reminded me of him and i think his design is peak too
4 — mystel
i like how his design radiates positive energy. i think his colour palette is very nice. this placement may or may not be biased. oh, and the mask goes incredibly hard
3 — matilda
i think her design is very adorable. she already has fairy energy without even saying anything. i love her goggles
2 — futsuki
i like visual kei
i like how androgynous his design is but i don't really like his hair, if it was just black and white like i imagined it or any other colour combination that doesn't clash with his clothes that fucking much he would've been first place
honorable mentions — blood, v-force hiromi, mao (both s1 and g-revolution), mariam, olivier, zeo in his psykick uniform
1 — s1 kai
every kai design goes hard but the other two have things i dislike minor or not and s1 kai just. doesn't. s1 kai hits different
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thegoldielocks28 · 4 years ago
what’s your favorite headcanon of SergeixMathilda?
Thank you soo much for this ask! It´s a hard one, because I have quite a few headcanons I love for them. Might not be able to only pick one to be completely honest ;^; I ended up writing an essay, it has been too long since I wrote anything like this outside the RP.
The reason I ship them is because I see their differences really balance each other out well. To me, Mathilda is a very passionate person who is close to her own emotions. She cries when she´s sad. Laughs when she´s happy. Can quite easily describe how she feels to those close to her. Her shyness is a bit of a bump in the road for her when it comes to expressing herself however. When she was younger I imagine her shyness and anxiety made it almost painful to deal with strangers at times. Voicing her thoughts. Wanting to join others, but not being able to. Chest hurting all the time. Sergei on the other hand, unless very provoked, I see him as calm itself. He doesn´t understand, or is close to, his own emotions like Mathilda is and quite a few is new to him around s3 in the beyblade anime. Only what helped him survive he kept close. Others were a weakness. Yet, if someone or something angers him hell can break loose and with a body as big and heavy as his he can create a lot of damage. Compared to Boris and Yuriy, it´d take a longer time to get anger out of the man though. Basically, I see it that once close, Sergei can offer Mathilda a calm she hasn´t felt before. Safety, protection. The same, yet different from her teammates. All while she would help him more on the emotional plane. Her growing feelings for him would battle her shyness as Mathilda would in the end feel that the chance of getting closer to him would be worth the anxiety, and the tight feeling in her chest. Out of the two Mathilda would end up being the more direct and forward one when it comes to intimacy, or feelings even though at first it really isn´t in her nature. Probably challenge herself to speak to Sergei while having the slightest stutter, cheeks turning a bit red. Used to think she stuttered a lot, but I don´t anymore. Just a slight sign of nerves when stressed or pressed. Just as her body language shows very easily how uncomfortable she is. Almost anyone would be able to read Mathilda´s emotions easily just by looking at her. Now maybe over to some real headcanons about the two of them ;^; Not sure if I got this idea from talking with someone else, but I imagine one of their first moments being in an elevator. Mathilda, along with some other girls, is waiting for the elevator to close and move up as they see Sergei moving towards them with quick determined steps as if in a hurry. The girls holds their breathes like hoping the elevator will shut the doors in his face, leave him behind, and breathes out when that does indeed happens but... after a moment of slight panic Mathilda sticks her arm out to stop the closing doors for him. Slight moment of other´s fear of him (the Russians in general) and Mathilda being generally sweet, starting to have her eyes on him.
Mathilda would be attracted to his looks, she would, but there would be his protectiveness of his brothers that also draws her in. How he can seem so brutal, yet look at his team with something warm and gentle in his eyes when no one seems to see it. To me, Sergei is far from “mainstream handsome”. At times I believe he might not be considered handsome at all by many. Strong jaws, square face, defined nose that has taken punches just like Boris´, dirty blonde hair that isn´t very unusual, cold calculating eyes, then a huge pale body probably covered by scars, bumps from untreated injuries. He´d be intimidating, and of course there´s people liking that and wanting a rougher kind of love, but I don´t personally see that working for Sergei. I want him to find calm, warmth, and a family in the long run. Not that rougher people can´t have that too, but I hope you get what I mean.
Always imagined both of them to be into reading. So when they hang out casually, they´d often end up sitting close while reading in silence together. Having tea, or sweet coffee for Mathilda, perhaps something a bit more bitter for Sergei. Being comfortable in each other´s silence, so much I bet at times Mathilda ends up falling asleep. Sergei would at first muse about how she can be so comfortable with him to let down her guard like that, only to feel more protective of her. This is something I share with the Kai and Salima ship as well, yet their silences together is a lot different. Their difference in height would annoy Mathilda at times. Especially when she wants to kiss him, and he doesn´t understand. She´s too short to be able to actually take the lead and start anything but handholding and asking him to lean down would end up embarrassing her a bit too much at times. Haha can see her puff her cheeks in annoyance and Sergei is confused for a moment or two before he gets it. Don´t need to get too deeply into it as I want to keep this SFW but when intimate they´d also have to be quite careful because of their differences until they´re more certain. Starting with little and slow, moving slowly forward. Just as he is taller, I also imagine he´s quite a bit heavier than Mathilda as well. Figuring out how to make things in the bedroom work, as well as other things, might become a bit troublesome  and it doesn´t help with her being shy and him a bit just a wee bit awkward. Okay lets stop here...
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teaflowersart · 3 years ago
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Mayblade Day 18: Birthday
Happy birthday to Matilda!! My precious baby 🥺
I drew her in a summer dress I designed a long time ago.
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poison-needles · 3 years ago
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A Matilda gif I made a few years ago. Feel free to use!
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cawamedia · 7 years ago
Konstnären Matilda Nielsen ställer ut ny konstkollektion 2018 och bjöd in till vernissage!
Vernissageafton med mingel där Matilda Nielsens konst ställdes ut, dryck/tilltugg, trevlig stämning, lite musik och en inspirerande atmosfär!
Matilda Nielsen är skaparen bakom konstverken Mimonette Art. Hon målar franskinspirerade abstrakta tavlor i akryl med en unik stil. Kvinnlig konstnär som är bosatt i Stockholm som brinner för det kreativa skapande och som tror på konstens subtila budskap.
Mimonette Art har sålt stora tavlor till nöjda kunder och planerar nya designkollektioner som kommer ställas ut på kommande vernissager.
Mimonette Art: Abstrakta konst tavlor målade med akryl. Matildas vision är att nå ut med sin konst till alla själar där ute som uppskattar den.
VIKTIGT: Gästlista! För att deltaga under kvällens festligheter/mingel krävdes att man anmäler sig för att hamna på gästlistan…
Information: Tavlorna som ställs ut är enbart stora alster storlek 100 x 100 cm. Det fanns möjlighet till att köpa tavlor på plats. Är man mycket intresserad kan man reservera tavla/tavlor i förväg vilket ger förtur. Intresset var stort!
Plats: Slupskjulsvägen 26A, 111 49 Stockholm 22 Mars 2018. Kulturfyren AB. Hemsida: www.Mimonetteart.com
Mimonette art vernissage Konstnären Matilda Nielsen ställer ut ny konstkollektion 2018 och bjöd in till vernissage! Vernissageafton med mingel där Matilda Nielsens konst ställdes ut, dryck/tilltugg, trevlig stämning, lite musik och en inspirerande atmosfär!
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thegoldielocks28 · 4 years ago
Sexuality Headcanon: Sergei (sorry) hah, no, but I see her be either straight, or perhaps bi but leaning towards men? Mostly I do picture her as a straight person. A few cute ship ideas made me think outside the box a bit but still not really jumping onto the wagon.
Gender Headcanon: Female.
A ship I have with said character: Mathilda and Sergei ✨
A BROTP I have with said character: Her team of course, especially Miguel. See her also be close with the bey girls. Most of them. Julia. Hilary. Mariah. Emily. A few I can see she worry about because she’s shy and they’re direct but in the end differences bring them closer.
A NOTP I have with said character: None so far?
A random headcanon: Mathilda loves reading and studying things even if not for classes. Following her favorite authors. Bookstores. Love things like bookmarks, cute pens and notebooks. She’d be the kind of person who’d create and write letters or postcards to friends around holidays. Handmade, with a lot of thought.
Also feel like Mathilda is a person who is really ’close to her emotions’ so if she’s happy everyone can see that and if she is sad or scared she won’t be able to stop her body from reacting in some way. Tears. Trembling. A few might look down on her for that but in the end, after a good cry or laugh she feels stronger.
General Opinion over said character: after Salima, Mathilda is my favorite bey girl. Mostly because I could and still can relate to her in some ways. Her design is cute ^^
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darkened-storm · 1 year ago
Amazing work V!!!
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I wanted to draw Mathilda, but something about her appearance made me think she'd look great in 2B cosplay. Maybe a little revealing for her, so that's why she's embarrassed (I imagine Miguel had something to do with it). I headcanon that Mathilda loves playing JRPGS.
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thegoldielocks28 · 4 years ago
Yes, that’s very true. They have experienced something similar but to different degrees. Mathilda for a lesser period of time with more safety to fall back on while Sergei only had his brothers. Probably wouldn’t have made it because of them. Even if most teams probably learned of Barthez’s ways, the abuse and their forced cheating, I doubt anyone knows exactly how it hurt Mathilda until she talks about it. Maybe after seeing one of Sergei’s scars by accident. Knowing of the rumors about him. So she shares, wanting him to know more and that she will never judge him.
Haha maybe I’m pushing their size difference a biiit but I find it cute 🙈💕
Thank you for liking them with me!
what’s your favorite headcanon of SergeixMathilda?
Thank you soo much for this ask! It´s a hard one, because I have quite a few headcanons I love for them. Might not be able to only pick one to be completely honest ;^; I ended up writing an essay, it has been too long since I wrote anything like this outside the RP.
The reason I ship them is because I see their differences really balance each other out well. To me, Mathilda is a very passionate person who is close to her own emotions. She cries when she´s sad. Laughs when she´s happy. Can quite easily describe how she feels to those close to her. Her shyness is a bit of a bump in the road for her when it comes to expressing herself however. When she was younger I imagine her shyness and anxiety made it almost painful to deal with strangers at times. Voicing her thoughts. Wanting to join others, but not being able to. Chest hurting all the time. Sergei on the other hand, unless very provoked, I see him as calm itself. He doesn´t understand, or is close to, his own emotions like Mathilda is and quite a few is new to him around s3 in the beyblade anime. Only what helped him survive he kept close. Others were a weakness. Yet, if someone or something angers him hell can break loose and with a body as big and heavy as his he can create a lot of damage. Compared to Boris and Yuriy, it´d take a longer time to get anger out of the man though. Basically, I see it that once close, Sergei can offer Mathilda a calm she hasn´t felt before. Safety, protection. The same, yet different from her teammates. All while she would help him more on the emotional plane. Her growing feelings for him would battle her shyness as Mathilda would in the end feel that the chance of getting closer to him would be worth the anxiety, and the tight feeling in her chest. Out of the two Mathilda would end up being the more direct and forward one when it comes to intimacy, or feelings even though at first it really isn´t in her nature. Probably challenge herself to speak to Sergei while having the slightest stutter, cheeks turning a bit red. Used to think she stuttered a lot, but I don´t anymore. Just a slight sign of nerves when stressed or pressed. Just as her body language shows very easily how uncomfortable she is. Almost anyone would be able to read Mathilda´s emotions easily just by looking at her. Now maybe over to some real headcanons about the two of them ;^; Not sure if I got this idea from talking with someone else, but I imagine one of their first moments being in an elevator. Mathilda, along with some other girls, is waiting for the elevator to close and move up as they see Sergei moving towards them with quick determined steps as if in a hurry. The girls holds their breathes like hoping the elevator will shut the doors in his face, leave him behind, and breathes out when that does indeed happens but... after a moment of slight panic Mathilda sticks her arm out to stop the closing doors for him. Slight moment of other´s fear of him (the Russians in general) and Mathilda being generally sweet, starting to have her eyes on him.
Mathilda would be attracted to his looks, she would, but there would be his protectiveness of his brothers that also draws her in. How he can seem so brutal, yet look at his team with something warm and gentle in his eyes when no one seems to see it. To me, Sergei is far from “mainstream handsome”. At times I believe he might not be considered handsome at all by many. Strong jaws, square face, defined nose that has taken punches just like Boris´, dirty blonde hair that isn´t very unusual, cold calculating eyes, then a huge pale body probably covered by scars, bumps from untreated injuries. He´d be intimidating, and of course there´s people liking that and wanting a rougher kind of love, but I don´t personally see that working for Sergei. I want him to find calm, warmth, and a family in the long run. Not that rougher people can´t have that too, but I hope you get what I mean.
Always imagined both of them to be into reading. So when they hang out casually, they´d often end up sitting close while reading in silence together. Having tea, or sweet coffee for Mathilda, perhaps something a bit more bitter for Sergei. Being comfortable in each other´s silence, so much I bet at times Mathilda ends up falling asleep. Sergei would at first muse about how she can be so comfortable with him to let down her guard like that, only to feel more protective of her. This is something I share with the Kai and Salima ship as well, yet their silences together is a lot different. Their difference in height would annoy Mathilda at times. Especially when she wants to kiss him, and he doesn´t understand. She´s too short to be able to actually take the lead and start anything but handholding and asking him to lean down would end up embarrassing her a bit too much at times. Haha can see her puff her cheeks in annoyance and Sergei is confused for a moment or two before he gets it. Don´t need to get too deeply into it as I want to keep this SFW but when intimate they´d also have to be quite careful because of their differences until they´re more certain. Starting with little and slow, moving slowly forward. Just as he is taller, I also imagine he´s quite a bit heavier than Mathilda as well. Figuring out how to make things in the bedroom work, as well as other things, might become a bit troublesome  and it doesn´t help with her being shy and him a bit just a wee bit awkward. Okay lets stop here...
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