#Mathura News
100newsup · 19 days
विधवा पेंशन योजना: घर बैठे करें अप्लाई मिलेंगे हर महीने 1000 रुपये
मथुरा (Widow Pension Scheme): केंद्र सरकार हो या राज्य सरकार, सरकारी योजनाएं समय-समय पर चलाई जाती है। लाखों लोग इन योजनाओं से प्रति माह लाभवित हो रहे हैं। अपना जीवन यापन कर रहे हैं। सरकार की विधवा पेंशन योजना भी महिलाओं के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण योजना साबित हो रही है। इस योजना से लाखों महिलाओं को प्रदेश भर में ही नहीं बल्कि देश भर में लाभ दिया जा रहा है। हर महीने मिलते हैं 1000 रुपये विधवा…
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lawyer-usa · 6 months
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Shri Krishna Janmashtami
Shri Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Janmashtami, is a Hindu festival celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Krishna, who is considered one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. This festival typically falls on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the dark fortnight in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada,
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The celebration of Janmashtami is observed with great enthusiasm and devotion across India and by Hindus worldwide especially in Mathura-Vrindaven. Here are some key aspects of how the festival is celebrated:
Fasting: Many devotees observe a day-long fast leading up to the midnight hour, which is believed to be the time when Lord Krishna was born.
Puja and Bhajans: Temples dedicated to Lord Krishna are beautifully decorated, and devotees gather to participate in special prayers and bhajans (devotional songs) that recount the life and exploits of Lord Krishna.
Ras Leela: In some places, traditional dance dramas known as "Ras Leela" are performed, depicting the various episodes from Krishna's life, especially his playful interactions with the gopis (milkmaids).
Swinging of the Cradle: A small cradle or swing is set up with a figure of baby Krishna in it. Devotees take turns to swing the cradle as a symbol of celebrating the birth of the divine child. This Mathura news related to Krishna Janmastami is a matter of joy for the people of Mathura.
To know every news related to Mathura and the country, you can visit Unique Samay's website - https://uniquesamay.com/
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news-trust-india · 1 year
Mathura News : SC ने कृष्ण जन्मभूमि के पास अतिक्रमण हटाने पर लगाई रोक
नई दिल्ली। Mathura News : आज सुप्रीम कोर्ट में कृष्ण जन्मस्थान के पास नई बस्ती में रेलवे की भूमि पर कब्जा करने वालों के मकानों पर चल रहे जेसीबी अभियान के विरुद्ध सुनवाई हुई। मथुरा में श्रीकृष्ण जन्मभूमि के पास अतिक्रमण विरोधी अभियान को सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 10 दिनों के लिए रोक दिया है। रेलवे को नोटिस जारी करते हुए कोर्ट ने कहा कि इस मामले की सुनवाई अब एक हफ्ते बाद होगी। जस्टिस अनिरुद्ध बोस, जस्टिस…
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npublicbharat · 2 years
निरीक्षण एवं विधिक साक्षरता शिविर का आयोजन राजकीय संप्रेक्षण गृह (किशोर) मथुरा : Organization of inspection and legal literacy camp, State Communication Home (Kishor), Mathura
निरीक्षण एवं विधिक साक्षरता शिविर का आयोजन राजकीय संप्रेक्षण गृह (किशोर) मथुरा मथुरा।उ०प्र० राज्य विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण लखनऊ तथा माननीय जनपद न्यायाधीश/अध्यक्ष, जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण, मथुरा के निर्देशानुसार आज दिनांक 06 फरवरी 2023 को राजकीय संप्रेक्षण गृह (किशोर), मथुरा का आकस्मिक निरीक्षण एवं विधिक साक्षरता शिविर का आयोजन किया गया, जिसकी अध्यक्षता श्रीमती नीरू शर्मा, अपर जिला एवं सत्र…
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sausri12-blog · 2 years
Follow travel_clickas on Instagram for more pictures.
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mowgliproductions · 2 years
Murdered Mathura woman found alive in Rajasthan Real Crime Story
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lok-shakti · 2 years
Mathura News: शाही मस्जिद में कांवड़ लेकर घुस रहा शख्स अरेस्‍ट, हनुमान चालीसा पाठ के ऐलान पर छावनी बनी मथुरा
Mathura News: शाही मस्जिद में कांवड़ लेकर घुस रहा शख्स अरेस्‍ट, हनुमान चालीसा पाठ के ऐलान पर छावनी बनी मथुरा
Mathura News: मथुरा में हिंदू संगठन की धमकी के बाद से पुलिस ने जिले को छावनी में तबदील कर दिया है। चप्पे-चप्पे पर पुलिस बल तैनात किया गया है, ताकि किसी भी प्रकार की अनहोनी को टाला जा सके। वहीं मथुरा में तनाव के बी�� पुलिस ने एक शख्स को हिरासत में लिया है। जानकारी के मुताबिक ये शख्स शाही ईदगाह में कांवड़ लेकर घुस रहा था।   सुरक्षा व्यवस्था देखते पुलिसकर्मी (फाइल फोटो)हाइलाइट्समथुरा में तनाव के बीच…
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troytiwari · 2 years
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Govardhan Puja (or Annakut Pooja) is celebrated across Bharat (India) and Nepal (which was part of Bharat in ancient times) in commemoration of one of the great leelas of Lord Krishna in his child form. Then, what is the significance and what does it symbolise actually? Let’s have an indepth delving into the whole episode.
2. In retrospect: Govardhan Pooja is performed on the fourth day of Diwali by worshipping the heap of grains which symbolically marks the Govardhan Mountain. In ancient times, it was customary in the Gokulam to perform Yagnas in honour of Lord Indra with whose Grace there were seasonal rainfall due to which the crops yielded good harvest and the people were living in peace and prosperity. Lord Indra became egoistic as he thought that because of him, all the activities are being carried out promptly and regularly. The Lord incarnate thought for a while that unless and until the ego that has sprouted is extirpated, this will cause irreparable damage to the celestials. Usually, one may wonder why even in the celestial world, the ego is prevalent. It is usually not the case; but sometimes, this may give rise to such contretemps.
3. Then, how did Bal Krishna act? As Nandagopa was the Chieftain of Yadava clan, all the elders in Gokul assembled at his Palace for a threadbare discussion on the arrangements that should be put in place. Albeit a child, Krishna, in his anxiety, also was present and wanted to know as to what the important issue they are discussing. As if an ignoramus would question, the omniscient Lord eagerly asked his father as to why this Yajna is being performed and the purpose sought to be achieved therefrom. To this query, Nandagopa addressed his son like this, “Oh: Dear Child, Lord Indra has been made the chieftain of the clouds and at his behest only, we are receiving timely rains and to requite our indebtedness, we’re performing this ritual every year”. Lord Krishna thought for a while and addressed his Father like this, -
Oh! Dear Father, What you say is correct. I agree that Lord Vishnu (Narayana) has made Indra to perform the activities as you’ve narrated. But, why? Think it for a while. Lord Narayana is fond of Brahmins who always tread the path of righteousness (dharmic path) and also the animals especially the cows, etc. Hence, it would be a befitting tribute if we invite the learned pandits and perform Yagnas for the Lord Vishnu. Another factor that should not be lost sight of is to feed the cows to their stomach full. As the forests, trees and the rivers, etc. are the main sources of this, it would behoove us to convey our indebtedness by offering worship to the King of Mountains, forests and the Rivers. When the Child Krishna utters a suggestion, there would be no second word or objection. Hence, it was unanimously decided to act on the suggestion of little Krishna.
4. Was it carried out and the ramifications: Yes. The denizens of Gokul accordingly invited the Learned Brahmins who were well versed in Vedas, got the Yagnas performed, went to the nearby forests and the Rivers and offered their obeisance to them. Finally, they went to the Govardhan Gri (Mountain), offered their worship and returned back to their homes. Krishna then assumed the form of a mountain himself and accepted the villagers' offerings
5. Did that become the finality? No. When Indra saw all that was happening before his eyes, he called for the Clouds (Indra is also called under the sobriquet “Meghraj’] and Lo! there was thunderstorm throughout Gokul and with the alarming proportion of torrential downpour which was never witnessed earlier, the residents of Gokul immediately rushed to Krishna crying out for his succour. Even the cows and their calves were running hither and thither. Little Krishna was cool and composed and advised all the people and their cattle to come to the foothills of the Mountain, Govardhan Giri. The Lord assumed Vrat Roopa without the knowledge of the Yadava clan, who were none other than the incarnations of the celestials, and with no effort, lifted the entire heavy mountain by his little finger of the left hand and held it continuously throughout the days and nights for a week. All the denizens took shelter under its umbrage and there was plenty of food available to them which sustained them without any difficulty.
There was, in fact, terrific thunderstorms accompanied with gale and gusty winds. Due to the structure of Govardhan mountain, there was not even a single drop of rain inside and the water gushed out through the outlets on the mountains. As the Little Krishna was holding tirelessly the mountain for a week, people inside it were not feeling any discomfort and were, indeed, happy and comfortable. See the Lord’s unfathomable compassion!
When the clouds got depleted, the rain stopped instantaneously. The Gokul denizens were very ecstatic and surrounded Little Krishna and showered eulogies on the Lord. Nandagopa was also extremely overwhelmed with joy, now revealed the secret of the Sacred Lord He addressed them and informed them that when the Sage Garg who came for naming ceremony both Lord Krishna and Balaram revealed the secret of incarnation of the Lord. Really they were blessed. Now, Indra realised his folly and even if there were incessant rains for about a year, he cannot succeed in his mission. Wisdom dawned on him.
Now, it was the turn of Lord Indra who was counselled by Lord Brahma, the Creator to approach the Lord and seek his pardon. Indra along with Kamadhenu, the Celestial Cow, proceeded directly to the banks of the Holy Yamuna (Jamuna in North India) River and fell flatly at the lotus feet of the Lord and sought his forgiveness. The all-knowing Lord told Indra that due to the sprouting of ego which will, if not nipped in the bud, may ultimately lead to his downfall, he had to intervene and make him realise his folly; but the moment the ego was rooted out, he has become dear to the Lord.
Indra now wanted to make amends for his action and, therefore, made a supplication to the Lord that He should accept the title of “Lord of the Lords” (Devathi Deva). Krishna, with an inscrutable smile, now told Indra that if at all he wanted the title, let it be so; but, he never aspired for that. Indra, having been immensely pleased, now milked the teats of Milch Cow, Kamadhenu and along with the waters from various holy Rivers bathed the Lord with the same when there was a great assemblage of Kinnaras, Saaranaas and Gandharvas. There was a beautiful mellifluous musical concert by the Vidyadharas. Indra paid rich encomia on the Lord with the names of Govinda, Madhava, Narayana and Krishna. Thereafter, with a satisfied heart, Indra returned to his Amaravathi. Lord Krishna with Balarama returned to Ayarpadi.
Do you know? Even the Creator, Lord Brahma, was no exception to the leelas of Lord Vishnu. Once it so happened that Brahma, through his Maya, hid all the cows and cattle in a very gargantuan cave in the forest where they were grazing. The colleagues and the cowherd yadava boys were playing in the sand dune and when time was ripe for driving them home, one of them went in search of the cattle; but in vain. He promptly reported to Little Krishna who went in search of them but returned empty handed. To his astonishment, even his friends had vanished. For a moment, he thought that this act is not of human nature; but of divine celestial. He, in a trice, came to know that this is Lord Brahma’s mischief. He never went to him; but on the contrary, created through his Maya the same cattle – both cows and calves as well as cowherd colleagues. Everyone went home and this continued for about a year. No one noticed the difference nor were they worried about the missing cows or their sons as they were now with them through the illusion of Little Krishna.
When a year was drawing to a close, Brahma wanted to know what was going on in Gokul. To his amazement, he could not believe his own eyes. Everything was as usual and there were cows and calves. He immediately rushed to the cave where he hid the boys and the cattle. Everything was in tact. He rushed to Gokul and fell at the Lotus Feet of the Lord and addressed him thus, :Oh! Lord! When I was created through your navel cord, I could not see you. Now, I realise that you are the Supreme Lord and I have committed a blunder by hiding your cattle and companions. Oh! It’s my folly! Please forgive me.: So saying, he handed over the cattle and his companions. The cowherd boys were unaware that they were in the cave for about a year. Little Krishna made his Maya disappear and also forgave the Creator.
Okay Well explained. Now, I have a lingering doubt. Why is it called Annakut Pooja? Please listen. I’ll explain now.
Devotees prepare varieties of foodstuffs with grain and ghee and all kinds of milk preparations. The food is stacked like a small hill and offered to the Lord. Then it is distributed to everyone as prasadam. Hence, this festival is also called the Annakut Festival.
Annakut is celebrated on the fourth day of Diwali. Therefore, the rituals surrounding Annakut are closely linked with the rituals of the five days of Diwali. While the first three days of Diwali are days of prayer to sanctify wealth and invite greater wealth into the devotee's life, the annakut day is a day of offering gratitude for Krishna beneficence
Is the Govardhan Puja part of Annakut festival?
Govardhan Puja is a principal ritual performed during Annakut. Although some texts treat Govardhan Puja and Annakut as synonymous, the Govardhan Puja is one segment of the day-long Annakut festival.
Krishna spent most of his childhood in Braj, a place devotees associate with many of Krishna's divine and heroic exploits with his childhood friends. One of the most significant incidents, described in the Bhagavata involves Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan (Govardhan Hill), a low hill situated in the middle of Braj Govardhan has since become a major pilgrimage site in Braj for devotees of Krishna. On the day of Annakut, devotees circumambulate the hill and offer food to the mountain—one of the oldest rituals in Braj. The circumambulation consists of an eleven-mile trek dotted along the way with several shrines, before which devotees place flowers and other offerings.
Families create an image of Giriraj Govardhan (the mountain) from cow dung, adorning it with miniature cow figures as well as grass as twigs, representing trees and greenery. In the days leading up to Annakut, fifty-six food items (chappan bhog) are typically prepared and offered in the evening. Someone from a cow-herding caste officiates the ritual, circling the hill with a cow and a bull, followed by families in the village. They partake in the sanctified food after offering the food to the hill. The festival often draws a large crowd, including the Chaube Brahmins of Mathura.
Krishna holding the Govardhan, a historic legend is depicted in many major Hindu temples complexes. This panel is from the Hoysaleswara temple, Halebidu Karnataka (c. 1150 CE). The stone block was carved to show the Krishna legend, and Indra behind it.
Several thousand years later, on this same day, Srila Madhavendra Puri established a temple for the self-manifest Gopala Deity on top of Govardhan Hill.
Shubh Govardhan Puja 🙏🏻 Shubh Nava Saal🙏🏻✨
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jeevanjali · 1 month
Temples in Mathura: मथुरा जा रहें तो जरूर करें इन 8 मंदिरों के दर्शनमथुरा में इतने सारे धार्मिक स्थल होने का कारण यह है कि यह भगवान श्रीकृष्ण का घर है।
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
दिल्ली से आई दो बहनों के साथ तांत्रिक ने किया रेप, भूत उतारने आई थी मथुरा; जानें पूरा मामला
Uttar Pradesh News: यूपी के मथुरा से एक चौंकाने वाला मामला सामने आया है। यहां एक तांत्रिक ने दिल्ली से आईं 2 चचेरी बहनों का रेप किया है। तांत्रिक ने तंत्र-मंत्र के नाम पर इस वारदात को अंजाम दिया है। मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक, ये चचेरी बहनें अपनी मां और चाची के साथ भूत उतरवाने के लिए दिल्ली से मथुरा आईं थीं। क्या है पूरा मामला? 2 चचेरी बहनें दिल्ली से मथुरा आई थीं। उनके साथ उनकी मां और चाची भी…
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100newsup · 2 months
दिल्ली से मथुरा आई दो बहनों के साथ तांत्रिक ने भुत उतारने के नाम पर किया दुष्कर्म
Mathura News : मथुरा में दिल्ली से आई दो चचेरी बहनों के साथ रेप की घटना सामने आई है। जानकारी के मुताबिक़, ये दोनों बहनें अपनी मां और चाची के साथ दिल्ली से मथुरा भुत उतरवाने के लिए आई थी। तांत्रिक ने भुत उतारने के नाम पर इस घटना को अंजाम दिया। इस कृत्य को अंजाम दे��े के बाद तांत्रिक ने इन बहनों को जान से मारने की धमकी भी दी थी। पीड़ित लडकियों के परिजनो ने इसको लेकर पुलिस स्टेशन में शिकायत दर्ज…
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lawyer-usa · 6 months
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sorru1792 · 2 months
Factful Debates YouTube Channel
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bhagavanbhakthi · 7 months
PM Modi - Hint of next important milestone
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npublicbharat · 2 years
दीक्षांत समारोह में मथुरा पहुंचे सीएम योगी मथुरा से ब्यूरो : CM Yogi reached Mathura at the convocation, Bureau from Mathura
दीक्षांत समारोह में मथुरा पहुंचे सीएम योगी मथुरा से ब्यूरो मथुरा । उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ सोमवार को मथुरा पहुंचे। वे यहां जीएलए विश्वविद्यालय के दीक्षांत समारोह में बतौर मुख्य अतिथि शामिल हुए। सीएम योगी ने जीएलए विवि के 11वें दीक्षांत समारोह में उपाधि प्रदान की। इससे पूर्व कुल सचिव और कुलाधिपति का स्वागत संबोधन हुआ। सीएम योगी ने इस दौरान कहा कि राम, शिव और कृष्ण ही भारत की…
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