#Matchmaking Naples
kpkpkiran · 2 years
Naples FL Dating and Singles
Americasnicestsingles.com provides dating with a twist. All male members must pass a background check.
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travelerblogs · 3 years
Top-rated Matchmaking Services in The United States
Are you suffering from dating app fatigue? And had doubts about Matchmaking Agency that they could find a perfect match for me. If you answered yes, so here I want to tell you In today's hectic dating world, technology can be a fantastic addition to the way people are introduced to one another, particularly those singles with whom you are ideally compatible. There are a plethora of online matchmaking services, all of which are designed to discover folks with whom you can go out and maybe strike up a conversation.
Many of them match you with your various compatible matches, while others merely direct you to the singles you find appealing and fascinating. Matchmaking alters the way dating services operate because you can meet someone who lives just around the corner from you who you would never have met otherwise, or you can meet someone from another part of the state who you would never have met otherwise. And there is no doubt that many matchmaking agencies achieved their goal successfully with good feedbacks from our honorable clients.
If you give us one chance only to serve our reputed services to you then trust me you will going to achieve your goal very soon. We will give you a wide range of choices of your compatible life partner. And build a strong base of conversation with your compatible one. Master Matchmakers is the only good option for you our Matchmakering services famous around the world specially in Florida, Miami, Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Tampa Bay, Sarasota, Orlando, Naples, Jacksonville, New York, Manhattan, Santa Monica, Hollywood, San Diego, New Jersey, Hamptons, Staten Island, Maryland, Washington DC, Philadelphia, South Jersey, San Francisco,and so on. For more info contact us or visit our website. https://www.mastermatchmakers.com/
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vancilocs · 5 years
gianni: i don't think i'll be returning to naples.
naples commanders: oh :33 whatever may it be keeping you in rome :333 oh so be it >:33 we wish you two well >:333c
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Matchmaker (Tsundere!Giorno Giovanna X Female!Reader Part 2)
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Part One is Here: Link
Against the protests of Fugo, Giorno decided to take a stroll in the town. It was a nice day outside, after all, and he was pretty sure he could handle himself fine. It was bustling with chatty people and the scent of nice food in the air. Giorno gave a little smile at everything. He was allowed since nobody was around to see him, as a treat. 
Then, he chanced upon a moderately-sized crowd huddled around an extremely tall fountain. Curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to see what the huge fuss was all about. It turns out that there were a group of performers playing and singing to their hearts’ content. His smile slipped a bit as he could make out one very familiar face. It couldn’t be, but it was. 
‘What is [Y/N] [L/N] doing here?’
Matchmaker, matchmaker Make me a match,  Find me a find, Catch me a catch.
The girls were singing happily to a lovely tune and Giorno couldn’t help but sway a little to the music. It was as if he was under the sway of a snake charmer. And, as luck would have it, [Y/N] locked eyes with him. And a very huge smile graced her lips as she motioned another girl to come with her. 
“For Papa, make him a scholar!” [Y/N] motioned him over and Giorno blinked, dazed, as his body subconsciously moved towards her.
“For Mama, make him rich as a king!” The other girl got out a very large, red silk scarf from out a box. 
“For me, well,” The girls looked mischievously at each other before [Y/N] blew him a soft, little kiss. “I wouldn’t holler if he were as handsome as anything!” 
Giorno just stood there, slack-jawed, as the girls continued with their little play. It was high-time that he sat down and mull over things that just transpired. He was so lost in thought that it took him a couple of minutes to realize that there was an extremely pleasant scent of oranges and strawberries sitting next to him. Giorno, confused, turned to see [Y/N] beaming at him. 
“Hi, Gio,” She waved. “Hey, it’s been quite some time since I last saw you!” 
“Y-Yeah,” He blinked, careful not to let her see the sweat on his face. “I...didn’t know you sang.” 
“Oh, I love to sing,” [Y/N] clapped her hands in delight, her (e/c) eyes sparkling a lot. “And the group that I’m in usually does this twice a month! It’s great that you came by! Did you enjoy yourself, Gio?” 
“I did,” Giorno nodded. “It was very nice to listen to.” 
“That’s great,” [Y/N] brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I hope I didn’t startle you that much. Sometimes, the group requires prompt audience participation.” 
“No, it’s fine,” Giorno waved his hand. “I’m prepared for these types of situations after all.” 
He tried to calm his heart beating rapidly, hoping that nobody would notice. He’d tell himself again and again that falling in love while being the Don would be real dangerous. Besides, [Y/N] was someone who didn’t deserve that heartache. The world of Passione was cruel and dangerous. Giorno jolted. Those thoughts again were coming back. 
“Gio,” [Y/N] turned to look at him, a soft frown on her face. “Gio, are you okay?” 
She moved towards her and put her hand on his forehead, brushing away those curls of his gently. Giorno stilled, putting on his impressive cool and calm mask. This touch was not like the rough and painful touches he was used to. This was a softer touch, almost heavenly in a way. 
“Goodness, Gio,” [Y/N]’s brows furrowed. “You don’t look so good. Why don’t we get some shade? Would that make you feel better?” 
“Are you sure,” [Y/N] tilted her head. “You’re sweating a lot.” 
“I...Yes, let’s get some shade,” Giorno nodded. “The heat in Naples is quite, er, suffocating at times.”
“Tell me about it,” [Y/N] said, taking Giorno’s hand and guiding him under the shade of a large tree. “I feel as if I’m roasted alive sometimes in this heat! Ah well, you win, you lose some, right?” 
And so they sat in the shade for a couple of minutes, basking in the nice breeze that blew by occasionally as well as the beautiful blue sky complete with sun. At the five-minute mark, Giorno had to leave. For sure, he knew that Fugo wouldn’t be pleased with his little outing. And although [Y/N] was bummed, she was pretty understanding. And so, he went back to the villa. 
When he reached the villa, he looked around. Relieved that nobody was looking around, he buried his face in his hands in bashful embarrassment as his cheeks burned hotter than the sun and his face turned redder than a tomato. 
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naplesgolfguy · 6 years
Valentine's Day is just around the corner. So if you are secretly in love with a house on the market, speak up so we can play matchmaker.
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
Brought to Life
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Roxas/Naminé. Alternate Universe. Romance. Based off of the Greek myth Pygmalion. ~3000 words. For @scoobysnack1107​. 
There was nothing Naminé liked more than art.
She started out by drawing on spare scraps of paper her father left around his workshop. Little scrawls and scribbles with pencil stubs as she watched him sculpt works for his many clients. He was the most respected sculptor in the city, and he always had a long list of commissions to work on. 
When Naminé wasn’t helping her mother with chores around the house, she spent every spare moment watching her father at work. Once she was old enough, he enlisted her help and then formally signed her on as an apprentice. From then on, every spare moment she spent in his workshop honing her craft. She learned to work with a variety of mediums—wood, stone, clay, metal—but marble was her favorite. It was easy to mold and yet resistant to shattering, and she loved the feel of its texture beneath her fingers and its slight translucence that mimicked human skin. 
As the years passed, Naminé developed a reputation as something of a prodigy. People began to ask her to craft special orders under her own name and not her father’s. And when she wasn’t working in her father’s workshop, she worked with a master painter in the city and learned his secrets, too. By the time her twentieth birthday had arrived, she had quite the following of her own and was set for a life of steady work and happy clients for both sculpture and painting. 
There was just one catch. She had no one with which to live her life, and her parents were not getting any younger. They worried about who would take care of her once they were gone and urged her to find someone to marry.
“The two of you are still young,” she told them as she added the finishing touches to a painting of their splendid city during its summer festival for the goddess Aphrodite. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I have clients enough to last me for the rest of my days.” 
“Naminé, we’re not worried about your ability to provide for yourself,” her mother said as she took a seat on one of the workbenches. Her blond hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her blue eyes were filled with worry for her daughter. “Ever since you were little, we’ve known you’re talented, and your hard work has ensured you’ll be able to take care of yourself for the rest of your days.” 
“What we’re worried about is that you’ll be lonely,” her father said. His dark hair had a few streaks of gray in it now, but his blue eyes were as intense as ever, and Naminé knew he had many years of life ahead of him yet.
“Lonely?” Naminé set her paintbrush down. Why should she be lonely with such a happy family and so many happy clients? Her parents’ friends were wonderful too, and she never lacked for company if she so desired it.
“Don’t you want someone to spend the rest of your days with?” her mother said. 
“Oh, like a husband?” 
Her parents both nodded, and she glanced outside. She often saw young men pass by their shop when she worked into the twilight hours; it was on the way to a rather seedy part of the city, and she was less than impressed by the effects of alcohol, gambling, and prostitutes on the young men. Didn’t they have any respect for their wives and families?
Naminé sniffed. She had no use for a husband who would drink himself into a stupor, gamble her hard-earned money away, and then spend the night using the body of some poor woman whose name he couldn’t even be bothered to remember, all while his wife waited lonely and unsatisfied at home for him to come home at the crack of dawn to pass out and sleep the morning away while she did the chores. She would rather be alone forever than be miserably married to such a man. 
“I’m not interested in any of the men I’ve met,” she said. “I’m not interested in marriage at all.”
Let her parents think what they would about her words, but she would not be persuaded to chain herself to a miserable marriage. She had never met a man she would be interested in marrying, and she doubted that would change. There were plenty of good men in the world, but the ones she knew were all already married, and she had no taste for adultery or affairs. 
Her parents dropped the subject for now, but every now and then it would come up in conversation. One breezy autumn day, as they ate lunch on the terrace of their home, it came up again, and with a vengeance.
“Naminé,” her father said, not even trying to hide the exasperation in his voice, “if you don’t ever meet any young men, how would you know you’re not interested in marriage?” 
“It’s true. You spend so much time in the workshop and hardly any time at all meeting people your age,” her mother said as she sipped her goblet of wine. 
“I have a lot of work to do,” Naminé replied. “If I work hard now, I can build a good reputation for myself and have more flexibility when I’m older. Then I can think about marriage.” 
There was no point in rushing. Right now, her career took center stage. Marriage could come much later… if at all. 
Her mother daintily patted her mouth with her napkin. “Do you even know what you want in a husband?” 
Naminé thought for a moment. “Someone kind and caring, someone loyal and true. A man who would defend me from harm and never betray my trust. A man who would love me and want to be with me always.” 
Her father brightened. “Those are all good qualities. Why don’t I inquire with a matchmaker about—”
She shook her head. “It’s okay, father. I don’t think such a man exists. Or if he does, he’s already happily married to someone else.”
Her parents dropped the subject once more, but their conversation haunted her. She had little faith her dream man existed, but her life as an artist had taught her that she could create things out of nothing. She could make things a reality that had only existed in her head before.  
She stayed in the workshop after she’d finished the day’s work. A big hunk of marble had been delivered yesterday, and she had let it sit there, unsure of what to do with it. It was far too big to make a bust out of, and no one had commissioned her to make any full-body sculptures lately. 
But tonight, she had just the idea. Grabbing some wire, her fingers worked swiftly and deftly to craft a basic human figure. Then she took a large lump of clay and shaped it around the frame to get an overall idea of what she wanted the sculpture to look like. 
Content with what she had so far, she went to bed, physically tired but mentally alert. The next few weeks she spent building a full scale model and then added tacks at key points. Once she was happy with their locations, she transferred the tacks to the block of marble to get a sense of scale. 
This next part was what she’d been looking forward to the most. Mallet and chisel in hand, she went to work bringing out the man trapped inside the marble. A dynamic pose to emphasize his movement, to make him seem real. A broad chest and wide shoulders, strong enough to wield a sword and protect her from harm. A resolute expression on his face, because he was passionate and driven. And yet his eyes needed to look at her just right; had to be both both determined and gentle. 
This process took months, especially because Naminé still had her clients’ commissions to work on. She usually only had time to work on the sculpture of the man during the evening after her other duties were fulfilled, and she spent many a late night working on him. But as he became more and more lifelike with each passing day, she was more determined than ever to finish her work. Now she was using a more specific set of tools; tooth chisels and claw chisels and rasps and rifflers. 
When at last the sculpture before her matched the image in her head and the models she’d made, it was time to sand the uneven parts down with a special rough stone called emery. The color of the marble shone through in this process as a thin patina developed over its surface, and she also added a sealing compound to make the marble practically glow. 
Now for the reason she’d studied painting: so she could paint her own statues. She gave the man blond hair and blue eyes with Naples yellow and Egyptian blue. His hair was brighter gold than her own, so bright it was like the daffodils that grew in her family’s garden. And his eyes were darker blue than her own, as blue as the water in the fountain reflecting the color of the tiles beneath it. She painted his skin and clothes with a variety of other fine pigments. Dragon’s blood, lead white, and lamp black contrasted nicely with his hair and were what she largely used for his clothes. 
At long last, after over a year’s worth of work, she was finished. She set her paintbrushes down and stared at her creation. This was what she had worked so hard on, what she had poured hundreds of hours of sweat and tears and the occasional drop of blood into. Her ideal man. His golden hair swept up towards the sky, and his blue eyes gazed down at her. The robes draped from his arms and legs were so realistic they almost seemed like actual clothes, and his striking pose made him look like a warrior or messenger coming down from the heavens to protect her.
She brought her hand to her cheek, and it was hot. Was she really… blushing? Just from looking at a statue she’d made? How was this even…
She ducked her head and then looked back at the statue, mesmerized by her own creation. He was handsome and dashing, tall and strong and true. Loyal and faithful because he knew only her, knew only her touch which had spent hours bringing him into being. 
It was a good thing he wasn’t real. Otherwise he would be disloyal, just like the others. Just like her first love who had—
She cleared her throat and looked away. She wouldn’t think about that man and how he’d broken her heart, finding shelter in the arms of another woman instead of her arms. Because now she had a man that would never leave her, never abandon her, never betray her. 
Maybe he wasn’t real, but she couldn’t risk her heart on a real man again. 
Though the statue was, by her father’s estimation, her greatest work yet, Naminé refused to sell it. She didn’t even want other people seeing it lest they get any ideas. Very rarely did she keep any of her works for herself, but this one was an exception. She was keeping it for the rest of her days.
She found her eyes drawn to it often as she worked, and her blush returned when she glanced at it. It was so lifelike, so realistic, that she couldn’t help but be drawn to it. No, to him. Referring to him as an it felt wrong. The more she looked at him, the more she felt he had a soul trapped in the rock, much like his form had once been trapped in the rock.
Late at night, after her father had gone to bed and the other workers had gone home, she’d taken to lingering in the workshop to spend a few more moments with him. As she gazed into his eyes one summer night, the moonlight shining on his face, a thought occurred to her.
“I haven’t given you a name yet.” 
She pressed her fingers together as she thought. He needed a name, a fitting name…  
“You were hewn out of marble, out of rock…” She smiled. “Roxas. Your name is Roxas.”
He gazed at her steadily, and her blush spread up her cheeks. The name was perfect, just like he was perfect. She reached for his hand and wrapped her fingers around it. Her hand fit perfectly in his, and she sighed. 
“Roxas, I think I love you.” 
Her breath caught in her throat. Had she really just said those words out loud? Was she really in love with a statue? How awful, how could she have let this happen—
Ashamed, she fled from the workshop and retreated to her room and buried herself under her blankets. This had gone on for too long. Roxas had bewitched her, heart and body and soul, and a statue so powerful must be cursed with evil magic. She had to get rid of him as soon as possible before some disastrous fate fell upon her and her family. 
But the thought of losing him, the thought of losing her beloved Roxas, made her heart sink. Could she so easily throw him out when she had made him? Cast him aside like her first love had cast her aside? 
Still, this obsession wasn’t healthy. She needed to do something about it. Tomorrow was the first day of the festival for Aphrodite. Maybe, if she went to the goddess’s temple and prayed, Aphrodite would send her a real man that would make her forget all about her infatuation with a statue. 
Yes, that was what she would do. Satisfied now that she had a plan, she was able to go to sleep. But as she slipped from consciousness, it was Roxas’s chiseled marble face that lingered in her mind.
Naminé rose early the next morning for the festival so she could carefully select some choice flowers from her family’s garden to offer as a gift to Aphrodite. It wouldn’t do to approach the goddess empty-handed, and so Naminé made sure she had an offering worthy of the city’s deity.
The flowers selected, she made her way to the sanctuary of Aphrodite, where the altar of Aphrodite rested. Throngs of people surrounded her, as the festival was already underway, and it took quite some time before she made it inside the sanctuary, let alone to where the altar was. But at last it was her turn to offer a gift to the goddess, and as she did, she made a wish, her voice barely above a whisper.
“If it so pleases you, Aphrodite, I would like to wish for a husband in the likeness of my Roxas.” 
In her heart of hearts, she knew the wish was not entirely true. She didn’t just want a husband in the likeness of Roxas, she wanted Roxas to be her husband. But she was still too ashamed to admit her true desire, so she went home and returned to the workshop. A particularly wealthy patron had requested a bust of him and his wife, and she wanted to get at least a little work done for his request today. 
But when she entered the studio, Roxas was there waiting for her. He looked even more handsome and lifelike than ever, and a strange urge came over her. Her feet carried her to him, as if she was being carried along by the breeze. She cupped his cheek, and she could’ve sworn his skin felt soft beneath her touch. 
“Roxas,” she said, her voice breaking. “My dear Roxas. How badly do I wish you were real.” 
His blue eyes steadily gazed back at her as she stroked his face. Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her mouth against his in a sweet kiss, her eyes fluttering shut as she indulged the fantasy that had taken root in her heart from the moment she’d named him. To her surprise, his lips felt warm. She leaned back a little, her lips parting and her eyes widening, then kissed him again.
This time, she didn’t stop kissing him, even when his lips grew warmer and his skin grew ever softer against her touch. And then his arms went around her and he was kissing her back. A soft cry caught in her throat as he did. This was real. He was real, and he was holding her in his arms like she’d dreamed he would.
She remembered. She remembered everything. Why no man she’d ever met could satisfy her. No man in this life, anyway. Why her heart was so drawn to a statue of him, to this man she loved with all her heart. Her Roxas was in her arms, and all was right in the World again. 
When they finally broke apart, she was breathless. She would’ve fallen if he hadn’t caught her and gently pulled her up.
“Naminé,” he said, his voice breaking as he looked into her eyes and caressed her cheek. 
She hugged him again. “Roxas—”
He held her and comforted her as she cried, reassuring her that their long separation was over, that he was here and they were together again. 
“We promised, remember? ‘We’ll meet again,’” he said, smiling as he repeated the words she’d told him so long ago. “So here I am. It wasn’t the way I was expecting, exactly, but what matters is that I’m here and we’re together.” 
“Yes.” She found his hand and held it. Even when her mind had forgotten him, her heart hadn’t. Her body hadn’t either; it had guided her through the long process it had taken to bring him back to life, and it was responding so wonderfully to his touch. 
He scooped her up in his arms. “Shall we?” he said as she laughed lightly. 
“Yes, we shall.” 
As he carried her out of the workshop and to the house, she couldn’t take her eyes off of his face. They were together again at long last, and she wanted to make the most of every moment.
A/N: This fic was written for @scoobysnack1107​! Rokunami is dear to her heart, and she’s poured so much love and effort into the Rokunami fandom. I wanted to write something for her to thank her for that, as well as to thank her for supporting me :) 
This guide was really helpful in terms of how to make a marble sculpture, and I drew heavily on it when I wrote the descriptions of Naminé making the sculpture of Roxas. Also, thank you to @rapis-razuri​ for looking over things for me and providing suggestions and feedback!
Hope you all enjoyed! 
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lukeskywaker4ever · 5 years
Maria Leopoldina, Queen of Portugal (Wife of King Pedro IV)
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Tenure: 10 March 1826 – 2 May 1826
Maria Leopoldina of Austria (22 January 1797 – 11 December 1826) was an archduchess of Austria, Empress consort of Brazil and Queen consort of Portugal.
She was born Caroline Josepha Leopoldine Franziska Ferdinanda of Habsburg-Lorraine in Vienna, Austria, the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, 
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and his second wife, Maria Teresa of Naples and Sicily. 
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Among her many siblings were Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria 
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and Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, 
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the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Leopoldina was born on 22 January 1797 in Schönbrunn Palace, in Vienna, Archduchy of Austria. She was given the name Caroline Josepha Leopoldine Franziska Ferdinanda, according to her biographer Carlos H. Oberacker, and confirmed by Bettina Kann in her work "Cartas de uma Imperatriz", who mentioned a contemporary source: the Austrian newspaper Wiener Zeitung of 25 January 1797, who gave the news of the birth of the Archduchess three days before with her full name. According to Oberacker, the name "Maria" wasn't present in the preserved baptismal record of the Archduchess, and she began to use it only during her journey to Brazil, where she began to be named Maria Leopoldina in all documents, including the Constitutional oath of 1822. According to another theory presented by Oberacker, the Archduchess probably began to use the name "Maria" due to her great devotion to the Virgin Mary and because all her sisters-in-law used this name.
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She was raised in accordance with the educational principles laid down by her grandfather, Emperor Leopold II. Among these was the habit of exercising her handwriting by writing the following text:
“Do not oppress the poor. Be charitable. Do not complain about what God has given you, but improve your habits. We must strive earnestly to be good.”
In addition, she and her sisters were taught to speak French and Latin. They were also educated in drawing, piano, riding and hunting. Her mother died when she was ten years old and her father went on to remarry Maria Ludovika of Austria-Este. 
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Her late mother was a soprano and Leopoldina had the chance of meeting Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
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in 1810 and 1812, when she went to Carlsbad with her stepmother. Her passions included natural sciences, especially botany and mineralogy. She was formed according to the three Habsburg principles: discipline, piety and a sense of duty.
Although Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily was her birth mother, Leopoldina always considered Maria Ludovika d'Este, her stepmother, to be her mother and she grew up with Ludovika as her "spiritual mother".
On 24 September 1816 it was announced by Leopoldina's father that Pedro of Braganza wished to take a Habsburg princess as his wife. Klemens von Metternich suggested that it should be Leopoldina to go get married, as it was "her turn" to become a wife. Two ships were prepared and in April 1817 scientists, painters, gardeners and a taxidermist, all with assistants, travelled to Rio de Janeiro ahead of Leopoldina, whom, in the meantime, studied the history and geography of her future home and learned Portuguese. During these weeks Leopoldina compiled and wrote a vade mecum, a unique document the like of which has never been produced by any other Habsburg princess.
On 13 May 1817 Leopoldina was married to Dom Pedro per procuram (by proxy) in Vienna. At the ceremony the bridegroom was represented by Leopoldina’s uncle, Archduke Charles.
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Embarkation took place in Livorno on 13 August 1817 
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among much celebration, and after an adventure-filled voyage lasting 81 days, Leopoldina arrived in Rio de Janeiro on 5 November and finally met her husband.
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From a distance Pedro initially appeared to Leopoldina to be a perfect, well-educated gentleman, but the reality was very different. Dom Pedro was a year younger than Leopoldina and sadly rarely measured up to the descriptions given by the matchmakers. His temperament was impulsive and choleric, and his education but modest. Even spoken communication between the young married couple proved difficult, as Pedro spoke very little French and his Portuguese could only be described as vulgar.
In keeping with Portuguese tradition, at the age of eighteen Pedro of Bragança not only had a string of amorous adventures behind him and was principally interested in horse racing and love affairs, but in 1817 (the year of his marriage to Leopoldina) he was living as if in wedlock with French dancer Noemie Thierry, who was finally removed from the court by his father a month after Leopoldina's arrival in Rio de Janeiro.
The young married couple took up residence in six relatively small rooms in the Palace of São Cristóvão. The inner courtyard and path to the stables were unpaved and the tropical rainfall quickly turned everything to mud. There were insects everywhere, including in their clothing, for the uniforms and court regalia made of velvet and plush rotted and turned mouldy in the heat and humidity.
On 25 April 1821, the court returned to Portugal. A fleet of 11 ships took the king, the court, the royal house and the royal treasury, and only Prince Pedro remained in Brazil as regent of the country, with ample powers counterbalanced by a regency council. At first Pedro was incapable of dominating the chaos: the situation was dominated by the Portuguese troops, in anarchic conditions. The opposition between Portuguese and Brazilians became increasingly evident. It is clear from Leopoldina's correspondence that she has warmly espoused the cause of the Brazilian people and even desired the independence of the country and is therefore loved and venerated by the Brazilians.
According to Ezekiel Ramirez, below, the signs of a nascent Brazilian unit as an independent nation in the southern provinces were visible, but the north supported the Lisbon Cortes and called for regional independence. If the Prince Regent had left the country at that moment, Brazil would be lost to Portugal because the courts of Lisbon repeated the same error that led the Spanish courts to lose the colonies, seeking to establish direct contacts with each province in particular.
In Rio, thousands of signatures collected required the regents to remain in Brazil. "José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva's courageous attitude toward Portuguese arrogance greatly encouraged the aspirations for unity that existed in the southern provinces, especially in São Paulo. A highly educated men led this movement." After Fico's day, 9 January 1822, a new ministry was organized under the leadership of José Bonifácio, "strictly monarchist", and the Prince Royal soon won the trust of the people. On 15 February 1822 the Portuguese troops left Rio, and their departure represented the dissolution of the ties between Brazil and the metropolis. The prince was triumphantly received in Minas Gerais.
When her husband, prince regent, traveled to São Paulo in August 1822 to pacify politics (which culminated in the proclamation of Brazil's independence in September), Leopoldina exercised the regency. Great was his influence in the process of independence. The Brazilians were already aware that Portugal intended to call Pedro back, relegating Brazil again to the status of a simple colony rather than a kingdom united to that of Portugal. There were fears that a civil war would separate the Province of São Paulo from the rest of Brazil. Pedro gave power to Leopoldina on 13 August 1822, appointing her head of the Council of State and Acting Princess Regent of the Kingdom of Brazil, with legal powers to govern the country during his absence and set out to appease São Paulo.
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The Princess received news that Portugal was preparing action against Brazil and, without time to wait for Pedro's return, Leopoldina, advised by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, and using his attributes as interim head of government, met in the morning of 2 September 1822, with the Council of State, signing the decree of Independence, declaring Brazil separate from Portugal. The Princess sends Pedro a letter, along with another letter from José Bonifácio, as well as comments from Portugal criticizing the actions of her husband and King João VI. It demands that Pedro proclaim the Independence of Brazil and, in the letter, warns: "The pommel is ripe, pick it up already, or it will rot."
The officer arrived at the prince on 7 September 1822. Leopoldina had also sent papers received from Lisbon, and comments from Antônio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada, deputy to the courts, for which the Prince-Regent learned of criticism of him in the metropolis. The position of João VI and all his ministry, dominated by the courts, was difficult.
While awaiting the return of Pedro, Leopoldina, the interim ruler of an already independent Brazil, idealized the flag of Brazil, in which she mixed the green of the House of Bragança and the golden yellow of the House of Habsburg. Other authors say that Jean-Baptiste Debret, the French artist who designed what he saw in Brazil in the 1820s, was the author of the national pavilion that replaced that of the old Portuguese court, symbol of the oppression of the old regime. Debret is the design of the beautiful imperial flag, in collaboration with José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, in which the green rectangle of the Bragança represented the forests and the yellow rhombus, color of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty, represented the gold.
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Maria Leopoldina became Brazil's first empress consort. She also played an important role in the process of issuing a Declaration of Independence. On 2 September 1822, a new decree with demands from Lisbon arrived in Rio de Janeiro, while Prince Pedro was in São Paulo.
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Leopoldina, advised by José Bonifácio, and using her power as Princess Regent, met on 2 September 1822 with the Council of Ministers. She decided to send her husband the news along with a letter advising him to declare Brazil's independence and warned him, "The fruit is ready, it's time to harvest." Prince Pedro declared the country's independence upon receiving the letter on 7 September 1822.
When his father, João VI, died on 10 March 1826, Pedro inherited the Portuguese throne as King Pedro IV, while remaining Emperor Pedro I of Brazil. Maria Leopoldina thus became both Empress consort of Brazil and Queen consort of Portugal. However, two months later, Pedro was forced to give up the Portuguese throne to their seven-year-old daughter Maria.
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At the end of November 1826, Pedro traveled to Cisplatina (now Uruguay) to join his soldiers. To mark the occasion there was a large farewell reception on 20 November 1826, and Pedro demanded that both women, Maria Leopoldina and his official mistress Domitila de Castro, Marchioness of Santos, appear together before the ecclesiastical and diplomatic dignitaries and receive his kiss on the hand. With the fulfillment of this demand, Maria Leopoldina would have officially recognized her husband's mistress, and for this she refused to appear at the reception. This caused a bitter argument with Pedro, who departed with no resolution to the situation.
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Shortly after, Maria Leopoldina became ill, had spells of fever, became delirious at times, and then suffered a miscarriage on 2 December 1826. She died eight days later, on 11 December, five weeks before her thirtieth birthday. She was buried on 14 December 1826 in Rio de Janeiro, in the church of the Ajuda Convent.
Maria Leopoldina had seven children with her husband King Pedro IV of Portugal: 
Maria II of Portugal (4 April 1819 –15 November 1853) Queen of Portugal from 1826 until 1853. Maria II's first husband, Auguste de Beauharnais, 2nd Duke of Leuchtenberg, died a few months after the marriage. Her second husband was Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who became King Dom Fernando II after the birth of their first child. She had eleven children from this marriage. Maria II was heir to her brother Pedro II as Princess Imperial until her exclusion from the Brazilian line of succession by law no. 91 of 30 October 1835.
Miguel, Prince of Beira (26 April 1820) Prince of Beira from birth to his death.
João Carlos, Prince of Beira (6 March 1821 – 4 February 1822) Prince of Beira from birth to his death.
Princess Januária of Brazil (11 March 1822 – 13 March 1901) Married Prince Luigi, Count of Aquila, son of Don Francesco I, King of the Two Sicilies. She had four children from this marriage. Officially recognized as an Infanta of Portugal on 4 June 1822, she was later considered excluded from the Portuguese line of succession after Brazil became independent.
Princess Paula of Brazil (17 February 1823 – 16 January 1833) She died age 9, probably of meningitis. Born in Brazil after its independence, Paula was excluded from the Portuguese line of succession.
Princess Francisca of Brazil (2 August 1824 – 27 March 1898) Married Prince François, Prince of Joinville, son of Louis Philippe I, King of the French. She had three children from this marriage. Born in Brazil after its independence, Francisca was excluded from the Portuguese line of succession.
Pedro II of Brazil (2 December 1825 –5 December 1891) Emperor of Brazil from 1831 until 1889. He was married to Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies, daughter of Don Francesco I, King of the Two Sicilies. He had four children from this marriage. Born in Brazil after its independence, Pedro II was excluded from the Portuguese line of succession and did not become King Dom Pedro V of Portugal upon his father's abdication.
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Today we start out of Galway, but will make our way down to Portmagee, on the Ring of Kerry.  First stop?  Doolin.  
The last time I drove to Doolin I was with my other best friend MJ.  She drove and there were some concern for the roads, so knowing that we were coming all the way from Northern Ireland, I skipped staying here for two nights because I didn’t think I could make that trek a few days ago.  I’m so sad that I did, because the roads weren’t that much of an issue and I believe in the dark we would have made it fine.  You live and you learn.  Doolin seems more Tammy’s speed and I think she would have enjoyed it more.  To be fair though it is hard to enjoy Galway tired and Scotland and Ireland have beat the hell out of our bodies.
Along the way to Doolin we stop off by a couple sights including Dunguaire Castle (it isn’t open and we have a boat to catch so must be on our way) and Corcomroe Abbey, where we meet some lovely ladies, tending the cemetery.  They later school me on how my friend Padraic’s name is pronounced (according to them it is “pour rick,” but in the area of Ireland that his family is from it is most assuredly how they pronounce it “pawd rick.”  We thank them for their time, wish them well and then leave.  
The funniest thing happened though on our way out.  We pulled over to look at some cows and they all came charging at Tammy.  I nearly died laughing.
We toodle along on down to Doolin, by the gorgeous countryside and then eventually see the Matchmaker Bar.  Tammy has been droning on and on about this thing and there it is.  A.  Real.  Thing.  
We finally make it to Doolin and stop into music shop where we both buy Irish harps (and a tin whistle for me) and then to Gus O’Connors pub to have a couple of beers before heading to the dock to get on the boat tour of the Cliff’s of Moher.  I choose my namesake beer, the “Cute Hoor.”  We still have about an hour (so we think).  We of course buy more pub shirts.  Told you this was becoming a thing.  We head down to the dock to only find we are two hours late.  After some teasing from the boat guy he finally lets us know that he is letting us on the next boat.  I give him a hug and thank him. 
We head down to the dock and get on the boat only to discover a naked man over on the rocks.  We joke that it is the spirit of Tam’s dad Phil (a.k.a. Father Dowling).  First his name was Phil Callahan.  Don’t ask why we call him Father Dowling.  Second Phil has gone onto the next world, but the reason this joke happens is that he notoriously used to mow his lawn in his speedo.  Still this object we saw on the rock I know what his spirit following us into Ireland.
We head out to the cliffs.  My first trip to the cliffs was walking them, which I do recommend more than the boat ride.  For one there are sooooo many people on the tiny boat and getting a good view, especially in full sun is very hard.  Still they were very pretty and I’m happy we saw them from this angle.
Next onto O’Callaghanmills.  This was a town in Ireland that Tammy’s people migrated to.  It really is a little bit of nothing in the middle of nowhere (Tammy’s actual clan is from a town called Mallow in County Cork), but still we drive through.  It literally takes 10 minutes to drive through it both ways.  Not much to see we head onto Bunratty Castle.
Bunratty Castle is boring as hell.  Save yourself a trip.  it is the Silver Dollar City of Irish Castles.  There are castle ruins with more character than this place.  Unless you are bored or have children... avoid at all cost.  The off road redeems itself somewhat as we stop off for a beer and then a silly mood ring before we get on the road.  So much for us not spending money on stupid stuff like we did in high school.
We head quickly down to the Ring of Kerry.  I will drive about 1/2 today and 1/2 tomorrow as we will be staying in a town called Portmagee which is on the southwest side of the ring.  Before we make it we stop off at a delicious pizza restaurant called, “The Oratory,” in Cahersiveen.
Now the Oratory is gorgeously designed from an old church in ruin.  The lighting is exquisite and well done.  More importantly the pizza is delicious.  I have difficulty choosing from a more traditional pesto option and a peach and gorgonzola option.  The lady lets me know I can do both.  I later find out that I should have trusted my instincts and gone with the entire pizza being the peach option with gorgonzola and drizzled with a balsamic reduction.  The pizzas are also Napolitiano style which I’m a sucker for.  How did I ever tire of these things in Naples?!?!  Tammy ends up buying a painting of Skellig Michael Island which we will be visiting tomorrow.  She likes the moons in it and meets the artist who happens to be dining in the restaurant..
We move on.  We have about 30 minutes to go until we get to Portmagee, and I would be remiss in noting that I’m a little nervous about it.  There aren’t tons of lights on the ring of Kerry.  
We manage to get down to the turn to Portmagee just as the sun disappears.  The next few minutes are sheer nervousness as it is pitch black on a single track road in the middle of nowhere in a country that we are foreign to.  I however manage.  We park and head inside.  We get situated and head of course to the bar for a couple of beers.  We strike up a conversation with the bartender and a fisherman from the area.  He tells of the dog races that he participates in.  We are discovering this is a bit of a thing for a lot of people in the area.
We finish up and decide to head to bed.  We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, scaling Skellig Michael.
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orbemnews · 4 years
How to Find a Golf Home for Less While homes in golf communities can cost tens of millions of dollars, it’s also possible to buy some that are more affordable for many people — under $500,000, for example. Here are some tips for finding them. Buy early in a new community: Carla Barnard, the co-owner of the Golf Course Broker, a company that brokers the sales of golf course developments and homes, said developers trying to attract buyers for a new golf project often offered “early bird” specials. These include lower prices for homes, breaks on memberships and credits to use on restaurants and toward activities and spa treatments. “Buying early on in one of these communities is a great opportunity to find a home at a good deal,” she said. Location matters: Look at properties in rural and suburban settings rather than densely populated areas. The closer you are to a big city, the more expensive a golf home will be, Ms. Barnard said. Your money will go a lot further, for example, if you buy in rural South Carolina or the countryside in Ireland or northern England than it will if you buy in the heart of Naples, Fla. Jason Becker, the chief executive of Golf Life Navigators, a matchmaking site that helps people find golf memberships and homes based on their criteria, agreed, adding: “There are hundreds of fantastic golf communities with basic amenities where you can find a good home. It might just mean that your intended geographical location might have to shift a bit.” The bottom line is that you shouldn’t get discouraged if a market like Palm Beach is beyond your budget because you’ll find plenty of options within an hour’s drive. Consider bundled communities: In the golf world, Mr. Becker said, a community where your membership to the club is part of your home price is known as a bundled community. Usually, because all the residents are theoretically sharing in the cost of the club, homes in these communities are more affordable for budget-conscious golf-home buyers. If the costs of joining a club and purchasing a home are out of your price range, a bundled community could be a great option. Bundled communities also tend to have fantastic amenities. Purchase a “starter home”: Buying a small “turnkey” condominium for your first golf home is an inexpensive way to become familiar with a golf market in your desired destination before you’re able to increase your budget to buy that dream home, Mr. Becker said. In addition, the condo may grow in market value and earn you some unexpected money when you sell it. Buy outside a golf community: Living outside a golf community significantly increases your chances of finding a lower-priced home with lower homeowners association fees; as a rule of thumb, living in a community has extra costs associated with it, such as fees to maintain amenities. These fees are minimal when you’re not in a community. “A lot of golf club members, with price in mind, go down the route of buying a home near the community but not actually within it,” Mr. Becker said. However, he encourages prospective buyers to ask the membership director how many nonresident members there are. If there are less than 10 percent, you might get into a situation where you’re looked at as the “stepchild.” “It’s better to find a club with a sizable number of nonresident members so you will fit right in,” Mr. Becker said. Source link Orbem News #Find #golf #home
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grabtee · 5 years
Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt
New Post has been published on https://lazadashirt.com/trending/religious-christian-cross-easter-resurrection-shirt/
Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt
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Buy it: Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt
The Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt is by far the best shirt ever. I have got 10 uses out of mine so it’s really worth the money. I get really bad acne and this gets rid of overnight. I recommend it to anyone who has struggled with acne. This is one of my absolute favorites! After being given a free sample of this in the store I haven’t stopped keeping a tub of this around. I have pretty oily and red skin and it isn’t helped by being an outside worker.
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Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Longlived
This is the perfect Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt for evening up my skin and helps get rid of dry patches. And it especially came in handy after my recent trip to Naples, where we were doing lots of exploring and walking and even took a trip up the volcano. My face and skin took a battering from the drier elements to a point my make up wouldn’t sit properly or nicely.
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Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Longlived
I’m not a fan of a ‘bitty’ shirt but I can handle it in this one, it’s so zingy, great for the morning, my skin feels so smooth and clean afterward. It is now part of my hangover cure as it really clears your head! But this product cleared it up amazingly! The Religious Christian Cross Easter Resurrection shirt is great if you love mint, it kinda reminds me of an after eight/mint matchmakers aroma so it’s perfect for around Christmas time too! Highly recommend!
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thebrightsun · 8 years
Just Be Here Now (Prequel. 1)
I have to admit this chapter is not my best work. I'm not really good at writing fluff... I hope you guys like this. Valerie, Thomas's friend plays Prince's girlfriend in this story. :) All the chapters of Just Be Here Now are tagged JBHN. This chapter is all sweet. And it gets better! 
Pairings: Pta Sanders. ValeriexPrince
Warnings: None. :) Whee~ 
Valerie dragged Morality across the basketball court. “We’re late! Prince will be mad. He saved us two seats!” She quickly ran toward the seat in the middle of the first row. “Come here, Morality!”
Morality lowered his back, trying hard not to block anyone’s view. He nearly tripped when Valerie pulled him to the seat. “Hey! Easy, girl. I wouldn’t want to fall in front of everyone.” He moved his eyes back to the game. “What’s the score?”
“22-16. We’re winning.” Valerie looked at Prince proudly. Morality, on the other hand, didn’t focus on Prince at all. His eyes were caught by the boy with a “13” on his shirt. “Logic…” He whispered.
“What?” Valerie asked half-heartedly, eyes not moving away from her boyfriend.
“No. Nothing.” He replied softly. Morality stared at the running boy. He didn’t know that intelligent boy could play basketball, too. Are all the top students good at everything? Are all the top students…so attractive? Morality blushed madly, but then letted himself swimming in his thoughts.
Logic’s eyes swept over a boy that sat next to Prince’s girlfriend. A cute, little boy with a grey cardigan wrapped around his neck. Logic never believed love at the first sight, but looking at the boy made him feel like falling in love. He looked back at his teammates, but his thoughts couldn’t focus back on the game anymore. “Logic, here!” He heard Prince yelled and passed the ball.
As Prince threw the ball in the basket for the last time, the judge blew the whistle, indicating the game is finished. He ran across the basketball court toward Valerie, not forgetting to drag Logic with him. “Valerie! I thought you won’t come!” He kissed on Valerie’s forehead.
Valerie giggled and handed Prince a bottle of water. Morality stood by her side awkwardly, peeking at Logic through his fringe. He hesitated, but then passed his water to Logic. “I drank from it, but if you don’t mind—”
Logic took the water and swallowed the water down, but stopped when he heard Morality. He blushed a little and said, “It’s fine. I, um, I don’t mind.” Morality’s face was red as tomato. He quietly nodded and looked away, trying hard to cover his blushing cheek.
“Do you guys want to eat dinner together? Naples, the new pizza place next to our school is open.” Valerie suggested, clearly noticed Morality’s change of emotion. Someone had a crush. She smirked.
Prince nodded and turned his head toward Logic. “Sure. I’m hungry. Let’s go.” Logic replied and led the way out.
Morality looked over to Valerie. “Are you insane!? We have a test tomorrow!” He whispered rapidly.
Valerie gave him a “I know everything” look. She soothed, “Don’t be too stressed. We have a whole study hall for that. Plus, I’m sure you’ll want to meet our cute nerdy Logic.” Morality didn’t know if his cheek could get any redder.
“He doesn’t like me.” Morality mumbled. He looked at the boy walking in front of him and shook his head. There’s no way this top student, popular boy would like him back. After all, they just met today, and he was not even noticeable. He was just an average student.
“You’ll never know.” Valerie whispered softly.
Prince looked at Logic. “So, I saw someone wasn’t focusing on the game at all.”
Logic sighed, “Stop.” He slowed down his pace, walking next to Prince. “I was thinking things.”
“Things? By that you mean Morality?” Prince teased, bumping his shoulder to Logic.
“…So what.”
Prince widened his eyes. Logic was the coolest boy he had ever met, and he never thought Logic would admit that he was thinking about someone. “Then go chase after him! Go get him! Win his love!”
Logic turned his head toward Prince’s direction. “There’s no way he would like me back. If you have a brain, you should know that we just met today. There’s no ‘love at the first sight’ in the real world. That only happened in fairytale.” His eyes dimmed a little when he thought about this, but then mocked himself for being so emotional.
Prince sighed exasperatedly, “But you guys will be a fairytale! Ah, just like opposites attract!” Logic looked at the now-imagining-a-romance Prince, then walked away, not bothering to reply to that apparently tempting thought.
Prince changed a look with Valerie. Valerie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “We’re studying together tonight, with them.” She mouthed. Prince raised his eyebrow. Well, seemed like he was not the only one that signed up for matchmaking.
“So, what’s the test about?” Prince asked loudly, clearly wanting Logic to hear it.
Valerie smiled when she saw Logic slowed down. “It’s western civilization. We’re learning French Revolution. It’s a big test, and I’m not sure if Morality and I are prepared.”
Logic turned back. He looked at Morality and smiled gently, “My strongest course is history. Do you need help? I have time tonight.”
Morality widened his eyes and nodded quickly, then regret for being so straight forward. He blushed madly. Should’ve waited for a second, he thought to himself. He once again peeked at Logic through his fringe, and surprisingly saw Logic’s satisfied smile. Could it be? Could he be interested in me? No, stop. Logic only offered because I’m Valerie’s friend. Morality argued with himself mentally.
To be continued. 
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qabumble899 · 3 years
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