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nosbastidoresdopier · 1 year ago
Governador participa da abertura oficial da colheita do arroz em Massaranduba
“Temos um Estado rico em diversidade e o arroz é um cultivo que destaca Santa Catarina. Somos o segundo maior produtor do Brasil e a nossa produção tem regularidade. Estou aqui para prestigiar esse evento que mostra a força que o nosso arroz representa. Sei que tivemos um ano de 2023 difícil, com muitos problemas por conta das fortes chuvas, mas somos um povo resiliente e torço para que a…
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zayn-all-night · 1 year ago
Midcentury Landscape - Container Garden
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Image of a medium-sized, drought-tolerant, full-sun front yard with concrete pavers from the mid-20th century.
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zaynsource · 2 years ago
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Landscape in Austin Image of a medium-sized, drought-tolerant, full-sun front yard with concrete pavers from the mid-20th century.
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beeandpupcat · 2 years ago
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Pool - Transitional Pool
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flaviebrizard · 1 year ago
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Columbus Transitional Pool Pool - mid-sized transitional backyard concrete paver and rectangular aboveground pool idea
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kedis4ever · 1 year ago
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Transitional Pool Columbus Example of a mid-sized transitional backyard concrete paver and rectangular aboveground pool design
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sarisstg · 1 year ago
Transitional Pool Columbus
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An illustration of a medium-sized transitional backyard design with a rectangular above-ground pool
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thecraptacular · 2 years ago
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Transitional Pool - Above Ground
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hatesaltrat · 2 months ago
Oh I do love Purple Heart! It’s gorgeous wood. It’s quite hard compared to the usual species so pre-drilling for fasteners is a must, sharp blades are mandatory, and learning old joinery like dove tails or mortise and tenon are strongly recommended. On the west coast you could go to wood shafters, I mean Wood Crafters and buy Purple Heart but they sadly sell it by the pound because it’s so pricy that board feet isn’t a good measure. I built my wife a lap desk for beading and jewelry making with a fair amount of Purple Heart years ago. I just saw it in my little shop area last weekend and if you were interested I’d share some pictures this coming weekend. If you’re serious @teamvoorhees3 I can help you find a source. Another amazing species that has a really rich deep ox blood color is massaranduba.
Oh hey!!! Look here! One of the places I used to source massaranduba, cumaru, and ipe from also handles Purple Heart.
Just got to do some woodworking for the first time in a long while, and I am once again reminded of why I enjoy my favorite type of word to work with: Purpleheart.
Why’s it called purpleheart?
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Muthafuckin’ purple wood. How cool is that? It’s brown when you cut it, but due to oxidization, eventually turns to a beautiful purple color. (if you don’t seal it at this stage, it’ll eventually turn red, I believe, which is still pretty, but you buy purpleheart for purple, damnit!)
And everything you make with it turns out amazing.
Purple floors?
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Purple stairs?
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Purple table?
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Purple guitar?
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Purple whatever the hell is going on here?
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It’s just such a cool wood to work with, and it’s sturdy enough to be used for just about anything. If I ever get a house, half of it might just end up being made out of purpleheart.
Anyway, that’s enough nerdery for one post. I will now return to reblogging stupid pictures and recipes.
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gazetadoleste · 2 months ago
Prefeitura de Massaranduba - SC: até R$ 22,4 mil em seletivo
Processo seletivo Prefeitura de Massaranduba, em Santa Catarina, tem oportunidades de diferentes níveis de escolaridade. Por Márcia Pereira em 25/11/2024 às 12h09 Foi anunciado o edital do processo seletivo Prefeitura de Massaranduba nº 50/2024, no estado de Santa Catarina, que visa a formação de cadastro reserva de profissionais. As oportunidades são de estagiários, ou candidatos com níveis…
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nosbastidoresdopier · 1 year ago
3º Festival Cultural do Vale
No dia primeiro de novembro, Barra Velha se destacou brilhantemente no 3º Festival Cultural do Vale, realizado na cidade vizinha de Massaranduba. Este evento, que celebrou a diversidade cultural do Vale do Itapocu, trouxe à tona o extraordinário talento artístico e a paixão pela expressão criativa que florescem em nossa comunidade. Os representantes de Barra Velha não apenas participaram do…
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kaoru-masaki · 2 months ago
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bennettcook · 2 years ago
A oportunidade é para candidatos com ensino fundamental, médio e superior; confira Concursos › Notícias › Sul EDITAL DE ABERTURA Nº 12/2022 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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abswoodus1 · 4 months ago
Brazilian Wood Decking: A Durable and Stylish Option
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If you want to transform your outdoor space, you can’t go wrong with Brazilian wood decking. It’s among the densest and most durable hardwoods that naturally resist insects, rot, and decay. And because it’s available in different species, you shouldn’t have any problems finding the perfect color and texture to suit your aesthetic requirements and budget.
A Brazilian hardwood deck offers low maintenance and exceptional beauty, making it a better option than traditional treated wood and composite materials. Here are some benefits you can expect from Brazilian hardwoods:
Durability These hardwoods are water- and rot-resistant, which are important features for decking materials. Water damage, mold, and mildew will be the least of your worries during the rainy months. This ensures you can enjoy your Brazilian wood decking for many decades.
Strength A high-quality Brazilian hardwood deck can sustain a lot of pressure and weight. Given these qualities, you won’t have to spend too much time maintaining and caring for the structure.
Unmatched beauty Brazilian hardwoods have stunning natural hues that make your deck extra stunning. The smooth colors and dense grain exude luxury and quality, ensuring a touch of class to your outdoor space.
What are the options?
Here are the top choices in Brazilian hardwoods:
Ipe (Brazilian walnut) - Olive brown to black hue, with a straight to irregular grain, a fine to medium texture, and typically with variegated striping. Ipe is among the hardest woods on earth and is widely used for decking in Europe, the US, and Asia.
Garapa (Brazilian oak) - Honey-yellow in color with a slight ribbon that turns light brown with age. The grain is interlocked and irregular, and the texture is medium.
Tigerwood (Muiracatiara) - Light maple, with dark brown tiger stripes, hence the name. It can weather to a reddish color but maintains its usually straight grain and coarse texture.
Cumaru (teak) - Extremely durable and hard with a beautiful pronounced grain and cherry color
Massaranduba (Brazilian redwood) - Known for its rich deep red color and natural resistance to insects, decay, and rot
Build a Brazilian hardwood deck
Are you planning to use Brazilian wood decking? Make sure you are investing in high-quality and authentic materials. ABS Wood can get you started, as it carries only the highest-grade Brazilian hardwoods, from ipe to tigerwood and cumaru. Request a quote and order your decking materials by calling 352-508-4990 or 404-549-4840, or email [email protected].
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schoje · 5 months ago
Foto: Divulgação/Imetro Fiscais do Instituto de Metrologia do Governo de Santa Catarina (Imetro-SC) realizaram a Operação Dia do Feirante, que ocorreu em várias regiões do Estado. A ação, nacional, é coordenada pelo Inmetro. O objetivo é checar se os instrumentos utilizados pelos feirantes estão de acordo com os requisitos estabelecidos pela regulamentação. As fiscalizações ocorreram nas cidades de Blumenau, Indaial, São Bento do Sul, Massaranduba, Chapecó, Criciúma e Nova Trento. Foram fiscalizadas 55 balanças de feiras livres, das quais quatro foram reprovadas. Segundo a gerente de Metrologia Legal do Imetro-SC, Marilânia dos Santos, as irregularidades encontradas estão: erros contra o proprietário do instrumento; reprovação no teste de excentricidade, onde verifica se um mesmo peso colocado em qualquer posição do prato de pesagem não apresenta variações na leitura obtida e plano de selagem danificado, o que pode permitir acesso aos componentes internos do instrumento. Os responsáveis pelos instrumentos reprovados receberam um prazo de dez dias para realizar o conserto. “O resultado foi positivo, avaliando que entre os erros encontrados não foram evidenciadas fraudes contra o consumidor. É importante ficar atento às balanças piratas, aquelas sem a aprovação do Inmetro, pois não possuem exatidão, o que pode prejudicar tanto o proprietário, quanto o consumidor e a indústria nacional”, reforça a gerente Marilânia. Fique de olho Toda a balança precisa conter o selo indicando a última verificação e sua validade. A validade da verificação é de até um ano. Além disso, toda balança precisa possuir selo lacre, e placa de inventário do Inmetro. Para venda ao consumidor, a balança precisa estar em local iluminado, em plataforma sólida, nivelada, onde tanto o consumidor quanto o vendedor possam acompanhar as pesagens. Para denúncias ou informações entre em contato com o Imetro-SC, clique aqui. :: Acompanhe o Imetro-SC nas redes sociais. Fonte: Governo SC
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tvuai · 7 months ago
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