#Massage Therapy Voorhees
bodysolutionsnj · 4 years
Best Post Workout Supplements of Nutrition
Make The Ideal Post Workout Shake To Minimize Soreness And Maximize Recovery Rate
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Before we get to the shake ingredients, let’s discuss what is happening in your muscles.
When you do resistance personal trainer NJ, you create a few specific responses in your muscles.
Your muscles are depleted of carbohydrates. After a workout your muscles wants to refuel as fast as possible. So for the next 2 hours your body can absorb carbs a 1.7X the efficiency. This is the one time SUGAR is good for you because it digests fast enough to meet the 2 hour window of opportunity. This is also the one time when a powder protein is better than food. The powder proteins can digest much faster than food. We’ll discuss which one below.
Your muscles become inflamed. The response creates a healing process. If this process is nurtured with the ideal nutrients like fast digesting proteins and other healing accelerating nutrients, you will be less sore. Also your muscles will respond the way you want more quickly.
If you don’t give your body what it needs, it will breakdown proteins. Then, it will take the specific parts of proteins (Amino Acids) and make what it needs. If you don’t get the nutrients in, you will be much more sore.
So, we’ve learned that your body needs the fastest digesting carbs and proteins after the workout. This is the opposite of all other times during the day. At other times, you want SLOW digesting protein and carbs to minimize fat gain.
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For example, in the morning, you would make a shake with some slow digesting protein like hemp or casein protein. Then you would add in vegetables for nutrients and fiber to further slow the digestion down. Then you would add in some fruit like strawberries or any other type of berries because they digest slowly and are filled with lots of nutrients in Cooper Physical Therapy Voorhees.
However after workout, we want the opposite of this. We want the fastest digesting stuff possible. This will take advantage of that short 2 hour window of super protein and carb absorption by the muscles you worked.
So, with that basic understanding, let’s move forward and discuss the specific shake you will build.
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein (1 heaping tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight)
The ideal protein you will use is called Whey Hydrogenate protein. This is the only protein that will digest in 30 minutes. All other proteins will take more than 2 hours to fully digest. To give you an ideal, chicken can take up to 7 hours to fully digest.
For carbs you will want to use a fast digesting fruit with more dextrose than fructose. You see all fruits have a mix of different ratios of dextrose and fructose.  Since fructose can’t be used to refuel your muscles, we want to avoid them in this shake.
So chose fruits like pineapples, bananas, and grapes. As for how much to use, here is how you decide. If you are trying to lose body fat, use a 1 to 1 ratio of protein to carbs. Based on an average body weight of 150, this would be 1 scoop of protein or 3 heaping tablespoons along with ¾ up of those fruits.
Now if you are trying to gain muscle, then use a 3 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein. This would equal 1 scoop of protein or 3 tablespoons of protein and about 2 cups of fruit.
If you are trying to do both (lose fat and gain muscle) use a 2 to 1 ratio.  That’s 1 scoop of protein and 1 and a half cup of fruit.
Here is what you can add to the shake to accelerate recovery and minimize soreness.
Creatine Monohydrate (5 g) (1 teaspoon)
Creatine is actually a fuel source in your muscles. It’s naturally found in all vegetables in small amounts and in large amounts in red meat. When you take is in the shake, the sugars will help your body absorb the creatine. Once in your muscles, it directly helps your muscles repair itself. Also, if you store more creatine, you will have more fuel to be stronger in your next workout.
Resveratrol (200 mg) (1/8 of teaspoon)
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This specific nutrient has many healing and longevity effects. It helps reduce inflammation in all of your cells. It also helps your body process carbs. It does this by telling your body to use carbs as fuel instead of changing them into fat to be stored!  It also helps you live longer by activating specific genes to prolong life.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) (1/8 of teaspoon)
This nutrient specifically helps your muscle cells absorb carbs better. Also, this is one of the best antioxidants for your body. Adding in antioxidants will help your body be less inflamed and protect your body from many diseases.
Stevia (as needed)
If you want to make the shake extra sweet, you can add in stevia.
How to actually make the shake
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You can click on the individual ingredients above and order each of them. Use the recommended amounts and mix with the recommended fruit selection. Blend and drink as soon as possible after a workout.
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twodancingzombies · 2 years
Hello! Hope your hving a lovely day!! <3
Can you do Jason Voorhees, Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham with a reader who has Tourette’s?
(If you know what it is some people don’t lol)
Of course, I understand Tourette's to a certain degree but please correct me if I'm wrong. For those that don't know Tourette's is consistent involuntary movement or verbal stimulation for example repeated head movements or repeating a word or phrase. The person cannot control this and from what I've heard you should not hold someone to stop their tics or repeat words or phrases with the intent of making it become a persons tic.
Jason Voorhees
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You're definitely going to have to explain Tourette's to Jason, he just simply doesn't understand but after a few lessons, he'll surprise you with just how much information he retained, purely because he loves you
Jason is actually really good when it comes to keeping your tics as steady as he can, he understands a rowdy atmosphere doesn't help in most cases and his cabin is a rather cozy place once its been kitted out
Jason is also very good at sensing body language he can tell if a tic will be violent and can quickly slide a soft object near you to make sure you don't hurt yourself, he's also put himself between you and possible danger before
Jason is endlessly loving and caring towards you, he never gets angry if you happen to break things, he never gets frustrated with you, the only thing he cares about is your safety and happiness
Jason gets upset if he can see you physically exhausted or hurt from your tics and he's always got something warm and relaxing nearby to soothe any aches, he will cuddle you if you ask to he won't touch you unless you confirm its okay he doesn't want to make things worse
Hannibal Lecter
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Hannibal is a therapist, he's worked with people who have Tourette's on multiple occasions so he already knows the ins and outs and is best qualified to help treat alongside supporting you
Hannibal will ask how Tourette's are for you personally, he understands each person is different and where he already knows your character he wants to know how you feel and think, he essentially gives you free therapy
Hannibal is excellent at recognizing any triggers that cause a tic attack or any difficulties controlling your tics and with this he helps you with suppression techniques if you feel its right for you
As much as he's sat back with patients, he can't help but feel wrong not helping or preventing painful or exhausting tics even if he knows it would make things worse
Hannibal is however amazing at every other aspect of helping you, he avoids your triggers at all cost, always helps you patch up any injuries, massages to help muscle tension and plenty of reassurance to make sure you know he loves you and he will always be there for you
Will Graham
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Will is trying to muddle on himself, he’s not going to lie he’s not the right person to help you but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try, he will learn all he can about Tourette’s from books or from Hannibal, mainly Hannibal to try and be some aid to you
Will is very supportive and understanding but he also has problems so help must be mutual and you must also be able to stand alone and help him when he’s at his worst
That being said Will is incredibly overprotective of you and gets very stressed and emotional if he sees you in pain or exhaustion, Will turns into a hypocrite and forces you to rest and take care of yourself
There will become a point where Will completely throws himself into caring for you even if you can handle things, he’ll wash up, cook, make sure you’re fed and hydrated, get overwhelmingly angry if someone sets off your tics, please make sure he gets rest too otherwise he won’t even consider his own health
Your relationship may look difficult on the outside but you two are basically two peas in a pod looking out for each other and dragging the other up when they can’t themselves, in a way you’re both best qualified to helping each other since your understanding is so deep and Will won’t ever leave you
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sofiyavergara · 4 years
Stress.how to relife stress using tolerance versus acceptance & How stress affects your body.Lets watch how to relife stress using tolerance versus acceptance.Find more at: https://www.bodysolutionsinc.com/​ Stress means the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure, and pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to solve. psychology says Stress is a biological and psychological response experienced on encountering a threat that we feel we do not have the resources to deal with. Stress is harmful for our health and stress effect on our brain,mind,health,mentally etc The main Causes of stress is The condition and pressures that cause stress are known as stressors. Chronic stress is the main cause to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period of time in which an individual perceives he or she has no control. If you want to relife stress life,healthy life,fitness life using tolerance versus acceptance this video is very helpful for you. This video tells us how stress affects our body. Dr.Steve Young gives us some tips how to be stress free using tolerance versus acceptance stress free quotes,stress free healthy life . Body Solutions’ Unique Approach To Physical Therapy Gets Rid Of Your Pain And Restores Your Movement Faster And More Completely No Matter How Long You’ve Been In Pain Or How Many Other Treatment Hasn’t Worked.They give client many service like, Physical Therapy,Personal training,True Transformation Classes, Massage for residents of Medford NJ,Cherry Hill NJ, Marlton NJ,Mount Laurel NJ and Voorhees NJ. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/docsteveyoung/​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bodysolutionsnj​ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/steveaspt/​ What Dr.Steve Young says about how to be stress free using tolerance versus acceptance & How stress affects your body: .01 this video we're going to talk about the different tolerance and acceptance you see in your life will there be your relationships Yorker financial status your number of friends how much pain you have how much weight that you have on your body how much health that you have all of that is basically dictated by tolerance alright what do I mean by that  well try treated over 6,000 patients and I can remember maybe three to four patients ever that has not said I have a high tolerance for pain and what does it mean well it means what they really mean is I am tough and resilient and I don'give up but however that gets lumpedt with high tolerance for pain as if pain tolerance equals toughness which it can however when you say I have a high pain tolerance what you really mean is I don't address my body when the pain level is a1 a2 a3 maybe even a four or five right and what that means that you're going to be living with one to level of pain because you can tolerate that right just like your tolerance for a certain behavior of someone that youlike or love right maybe that behavior is unacceptable acceptable to you but you're tolerating it or maybe your job right there's a certain satisfaction or not satisfaction in your job that you're currently doing but you tolerate that level of satisfaction so basically everything that you have in your life is dictated by your level of tolerance to that thing right and so one of the things if you're looking for more happiness more better relationships more financial status wealth better health less body weight less body fat what you really want to look at is do I want to lower my tolerance to it right which is you know for example if you want to have a life of no pain set your tolerance 20 all right what that means is at the  first sign of pain it means you're going to take action to address that pain right you let's say you want to lose 10 pounds you just say well I am NOT tolerating being10 pounds overweight anymore and you will take action to address that maybe you want to be closer with someone that you love then say I will no longer tolerate this level of communication trust and I want this much you want totake action towards that right so I want you to either increase the level of tolerance right or change the level of tolerance or you can accept it right an acceptance is completely letting it go 2.44 right you could there's no right or wrong way on this you can say I just accept that I'm going to be in two out of ten shoulder pain for the rest of my life I'm going to accept that I weigh 200 pounds set of 170 I'm going to accept that my communication level with  a loved one is this instead of this right and so there's no right or wrong way you could either fully accept it and 3.07 let it go and what's interesting about that is sometimes through acceptance and letting it go it goes away all right because you're no longer struggling with that thing tolerance requires daily Please don't forget to like,comment and subscribe us :https://www.youtube.com/user/drstevey​...
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