#Massage Therapists Prescott
handelplayssims · 1 year
Before we move into the next household, it’s time to talk about another purchase! I’ve managed to nab High School Years! This pack leapt up the list of packs-to-get with the playable high school. Naturally I’ve made a few adjustments to Copperdale.
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Number 1 being getting a nicer high school. I nabbed Lilsimie’s and made some minor adjustments. Namely, I adore Frank the Flying Whomp Whomp and added his statues around the place! (Also some footballs and adjusting the door that’s faculty only) Now I do have another high schoool in mind...but that's for a collective Copperdale/alumini wealth thing!
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Secondly, instead of the near starter lot, I added in a diner. I would have gone for something a bit more small-town themed but this is going to replace my diner in Newcrest. Now Newcrest’s restaurant can be even fancier! And have those experimental foods!
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And the final lot, Little Falls Nook got a 71 thousand dollar home. It’s within the reach of established families but it’s still something Sims will have to work towards if they want to live there. Oh, and I also switched the rental home into a residential one as well. There really isn’t any lots per say that would really gain tourism much. I let Henford-on-Bagley slide because it’s super based on an area that has tourism as a lure but I don’t think Copperdale has such lures. No, I don’t count the amusement rides. Those are kinda like, a low level quality lure, only real good for locals and stuff. But enough about Copperdale! Let’s move onto our new household!
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These two were a part of the Dream Home Decorator pre-release trailer footage. And I kinda thought they were a couple but no. They’re half-siblings. Out of the three in-homed DHD households, I’m moderately amused I’m getting not Patina, or her sister and her daughter, but these two. Anyway, the two are living in a fancy house sooooo, let’s see where their whims will take them!
Freddie is at the high class lounge in Del Sol Valley for some reason. -shrug- First whim is to purchase a chess table and second to bro hug a bro. Let’s head home first. Annnnd it is storming at Newcrest. Glorious. There’s a chess set at home so I set Freddie to ponder moves instead of purchasing one.
Now I have to slide into skills and such for ideas. Job ideas. Freddie has six in wellness and Autumn just has one in fitness. Hmm. Well I do have an idea for what to do with Freddie! Yoga Instructor and Massage Therapist! You can just take out the objects and use them all around for some extra money. ...we’ll see if I actually stick with it. Autumn’s aspiration is Mansion Baron which...ehhhh. Not a favorite. But it does make for a good idea to try out some of the teen aspirations from High School Years. Admired Icon sounds like a good start!
We’re heading to school with Autumn! I am UTTERLY pleased with how many teens I recognize around here. Do have quite a few of them around in my households! We got Alex Feng, adopted scion of the Feng family. Alexander Goth! Maria Caliente, Katrina’s daughter! Olivia Kim-Lewis! And Molly Prescott and Sidney Price and...that football dude! (He wasn’t in the promotional trailers so I don’t know his name off the top of my head) Alex Feng was doing the T-Pose challenge so let’s do that real quick, as it is a part of our aspiration before class begins. Today’s class is business class, which raises our charimsa skill. We’ll be there for an hour or so before lunch-time.
It is now lunch-time and I am UTTERLY AMPED to go and make some friends. Who do we talk to? Who do we talk to? Let’s go with Alex Feng, the person we T-posed with! Over lunch the two chat and Autumn makes her first friend! After lunch is the foreign language class today, which raises both Charisma and Selvadoradian Culture. (So obviously Span-imlish) Now what do I do with Autumn and after-school activities? Debating between joining the Drama Club and becoming a Simfluencer. Leaning towards the latter and so I shall pick it up! But for now, we’re heading home. She’s sleepy after all, and an afternoon nap is calling! So now we rotate over to Freddie. Still has his two whims so let’s find a bro to bro-hug. Using the clubs thing from Get Together, I can filter Sims by traits and...well, I’m suddenly sad again that we have lost Partihus. My favorite bros are gone! I have to go to the inferior bro-filled home. The Roomies. Sadness.
Anyway, I popped on over and did a round of socials. Found out Zoe Patel, J Huntington, Mitchel Kalani and Gavin Richards initial trait and career. Also set up my massage table and offered a massage to the household. Zoe asked but routing failed her so I instead gave her the most expensive massage I could! Anyway, hungry and sleepy so let’s drop by the nearby food stall and have a burg and then head home. Edited Autumn’s clothes since I realized she didn’t have a formal outfit set and Freddie’s sexuality is changed to only be attracted to men. This man is flamboyant as hell and that makes it obvious to make him queer. Autumn I don’t have any particularly strong feelings for at the moment though.
Neighborhood Watch!
Ami Yamazaki in the Yamazaki household has died. Ami was so angry she burst into flames and died.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
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catalinaroleplay · 4 years
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Gender & Pronouns: Demigirl, she/they
Date of Birth: July 28th, 1990 (30)
Place of Birth: Catalina Island, California
Neighborhood: Avalon
Length of Residency: Native
Occupation: Owner of Essence of Petra and Former Reality TV Star 
Face Claim: Margot Robbie
TRIGGERS: Car Accident.
It’s always been acknowledged that every person is different from the next. Many people study the virtual calendar on their iPhone, patiently waiting for the workday to be over because it’s one day closer to the weekend. Two days out of the five-day workweek, where people rest themselves or use these two days to socialize only to regret they didn’t get enough rest. Though, when someone wakes up each morning, it’s someone’s birthday erupting from the vast locations across the planet. Some people care, other people don’t, but when you put Cleo Halliwell into the equation, what’s supposed to be a single-day celebration on July 28th, has become the hottest ticket for anyone to get their hands on in Catalina.
Although, instead of jumping ahead into the festivities of Cleo and her need to be the center of attention regardless of the circumstances, the backstory of Arthur and Evelyn Halliwell’s eldest daughter has to start somewhere. Ideally, the day of July 28th, 1989, is when her beloved mother endured twenty-six-hour labor to see the sight of their newborn quiet as a mouse and sucking on her thumb. It’s the first and only time when silence overpowered Cleo ─ even when her head lay upon wicked Evelyn’s chest. It’s far from a warning sign for the new parents over how kind of havoc they’re going to receive from their daughter. Though, as the years went on, everyone close to the platinum-locked girl sat on the edge of their seats, rarely having a moment of silence to relax, as they needed to keep their attention in complete focus for the unknown that could plenty come from her behalf.
Her constant push and pull infuriated Evelyn for years. Others would react out to seek attention from their loved ones. For her, the reason for acting out was because the adrenaline consuming her couldn’t be thrashed elsewhere. She loved breaking the norms that society placed on women, specifically in prominent positions due to their families. She didn’t care if she came home with bruises on her knees from all of the tumbles from the jungle gym or for sliding on the grass to the nearest base for the impromptu baseball game. This is everything she loved. Of course, for her mother, Evelyn’s endless scorns at her daughter felt as if she’s boomed and is failing what’s supposed to be the matriarch of her jewelry company. After all, your firstborn inherits the responsibilities when the parents pass on, especially when you have a family business.
However, as the young girl kept growing and finding new ways to evolve herself, one happens to be the sudden interest in ballet. A glimmer of hope flickered in the matriarch’s colored optics. If it hadn’t been for the spontaneous work trip Arthur took for his wife’s company and constant pleading from his younger daughter, she would’ve never laid eyes on the holiday performance of Nutcracker performed by the New York City Ballet. It had been love at first sight before any other life experiences could come to her. It’s all the bright and wide-eyed six years old Cleo could talk about on the car ride from the performance to the hotel, then for the proceeding days. It got to the point where their words began to exhaust their father, who retorted to occasional hm’s, and that’s nice remarks. Yet, his minimal words meant he’s listening, and because of his open-ears, the father-daughter pairing returned from their New York trip; Arthur made sure to inform his wife about Cleo’s dreams.
So, as the young girl went to bed that evening, she’d be woken up in the morning to their mother, pre-plastic surgery, standing over the bed with fabulous news. Her mother hired Tamara Rojo, an artistic director of the English National Ballet and the lead principal dancer. A collection of known performances and awards proving her ability and impact in the industry did not go overlooked. Because of Tamara’s praise, it led to Evelyn Halliwell getting the best for her daughter ─ even if it meant coming off as menacing.
The dynamic between both Cleo and Tamara flourished gracefully and instantly. The teacher stimulated the young dancer early to achieve every one of her goals without a second thought. Any form of doubt was quickly overturned with guidance, even with ways to encourage the young girl while hearing her feelings before pushing her through the three hours of practice. However, the further Tamara made her feel appreciated. Even from when Cleo was young, her mother would be hands-off and only show interest when it benefited it. It took her years to start seeing the former principal as a monumental figure. Tamara became a pseudo mother that she longed for and knew would never change her, as Evelyn tried all too frequently.
And the motherly connection Cleo established with Tamara would only prosper over the years. If it hadn’t been for Tamara, the continuous encouragement, and signing up the young ballerina for competitions, she’d remain a nobody from the isle of Catalina Island. If it hadn’t been for her teacher, she wouldn’t have received a letter from the American Ballet Theatre with a position to join the company after her high school graduation. It was a dream come true and something she had worked feverishly, yet tiredly toward, from the moment she took the spontaneous New York City trip with her father. Now it was paying off, and nothing could crush their dreams.
That’s until she ended up in a car accident in November of her senior year, dating a month after learning about her position at the American Ballet Theatre. The accident was gruesome to Cleo because the impact was direct into the passenger’s side. Luckily for their seatbelt, it saved her because had the circumstances been different, the aging individuals’ life would’ve ended then and there due to the intensity. Though, there’s more harm that consumed her trained body and ended their dream of being a principal dancer ─ a ruptured disc.
Doctors told them that surgeries could adjust the damages to a point where she’ll function without laborious complaints, but it will never be the same. After all, medicine doesn’t work that way. Once the car accident happened, the damage had been created. Minimization is ideally the best solution, but none will receive one hundred percent capability. Maybe ninety percent, so it’s loose in the possibilities, but the young girl would notice the difference immediately. If she wanted to dance, which wasn’t recommended by their doctors, the future would be gruesome and full of distress, as the only way to minimize the feeling would be through chiropractors and massage therapists. But they needed to lay it out flat for the young girl to avoid her doing anything reckless ─ considering since reckless, and testing any sort of authority, is their middle name. So, as challenging as the news turned out to be, Cleo had to move on. Whether she liked it, and the latter she did not, this is the new normal for them.
Astonishingly three months later, Gwendolyn Prescott and Cleo jokingly signed up for a local talent show. Little did the girls know what would outcome they’d receive. The decision had been a spur of the moment and a chance for them to do something irregular on a Friday evening rather than purposefully causing havoc that would end send their parents to early burials. The then-blondes went out on stage in a head-to-toe black attire and sang an original piece ─ Potential Breakup Song, described as how things unfolded between this suitor and one of the girls. Neither one of the pairs knew, let alone were aware, the head of the record label Hollywood Studios happened to be in the crowd since their niece coincidentally signed up for the show.
Something that unfolded on a whim led to an introduction and an eventual album deal to test the waters of their popularity before going any further. This offer alone came without any rejections as both sets of parents encouraged this opportunity. Dealing with a single topping the charts, handling a private life while attending school, and recording an album at seventeen showed them the first signs of adulthood. It had been fun. It also tested their patience, capability, along with a glimpse of what potential endeavors may endure. Many opportunities could’ve happened but, there was always an underlying factor ─ university.
After the release of Into The Rush, the only album Cleo and Gwen put out as a duo, the best friends agreed to fulfill their utmost potential by completing their tertiary education. Gwen booking a one-way ticket to New York while Cleo loaded up their newly purchased BMW X5 and made the trip to the University of Berkeley as the young soul got accepted into the school’s business program. Little did Cleo know, the single album release would land the second eldest Halliwell as the face and the protagonist of a reality series called Saint Catalina upon their return to the isle once the freshmen semester was completed.
The reality series carried on for four years as it set forth the future path for Cleo’s career once graduating from Berkeley. Not only did it bring opportunities such as an active perfume line, Cleodora, but side modeling bookings throughout the years to build their resume. It’s strange to imagine that once, in a blue moon, she thought ballet would be their break to stardom. But with improvisation, good luck, and a straightforward personality that captivated viewers’ attention, the path forward for the blonde is promising. Just when you think you’ve had enough of Cleo Halliwell, she comes back swinging ─ literally.
Positive: Straightforward | Logical | Entertaining
Negative: Imperious | Sardonic | Puerile
Cleo Halliwell is portrayed by Steph.
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boystownhq · 5 years
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Congratulations to the following players and their characters for being accepted to BoystownHQ!
Ansel Elgort | Arthur Prescott | 22 | Student | Madison
Chris Wood | Phillip Northman | 27 | Massage Therapist | KC
Take the time to follow the new player checklist and you have 24 hours to submit your character’s blog to the main. We hope to see you around.
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gadgetat · 8 years
Your image matters - Your online images matter too
Your image matters – Your online images matter too
Recently we were contacted by a new small business who wanted to get the word out about their services.  A new massage therapy business in Prescott Arizona.  When I took the call I let out a mental sigh.  See, there are a lot of massage therapists in Prescott Arizona.  A LOT!
Chatting with the new business owner I quickly found that we wouldn’t be a match for his company.  No location yet, no…
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
So, what are you waiting for? Are you still doubting the benefits of body massage therapy, Brockville? Don’t waste your time, go, and look for the best therapy centers near your location. Make sure to do detailed research in order to experience the best massage therapy.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
The body massage is done at prescottfamilychiropractic.ca and here all kinds of body massages are provided although, when it comes to get the right body massage then you should go for the remedial massage at the Therapeutic Massage Prescott, and here the body massage is provided to the people.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
To help advance the field of chiropractic care, Downtown Orlando Chiropractor might want to give this article on the benefits of chiropractic services. Since the beginning of its reality, Chiropractic Care Ontario has since quite a while ago stood out for critics until it was demonstrated viable with various benefits. On account of its commitment to the medical field, specialists and medical experts began to recognize and suggest this treatment strategy. Chiropractic treatments are non-obtrusive and advance the enlivening of the body to recuperate normally.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Muscle agony can be crippling for some individuals. Back rub can be a viable device for easing muscle torment and strain. After a session, a great many people rise feeling more settled and increasingly loose. The plying and round developments target profound layers of muscle. This can be especially helpful for individuals recuperating from damage.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Laser Light Therapy For Skin Prescott is a non-toxic and non-invasive therapy that uses light energy to repair and regenerate skin cells. Our treatment help you to improve the outcomes for treated skin conditions.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Beside the spinal control, the Laser Light Therapy for Skin Prescott chiropractor will acquaint some portability medications with increment the versatility in your pelvic territory. Because of your lower back agony, your pelvic development has turned out to be constrained and limited as to avert the torment you are feeling. Portability medications will be exceptionally useful in your versatility and adaptability. Ice or warmth treatment is likewise useful in lessening the aggravation of the muscles and joints. Back rub treatments are regularly incorporated into treatment designs as well. Moreover, chiropractor will help you in averting lumbar torment later on by presenting a more beneficial eating routine and exercise plan.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Apart from this, we are also into offering best Shockwave Therapies Prescott wherein the stress wears out at one go and you are all relieved. So, if you are in the need of such a treatment, we are the best ones to be approached.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Chiropractic Care Ontario centers fundamentally around the arrangement of the spine since this field of prescription accepts that any torment in the body is brought about by the misalignment of the spine. There are various reasons for misalignment, for example, mileage, wrong development, over extending, mishap or damage. Indeed, even every day exercises like strolling, standing and sitting whenever done inappropriately prompts the misalignment of the spine.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Coming from office to home, people get tired and at that time people need proper relaxation, so, the persons should take the best massage therapy. The massage treatment is the effective way to treat all severe pains in your body, but if you have been suffering from serious aches in your body. Your body aches will be vanished completely just because of the Massage Therapists Prescott, and the body massage is provided to the people who are suffering from severe body aches. Go to the professional message therapist where you can choose the message treatment as you won’t have to feel pains in your joints.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
There is no better way than a therapeutic massage to get relax. That is why Prescott Family Chiropractic providing chiropractic care and related services with best Massage Therapists Prescott. They will massage the stress right out of your body. Call us at 613-925-3436 for further details.
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digitalmarketerseo · 5 years
Improved flow is likewise valuable for the skin. After a back rub, skin ordinarily gleams from the additional blood stream. On the off chance that the Therapeutic Massage Prescott masseuse uses oil, skin will likewise get sustenance and hydration. Nutrient E, jojoba, primrose, or almond oil are instances of gainful oils that will improve skin surface.
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