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ainiblossom · 2 years ago
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🔪 Loveit? / biz×ZERA feat LOLUET 🍽️ 💔"what is loveit?"💔
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heartclutter · 3 years ago
curtaincall — English Translation
■ Vocal : KANKAN  https://twitter.com/KANKAN_sava ■ Music:yowanecity  https://twitter.com/21mad21 ■ Illustration:sakusha2  https://twitter.com/sakusya2honda ■ Mix:biz https://twitter.com/biz_nuko ■ Movie:mashikuro https://twitter.com/mashi_kuro5656 ■ Mastering:Masato Morisaki https://twitter.com/morisaki4425 ■ Translation:HEARTMUSH
Hi again everyone! I’ve been playing this song on loop for weeks now, and wanted to try my hand at my own version of a translation! As usual, this is just for fun. Translator’s notes are at the bottom of the post!
カーテンコール curtaincall
La tatata la 懺悔しな La tatata la, things that I regret (yeah!):
強がって胸張って虚ろってまで手にしたんだ 繕って埋め合って一等賞を証明したんだ 誰だって君だって欲しがってるんだ分かってるんだ 愛の争奪を ���に狡猾さを
Poker face it, puff my chest out empty words¹ will get me all that I want Gloss it over, compensate² for evidence that I'm the cream of the crop
After all, everyone's heart yearns, even yours— this I've already caught on
Fair in love and war? Pssh— it's cunning to the core!
被害妄想拗らせたる愚の骨頂 走馬灯の後にはカーテンコール 役者は誰もいないアンサンブル さらば友情よ そこの愛情も ただの傀儡の采配と知って 一切合切真実も 手に入れなくても良いと 誓ったら
Hellbent on this fear, paranoia³ is a serious pitfall Watched my life flash before my eyes, now curtain call There's no one to play the parts but it's an ensemble!
Farewell to friendship and the love that rested there Knowing you're all just some puppets on my strings
The truth when all is said and done: Never opening up is A-OKAY I swear on it!
人生に万歳 (yeah)アタシ功労者 何も残らぬ哀れな盲目者(Me only lonely) 冷笑系でも結構な 人生謳歌したような それら全部が役者と知って
In life I HURRAH! (yeah)
Aren't I so praiseworthy? Leaving no scraps de trop⁴ a miserable reckless⁵ guy! (Me only lonely)
Wearing a smirk is alright like singing praises of life, and everyone's just an actor, I realize!
万歳 (yeah) 君は何モンだ アタシ踊らされたような浮遊感 下らないと 気付いた時は いつも遅いんだ 人生蝕んだそのparasite
HURRAH! (yeah) What in the world are you? I'm at the mercy⁶ of a dance that's aimless, flew the coop
I'm full of shit— but what a shame, you always realize it late;
Devouring life, that's me, the -parasite-!
馴れ合って染め合って 虚ろってまで手にしたんだ 嘘ついてバレ合って 一生窮地を作ってきたんだ 肉弾戦超えたって その先に何があんだ
Biteしちまった 等身大の自分を
Get along with, dyed and stained in hollow words, it's almost like the true me As for my lies, they'll be found out made a crisis that'll last my whole life
Cross the front line, past the bloodbaths⁷, What lies beyond the theater of war⁸?
BITE— they’re chomping at the bit for the life-sized me: an encore!
後悔は先に立たず 嘆く者も一人残らず 孤独なカーテンコール 未練を残しダイブしてくゴール 終幕しろよ 碌な物じゃないよ 君が凄惨な役者と知って
Up ahead no regrets in my conscience Not a single person left to grieve my alliance It's a lonely curtain call No lingering regrets that's the leading role's goal
Bringing the curtains to a close Ain't a good thing, you know? Knowing that you're the trashiest of actors!
万歳(Yeah) アタシ功労者 何も残らぬ哀れな盲目者(Me only lonely) 冷笑系でも結構な 人生謳歌したような それら全部が役者と知って
HURRAH! (yeah)
Aren't I so praiseworthy? Leaving no scraps de trop a miserable reckless guy! (Me only lonely)
Wearing a smirk is alright like singing praises of life, and everyone's just an actor, I realize!
万歳 (yeah) 君は何モンだ アタシ踊らされたような浮遊感 下らないと 気付いた時は いつも遅いんだ 人生蝕んだそのparasite
HURRAH! (yeah)
What in the world are you? I'm at the mercy of a dance that's aimless, flew the coop
I'm full of shit— but what a shame, you always realize it late;
Devouring life, that's me, the -parasite-!
完全犯罪 アタシ成功者 悔いたって遅いんだ 生まれ変われば 誰か教えてくれたら
The perfect crime I'm a success y'know? Regret's a fickle dream, but If I were reborn again I wish someone would tell me this precious thing
人生に万歳 (yeah) アタシ功労者 何も残らぬ哀れな盲目者(Me only lonely) 冷笑系でも結構な 人生謳歌したような それら全部が役者と知って
In life I HURRAH! (yeah)
Aren't I so praiseworthy? Leaving no scraps de trop a miserable reckless guy! (Me only lonely)
Wearing a smirk is alright like singing praises of life, and everyone's just an actor, I realize!
万歳 (yeah) 君は何モンだ アタシ踊らされたような浮遊感 下らないと 気付いた時は いつも遅いんだ 人生蝕んだそのparasite
HURRAH! (yeah) What in the world are you? I'm at the mercy of a dance that's aimless, flew the coop
I'm full of shit— but what a shame, you always realize it late;
Devouring life, that's me, the -parasite-!-
¹ 強がって is more literally translated as "putting on a brave front", but since 胸張って ("puffing one's chest out") is written immediately afterwards, I chose to emphasize the coldness of the word 虚ろ, as it can also refer to a hollow vessel, empty heart, or a vacant expression.
² 埋め合って can also mean "to fill up" (i.e an audience filling a hall), which I felt was pretty neat and tied into the whole performance/theater aspect of this song and wanted to note.
³ The direct translation of 被害妄想 is a persecution complex, or persecutory delusion.
⁴ "de trop" is a French phrase meaning "superfluous or excessive".
⁵ 盲目 is defined as blindness in a literal sense, but when paired with な (e.g 哀れな盲目者), becomes an adjective that refers to the specific type of carelessness associated with a fool in love ("love is blind").
⁶ I chose to use the phrase "at the mercy of" due to the presence of the verb "された" in the original lyrics. された is a passive verb that refers to something that has been done to someone else, implying a loss of control. 
Keeping the themes of this song in mind, I feel like it hints at the aspect of performance in which an actor has less agency due to following a script, which is fun because the narrator here speaks of their insincerity as a means to attain what they want, yet seem unable to break free of this act they've kept up.
⁷ The literal translation of 肉弾戦 is "flesh bullet", and refers to a warfare in which soldiers are flinging their bodies at the enemy. I decided the best way to translate this is to emphasize the idea of opposing sides and the bloodshed that occurs. 
⁸ "Theater of war" is never explicitly mentioned in the original. It is only referred to as a location 先 ("beyond, past" [the flesh bullets]), so I chose to use the term "Theater of war" as it 1. Loops back around to the actor themes, and 2. is defined as the entire area that is or may become involved in war, i.e narrator moving past the clashing of egos and megalomania they relay throughout the song.
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