#Mary Colleen Delaney x Francis Flannery
colleenmurphy · 4 months
The rattling and banging on her front door was what woke her. According to the grandfather clock on the wall it was well past three in the morning and to her own internal clock it was much too late in the evening to have someone trying to break down her front door.
"Maaaaarreee it's meeee! Lemme in!"
Squished against the front door's first panel left hand panel of glass was a familiar face, albeit a little distorted from being smooshed up against the formerly pristine windowpane. Frank Flannery stood there on her front porch trying in vain to jiggle the front doorknob open. He looked like he reeked of low shelf rock gut he usually favored when 'Life Got Hard' and kept in large supply in the trunk of his beat up Buick. It's tan hulking frame visible from her front room window, she knew it. Parked half on the narrow strip of front lawn she had, nearly smiting her colony of happy little garden gnomes by mere inches but stopping short just in time.
"What Francis?"
"I'm cold! Lemme in!"
Looking him dead in the drunken eye she scowled and he stood a little straighter as she rolled her eyes. Snatching a pack of matches from the nearest foyer table drawer she sent the box through the mail slot at his feet.
"Light yourself on fire then!"
It was evident to the other residents on 333 Tam drive just who was healing from the nasty divorce that had taken place just nearly twelve months prior to this scene.
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