#Marvin occasionally cooks
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southerndragontamer · 1 year ago
Egotober Day 14: Time
Time was a curious thing, James decided as he looked at his pocket-watch and watched the seconds tick by. It was always moving forwards, but could go backwards, could be paused, sped up or slowed down. It could probably go sideways if someone really tried. But it had been here since the universe started, days, weeks, months, years passed without measurement because no one had condensed it down.
People were desperate for more of it too. Things done in the name of ‘getting more time’ or ‘don’t waste time’ truly puzzled the timekeeper. Because time wasn’t ever wasted, you didn’t waste time by sitting with a book, playing a game or laying in the sun. Nothing that someone did would waste time. It was either a blip of time to then, or they’d settle take things slower, appreciate it. And neither way was wrong.
Time could loop, each day was technically a loop it was just things happened differently each sunrise that kept people from referring to it like that. The concept of a loop made his fingers clench tighter around his watch. Navy eyes clenched shut and shuddered as he fought the memory off. Furious snarling twisted by static, claws sunk into his shoulder to stop him from moving. The metal of a knife at his throat. The pain of it sinking in and how his own scream cut off-
James snapped the lid of his watch closed to pull himself out of it and took a deep breath, he listened to it’s steady tick tock as he tried to keep himself calm. He was safe, he wasn’t hurt. Slowly he relaxed and looked around, blushed a bit as he realized he’d paused time in panic. He sighed and leant back on the couch and stared at the ceiling.
He rubbed the raven etched into the back of the lid absently. He had been young in his powers when he’d been grabbed by the glitch, he hadn’t had as much control as he did now. And even as loathe as he was to admit it and how sick he felt about using the knowledge, he’d learned some things. But the timekeeper swore to himself as he had more than once, that when the glitch next showed himself James wouldn’t run. He wouldn’t hide behind Marvin or Jackie.
He checked the clock and then his watch, it always kept the correct time no matter what timeline he was in, and he blinked. He snapped his fingers to get time moving again and got up to go to the kitchen. It was almost time for lunch and he knew the others would be hungry.
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distantlcver · 1 month ago
Councillor!Sevika + Wife!Sevika x Fem!Reader
- married life and stuff :)
“Any mistakes are made out of pure hatred and disrespect for this language. The English have taken enough from this world, I will not let them have my tongue as well.” -ao3 author
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She watches the Food Network in her free time and the cooking segments on PBS on the weekends to destress. Sitting on the council is not the most appealing in terms of engagement and overall work expectations, not to mention her “uppity colleagues,” as she calls them.
It’s mindless and empty, but entertaining enough to grab her attention—a small escape from the towering piles of paperwork, files, and documents she has to look over before the sun rises again. She’ll lean back on the sofa, shedding the day's stress, and watch skilled hands assemble a gourmet bolognese or some fancy steak arranged like a flower with hand-churned and seasoned butter.
She’ll tuck you under her arm, play with your hair as you watch together, and point to the final dish on the screen before she scoffs:
“I could make that shit,” she mumbles. “Of course, honey,” you say, and kiss her hand.
neither of you could make that shit
─────── ✶ ───────
After many failed attempts at communication—when emotions were high and the air especially tense—you both came to an agreement that something had to change.
She watches her tongue around you and tries (emphasis on tries) to mind her temper and regulate any frustrations that come with the day job. She’s mindful of her language, making sure not to curse when speaking to you as a sign of respect and overall consideration. It takes time, and she’s not perfect, but she tries.
That doesn’t stop her from the occasional string of curses you hear coming from the home office when she encounters errors in paperwork or remembers another meeting she has to attend.
In turn, you try to be more patient and understanding of the dedication and time her new role takes from your time together.
You visit her during lunch and push dinner back late to make sure you both can eat together. You walk her home from work on nights when she’s in the office particularly late.
She puts an and to the reeaaalll quick refusing to let you walk the streets alone so late at night. She scolds you for insisting, arguing that you’re just too impatient, and stubborn.
“You’re too cute, baby. Someone’s gonna snatch you up,” "I'm not a child sev-," "I know baby, but Just wait for me please ," she whispers, "I’m always comin' home—you know that.”
─────── ✶ ───────
She has an extensive collection of old R&B and jazz records she plays when fixing things around the house or doing chores. Mindlessly tapping and humming along to the beat
Her record player is an old, shoddy thing she built herself as a teenager, made out of recycled parts she found in scrap yards and junk drawers. the speakers muffle to sound every now and then blending together the lyrics with the background vocals and acoustics.
Even with her role on the council —and more-than-satisfactory salary, she refuses to buy a new one.
She plays Marvin Gaye’s “Mercy Mercy Me” on repeat while working and swings you around to “Two Can Have a Party,” because neither of you can really dance.
─────── ✶ ───────
✧ small bonus
She insists on fixing everything herself and doesn’t believe in hiring anyone to do anything.
her philosophy: “If I can’t fix it, I shouldn’t own it,”
When you finally hire someone behind her back, she hovers incessantly, making sure they don’t mess anything up, mumbling curses whenever they touch something. She side-eyes you with a *what the fuck* look.
─────── FIN ───────
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crackyoutfeet · 5 months ago
have a sneak preview of my flashback for my fanfic
One of the first nights he had spent at Marvin’s house was the most memorable instance of his strange behaviour. He had just moved into the man’s new apartment. Why not, Marvin wasn’t married anymore and could do as he pleased. He stayed under the ruse of free accommodation,not wanting to accept is feelings. Not wanting Marvin to win at their twisted game of arguments. Their first real argument followed in suit of the incident.
Whizzer was cooking dinner, as usual. Also as usual Marvin was out of sight avoiding any sort of responsibility. Hiding away until dinner was finished cooking, always appearing slightly more disheveled than he had come home. Whizzer never for a minute wondered why. He had his sneaking suspicions that Marvin was watching porn. The most obvious answer to is disappearance and messy state when he returned.
This time Whizzer had decided to test his theory. As soon as he had a minutes break from his cooking in which the food would not get completely burnt he left the kitchen and half tiptoed half strutted to Marvin room. The most obvious place for Marvin to hide, far away enough from the kitchen to not be forced into ay household duties yet close enough to tell when the food was finished. As he had suspected there was a sort of panting sound, so quiet it was barely noticeable coming from behind the closed door. It was more of a struggling to breath sort of sound than a sound of… well. Maybe it was the struggle to keep quiet, that was a very plausible reason.
In hopes of collecting something to use against Marvin in their next strangely erotic fight he slowly opened the door. The tv was off, the room was empty. The ensuite bathroom door however was closed. The location cut off the idea of watching porn but there could always be a magazine or some sort of photos he could be viewing. Or just pure imagination, Marvin had a wife previously so he must be good at that. Pretending,one of the only skills they shared, you could even call it a hobby. Making something wonderful out of nothing but debris. Remnants of glass sharp and prone to making deep stinging cuts. Cuts that would never last due to the falsity of their creators.
Much to Whizzers luck and Marvin’s expansive wallet the floor did not creak. The good quality wood boards covered by a plush and obviously not cheap carpet which was very good at masking sound. The only good thing about it for it was rather ugly leaving much to be desired.
The suspense that he was desperately trying to achieve was impossible with the silence being broken every few minutes with the sound of strangled panting. The ideas of what could be going on were limited to say the least. Most would say singled out . One option that was easily stopped, a good thing to have against Marvin next argument.
With that he opened the door sparing no time. The back of the door hit the wall with a slight thud muffled by the door stopper, discarded and in the way of a dramatic entrance. An entrance to scare Marvin as much arouse him. Let him know Whizzer could here job done for him.
Instead of finding what expected, a sweaty man with his pants around his ankles and some sort of porn in his unused hand. He found a man standing over a sink full of what seemed to be cod water. You couldn’t tell completely yet Whizzer guessed that in the surprisingly cold bathroom anything warm would let off steam or at least fog up the perfectly clear mirror. Marvin’s face and half of his hair, excluding that at the top of his head was sopping wet. The only similarity between the suspected scene and what he walked in on was that the man was panting.
The sound was mixed with the occasional cough, gargling coughs coming deep from inside Marvin’s chest. Sometime accompanied by spitting out small amounts of water that had seemingly come from his lungs. As Marvin came to his senses again he saw whizzer watching him. The fear in his expression was more obvious than ever despite their constant yelling matches and Marvin’s violent tendencies. Instead of any acknowledgement to the scene that scared Whizzer so, Marvin spoke. “You’re going to burn the dinner”.
The grammar spelling and probable mixed up words will be fixed it’s 1:30 am and I’m so tired while writing it. It could suck balls for all I know
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faggotthatwilldie · 1 year ago
I have a couple of holiday headcanons for different Falsettos characters so buckle up (if I say anything wrong, please do correct me, I’m not Jewish so I don’t know everything about Jewish holidays)
During Tu B’Av, when Trina was younger and when she can occasionally squeeze into the dress, she used to borrow a white dress from her mother in tradition of the holiday until it stopped fitting. Marvin, similar to the way he acts on Valentine’s, makes a lot of cards for Whizzer to show his affections for his lover. Jason studies the Torah with Mendel. Cordelia cooks traditional food for Charlotte and they have a little two woman celebration.
During Rosh Hashanah, Trina prays near a body of water while Jason throws bread in the water, it ends up being loafs since nobody is really paying attention to him at that point because Mendel isn’t paying attention. The gays and the lesbians have a big dinner at least one of the days, courtesy of the amazing Cordelia’s food and her cooking skills while Marvin and Charlotte coach her how to make it properly, Marvin more aggressively than Charlotte.
I will make a pt.2/3/however many I’m able to make and I’ll definitely get more information and research on holidays and I probably will do Hanukkah at some point but I love the concept and celebrations of these holidays and I feel like they’re swept under the rug when thinking about Jewish celebrations.
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iheartcborle · 6 months ago
coughs splutters uh. uh. hhm. im tryna think. whizzer meeting the lesbians? :3
You said drabble so it's only 470 words BUT have this!! Kinda nervous actually posting writing to Tumblr for the first time but oh well!!
Four unlikely lovers :)
The streets of New York were relatively quiet that morning, no one was really about and the only noise was the occasional bird, or car. Well, the only noise except quiet conversation from Marvin and Whizzer, who were walking hand-in-hand towards a small cafe a few streets away.
“Marv, I really don’t know..” Whizzer started, before turning his head to Marvin who had started to speak before being swiftly cut off, “And I know what you’re gonna say. Yes, I’ve technically met them before and I shouldn’t be nervous because they’re your friends, but I can’t help it baby.”
Whizzer’s clutch on Marvin’s hand tightened, he was repetitively running his other hand through his hair to calm his nerves, which Marvin took note of. He turned his boyfriend to face him, kissing him quickly and looking him in the eyes.
“Whizzer. Trust me, you’ll be perfect, you always are.”
- - -
Charlotte and Cordelia were already sat at the table when Marvin held out his hand, inviting Whizzer to sit down first. He followed suit, sitting down and giving a quick greeting to the two women before speaking up, putting an arm around Whizzer as he did so.
“So.. You kinda met at the baseball game but this is Whizzer, my boyfriend, properly now-” He laughed a little at the last bit, acknowledging the two years of yearning they listened to, “I think you’ll really like him.”
Whizzer smiled apprehensively and held out his hand to shake both of theirs. It wasn’t like he was scared of them, per se, it was just so new.. Being Marvin’s boyfriend was different now, he was proud to say it, and he was meeting his friends? It explained why his hands trembled and why he stumbled over his words when he spoke.
“Nice- Uh, good to meet you both properly. Let me tell you a little about myself..?” He patiently waited as if for permission to speak from.. Well, anyone. Whizzer placed a hand on his partner’s thigh, tapping his fingers, and was quickly comforted by Marvin’s fingers intertwining with his own.
“Please! I mean, Marvin spoke a lot about you.. All good! I promise. But we wanna hear it from the man himself.” Cordelia piped up, receiving a hum of agreement from Charlotte, who was sat absentmindedly messing with her girlfriend’s blonde curls.
Whizzer snapped out of his anxious haze and got talking, quickly settling back into his element. He talked of his hobbies, his travels, his childhood.. And got into a lengthy conversation with Cordelia about cooking. By time one of the four checked the time, hours had passed, and none of them could really believe it. The four of them all got on so well, no one would’ve thought it really. Four, very good, unlikely friends.. Some would even say they're lovers.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 11 months ago
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Second Run - Part Two
A JSE Interactive Fanfic
The results are in.
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Your path has been altered. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. Don't mind me accidentally voting on the poll myself, I tapped on the option while scrolling fhdjkalh So the results are actually even more in the favor of playing video games :)
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on April 12th at 12:00pm PST. Part Three will be up the next day, April 13th, at the same time.
“Yeah, I’m sure the food situation is fine,” Chase says. “I want to check out the consoles that Jack’s been keeping from us.”
“Hell yeah!” Jackie grins.
Schneep rolls his eyes. “Fine. But if there is no food in the kitchen you will have to drive back to town.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” That was the price of being the only friend with a driver’s license. “Look, if something’s up, I’ll stop what I’m doing and head down there. But I doubt it is.” Chase leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “C’mon, let’s go check it out.”
Jackie whoops and hurries to the staircase. Chase follows at a slower pace with Schneep trailing behind him.
Marvin and JJ are already downstairs, sitting on the sofa closest to the window. “Can’t believe it’s already getting dark,” Marvin mutters. “Love the fall, hate the lack of daylight.”
“Ah, Marvin, JJ,” Schneep says. “It is getting close to dinner time. What would you like to eat? There is no guarantee Jack will have stocked the food, but I will ask anyway.”
“You already know my list of foods I like,” Marvin says, shrugging.
I’m fine with whatever you want to make, JJ says. It sounds like we may have limited options.
“We may. I have not checked yet.”
“Hey, do you guys want to check out the PS5 with me and Chase?” Jackie asks.
“Uh, sure, I’ll watch whatever you guys do,” Marvin says.
JJ stands up. I’d rather help Henrik in the kitchen, if you don’t mind.
“Aw, I thought we were making so much progress teaching you the ways of the future!” Chase pretends to look sad.
JJ chuckles. I may join later, don’t worry.
He and Schneep headed into the kitchen while Chase, Jackie and Marvin started setting up the console and checking out what games were on it. “Jesus, does he have every Resident Evil game on here?” Chase mutters. “He does! There’s no way he’s played them all, though, since he straight-up forgot about this cabin until recently.”
“Oo! Oo! Spider-Man!” Jackie says excitedly. “Let’s play that!”
“We should choose something multiple people can play,” Marvin points out.
“Yeah, well, doesn’t look like he has a lot of those,” Chase says. “Look, Monopoly. You want to play Monopoly?”
Marvin makes a face.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Good news, everyone!” Schneep reappears in the archway leading to the kitchen. “Everything is full of food. I don’t think we are eager to cook, but JJ found some frozen pizzas in the freezer.”
“Hell yeah,” Jackie says. “How many? What toppings?”
“Well it looks like there is one for each of us, as there are five, one for each of our preferences.”
“Oh cool, I don’t have to pick off toppings!” Marvin says excitedly. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
“The oven is not big enough for all at once, so who can wait?”
“Uh, I’m not that hungry,” Chase says. “And I doubt that Jackie will want to eat right away, since he went straight for the PS5.”
“Hey! ...Well, that’s fair,” Jackie admits.
“Three is fine,” Schneep says, and turns around, going back into the kitchen.
“Sooo what are we playing?” Jackie asks.
“I saw Grand Theft Auto back there, let’s choose that,” Marvin suggests. “It’s always fun to watch even if you’re not playing.”
“Sounds good to me,” Chase says, selecting the game.
They play for about ten minutes, with Chase having primary control while Jackie and Marvin tell him what to do and occasionally try to grab the controller from him. Chase is just about ready to tell the other two to take their turn, if they’re so focused on playing, when—
The screen and lights in the room go dark.
“Aw, what?” Chase presses buttons on the controller as if that can fix it. “Did the power go out?”
Marvin groans. “We were tempting fate earlier when we said we won’t have to go down into the basement.”
Schneep and JJ run into the living room. Did everything go out? JJ asks.
“Looks like it.” Jackie punches his fist. “God damn it! Well, at least we didn’t get far.”
“Jack said the fuse box was in the basement, right?” Marvin recalls. “Schneep, you still have the house keys. Can they open the basement door?”
“I am sure they... oh.” Schneep digs around in his pocket. Then his other one. “Where did they..?”
JJ walks over to a table by the entrance and picks up the keys from there. He looks at Schneep with a raised eyebrow. You didn’t remember where you put them?
“W-well, I am sure one of those can open the basement,” Schneep stammers, embarrassed. “I will, ah, keep an eye on the... the food.” And he disappears back into the kitchen.
Jackie sighs. “Okay then. One of us should stay up here and keep an eye on things. Get everything set back up the moment the power comes on. Chase, are you okay with doing that? You were figuring out the controls faster than I was.”
“Sure, I don’t mind,” Chase agrees. “So who’s going downstairs, then?”
Jackie, Marvin, and JJ all look at each other.
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saltyfryz · 1 year ago
MORE SKELETON INFO DUMP!! (Pt one with Cassie and the outcodes)
First, we got LavenderTale Sans! Or Plum.
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At first I wanted him to be 5'10 but I'm not so sure about that, so just know he's tall!
He's the old man of the group, he's been around a while.
Plum does have eye lights, but they only appear when he feels strong emotions. And when they do they're white, unstable and broken.
His drink of choice is Vinegar(spiked and unspiked), always carrying a bottle or two in his inventory at all times. Because of this he always smells strongly of the stuff.
He's got high LV and was incredibly dangerous in his prime, but after an incident that left him with his scars and old age, he's not as quick or as angry as he once was.
If confronted with a problem, he prefers to not play with his food so to speak. Especially if they're looking for a fight. Nowadays he just can't be bothered, so he quickly skewers them with a bone and moves on. However if they're just talking shit, all bark and no bite, he will mess with them a bit. Maybe he'll rough em up, or scare them with a bone attack straying a wee bit too close. Oftentimes he will just insult someone just for the hell of it, he loves it when people get all angry for 'no reason'
The exception to him not fighting anyone is if they interest him. Like if someone dropped something of value to them and Plum found it, if they were to fight him to get it back Plum would make it a massive game of keep away until he either gets bored of it or his fatigue catches up to him.
Speaking of, Plum suffers from chronic headaches and phantom pains due to the cracks that lace his skull and body. When the pain gets too much to handle, it can lead to him having some sort of episode. His senses get all muffled and he becomes a husk of rattling bones for a few hours. You should never interact with him in this state, as he has no idea what's what and will attack on instinct. When he eventually comes too, he usually finds himself safely tucked into his bed.
~~~TW! substance abuse~~~
Due to his pains, he's picked up a habit of drinking and getting high whenever the pains begin to flair up. This has led to him abusing the substances whenever he can, and him and Papyrus often get into screaming matches about it.
When they make it to the surface, eventually Plum does learn to stop relying on the stuff so much and actually gets the help he needs.
He has frequent and recurring nightmares, whether that be of Papyrus dying over and over again or of how he got his scars. He only occasionally gets good dreams, mostly about being on the surface with pap
He loves kids, (mostly infants) and sometimes offers to babysit for favors.
Plum has a removable patch of the Deltarune on the back of his jacket, it blends In perfectly and you can't even tell it wasn't there originally. He only wears his patch when working.
Like og sans, Plum is a Sentry and owns an illegal (and kinda overpriced) hotdog stand, and for a pretty penny he also sells soggy pretzels. They're surprisingly good if you can ignore the texture, and the strong taste of vinegar..
On the surface Plum gets two pets, a sweet pitbull service dog named Bulldozer and a tarantula named Marvy or Marvin.
Now, onto THE GREAT AND VILE PAPYRUS!! or Topaz!
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He's asexual! Sex repulsed to be specific.
He has three scars on his skull. The two in his left eye socket were given to him by Asgore in a manner similar to the og fell pap, while the one down the right side of his face he's had as long as he can remember. Although he can't exactly remember how or where he got it.
Topaz's dish of choice is chicken alfredo, however it is SEVERELY burned, the noodles are DRENCHED in vinegar, it's over AND under cooked and the chicken can't decide if it's supposed to be stale or soggy. He does end up going to cooking classes on the surface though.
Despite his lack of cooking skills early on, Topaz is PHENOMENAL at sewing. He often patches up Plum's jacket or sweaters when he isn't looking
Despite his appearance and outward persona as "THE GREAT AND VILE PAPYRUS'' he actually doesn't really agree with the 'kill or be killed' mentality the underground had adopted, and would much rather curl up with a good book than put lower monsters 'in their place' for the millionth time. Still, he is very diligent with his guard duties and takes them extremely seriously, just because he doesn't agree with that mentality does not mean he isn't a BEAST when it comes to fighting. You don't become Captain of the royal guard for nothing.
I'm still trying to come up with his weapon of choice, but what I do know is that it's HUGE and heavy hitting.
As previously stated, he's a bookworm, loving adventure/romance novels as well as the occasional tragedy romance.
Topaz drives a motorcycle on the surface and Plum gets to ride in a little sidecar, in tern for free fixes and tune ups.
On the surface Topaz takes up commissions related to sewing or knitting, wanting to become a fashion designer. All his ideas may be a little unorthodox but no one can deny that he has talent.
Onto Cypher!
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Or well, I wanna start with information about his au first!
It's named "True Hero"
And it's a surface fantasy au! Humans and Monsters have gone to war, but they ended it on peaceful terms and as a result Monsters were never sealed. However, just because it ended peacefully doesn't mean everyone got along. Humans and Monsters are still at odds with each other, and usually stay segregated. The land is divided into provinces with their own towns and cities.
They're separated as follows-
Snowdin province
Located north on the map
Where Snowfield Village resides
Almost always snowing
Waterfall province
Located in the middle of the map
Connected to oceans and rivers
These areas have many caves and waterfalls, but there is one huge main body of water named "Fated Oasis" as it's a hot spring that bridges all the provinces together. Some folk lore even describe the waters capable of healing.
Very wet, has marshes and some forests
Always raining and or damp
Hotland province
Located south with a mostly tropical climate
Has a few beaches that leak into some waterfall provinces
New Home
The monster capital
Run by the royal family
Location TBD
The ruins of the first monster settlements.
Was attacked by humans and burned down and was one of the main catalysts for the war.
Location TBD, not drawn on maps
Has a massive graveyard to commemorate the lives lost. Some monsters come every now and again to pay respects.
Human territories are scattered around the map, far away from most Monster settlements, usually located far east or west near ports, as most Monster cities are further inland.
Like I said before, TH is a fantasy type world, however it does have some modern elements mixed in. Some areas and provinces are more modernized than others, having cars/trains while others are more traditional. The more modernized places are usually heavily populated cities and towns.
Snowfield village is one of the most popular towns in the region, as it's known for human monster integration. Incidentally this village/town is run by Cypher! It's not the only one of its kind, especially throughout the entire continent, but it is the one rumored to be run most smoothly.
Speaking of Cypher, he is the sans of this universe! Well known as the kind and energetic ruler of Snowfield village! He may look sweet and innocent, but don't be fooled! He is seasoned in the art of magical combat and sword fighting, able to beat anyone who stands in his way. However there's no reason to get so barbaric as Snowfield village barely has any real threats that need to be dealt with such force. Even so, Cypher trains day in and day out, honing his body to his full potential.
He is highly persuasive, and can talk down or up anyone with his cute face and charismatic charms
He's 4'11
Cypher doesn't cook as he usually lets the maids he hires do it for him, although he does enjoy secret codes, messages and cyphers.(hah)
He's a bit of a perfectionist, always wanting to look and be the best at anything he has his sights on at the time. He can get a little pouty if things don't go his way, but he doesn't let it show for long.
As for magic, Cypher can make these crystals that can sap, store and transfer the magic of others. This can make the transfusie feel tired and sluggish or even faint if too much is taken. After sapping magic, Cypher can either add it to his own reserves or someone elses to give them or himself a power boost. Although, he has to be extremely careful with his crystals, mostly around Monsters. Since they're made entirely of magic, if one were to come into contact with even a tiny part of the crystal they would almost instantly dust. The bigger the crystal the more the crystal is able to sap and store, but the bigger the crystal the more of a toll it takes to create. If the crystal tries taking more magic than it can handle, it shatters.
The crystals also cast a soft glow the color of Cypher's magic.
Onto Papyrus! Or Hyde/Hydro!
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He's 6'2 but always slouches to look smaller.
Hydro is Cypher's royal advisor! Basically he takes care of the dirty work of running the village, mostly taking care of any disputes or criminals Cypher can't (or before he even finds out in some cases) in his own lazy way.
He runs on chocolate pudding(he can practically inhale gallons of the stuff) and bad puns.
Always tired due to his duties as advisor, often taking naps standing up or at his workbench.
Due to this appalling sleep schedule, he also barely has any magic to spare in his reserves and is often unreliable in battle magic wise. To remedy this Hyde always has a unique gadget to help to defend himself on him at all times. All of them of which he created
Speaking of, Hydro is very knowledgeable about scientific and magic infused technology. In his free time, he often studies and tinkers with any scrap he can find drifting down the river from the Capital. He has even created some experimental weaponry that he sells to neighboring villages.
He always tries to dress fancy for his brother, but he always gets his clothes wrinkled or dirty. On some shirts the bottom of the sleeves are almost entirely stained. Mostly with pudding or oil.
And that's all I got for now! If you have any questions feel free to ask :p
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brynnterpretations · 7 months ago
hi :) looking for a ship for the boys ❄️
I’m unlabeled (male lean), im 22 but people always tell me i look young for my age, i’m african american with latina and european descent. medium brown skin with curls i put in a low bun and glasses. short and chubby with dimples. i dress super casual with the occasional layering and accessories. i’m into screenwriting (but i can never finish anything), film fanatic of course. i’m good with kids which is surprising because i lack patience. i’m scared of almost everything but i’ll swing if i really have to. i rarely get angry so when i do people are usually confused or startled. i used to dye my hair a lot as a teenager. i hate germs. my voice is so soft that people can never hear me, it takes a lot for me to scream. i can sing a little. okay, i’m always singing or humming but i suck at dancing. i cant do a lot for my age, can’t swim or drive or ride a bike. a big homebody and I’ll let everyone know that I don’t care if I’m judged for being in my house a lot. i like weird food combinations. i dislike being told what to do. i’m into lace/beige/white. i love love baking but i’m not the best with flavor, i’m better at decorating :) i laugh at grammar mistakes and babies being silly. that’s all!
I'm super sorry for being so late with this! Thank you so much for the request, you sound like such a sweetheart. ♡
I ship you with...
Marvin T. Milk (Mother's Milk) ♡
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GIF Source: @vcugifs ★ (link)
You and M.M. meet at a quiet, comfortable place, where your interests overlap. Maybe it's a place of worship if you're religious, a bookstore, or a coffee shop; whatever it is, it's one of the typical meet-cutes, where he drops something and you pick it up for him and, after some conversation, he asks you for your number.
First off: M.M. finds you incredibly cute, and is definitely attracted to you at first sight. He's a sucker for dimples and especially thicker, shorter body types, so appearance-wise, the guy is sold.
M.M. is someone who has to really get to know someone to be interested in them, though, so once he gets a glimpse into your personality — he's had a track-record of falling in love with gentle, quiet types — he’s set. He’s especially charmed by your soft voice, too — the guy is surrounded by yelling 99% of the day, so he finds it very soothing.
He would invite you to a lot of thoughtful, calm dates, especially once finding out you’re a homebody. M.M. is one too, and prefers quiet, lowkey dates far more. He would invite you over for dinner at his apartment first, surprising you with your favorite dish, and continue to keep inviting you to similar dates, like movie nights and small local coffee shops.
M.M. takes his time getting to know people, but he doesn’t stall it, either, so once he feels there’s really a connection between you two — probably after about the one month mark, just because of how well you two click — he would invite you out for dinner and ask you formally if you’d like to be his partner.
Like Hughie, the guy’s a very traditional romantic, and would put in tons of effort in your relationship, no matter how long you two have been in the relationship. He pays for you, brings you flowers, gives you massages when you’re stressed… M.M.’s the complete package, to be honest.
While M.M. is an exceptional cook, he’a awful at baking. Everything he cooks turns into a nearly lovecraftian-looking disaster. He doesn’t know why, but his mom wasn’t any good at it either, so he assumes it’s some genetic fault (and because the second any flour spills he rage-quits). However, he loves baking with you, and gives some pointers on flavor while you make them beautiful; you two once made amazing lavender-lemon cookies.
When M.M. brought them to the hideout, Butcher wolfed all but two of twelve down, and proceeded to blame Hughie.
You being good with kids is pivotal for M.M. — it’s a hard line for him that whoever he dates is good with kids, so he’s ecstatic that you like them. He would introduce you to Monique and Janine a month or so after things really got serious.
While yes, Monique is M.M.’s ex, she’s mature (they’re both adults here) and really, really likes you. She draws a line between friendship just because of the “awkwardness” aspect, but always has really good, sweet conversations with you when you stop by, and occasionally sends you home with premade dinners.
The Milk family is a cooking family, if you couldn’t tell.
Additionally, you and Janine would get along fantastically. She’s an incredibly creative kid — she’s been making very advanced, long-running comics for her age — and would love spending time with you, especially with your talent in screenwriting.
M.M. is very, very busy, but he makes an effort to be present in your life as much as he can. He has custom messages sent to you when his phone is on do-not-disturb so you know he’s just busy, calls you whenever he gets a break in work, and would probably want to move in together after a year/two years of the relationship, just so you can be together more.
That doesn’t mean he’s clingy, though; he respects your space. M.M., I’d say, is the one in the boys who values communication the most, so he simply wants to make sure you know where he’s at.
M.M. is definitely a reader instead of a writer (and a viewer instead of a painter, etc., etc. — he loves art, just doesn’t make it himself) so he is thrilled whenever you share any ideas with him, even if you don’t finish them. I don’t know how to phrase it without sounding corny, but he does feel a sense of privilege for being able to read your creations, and would encourage you to finish them and get them sent somewhere.d
Also, FYI, he brags about you to the boys a lot. However…
I’m going to be honest — M.M. would not really want you to be friends with The Boys. He’d be down introducing you to them, but while he knows you’re a strong person, he doesn’t want you to get involved in something that could harm you. Because of that, he’d bring you around every so often, but would try to separate “work” and “romance”.
That brings us to…
The Boys
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GIF Source: @cleastrnge ★ (link)
Since your interactions with the boys would be limited, you wouldn’t form too close of relationships with them, but they would love you. Let’s be honest, you’re one of the purest people you can get in “The Boys” universe, and God knows you and M.M. deserve each other.
If you got close to anyone in the coup, I’d say it would most likely be Hughie. You share a lot of similar interests and you definitely balance out his neurotic energy, and as he’s a huge movie buff, he would love watching things with you and “comparing notes”.
Plus, the guy is not good at writing at all — his essays in high school send shudders down his teachers’ spines to this day — so he would be fascinated with your screenwriting.
Frenchie loves you — you’re a welcome distraction from the chaos in the office — and always makes an effort to talk to you whenever you stop by.
Kimiko absolutely adores you. She believes you two are kindred spirits due to your quietness, and when she meets you, you immediately pass her vibe detector.
By God, whenever M.M. brings you by, Kimiko frickin’ Olympic-runs to you and types out messages on her notes app.
Butcher really likes you, and, of course, shows that in his typical… Butcher… way (“oi, this the one who unwedged the stick from that cunt’s ass?”) . Still, the guy thinks you’re a sweetheart, and is super happy that you and M.M. ended up together. There’s been a very noticeable difference in M.M. since he met you and you two got together, and even with his macho act, Butcher’s able to see it.
And lastly, Annie: Annie loves you, dude. If M.M. hadn’t gotten to you first, I feel like you two would hit it off. She thinks you’re the sweetest person alive, and her heart melts a bit whenever she sees you.
However, she’s not the type of person to feel good about having feelings about anyone’s partner, so she’d definitely deny it to herself (and our girl would be in a constant state of denial) and really just focus on being your friend.
All in all… while you may not be around too much, you’ve got people who would be willing to kill for you. Point blank, no questions asked. Enjoy.
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vikramkumar01 · 1 year ago
Golden Sands and Rustic Charms: Marvin's Enchanted Exploration of Jaisalmer
Nestled in the heart of the Thar Desert, Jaisalmer is a city that seems to have emerged from the pages of a fairy tale. Its golden sands and rustic charms have beckoned travellers from around the world for centuries. Recently, I had the privilege of embarking on an enchanted exploration of Jaisalmer, and what I discovered left an indelible mark on my soul. From a cosy 2-star hotel in Jaisalmer to a fusion restaurant that tantalised my taste buds, and an exhilarating desert safari that thrilled my adventurous spirit, Jaisalmer had it all.
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Marvin's Jaisalmer Hotel: A Cozy Retreat
My journey began with the search for the perfect abode, and I stumbled upon Marvin's Jaisalmer Hotel. This 2-star gem, nestled within the historic fort walls, offered more than just a place to rest my weary head; it was a haven of comfort and authenticity. The hotel exuded a traditional Rajasthani charm, with intricately carved wooden furnishings and vibrant textiles that adorned the rooms.
One thing that truly sets Marvin's Jaisalmer Hotel apart is its warm and welcoming staff. They made me feel like a cherished guest in their own home, always ready with a smile and eager to assist with any request. Despite its 2-star rating, the amenities were impressive. The rooftop terrace, overlooking the Jaisalmer Fort, was a perfect spot for enjoying a cup of masala chai as the sun dipped below the horizon.
Fusion Delights at the Jaisalmer Fusion Restaurant
Exploring a new destination is as much about savouring the local flavours as it is about sightseeing. For a unique culinary experience, I decided to dine at the Jaisalmer Fusion Restaurant, a hidden culinary gem in the heart of the city.
This restaurant was a delightful fusion of traditional Rajasthani dishes with international flavours. The menu featured an array of dishes that blended the richness of Indian spices with innovative cooking techniques. I couldn't resist trying their signature dish, the "Rajasthani Ravioli," which combined delicate pasta parcels filled with a spicy Rajasthani filling, drizzled with a creamy saffron sauce. It was a burst of flavours in every bite.
As a solo traveller, I often find dining alone a tad awkward, but the warm ambiance and friendly staff at fusion restaurant in Jaisalmer made me feel right at home. I struck up a conversation with the chef, who shared stories of his culinary journey and the inspiration behind each dish. It was an evening of exquisite food, cultural exchange, and unforgettable memories.
Thrills in the Desert: The Jaisalmer Desert Safari
A trip to Jaisalmer would be incomplete without experiencing the enchanting Thar Desert. To quench my thirst for adventure, I booked a desert safari in Jaisalmer. This was no ordinary excursion; it was a journey into the heart of the desert's golden expanse.
The safari began with a bumpy but exhilarating jeep ride through the rolling sand dunes. Our expert guide navigated the terrain with finesse, providing not only a thrilling ride but also a glimpse into the desert's unique ecosystem. We stopped at a traditional desert village, where I was warmly welcomed by the local residents. It was a chance to witness their way of life, steeped in centuries-old traditions.
As the sun began its descent, we reached the pinnacle of the safari - a mesmerising sunset view from the dunes. I can only describe it as otherworldly. The vast sea of golden sands bathed in the warm, amber hues of the setting sun was a sight that will forever be etched in my memory.
The adventure continued as we embarked on a camel ride, swaying gently through the dunes. The silence of the desert was broken only by the occasional call of a desert bird or the soft patter of a wandering lizard. It was a serene experience, a stark contrast to the exhilaration of the jeep ride.
The safari concluded with a traditional Rajasthani dinner under the star-studded desert sky. Sitting around the campfire, savouring authentic Rajasthani cuisine, and listening to folk music, I felt a deep connection to the desert and its people.
Marvin Jaisalmer: Your Gateway to an Enchanted Exploration
In conclusion, Jaisalmer, with its golden sands and rustic charms, exceeded all my expectations. From the cosy embrace of Marvin's Jaisalmer Hotel to the culinary delights of Jaisalmer Fusion Restaurant and the heart-pounding adventure of the desert safari, every moment was a testament to the city's allure.
If you're planning a visit to Jaisalmer, I wholeheartedly recommend Marvin Jaisalmer as your go-to company. Their commitment to providing the best 2-star hotel in Jaisalmer, along with exceptional services like desert safaris, ensures that your exploration of this enchanted city will be nothing short of magical. Jaisalmer is a city of dreams, where history and culture merge seamlessly with modern comforts and adventures, and Marvin's Jaisalmer is your key to unlocking its wonders.
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themonstrousarchives · 4 years ago
Hunt: Timbern
Apollo “Paul” Robbins [] [] [] [] [] [] [] HP, Armor: 2
Description: The Divine wishes to begin his ritual, but some obstacles are in his way, including a fellow Avatar of the Desolation. An owner of a logging company which is doing mining speculation on the company’s property.
Hook, Session goals: Set up the beginning of the end. Refocus on the Divine’s character goal of bringing about the apocalypse, and secure more resources or allies (or both, potentially) for the Ritual.
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This session, the ‘monster’ is a boss.
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Apollo “Paul” Robbins
9mm Pistol- 2-harm close loud
Monster Type: Queen (to possess and control)
Powers: Resistant to fire, melting and reforming at will. Can slowly raise the temperature in an area and cook people or things from the inside out without them noticing.
Contact Burn- 1-harm ignore armor magic fire hand
Frog Boil- 4-harm area innocuous
Weaknesses: Burying him in his own mine, labor unionization, press exposure on the company’s license violations (and the legal consequence of the state enforcing replanting policy)
Foreman- Ed Dominici: ([] [] [] [] [] HP, Armor: 1) Loyal to Paul and the company over his workers, about 75% are temporary. Of those 30% are undocumented.
Construction & Loggers ([] [] [] [] []  Armor: 1 for each NPC)- Mostly loyal to the company or at least are not willing to jeopardize their job. Most of them brag about how hard they work, intentionally forgoing breaks as a masculine competition of one-upmanship. A few sensitive souls do exist, and will privately be open to emotional pleas.
Lucas Taylor
Dylan Willis
Patrick Riley
Marvin Pena
Cesar Gould
Brody Hester
Owen Davidson
Kevin Holland
Eli MacGuire
Ramon Costa
Justin Villa
Ramón Cortés
Manuel Cabal
José Mariano
Joaquín Espiga
Ernesto Gallo
Rafael Ortiz
Jonatán Reyes
“Unskilled” workers are hired en masse to build and made to swear utmost secrecy about the mining project. Most workers are... legally vulnerable, and as such have little to no interest compromising their situation.
Robbins Logging Company builds a mine in a hidden corner of the company property. 
The mine opens into a cave system, gold (and pyrite) excavation begins.
Apollo begins arranging dealings with the extracted resources to enrich himself further, filling a bunker with gold bullion. Robbins Logging Company becomes financially intertwined with Lobos Ltd; their security services made necessary.
Due to corporate pressure, the state of California repeals many legal environmental protections to the area, and allows for wholesale destruction of the forest and surrounding biomes.
Entire animal populations collapse from habitat destruction. Dozens of vulnerable workers are killed in workplace accidents. This goes unreported.
Humboldt county, environmentally devastated, becomes an economic wasteland as well, as Lobos Ltd and Robbins Logging Co move elsewhere.
Construction, Loggers, Miners ([] [] [] [] []  Armor: 1 for each NPC)- see above. Most will not be very helpful but the soft ones will.
William Hayes ([] [] [] [] []  Armor: 1)- a leftist, but is keeping his politics secret, more or less. He could be pushed to encourage the workers to organize but will need help with it by providing resources and cash for the workers to support their families while they strike or otherwise organize.
Logging site- obstacles: Foreman (social rolls), the workers
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1. Rubble coats the ground here. Among the scattered rocks are rusted cans, the occasional pick or hammer, and other antique refuse.
2. More rubble here, but a crack in the wall allows a trickle of spring water through to a small pool in the top corner. There is a box of dynamite in the bottom right corner, farthest away from the corner with the water.
3. A long passageway that betrays many hundred year old footprints, shockingly still intact after so much time. The footprints lead past the cart to the rubble on the right side.
4. Behind the rubble is a Buried avatar, or perhaps Buried Avatars (the collective ghosts of a union who want to destroy and drown the bourgeois in their vengeance). Negotiating with them will be volatile depending on the PCs- if this were any other adventure they would be a full-fledged monster (powers: overwhelming and subsuming, trampling, destruction. weakness: division, separation, isolation, the government, leftist infighting).
5. This chamber has three entrances, and at the end of the center path is a modern mining drill that’s been assembled. To the left of it is an antique hand-crank drill. The modern drill requires some specialized knowledge or training to set it, which Apollo has. If he is killed, some of the construction workers will be able to set it.
Cold Open: 
An old Volkswagen bus, painted in psychedelic colors and shapes, jostles its passengers as it drives slowly through the redwood forest under cover of night. Inside, an ancient, distorted voice croons a melancholy tune over an equally distorted acoustic guitar. The driver and passenger however, don’t sing along- their faces are downcast, the wrinkles forming on their old visages incongruent with the laugh lines that have made their mark.
There’s a gravity to this drive, as if they know this will be the last time they do this. The driver- a long haired man with grey hair that’s yellowed over the years of rough living, puts the bus into park and looks at his partner in crime, love, free love, and cultural appropriation. She wears thick round glasses that magnify her eyes comically, and an old felt hat stained with moss with way, way too many ratty feathers tucked into its band. She pats his upper arm and smiles meekly, like a turtle trying to sell someone a crystal.
The pair step out of the bus, chains in hand, with weights attached and dragging in the leaf litter behind them. They stand before a large tree, marked for logging the next day, when someone steps out from behind them.
“Donna. Craig.“
“Is that you, Apollo? Our little boy...”
“It’s Paul. That isn’t my name anymore. It hasn’t been in a long time.”
“Dancer? Get the chains in place-”
“Donna you should stop where you are and go back to whatever parking lot will have you and your decrepit relic. If you know what’s good for your miserable little lives. What little life you have left.”
“Apoll- Paul, we know we made mistakes raising you, but this is beyond that. What you’re doing here, it’s been wrong since before we ever donned tie dye. You know that we can’t- even if you’re our son, we can’t look away.”
“That’s what I thought you’d say.” The tall man stares his parents down, unmoving.
Hours later, a pillar of smoke billows as Paul Robbins of Robbins Logging Company sits down at his desk and lights a cigar.
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thenonbinarydetective · 4 years ago
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The Flying Saucer Mystery
Hey do you like camping? Do you like aliens? Do you like treasure hunts? If you said yes to all three than this might be the game for you! @nancydrewnetwork
Inspired by The Flying Saucer Mystery(duh)
Nancy and her friend’s all-expenses paid(by Carson Drew) camping trip is quickly derailed by rumors of strange encounters and long-lost treasure hidden deep in the Shawnee National Forest. Hopefully Nancy can solve the case before she gets abducted (and maybe she can have a fun vacation for once).
Ned Nickerson: Nancy’s boyfriend. Chemical Engineering major and star athlete at Emerson. This time he gets to help in person. His experience as a camp counselor and first aid will come in handy.
Bess Marvin: Longtime best friend and always reliable. She’s good at keeping the campers happy in tough times and knows more cutesy camp recipes than Pinterest. Actually, she might’ve stolen them all from Pinterest.
George Fayne: Other longtime best friend and outdoors enthusiast. She’s a useful friend to have both on the trail and for when your gadgets fail on you and you don’t know why. 
Burt Eddleton: Best friend of Ned. Biology major at Emerson who seemingly can’t choose what to focus on exactly. He knows a lot about both wildlife and plants. Pretty good athlete and pretty chill dude. Kind of a Himbo. Proud duck Dad (Don’t worry Sparkles is with a chickensitter).
Dave Evans: Other best friend of Ned. Archaeology major at Emerson. He knows a lot about artifacts or at least he’s mostly talking about artifacts because Bess gets freaked out by the skeletal side of his interests. Pretty chill guy also might play Wonderwall if presented with a guitar.
Blake Wilkinson: Co-owner and head guide of Happy Trails Camping Company. She’s the trail guide helping the group get through this vacation. She seems nice enough but she is way too serious about her job. Well maybe not too serious. How else can you explain the buyout offer she’s hiding from Amani? What else could she be hiding?
Amani Wilkinson: Blake’s wife and other co-owner of Happy Trails Camping Company. She prefers nature over business. In fact, she doesn’t seem at all interested in the company (Does Blake know?). She’s happy enough to show you around the forest. Hopefully she doesn’t leave you all alone out there. Just kidding, she would never do that. Right?
Shay Hernandez: Assistant trail guide and aspiring park ranger. Or so he says. He claims to be a college student at a local university, but won’t say what his major is. That’s okay, maybe he’s still deciding. However, he talks a lot about science. Not just biology or even ecology like you might expect from someone who spends most of his time in the outdoors. He talks about computer science and robotics too. Is it just the sign of a budding scientific mind? Or is it a sign of something else?
Sonny Joon: Nancy knows Sonny’s here for the aliens, but does she really know him enough to say that’s the only reason why he’s there? Or is she in for another.....adventure with him? I’m sorry Sonny fans but it fits.
Soffi Ziririan: The only one of the campers (besides Sonny) that doesn’t know that much about the area. Again or so she says. She’s an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast. She loves challenging herself with new challenges. Strangely, she didn’t give that much information to Blake or Amani when she signed up for the trip. She might just be a private person because that happens all the time... 
Kole Morse: He’s a local, so it’s strange for him to be going on a guided trail experience. He knows the forest like the back of his hand, so why is he here? He claims it’s just for fun, but no one knows for sure. One thing that is for sure is that Kole is a true environmentalists. He doesn’t believe in the aliens, he thinks all the sightings are fake and going to negatively affect the environment. He not too keen on “people who don’t truly understand the forest” being in the forest. Whatever that means. How far is he willing to go to protect what he refers to as ‘his forest’?
Joseph “Old Joe” Austin: Native American man from the local Shawnee tribe, One of the oldest residents from around Shawnee National Forest. He lives in a cabin with his brother Sam and his dog Trixie. He’s also a shoe-in for the friendliest resident of the forest award. He’s welcoming and kind to all the campers that come through. He says he’s given up on finding his father’s treasure. Or has he?
Samuel “Sam” Austin: Old Joe’s younger brother. Unlike his brother, he’s quiet and likes to keep to himself. Old Joe just says he’s shy. Really, Nancy figures out that he’s deaf. Luckily she remembers a bit of sign language and that online dictionary the Hardy Boys text is a great bonus. He’s actually trying to find his dad’s treasure again. Although he seems innocent enough, Nancy doesn’t know how far he’ll go to get his dad’s treasure.
Phone Friends
Frank and Joe Hardy: They were supposed to go on the trip with the group, but Frank broke his leg during their last mystery so Burt and Dave took their spots. They are super bummed. Luckily Nancy can call them so they can live vicariously through her.
Dagny Silva: There’s treasure, here’s Dagny. Not actually there because she has better more certain treasure to track down, but she owes it to Nancy to occasionally answer her phone.
Ranger Maia Chikovani: A ranger of the national forest, asked Nancy to figure out what’s going on. She believes in aliens, but is a bit more worried about the impact their UFO may have on the environment.
Forest Trails and Clearing: There pretty straightforward. Trees and plants and stuff. There’s quite a few different locations, but can all be summed up by this title. Nancy has a map to keep track.
River appears next to some of the trail but not all of them.
Old Joe’s Cabin: It’s where he lives with his brother and dog.
Swamp: Where the UFO has been spotted. Coincidentally, the treasure is rumored to be near this location
Treasure’s real location: It’s not actually near the swamp. This location is only revealed after Nancy figures it out.
Day/Night cycle. Time keeps on moving so your week may be more than a week depending on how long it takes for you to solve it.
Horseback riding: For longer distances along the trails
Walking: For shorter distances and areas that the horses cannot go. Also for like around the camp and stuff. Nancy’s not riding the horse for a week straight that would just be weird.
Puzzles/Mini Games
Pitching a tent
Building a fire
Cooking camp meals
Roasting marshmallows and making the perfect s’more
Mushroom picking: I’m enby I can’t not include mushrooms.
Decoding/Solving the clues Old Joe and Sam’s father left for them: This is a series of different puzzles, all at different times and with different purposes. They all fall under the same category so they’re being lumped. I imagine they would be a mixture of logic and clues that you find about the two brothers and around the forest itself.
Opening the treasure box: Simply one of those weirdly over-complicated puzzle boxes that everyone seems to have. You know the type.
Fixing the radio: The radio gets trashed with the rest of the camp and it’s up to Nancy to fix it
Lockpicking other campers’ locked private possesion: The usual
Flying the Spaceship: After Nancy and Ned get trapped in the spaceship, Nancy needs to figure out how to fly it before they crash!
Alien Dream World: Nancy and Ned are transported to an alien world by the spaceship. It’s so amazing it’s like a dream.
Finding Arrowheads: there’s a few old arrowheads scattered around. They’re old and don’t belong to anyone (at least not anymore). Mostly collected for fun.
Second Chances
Riding your horse into the swamp: Why?
Drown in the swamp: At least the water’s warm....it’s not worth it
Radio explodes: You shouldn’t have connected those wires
Crash the spaceship: Should’ve used the turn signal
Bear attack: like the alien attack but with bears
Alien attack: like the bear attack but with aliens
Setting yourself on fire: Stop, drop, and roll!
Ate the wrong mushroom: you clearly picked a toadstool, not a mushroom. (It’s a joke don’t get technical lol)
Additional Features/Notes
This is only loosely based off Shawnee National Forest. I cannot guarantee the presence of small swamps or aliens. Also the pictures and everything might not be perfectly accurate. It’s just aesthetic, it doesn’t have to take place in Shawnee. I just needed a name. It can change.
Communication is different with Sam than with the other characters due to the fact that he is deaf. He uses sign language (that is automatically translated). Nancy’s speech is silent for his conversations, she’s using sign language too but you can’t see her hands (because you’re not really supposed to talk when you’re using sign language. Also Sam only “speaks” to people who can also use sign language.
Speaking of communication, I know we all like our phone friends, but cell signal is unreliable on this trip. Nancy won’t always be able to get in touch with her contacts so she’ll have to rely on her in-person friends. This time they can be assigned to certain tasks as well as provide hints. Everyone has their own specialized hints that the other characters won’t know a thing about.
Just for the sake of clarification, most people in the area do know about the treasure left by Mr.Austin. Most people don’t believe in it anymore, some believe that it belongs to the brothers (if it does exist), and other think it’s finder’s keepers.
P.S. Sorry for breaking Frank’s leg but Joe gets hurt the twice as much as he does so it’s only fair that he sometimes it’s his fault that they can’t go camping. tbh with their mysteries they camp like once a week, they have nothing to complain about.
(Forest UFO Mini Art Print by vectordreams)
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years ago
Favorite hobbies for the septic egos?? I love your writing btw!!
Anti: “People-watching” (Stalking and murdering people on the street)
Jackieboy: Napping, reading comics, occasionally sketching
Marvin: He’s got rock and crystal collections that he maintains
Schneep: Cooking and baking, if he can find any free time
Chase: Skateboarding at the park or building mecha models
Jameson: Piano, wood carving and gardening
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dxrksong · 4 years ago
Shattered Glass (Old Mirror)
It just….didn't feel real. 
The way that the bullets flew through you as you protected your friend
(Did you go drinking or something? you can't recall)
None of the assault felt like they actually hit you
Until one lands directly in your abdomen.
A flurry of pain and electric signals as your body finally registered what was happening to you, hit you like a truck! 
You fell to the ground, twitching and spasming violently as you heard the commotion above you. You're friend was freaking out and the guys were shouting loudly.
As your vision started to go out, you managed to register your friend's face, their forehead to your's
You tried to reach out despite the burning agony, to hold her hand, comfort her, anything to dry her tears. But your body refused to move, you trying over and over again until you felt something solid in front of you. You ran your hands along it. 
You could feel cracks. Weaknesses in the wall. 
You started pounding it, not giving up. You could hear sirens, can't give up! The wall cracked some more, making you determined to continue. You could feel the wall shatter like glass, some shards cutting your cheek and hands.
All of a sudden you're sucking in a deep breath, coughing the dusty air almost immediately. 
You were alive! But….where are you…? The place looked dead and abandoned, grafitty and the occasional broken thing here and there. 
You think the part that REALLY sent you reeling was how covered in moss and flora this place was/had become. 
How did you even get here?? Last thing you remembered you were walking with your friend when-!!!
That's right, your friend! A worried sound escaped your throat. You hope she's ok! She was never really good with loss and dealing with people…
Your train of thought was quite quickly interrupted as you started hearing whispers and mutters nearby. You look around cautiously, wondering who in their right minds would be caught dead in this place.
Your eyes landed on who seem to be a pair of twins peeking around the corner, one holding what you recognize as a giant camera often used for movies or news reporters, and the other holding a microphone looking at you like they didn't trust you after you did something wrong.
But you just got here? How come you're already suspicious?
You offer a confused but friendly wave to them and the muttering only picked up. You could hear a couple of things like "the suspicious mirror person" and a question like "what is their ulterior motive??"
You go to clear your throat, attempting to speak and catching the twins attention 
"I….don't really have a motive? I mean-if i had one, I don't know?"
You offer a confused shrug and the one holding the microphone squints his eyes at you.
"How does Jim know, Jim can trust mirror spook?"
You bring a hand to your chin with an unsure hum. Dang, you're not sure how to continue. Maybe you can convince them to take you with them somehow?
"I…..I can make hot chocolate?"
"....go on?"
"I-I can cook! I'm a pretty decent chef with a lot of thing! A-and that's not all I'm good for! I know a lot of things about the wild plants and flora! A-and things you probably haven't even thought of yet! Including the secret of the chicken!"
The twins looked at each other at the last part, seeming to seriously consider what you just said 
"Give Jim a moment!"
The twins disappeared behind the corner they were hiding behind and you could hear a hushed conversation just quiet enough to be difficult to make out. 
You surveyed your surroundings a little more as you waited, admiring some flowers when the twins appeared again.
"Say what IS the secret of the chicken?"
You giggle slightly and lean in a little, making spooky fingers
"They're really blood thirsty monsters out to kill us all!"
The twins gasped
"I knew it!!"
You smiled but you kind of frowned after you realized that you gave away your bargaining chip. 
Surprisingly it seems that they hadn't noticed!
"Alright Mirror Spook! We're upgrading ypu to Friend of Jim! We're currently investigating the spooks of this house!"
"This house huh?"
You hummed, taking a better look around. Everything just looks so familiar. You think you know this place from the "who killed markiplier" series. You smirked, oh the irony
"I heard a mad man messed with something he shouldn't have and ended up killing his friends and family because of it!"
"Woah….what kind of things?"
The twins, who you've finally recognized as the Jim twins from Markiplier's egos have seems to have warmed up to you enough to be no longer hiding from behind the corner of the rotting old house. You found yourself smiling gleefully
"I hear it was voodoo and a deal with a being that latched itself onto the mansion itself"
Look….just because you're dumb….doesn't mean you're stupid. You've seen the videos that gave you stories to scare people with and lessons that you've listened and learned from. 
But if someone starts calling you the DA. You might have a problem. 
Eventually the Jims had gathered enough footage of me telling ghost stories and showing the Jims around the manor itself, pretty much bull crapping the whole way through the tour as I had little knowledge of the giant manor outside of the wkm videos.
The Jim's didn't seem to mind though, as soon I was being driven away from that horrid place in the Jim's ride. I sighed to myself in relief as I saw it shrink in the distance. 
"So, friend of Jim! Mind if we called you MirrorJim?"
"Huh? Oh! No, I don't mind actually!"
Rather fitting tbh!
You leaned over to the front seat, addressing the Jim that wasn't driving.
"So Jim! What's the place you're staying at like?"
"It's HUUUGE!!! Many Jim live in manor, even some spooky Jims like yourself live there!"
"Spooky Jims??"
"Yeah yeah like the Glitch spook and the Static Spook!"
Static? Like on a TV….?
"What are they like?"
The camera Jim cringed
"Grumpy. They don't like each other and I think Glitch spook doesn't like anybody while the Static spook just seems to be angry all the time!"
The mic Jim spoke up
"Jim has seen Static Spook talking to himself before….in a mirror"
What is with him and mirrors..?
"Static spook was shouting too, like he expected an answer. I almost asked him what that was about before Jim decided that was a bad idea."
"Yeah, good idea. If anything, I can ask! I'm pretty good with people if I do say so myself!"
The Jims looked at each other before the one with the camera asked if you were completely sure about that, as even they didn't know if that was a good idea. You just waved them off
"Worse that happens is I'm scarred for life and avoid him for the rest of my living years!"
The Jims glanced at each other before giving in. All they can really do is warn you a couple of thousand times before you do something stupid and then record you doing said stupid thing. 
It's not like they could actually stop you after all. 
You arrived at the manor, you almost immediately getting a bad feeling about the place. It's different than the cursed one sure, yeah ok you were just in a haunted looking one. But this one….it sends a chill up your spine
The car was parked, you hesitating before deciding this was stupid and stepped out of the car. Nothing immediately happened and you released a nervous sigh. 
"Is MirrorJim ok?"
You looked to see MicJim, the one that was driving. looking at you, having noticed the nervous energy radiating off of you
"Just a little nervous. Believe it or not, This Spook has a bit of social anxiety"
You chuckled a little and the Jim nodded along
"Not to worry MirrorJim! The Jims are more in number than the spooks so if something goes wrong, we can outnumber them!"
That…...almost doesn't help. You smile anyways
"Thanks Jim."
The three of you got in through the back way since there was a door in the garage you parked in. You followed the Jims as quietly as you could as they tiptoed around the giant manor, recording everything they could. 
Things were going pretty good until the Jims opened the wrong door and pissed someone off. Apparently the Jims had confused their video room with Marvin's meditation room! 
The three of you started screaming as you ran in the opposite direction of the room, angry shouting could be heard from the room.
"Quick Jim the squeaker!!!"
Squeaker? The CameraJim dug in his pockets before taking out a dog toy and squeaking it.
"Hold on MirrorJim!"
"Hold onto WHAT?"
Heavy footsteps shook the floor as all of a sudden a GIANT dog came running down the hall. You screamed but the Jim held no fear as they hopped onto the dog's back, dragging you with them as the dog continued to run around the halls randomly. 
You were screaming the entire time. Honestly the fear of falling off might overweigh the fear of confrontation. 
Eventually the screaming turned into nervous giggling, this was actually kind of fun if you ignored just about everything about the ride itself!
You passed many halls, including the living room and then the kitchen. You saw many egos, most of them you recognized to be either Jacksepticeye's or Markiplier's. There were also some random people there but the more you think about it, the more you think they were pizza delivery people. 
You wondered if they were having pizza tonight? 
A sharp whistle caught all of your attention as the dog suddenly turned around, heading to the beckoning call of her master
"Not good Jim! We need to get off!"
"What's wrong?"
"Static spook must've saw us! Abort mission!!"
"Wait WHAT?!"
You screamed once more as the Jims hopped off the dog, dragging you with them
"Sorry MirrorJim! We had to act fast if we wanted MirrorJim to be a surprise!"
Oh so I'm a surprise now huh?
"You don't think the surprise was ruined if EVERYONE saw us riding the dog just now, do you?"
The Jims hummed, looking at each other.
"It IS possible."
"Naaaaahhhh! I mean who in their right mind would-"
A familiar voice rang out down the hall, you turning around to see a face you didn't think would be so gosh darn happy to see you like an old friend. 
Wilford motherlovin warfstache himself, pink bubblegum hair and all
Wilford ran up to you, wrapping you into a bear hug and lifting you into the air
"Y/N!! I finally found you, you scamp! Where on earth did you run off to?!"
Oh boy. How does he know your name?
"We found Jim in a mirror!"
Wilford scoffed 
"A mirror! Y/N you mad lad, you were hiding in a mirror this whole time?"
"Hah hah...I kinda got stuck….the Jim's let me out"
"Did they now? Well Jims you have my sincerest gratitude!"
Wilford started walking away, dragging you with him.
"Uh Wil-"
"Come along now Y/N! I must show you to Damien! He will be SO happy to see you again!"
"Well he goes by Dark now but it's still the same old Damien we know and love!"
On no…...Oh Nooooo!
He really thinks you're the DA doesn't he?!
This can only end badly! You're no DA, hell you can bearly stand People in general! 
You're dead meat. You looked back to the Jims with tears in your eyes. 
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writing-nebula · 4 years ago
Aura: An Unknown Program
Heyyy guys! I’m finally posting this to Tumblr, heh. This is Anti’s perspective of things during Changes and Growth! I won’t say a ton here, but I hope you enjoy the fic! --------------------------------------------- “Chill? This is Anti we’re talking about! Do you not know what he’s done to all of us!?” Anger and fear, so sharp and bitter he felt like he was choking on it.
“You seriously cannot be asking us to be calm around that glitch!” Confusion and worry swirled around him alongside the fear, filling his head and making everything foggy- making it impossible to tell where his feelings ended and theirs began.
“How do I make it stop?” He barely realized it was him that spoke, everything was too loud and hurt and all the emotions were drowning him make it stop make it stop-
I’ll make it stop-
Anti jolted awake and sat up, eyes wide and feeling shaky, those four words echoing menacingly through his head.
‘What was that…?’
He swallowed, bringing a hand up to rub at his neck, though he wasn’t entirely sure why, then took a few deep breaths and shook his head. ‘Just a nightmare, don’t go scaring yourself…’
Thankfully, a distraction came in the form of a knock on the door, and Anti pulled himself out of bed to go answer it, finding himself yawning as he did so. “Is it time for dinner already…?”
The man who had comforted him yesterday- Jack, that was his name- smiled, and Anti couldn’t help but relax at the wave of kindness washing over him, smiling softly back as his nightmare faded to the back of his mind. “Actually, it’s morning. I decided to let you sleep last night, but I’m sure you’re hungry now. Breakfast is downstairs.”
Anti perked up, his stomach growling, “Is there any coffee?” he asked hopefully.
Jack laughed, and Anti decided he liked the sound. “Of course there is! There’s always coffee in this house, it’s the lifeblood of most of us. Marvin also made pancakes, and he makes the best pancakes, you’re in for a treat!”
Even as he agreed and started following the other down to the kitchen, Anti tried to sort out which one Marvin might have been. ‘I think he was one of the angry ones…? But the quieter one, not that one with the hat… Oh, maybe he was the one with-’ Anti stopped dead in his tracks as they entered the room, sucking in a breath and curling in on himself as he realized how thick the air was with dread. He felt sick. It took a few moments for him to realize everyone was staring at him, and when he did he swallowed, glancing around at them nervously. ‘Scared again, why are they scared…?’
“Uh… G-good morning…?” He mumbled it, trying his best not to feel ashamed as well as sick.
The others looked at each other, the one in the hat scowling as they seemingly spoke without words, until what appeared to be the youngest sighed, and smiled at Anti. “Good morning, Anti. Would you like some breakfast?”
It was slow, a little wary, but with that smile came a little buzz of hope, and Anti relaxed a little as the room became a bit more bearable. “Yeah, I'd love some, thanks. Some coffee too, if it's not any trouble."
“Oh yeah, of course!” He summoned the other over with a wave of his hand, and Anti went right over to him, relieved as the young man continued. “I’m Jackie, by the way, nice to meet you properly…”
After that, he had a few hours to himself as everybody went their separate ways after breakfast. Jackie was doing something with Marvin- who, he discovered, was the one with long hair that always felt more nervous or angry than scared- and Jack had to record something. The man was kind enough to leave him his laptop, however, and Anti found himself thoroughly enjoying a different YouTuber named Markiplier, especially the horror games he played.
Now, he paused the video he was currently on, a game called Alien Isolation, and got up from his bed to head downstairs to get some water. Maybe Jackie would be done with Marvin, and they could spend more time together. He’d still been scared of Anti, but… He was trying to be nice, at least.
It turned out he ran into Chase, instead, rounding the corner to find him in the living room, though it seemed the man hadn’t noticed him yet.
“Uh- h-hey, Chase,” he started a little hesitantly, stopping to give the other a little wave.
“Wha- fuck- ” Chase swore as he kicked the coffee table and stumbled, hitting the ground hard and barely avoiding banging his head on the wood. “Oh crap- I-I’m so sorry, let me help you!”
Anti hurried over and held out a hand for the other, grabbing gently for his arm, but the moment he made contact, fear tore through him, so strong he felt dizzy, and Chase ripped his arm away and scrambled back. “Don’t touch me!”
Anti stumbled back, his chest tight as he clutched at his shaking hand, mind a little foggy with the absolute terror that had just coursed through him, but Chase didn’t even seem to notice, sharp stabs of anger assaulting Anti as the other backed away to the other side of the room, clutching his arm. “You scratched me, you little shit- what were you gonna do to me, huh!? Lock me away? Tie me up and torture me!?”
“N-no, wait-” He stumbled over his words, flinching with every one that came out of Chase’s mouth, and hesitantly took a step forward. “I-I’m sorry, I w-was just-”
“Don’t take another step!”
Anti flinched back as the dad’s hand dropped down to the pistol at his belt, and for a brief, blinding moment, he only knew a searing, shattering pain, like his entire body was breaking apart at the seams. And then he blinked, and the pain was gone, and the gun hadn’t been pulled out, just leaving him shaking and feeling heat pricking at his eyes. When he noticed Jack in the room, standing near Chase, he scrambled to explain, not knowing if he could bear the one nice person starting to hate him too.
“I-I’m sorry, I j-just… it was a-an accident, I swear!”
“Like hell it was!” Another stab of anger from Chase, another wave of fear rushing through Anti, though this time mostly his own. “You don’t draw blood by accident!"
“Okay, everyone calm down,” Jack said gently, holding his hands up, then approaching Chase. “Chase, show me your arm.”
Chase shot a withering glare at Anti, muttering something he couldn’t quite hear as Jack inspected his arm, and Anti hunched his shoulders, looking firmly down at the floor as he struggled not to start crying then and there.
‘Why does he hate me so much…? I just wanted to help him, I didn’t mean to scratch him-’
His body buzzed, the weird jolting and static starting quietly again, and Anti bit down harshly on his lip, struggling to pull his pixels back together- Pixels?
“What happened?”
The thought was shoved aside as Jack turned to him, gentle worry cooling over the burns of Chase’s anger, and Anti took a shaky breath, still holding his arm close, a little afraid he’d somehow hurt Jack next. “H-he tripped, and I tried t-to help him up, but he j-jumped away, and I ended up scratching him…”
“So it was an accident? And you apologized?” Jack asked softly, and Anti nodded, not having the energy to do much else.
“Then you did everything you were supposed to. Chase overreacted, is all.” Jack put a hand to his shoulder, smiling, and Anti almost winced at the touch, afraid it would bring the same fear that it did from Chase.
“H-he was scared of me…” Anti mumbled, letting go of his arm to wrap his arms around himself, feeling a strange chill curling in his chest as he voiced his worry. “E-everyone is always scared of m-me, even Jackie… Did I d-do something…?” ‘If I know what it was, I can fix it, and then they won’t hate me anymore…’
“Oh Anti…” And then Jack was hugging him, and he couldn’t help but press into it, the warmth of it stealing his breath away, chasing away the cold as soon as it began.
“No one’s scared of you-” ‘Can’t you feel it??’ “-you just remind them of someone, that's all… You didn't do anything…”
Anti sniffled, not really believing him, but went along with it. “Th-then why does it f-feel so bad…? Why do I feel guilty…?” he hesitantly asked, feeling safe in his arms for the moment.
Jack paused, going quiet, and Anti tensed, comfort shifting along the line to worry again. ‘Did I say something wrong is he gonna get mad too-'
“I… I don’t know, Anti. But you didn’t do anything to them, I promise…”
Anti could only bring himself to nod, forcing himself to relax again, and when Jack pulled back to smile at him, he smiled back, trying to reassure him.
“Wanna play a video game together?”
He blinked, caught off guard for a moment, then grinned, his smile widening. “Y-yeah, sure.”
All in all, after a while, Anti wouldn’t say things were terrible- after all, they were all starting to warm up to him! Jackie spent the most time with him, but sometimes Marvin would give both of them a little magic show, and Henrik occasionally dragged him off to learn how to cook or do basic first aid, so he could patch himself up whenever he got especially banged up from tripping or falling.
Jamie, the mute one who was always only terrified around him, started relaxing, his fear less harsh in the air, and started teaching him sign language. It was so interesting! And sometimes Jack would join too- all of it never failed to make him smile.
And then the nightmares started.
It was small, at first- flashes of pain, of blood, places he felt like he should know but didn’t. He didn’t remember the entire dream, only that something hurt and a harsh, almost painful sense of fear in the air, none of it ever his.
And then the others started showing up.
“Let me go, you fucking waste of disc space!”
Jackie snarled at him, clawing at Anti’s hand tight around his throat, then kicked at the glitch’s stomach and pushed away from him, quickly scrambling to his feet and grabbing a taser from his belt, leaping at Anti with an angry battle cry.
Over and over again, all of them hurt-
“Scheisse-” Henrik swore under his breath as he wiped the blood from his mouth, glaring at the glitch with utter hate in his eyes as his other hand pressed hard against the cut in his side. “Oh, don’t look so smug, you bastard! The others will make you pay for this!”
or fighting him- "Eyes on me, virus!” Marvin snarled, eyes glowing green as he threw fire and painful bursts of light at Anti, almost too fast for him to dodge. “I’ll give you something to laugh about!”
or terrified of him- Jamie stumbled back from the mirror, scared tears in his eyes, and tore desperately at the strings tying themselves around his wrists, struggling to get free, get away from him-
For two months, they had plagued him, only getting worse and worse by the day, and he was so scared of them, he woke up shaking and crying with each and every one, only going downstairs when he was sure he looked normal.
Because he couldn’t tell the others, he just couldn’t- they were only now starting to trust him, starting to relax around him instead of acting like…
Like he was going to attack them-
It was fine, anyway. He could handle it, he didn’t need to bother them with something like this, they could get freaked out, and he never wanted them to look at him like they did in his dreams.
Even if Chase already did.
Even if he always had...
So he resolved to stay quiet about it, pretend nothing was ever wrong- surely they’d stop eventually, and he could just move on with his life… ------------------------------------------------------------
Anti glanced out the window, snickering as he watched the other egos gathering beneath the building he’d locked himself in. Arguing and gesturing wildly- it was so fun to watch them panic~ Schneep wasn’t there, probably trying to stop Jack from bleeding out, and Anti never expected to see Jamie if he didn’t bring the man himself, but he also didn’t see Chase, which was… Strange, considering his new toy.
Heh. Maybe he already gave up and bit the bullet. Speaking of toys…
Anti turned and walked towards the sobbing in the other room, grinning at the young girl tied up there, and crouched down to be at her level. “Aww, what’s wrong, miss your daddy?”
She shrieked and tried to scramble away, tears pouring down her cheeks- she really looked so much like Chase, the little brat. Anti grabbed at her hair and yanked her closer, laughing at the second scream from her. “Well I’m so sorry, sweetheart, but he’s not coming back~! He abandoned you, ran away like the little whiny coward he is!”
He stood up, pulling her up on her own bruised legs, then laughed as he let go and let her fall to the floor with a cry. “Pity, too, I would’ve loved to see his face when I told him all about what I’m going to do to his little princess~!”
Chase’s daughter sobbed and hid her face, shaking in terror, and Anti sighed, almost bored by the reaction. " So predictable… I’ll have to play with you some more later, see what I can get-”
He didn’t hear the gun go off, but he definitely felt it, the bullet tearing through him and scattering his pixels momentarily around the room.
Anti reformed with a snarl, knife in hand as he glared at Chase. “You bastard- ”
“That’s my line, you crazy glitch bitch!” Chase snarled back, gun pointed right at the glitch’s head. “Let go of my daughter, you monster!”
“Never!” He cackled, glitches ripping through him as he advanced on the dad. “I’ll make sure she’s soaked in your blood by the end of the day!”
Anti bolted up from his bed so fast he thought he was going to fall out of it. His chest was tight, suffocatingly so, and tears rolled down his cheeks as he struggled to breathe, unable to make even a sound. ‘That was- sh-she was- a-and Chase-’
No. No. No.
It was just a dream, it wasn’t- it couldn’t be real, it was just like all the others, it was just-
Wetness dripped down his shirt. Blood. Blood from his neck. He barely choked back a terrified whimper and grabbed for his blanket, yanking it up to press against the bleeding cut and hoping, begging for it to stop, for everything to go back to normal.
“Let her go you fucking monster!”
Just a dream. It was just a bad dream, it had to be.
Anti squeezed his eyes shut, fighting against the glitches wracking through his body, and stayed there, shaking and gasping for air, until his neck stopped bleeding and he didn’t feel lightheaded from fear and the static tearing through him. The glitch stood, a little shaky, and stuffed the bloodied blanket under his bed before going over to the small desk in the room, checking his reflection with the laptop Jack had given him a month ago. He grimaced- he looked like shit, bags under his eyes and the scar across his neck red and irritated.
‘...They’re expecting me for breakfast, I can’t just skip…’
He took just a couple minutes to clean himself up, and to change his shirt to something that wasn’t stained with blood, then took a deep breath and forcefully shoved the nightmare to the back of his mind, just like always. ‘Just a dream. It was just a dream, none of it was real.’
He wasn’t sure if he believed himself anymore.
Anti hesitantly entered the kitchen, pleading with whatever force was listening that the others wouldn’t notice anything was wrong- for people seemingly numb to the emotions plain around them, they were far too good at reading him. Alas, he could never be that lucky.
“Anti? You okay?” That was Jackie, looking up from a sizzling pan, and Anti jumped despite the gentle tone, it being all too easy to remember full of anger and pain.
“O-oh, uh-” He couldn’t tell them, how would they react if they found out? How could they be okay with him if they knew what he kept dreaming about?
“Anti…?” Jack stood up slowly, about ready to head towards him, and Anti swallowed. Jack’s concern, usually soft and calming, made his stomach churn with guilt, like he’d actually done all those things he kept dreaming about.
What if I did-
“S-sorry,” he managed, smiling a false smile and hoping that was enough to calm them. “I guess I’m a bit jumpy…”
“Did you have a bad dream?” Marvin. He was always angry in the dreams, fighting him and never afraid.
Just like that day he appeared-
“Something like that…” Anti muttered shakily, and went to get a cup of coffee before sitting down, sipping it silently in hopes that nobody else would want to talk to him. ‘What if they know about the dreams and they’re afraid I’ll act on them? Did they know this was gonna happen, is that why they all hated me at first?’
“Do you wanna talk about it…?” Jackie asked quietly as he sat down, though Anti wouldn’t look up to acknowledge him. “It's better to not keep things bottled up…”
Anti peeked up, feeling the guilt burning in his gut again as he looked at all the others, and his throat tightened, his mouth felt dry. “I…”
“How about you have this conversation with people who actually care?” He flinched back at Chase’s words, the dad’s anger ringing in his head so strong it made him feel dizzy, and he shook his head slightly, struggling to focus on anything besides it. ‘Does he hate me because he already knows? Does he get them too?’
“One of these days, he’s just gonna go back to the Anti we know!”
Anti’s head snapped up, eyes going wide as he stared at the now standing Chase, pain and hate radiating off of him as he yelled at Jack.
The Anti they know?
“Do you not know what he’s done to all of us!?”
The anger.
“What were you gonna do to me, huh!? Lock me away? Tie me up and torture me!?”
The fear.
They’d all had it, right from the beginning, even Jack- though he did his best not to show it, it was impossible to ignore when the feelings dug into him like a personal attack.
And all at once, it made sense.
They weren’t dreams- they were memories. His memories. Antisepticeye’s memories.
They were still yelling, but Anti barely heard it, instead staring blankly down at his hands as time seemed to stop. ‘I hurt them. I tortured them, I attacked them, I tormented them-’
‘I hurt Chase’s kids. I hurt him in every way I could think of. Of course he hates me, why wouldn’t he?’
He wasn’t sure when he started shaking, or when he started glitching, because nothing could overpower the guilt coursing through him as it fully sunk in. ‘Oh, god- I-I tried to kill them, I r-ruined their lives-’
“-sorry, I’m s-sorry…” He choked it out as he stood abruptly and backed away from the table. He flinched as he felt everyone’s eyes turn to him, and all he could imagine was that they knew, and now they’d realize he knew and they’d kick him out or lock him up and- and-
Anti wrapped his arms around himself in a feeble attempt to keep himself together, and barely bit back a sob, voice shaking with the effort to not collapse entirely. “I-I’ll just… G-go back to m-my room, ‘m sorry…” I’ll lock myself up please I’m sorry- just please don’t look at me like you used to-
And with that, he summoned up the once confusing power that had always buzzed beneath the surface, the one he could now control as easy as thinking, and glitched away, back to his bedroom where he could pretend they were safe from him.
The glitch fell back against the door, covering his mouth as the dam burst and ugly sobs tore from his throat, his chest so tight he felt he would pass out as he curled up right there on the floor.
No wonder they had all hated him, always been so afraid of him, he was-
“I’ll give you something to laugh about!”
“You’ll pay for this!”
“You fucking waste of disk space!”
“Let go of my daughter you fucking monster!”
...a monster. Taglist: @egopocalypse ( @amyxmiaplay - I noticed you seemed pretty excited when the last chapter got posted. Let me know if you wanna be added to the list or if you don’t want to be tagged!)
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beerecordings · 5 years ago
i love cocky as all hell Marvin. just smirking and giggling all the time. absolutely ZERO fear of anything and loves nothing better than looking death in the face and coming out of it still smiling and looking cute. makes fun of all his brothers every single day and they’re like “i get that this is how you show love but also i’m going to chop your ears off and cook you into soup.” Anti’s about to slice him into pieces and Marvin is just darting away and laughing, not even bothering to fight back, he just keeps dodging and making fun of Anti’s haircut. little prideful, not going to lie, he’s been preening for hours and won’t let anyone tell him he isn’t one good-looking magic man. loves to yell and can be obnoxious, but very fun to be around and always ready for an adventure. fearlessly affectionate. scathingly sarcastic. occasionally infuriating. clever, funny, capable, confident, excited, proud of himself at all times and never found without a snarky remark on his tongue. i love him. so much lol
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unlikely-cypher · 5 years ago
Noone asked but here's my ego headcannons 🙏🏻
-works at the same hospital as dr iplier and they hate eachother and always compete to see who's the best
-OR surgeon
-book smart, street DUMB
-went to medical school but almost failed out
-really depressed about his ex wife but represses it and acts like he doesnt give a shit. The exact opposite of chase. 
-brown hair always well kept with alot of grey sprinkled in
-sweaters and turtle necks but prefers scrubs. Always wears his glasses.
-acts like hes the best but feels like hes the worst.
-Meme lord 2nd to Chase
-A house cat
-only uses cat emojis when he texts
-really good at natural magic but shit at slight of hand
-prefers slight of hand like an asshole
- long green hair, always looks like he just woke up
- dresses super well when he performs.
-only wears his mask when he performs so noone knows his true identity.
-DRAMATIC. Over the littlest things!!!!
-works at a magic store, keeps getting fired for trying to scam customers and begging them to go to his shows.
-d a p p e r
-knows so much. Eavesdrops on everything
-loves to dance
-everyone goes to him for advice and comfort
-pure all around good fucking bean 
-waxes his mustache 
-dark brown hair, dyes it to keep the greys out but tells noone. 
-never stopped speaking (signing) like it was the 1920s but will occasionally throw in a 'yeet' or other modern slang.
-always well dressed.
-always smiles.
-works at an old timey movie theater
Chase brody:
-help him
-hes trying his best
-misses his kids 
-loves attention
-runs a youtube channel 
-most ripped, man loves going to the gym
-always has to wear a hat even if it isnt his special hat
-fuckin meme king, always up to date on current meme trends and sends memes noones ever seen
-light green hair, always messy
-can cook a mean breakfast
-dad jokes
-can out skate anyone at the skate park.
-super bean
-acts innocent but is actually very informed 
-has super powers that he wants to use constantly but is trying to cut back because hes trying to be normal 
-doesnt want to hurt anyone but would go out of his way to drop kick anyone who hurts his brothers.
-always wearing red 
-has seen deadpool 1 & 2 15 thousand times 
-has a secret lair that only Anti knows about
-works in a comic book store
-Wants to save everyone no matter the cost to him
-pretty much has the same powers as superman
-is afraid of heights
-depressed 15 year old emo kid lost in hot topic
-doesnt own anything that isnt black
-has a neck scar that's real but people just assume its because he wants to look edgy (which is also true)
-edge lord. ITS NOT A PHASE MOM
-plays the drums in a band but also works in a music store 
-would kill anyone in cold blood that hurts Jackie
-so much anger like take a bubble bath my guy. 
-lowkey ethier super smelly or smells wonderful
-has a collection of knives
-has an iridescent knife named Sandy, shes his favorite dont tell the other knives. 
-Wonders why hes corrupt and where he came from alot.
-really good with computers.
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