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jca-archive · 10 months ago
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Claude Martinot, 1983
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cosmonautroger · 5 months ago
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Claude Martinot, 1983
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salakmaral · 1 year ago
Hate how they didn't show us what happened after janvier saved phillippe. I saw the tension and I want to know what happened after that
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luciegarcon · 2 years ago
Je discuterai avec Maxime Martinot à propos de ses deux films, Les Antilopes et Olho Animal, le 21 mars 2023 au Forum des Images dans le cadre de la programmation "100% doc".
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muxas-world · 7 months ago
Me whit @celestinovietti next race martinoter next to be stoped
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 2 years ago
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Tobacco card featuring actress Miss Sadie Martinot, 1880s, USA.
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art-damaged · 2 years ago
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There’s talk that artworks damaged in last month’s riots by far-right supporters of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro could be included in a future memorial. Said minister of culture Margareth Menezes, “a memorial would preserve the memory of the attack, so that violence of this level can never happen again.”
Among the works targeted by rioters was Emiliano Di Cavalcanti’s large-scale canvas fresco, “As Mulatas” (1962); two installations by Athos Bulcão; and a wooden abstract sculpture by Frans Krajcberg, broken in four places. “Bandeira do Brasil” (1995), a painting of the Brazilian flag on wood by the contemporary artist Jorge Eduardo, was set on fire and cannot be restored; a 17th-century pendulum clock by Balthazar Martinot is also irreparable. 
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blogoslibertarios · 5 months ago
Moraes vota para condenar a 17 anos de prisão homem que quebrou relógio histórico no 8 de janeiro
Foto: Reprodução   O ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), votou nesta sexta-feira (21) para condenar a 17 anos de prisão Antônio Cláudio Alves Ferreira, um dos invasores do Palácio do Planalto durante os ataques do dia 8 de janeiro de 2023. Ele foi responsável por quebrar o relógio histórico de Balthazar Martinot. A obra, trazida por Dom João VI para o Brasil em 1808,…
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abraaocostaof · 5 months ago
Moraes vota para condenar a 17 anos de prisão homem que quebrou relógio histórico em ato golpista
Até agora, o Supremo já condenou 224 pessoas pelos ataques às sedes dos Três Poderes do dia 8 de janeiro de 2023. ANTES e DEPOIS – Peça do século 17, o relógio do francês Balthazar Martinot foi destruído por vândalos em 8 de janeiro de 2023 Arte/g1 O ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), votou nesta sexta-feira (21) para condenar a 17 anos de prisão Antônio Cláudio…
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wrquinterom · 10 months ago
Assignement 1
Data Set Mars Study
Question: Is the morphology of the crater related to its diameter and its depth?
Using the variables:
Heavily cratered terrain on Mars was created between 4.2 to 3.8 billion years ago during the period of "heavy bombardment" (i.e. impacts of asteroids, proto-planets, and comets). Since then the surface of Mars has not been extensively modified. Surfaces on airless bodies such as Mars that have not been subsequently modified by volcanism are "saturated" in craters. Craters appear across the entire surface of Mars, and they are vital to understanding its crustal properties as well as surface ages and modification events. They allow inferences into the ancient climate and hydrologic history, and they add a key data point for the understanding of impact physics. This study, created by Stuart Robbins, presents a new global database for Mars that contains 378,540 craters statistically complete for diameters D ≥ 1 km
Literature reiew
-Barlow, N. G., & Bradley, T. L. (1990). Martian impact craters: Correlations of ejecta and interior morphologies with diameter, latitude, and terrain. Icarus, 87(1), 156–179. doi:10.1016/0019-1035(90)90026-6 
-A. Lagain*†, S. Bouley†, D. Baratoux†, C. Marmo†, F. Costard†, O. Delaa†, A. Pio Rossi†, M. Minin†, G.K. Benedix†, M. Ciocco, B. Bedos, A. Guimpier, E. Dehouck, D. Loizeau, A. Bouquety, J. Zhao, A. Vialatte, M. Cormau, E. Le Conte des Floris, F. Schmidt, P. Thollot, J. Champion, M. Martinot, J. Gargani, P. Beck, J. Boisson, N. Paulien, A. Séjourné, K. Pasquon, N. Christoff, I. Belgacem, F. Landais, B. Rousseau, L. Dupeyrat, M. Franco, F. Andrieu, B. Cecconi, S. Erard, B. Jabaud, V. Malarewicz, G. Beggiato, G. Janez, L. Elbaz, C. Ourliac, M. Catheline, M. Fries, A. Karamoko, J. Rodier, R. Sarian, A. Gillet, S. Girard, M. Pottier, S. Strauss, C. Chanon, P. Lavaud, A. Boutaric, M. Savourat, E. Garret, E. Leroy, M.-C. Geffray, L. Parquet, M.-A. Delagoutte, O. Gamblin, 2021. "Mars Crater Database: A participative project for the classification of the morphological characteristics of large Martian craters", Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI, Wolf Uwe Reimold, Christian Koeberl
-Roback, K. P., Runyon, K. D., & Avouac, J. P. (2020). Craters as sand traps: Dynamics, history, and morphology of modern sand transport in an active Martian dune field. Icarus, 113642. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113642
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icecreamkink · 2 years ago
5 days after salnorabo supporters tried their "can i copy ur homework" "ok but dont make it too similar " of the u.s capitol, this win just becomes greater. despite the big failure in security which allowed this to happen, the lula government, in deciding on a federal intervention in security, quickly controlled the situation. the supreme court, congress, senate, electoral court, federal police, and other investigative police corporations are heading investigations and overwhelmingly denounce this horrible, disgusting, hateful, cowardly attempt at a coup; (and this is what? bozo's 3rd? 4th? attempt at a coup) the coup defending movement of bolsonaristas and their terrorist attacks are finally being treated like what they are: CRIMES against the country of brasil, against our democracy. (seriously, its almost weird to watch the brazilian institutions working according to the law after so many years)
the bolsonaro loving terrorists, after months of questioning elections without evidence - even after their darling army ~investigated the election process and found nothing -, heading terrorist attacks (road blocks without negotiation w the populace, attempted bombings, personal attacks, burning vehicles) finally went all out: allowed by coupist security secretary anderson torres, who should be arrested any time now, they invaded and destroyed the three palaces of government in brasilia: national congress, supreme court and the palace of planalto. they broke all the windows, all the furniture, attacked with bats, sticks, and knifes photos of former presidents, furniture, doors, desks, computers and all artworks they could come across. a man actually shat on a desk. a filmed it. (yes they are That grotesque) seminal pieces of art, hallmarks of brazilian modernism were stabbed, beaten, punched and in some cases pissed on (again yes. they are completely disgusting) . the chairs of the supreme court, designed by a holocaust survivor, were ripped and thrown in the mud, alongside the coat of arms of the republic. sculptures were broken, some stolen. presents from other countries to the brazilian government were destroyed, some beyond any repair, others were stolen; vases gifted by china, a handcrafted painted egg from sudan were shattered beyond any repair. a balthazar martinot grand clock, gifted to dom João VI by the french monarchy in 18th century, the only pair of (a smaller one) the one in versailles, was completely broken. it might be able to be partially restored, but never fully recovered.
it was a destruction of the type ive never seen before, and completely shocking. but not even a week later, over 1400 people were arrested, investigations seem to be well underway and reaching more powerful people, lula managed to bring together heads of the three powers and all 27 state governors (a lot of whom are bolsonaro allies) in a show of strength walking through the rubble, as overwhelming international support poured in and people all over the country took the streets in response: in defence of democracy, demanding justice, demanding punishment and shouting loud and clear: no amnesty.
and yesterday, the palacio do planalto, cleared and clean after the destruction on sunday, was the stage to the historic, groundbreaking inauguration of sonia guajajara, the first indigenous minister and the creation of the indigenous peoples ministry, and the inauguration of anielle franco, sister of marielle franco, as minister of the ministry of racial equity. in a beautiful, gorgeous ceremony, counting with president lula's and janja's presence, where he sanctioned a law that typify crimes of racism, elevating the gravity of the crime of racial injury. it was perfect as a ceremony and almost perfect as an answer to that terrorist attack that happened on that same building a few days before: this true patriotism, this country is ours, its indigenous, its black, brown, mixed, its queer, its colorful, and its going to fight against both structural racism and and antidemocratic fascism.
the situation is very complicated and its very ugly, but to quote the President of the Republic of Brasil, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva - "it's never easy for those of us who have dreams." no amnesty. dictatorship never again, democracy forever.
so yeah. this win? it was beyond huge.
i JUST need people to understand worldwide just how big this win was. yall know bolsonaro is a fascist forest burner, but the lenghts he went to try to cheat this election were unprecedented (and we had a coup 7 years ago!)
beyond his industry of fake news, the government was shamelessly buying votes with state tools. he was artificially manipulating the economy to try to win votes. there have been hundreds of complaints of companies, big and small, across the country of employees being threatened into voting for bozo, women being told to smuggle phones in their bras to prove their vote. workers being shamlessly bribed into voting bozo. there have been countless attacks and dozens of murders over this election this year. and finally, yesterday, when even that wasn't enough, the federal traffic police was used to roadblock voters on the regions lula had the most votes. the police stopped HUNDREDS of buses taking people to vote in over 780 operations in a blatant act of electoral fraud; i don't know how many votes were lost because of it. nothing like this has ever happened after the end of the dictatorship. it was terrifying, i was scared we were looking at another coup.
and yet. even after all of that, even after years of fascist propaganda and the machine of state being shamelessly used to attempt to fraud this election it STILL wasn't enough! we won , WE DID IT and we won by millions! I'm from an extremely anti lula, fascist region in the country and people were euphorically celebrating in the streets! historical political rivals are talking of hope for the future, finally. lula is our once and future president, democratically elected in a government that seeks to undermine democracy every day. it was genuinely a fight against the machine of the state and every underhanded tactic they could employ.
a lot of foreigners were talking about how this was one of the most important elections in the last decades... yeah. yeah .... you have no idea
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gdo34-blog · 1 year ago
Extrait de "Wokisme et cancel culture. Une déraison mortifère"
Ils n’était nul besoin jusqu’alors de modifier la graphie pour faire exister et rendre visible le féminin. Cette écriture inclusive s’inscrit dans une volonté d’instrumentaliser et de déconstruire la langue. Celle-ci devient victime de la novlangue managériale et idéologique où l’usage des mots ne sert plus à nommer mais à falsifier. La langue est ainsi réduite à un système de communication en la détachant de la littérature et de l’histoire.
Cette écriture inclusive instaurée par le néo-féminisme qui considère que la langue est sexiste, est un vandalisme (Alain Finkielkraut) qui enlaidit la langue française au point de la rendre illisible et « imparlable », par destruction de sa fluidité, sa musicalité, sous le motif de liquider le privilège du masculin et de visibiliser le féminin. Or la langue est arbitraire et universelle, il n’y a pas de rapport entre le genre grammatical qui est une convention et le sexe qui est une réalité biologique : l’utérus est masculin et la verge est féminin d’une part, une abeille peut être mâle ou femelle d’autre part. La taie d’oreiller serait-elle plus féminine que l’oreiller ? Notre langue présente deux genres grammaticaux, l’un marqué, le féminin où l’on ajoute un e et l’autre non marqué, masculin qui joue le rôle neutre héritier du latin. La fameuse remarque non écrite ou « le masculin l’emporte sur le féminin » signe une confusion entre masculin et mâle d’une part, féminin et femelle d’autre part.
Dire que la grammaire est porteuse de domination patriarcale n’est pas un observable mais une pétition de principe. Est-ce une injustice sociale de dire « il pleut » plutôt que « elle pleut » ? 
La plupart des langues du monde ne possède pas de genre grammatical.
Les langues Peul ou Bantou en Afrique sans marque de genre masculin ou féminin n’empêche pas mariages forcés et excisions. Le Turc et les langues apparentées au persan qui ne distinguent pas le masculin du féminin n’apparaissent pas forcément comme des modèles d’égalité. En revanche, en Europe les langues qui possèdent soit trois genres ou aucun genre ne privent pas une douzaine de femmes d’êtres ou d’avoir été dirigeantes de leur pays. Simone de Beauvoir et Olympe de Gouges n’ont-elles pas œuvré pour le féminisme sans féminiser la langue ? C’est un sexisme imaginaire et un discours tenu par les inclusivistes dans les sociétés les plus égalitaires et occidentales déjà repéré comme paradoxe chez Alexis de Tocqueville.
Claire Martinot, professeur en linguistique (Sorbonne université), souligne que l’écriture tou.te.s est une hérésie morpho-syntaxique car la racine de tout est tout et non tou. En outre, le genre ne s’entend pas à l’oreille dans l’énoncé « mes amies et amis ». Le militantisme transactiviste actuel du planning familial n’hésite pas quant à lui à utiliser « Toustes » dans le slogan « Gratuité des protections périodiques pour toustes » !
L’écriture inclusive devient excluante en dépit du guide Inclure sans exclure par sa complexité pour tous les élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage de la lecture, par la difficulté de traduction en braille pour les aveugles. Sa pratique devient discriminante. Jusqu’alors, les femmes ne se sentaient pas exclues par l’usage du « Bonjour à tous ». Désormais, quiconque n’empruntera pas les expressions « Bonjour à toutes et à tous » ou « celles et ceux » en précisant le féminin en premier sera considéré comme excluant les femmes ! Rappelons également que « Les droits de l’homme » que l’on voudrait remplacer par « Les droits humains », renvoient à homo l’être humain.
Enfin, une part d’exclusion ne fait-elle pas partie de la vie en n’ayant pas accès à tout ce que je désire ?  Et que dire de cette nécessité de vouloir réintroduire le sexe là où les néo féministes n’ont de cesse de vouloir l’occulter au nom du biologique.
Ce désir de déconstruire pour recréer la langue, l’écriture, l’identité sexuelle est une posture ou plutôt une imposture narcissique, un fantasme de maîtrise de l’humain face à l’arbitraire d’une langue, au roc dur de la biologie. Quant à cette idéologie du signe « e » comme s’il représentait la femme relève d’une pensée anthropomorphique et assigne à résidence sans levée d’écrou possible l’auteur(e) réduite à la femme sans espace de jeu.
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year ago
Confs, La construction prédicative à l’oral et à l’écrit : maîtriser la posture de locuteur et de scripteur
Programme : 9h30 : Accueil (self du personnel de l’INSPE) 10h -11h Claire Doquet, INSPE de Bordeaux Les constructions prédicatives dans les écrits scolaires : quelques repères 11h-11h45 Olivia Lewi, INSPE de Paris Formulation et reformulation orale ou écrite en cours de mathématiques : quelles pratiques langagières privilégier ? 11h45-12h00 Discussion : Valérie Lambert 12h00-14h00 Pause déjeuner 14h00-14h45 Claire Martinot, Kathy Similowski, Valérie Lambert, INSPE de Paris, INSPE de Cer http://dlvr.it/Sp63Wb
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isvicreninsesi · 2 years ago
İsviçre, Brezilya kongresine saldırı sırasında hasar gören saatin tamirine yardım edecek
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🇨🇭SESİ- İsviçre hükümeti, lüks saatçi Audemars Piguet ile birlikte, 8 Ocak'ta Brezilya'nın başkentindeki darbe girişimi sırasında tahrip olan 17. yüzyıldan kalma bir saati restore etmeyi planlıyor. Eski cumhurbaşkanı Jair Bolsonaro'nun binlerce destekçisi Brezilya’da üç hükümet binasına baskın yaparken, gözetleme videolarında bir militanın bir mobilya parçası üzerindeki saat setini yere düşürerek paramparça ettiği ortaya çıktı. https://twitter.com/randolfeap/status/1614981081089835010?s=46&t=eXr2dEXHHjhLIqBYeKDq1g Parçalanan saat, saatçi tarafından Fransız kralı Balthasar Martinot için yapılan iki saat modelinden biridir. Diğeri ise daha küçük olanı Château de Versailles'da bulunuyor. Brezilya’daki saat, Fransız sarayının 1808'de Portekiz kralına bir armağanıydı ve daha sonra Brezilya'ya götürüldü. İsviçre devlet televizyonunun (RTS) bildirdiğine göre, bu haftanın başlarında Brezilya kültür bakanı İsviçre'nin saatin eski haline getirilmesine yardım edeceğini duyurdu. Brezilya’daki İsviçre büyükelçisi Pietro Lazzeri, RTS'ye Audemars Piguet'nin restorasyona yardım etmek için ulaştığını söyledi. Lazzeri, “bir sonraki adım hasarı değerlendirmek için uzmanlardan oluşan bir ekip oluşturmak olacak" dedi. "Bu saat üzerinde çalışmak için çok disiplinli bir ekibe ihtiyacımız var” ifadelerini kullandı. Tarihi ve sanatsal mirası korumaya yönelik bu misyon, İsviçre ile Brezilya arasındaki dostluğun sembolik bir unsurudur” diye ekledi. Read the full article
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pernambuconoticias · 2 years ago
Suíços estreitam parceria com Governo Federal para restaurar relógio histórico danificado em 8 de janeiro
A Embaixada da Suíça no Brasil ofereceu o suporte de especialistas e artesãos do país europeu para auxiliar o Governo Federal Brasileiro no trabalho de restauração e recuperação do relógio histórico Balthasar Martinot Boulle, do Século XVII, que pertenceu a D. João VI. O relógio ficava exposto no Palácio do Planalto, em Brasília, e foi bastante danificado durante a tentativa de golpe de Estado…
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generaldonutphilosopher · 2 years ago
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Reposted from @portal6noticias Foi preso nesta segunda-feira (23) em Minas o homem suspeito de ter destruído o relógio trazido ao Brasil por dom João 6º, em 1808, e que estava exposto no Palácio do Planalto. A prisão ocorreu em Uberlândia (MG). O homem foi identificado como Antonio Claudio Alves Ferreira, de 30 anos, da cidade de Catalão (GO). A ordem de detenção partiu do ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal), que atendeu a pedido da Polícia Federal. O homem foi flagrado pelas filmagens internas do palácio, no último dia 8, jogando no chão o relógio e, depois, tentando quebrar as câmeras do circuito interno com um extintor. O suspeito vestia uma camiseta com o rosto do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL). Único exemplar da peça no mundo, o objeto foi quebrado no dia em que as sedes dos três Poderes foram invadidas e vandalizadas por apoiadores do ex-presidente. O relógio estava abrigado no terceiro andar do Palácio do Planalto, onde está localizado o gabinete do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), quando o local foi invadido por centenas de golpistas. Os ponteiros e números do relógio foram arrancados, assim como uma estátua que enfeitava o topo da peça. O objeto foi dado de presente a dom João 6º pela corte de Luís 14, da França. A obra foi desenhada por André-Charles Boulle e fabricada pelo relojoeiro francês Balthazar Martinot no fim do século 18, poucos anos antes de ser trazida ao Brasil. Segundo publicação do site do governo federal, existem no mundo apenas dois relógios fabricados por Martinot. O outro está exposto no Palácio de Versalhes, na França, mas tem metade do tamanho da peça que foi destruída. O valor do relógio danificado é considerado fora de padrão, diz o texto. O relógio foi restaurado em 2012, depois de ter sido resgatado de um depósito do governo federal. Leia mais em portal6.com.br. Link na bio. 📝 Folhapress 📷 Reprodução/Fantástico #Portal6 #Bolsonarista #Goiás #Brasil (em Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brasil.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5bhGENMGE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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