#Martin feels lonely when the blade treated him like the emperor :(
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Tesinktober 2022 Day 12 --- Loneliness
"No no no no... It's all right... Everything's fine. There's no cause for alarm, really. I only wanted to share a few words. With a friend."
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(hollow star) - happy headcanon and (yin yang) - likes/dislikes headcanon for Martin Septim and Yarcha, from the headcanon meme!! :3
Happy headcanon: Martin and Yarcha sometimes sneak up onto the roof of Cloud Ruler Temple to watch the stars while they hold hands… The Blades really don’t like that because that’s dangerous, and they can’t always find him when he’s doing that (which is part of the whole reason why they started doing that in the first place! They just wanted some time for themselves, alone, without having people around them all the time and trying to be really protective of them. They appreciate the Blades being there, of course, but sometimes it’s nice to have some privacy!)
Likes/dislikes headcanon: 
Well the thing that Martin dislikes most about Yarcha is that he’s just so reckless, he always gets into trouble and dangerous situation, and he doesn’t even seem to care that he’s hurt! Martin really wishes that he would stop doing that haha! Yarcha has trouble saying ‘no’ when someone asks him to do something, no matter how dangerous that is, and he always puts others before himself… Which he definitely shouldn’t be doing according to Martin! 
There are many things that Martin likes (even loves) about Yarcha though… Mostly the fact that he’s the only one who treats him like a person, just a human, and a friend, instead of the (future) emperor! Their conversations are very natural, Yarcha loves him very much, it’s nothing like the Blades who keep referring to Martin as their emperor, which makes him feel a bit lonely sometimes. Yarcha is there to make him feel genuinely loved! (Perhaps it helps that Yarcha never really had much respect for authority anyway!) 
Now Yarcha doesn’t really dislike many things about Martin so it was really hard for me to think of one... I guess the same thing counts here as what Martin dislikes about Yarcha, I think Yarcha believes that Martin should take better care of himself! And not spend the entire day with a dangerous and scary book! Yarcha will literally drag Martin away from his work if he has to!
And Yarcha really loves about Martin that he’s always so sincere and kind, he’s genuinely one of the kindest people that he met and Yarcha can always appreciate kindness! He loves that Martin always wants to comfort him when he needs it, and that he doesn’t have to worry about being alone when he’s around Martin! 
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