#Martha Madison
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Stiles: You don't like men?  Paige: Well, I like men like I like dogs Derek: You’re a cat person.  Paige: There in lies the problem. 
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phantomstatistician · 1 year ago
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Fandom: Hamilton
Sample Size: 20,757 stories
Source: AO3
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furorsopher · 1 month ago
hey I wanna test smth, this is gonna real interesting…
pls I need statistics-
also @transmascmarypoppins Ur getting tagged for the hell of it :3
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hesaprofessional · 2 months ago
As I am going through my Hamilton phase now for some reason, I've been having a lot of thoughts about it that I'll try to concisely gather here. It's faced criticism for romanticizing the founding fathers and portraying them as more sympathetic than they really were (i.e. Hamilton married into a slave owning family and wasn't actually super pro-immigrant), which I think is fair, but I would also respond to that point by arguing that with the themes of legacy and looking ahead to the future where people who never knew you will be telling your story and you'll have no control over how they do it, it makes sense on a meta level why the characters come off as more sympathetic than they did in real life.
They seem to be semi-subconsciously aware of the audience and purposefully trying to present themselves sympathetically because of that, with the fourth wall breaks and stuff like Hamilton not wanting to refer to the play Macbeth by name even though he in universe is not in a theatre which kind of suggests to me that he knows on some level that he is in a theatre out of universe (the rule about not naming the play Macbeth only applies in theatres) and Burr directly introducing characters to the audience and trying to sell himself as a good person to us/do damage control/lamenting his fate to us in The World Was Wide Enough. And then of course Eliza's gasp at the end is her becoming fully consciously aware of the audience.
I do not know to what extent Lin Manuel Miranda intended for the characters to be semisubconsciously aware of the fact that they are in a play and that they have an audience or if he intended this at all, but with death of the author I think that I can gather sufficient evidence to support this interpretation as a viable one. Still, I have gotten really attached to this concept/interpretation to the point that I've been considering trying to do a rewrite of Hamilton where I take it much further than it's taken in canon if I ever get the time. My ideas are pretty out there and I recognize that, but I think there's some good potential with them.
Imagine if there was a framing device where the characters were temporarily brought out of their afterlives after their deaths (mostly Heaven but there could also be a joke where it's implied that King George didn't come from there) to an extradimensional plane/stage, created by a historian/history writer in some kind of deal with the devil that he struck where he got to bring all of the relevant players in the period of American history that Hamilton covers (some like Benjamin Franklin are obviously missing from Hamilton and thus wouldn't be in this iteration either but let's just ignore that) into this extradimensional plane so that he could get the story of what happened over that period of history directly from them. Hamilton in particular is one of his main specialty areas, so he wants it to especially be centered around him.
After the characters freak out about the fact that they've been randomly summoned from the afterlife, they quickly turn to being concerned about their legacies and start to bombard the historian with questions about what the people in his time think of them. He tells them that answering their questions before they've told him their story would bias how they tell the story, and thus he won't tell them until after they're done telling it. He's going to write a book based on what they tell them, he says, so they can directly influence how they'll be remembered going forward by how they tell their story to him. This is what primarily gets them interested in this exercise of telling him their story, although of course there would be immense variation in how the different characters respond to this situation and how their responses evolve over time with added information.
They realize that Philip, Hercules, Lafayette, and Peggy didn't get summoned with the rest of them because they were off doing something that is beyond the comprehension of mortals on a different plane of existence at the time that the summoning ritual took place (in my head when the other characters explain what they're off doing the descriptions are replaced with eldritch-esque sounds that the historian can't comprehend), and thus Laurens, Madison, Jefferson, and Maria respectively volunteer to play both themselves and them in this musical about their story. Insert jokes about Laurens playing his lover's son and calling him daddy here.
The musical proceeds in a similar way to canon, except the element I described earlier of them trying to sell themselves as sympathetic to an audience they're semisubconsciously aware of is ramped up to 11, because they are obviously consciously aware of the historian. Characters who like each other like Hamilton and Laurens hype each other up as good people who deserve to be remembered fondly, while characters who don't like each other like Hamilton and Jefferson trash each other and each other's attempts to sell themselves as sympathetic to the historian. For example, during the first Cabinet Battle, something that could happen is Madison stage whispering to Jefferson that Hamilton married into a slave owning family in life after Hamilton roasts him for having owned slaves, Jefferson triumphantly pointing that out, and Hamilton trying to defend himself.
For some additional concepts I have for this, Hamilton and Burr reconciled their differences at some point in the centuries they've been in Heaven and became friends again, but the fighting they do over Burr trying to sell himself as sympathetic while describing why he killed him reignites their rivalry and causes them to hate each other again. Hamilton was willing to forgive him for the whole murder thing until he tried to say that he (Burr) couldn't let him (Hamilton) make an orphan out of his grown adult daughter while Hamilton in contrast had small children at the time, at which point he started to reconsider that forgiveness. Hamilton, Laurens, Angelica and Eliza (and Martha Laurens but she wasn't one of the people who was summoned, so she would just be mentioned to also be a part of the relationship) have all at some point formed a polyamorous relationship in Heaven where the only two that aren't dating are Angelica and Eliza, obviously, because they're sisters.
When they're done with the production/telling their story, they all stand for a moment contemplating everything before Eliza goes over to the historian and asks him to answer their questions about their legacies and what people in his time think of them, now that they've fulfilled their end of the bargain. He responds something like "See for yourself" and gestures towards the audience, and the characters all see it for the first time. They realize that they've been performing for us, the audience, this entire time and not just the historian. There was never a book, the point was always this play. After the play, during the time when the actors interact with the audience, they stay in character and ask them questions about what they think of them and what they thought of their performance. Maybe there's some jokes like Hamilton and Jefferson still trashing each other and asking people some variant on "You liked me better than him, right?" Anyway I think all of this would be cool and I might write it at some point.
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umi-teardrop · 8 months ago
(Based on the conservation I had with Zayn aka @ask-chubby-hamilton while asking them about the lore)
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-1, 2, 3, 4! Counting every day, I been stuck in here… can someone help me get away? 5, 6, 7, 8! Time is just a hoax in a musically world of characters and historical jokes
Zayn - Creator/Anons:
-You must think that your dreaming
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-Just tell me what your scheming
Evil Anon:
-You look like you’ve seen a ghost
-But your lucky to have such amazing anons like us
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I’m scared to lose myself here
-But there is nothing to fear
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I can’t take it anymore! Is that an exit door?
Everyone( @ouioui-lafayettes-askblog , @ask-thomas-jefferson-1 , @ask-james-madison-stuff , @ask-general-washington , @ask-john-laruens , @askh3rculesmu11igan , @ask-aaron-burr1 , @ask-theodosia-blog , @mreynolds-ask-blog , @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 , @ask-susan-reynolds , @e-schuyler-ask-blog , @angelicashuylersaskblog , @peggy-schuylers-ask-blog , @samuel-seaburys-askblog , @that-876girl474 , @martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog , @ask-deborah-sampson ):
-Just your imagination! The exit Is your fixation door after door you find that it is just a chaotic hallucination! You try to find a way out… But your stuck here day after day inside a chaotic hallucinations
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-A, L, E, X! I don’t know my past tell me if I’m real or I’m just a fake E, N, D, E, R!
The writing on the wall! The vowels and the consonants say save us all
@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 :
-You must think that you’re dreaming!
@e-schuyler-ask-blog :
-it’ll be okay believe me!
@askh3rculesmu11igan :
-You look like you’ve seen a ghost
@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 :
Your lucky to have what’s left of your sanity
@ask-james-madison-stuff :
-and some might call it tragic…
@ask-aaron-burr1 :
-when the fandom lost its magic…
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I can't take it anymore
Is that an exit door?
Just your imagination
The exit is your fixation
Door after door, you'll find that it's just a chaotic hallucination
You try to find a way out
But you're stuck here day after day
Inside a chaotic hallucination
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-Is it an amalgamation of my own fixation?
Door after door, I find that it is just a chaotic hallucination
I’m done trying for a way out
I'm stuck here day after day
Inside this choatic hallucination
-Just your imagination
The exit is your fixation
Door after door, you'll find that it is just a chaotic hallucination
You try to find a way out
But you're stuck here day after day
Inside a chaotic hallucination
Chaotic hallucination (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
[original song by OR3O from YouTube]
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anewnewcrest · 3 months ago
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From the Matthews Family Simstagram
The Enemy always attacks those who love the Watcher the most, and after our season of spiritual attacks, the Matthews family is now stronger in their faith in the Watcher than ever!
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During my years in the trenches as a mother of ten children born in ten years, I forgot that my most sacred responsibility is not to my children, but to my husband. His needs and my relationship with him need to come first, as our dear pastor, David Johnson, and his wife so graciously counseled me. The girls can keep his house and make him a sandwich, but only I can fulfill that special need of his, and I need to keep myself trim, attractive and available for him. I forgot that, and now we are re-building our relationship on a strong foundation of scripture and Watcher-honoring counseling. After all, children only thrive when their parents have a strong relationship, and we need to make our marriage our priority, so our children will not develop the problems and struggles that come from growing up in a broken home, like I did.
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After the Watcher has blessed us so abundantly, it is even more important that our children grow up with Watcher-honoring guidance and discipline. We have made a great beginning with our first two sets of twins, Mason and Mitchell (16) and Melanie and Melissa (14).
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Mason is a strong-willed young gentleman who will be a wonderful leader for his future family one day! He loves outdoorsy, manly pursuits and is a great favorite with other boys at church, especially Ashton Miller (who is recently married - isn't that precious? Our children will hopefully soon follow his example!).
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Mitchell is of a more serious persuasion than his brother Mason, but no less strong of personality in his own way. He already has a job so he can help provide for our family, and he greatly enjoys spending time with his sisters, especially Melanie and Melissa, and generally is a blessing to our whole family!
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My two oldest girls, Melanie and Melissa (14), are my second set of twins, and they're extremely close to each other. They both love managing their jurisdictions (what we call chores in our house), and also take care of the younger children. Melanie does more mothering, while Melissa is more for cleaning, but they both cook, they sing and play the violin, and they're both such wonderful helpers and will be great mamas one day!
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Mark (12) is the only singleton in-between three sets of twins, so it's natural that he is a bit of a loner. He loves nature, though, and really isn't any trouble at all.
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Morgan and Mackenzie (11) are our third set of twins, and the only identical ones among the bunch, but there is nothing identical about their personalities. Morgan is a natural leader and loves bossing her younger sisters about, while Mackenzie is content to follow and has a meek and quiet spirit.
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Our three youngest girls Madison (9), Miranda (7) and Meredith (5) all look up to their big sister Morgan immensely. Madison also is a little mama's girl and loves nothing more than to spend time with me and follow me during my daily chores, helping where she can and playing pretend where she can't. Miranda and Meredith both have a meek and quiet spirit after all the training they've been through, and I'm sure they'll be wonderful wives and mothers one day.
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peggys-123 · 6 months ago
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hiidkwhatimdoing7525 · 5 months ago
at some point I just gave up studying and start finding amrev people in the dictionary
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amberxfreeman · 1 year ago
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ofmonticello · 8 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Martha Wayles Jefferson/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson & James Madison, Dolley Madison/James Madison Characters: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Martha Wayles Jefferson, Dolley Madison Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Character Death, Wakes & Funerals, Angst, Good Friend James Madison, Modern Era, Crying, Hurt Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Needs A Hug, Panic, Corpses Summary:
What happened after?
surprise it's a oneshot that wasn't requested 
what?? adelaide writes oneshots too??
it's a good thing i'm not pursuing marketing, huh. anyways this is a fic about death and what happens after, so if this is something you find upsetting, proceed with caution
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dentesbattalion · 2 years ago
Hello! You can call me Angelo:) I'm 18 and about to head into university to study a bachelor of arts major in history! This is my side blog that I'm hoping to start as an archive for my autism rambles (history++)! I cover mostly early American politics + some other eras/areas. I do not condone the historical figures' actions. They are real people whom have walked this earth. I simply find them extremely fascinating. Here are the historical figures I will mostly post about. Bold are special interests. - Alexander Hamilton - Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette (tag will be shorted to Lafayette) - John Laurens & family - John André - George & Martha Washington - Thomas & Martha Jefferson - James & Dolley Madison - James Monroe - Nathan Hale - Benjamin Tallmadge - Napoleon II
fingers crossed that I finally figured out how tumblr markdown works after several years. anyways! love you guys, hopefully i can post my rambles and you guys will like them! edit: nvm tumblr markdown hates me fr
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krispyweiss · 2 years ago
Song Review: Rufus Wainwright feat. Andrew Bird and Chris Stills - “Harvest”
Rufus Wainwright reaps minor benefits on his cover of Neil Young’s “Harvest.”
As a preview of Wainwright’s forthcoming Folkocracy, it signals an album worthy of anticipation. But he picked a stone classic that cannot possibly be improved, even with the help of violinist Andrew Bird and guitarist Chris Stills, both of whom provide harmony vocals.
“Harvest” is a gutsy number to tackle. Wainwright and his guests strip down an already-slim song and take some liberties with the vocal arrangements. A bit jarring at first listen, the song soon reveals Wainwright’s good intentions.
Out June 2, Folkocracy also features guest spots from Madison Cunningham, Chaka Kahn, Brandi Carlisle, David Byrne, Martha Wainwright and others, so a diverse collection is all but ensured.
Grade card: Rufus Wainwright feat. Andrew Bird and Chris Stills - “Harvest” - B-
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aideu2you · 2 years ago
women of amrev
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konekoryuugamine · 2 years ago
This past year has been strong for horror games; we've seen successful remakes, inventive ideas, and reimaginings of series that have long been abandoned by studios. While it would be cool to take a massive look at every piece of the medium, sometimes it's best to look at the smaller successes and build them up.
Read along as we discuss 15 indie horror titles that will scare you senseless and show you don't need a big name to break new ground.
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princessjinx · 2 years ago
Recommended reading / viewing before visiting Williamsburg?
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at-sabohteurs · 11 months ago
& as ‚ madison montgomery. & as ‚ cordelia goode. & as ‚ galinda upland. & as ‚ alex russo. & as ‚ maya hart. & as ‚ aurora renaud. & as ‚ elsa. & as ‚ cat grant. & as ‚ martha jones. & as ‚ river song. & as ‚ amelia pond. & as ‚ the twelfth doctor. & as ‚ abigail dudley. & as ‚ verna. & as ‚ madeline usher. & as ‚ camille l'espanaye. & as ‚ alicia clark. & as ‚ sophia peletier. & as ‚ rachel berry. & as ‚ shelby corcoran.
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