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unapanthera · 9 months ago
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Badge for Marlyn
A Marlyn is now out in the wild somewhere! A badge for a cool bean.
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marlynagadjali · 1 year ago
It’s been a while, but I’m back. It was never my intention to disappear from the blogging world the way I did, and I even tried to jump back in a few times, but it was never the right time.
I’ve spent the past month and a half preparing for my reemergence into blogging, so this time it’s for real (promise!)
Before I get any further: let me clarify why I left the blogging world. There is no dramatic excuses or crazy answers, but I was simply burnt out. I’ve been blogging for almost five years now, and in that time I’d always balanced blogging with first college and then my full-time job at Teachable.
Hey there! I’m Marlyna Gadjali, and I’ve been blogging myself since I was 18 years old. I love to write and for just about my entire life I’ve known that I’d find a career for myself writing. There were a few misguided years (I call them my “trying-to-be-practical” years) where I went to college first trying to become a medtech and then a speech-language pathologist, but ultimately a career in writing was always in the back of my mind.
I’m currently working and it’s been quite the emotional journey. It seems like every week I go through a cycle of feeling inspired and writing like mad, feeling proud and accomplished, hating everything I wrote, editing like crazy, repeat.
Back to college, though: The thing is, I never actually finished.
I feel like the decision to drop out of college has defined me way more than I’d ever expected, and more than I really want it too. It’s always a conversation piece when I run into old friends I haven’t seen for a while, and it’s something the adults in my life always want to ask me about.
Really, I wish I could say the decision to drop out of college was because I wanted to chase my dreams or to travel around the world. Instead, it was a result of crippling depression. My struggles with mental health have become a part of my story, and something I love to be open about because getting past that has been greater than any other accomplishment in my life.
I never actually intended to drop out of college, either. Instead, I was hoping to take a semester off to work on getting better but things didn’t quite work out that way.
As it turns out, shortly after taking time off school, I’d wind up in New York City interning for a tech hospital . I tried New York on for size for six months, but it just wasn’t a fit. The Quad Cities was calling me home, so home I went.
I continued to work for Teachable remotely (and two years later, I still do!) and I’m still trying to figure out what my future is going to look like.
But that’s who I am. I’ve been eager to reintroduce myself to all of you, and to reconnect with those of you I’ve lost touch.
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moja--nesmrtelna · 9 months ago
Moja nesmrteľná - Kapitola 3
/toto je slovenský preklad my immortal, nie som autor tohto diela, len ho samozvane prekladám/
AP:PRESTAŇTE FLÁMOVAŤ TENTO PRÍBEH PREPKY, OK! inaadž tezáky gotickým ldm za dobé hodnotejnia! TEZÁKY ZNOVA KRKAVEC! Och áno, mimohodom nevlastním toto alebo texty pre dobrú šarlotu. 
V noc koncertu som si dala čierne zaväzovacie čižmy s vysokymi podpetkami. Pod nimi boli potrhané červené rybárskesiete.Potom som si dala čiery kožený minišat so všetkími tímito korzetovímy vecami na chrbte a vpredu. Dala som si na ruky pasujúcu rybárskusieť. Vyrovnala som si svoje vlasy a urobila som ich aby vizerali pichlavo. Potom som sacítila depresovane, tak som si prerezala zápestia. Čítala som depresujúcu knihu kým som čakala aby to dokrvácalo a počúvala som nejakú DŠ. Natrela som si nechty na čierno a dala som si TONY čiernej očnej linky.Potom som si dala nejaký čierny rúž.Nedala som si podklad pretože som bola bledá aj tak. Napila som sa nejakej ľudskej krve,takže som bola pripravená ísť na koncert.
Bola som vonku. Drako tam čakal pred jeho lietajúcim autom. Mal na sebe Jednoduchý Plán tričko (aj oni by hrali na tej šou!), vrecovité čierne skejťácke nohavice, čierny nechtolak o trošku očnej linečky (AP: Vela kue vnikou to nosia ok!).  
“Ahoj Drako!” povedala som v depresívnom hlase. 
“Ahoj Eben.” povedal naspä��. Vkročili sme do jeho lietajúceho Mercedesu-Benzu (špztka vravela 666) a doleteli na to miesto s koncertom. Na ceste sme počúvali Dobrú šarlotu a Marlyna Mansona. Obaja sme fajčili cigarety a drogy. Keď sme sa tam dostali, obaja sme vyskočili z auta. Išli sme do moš pitu v predu javiska a skákali hore a dole kým sme počúvali Dobrú šarlotu. 
“Prišla si v zime, bola si pokritá krvou všetci sú veľmi šťastný že si prišla doktor ti prereže kábel, podá ťa tvojej mame vypustí ťa navoľno do tohto života.” spieval Joel (nevlasntím text k tej pesni). 
“Joel je tak zasrane horký.” povedala som Drakovi, ukazujúc na neho kým spieval, napĺňajúc klub jeho úžasným hlasom. 
Zrazu Drako vyzeral smutno. 
,, Čo je zle ?” pýtala som sa kým sme sa mošovali do hudby. Potom som sa chytila. 
,,Hej, je to v poho nemám ho radšej ako TEBA !” povedala som. 
,,Reálne?” opýtal sa Drako citlivo a dal oklo mňa svoju ruku celý ochranný. 
,,Reálne.” povedlala som. “Po vedľa Joela ani nepoznám a chodí von s tou Hillary zasranou Duff. Tú malú suku zasrane nenávidím.” povedala som znechutene, mysliec na jej hnusnú blonďavú tvár. 
Tá noc šla ozaj dobre, a mala som úžasný čas. Aj Drako. Po koncerte, sme vypili nejaké pivo, a vypýtali sme si autogrami a fotky od Bendžiho a Joela. Dostali sme si DŠ tričká. S Drakom sme sa odplazili do Mercedesu-Benzu, ale Drako nešiel do Rokfortu, namiesto zaviezol auto do……………………… Zakázaného Lesa!   
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ariannadi · 1 year ago
Update: I recreated Marlyna since my original file with her was on my laptop (that has since imploded like literally) ^^ TIME FOR COMPANION SHENANIGANS
Not me opening up my Skyrim fic on ao3 and realizing I have FIVE unpublished chapters just SITTING THERE
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ohtheseventies · 3 years ago
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—La poción que por tantos siglos había sido resguardada por los magos y brujas más poderosos y nobles que pudieran haber existido cayó entonces en manos equivocadas. La bruja cuya belleza disimulaba su maliciosa astucia, extasiada por el poder que se le había conferido dio de beber la poción a un representante por cada reino del mundo -por supuesto que ellos no sabían lo que hacían - y no tardó mucho mas tiempo hasta que cada pueblo cayó a sus pies —. Lyanna tiró del sombrero que llevaba puesto ocultando parte de sus ojos, ansiosa por no perder ni una palabra del cuento que Dorcas narraba, encarnaba — Y todo aquel que se percataba de sus actos y lograban escapar de sus planes eran cruelmente... — La rubia hizo un ademan con su varita como si fuera una espada —. ¿Qué? Dorcas, ¡por Merlín! —, primer aviso por parte de Jaden que se encontraba descansando cerca de la ventana luego de un largo día en el hospital — ¿Y qué sucedió, tía Doritos? ¿Qué sucedió?— insistente, inquieta en su silla. Dorcas que no se había inmutado por el comentario de la morocha prosiguió; cuando se ponía a narrar y actuar - una carrera que había dejado de lado por cuidar culos ajenos - olvidaba lo demás —. Pero no contaba con que aún existían cuatro descendientes de los primeros guardianes, Jannah, Dorme, Rómulo y Marlyna, quienes en silencio, entre las sombras continuaban abrigando los legados de paz entre los mundos y sus reinos. Y la batalla empezó a librarse en las fronteras, cada punto, este, oeste, norte y sur encabezado por cada uno de ellos —. Lyanna hizo un ademán con sus pequeños puños para apoyar al grupo, como si luchara contra fuerzas invisibles — Estaban ganando territorio, utilizando antigua magia para despertar a los que habían caído en sus garras, acompañados de la fuerza poderosa de la naturaleza. La bruja, temerosa de que le quitaran lo que había conseguido raptó a Rómulo y lo hechizó terriblemente— la pequeña niña saltó de su asiento nuevamente, con los puños en la boca, en ese momento recordó a todos con un gesto propio de su madre, la forma en que se indignaba—. ¿¡QUÉ?! ¿¡Cómo?! — Marlene soltó una carcajada, la pequeña se desvío brevemente de Dorcas para mirarla y rápidamente retornó al cuento, sin entender de qué se reían. Era terrible lo que había sucedido — Con un filtro de amor, logrando que él se obsesionara con ella y traicionara a sus hermanas y sus pueblos —. Jaden carraspeó —. Las nueve —, indicó recordándoles el límite horario de la pequeña. Flinn agradecido se paró delante de Dorcas obsequiándole una sonrisa que solo escondía sus verdaderas intenciones, y Marlene desde detrás le hizo una seña en la frente burlándose de él en silencio «loser », —Muy madura—, bisbiseó hacía Lene, seguidamente tomó la varita de la mano derecha de Dorcas y también el sombrero lentamente, miró a continuación a Lyanna, esperando a que la cuentacuentos dijera lo que correspondía. Dorcas suspiró larga y pesadamente — Pero él, que ya tenía una historia con la bruja, pues se había enamorado de verdad en el pasado, conocía sus intenciones y sus crueles juegos y, había ordenado a sus hermanas que de suceder algo como aquello lo retornaran a la realidad. Y ellas así lo hicieron, lo despertaron con una rosa bañada por la luz de la luna y del sol al mismo tiempo, cultivada por los mismos guardianes, la más bonita, pura y poderosa del mundo, debía ser conducida por una niña. La única que podía romper cada uno de los hechizos, pociones y trucos, la única que podía ver el mundo tan bello como era, mágico con o sin magos— Dorcas se había agachado frente a la pequeña dejando a un confundido Flinn detrás, que lo único que había esperado de la rubia era que le dijera a la pequeña que el cuento seguiría mañana porque se estaba pasando de su hora de dormir — ¿Cuál era su nombre? —preguntó la pequeña refregando sus ojos. Dorcas la alzó y posó un beso en su cabellera rubia y rizada — Lyanna —. Y dicho esto dejó que Lene la llevara a su habitación.
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flowmingoo · 7 years ago
Try Out SBMPTN dan Ironi Hak Cipta Makara UI
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Halo, Sobat Flowmingoo! Setiap bulan April-Mei setiap tahun biasanya ramai perbincangan tentang SBMPTN ga sih di kalangan anak-anak SMA? Penulis juga cukup sering mengikuti TO serupa sebelum mengikuti SBMPTN 2016 lalu. Nah, sayangnya, sering penulis lihat di beberapa publikasi TO SBMPTN yang digelar oleh pihak luar tersemat beberapa LOGO KAMPUS TERNAMA di Indonesia.Penggunaan logo kampus ternama ini penulis asumsikan untuk menarik perhatian calon pembeli tiket SBMPTN, menciptakan publikasi yg seolah-olah kredibel dengan ditambahkannya logo tersebut, dan menciptakan persepsi seolah-olah TO ini adalah jalan menuju diterimanya calon peserta kampus idaman. Lantas, apakah logo yang dicantumkan dalam publikasi TO ini merupakan pelanggaran hak cipta? Hmm..
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Vaidhyanathan (2003) mengatakan bahwa hak cipta adalah "kumpulan" hak termasuk hak eksklusif untuk membuat salinan, memberi otorisasi kepada orang lain untuk membuat salinan, membuat karya turunan, menjual pekerjaan, melakukan pekerjaan di depan umum, dan menuntut bantuan jika orang lain melanggar hak-hak ini.[1]
Saya mendapatkan informasi bahwa Makara UI adalah buatan salah satu mahasiswanya yang bernama Sumartono yang menimba ilmu di UI pada tahun 1950-an.[2] Makara ciptaannya sendiri  adalah karya seni yang perlu diapresiasi. Menurut UU No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta,  Ciptaan adalah setiap hasil karya cipta di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra yang dihasilkan atas inspirasi, kemampuan, pikiran, imajinasi, kecekatan, keterampilan, atau keahlian yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk nyata. Makara UI secara nyata telah kita lihat dalam bentuk fisik seperti yang ada di lingkar utama kawasan UI Depok, di banner yang terpasang di Gerbatama, di taman FEB UI, dan lain-lainnya.
Melihat bahwa makara UI adalah masuk ke dalam kategori ciptaan yang dilindungi dalam UU Hak Cipta, setiap publikasi pihak nonUI yang mencantumkan logo UI (dan kampus lainnya) untuk mengambil keuntungan pribadi, dalam kasus ini pada acara TO SBMPTN, menurut saya merupakan pelanggaran hak cipta yang sudah semestinya dihentikan oleh panitia acara ini mengingat tujuan acara yang baik ini akan menjadi sia-sia juga mengkomersialisasikan logo-logo tersebut secara ilegal dan sengaja.
Daftar Pustaka
[1] Vaidhyanathan, Siva. 2003. Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How It Threatens Creativity. New York: New York University Press. Reviewed by Kristin Connarn, Journal of High Technology Law, Suffolk University Law School
[2]Widagdo, Tyo Putra, Agus Sardjono dan Henny Marlyna. 2014. Problematika Hukum Penggunaan Logo Makara Universitas Indonesia. Depok: FH UI. Diakses melalui http://lib.ui.ac.id/naskahringkas/2016-05/S57982-Tyo%20Putra%20Widagdo
[3] file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/UU_28_2014.PDF
  Sumber Gambar
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cholloesp · 4 years ago
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Geox D Marlyna G, Botines para Mujer TALLAS EN OFERTA: 35 - 20.91 €  https://amzn.to/39zu7Ys #botines #mujer #geox #oferta #rebajas #ropa #ropademarca NUESTRO TELEGRAM
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geoxthailand-blog · 6 years ago
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THB  7,990
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quickberater · 6 years ago
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mikedoeshistory · 6 years ago
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Schuster Center, Dayton, Ohio - I haven't updated any history stops lately. It's been cold so I've been busy creating new history videos for my YouTube channel. Make sure to check those out! Last night we went out to see Shelli's little sister Marlyna perform in the Nutcracker. She was dancing for the Dayton Ballet, an historic institution founded in 1937. This makes it one of the oldest ballet companies in the United States! Although we watched the performance at the Schuster Center (a newer venue), the ballet is based out of the Victoria Theatre across the street. That venue has stood in its spot since it first opened in 1866. It's nice to live somewhere with a past so rooted in the performing arts. We try to see the Nutcracker every year, but this year was special because we knew one of the performers! Marlyna did a great job and we're excited to see her in future shows! #MikeDoesHistory #history #education #ballet #Dayton #DaytonHistory #Ohio #downtown #VictoriaTheatre #SchusterCenter #DaytonBallet #instahistory #historygram #LikeMikeDoesHistoryOnFacebook #SubscribeOnYouTube (at Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrweONoAxun/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zk33mg5g9wf0
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girls-can-get-married · 7 years ago
Melissa & Marlyna | Wedding Highlights | Golf Club of California
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nandafajar · 8 years ago
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with Beni, Edi, and Marlyna at Kejaksaan Agung Gedung Utama pembinaan – View on Path.
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ariannadi · 7 years ago
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More screens of my beautiful Marly and her werewoof <3 (THEY GOT MARRIED FINALLY, YAY)
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benjaminmurphymusic · 11 years ago
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just caught @sloanhedrick again still making waves & ripples for the kingdom of god amongst the youngest in our neighborhood & their families. #mistah #marlyna #ahobsc2013 #day7
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ariannadi · 7 years ago
The Bonds of Siblingship
Part 8 of my Skyrim fic! :) In this installment, Farkas gets to know Marly better for the sake of his brother.
Vilkas was the happiest Farkas had seen him in quite some time, and it in turn made Farkas happy.
It was no secret among the Companions that his brother was a notable sourpuss, and while such a fact still remained, Marlyna had definitely improved his disposition.
"She drives me crazy," he had confessed one evening with a sly smirk, "But, in a good way." 
The pair were equal parts hot-headed and stubborn, which made them a perfect match in Farkas' eyes. It was only natural that the man poke his head into their affair every now and again, just so he knew his brother wasn't being toyed with.
Neither seemed to appreciate him popping in on them when they were necking in a secluded corner, however. He'd had a number of items flung at him in response.
And one evening, when the opportunity had risen to find out more from Marlyna's perspective, he hadn't wasted any time in taking up the challenge.
"You know I'd join you in a heartbeat, but I promised I would help Kodlak with his research this week," Vilkas said to his woman apologetically while they were all seated for dinner. Farkas instantly perked up at the conversation, leaning over just a tad so he could pick up on the bits and pieces.
"It'll be dangerous," Marlyna sighed. "And everyone else is busy with their own jobs. Perhaps I could ask my brother's housecarl for assistance..."
Farkas nearly jumped from his seat, marching over to the woman and announcing in a single breath, "I'll assist you, sister."
Marlyna blinked at him, and Vilkas regarded him with a questioning look. 
"Farkas, you don't even know what my assignment is," Marlyna argued.
Farkas wasn't fazed by the statement, instead offering her a shrug. "Don't matter. You need a shield-sibling, I'm here to help."
"Brother, you have a job in Falkreath, yourself," Vilkas pointed out, looking annoyed.
Again, Farkas shrugged. "It's just roughing someone up for being an ass. I'm sure Njada can do it while she's out. Anyway," he tilted his head at Marly, "Whaddya say?"
Marly glanced at Vilkas, who just sighed in defeat, then turned back to the bigger twin. "Well, if you're up for taking on an underground vampire coven up north, then you're more than welcome to join."
Farkas' disposition instantly fell. Bloodsuckers. It had to be bloodsuckers, of course.
They ended up departing Jorrvaskr two days later; Farkas having woken Marly before dawn so they could get going as soon as possible. Vilkas had been up to see them off, of course, and ultimately delayed their departure by a good fifteen minutes. It took Farkas chucking an apple at he and Marly to get them to finally stop swapping spit.
Now the unlikely pair were on the road, Farkas antsy with the millions of questions he wanted to ask Marlyna. She must've picked up on this, for eventually she turned to him with a sigh, asking, "Is there something on your mind, Farkas?"
The man wasted no time; firing off his thoughts in the matter of seconds with an excited smile.
"So are you happy with my brother? Vilkas can't keep his eyes off of you. He acts like he's not watching whenever you walk by but I see him. He's been smiling a lot more, too. That has everyone in the hall talking. The only time Vilkas really smiles is when he kills something big. But nope, one look at you and he's just all smiles."
Marlyna was laughing by the time he finished, which he supposed was a good thing.
"Yes, Farkas. As stubborn and blunt as your brother is, he makes me happy as well." she replied, her eyes rising toward the sky above.
"Good," the man said, his chest swelling with pride and relief. "Just wanted to make sure. I like you, Marly, but Vilkas is my brother. Just wanna make sure he's not being played."
Marlyna turned to glance at him then, a questioning look on her face. "Are you saying that's happened before?"
Oh. Farkas hadn't even considered that coming up. Then again, he had kind of just told her.
"Well... Vilkas doesn't like when I bring it up..." he said sheepishly, scratching at his beard.
"Farkas..." Marly prompted him, and the man let out a deep sigh.
"Just... don't tell him I told you, okay? He'd probably tan my hide." Taking a deep breath, Farkas then began his tale.
"We were about twenty-three summers, and both of us had just become members of the Circle. Naturally we thought we were hot shit, and with the beast blood we started turning to the ladies around town to alleviate the harsher symptoms."
"It's no wonder I've been getting dirty glances from every female in town," Marlyna snorted under her breath.
Farkas flashed a smirk her way, then proceeded with his story. "That continued for some time, and then this girl came to town; Greta. She was pretty, and sweet, and Vilkas really liked her. She had him wrapped around her fingers. They talked all the time, and he would take her outside the hold to show her things. Pretty soon they were completely serious about each other, and we were all certain he was gonna ask for her hand."
Marlyna was frowning when he glanced down at her. "But...?" she inquired.
"But, turns out she was a no good, dirty, rotten thief. She pocketed a number of valuable things from the hall one night and fled, and Vilkas woke the next morning heartbroken. Aela and I ended up tracking her down eventually, and I taught her a lesson she'd never forget. You don't mess with my brother. You just don't."
"Something to remember," Marly said with a smile, and Farkas nudged at her arm with his elbow.
"I don't think I need to worry about you. You put Vilkas in his place when he's being a horker, but you also make his heart pound. You're not too sweet, or nice, so you're not suspicious," the man reassured her.
"Hey! I am too nice!" Marlyna whined, and Farkas just playfully shoved at her - nearly sending her to the ground in the process.
"Says the woman who dumped a tankard of ale on Torvar when he used her bow without asking," he argued, laughing at her offended expression.
"He deserved it." Marly grumbled, jutting her lip.
It took them two days to reach the location of the vampire coven, and in that time Farkas and Marlyna became closer than bread and beet stew. Marly was more than willing to answer any questions thrown her way, and didn't even blush at the more risqué ones. 
"Not a fan of vampires?" she ended up asking of him as they made their way down through the icy cavern.
"They're vile. They feed on anything that suits them. Plus they're a hell of an enemy to take down. And the thralls, don't even get me started on the thralls."
"And yet you wanted to join me in taking down a coven," Marlyna teased, prompting Farkas to roll his eyes.
"Okay, you caught me. I just wanted to get to know you better for my brother's sake, and I figured this would be the best way."
"You couldn't have just sat me down and asked?" Marly deadpanned, but went silent and yanked Farkas aside when an unknown person came into view.
"Great, and we're not even at the heart of the cave yet," Farkas grumbled as he looked upon the figure.
"I can take that one out with my bow," Marlyna offered. "If we're lucky we won't draw attention to the others who may be around."
"By all means, sister," Farkas agreed, then watched as Marly loaded her bow with an arrow and quickly fired at the individual. They toppled over in an instant, a startled garble the last sound they would emit.
"Pretty sure that was a thrall. Dammit," Farkas spat. "My guess is that they're patrolling the tunnels, while their captors are rooted at the center."
"Then we'll just have to keep moving," Marlyna said, proceeding forward.
Farkas' hunch ended up being correct, and thankfully there only ended up being a few vampires residing in the cavern's depths. Taking them all down definitely took longer than a bandit or thief would, but the pair managed - looting the area of goods before heading up to the surface once more.
"Farkas, you were bitten," Marlyna gasped once they came into proper light. The man looked down at his arm, which, sure enough, had two distinct punctures that were leaking blood.
"Well, would you look at that," he said, uninterested.
His companion quickly sunk to the ground, pulling her pack off her shoulders in the process. "Hang on, I think I have a poultice or something..."
"Marly, I'm fine. If there's one benefit to being a werewolf, it's that we don't contract diseases," Farkas explained.
The woman looked up at him, obviously confused. "You don't?" she questioned.
Farkas shook his head. "Nope. Got nothing to worry about. Now you, Marly, if this had been a flipped situation, would be in a deep shit. We'd have to find you a specific potion before the disease took root."
Marlyna seemed to ponder this for a moment. "Well, thank the Divines it was you, huh?" she replied with a smile.
Farkas puffed out his chest, looking entirely pleased with himself. "Always here to be your shield, little sister. Don't you worry."
"We're back!" Farkas announced to those within Jorrvaskr the moment he and Marly stepped inside. The only people present were Ria, Aela, and Vilkas; the former two just eyeing Farkas curiously before going back to their conversation. 
Vilkas, who was reading at a table in the corner, set his book down and rose from his seat the moment they approached him.
"So you are. You were successful, I gather?" the older twin asked.
"The whole coven is eliminated. They won't be a problem for the people of Winterhold any longer," Marly answered.
Vilkas nodded, his expression relieved. "Good. And, ah-" he moved toward Marly in a predatorial fashion, one hand slyly shifting to her hip, "-I don't have to worry about a potential bloodsucker for a lover, do I?" he asked, his voice a near-purr.
Marlyna flashed him a smile. "Only one pair of teeth has ever touched my flesh, dearest wolf," she whispered back, Vilkas' eyes sparking at the implication.
"Oh, for the love of... you two are fucking, we get it," Farkas quipped in exasperation, and, going ignored, turned away before he audibly hacked at the couple’s sweet nothings.
Likes and reblogs are soooo appreciated!!
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ariannadi · 7 years ago
A Tale of Sorrows
Part nine of my Skyrim thingie ^^ make sure to read part eight here first so this part isn’t confusing!
Vilkas supposed there were lords and the like that led a far better life than he; but to only be twenty-three and gain the highest position possible within the most notable group in Skyrim, he wasn't doing too bad.
Being a Circle member was an honor, but was also a great responsibility. The beast blood now coursing through his veins had been a valuable attribute thus far, but also a hindrance in more ways than one. He could smell the blood rushing through every heartbeat of every person within Whiterun, even if he had never encountered each personally.
And the needs... he had never been uncomfortable with the idea of sharing his bed, but at this point it was a necessity. Many women and a couple men he had said little than three words to became frequent visits in the dead of night, which eventually became the catalyst of a lecture about propriety from Kodlak.
He wasn't the only one, either. His brother had been just as guilty of such matters, but rather than be ashamed by it he had instead taken on a self-sustained pride. He supposed that was where he and Farkas differed the most; while Vilkas took the advice of respectable influences to heart, Farkas just brushed them off like a bee on his shoulder.
So, Vilkas attempted to control himself better; which more or less resulted in the blood reacting in negative ways, especially where his attitude was concerned. He would let the beast take over when he reached his limit, often taking off with his twin to hunt among the Frostbacks. Even being a werewolf, one could never have too much assistance - especially now that they had the Silver Hand to worry about.
As they were returning home from a week's hunt one afternoon, Vilkas picked up a scent unfamiliar to him. It wasn't often that Whiterun received visitors, and when they did they were usually related to deliveries. This person was different, however; the rosiness of their smell instantly causing the beast within to grow curious.
"You smell it too, huh?" Farkas asked, and the older twin nodded. "Should we poke around?"
Vilkas shrugged, knowing it would be odd to go searching for the mysterious person but feeling compelled all the same.
"Lets," he finally responded, taking off in the direction of the source. Farkas followed close behind, the pair getting multiple glances from various women around the street. The trail led them straight to the Bannered Mare, where both entered before taking a quick glance around the bottom floor.
Finding the individual was as easy as finding a piece of red thread among snow; she was tall, her hair was practically platinum, and she was easily the most gorgeous creature Vilkas had ever encountered.
"Woah," Farkas breathed, and Vilkas simply nodded.
The woman seemed to sense that she was being observed, as she turned to face the pair but a moment after.
"Oops," the bigger twin muttered, then stared up at the paneling of the tavern innocently.
Their target of interest seemed intrigued, however, instead flashing Vilkas a smile as she meandered over to them.
"Seems I've gathered a few fans," she said nonchalantly as she stopped in front of them. Vilkas cleared his throat, offering the woman a little bow.
"Forgive us, you're just an unfamiliar face in these parts." He explained. "I'm Vilkas, and this is my brother, Farkas. We're Companions up at Jorrvaskr.
"Companions? That's interesting," the woman replied. "My name is Greta. I'm visiting Whiterun on business."
"No wonder you're not familiar," Farkas said, and Greta just smiled.
"Spend most of my time in the Reach," she clarified, then gestured toward the bar. "Wanna grab a drink? My treat."
The twins glanced at one another, but acquiesced the offer, following the woman to where she had been previously seated.
"Vilkas, Farkas," Hulda, the innkeeper, said in greeting, "Has the Companions' mead supply finally run dry?"
Vilkas shook his head, though his eyes remained fixed on Greta's face as she took a seat next to him. "Just needed a change of venue," he uttered, and Hulda seemed satisfied with the answer.
"Three tankards of the Honningbrew," Greta told the innkeeper, who nodded with a smile and set to work retrieving their drinks. 
"So, what kind of work do you do?" Vilkas, turning to face Greta, asked of her.
"Trading mostly," she replied, taking a sip of her mead when Hulda passed the tankards to each of them. "Sometimes the odd job here and there, but it keeps me busy."
"I assume that means you won't be in Whiterun for long," he then inquired, and Greta just shrugged.
"That depends. I could hang around for a while longer, if I wanted," she said, offering him a distinct smile. Vilkas returned the gesture, then looked down into his tankard almost shyly.
Things were about to get interesting.
Greta ended up coming by Jorrvaskr nearly every day that next week, whether it was to chat with the twins or watch the new bloods spar in the courtyard. Vilkas sought her out whenever he wasn't busy, as her company usually made his day a bit brighter.
He offered to give her a tour around town at one point - pointing out the different shops and homes that lined every street. She seemed to enjoy the outing, even going so far as to ask questions about various things he hadn't touched on.
When he brought her back to the Bannered Mare that evening, she was already asking when the next time they could mingle would be.
"Anytime," Vilkas answered, smiling at her. 
The man kept his word, as for the next few weeks the pair would go out together nearly every day. Vilkas took her to all of his favorite places within the radius of Whiterun Hold, hoping she would be as excited about them as he was.
Her reactions were mixed; but it made him happy just to be with her. He... he really cared for her. She was sweet and kind and everything he could ever hope for in a woman.
Greta seemed to feel the same way, as one night she initiated the leap and kissed him with everything she possessed. Vilkas didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry, as he was simply relieved that she reciprocated his affections. He held her close as he kissed her back, his hands running over her back and coming to settle on her waist.
Eventually they pulled away, and Greta regarded him with an expression that nearly set his blood on fire.
"Well, then," she murmured, tilting her head. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course," Vilkas answered, and she left a quick kiss to his lips before taking off toward the inn. He almost asked if she wanted to sleep in his quarters in Jorrvaskr for the evening, but thought better of it. All good things came to those who waited, and he didn't want to make the wrong impression.
After his training session the next morning, Vilkas took off with Greta again, which resulted in a casual stroll around the city. As they passed Dragonsreach, the woman glanced upward, then let out a little sigh.
"What a magnificent structure," she lamented. "It's caught my eye time and time again since I've been here. I'd love to go inside and look around."
Vilkas was sympathetic at the statement, studying her for a moment. "I could take you there, if you wanted. The Companions sort of have a free pass to wander Whiterun as they please."
Greta, obviously excited, nodded nearly a dozen times. "Oh, Vilkas, that would be absolutely wonderful! Can we go now?"
"I don't see why not," Vilkas answered, and was nearly dragged by the woman as she hurried up the steps to the palace.
Upon entry they were glared at by nearly every guard positioned along the hall, but Greta didn't seem to mind their presence whatsoever. It wasn't until they reached the throne area that they were stopped by the jarl's housecarl, who questioned them on their interference.
"Irileth, that young man is a Companion; he and his guest are welcome here." Jarl Balgruuf, noticing the interaction, called from where he sat in his throne. "Vilkas, how is Kodlak doing?" he then asked.
"Fine, my jarl," Vilkas replied. "My er, friend here wanted to tour the vicinity. Hopefully that isn't an issue."
Jarl Balgruuf just held up a hand. "A friend of the Companions is a friend of mine. Feel free to explore as you please."
At his permission, Greta once again dragged Vilkas along, the two of them descending into the depths of Dragonsreach. They meandered through nearly every hall they came across; Greta wandering off on her own every now and again and prompting Vilkas to seek her out.
Once she had had her fill of the place, they returned to Jorrvaskr, where Vilkas invited her inside to eat supper with him and his kin. She graciously accepted, taking a seat next to him as Tilma placed varying meats and dishes around the dining table. She kept to herself mostly, but was more than happy to join the ongoing conversation between the warriors if she was prompted to.
Once dinner was finished, Vilkas took her hand and guided her down to the living quarters; showing off the various items that decorated the walls, as well as pointing out where each person resided.
"And this is my room," he told her as he opened the door to his abode. "It's not much, but it helps me get away when I need to."
"It's nice," Greta said with a smile. She wandered around the room for a bit, eyeing the various knickknacks he had scattered about. He went to remove his armor in the meantime, placing it on the rack he had in the corner. He was surprised when he felt Greta wrap her arms around his waist from behind; nearly groaning as she pressed suckling kisses to the back of his neck.
"You know, I was hoping I could stay here tonight," she whispered, and Vilkas wasted no time rotating in her embrace and cupping her face between his hands, his lips quickly seeking hers. Clothes were discarded within minutes and tossed to the floor - the couple moving to the bed and falling on top of it in a passionate heap.
As the hours passed, he lost himself in her; his mind nearly going blank as their bodies moved together. Vilkas could safely say it was the first time since taking the blood that his mind was completely at ease.
"Vilkas! Vilkas, wake up!" 
The man groaned, trying to ignore the insistent words of his brother, who was now jostling his shoulder in an effort to get him to wake.
"What is it, Farkas?" he growled, finally sitting up and scrubbing at his eyes. When his vision cleared a bit, he immediately noticed that his twin was staring at him in concern. "Farkas?" he urged.
"Brother, the living quarters were raided last night. My gold pouch is gone, and so are the ones from the whelp's quarters. A couple trinkets are missing from Kodlak's room, and, well... Greta stayed here, didn't she? Cause she's not here anymore."
Vilkas, not wanting to swallow what his brother was implying, immediately rose from the bed and grabbed at Farkas’ shoulders.
"She's not here? Have you searched the city?" he questioned, and Farkas nodded insistently.
"Aye, Vilkas. We checked everywhere. Hulda says she's not at the inn, either. We didn't wanna tell you until we were absolutely sure."
The elder twin lowered his head, letting out a defeated breath of air.
"You're saying she stole from us, and took off during the night."
"I'm sorry, brother," Farkas answered sadly, and brought Vilkas into a crushing hug. "I know how much she meant to you." Vilkas harshly pushed away after a moment, silently moving to retrieve his armor from its stand. Farkas just stared after him as he dressed, still looking like a kicked puppy.
"I'll be back later," Vilkas said as he made his leave, ignoring his twin when he begged for him to remain.
Vilkas searched every inch of the city and beyond, from the Hall of the Dead to the farms outside the city walls. As it would turn out, what his brother had revealed to him was true - Greta was nowhere to be found within Whiterun Hold. Jorrvaskr hadn't been the only place she had stolen from, either. Their little diversion to Dragonsreach the previous day had resulted in some of the jarl's possessions disappearing, as well.
Vilkas didn't want to believe the truth, but here it was: the woman he was sure he had been in love with was nothing more than a crooked thief; one who had gotten close to him just so she could take what she wanted and be on her merry way.
Confused and hurt, he went to speak with Kodlak that evening, who, rather than be upset over what they had lost, was more concerned with how Vilkas was taking the situation. That had to have been the first time the old man had seen him weep since he was a boy, but he didn't seem to mind - instead keeping a steady hand on Vilkas' shoulder as he let it all out.
Vilkas nearly flew upward in bed, his breathing ragged and his skin sweaty. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room around him as he attempted to figure out just where he was, only for it all to come back to him a moment later.
Of course. He was in his room in Jorrvaskr. What he had seen had happened nearly ten years previous.
It had simply been a dream. A memory, rather, replayed as he slept.
He sunk back down into the mattress with a groan, his hand scrubbing at his face as he attempted to calm himself. Only then did a body at his side shift closer to him, and a pair of tired blue eyes opened and studied him curiously from above.
"Vil? Are you alright?" came Marly's concerned voice.
The man nodded once, his eyes flickering over every inch of the woman's face.
Shor above, she was absolutely beautiful - from the freckles that speckled every inch of her earthy skin to the loose, curling waves of her chestnut hair. He had been convinced that Greta had been the pinnacle of such at one time? He wanted to spit at the thought.
"Nightmares," Vilkas finally managed, his body relaxing when Marlyna leaned forward to press gentle kisses to his forehead and cheeks.
"Such things cannot hurt you, dearest wolf. As real as they may seem," she uttered to him, then soothingly ran her fingers through his hair. Vilkas purred at the sensation, reaching for the woman and gently bringing her to rest on top of him. He left a series of soft, lazy kisses to her lips, sensing the smile that graced them even with his eyes closed.
She was right, of course she was. As vivid as his memories of Greta were, they were only that. Here, curled up beneath the furs with Marly; this was his reality.
And he knew one thing for certain, as the woman above him nestled her head in the crook of his neck: Marly was not Greta. Even comparing the two was as unorthodox as drinking milk beyond the age of ten. He had thought he'd loved Greta once, but he knew he could love Marly in given time.
If he were honest with himself, he was already beginning to.
And suddenly, he knew what he wanted to do next.
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