#Market Rasen
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The Italian Ministry for Tourism has just launched a new advertising campaign to attract international visitors to the country -- a 9 million € campaign that reimagined Botticelli’s Venus as “virtual influencer”, by photoshopping her head on stock photographs of a model -- which looks like this:
The campaign was very criticized, for starters, for being almost entirely made out of Shutterstock images rather than original material, though from what I understand this is common practice (and that the vast majority of the 9 millions were not spent in production, but in legal fees). However...
The dearly-paid stock images were not used as they are, but exchanged between the developers through WhatsApp and downloaded from there, losing much of their quality.
The English translation is dubious enough (”come to live italian”??), but apparently the German one was even worse! Names of cities that also happen to be common words were machine-translated into such gems as Garderobe, Toast, Geschlossen (”closed up”), and Rasen (”lawn”). Rather than fix the translation, the whole German subsite was simply deleted, leaving only the English and Spanish translations online.
The hybrid English/Italian slogan was commissioned by a government controlled by the same right-wing party that just proposed a law that would ban the use of any language but Italian in any public communication, under threat of a fine up to 100,000 € (!)
One of the pieces of stock footage used in the ads does not show any place in Italy, but a wine cantina in Slovenia.
The campaign announced their website and associated social media profiles before registering them, with the obvious results that they were all squatted within minutes. The main one, opentomeraviglia.it, was bought for 5€ by an (unrelated) marketing firm and now displays a header saying: “Rest easy, we of Marketing Toys took care of it” (narrowly beating another potential buyer who planned to make it redirect to Pornhub instead).
It’s beautiful, so beautiful. <3
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An attempt should be made to characterise Christie's appearance. I do so with diffidence, in the knowledge that such physical descriptions are rarely of value in a novel. It is one of the limitations; and there are so many others. Many readers, I should not be surprised to learn if appropriate evidence were capable of being researched, do not read such descriptions at all, but skip to the next dialogue or more readily assimilable section. Again, I have often read and heard said, many readers apparently prefer to imagine the characters for themselves. That is what draws them to the novel, that it stimulates their imagination! Imagining my characters, indeed! investing them with characteristics quite unknown to me, or even at variance with such description as I have given! Making Christie fair when I might have him dark, for an instance, a girl when I have shown he is a man? What writer can compete with the reader's imagination? Christie is therefore an average shape, height, weight, build, and colour. Make him what you will: probably in the image of yourself. You are allowed complete freedom in the matter of warts and moles, particularly; as long as he has at least one of either. Nor are his motives important. Especially are his motives of no importance to us, though the ueual clues will certainly be given. We are concerned with his actions. A man may be defined through his actoins, you will remember. We may guess at his motives, of course; he may do so as well. We may also guess at the winner of the three-fifteen at the next meeting at Market Rasen. But Christie's girlfriend! I shall enjoy describing her! Come along, what's your name, let's have your name. It'll come, like every thing else. Try. Where does she work? In a butcher's, say. She could be called the Shrike, then. Which will be too obvious to some, too obscure to others. Ah.
B. S. Johnson ֍ Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry (1973)
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9-7 Market Rasen
In het dorpje Newtown vond ik al snel een pub met in grote letters restaurant op de gevel. Binnen was het een heksenketel, getatoeëerde mannen en vrouwen die in een haveloze uitgewoonde ruimte met pints in hun handen door elkaar stonden te schreeuwen en te lachen. Achter een soort gefortificeerde bar met een loket waar je kon bestellen, stond een frêle blond meisje. Ik loei door het gat: do you do meals? Ontkennend hoofdgeschud. Een met inkt bewerkt hoofd naast me, riep iets over fish and chips en Indians. Hij riep nog meer maar door zijn accent en de herrie om me heen, ontging me de strekking. Kijk, een Indiaas restaurant leek me wel wat. Ik stak mijn hand op als bedankje en groet en ging op zoek naar de Indiër.
Dat werd een grote fles Kingfisher bier, shaslicks vooraf en lamscurry. Daarna terug naar de tent voor een diepe slaap. Om half twaalf werd ik wakker, het hoosde werkelijk.
Ik heb natuurlijk geen enkele haast, maar toch ben ik om 6 uur echt wel wakker. Ik fiets terug naar de Humber, naar Faxfleet en vandaar uit naar de brug bij Hull. Als ik me ergens sta te oriënteren, komt er een hond blaffend op me af. Ja sorry, zegt een vrouw, hij kan niet tegen wielen. Nou lijn hem dan aan, denk ik, net als al die andere baasjes doen. Ik fiets stapvoets weg en de hond zet woest blaffend de achtervolging in, achterna gezeten zijn baasje die aldoor roept, come here now, what is this. Een andere vrouw levert er vanuit haar scootmobiel weer commentaar bij. Haha, such a small dog chasing a big bicycle!
Het laatste stuk naar de brug gaat langs het water, dat begint bij het Riverside Café in North Ferriby, dat tot mijn verrassing om half tien op de zondagochtend al open is. Twee cappuccino's en een fruit scone.
De brug zelf is een makkie, met aan twee zijden een breed fiets- en voetpad en prachtig uitzicht over de Humber.
Het weer is best fijn voor zo’n zongevoelig typje als ik, het is bewolkt met af en toe een flauw zonnetje. Boven zee hangen de buien en verderop landinwaarts is de henel blauw.
In het tuincentrum Deepdale, dat zichzelf cyclists cafe noemt, stap ik af om wat te eten. Bij binnenkomst is er net als op Schiphol een afzetting van paaltjes met lint. Na even wachten komt er een meisje dat me doorlaat. Verbaasd kijk ik om me heen in een ruimte met wel 20 tafels, waarvan er twee bezet zijn. Ik bestel op hoed geluk een sausage and bacon bap. Dat is dus een plat wit broodje met het genoemde beleg.
Daarna begint tot mijn verdriet de zon steeds feller te schijnen en de onweersvliegjes verschijnen ook weer. Ik heb van die fietshandschoentjes met open bovenkanten en mijn handen worden daar steeds roder, ondanks de dikke lagen factor 50, die ik er op smeer.
Het wordt zwaar weken deze middag, de klimmen worden steeds langer en steiler en het wordt steeds heter. Er is zelfs een paar kilometer nauwelijks waarneembaar pad, ik begin enorm te twijfelen, maar mijn tsjechische app projecteert me toch echt bovenop de route. Aan het eind van al dat klimmen, als ik nog tien kilometer te gaan heb, wordt ik beloond. Ik sta aan de rand van een plateau en voor mij strekt zich tientallen kilometers laagland uit. De laatste kilometers sjees ik naar beneden.
Als ik tegen half vijf bij de camping aankom, blijk ik verkeerd te zitten. Er is een enorm terrein waar honderden auto’s en paardentrailers geparkeerd staan. Er is ook een kampeerterrein, maar er is niemand bij de receptie en ook geen briefje met een telefoonnummer. Dus ik bel het nummer van de website. Alleen de verbinding is zo waardeloos dat ik niet kan verstaan wat die man zegt. Na eindeloos heen en weer bellen, lukt het wel. Ik zit verkeerd zegt hij, zijn camping is 500 meter verderop. En inderdaad, daar is de camping die ik verwachtte. En als ik dan gedoucht heb en de natte spullen uitgehangen, begint het te regenen.
Afstand: moet ik nog narekenen, ik denk circa 80 kilometer
Tijd: 8 uur
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New Lion: JP McManus Wins Challow Victory Star | Racing News
Challow Hurdle hero New Lion has been sold to JP McManus, with previous owner Darren Yates declaring his intention to retire from racing at the end of the season. The six-year-old has won each of his four starts for Dan and Harry Skelton, with a debut win in the Market Rasen Bumper in the spring followed by a hat-trick of hurdle wins. He was hugely impressive when he successfully graduated from…
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New Lion: JP McManus Wins Challow Victory Star | Racing News
Challow Hurdle hero New Lion has been sold to JP McManus, with previous owner Darren Yates declaring his intention to retire from racing at the end of the season. The six-year-old has won each of his four starts for Dan and Harry Skelton, with a debut win in the Market Rasen Bumper in the spring followed by a hat-trick of hurdle wins. He was hugely impressive when he successfully graduated from…
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Marktgröße für Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte wird aufgrund des technologischen Fortschritts voraussichtlich eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von 5,22% gegenüber dem Prognosezeitraum (2018 bis 2025) aufweisen.
Zusammenfassung des Marktes für Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte
Der Markt für Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte wird aufgrund der weltweit stattfindenden technologischen Fortschritte wachsen. Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte verwenden kompakte Motoren oder kleine Motoren, um zu funktionieren. Wenn das Gerät speziell für Dienstleistungen im Freien verwendet wird, wird es als Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgerät bestimmt. Die Outdoor-Elektrogeräte umfassen verschiedene Typen: Freischneider, Kantenschneider, Kettensägen, Motorrechen und mehr. Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte sind ein großer Bedarf in der gewerblichen und privaten Industrie. Endverbraucher verwenden es üblicherweise für kommerzielle Zwecke, z. B. für Rasen- und Pflanzenpflegedienstleister und Landschaftsdienstleister. Die Endbranchen, die Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte für Wohnzwecke verwenden, sind Heimwerker (Heimwerker) und Hausbesitzer. Das am weitesten verbreitete Outdoor-Power-Gerät ist der Rasenmäher. Der steigende Bedarf an dem DIY-Ansatz in fast allen Haushalten ist der größte Wachstumsfaktor. Die steigenden Outdoor-Aktivitäten wirken sich auch positiv auf den Markt aus. Das beachtliche Wachstum des Bausektors spielt auch eine wichtige Rolle auf dem Markt für Outdoor-Stromversorgungsgeräte. Source: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/de/reports/outdoor-power-equipment-market-6446
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Big Wolf Band - Rebel's Journey
Release Date: 19 Apr 2024
Hailed by music pundits as most highly anticipated album collection of songs of their career, "Rebel’s Journey" is Big Wolf Band’s second instalment of the Rebel’s trilogy of albums. The new album is about the growth of the band and frontman’s Jonathan Earp’s personal journey.
Big Wolf Band have built a reputation as being one of the best live bands on the circuit, delivering dynamic shows with an expansive range of self-penned songs that cover all flavours of blues rock that truly makes them unique. Rebel’s Journey reinforces this bands creativity, musicianship, and delivery. Each song having its own identity but still that unmistakable Big Wolf sound. The band’s ability to drift between genres while keeping their own sound is a big selling point amongst followers of the band.
Vocalist and guitarist Jonathan Earp says, “Rebel’s Journey highlights my own personal battle with my mental and physical health. I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (HEDS) which affects everything. I had surgery in mid-2019 during our 'Be Free' tour to repair damage to my right shoulder, dislocations, and nerve pain. Unfortunately, the operation caused more pain and numbness and for nearly 2 years I struggled to play, some days to even hold a plectrum."
"Songs like 'Standing in the Rain', 'Black Dog Blues', and 'Living on Borrowed Time' are about the battles I had during those dark days. My condition will always be a challenge but one I live with and continue to prove doubters wrong.
"The album isn’t all doom and gloom, despite being in the blues genre. 'Empire and a Prayer', my first co-written song with Justin Johnson, as well as 'Got Me Reeling' and 'Living on Borrowed Time'. We have had many a joke with my dark writing style, Justin brings the light and love. 'Rise Together' is one of the songs on the album I am proud of and is all about the power of love, rising together and that anything is possible.”
Big Wolf Band were recently nominated for “UK Blues Band of the Year” at the 2024 UK Blues Awards.
2024 Tour Dates 29 Mar - The Bear, Luton 31 Mar - Nantwich Jazz and Blues 5 Apr – Temperance Leamington Spa. 12 Apr - Arlington Arts Centre, Newbury 14 Apr - Bromley Blues Club 20 Apr - Blues at the Barleylands, Billericay 21 Apr - Hope Tavern, Market Rasen 26 Apr - Bosworth Blues Festival 11 May - Macclesfield Beer Festival 24 May - Saltburn Blues Club, Redcar 25 May - Booze and Blues Leicester. 7 Jun - Lamp Tavern, Dudley 13 Jun - Red Arrow Music Club, Ramsgate 16 Jun - Blues Weekend at the Toorak Hotel 23 Jun - Bluefunk Rhythm and Blues Club, Poynton (double Header with CBO) 5 Jul – Alfold Rock and Blues Festival, Alfold 9 Aug – Darlington R&B Club 16 Aug Warrington Blues Club 17 Aug - Old Bush Blues Festival 23 Aug Colne R&B Festival 24 Aug – Rory Gallagher Festival, Nantwich 25 Aug - Congleton Jazz and Blues 6 Sep - Nene Valley Festival 15 Sep - Red Lion, Stevenage 20 Sep - Joe Joe Jim’s Birmingham 4 Oct - Backstage at the Green – Kinross 5 Oct - Calendar Jazz & Blues 12 Oct – Boat shack, Upton Warren 1 Nov - Colne Delta Blues and Americana Club 23 Nov - Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton 13 Dec - Emsworth Music Club
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Rallies and Events News – 21 January 2024
The Lincoln Short Wave Club Winter Radio Rally will take place on Sunday 28 January at The Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen, LN8 3HT. The doors will be open from 9am and admission is £2. Ample free car parking and hot refreshments will be available. Tables cost £10 each. At 2pm, after the Rally, […] http://dlvr.it/T1c7tN
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Willingham Woods
Original Photographs by me, taken in Willingham Woods, Market Rasen, England.
Hi! I love nature, taking photographs and writing poetry, so here I smash them all together.
Wooden Purgatory
I hear the bikers
I see the towering trees
I step into the deep woods
And fall to my knees
just like that
one foot back
your voice echoes
but only I hear it
I feel our distance
now that we are closer
But nobody sees it
one foot forward
my ears dance to birdsong
the wind speaks to me
my mind is strong
I live in a different world
one much brighter
but looking back
I don't know
how I went on much longer
the greens and blues
flash black and white
I'm reminded of your warmth
But also of my fight
Your voice echoes
Your spirit dances
My heart bleeds out
And I demand answers
#photography#nature poetry#poetry#poems on tumblr#original poem#nature#naturelovers#woods#beautiful#poets on tumblr#grief#loss#healing#trauma#actually mentally ill#nature poem#nature photography#self expression#adobe lightroom#phone photography#phone wallpaper#nature wallpaper
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Free UK Racing Tips Today 16/11/23
Best Free British Horse Racing Tips Today Thursday 16th November We haven’t lost a race meeting yet, yaaaay! Sedgefield Racing Tips Punchestown Racing Tips Market Rasen Racing Tips Taunton Racing Tips Chelmsford Racing Tips View my recap here. Feel free to buy me a coffee it takes a long time to go through the races, and I would very much appreciate…
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Flooding from Storm Babet has left the racecourses at Worcester and Southwell completely under water and continued to have a significant effect on the fixture list. Monday's all-weather card at Southwell has been abandoned as has Wednesday's jumps fixture at Worcester, while Pontefract's meeting on Monday has also been cancelled due to waterlogging. Last Friday's meetings at Fakenham, Haydock and Uttoxeter were all called off along with Saturday's cards at Market Rasen and Stratford. Worcester and Southwell are both waiting for water levels to drop before assessing the full extent of any damage to the track or other facilities.Arena Racing Company (ARC), who run both Worcester and Southwell, say Storm Babet has had "a significant impact on our business". Image: Worcester racecourse was flooded in January 2023 Arc's managing director of the racing division Mark Spincer said: "We are not unused to flooding from the River Severn at Worcester but will wait to judge the impact on the ongoing build of the new weighing room. "At Southwell, we will have to wait for the water levels to drop significantly before we can ascertain the full impact on both the Tapeta and turf tracks." The next scheduled fixture at Southwell is due to take place on Thursday, October 26, while Worcester has just one meeting left this year on November 1.Worcester was also left under water in January this year following heavy rainfall in the area. Source link
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talkSPORT Thursday horse racing tips at Market Rasen and Yarmouth http://dlvr.it/Spx2pP
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5.3kW Solar panel and battery storage system using 13 410W PV modules with a @GivEnergy 5kW Hybrid inverter and 8.2kWh solar battery, installed in Market Rasen, Lincolnshire.
Solar generation and home electricity usage fluctuates constantly, sometimes the solar generates more than the house is using (exporting power) other times the house is using more than the solar is generating (importing). A battery acts as a buffer to even out the fluctuation, minimising the amount of import and export during the day, ideally also having enough in storage at the end of the day to run the house at night.
In addition, the batteries can be charged off low rate grid power (eg Economy 7) to discharge when electricity costs are higher. This is most beneficial in the winter when solar generation is low. Ideally after installation the home will be running mostly from free solar and low rate electricity.
Egensys install and service heat pumps, Solar PV, battery storage and biomass boilers. Email us at [email protected] to arrange a home survey.
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